Round table for family day. Fundamentals of family life and family traditions: a round table at MIA

Round table "Family Matters" in grades 10-11

( Epigraph: “A family is a small universe. To live in marriage... is a great, incomparable work, spiritual work, stress. This requires a huge spiritual culture, spiritual training, a school of wisdom” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Leading. The family really looks like a small universe, if only because it is also full of mysteries. Many family puzzles humanity is still deciding. Why do we choose this person as our life partner? Why do a couple of young and sometimes not so young people decide to get married? Why love comes and goes - a feeling that is considered the core of marriage, the beginning of all beginnings family life? Why is this feeling so necessary in family life? Why does one family endure, solve most of the mysteries-problems of family life, while the boat of another breaks over the banal worries of family life? We will talk about this and much more with you today.

Family is a complex, unique world,

Where the beloved waits, where the beloved is.

We are close, together, there is you and me.

As long as we are together, we are a family.

Everything in this world begins with love. And especially the family. After all, it is love that is the source of kindness and everything sublime, that warm and bright that is on our earth. But as they said wise people of the past: "The eye is not satisfied with sight, the hands with deeds, the mind with knowledge, and the heart with love." A person cannot live with this feeling alone. Both the natural and the spiritual world of a person are so diverse (a person needs intelligence, the acquisition of new knowledge, impressions, the development of his professionalism, etc.), which affects all aspects of human life, including love. Therefore, in this universe called “love”, a lot of mysteries and problems arise.

Leading. “There is no drama, nothing exciting in anything but human relationships,” wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupery. And this is true, because the flow of communication in which a person is constantly leads him to many dramas, including family ones. People are different, two unique individualities, based on a feeling of love, unite into a family union. We often hear this phrase: "If only the family could take a break from problems." So what are people looking for in family life, what are they hoping for?

Discussion of the question by the students

Summing up the discussion. I think that everyone, entering into marriage (with rare exceptions), believes in love, hopes for the enrichment of his life, filling it with new meaning.

Love, you are true then

When you don't bind us with fetters,

"I am not a shackle for you" -

When you say this to me.

Love is always strong when

She is the moving sea

Between the shores of our souls

It beckons and splashes in space.

Many women dream of a man who will love only them, never look at anyone, will respect and appreciate only her, the only one, etc. It should be noted that most men also dream of a woman who will be grateful to him for care, will consider him the most wise, necessary, useful, loved and respected. Every man hopes to become a king in his family kingdom, and a woman - a queen.

Leading. Yes, but what about the subjects, those who will equip the family life?

Discussion of the question by the students

Summing up the discussion. I think that these two roles in the family must be combined, moreover, reasonably. Otherwise - what we talked about at the beginning - riddles and problems. To maintain peace and harmony in the "kingdom", it is necessary to solve many vital problems. First of all, we should not forget that modern woman Having achieved equality, it must always remember the differences that nature itself has provided for in a man and a woman.

A woman was talked about for a very long time as a weak and unfaithful being. The lot of a woman was to take care of the family and please the man. Speaking of female infidelity, ancient Indian wisdom says: "Let her get the god of love himself, she will wish for another man." Rasul Gamzatov joked in one of his poems: "If the husband is good, it's bad all the same." But perhaps this is from the point of view of men? And if you look at the life of a woman and all her worries with different eyes?

Discussion of the question by the students

Summing up the discussion. The family burden of a woman is far from easy. The ancient Indians said that good wife It's six faces in one. And given the modern workload of a woman, how many more roles can we add to her ?! Certainly not one. Yes, a modern woman can do a lot. Apparently, that is why many men, praising women's equality, try to shift as much responsibility for the family (life, employment at work, raising children, etc.) onto her shoulders. Psychological ones are added to the big physical overloads. And everything already taken together is often beyond the power of the female body to endure.

In addition, a woman, realizing the high results of her efforts and appreciating herself, sooner or later comes to an underestimation of the role of a man in the family. The accusations and dissatisfaction begin. Often this leads to the fact that an inflated female self-esteem and her high official position humiliate a man, deprive him of the opportunity to show his abilities, intelligence and talent.

Most of us are for equality in the family. What do you consider such equality?

Discussion of the question by the students

Summing up the discussion. I also believe that there should be a woman in the house and there should be a man. Why is there a feminized man in the house? After all, he eventually becomes uninteresting. They stop loving him, they begin to cheat on him. But with the advent of betrayal in family life, jealousy comes and a dramatic period begins in relationships.

But why does this happen anyway? There are families that are well aware of the role of men and women in the family and cope with these roles perfectly. And drama does not bypass them. Where are those components of family happiness that make it possible to strengthen the family?

Discussion of the question by the students

Summing up the discussion.

1. Family comfort. 2. Common views. 3. Material well-being. 4. Sexual intimacy. 5. The habit of spouses to each other. 6. Marital debt. 7. Love for children. 8. Mutual care of spouses. 9. Shared living space. 10. Cultural level of spouses.

Usually young people overestimate the importance of emotional factors for family stability. They represent family values ​​​​for themselves only ideally, therefore they romanticize marriage. And their failures in marriage are connected with their own ignorance in matters of family relations.

The measure of satisfaction with relationships in marriage also depends on the motives for which people enter into marriage. Stronger marriages are based on common interests and needs.

