Crafts from puff pastry for Mother's Day. DIY salt dough box

A gift to mom from loved ones and close people is always perceived as something amazing and unique. Even if you present old toy from her immemorial childhood, she will be glad to hold it in her hands and remember the fleeting nights spent near the crib.

And after all, so many different things can be given to mom, and dad, that just thoughts scatter - what a gift for mom to make with your own hands with your own hands.

Any gift from a child to a mother will be the best, even if he makes it clumsily, with his own hands, or creates a masterpiece from improvised means (see). There are a lot of ideas on the Internet that can help in creating an individual presentation. The following photo selection will lead you to think about choosing a suitable and affordable present.

Even children can repeat such a present - all you need to do is use paints and dad's help to insert the picture into the frame. Children can make such a gift to their beloved mother different ages- and 3-year-olds and elementary school students.

The present is easier, but requires good hand motility. Small movements will help kids to engage in interesting processes, creating a work of art before their eyes. A gift application for mom from dad and kids will decorate the nursery or the parents' bedroom.

Similar gift a nursing mother can cook for several hours. Just imagine, she is already tired of the hassle and everyday affairs, does not have time to cook or clean somewhere, she is always busy with home and family.

And by accepting such a surprise, you can replenish her lost strength and breathe in a breath of air. After all, children grow up so quickly, and a nursing mother, under the influence of hormones, is even more moved.

Such applications are suitable for working with children of the older kindergarten group. There they have already learned how to work with plasticine, they know how to select details, they carefully handle small objects. And the perseverance and attentiveness of children will allow them to create a gift for a young mother.

This kind of crafts can be done by older children who know how to mix colors, work with food dyes. Below is an instruction on how to make exactly the same surprise using bread and food additives.

It is easy to make a similar gift for 64 years for mom from simple cotton buds that are inserted into plasticine. The stems of the flowers will serve as candy sticks or tubes from balloons. You can take straws to make it easier to install them in a pot.

A simple patchwork flower is sewn in a few minutes. The price of such a gift will be low, and the emotions received from giving it will be maximum. A young or experienced mother will be pleased to see a panel created by the hands of a child, no matter how old he may be.

Plasticine, convenient in consistency, is suitable for sculpting crafts, as well as for finishing and decorating interior items. We will do without a video in this article, and below is also another master class on how to make decor for vases from a similar material.

Many people know such a thing as chewing gum for hands. It is used for modeling, and its second name is hendgam (translated from English - chewing gum).

In composition and consistency, it is softer than plasticine, heats up faster, is more plastic and easily lends itself to creating extraordinary figures. Well takes the form of any objects, without deforming after removing the surface from it.

An ideal gift for an elderly mother who will keep even a small beeswax figurine. And why?

The fact is that it is very difficult to work with such material, and having made one present, the second may not work. Therefore, with good skill, it is better to make one detail that will be so loved by the heart of a mother or grandmother.

You can also make a more complex surprise for mom in terms of the manufacturing process. Through existence different techniques, you can achieve an amazing result - homemade desserts (see), interesting decorative elements and even unique paintings that capture times. It will be the most precious thing, because memories store things, not memory.

Creative gifts for mom and dad

Let's not forget about the father, who deserves respect and love no less than mom. Parents can also make a joint gift that will suit both of them.

Below we have prepared several master classes to visually show what parents can cook. And then according to the plan - a selection of photos and ideas for choosing a presentation.

Mom also sometimes wants to look through an album with photographs that will reflect her life inside and out. A photo book for mom as a gift will be a wonderful present, both for a birthday and for an international women's holiday.

A simple bracelet, in the likeness of which other crafts will be made below, can be presented to mom for an anniversary or a new year. Let it be too fragile and delicate for everyday wear, but it is guaranteed to please with its performance and appearance.

A small talisman will appeal to those mothers who are still trying to please themselves with new accessories. Any items can be displayed on the front side, it is better to choose joint photo or a picture with the personification of the mother.

Both dad and mom can be presented with a simple souvenir pot. By the way, you can also make it yourself by choosing to work as materials simple lungs mixtures of gypsum or cement powder.

For those who like to watch the dough rise in the oven, we suggest preparing a gift. It will be a pity to eat it, but my mother will definitely take a couple of pictures as a keepsake. You look, and your grandmother will have a picture of your creation hanging in her room.

Indeed, why buy presents for high prices when you can make a similar surprise yourself. Such a beaded gift for mom will take several hours to make, but it will please the eye for several more years.

