Louise hey financial well-being read. Two Affirmations of Success from Louise Hay

© Smirnov A.K., translation, 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2015

Popular author Louise Hay has been transforming people's lives for decades by teaching them to let go of rigid prejudice. Now, building on this masterful endeavor, Louise is teaming up with Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane, her accomplished natural health and nutrition advisors. In the course of this, another aspect of her secret to health, happiness and longevity is revealed: attention to everything that has nutritional value.

Unlike other wellness books, this work transcends fashion, fads, and dogma, offering a simple yet deeply meaningful system of healing for the body, mind, and spirit that is gentle, akin to a change in mindset. Louise, Ahlea and Heather will teach you ways to take your health, mood and energy to the next level.

Through this book, you:

Get into the secrets of Louise, with the help of which she has been increasing the effectiveness of affirmations and restoring the unity of the body and consciousness for many years;

You will learn the true essence of nutrition and understand the variety of diets, highlighting effective ones among them;

Learn to listen to your body and

Familiarize yourself with the techniques of longevity, resilience, Have a good mood, sensitive intuition and satisfaction of the innermost, healthy needs of your body at all stages of life.

At 88, Louise has many wise thoughts about living a long, happy, and healthy life. We invite you on a magical journey that will turn your life into a story of the greatest love.

Foreword by Louise Hay

Love Story: The Beginning

At 88 years old, I can say that I consider health and happiness to be the most important principles of my life. Many of you who have read my books know that my childhood was not easy, and in the future I often lacked neither money nor education.

Then I made a discovery that affected my entire life and health: we create our future with every thought we have. This modest idea changed the whole course of my life. I have found that if I create peace, health and harmony in my mind, I can create them in my body and the world around me.

This book is neither a tribute to the latest fashion nor a fantasy. It tells you how to create a life that will nourish and sustain you. It is about ancient healing wisdom, which is quite consistent with a busy work schedule. And also about your importance. Somewhere out there, among the everyday hustle and bustle, stress and urgent matters, there is still a place for you. My collaborators and I intend to show you how to find that free space and live happily ever after.

There are key considerations in my philosophy of life, happiness and health that have stood the test of time. I will share them right away, as they set the stage for further reading.

What I believe

Life is really very simple. Everything we give out comes back to us. We create our future with every thought.

Everything we believe in is just a thought, and a thought can be changed. I am convinced that this applies to health as well.

We create all the so-called somatic ailments ourselves and have the power to fight them if we change our thinking.

Rejection of resentment and negative thoughts helps to cope with even most of the "incurable" diseases.

When you don't know what else to do, focus on love. Self-love improves well-being, and without good health there is no good health.

When we sincerely love ourselves, we succeed in everything, including being healthy.

This book is love story. It tells about self-love as a way to achieve health, happiness and longevity. Yes, it contains helpful tips, menus, recipes, affirmations and exercises that have helped me stay healthy, energetic and strong all my life. But more than that, your heart will open up to new ways to love and support yourself as you go on this magical journey.

For years I have been teaching how to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with affirmations. Forgive and deal with resentment. Learn to truly love yourself just the way you are. Practice in front of a mirror. For those of you who have heeded these lessons, life has turned around for the better. It's time to take the next step.

I often heard from you how young and energetic I look. Or: “I want to be as healthy when I grow old.” In this book, I share everything that I do for this myself. For me, this is another stage in changing your thinking. It's about changing your lifestyle so you can lovingly care for your body and nourish it accordingly.

I have always enjoyed learning new things and I believe that any hand that touches me is a healing hand. I have found many wonderful people who are great at this job, and often share with the world the things I learned from them. So, years earlier, I had met Esther and Jerry Hicks (who profess the teachings of Abraham). They worked surprisingly well, but the circle of their faithful followers was relatively small. I wanted to introduce them to as many people as possible, and it took me two years to do this, but now, a decade later, they have supporters in all countries of the world.

In this book, I represent two people who have transformed my life: Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane. Let them transform yours too, if that's what you want. On these pages we share the things that I do to feel great in work, travel, writing books and an active social life. Some secrets will be new to you, while others will remind you of things you would like to validate and reinforce.