(Does training.)

Task 1. Arrange the following motives for marriage in order of importance for you: love; community of interests, views; feeling of loneliness; accident; feeling of compassion; material security of the future husband (wife); the presence of living space in the future husband (wife); likelihood of having a baby.

(Participants give their opinion.)

Task 2. Arrange the same motives for marriage, which, in your opinion, are currently used by young people to a greater extent.

(Summarize, discuss the results.)

Task 3. We offer to answer the questions of the questionnaire:

1. What conditions are necessary for a happy family life (name no more than three main ones, from your point of view)?

a) a separate apartment; b) material well-being; c) mutual understanding between spouses; d) children; e) confidence in the strength of the marriage; f) interesting leisure; g) interesting work; h) desired education; i) good position at work; To) Good friends; k) independence, freedom of action; l) other conditions.

2. What do you think is the best age to get married?

a) 18-20; b) 21-24; c) 25-27; d) 28-30; e) older than 30 years; e) your choice.

3. What kind of accommodation, in your opinion, is preferable for newlyweds?

a) with parents b) possibly closer to the parents, but separately; c) only separately; d) your answer.

4. What qualities do you think an ideal wife should have? List the three most important qualities. This and the 5th question are answered by both boys and girls:

a) mind b) tenderness; c) kindness; d) willingness to obey her husband in everything; e) the ability to insist on one's own; e) compliance; g) industriousness; h) modesty; i) thrift; j) domesticity; k) love for children; m) fidelity; m) your choice of answer.

5. What qualities, in your opinion, should a Ideal husband?

a) mind b) courage; c) love for work; d) taking care of the family; e) cheerful disposition; e) kindness; g) fidelity; h) the desire to take on the most difficult family affairs; i) the ability to empathize; j) affection and tenderness; k) reliability; l) respect for a woman; m) your choice of answer.

(The generalized results are discussed, the answers of boys and girls are compared.)

Host. Based on the results of the survey, it is clearly visible that some of you, demanding something big and worthwhile from your half, are not particularly worried about combining your requests and ideas about yourself and the other half.

But in love there should not be only “I” (I am so beautiful, that's why you love me and I allow you to love me). In love, there should not be only “you” (you are everything and even more, and I am practically gone as a person). Every couple should have "you", "I" and "we". Whoever does not understand this, all the quivering feelings of early love break into quarrels, disappointment and misunderstanding. Anger, nervousness and pain come to replace love.

A lot happens because people who get married often don't really know each other. Sexual compatibility is, of course, important in marital relationships, and it is this motive that young people often choose for marriage. But you can be sexually attractive to many. But to combine your characters, turn your feeling of love into true friendship, to make mutual understanding the norm of family life - this is not given to every couple.

Frequently raised questions of leadership in the family also add their cracks to marital relationships. Taking on the role of leader, it must be remembered that the head of the family not only receives additional rights, but also assumes additional responsibilities. Mental and physiological overload also increases significantly, so "we" in the family is the best way out.

Student. I think that no matter how much people love each other, they cannot avoid quarrels and disagreements. Family adaptation cannot occur without quarrels. I read that it is in the first years of marriage that spouses are especially vulnerable. Every word spoken and a joke thrown without a second thought can cause resentment and quarrels. Probably, a high culture of relationships and the memory that next to you is the person you love, with whom you decided to live your whole life, will save you.

Leading. It really is. The culture of relationships involves, first of all, attention to a loved one, understanding his inner world, taking into account his tastes, interests, desires. We have already talked a lot with you about methods of resolving conflict situations. Do not rush to draw negative conclusions about the words and actions of a loved one, be able to figure it out, show indulgence to trifles. You will be helped by frankness and gullibility, the desire to always see the best in a person that is in him.

Being with each other is a whole art. Do not try to "reshape" each other. Each individual is unique. Try to believe that it is the person who walks with you through life next to you that is valuable and significant to you like no other.

Student. Often in life we ​​have to hear such a phrase: "Their boat of love crashed into everyday life."

Discussion of the question by the students

Summing up the discussion. Unfortunately, this phrase very often sums up a sad result. This phrase could be supplemented with one more word - unsettled. Unsettled life is the cause of conflicts, disagreements, divorces. And the tone here is most often set by women, asking: “Why are all the worries on me? Am I a slave to you?" But a woman, entering into marriage, should not forget that family happiness is obtained by daily and many years of wasting time and effort on ordinary household work. Although modern innovations make household work easier, there is still enough work to do. It's especially hard after a day at work. Nevertheless, it is better for a woman to learn how to sew on buttons herself, and not go to an atelier across the city. As they say smart people, we should not forget that love cannot live in an untidy apartment, and even more so, with poor nutrition and unwashed dishes. It is also true that everything done around the house should be appreciated by another person.

The economy of the family largely depends on the art of housekeeping. This applies to the ability to cook a great dinner from relatively inexpensive products, sew or knit, bake it yourself, and not overpay, etc. An important condition for the proper establishment of life is the reasonable management of the family budget. Most families consider salary as the main source of the family budget. This means that quarrels and reproaches about the fact that someone is sitting at work are simply inappropriate. After all, it is professional growth that will make it possible to improve the financial situation of the family. We must think not only about today, but also about the future. At the same time, only help to each other and mutual understanding will help the young family pass the test for the strength of feelings. After all, it is not always possible to replenish the family budget at the parental expense. So many young families just need to count and calculate, plan and give in.