And now we come to the final part of the ideas for choosing a gift. As promised, we tell you what can be made for this or that occasion for a celebration or a simple festive evening.

Surprises for beloved parents

If you are preparing a gift for dad and mom, proceed from their common preferences. It can be both edible and decorative options for presents.

Above we talked about baking. So, from homemade puff pastry, you can make completely inedible memorable gifts. And from children's plasticine you can create a stunning updated decor for the hall or bedroom.

Modeling from puff pastry

Mom and Dad will like the next gift from salt dough the most, because it will display the most important element of their life - the development of the child, captured in a cast. And it's not important appearance, and the materiality of the object - they will always be able to touch it and remember how beautiful that infancy period was, and how quickly time flies.

To prepare the dough you will need:
  • Salt;
  • Flour;
  • Dry yeast;
  • Water;
  • Milk.

Knead the dough, bringing it to a homogeneous consistency.

Tear off a large piece from it so that the impression is distinct and large.

Apply chilled dough (not cold, not ice cream) to your baby's foot or hand. You can make several casts for grandparents, or, if there are many children, for each child separately.

Put the dough with the imprint in the freezer for 15-20 minutes, then leave it in the refrigerator overnight. The freezer will hold the workpiece together so that the dough does not have time to deform, and the refrigerator will allow you to keep it for several hours.

These are casts of legs and arms. In the future, you will have to process the edges and grind the surface.

Casts of pens should be imprinted more strongly, since excess remnants will have to be removed between the fingers. It is easier with legs - fingers are always together.

After removing the casts from the refrigerator, let them warm up. They should not be cold and soft, the temperature should vary from +12 to +23 degrees.

To make all the cracks and lines of the palms visible, fill the molds with a solution of gypsum.

Remove the molds and assemble the plaster crafts. Some may break, so you can make several of the same options.

If there are older children in the house, they can help with the cleaning. Mom from the son of a gift of this kind will be very pleasant.

Paint the resulting casts in any desired color.

Decorate the frame and place the casts on the glue in the center of the picture without glass.

Tip: if you are unable to make such casts the first time, purchase a ready-made gypsum mixture for sculpting figures. It is perfect for a latex base to make it easier to get rid of grouts and unnecessary details.

Decor of interior items

The same plasticine is the basis for creating a masterpiece. will definitely be to your liking.

As a platform, take glass cones or vases of small medium sizes.

Buy a ball-type playdough, or make one with styrofoam and hand-held sculpting gum.

Stir the entire mixture from the jar. Degrease the glass so that the plasticine does not come off after drying.

Spread the mass around the circumference of the surface. Watch for joints between lumps - if empty spaces form, try to hide them first, and then move on to the next "naked" spot.

Align the joints and remove excess pieces from the neck.

Rub the balls, dispersing them into open small areas.

Squeeze the excess with your hands, they will come to the surface. You can remove them with your fingers.

Only after that proceed to the decor of the bottom.

Having closed the joints between the sides and the bottom, dry the plasticine on a radiator or in the sun.

If you have several colors of plasticine, create some decor for the vase.

Mix the available colors, make several blanks.

Put the rest in a jar with a tight lid so that the plasticine does not dry out.

With help acrylic paints draw pictures on the vase.

Plasticine of a different color can be useful to create a second layer of decor.

Use silver professional paints as a decor for patches.

This is how you can decorate or change the appearance of a vase or cone for flowers.

Tip: Mom can give a set of glasses with a similar decor as a gift. Come up with a presentation theme, use all the necessary elements and details, as well as plasticine - it will look elegant on any surface.

Master classes on creating surprises

Since above we talked about presentations from improvised materials, we cannot help but talk about them in detail in the headings below. Of these, you can make a gift to dad and mom with your own hands thanks to simple methods and knowledge.

Crafts from bread and paints

A great alternative to bouquets will be flowers made from bread and paints. We will make another do-it-yourself gift to mom for mother's day in a matter of hours.

For work you will need:
  • Food dyes/dyes;
  • Crumb of bread;

Put the crumb of bread, paint and glue into a bag. Food coloring can be any color.

Add corn starch if you want the flowers to last longer.

Mix the mixture, it will turn out in consistency, like dough. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Next, make roses by tearing off pieces of dough and squeezing them with your fingers. Glue the petals with food glue.

Use this guide as a guide.

Clothespins can be glued or painted in advance.

Glue the foliage, use hot glue or food glue.

Next, plant flowers on each petal.