Looking back and reflecting on the reasons for my excellent health at 88 years old, I sincerely believe that I owe it to my lifestyle. All my thoughts from the moment I wake up to the moment I sleep are a stream of affirmations. I firmly believe that Life loves me and everything I need happens right on time. I also believe that I am a big, strong and healthy girl! And then I leave it to Life to embody my thoughts in such a way as to physically feel their truth.

When you expand your thinking and beliefs, your love will flow freely. When you cut, you close in on yourself. Do you remember the last time you fell in love? You literally soared! It was a magical feeling. In the same way, you can love yourself, with the difference that this love will never fade away. She will be with you until the end of days, you will have the best romance possible.

I really enjoyed working with Ahlea and Heather on this book, and I'm sure you'll love it just as much.

With love Louise

Foreword by Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane

How We Wrote This Book

Louise's postulates have been an invaluable gift to the world, and this book takes her teaching to a new level. One of the most important secrets of Louise's personal success lies in her daily nutrition and personal care, in the little things. When people complain that they don't succeed in this sense, she always asks: "What did you eat for breakfast?" In this book we will uncover the great wisdom of this simple question concerning our thinking and feeling.

We all want to feel good every day. We want to wake up refreshed and excited about the adventures ahead. We want to enjoy life in all its stages. And this is our natural state. Unfortunately, the reality is that our habits, beliefs and messages often deprive people of health and happiness. We wrote this book to expose the messages that separate you from optimal wellness; show the richness of nature, where there is absolutely everything you need, and remind you that you have everything you need for health, and healing comes from within.


Louise Hay, lecturer and teacher of metaphysics, is considered the founder of positive psychology. Her books are very popular all over the world, they have been translated into 25 languages ​​and published in 33 countries. Louise's methods, tested by herself on her own experience, and the experience of people who turned to her for help, are considered revolutionary.
This woman was able to beat her uterine cancer, change her life and help many people heal from diseases and many problems in life.


“Dedicated to all the bright creatures on this beautiful planet. You are beautiful, just like me. Let's love and appreciate our own uniqueness and each other's uniqueness. Let's fill our days with color and joy."
— Louise Hay

In this book, Louise reveals to us the secret of well-being in all areas of our lives. We've all probably heard that our life is what we think about it. With our own thoughts, we create our future, we create problems and difficulties, and sometimes joy and happiness. We create diseases and ailments, or vice versa, good health. We can create financial difficulties, or vice versa, stability and well-being. It all depends on the beliefs that we take on conscious or subconscious level in which we believe.

Louise Hay wrote this work in the form of a manual. She writes: “I advise you to read everything first. Then slowly re-read a second time, carefully completing each exercise. Take your time, pay attention to each of them. If possible, do the exercises with a friend or close relative.”

In this book, the author teaches us to love ourselves, this is exactly what many people fail to do. She writes: “Like I said, no matter what problem you have, the most important thing to work on is to love yourself. It is this “magic wand” that can help you.”

Louise in her book teaches to forgive yourself and people, say positive affirmations, meditate, love life in all its manifestations and much more, try to change your life with the help of your thoughts and new beliefs. She tells us: "We all begin to change at a certain time, in a certain place and in a certain sequence."


In her book, Louise Hay uses many Affirmations in all situations of our life, which help us to better perceive the World and ourselves in this World. She writes: “Learn to think in positive affirmations! They can be any of your statements. ... Constantly repeat affirmations about how you would like to see your life. Affirmations should only be said in the present tense.

Louise helps many people heal from diseases and many problems in life. In this book, she gives many exercises that helped her patients. She advises us to do all the exercises that help us look at our lives with different eyes.

The book also has a table of colors and numbers, as well as a table of personal year, month and day.
According to the color chart “FIRST LOOK AT COLORS AND NUMBERS”, we learn that each number corresponds to a certain color, vibrations change every month and every day, and colors change with the change in numerical vibrations. The author writes: “Color is an integral part of our life. However, most of us remain unaware of the benefits that the conscious use of color can bring. Each color radiates its own energy that we can use to improve our lives."

The book contains calculations for the personal year, month, and day. According to these calculations, each person can determine their data. Louise writes: “I prefer to focus on today and thus use the indications for the personal day and personal year more than for the personal month.