Planning your income and expenses, accounting for the funds spent (food, clothing and footwear, household goods, leisure and recreation), reasonable control are also necessary components of the family budget. When planning and calculating expenses, one must pay attention to the fact that money from the family budget most often goes to no one knows where, not in large, but in small amounts. Fashion magazine or accessory, gloves, fast food and chewing gum, and as a result the question: “Where does the money go?” Feel free to leave out what is not necessary. Try to sell a thing that you do not need at least once a year. Do not try to splurge on the abundance of dishes on festive table. How much then disappears! Better think over the serving and your attitude towards guests. It is also worth remembering that the principle “you earn, and I will spend” will not strengthen either your life or family relationships.

Indeed, you can’t live with romance and feelings alone, you can’t get away from everyday life. Therefore, families, by combining their feelings and serious daily work, can count on a long life. life together. Each family deals with the distribution of responsibilities in its own way. If an atmosphere of domestic creativity reigns in the family, then all family affairs are carried out jointly. Each of the spouses should be ready to do the work that the other did not have time to do due to his employment. And then there will be no disputes.

There are families in which the main household chores are done together, and some of them become the responsibility of one of the spouses (for example, grocery shopping). It is too a good option contributing to the establishment of family life.

But after all, there are enough such families in which the spirit of everyday disorder or everyday exploitation of a man or woman reigns. Shifting responsibilities to each other leads to the fact that household chores remain unfinished, and in the house there is always no bread or salt, because someone will definitely forget to buy it. Domestic exploitation is no better, when the wife, and in some cases the husband, is turned into a slave at home. Household cooperation is, of course, an ideal option for housekeeping. With such cooperation, children also take part in household chores.

Student. I think that family life should in no way exclude the concept of "vacation", which is also better planned together and taking into account each other's interests.

presenter. It's great when the family knows what each day of the week is dedicated to. And, of course, every day should contain, along with household chores, some kind of recreation: walking, hobbies, general discussions, meeting friends, celebrating significant family dates, outdoor recreation, etc.

Everything that we have just talked about is characteristic of a harmonious family union. But achieving family harmony and happiness is not an easy task. The more you know about building family relationships, the more often you begin to think about it, the more likely it is that you will be able to avoid mistakes and reasonably build your future life. Now I want to acquaint you with unfavorable types of relationships in the family.

There are families that look good from the outside. Life goes measuredly, quietly, calmly. But it only seems at first glance that everything is so good. Boredom and a heightened sense of responsibility can reign in such families. The sincerity of feelings has already disappeared. Negative feelings prevail, but emotions are held back. In such an outwardly calm family, fatigue, depression, longing reign.

Other families, on the contrary, constantly sort things out. Quarrels and scandals, departures and returns constantly alternate. The insults are followed by emotional declarations of love. The life of spouses is full of stress and nervous strain.

There is a type of family, which is called "family-sanatorium". The obvious disharmony here lies in the fact that one of the family members limits his duties (due to increased anxiety in front of the outside world), forcing others to be in constant anxiety for him and take special care. Other family members experience a lack of love and attention, and a frequent feeling of anxiety creates great nervous overload.

There are “fortress families” in which ideas about the aggressiveness, threats and cruelty of the outside world are clearly assimilated. Members of such families throw out all the negative emotions that arise in the family, as in the world as a whole, and on its separate representatives. There are accusations and even threats. Usually the emotional peace within the family is disturbed, there is no natural warmth, but there is a strict regulation, passive submission. There is only the appearance of solidarity and commonwealth. In such families, most often one of the parents is a despot, and the other is petty caring.

In the "family theater" usually one of the spouses is acutely in need of admiration and attention. And contact with children is replaced by material goods. In such a family, there is much for show, even love and care.

The psychological immaturity of the spouses leads to the formation of families called "the third extra". Emotionally significant are only the marital relationship. And in a relationship with a child - a hidden rejection.

In the disharmonious type of families, there is also such a “family with an idol”. Parents transfer all their unrealized feelings to the child, turning him into an idol, exaggerating his real and imaginary virtues. They leave self-denial and sacrifice to themselves.

Relationships in families of the “family-masquerade” type are built on inconsistency in the actions of parents. For example, on the too high demands of the father and the forgiveness of the mother. Constant contradictions give rise to a feeling of anxiety and confusion.

Disharmonious relationships in families have a negative impact on the upbringing of children. Not only spouses suffer, all the disharmony of their marriage affects the health and the formation of the personality of the future adult and citizen.

Spouses do not always understand and can independently understand the inner essence of family troubles. They come to the aid of a psychological service.

We have touched only on some issues of the ABC of family relations. You in the future to build their families and family relationships. And for this, in addition to feelings, knowledge and a lot of work are needed. I hope knowledge will help you build the right family relationships.

Safiullina Dinara Rafaelovna
Scenario of a round table for parents "My family is my home"

Scenario "My family is my home"

(round table for parents)

Goals: establish partnerships with the families of pupils; to raise the level of pedagogical culture of parents; use the educational potential of parents for the education and upbringing of children; cultivate love and respect for each other.