This craft will play the role of decor, as well as useful gift for clamping small parts. For example, they can pin a note or create a bookmark in a book.

Tip: To make the flowers last longer, moisten them with vegetable oil or honey mixed with vodka. So they will shine and retain a fresh original look.

Crafts from woolen threads

The next promised master class, which involves creating a presentation for any themed celebration. Such a do-it-yourself gift to mom can be presented just like that, for no reason, not for a holiday, but from the heart.

For work you will need:
  • Glue;
  • Wool threads.

Inflate balloons, prepare glue and threads. Tie the balls tightly so that air does not escape during the wrapping process. Otherwise, before drying, the whole craft will deteriorate.

Wrap each ball tightly, make sure that the thread does not slip. To do this, change the direction of the thread at an obtuse angle.

After winding, glue all the threads with glue. PVA glue will not leave marks, only shine.

Let the balls dry. Place them on a radiator or in the sun (weather permitting). Remove the balls with a needle, after carefully peeling them off the threads.

Decorate the balloons with ribbons or other decorative items. A similar DIY gift for mom and dad will be a nice addition to something homemade.

Tip: It is better to use woolen threads - the fibers that have separated from the string will block the free places of the ball. So the area covered by the threads will be larger, which will allow you to create a strong frame than from thin threads.

If you can’t buy a gift for mom, make it yourself or with the help of adults. Grandparents can also be involved - they will be pleased to help you. In the same way, you can enrich your surprise by purchased gift. And do not forget that memories will always be in front of your eyes if something in the house evokes them.

Video compilation

An article for those who like to engage in creativity with a child. It contains recipes for salt dough for modeling and many ideas for crafts.

Modeling is a fun and useful activity at the same time. Making figurines, paintings, compositions from plastic material, the child develops imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills, and learns perseverance.

Of course, a mother can simply buy plasticine or some branded mass for modeling for a baby. But how high quality and environmentally friendly these materials are? Alternatively, you can use salty dough, manufactured with my own hands from inexpensive natural products.

How to make dough for crafts?

Ecological cleanliness is not the only advantage of salt dough over plasticine or play-doh.

  1. The recipe according to which the plastic mass is prepared does not cause any difficulties for absolutely anyone. If a child asks to sculpt while in the country, for example, and there is no plasticine at hand, it will be possible to fulfill his desire in half an hour
  2. Modeling materials in the store are quite expensive. Salt dough ingredients are much cheaper
  3. Salt dough, even the one to which paints have been added, does not stain hands, does not stick to fingers. It is soft and pliable
  4. Dough crafts can be dried using a special technology. Then they will be stored for a long time and serve as a souvenir, Christmas tree toy, children's toy.

IMPORTANT: Even in ancient times, people mastered modeling from dough with salt. A whole art arose, which was called testoplasty. The women and children made very fine crafts, hand-painted them and used them as home decorations. Figurines, symbolizing various benefits, were considered expensive gifts, presented only to close people. Our ancestors did not “wrap up” with a salt dough recipe, making the material only from water, flour and salt.

Today, salt dough modeling, which has suddenly returned to popularity, is called bioceramics. The recipes for the dough itself are being improved. Unfortunately, some of them involve the use of wallpaper paste, synthetic paints, etc. The concept of absolute naturalness is lost.

There are three main components in the composition of salt dough for modeling. This:

Additionally widely used:

  • gelatin
  • starch
  • vegetable oil
  • natural dyes (beet juice, green beans, etc.)
  • food colorings
  • gouache or watercolor paints
  • PVA glue
  • wallpaper glue

Glue or starch makes the finished dried dough figures more durable, but it is not advisable to add them to the material that is intended for children under 5 years old. And dough with butter can be greasy and stain clothes.

IMPORTANT: You can color both the dough itself while it is being prepared, and the finished figure, then creativity will be more interesting and doubly useful

RECIPE #1. simple dough

Needed: wheat flour - 1 cup, extra salt - 1 cup, cold water - 0.5 cup

First of all, dry ingredients, flour and salt will be combined. If the dough will be colored with food coloring or paint, I dissolve them in water. Gradually adding colored water to the flour and salt, knead a rather steep dough, but such that it does not stick to your hands and does not crumble into crumbs.

IMPORTANT: To check if the mass is suitable for modeling, a smooth ball is rolled out of it, a hole is pressed through the middle of it with a finger. The dough should neither spread nor momentarily return shape. The edges of the recess must remain even.