Louise Hay's The Secret of Success was suggested to me by my son-in-law. The first time I read this book at home, I read it quickly and easily. When I learned about my oncological disease, I had to go to the hospital for treatment. That's when I decided to pick up this book and read it again. In the hospital I lay in a three-bed ward with women who were younger than me. My neighbors were positive people I love such people. While on vacation, I began to read the book "The Secret of Success" and my neighbors also became interested in this book. I told them about this book and its author. Then we began to do some of the exercises described in the book. After reading this book and doing the exercises, my roommates and I began to feel much better. We began to believe in our healing and recovery.
I am grateful to Louise Hay for helping people in any situation of our lives!
I recommend reading this book to anyone who is ready to seriously work on themselves.

Tatiana Minina

It seems to me that each of us can pick up the keys to happy life. There are many keys, and different doors, but there is only one goal - a happy, prosperous life. You will find answers to your questions in Louise Hay's book The Secret of Success. How to achieve financial prosperity.

Louise Hay's secret to success - how to achieve financial well-being

This work by psychotherapist Louise Hay reflects the author's life position. "Secret of success. How to achieve financial well-being ”- the alpha and omega of the psychologist’s theory about positive thinking, and about the ability of each of us to create our own life. The pages of this book contain everything you need to know about self-improvement methods and ways to work on yourself.

The state of mind, mood, determination, the will to change, as well as colors and numbers play a significant role in our lives. The power of colors and numbers, as well as your energy, will help you achieve financial well-being. This is the secret of success according to Louise Hay.

It is enough to change the stereotype of thinking in order to reveal your potential and your creative possibilities. You will be amazed at the changes that have come! But, most of all, you will be surprised at how quickly they came! Feel strong, successful and free person. This is the first step to well-being according to the Louise Hay method. A bold first step is already 50% success. Further it will be easier.

25 frame for weight loss - video with affirmations by Louise Hay

You have probably heard about frame 25. What is truth and what is fiction? What is frame 25, and what is its effect on the subconscious of people? Some believe that frame 25 is a fictitious technique, others are sure that there is an influence. And it lies in the hidden text present in it.

The video must be 24 frames to be perceived. Video frames are a sequence of images in a video sequence. Frames are sequentially interleaved at a certain frequency. If 25 frames are displayed per second, then, so to speak, an extra frame has a display time of 1/25 sec, i.e. 0.08 sec. It has been established that 0.08-0.12 seconds is the most effective frame duration for influencing the subconscious of an individual. In the video programs with affirmations by Louise Hay, influencing the subconscious, and using the 25 frame method, this is the duration used.

On the net, you can watch online videos for weight loss with the effect of 25 frames. These extra shots contain Louise Hay's affirmations to help you lose weight and stay in shape. Similar video techniques with a 25-frame effect are widely available on the Internet on DVD discs.

Respect for yourself, for your work and time is one of the important components of success, both in business and in life in general. An important role, of course, is played by parental education, our environment, and social status. But the most important thing is who we consider ourselves to be, what we allow ourselves to receive, what peaks to reach. A striking example of an absolute change in yourself and your life is the world-famous writer of motivational books Louise Hay.

Born into the family of a washerwoman and an eternally drunk stepfather, the little girl endured constant beatings and humiliation not only from her relatives, but also from the half-impoverished neighbors around her. At the age of 15, she left school, became pregnant and, abandoning her child, changed her name, place of residence, and began a modeling career. At one of the parties, a pretty Hay was noticed by a millionaire and without undue delay married a model. After a couple of years, a rich husband began to cheat and demand a divorce.

However, fate often presents us with unexpected surprises that can drastically change our lives. So, accidentally finding herself at a lecture on psychology, Louise Hay for the first time began to analyze her actions and thoughts that affect her, her environment, her condition. At first glance, such a harmless impetus to reconsider her life, in turn, played a key role in her future fate.

Having abandoned her modeling career and entered the school of "positive thinking", Louise Hay laid out her life and the events in it brick by brick. It was a real discovery for her that it turns out, first of all, that she herself unconsciously considers herself superfluous and unworthy of any awards, love and success, therefore the environment treats her accordingly. As a child, her parents instilled in her a sense of loneliness and uselessness, and humiliation and betrayal became commonplace and familiar. Having made stunning conclusions for herself, Louise was determined to change this situation, persistently and persistently repeating to herself that she deserved better. These were the first thought forms, which later began to be called, i.e. some positive statements, attitudes that contribute to positive changes, both in a person’s personality and in his life.