Conduct form: round table

Event progress.

Chairs and tables are arranged in a semicircle. While the guests are gathering, the music “Under the roof of your house” sounds.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear parents, colleagues and guests! We thank you for taking the time to come to our meeting today. We are glad to see you at our round table. Childhood is the most important in a person's life. And how they will pass depends on us adults - parents and teachers. So, the topic of our meeting is “My family is my home! I think many will agree that human happiness is hardly possible without a family. Neither the most exciting job nor friends can give what family can give.

Leading: To start our event, we need to introduce ourselves. (parents should tell about their family)

Flash survey of parents “How do you understand the concept of “family”?

Many scientists and researchers express their opinion about the concept of "Family". Let's listen and express our opinion.

Leading: I now invite everyone to take a break and play the game "Our Magic Ball". Whoever has the ball in his hand, he expresses his opinion about the concept of "Family". So let's get started.

Leading: Well done, I was very interested to hear your opinion on how you understand the word "Family". And now I propose to draw conclusions for all statements.

Folk wisdom.

Folk wisdom has been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. There are many different proverbs and sayings about the family, we often use them in speech, let's try to remember them now. And tips will help us with this. The beginning of the proverb or saying will be suggested, you will need to remember its ending.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family.

Food tastes better at a communal table.

Maternal prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.

There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

Treasure family - be happy.

Whoever has a grandmother and grandfather knows no troubles.

Close together, but boring apart.

A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

In your home, the walls help.

As one of the children said, the family is dad, mom and children. With mothers, we talk a lot about raising children. But with dads much less often.

They say that "difficult times" fathers are busy with work, which they devote more time to than children, about the hobbies of the father, absorbing all his free time, about personal problems about fatigue. As a result, the father (like the mother) often does not have time to raise children, to communicate with them.

Therefore, A. S. Makarenko said very well about THIS: “For education, you need not big time, but the judicious use of little time.

Dear PARENTS! Let's educate our children not so much with words and gifts, but with an example worthy of every kind of imitation.

Leading: Every family has a lot of family photos. I suggest you draw a drawing "My happy family".

The song “Little Country” by N. Koroleva sounds.

Leading: All drawings are different, each interesting in its own way and, of course, they are united by friendship and mutual assistance. We will organize an exhibition of your drawings.

Speaking of families, we can talk about priorities in the upbringing and development of children and family values.

Leading: Our acquaintance took place. We built a house for a friendly family, and now let's plant a tree.

(The song sounds A true friend”And to the music, each family writes a wish on the leaves for themselves and everyone present, then they read and hang a heart on a tree.)

Leading: I would like to end our meeting with these words:

Love, health, happiness, mutual understanding in your families.

The song “We wish you happiness” sounds, music by S. Namin,

Raisa Marks
Family traditions. Round table for parents

Round table

« Family traditions as a way to harmonize

childish - parental family relationships"

“Happy is he who is happy

at home."

L. N. Tolstoy.

Hello dear parents. I am glad to welcome you.

Today, in the course of our meeting, we touch upon a not simple, but very significant topic. « Family traditions» .

And I would like to start our communication with a little warm-up. I name the word, and your task is to choose the nouns that you associate with this word. To warm up, I offer you the floor "FAMILY" (parents give their own words-associations with this word)

What is family? A word that everyone understands "bread" And "water". It is with each of us from the first moments of life. Family is home, dad and mom, close people. These are common worries, joys and deeds. This is love and happiness.

What is most important in a family? (Answers parents)

It is very difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Love? Understanding? care and participation? Or maybe dedication and hard work? Or compliance family traditions ? What do you understand by the definition of the word « family traditions» (slide 3?

Family traditions- these are the norms accepted in the family, manners of behavior, customs and views that are passed down from generation to generation.

Traditions- these are firmly established forms of people's behavior and their relationships inherited from previous generations. Family traditions and holidays give the baby a sense of the stability of the world.

Adults and children alike need to feel that they belong to a group. In childhood, this group is the family. A traditions, rituals, holidays serve as a kind of "cement" bonding family members, they give a sense of unity and community (slide 4)

It is very important for a preschooler to understand how his family differs from others, and how he differs from other children. That's why family holidays are an opportunity to show the individuality of each household member and convey "spirit" specific family.

Earlier in Rus' there were many traditions passed down from generation to generation. Once traditions were an obligatory component of a close-knit family, reflecting the moral position of all its members. They were a kind of code, a set of rules family life. Now the majority family traditions lost and hardly many of us can boast that some family tradition transmitted over 3-4 generations (slide 5)

Although some traditions we still keep since: for example, almost all families celebrate New Year and paint eggs for Easter, bake Easter cakes. Very loved by all become those traditions which are based on national, folk rituals. On Christmas Eve, put a candle on the window, cook and eat juicy after the first star, on Christmas - decorate the Christmas tree with stars and angels and look for gifts from Santa Claus under it, write a letter to Santa Claus (slide 6, sing carols on Christmas time. On Maslenitsa - bake pancakes. tradition, without which your loved ones could no longer do, you need regularity (slide 7).