RECIPE #2. dough with starch

You need: wheat flour - 0.5 cups, starch - 0.5 cups, extra salt - 1 cup, water - 0.5 cups.

Just as in the first case, flour, salt and starch are first mixed. Then gradually add pure or tinted cold water. The mass for modeling, which contains starch, becomes more elastic.

In addition to the most salty modeling dough, you need to cook:

  • plank
  • knives - stacks
  • molds (such, for example, come with the play-doh test)
  • beads, sequins, buttons, other improvised materials for decorating crafts

IMPORTANT: Flour and salt dough can be used several times in a row. To avoid it drying out, the material is placed in a plastic bag or wrapped in cling film, then closed in an airtight container and sent to the refrigerator.

How to dry dough crafts?

If the dough crafts are small, they will dry on their own. To prevent cracks from appearing on their surface, they are removed from direct sunlight.

You can also dry the figures from the dough in the oven with a minimum temperature and always with the door ajar. In the oven, the dough is dried for 3 - 6 hours, depending on the size of the craft. She goes to the oven three times for 1 - 2 hours, between each time there is a short break.

Making salt dough with children

For the first time, you can offer salt dough to a baby as early as the age of 1 year. This is not chemical plasticine or play-doh mass, the mother may not worry if the baby tastes the material or swallows it. For such small "home-made" dough is prepared without synthetic dyes.

IMPORTANT: Modeling dough is very salty. As a rule, it is enough for a child to lick it to understand that it is not edible. But if the baby still ate a piece, you just need to give him plenty of drink, and if mom is still worried, and a bag of Smecta

Full-fledged developmental modeling classes are possible with children from 2 years old. From rolling circles and balls out of salt dough, they will smoothly turn into real creativity, in which kids will be able to mold flowers, animals, favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters, and more.

The final result of modeling from dough is as important for kids as the process itself. The finished craft causes them strong positive emotions.

Dough crafts for children in kindergarten

No need to think that salt dough is a “handicraft” material exclusively for homework. teachers kindergarten have long taken note of the recipes for plastic material and are happy to replace plasticine with them in developing classes with pupils.

So, in nurseries, casts of babies' hands, circles, mushrooms, "sausages", snails, etc. are often molded. In older groups, children are already poring over themed crafts, for example, for the holidays.

Dough crafts for kids. Step-by-step dough crafts

When sculpting from dough with kids, you don’t need to come up with ideas for crafts: usually, they are born by themselves at the moment when the fingers touch the plastic material. Children love to sculpt

  • geometric figures
  • flowers and trees
  • fruits and vegetables
  • animals
  • dinosaurs
  • little men
  • fairy creatures
  • cartoon characters

Adults, mastering testoplasty, can get ideas on the Internet, there are many step by step wizard classes.

IMPORTANT: Good benefits for both children and beginner adults are the books “Salty Dough Step by Step” by V. Khomenko and “Miracles from Salt Dough” by A. Firsova

Templates for crafts from the test. Children's crafts from salt dough

Salt dough crafts can be very beautiful. Children's crafts have their touching charm. Adults are like pottery.
To get inspired for creativity, you can view a selection of thematic photos with crafts from salt dough.

Salt dough panels and pictures

Such works of bioceramic art can be hung on the wall or placed in a conspicuous place. Salt dough photo frames are also very beautiful.

New Year's crafts from salt dough

On New Year from the test you can mold not only Christmas decorations, but also gifts - souvenirs for friends in the form of a symbol of the year. In 2016, this is a funny monkey.

Crafts from the test for February 14 for Valentine's Day. Crafts from salt dough heart

The heart is the symbol of Valentine's Day. Made with your own hands from flour, salt, water and, of course, love, it will turn into a very valuable gift.
A cute angel made of salt dough also looks very nice.

Video: Angel on February 14

Crafts from the dough by February 23. Salt dough craft

On February 23, instead of a banal postcard, you can give men cute crafts from dough: the number 23, any symbols of courage, for example, weapons, cars, military equipment.

Crafts from the test for March 8. We make flowers from salt dough. Dough rose craft

Any mother will be touched by a craft given to her by her beloved child for the holiday of March 8. Most often these are flowers, bouquets, flower arrangements. Dough roses will never wither.

Gorgeous basket of flowers.

Video master - a class on making roses from salt dough

Crafts from dough for Shrovetide. Easter crafts from salt dough

Stand - chicken for Easter eggs.

Easter crafts from salt dough will betray bright holiday special flavor

Salt Dough Crafts Animals

From salt dough together with the baby you can fashion a whole zoo!