The first changes were not long in coming. Even yesterday, a shy student was entrusted to conduct classes with noisy students, which instilled even more confidence in her own strengths and capabilities. One significant test of her faith was the diagnosis of uterine cancer. Having coped with the beginning panic, Louise Hay not only did not abandon her work with affirmations, but strengthened it, improved and expanded it. She realized that not all childhood complexes were worked out and the deepest fears still poison her life. Having reviewed her daily routine, nutrition, signed up for a psychotherapist, she gradually got rid of resentment and negative emotions buried deep in her soul. Louise continued to inspire herself with thoughts about her own health, well-being and success, and, in the end, after only three months, the surprised doctors removed the terrible diagnosis, confirming that the woman was absolutely healthy.

Louise Hay: books and major writings

Now the publishing house "OLMA Media Group" publishes books by Louise Hay under unfamiliar titles. But in fact, these books are nothing more than various combinations of long-published works. Almost all of them are in the Complete Encyclopedia of Health.

Some of them:

"Secret of success. How to Achieve Financial Prosperity" consists of "Heal Your Life", "Colors and Numbers", "Good Thoughts for Success Today".

The book The Power of Thought: How to Make Yourself Happy includes The Power Within You, Life as It Is, Heal Your Life. Workbook (new)

"Woman's Power: How to Get Rid of Stereotypes and Complexes" - "Woman's Power", "Inner Wisdom", "Love Your Body", "101 Thoughts Carrying Power", "Diary of Affirmations".

Of the really new books by Louise Hay, one can name “Create Your Future. How to change fate with the power of thought, co-authored with Lynn Lauber.

We publish only a part of the old books, the new ones are under the copyright of the publisher and their distribution on the Internet is still problematic. You can download old Hay books and compile new ones from them yourself. We have listed above.

  1. "Heal Your Life" is a book dedicated to recommendations and tips for maintaining healthy lifestyle life, good mood and success in business and business. You will not find medical aspects and advice here. The main principle of working with yourself is that by changing your thinking, you change your life. Personal experience The writer will not leave anyone indifferent. Louise Hay Heal Your Life.
  2. “Heal Yourself” is a description of the impact of our hidden grievances and negative emotions on our life and health. Freed from the past, we can become happy and successful in all endeavors. Louise Hay Heal Yourself.
  3. "The Power Within Us" and " healing powers within us” - these books continue the idea of ​​the previously written treatise “Heal Your Life”, pays attention to the resources of a person, his forces that we can use to achieve our goals. Awareness of this inexhaustible source is possible for everyone. New ideas and interesting thoughts make you reconsider your behavior and life in general. Louise Hay Healing Powers Within Us.
  4. "The secret of success: How to achieve financial well-being" - will be of interest, first of all, to those who want to achieve success in their own business. Inner mood, even colors and numbers play an important role in our life. Their secrets and energy will help you achieve personal and financial well-being. This book consists of "Heal Your Life", "Colors and Numbers", "Good Thoughts for Success Today" - they can be downloaded from the Internet.
  5. “With new happiness” - to tune in to a positive attitude towards yourself and the world in this book will help not only practical advice, but also examples of the fine arts of Russia, Central Europe and the United States of America of the late XIX - early XX centuries. Surrounding ourselves with beauty, we attract beauty and desire into our lives.

You will never be able to achieve financial well-being if you constantly talk or think about the lack of money. These empty thoughts cannot lead to material wealth. Thoughts of lack lead to lack. Thoughts of poverty lead to more poverty. Thoughts of gratitude and appreciation will help you achieve well-being.

Here are some negative affirmations that invariably lead to financial problems: “I never have enough money” or “Money disappears faster than it appears.” This is the mindset of the poor. The Universe reacts to what you think about yourself and your life. Recall all the negative thoughts about money, and then allow yourself to release them. They have not served you well in the past, and they will not serve you in the future.

Some people think that financial problems can be solved with an inheritance or a lottery. Of course, you can fantasize about such topics or even buy a lottery ticket for fun, but please do not take this way of earning seriously. This poor man's way of thinking will not lead to anything good. In any case, as far as the lottery is concerned, random winnings rarely bring positive changes in life. In fact, most lottery winners waste all their money within two years, and need more after that than they did before winning. The problem with acquiring money this way is that it doesn't solve other problems. Why? Because you do not call your consciousness to help. What you are really telling the universe is, "I deserve nothing in this life but pure chance."