Formation traditions you need to start at the very beginning of creating a family, when the children have not yet appeared or are still small. Traditions should be simple. The family is the closest people, and it is important to establish happy relationships in the family. traditions which will help the formation of the personality of the child and will warm him with their warmth all his life.

The family is our fortress. Family members are connected by thousands of invisible threads. And this is not only love, support, mutual understanding. The daily life of loved ones is permeated with many intimate trifles, rituals, traditions understandable only to them. Family traditions and customs are essential attribute family happiness and prosperity. Introducing children from early childhood to family traditions instills in them the importance of family and family relationships. Family traditions are a factor, contributing to the preservation of relationships, strengthening relationships in the family.

Genealogy of your family. (Slide 8) Let's begin with family traditions Russia has never done without science genealogy: it was a shame not to know the pedigree, and the most offensive nickname was considered "Ivan, who does not remember kinship". Drawing up a detailed pedigree, your family tree was an integral part traditions of every family. By the way, to honor the memory of your relatives, to commemorate those who left this world, also belong to the original Russian traditions as well as ongoing care for the elderly parents.

There is also a wonderful custom to name a child after one of the family members (there are so-called « family names» ). In addition, our unique tradition patronymic assignment is considered. When a baby is born, he immediately receives part of the family name according to "nickname" my father. Patronymic distinguishes a person from namesake, sheds light on kinship (son-father) and expresses respect. To call someone by their patronymic means to be polite to them. Each of us is a successor of his kind. The roots of each kind, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. And that kind is strong, who remembers and protects his ancestors. It will be very good if you start collecting the history of your kind in the family. It will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants.

old Russian tradition can be called the transfer and storage of things belonging to distant (and not so much) ancestors, their descendants. For example, great-grandmother's box or great-grandfather's watch, grandfather's field glasses, grandmother's homemade doll - family heirlooms which are stored for many years and passed on to the younger generation. The history of things becomes not only the property of a single family, but also the history of the people and the whole Homeland in general.

Simple family tradition- celebrate your birthday like the most the best holiday in a year. Let the baby realize its importance from childhood, and at the same time learn to receive guests. Let it go the best gift this day will be for him, which will mean a cheerful noisy holiday with guests whom he himself will invite (slide 9).

Better yet, create a custom that will accompany every birthday of yours. child: you can start an album, on each page of which you circle the baby’s leg or hand, or you can create an annual collage of photos, it’s good to take a picture of the child alone on the child’s birthday.

On birthdays, on holidays, it is customary to give gifts to children, they love and wait for them. Gifts should be a little for growth, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the child's thinking, attention, memory. Good to give children sports toys: balls, jump ropes. For development fine motor skills- pencils, plasticine, Lego. In this case, you should pay attention to how the child accepts the gift and how he thanks for it.

The main thing is that it brings joy to all family members.

Every family has its established, habitual actions: the husband came from work - he kissed the children and his wife, Saturday came - the whole family goes to dinner with his beloved grandmother, they give dad for every birthday "models", because he collects them, every evening everyone gets together for dinner table and discuss events that happened to each in a day, etc. (slide 10).

It is important that family traditions installed naturally and brought joy and a sense of security, maintained for years. Often, family traditions established spontaneously: for example, once the family went to the bathhouse - they liked it, they decided to go the next Saturday. So gradually it grew into a habit and turned into family tradition.

Each family is individual. That's why traditions families are different.

If family customs bring joy and pleasure, this gives children a strong sense of family, strengthens their confidence in the future. Exactly at childhood that charge of optimism and inner warmth is acquired, which each of us then carries with him all his life (slide 11).

Family the album is a huge meaningful space of life, on the one hand, simple and understandable to a child, on the other, mysterious and amazing.

The selection of photographs, the design of the pages of the photo album is exactly the kind of communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with parents. A specific image in the photograph is associated with one or another story from the life of family members, which arouses the keen interest of the child and stimulates his memorization.

Tell me which one of your family has tradition to go out of town, to the cottage with the child (slide 13?

It's no secret that nature has a huge impact on the development of the personality of a preschooler, makes it possible to communicate well with a child, and walks in nature have a positive effect on human health. How nice it is to gather the whole family on a hike, go on a picnic, to the country. wander along the forest paths or in the meadow, swim in the river, observe the life of insects, examine unfamiliar plants, collect natural material for crafts, it is good to read poetic lines suitable for the place, Children love to have a bite to eat in a forest clearing. And adults should teach the child to behave properly in nature: clean up after yourself, do not make noise, do not break bushes, etc. If such trips become tradition, then the child will wait and prepare for them, trying to spend time in nature more interesting and useful. Teach children to behave correctly in nature, to protect and protect our common home - the forest, which is a national wealth.

tradition in many families it is a family vacation trip. It must be summer time summer holidays (slide 14). This is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an opportunity to learn a lot about the place where you are relaxing. If the family has the opportunity to go abroad together, then it is definitely worth a try.