Figurines - cats.

Video: how to make a cat - a fridge magnet?

Crafts from salt dough birds. Sculpt fish from salt dough

It is difficult to make birds and fish in testoplasty, but they do not turn out beautiful.

Such products are delicate work.

What crafts from salt dough to choose for a child of 5 years?

Forcing a five-year-old child to sculpt something that an adult wants is simply impossible. He needs to be interested. The kid should be offered several ideas, let him choose the one that he likes best.

Video: salt dough - recipe for crafts

Salty dough

On our site you can see many various crafts created on the basis salt dough.

Here one of the recipes for the manufacture of salt dough:

1Mix a glass of flour and 1 glass of salt.

Then pour in 125 ml of water(the volume is approximate, because the amount of water may depend on the type of flour that you took for the test). Mix this mass again with a spoon, and then knead with your hands until a homogeneous consistency. Some use a mixer for this purpose.

By the way, water can be replaced with jelly cooked from potato starch (dissolve 1 tablespoon of starch in 1/2 cup cold water. Then pour 1 more glass of boiled water into this liquid while stirring. When the jelly thickens and becomes transparent, remove from heat. received a paste). From such a replacement, the dough will only benefit - it becomes more plastic.

Just don't overdo it! If the dough is too soft, knead it with a little more flour and salt mixture. Salty dough should be tight.

Now you can sculpt! It is better to sculpt on a baking sheet or a board - this is a good place for drying. Drying itself is carried out at a temperature of + 80C in the oven, for an hour, or on a battery (in winter). Drying time depends on the thickness of the figurine.

If you need color salty dough , then it can be dyed either at the kneading stage using food coloring or gouache, which is convenient when working with young children; or paint the finished product after complete drying.

And our craftswomen have their own subtleties and secrets for working with salt dough. That's why , go to blog , whose work you liked and ask! I'm sure the craftsmen will be happy to share with you!

P.S. A reminder on how to make the desired color:

blue = blue + white

pink = white + red


green = blue + yellow

orange = yellow + red

brown = green + red

emerald = green + blue

nude = light pink + slightly yellow

gold and silver will turn out if you add the appropriate color of gouache or acrylic, in the same way you can get pastry with glitter(gouache gel)

When working with salt dough many come up with amazingly beautiful names - testoplasty , bioceramics and even, flour salt ! But whatever you call it, the result sometimes exceeds all our expectations! The birth of a salt dough masterpiece is always an event! Good luck to all creativity and peace!

Theme: "Daisies"

Target: Learn how to make flowers from salt dough. To teach how to use the dough to manifest the creative abilities of children, to convey the conceived idea when making a product, to reveal creative fantasy children in the process of modeling. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of flowers. Develop creative interest, fine motor skills of hands. Cause a desire to supplement the created image with details, decorate with a stack.

Tasks: Introduce children to the holiday - Mother's Day. To instill in preschoolers love and deep respect for the dearest person - mother.

preliminary work: Examine the chamomile (yellow center, white petals). Prepare dough.

Material: Salt dough (yellow, white, green), stacks, water, wet wipes.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, what season is it now? What month?

(Children's answers.)

Did you know that at the end of November we celebrate - Mother's Day. Each of us has our own mother, mother, mother, the best, dearest, most affectionate. How many more words I want to say about my mother, I just can’t convey. You can't confuse your mother's voice with any other voice. He is so familiar, so familiar. Mom is warmth, affection, love and beauty. Mom is the keeper of the family hearth.

Children: What is your mother like?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: There are many proverbs and sayings about mother.

It's warm in the sun, with a mother ...... .. (good).

Maternal care does not burn in fire, but in water ....... (does not sink)

The bird is happy for spring, and the child .... (mothers).

For a mother, a child, up to a hundred years old .... (baby).

Educator: Well done. Guys, what gifts do your moms like to receive on holidays?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: So now we are blinding beautiful flowers for our mothers and making a beautiful picture of these flowers.

Educator: Guys guess the riddle.

Proudly holding stems
Fine herringbone sheets
At the top of the stem
Sun and clouds.

Children: (Chamomile)

Educator: That's right, chamomile. Remember? We have seen them many times over the summer. . And there is even a song about our camomile. Let's sing.

Children: Sing the first verse and chorus.

Educator: What does chamomile have?

Children: Stem, leaves, flower.