If you would only change your mindset, your way of thinking, to allow the richness of the universe to enter your life, you would have all the benefits you expect from a lottery win. But most importantly, you can keep wealth in your hands through your consciousness.

And another obstacle to achieving material well-being is dishonesty. Everything you do comes back a hundredfold, always. What you take from life, life will take from you. It's simple. You will say that you do not steal, but have you ever counted how many sheets of paper or postage stamps you took home from the office? Or maybe you are a person who steals time, respect or relationships from others? All this is understood by the Universe as: “I am not worthy of good things in this life. I'm a thief."

Identify the thoughts that can interfere with financial well-being, then change them and start the new day with a new way of thinking that will help you become successful. Even if no one else in your family has practiced such affirmations before, you will help you become financially secure with your consciousness.

If you want to be rich, you must think like a rich person. Here are two success affirmations that I have been using for many years and believe me, they work for me, they will definitely help you too:

  • My income is constantly growing.
  • I am successful in everything I do.

I had very little money when I first started with these affirmations, but consistent exercises have helped me become a wealthy woman.

I am convinced that business is the area where we help each other to become happy and rich. I never understood the principle of "stepping on another's throat" when you are trying to deceive and frame the other. After all, it doesn't seem like a joyful pastime. There are so many riches in the world. All we have to do is recognize this fact and share the wealth.

At my publishing house Hay House, we adhere to the principle of "honesty and nobility." We live by the rule: work with integrity and treat others with respect and generosity; The Universe rewards you whenever possible. Today we can boast of an impeccable reputation in the publishing world, and there are a lot of offers that we turn down. We do not seek to become an industrial giant and thereby sacrifice personal relationships.

If I am a child from a dysfunctional family who did not even finish school, was able to do this, you can too.

So, stand up, open your arms and say with joy: “I am open to all the good and riches of the Universe. Thank you life."

Life will hear you and will surely answer.

Dear Louise! I married man, I am a little over forty years old, I have a wonderful wife, a child, a cozy house and a pretty good job. Unfortunately, I have never been satisfied with my financial condition. It seems to me that all my feelings of self-esteem and satisfaction are based on how much money I make, how big my house is, or how expensive my car and other property is compared to more affluent people. Why can't I just appreciate what I have without always wanting more?

Dear friend! You are not alone. Many men grew up believing that their dignity was closely tied to their "showy" possessions. Your father may have felt the same way. Part of your spiritual growth will be the challenge to stop "counting" and find new meaning in loving yourself and life.

I would advise you to take three days of vacation and go to camping trip in the woods to nature alone. Merge with nature - with trees, plants, animals and landscape. Ask yourself questions like: “How can I move from competing with others to connecting with life?”, “If I didn’t have a home and a job, what would be the meaning of my life?”, “What is really important to me?”, "What am I to understand in this life, and what am I to learn?"

If you do not start looking for the meaning of life now, you will find yourself in your fifth decade in complete dissatisfaction. What we call male menopause is often a depressive state of mind. I firmly believe that we shouldn't age the way our parents did. We are pioneers in setting the pattern for a long and prosperous life.

Repeat: “I AM VERY GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN MY LIFE.” Say this more often, and you will begin to notice all the vital details that we so often do not notice and consider to be in the order of things.

If you want to be rich, you must think like a rich person.

Any of my work is deservedly appreciated and rewarded.

Today is an excellent day, money comes to me from supposed and unexpected sources.

I support others in their quest to be successful, in turn, life supports me.

Now I'm doing what I love, and it pays well.

It's nice to deal with the money I made today. Some I will spend, some I will save.

I am joyfully open to the unlimited good that surrounds us everywhere.

Money is a mental state that keeps me going. I allow wealth to enter my life on a higher level than ever.

I am changing my way of thinking from thinking about poverty to thinking about wealth, and my finances are a reflection of these changes.

I never regret spending money.

I deserve the best and accept the best now.

I am free from all barriers to material well-being I let money into my life.

The source of my blessings is everything that surrounds me, and everyone who surrounds me.

Louise Hay. "The Big Book of Changes for the Better", "E" Publishing House, Moscow, 2017