Tell me what games and how often do you play with your child (slide 15? We can confidently say: childhood is a game, a game is childhood. Childhood is given so that we prepare the child for entering a rather complex social life, so that the child feels like a person among people, filled with social emotions, experiences, ideas, so that the spiritual life begins to move in him. And this game helps us. Play is the life of a child, not preparation for life. The game must become traditional in every family. There are a lot of games and toys. You should carefully and thoughtfully approach their selection. You have to play different games: desktop, mobile, verbal, developing. Good type of games "Lotto", "Domino", "Chess". We advise you to definitely play with your child and games with natural and waste material, tinker various crafts. It is important that both parent took part in the upbringing of children, played with them (lay 16).

Family Reading is the most accessible and shortest way to join the life experience of our ancestors and a wonderful means of developing the mental abilities of a child. (slide 17).

Home reading is one of the means of spiritual and moral education (slide 18). At the same time, it not only enriches children with knowledge about the purity of relationships, obedience, conscience, good and evil, but also brings together all family members, relatives and friends of different generations and different life experiences, even if the day parents scheduled by the minute, you need to find at least half an hour in the evening to sit by the child’s bed, talk with him, read a book (slide 19).

Family visits to theaters should become a tradition, museums, exhibitions. Who from parents constantly goes with children to museums, theaters (slide 20?

Man has always had a desire for beauty. Every nation has its own culture, its own customs, its own traditions. We, adults, must contribute to the involvement of children in a large and complex world beauty and nature. Visiting museums should be a holiday for the whole family.

Our task is to help the child successfully enter the modern world, take a worthy place in the system of relations with other people. And here the emotional communication of the child with parents, joint games and various activities organized in the family, including collecting.

Collecting is one of family traditions(slide 21). It's great if the family has one tradition, if not, then you can offer to collect any collections at home, especially after visiting museums. As a result, the child awakens the need for creative activity, the ability to appreciate the beautiful and respect the work of other people. You can collect anything, the main thing is to rely on the interests of the child. A wide variety of collections will captivate and interest not only your child, but also other family members. You can collect cones, pebbles, shells, various beads, buttons, watches, wrappers, dolls, soldiers, etc. Visiting exhibitions and museums can give you an impetus in this type of activity. Then you can organize exhibitions of your collection for friends and relatives. And it happens that parents they themselves have been collecting something for a long time and the child takes all possible part in this.

The happier were traditions and more interesting knowledge of the world in parental family the more joy the baby will have in later life (slide 23). Joint trips to the theater and nature, family watching a new children's movie, visiting grandma for her birthday, making gifts for her with my own hands, reading before going to bed, freshly baked cake on Sundays - all this creates a friendly atmosphere of comfort, stability and mutual support in the family.

At the core traditions always lies the value of the family, which determines the meaning traditional behavior. If a child is raised in traditions humane attitude towards others, he not only shows compassion, respect, goodwill in communicating with family members, but also feels the misfortune of other people, animals, literary heroes. It is in our hands with you that children grow up literate and educated, well-bred, that they love and revere parents knew their ancestry.

If you decide to create a new tradition for your family, remember the main rules:

The custom should be bright, easy to remember for the baby and positive; - the custom should be observed always, and not from case to case;

Create family tradition already today - and who knows, maybe in a few decades your children will begin to talk about warm memories

of his childhood, and tradition will be passed down from generation to generation.

Which family traditions exist in your families? (Experience exchange)


Thank you very much for your active participation in the work round table. We are ready to answer your questions.

Parent meeting has been one of the most common forms of work for many years. class teacher with parents. It deals with issues related to the education and upbringing of children. Often, parent-teacher meetings are also used to improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

Given Parent meeting devoted to the role of the family in the upbringing of modern children.

Subject: When the answer is parents, or the role of the family in raising children.

Conduct form- round table.

Target. To activate and generalize the educational skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

Tasks: Organize work to educate parents on the development and upbringing of children.

To lead parents to the correct understanding of their educational role in the family, to replenish their positive experience of relationships with the child.

Equipment: Calm, pleasant music sounds. Mood flower. Memo for parents "How to communicate with the child." A poster with the words of A. Makarenko "Our children are our old age, poor upbringing is our future grief, tears, this is our fault before other people, before the whole country." Democritus "Treat your parents the way you would like your own children to treat you."

The course of the second meeting.

Teacher. Hello dear parents! Once again, we are gathered here today to continue our conversation about family education and the problems in raising children that arise in present stage.

But before starting the conversation, I suggest you relax a bit and play. The game is called "Mood Flower"

Purpose: To create a wonderful mood, a desire to communicate.

Teacher. Take a flower - tear off a petal (politeness) and give it to a neighbor, he will turn to another and so on in a circle, this is an important condition for our meeting.

What do you think the word "family" means?

Teacher. Family is the most precious and dear thing that every person has. According to the definition of S. I. Ozhegov, "A family is a group of relatives living together, an association of people united by common interests."

Before continuing our conversation, I really want to read you one poem “How the word family appeared”

Where did the word "family" come from?

Once upon a time, the Earth did not hear about him ...

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

Now I will ask you seven questions;

“Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess”?

And Eva quietly answered "I",

“Who will bring them up, my queen”?

And Eva briefly answered “I”

Who will cook the food, O my joy”?

And Eva still answered “I”

“Who will sew the dress?

Washing clothes?

Will he caress me?

Decorate your home?

Answer the questions, my friend!”

“I”, “I” ... Eve said quietly - “I”, “I” ...

She said the famous seven "I"

This is how the family was born.