Educator: Guys, what color is the middle of the flower? And the petals?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: Now I will explain to you how we will sculpt a camomile. We pinch off a piece of yellow dough, roll up the ball - this is the middle of chamomile. Then we pinch off a larger piece of white dough, roll one big ball and flatten it, make a notch in the middle with a finger, moisten it with water and put the middle of our chamomile, make incisions in a stack - petals.

Educator: In order for our fingers to do the job well, we will do finger gymnastics.

Our white flowers (The palms are joined in the shape of a tulip, the fingers are honey

bloom the petals, lazily open)

The breeze breathes a little, (Smooth swaying of the hands)

The petals sway.

Our white flowers (Fingers close slowly,

close the petals, acquiring the shape of a flower)

Shake their head (Smooth swaying of the hands,

fall asleep quietly. "flower head")

The children are making flowers.

Educator: Well done, what beautiful daisies we got. We will plant our flowers in a clearing, and we have a beautiful picture for our mothers.



Plan outline for modeling salt dough for Mother's Day in the senior group
Theme: "Daisies"



preliminary work


Lesson progress

(Children's answers.)

Children: What is your mother like?

(Children's answers.)

(Children's answers.)

What is my name? Tell?


(Children's answers.)

The petals sway.

The children are making flowers.



Plan outline for modeling salt dough for Mother's Day in the senior group
Theme: "Daisies"

Target : Learn how to make flowers from salt dough. To teach how to use the dough to manifest the creative abilities of children, to convey the conceived idea when making a product, to reveal the creative imagination of children in the process of modeling. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of flowers. Develop creative interest, fine motor skills of hands. Cause a desire to supplement the created image with details, decorate with a stack.

Tasks : Introduce children to the holiday - Mother's Day. To instill in preschoolers love and deep respect for the dearest person - mother.

preliminary work: Examine the chamomile (yellow center, white petals). Prepare dough.

Material : Salt dough (yellow, white, green), stacks, water, wet wipes.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, what season is it now? What month?

(Children's answers.)

Did you know that at the end of November we celebrate - Mother's Day. Each of us has our own mother, mother, mother, the best, dearest, most affectionate. How many more words I want to say about my mother, I just can’t convey. You can't confuse your mother's voice with any other voice. He is so familiar, so familiar. Mom is warmth, affection, love and beauty. Mom is the keeper of the family hearth.

Children: What is your mother like?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: There are many proverbs and sayings about mother.

It's warm in the sun, with a mother ...... .. (good).

Maternal care does not burn in fire, but in water ....... (does not sink)

The bird is happy for spring, and the child .... (mothers).

For a mother, a child, up to a hundred years old .... (baby).

Educator: Well done. Guys, what gifts do your moms like to receive on holidays?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: So now we are blinding beautiful flowers for our mothers and making a beautiful picture of these flowers.

Educator: Guys guess the riddle.

What is my name? Tell?


Educator: That's right, it's a cornflower. Remember? We have seen them many times over the summer. And our group is called "Cornflower". And there is even a song about our group "Vasilyok". Let's sing.

Children: Sing the first verse and chorus.

Educator: What does the cornflower have?

Children: Stem, leaves, flower

Educator: Guys, what color is the middle of the flower? And the petals?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: Now I will explain to you how we will sculpt a cornflower. We pinch off a piece of blue dough, roll up the ball - this is the middle of the cornflower. Then we pinch off a larger piece of blue dough and roll out one large ball and flatten it, make a notch in the middle with a finger, moisten it with water and put the middle of our cornflower, make cuts in a stack - petals.

Educator: In order for our fingers to do the job well, we will do finger gymnastics.

Our blue flowers (The palms are connected in the shape of a tulip, the fingers are honey

bloom the petals, lazily open)

The breeze breathes a little, (Smooth swaying of the hands)

The petals sway.

Our blue flowers (Fingers close slowly,

close the petals, acquiring the shape of a flower)

Shake their head (Smooth swaying of the hands,

fall asleep quietly. "flower head")

The children are making flowers.

Educator: Well done, what beautiful cornflowers we got. We will plant our flowers in a clearing, and we have a beautiful picture for our mothers.


Salt Dough Candlestick

Circle work on testoplasty "Tili, tili dough"

The topic of the lesson is “Gift for Mom”. The session is dedicated to Mother's Day.