For a long time, home and family were spoken of with a smile and love. Legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings have come down to us from this far. Let's try to remember them: I start, and you continue:

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

The hut is not red with corners, but ... (red with pies).

When the family is together, and ... (heart in place).

A family is strong when ... (there is only one roof over it).

The family is in a heap, not scary and ... (cloud).

- What does family mean to a child?

Teacher. The family performs 5 functions. Let's dwell a little on each of them.

- educational function It is believed that the main function of the family, which is expressed in meeting the needs of fatherhood and motherhood, in the upbringing of children. “Education is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person,” said V. G. Belinsky.

- Household function It is manifested in the fact that the joint efforts of the spouses make it easier to withstand material hardships, conduct a joint household and provide members of their family with food, housing and clothing, etc.

- emotional function carried out in the satisfaction of family members in sympathy, respect, recognition, emotional support in grief and joy, in psychological protection.

- Function of primary social control manifested in the control of parents over the behavior of children and teaching them the rules of behavior in society, the implementation of social norms, teaching them human dignity.

- Function of Spiritual Communication It is expressed in joint leisure activities, mutual spiritual enrichment and plays an important role in the spiritual development of society.

Teacher. The family is the primary womb of human culture. Here the child learns to love, believe and sacrifice, here the first foundations of his character are formed, here the main sources of his future happiness and bad weather are revealed, here the child becomes a small person, from whom a great personality or, perhaps, a low rogue will subsequently develop. (I.A. Ilyin).

The family gives the child the main thing - something that no other social institution can give: an intimate - personal connection and unity with relatives. The social function of the family is protection, shelter. The function of parents is to teach the child to live. The well-being of children is the pinnacle of parenthood. And if the measure of all things is a man, then the “measure” of parents is a child.

- Who do you think has the leading role in the upbringing of the child?

Teacher. The priority in raising a child, no doubt, belongs to the family. The school is an assistant to the family, creating the necessary conditions for education.

Even at our last meeting, we found out that every parent wants to see in their child a harmonious combination of external, physical and internal spiritual virtues. The task of teachers and parents is to jointly, carefully observe the child, not to miss the sprouts of the most valuable character traits in the formation of personality.

Without an alliance with children, without our support and help, the child will not be happy and healthy. For the formation of a full-fledged person with all the qualities of morality, for the development of adequate self-esteem in him, an adult who loves and understands him must constantly be nearby, and such constant contact is possible only in the family.

The development of the child, his socialization, the transformation into a "social person" begins with communication with people close to him.

The entire development of the child depends on what place he occupies in the system of communication. A smile, a nod of the head, a word, a gesture, a look, a cry - replace the feeling of some contacts. The lack of emotional contacts always negatively affects the personality of the child. Parental inattention to the feelings and needs of the child hinders his healthy development.

Children's first feelings about themselves remain the most powerful force in their development, significantly influencing the psychological attitudes children take. The lack of emotional communication deprives the child of the opportunity to independently navigate the nature of the emotional relationships of others. It can lead to fear of communication.

Communication with children is one of the conditions for maintaining the authority of parents. The family is a school for the education of feelings. Feelings of love, empathy, joy are brought up in the family. Good feelings encourage the child to act, develop in him activity, responsiveness. It is known how important a positive example of people close to him is for a child: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, older brother or sister. Children are very receptive and prone to imitation. Unfortunately, children often imitate bad things: their life experience is not great, their actions are not conscious enough. Often repeated negative examples form the negative personality traits of the child. disastrous for nervous system child and an unfavorable environment, so it is important for parents to control their opinions and behavior, to be friendly, self-possessed, to set positive examples for children in communicating with each other and with other people. For a full and harmonious development, every child needs to grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. In the family, the child learns to express his opinion, has the right to argue, prove, reason; any manifestation of creativity, initiative, and independence by the child should be supported in the family. Whatever the child, he needs recognition of his individuality and the support of loving parents.

Each family has its own ideas about good and evil, its own moral values, its own views on the upbringing of a child. "Children are the mirror of the family" - this expression surprisingly accurately conveys the meaning of the child's orientation to the spiritual and moral values ​​​​of his family.

I want to give one piece of advice, always remember that your child is not your property, but an independent person. And this imposes on you the responsibility for its development, education and training. No time - should not sound from the lips of parents. “He knew how to give birth to a child, know how to teach,” says folk proverb. Father and mother are the closest and most convincing models by which a growing person tests and builds his behavior. "People raised without parental love, - often crippled people, ”A.S. Makarenko thought so. “To love children,” wrote A. M. Gorky, “this is what a chicken can do. But to be able to educate them is a great state affair that requires talent, a broad knowledge of life. In the family, the child must constantly see that he is loved and taken care of.

I offer you a small practical lesson on compiling a memo "How to communicate with a child." Before you are leaflets with incorrect communication rules, try to correct what you think is wrong.

Practical taskHow to Communicate with a Child.

Never take an active part in family life.

Don't take the time to talk to your child.

Do not be interested in the problems of the child, do not delve into all his difficulties.

Do not help develop abilities and talents.

Give your child pressure to help him make his own decisions.

Despise the child's right for your own opinion.

Don't treat your child as an equal member of the family who just doesn't have enough life experience yet.

Treat all other family members with disrespect.

Don't let your child feel your love and care.

Reminder for parents"How to communicate with a child" after the discussion.

Take an active part in family life.

Take time to talk with your child.

Be interested in the problems of the child, delve into all his difficulties.

Help develop abilities and talents.

Do not put pressure on the child, thereby helping him to make decisions on his own.

Respect the child's right to their own opinion.

Treat your child as an equal member of the family, who just has little life experience yet.

Treat all other family members with respect.

Let your child feel your love and care every day.

Teacher. Dear parents, what do you think is the role of the older generation in raising your children? Is it possible to do without the help of grandparents at the present stage? This is not about physical help, but about moral support. Is it possible to manage in raising children without their advice, wisdom?

Parents' opinions.

The difficulties associated with the influence of grandparents on children are, of course, different in each family, a lot depends on the proximity of the relationship (joint or separate residence, the age of the family, its social maturity, etc.). ideal model today, "close relationships at a known distance" are considered, when a young family lives separately, but goes to visit and use the services of the older generation.

Teacher. At the end of the meeting, I would like to say Thanks a lot to everyone who took part in the conversation at our round table. I hope that everything you hear today will fall on the fertile ground of your understanding. It will help you in such a laborious, but rewarding task - the upbringing of your children.

I propose to end our meeting with the farewell ritual “Candle in a circle”, passing the candle, we will try to answer each other's questions. For example, “What did you like and remember the most today? What are your feelings now? How did your feelings change during the meeting? What would you like to hear about at the next meeting”, etc.


Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is a summer trip to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about us:

What a good family!

Round table “Family. Family traditions"

Purpose: to deepen the ideas of pupils about the universal value of the family and the observance of family traditions that unite relatives and friends.
Disclosure during a business discussion of the meaning of the concept of "family traditions",
Development of skills to express their opinion on the topic of the round table;
Cultivate respect for family and friends.

Lesson progress:
1. Organizing moment. Positive attitude. Concentration on Light.
2. The main part.

The poem is a mystery.
I have a mom, I have a dad
I have a grandfather, I have a grandmother
And they have me. What is this?
Continue the sentence: “Family is…..”
"Family is when everyone is together."
“The family is dad, mom, many children and a dog. In the family, children should be good”
“A family is a joint holiday, this is when grandparents come to visit”, etc.
What do you think the word “happiness” means to a person?
- Is it a career, family, power or money?
- Of course, happiness is first of all a family.
Why do you think family is associated with happiness?
(The word “happiness” suggests the answer. After all, in ancient times it sounded differently “compassion”, that is, your participation in the affairs of other people, the troubles and joys of other people, and these others in your own worries, labors and successes. And where, if not in the family, there are people who will support you in difficult times and will not demand anything in return!Only in the family they do not look at your social status, career growth, actions.The important thing is the person who is loved for nothing , but just like that, for the fact that he is!)
3. Telling a story.
- Listen to the parable about the lonely boy!
A long time ago there lived a boy. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, he did not share his joys and sorrows with anyone. And the boy was very sad. One day he went to the seashore and met a gray-haired old man. He was very old, but very wise.
- Where are you going? asked the old man.
- I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.
- I know how to help you. Come with me,” the old man suggested.
He brought the boy to his house, where his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren lived.
- Look! - said the old man. -We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we grieve together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.
The boy stayed and after a while realized that only now he had learned to rejoice and became truly happy.
- Who is the story about? Why was the boy sad? Who did the boy meet on the seashore? How did the old man live? How did family members treat each other in the old man's family? What bothered the main character? How did the old man help the boy? Why did the boy agree to stay? What did the boy understand while visiting the old man? (Now he's learned to rejoice)
- Why do you think this happened? What happened to the boy? (Family, of course!)
4. Formation of the concept of "family traditions"

6. Summing up.
Guys, you spend a lot of time here at school, in our group. We can come up with traditions for our group. I suggest…….

The basis of any family is love, kindness, trust, support. These are the main qualities that are brought up on the traditions of the family.

And completely, completely uninteresting.
And the people I love the most
I immediately forget about despondency.

If the whole family is around,
All my family.
That sometimes I am, of course,

Failure doesn't scare me

3. I'm not afraid of failure,
I will not be afraid of the cold wind,
My family is with me, which means:
I am the happiest person in this world!

There are a lot of toys in front of me,
But everyone has known for a long time
It's pretty boring for me to play alone
And completely, completely uninteresting.
But when my family is with me
And the people I love the most
I immediately forget about despondency.
And it always has been, is and always will be...
There will be a happy and wonderful day,
If mom and dad are around.
I'll be happy, I'll be very happy
If there are sister and brother nearby.
And I will be infinitely glad
If grandfather and grandmother are nearby.
Well, I'll be glad of all,
If the whole family is around,
All my family.
2. And I have to confess to mom and dad,
That sometimes I am, of course,
A little naughty and stubborn
But I love you, I love you endlessly!
Failure doesn't scare me
I will not be afraid of the cold wind,
My family is with me, which means:
I am the happiest person in this world!
3. I'm not afraid of failure,
I will not be afraid of the cold wind,
My family is with me, which means:
I am the happiest person in this world!