Educational area:"Artistic Creativity"
Direction: artistic and creative development
Preparatory group for school, children aged 6-7 years.
Content directly- educational activities determined by the Federal State Educational Standards to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.
Preparatory age for school is very important in a child's life. This is a bright period of discoveries, surprises, curiosity. The potential of preschool children is growing and taking on new forms, the desire to learn coincides with intellectual capabilities, which means auspicious time for development and preparation for schooling. It is very important during this period of preschool childhood not to let the child get tired of learning. We must not forget about his need for movement, a change of activity within the framework of the lesson.
Target: creation of conditions for the artistic and creative development of children through testoplasty.
The lesson is built taking into account the principle of integration educational areas in accordance with age characteristics pupils:
Provide conditions for children to get acquainted with the technology of making a candlestick from salt dough.
Facilitate the study of various methods of working with salt dough saving material.
To promote the development of children's creative abilities in the manufacture and decoration of dough crafts.
To promote the development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.
To develop in children attention, memory, perseverance and fine motor skills of hands.
Cultivate the desire to create a gift for your loved ones, to fulfill it neatly, beautifully.
Develop independence and hard work.
Methodical methods:
Verbal: teacher's story, conversation on questions, reading poems.
Game: game - physical education "It's easy fun ...", warm-up with massage balls, finger gymnastics"Warm-up for the test."
Small massage balls Stacks, modeling boards, salt dough.
Preliminary work:
A conversation with children about caring for loved ones, about the fact that the most valuable gift is the one that is made with one's own hands. consideration various souvenirs. Learning poems for Mother's Day.
GCD progress
Organizing time:
Educator -
Hello guys!
Children -
Educator -
Look, a fairy-tale tree has grown in our group, at first glance it is the most ordinary, but its leaves are magical, they are with riddles. As it should be for all trees in autumn, it also shed its leaves and only one leaf continues to hang on the branches. Guys, do you like to solve riddles?
Children -
Educator -
Then let's tear off a piece of paper and find out about what we will talk about today. And Masha will help me with this (for example). Masha, tear off the leaf and read the riddle to the children.
Masha reads a riddle:
Who washes, cooks, sews,
Tired at work
Waking up so early? -
Only caring...

Children -
Educator -
As you guys guessed, we will talk about our mothers.
The main part is the activation of mental activity.
Educator -
In all languages ​​of the world, crossing the oceans, the first word of a person is the word Mama...

As you may have guessed, guys, we will talk about our mothers. And who will tell me what holiday we celebrate with you this week?
Children -
Mothers Day.
Educator -
Mother's Day is a holiday while young,
But everyone is happy with him, of course, -
All who are born under a lucky star
And mothers of guardianship of the heart!
We are on the wild run of the bustle of the city
Sometimes we forget about mom
We hurry, dissolving in the mass of people,
Getting serious about business...
And mom is waiting for us, and does not sleep at night,
Worrying and thinking often
"Oh, how are they there?" - and the heart hurts,
And groaning, and torn to pieces ...

S. Khmelevskaya

On this day, it is customary to give gifts to mothers and say how much we love them.
Children recite verses:
(1)Mom means tenderness
This is kindness, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn
Mom - in difficult hour clue,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer
It's snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!

(2) I love my mother.
Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.
funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.
I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!

L. Davydova

Educator -
I suggest you make a gift with your own hands, a real decoration of the festive table is a candlestick.
What is a candlestick?
Children -
A candlestick is a stand for a candle.
Educator -
Candlesticks are metal, wooden, glass. Candlesticks can not only be bought in the store, but also made by hand. From natural material, from spruce or pine twigs and cones. Clay and salt dough make beautiful and interesting candlesticks. They can decorate any interior.
I suggest you make a candle holder out of salt dough.

It will serve as a decoration on your festive table. This will be an unusual candlestick. Such an original candlestick can be large or small, decorated with leaves, flowers, fruits.
We have already worked with you with salt dough. Let's remember what we know about this material? Tell me, please, what is salt dough made of?
Children -
Salt dough is made from flour, salt and water.
Educator -
In Russia, for a long time there has been a custom to sculpt bread figurines for fun for themselves and children. What were the names of products made from salt dough in Rus'?
Children -
Products made from salt dough in Rus' were called flour salts.
Educator -
What is made of salt dough nowadays?
Children -
Nowadays, photo frames, jewelry, and souvenirs are made from salt dough.
Educator -
Before we start making our gifts, I suggest you take a little physical education minute.
It's easy fun
Turns left and right.
We all know for a long time -
There is a wall, and there is a window.

Children perform body turns to the right and left.
Educator -
We squat quickly, deftly.
Here, the trick is already visible.
To develop muscles
You have to sit down a lot.

Children do squats.
Educator -
And now walking in place
This is also interesting.

Children walk in place.
Finger gymnastics with a ball.
Children repeat words and movements after the teacher.
Educator -
I roll the gingerbread man with my hand(I roll the ball on my left palm with my right palm)
Back and forth I drive him.
I will stroke their palm, as if I were sweeping a crumb.
(We stroke the ball with the palm)
And I'll squeeze it a little, like a cat squeezes its paw(squeeze and unclench the ball)
I will open the gingerbread man and start with the other hand
Our gingerbread man will rest and start playing again(repeat the same with the other hand).
The teacher invites the children to take their jobs at the table.
Educator -
In order for the dough to be plastic in work, it also needs to be kneaded (children prepare salt dough for work).
Shifting and squeezing the dough in the palms;
Rolling a kolobok in the palms;
Rolling the kolobok on the table;
Pressing on the bun - getting a cake;
"Spiders" ran over the cake;
The “mice” came and began to dig minks;
The “geese” flew in and began to pinch the dough;
A "bear with a clubfoot" came and began to stomp on the dough;
The "elephant" came and with knives according to the top-top-top test;
the dough hid in the house - it turned out a bun.
We kneaded our hands and prepared the dough for work.
The candlestick will consist of a stand for a candle and is decorated with two leaves and a rose.
Children work together with the teacher.
1. Roll up a ball the size of a snowball. Roll it out so that it is smooth.

2. Attach to the finished template and make a cake out of it, gently leveling the entire surface with your fingers. Make sure that the dough does not extend beyond the edges of the template.

3. Determine the middle of the candlestick, mark with a stack. Step back from the center about 1 centimeter to the side.

4. Insert a candle.

5. Roll out the sausage.

6. Divide it into three equal parts.

7. Roll each piece into a ball.

8. Make small cakes from two balls.

9. Squeeze the circle on one side to get pointed leaves.

10. Stack the edges of the sheet.

11. Apply veins to the leaves.

12. Gently attach the leaves to the surface of the candlestick.

13. Roll out the dough with sausage.

14. Flatten it into a small strip.

15. Flatten the resulting strip on one side again.

16. Take a strip and, spreading it in the palm of your hand, roll it into a cone.

17. Fold back the petals.

18. Gently attach the flower to the candlestick.

19. Add decorative elements in the form of small balls.

20. Using a pencil, make small indentations in the balls.

Final part
Educator -
What material did we work with today?
Children -
Today we worked with salt dough
Educator -
Did you like what you did today?
Children -
Educator -
Guys, look at what wonderful candlesticks we fashioned from salt dough. But this is only the first stage in our work, as soon as our work is dry, we will color it.
Well done. Thank you for your work.

During the physical education session "It's easy fun ...", musical accompaniment was offered (from the movie "Mustached Nanny") to increase interest in exercises and create an emotional mood. With the help of finger gymnastics “Kolobok I roll with my hand” with massage balls, we not only contribute to the development fine motor skills and prepare our pens for work, but also affect the nerve endings of the fingers. During the lesson, another finger gymnastics “Warm-up with salt dough” was proposed, which in game form prepares our dough for work.
There are two points to note during the course. This is reading poems about mother, which creates an emotional mood in the course of all directly educational activities. The second point is the making of gifts for the most beloved, the most loved one- for Mom. With what love children make candlesticks.
1 stage of the lesson. Organizational:
Task: organize children, attract attention, arouse children's interest in the lesson.

Methods: verbal - talking with children, solving riddles. Familiarization of children with the topic of the lesson.
2 stage of the lesson. Motivational.
Didactic task: to ensure that children accept the purpose of the lesson, to update existing knowledge.
Form of organization: frontal
verbal (talking with children, reading poems about mom)
- visual (examination of candlesticks).
During the conversation with the children, we set a goal to make a gift with our own hands. Reinforced knowledge about salt dough.
Stage 3. Consolidation and creative application.
Didactic task:
- to consolidate children's ideas about salt dough and its properties.
The children were asked to work with salt dough - to make a candlestick. Tell about its composition, remember the history.
4 stage of the lesson. Final.
Didactic task: to arouse in children a positive attitude towards the results of joint activities.
In addition to all the above methods throughout all stages, I try to use the method of stimulation and motivation: emotional methods, the method of verbal encouragement. I believe that all these methods and techniques used during the lesson contribute to the emotional response of children, the development of attention, thinking, memory, and imagination.
