Bilibin finist clear falcon. Russian folk tales in illustrations and

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The peasant had three daughters. The eldest and middle are envious and evil, and the youngest Mashenka is kind, affectionate, hard-working, of indescribable beauty.
Once a peasant went to the city to the market, called his daughters to say goodbye and asked:
- What gifts, daughters, will you bring?
- Bring us, papa, painted shawls, embroidered with gold, - asked the eldest and middle.
“And for me, father, if you find, Finist’s feather is clear of a falcon,” Mashenka asked.

The peasant returned home sad, brought gifts for his eldest daughters, but did not find the youngest.
Gathered in the city next time. Daughters ordered various gifts, and Mashenka again asked to bring her a feather.
In the city, the peasant went around all the shops, but did not find a feather anywhere. On the way home he meets a little old man.
- Where are you going, honey? the old man asked.
- I'm coming home from the city. I bring gifts for my daughters, but I just can’t find a gift for the youngest. She wanted Finista's feather - the clear falcon.

- A feather is not a simple, cherished one. Take it as a gift to your daughter, may she be happy.
The peasant was delighted, and with all his might he drove the horses home.

In the evening, when everyone went to bed, Masha took a feather, hit it on the floor and said:
- Dear Finist - a bright falcon, fly to me, my betrothed.
And out of nowhere a fine fellow of unprecedented beauty appeared. And by morning he turned into a falcon and flew away to distant lands.
He began to fly to Masha every evening, until the evil sisters noticed him. They envied Mashenka and conceived evil.
We went into her room, and while she was gone, they stuck knives and needles into the frames, and hid themselves to see what would happen.

A bright falcon flew up to the window, but there was nowhere to sit, the knives stick out sharp. He began to beat at the window, but Mashenka was not in the room. A clear falcon crashed into the blood, hurt its paws. And then he says:
- If you need me, then you will find me far away, until you trample three forged shoes, break three staffs, and lose three iron hats.

Then Mashenka entered the room, heard this, but too late. Her Finist flew away - a clear falcon.
She cried out all her tears and began to gather in distant lands, to look for her falcon. I ordered forged shoes, staffs and iron hats. I said goodbye to the father and sisters and went aimlessly.
How long, how short, she came to the clearing, and on it was a hut on chicken legs.

- Stand up to me, hut, in front, back to the forest. I want to come in and relax.
The hut turned, Mashenka entered and saw Baba Yaga in the hut. And then let's swear:
- Fu, fu, girl, why are you walking, wandering, disturbing sleep?
“I am looking for, grandmother, Finista - a clear falcon,” Masha replies.

“You’ve been looking for a long time, girl. He now lives in the thirtieth state. The queen bewitched him there. Here, my dear, take a golden egg and a silver saucer. Go to the queen and hire yourself as a servant to her. Just don’t sell the saucer and testicle, but give it away like that, just ask the clear falcon to see.

Mashenka went on. She walked and walked, she already wore out her forged shoes. Here again he goes out into the clearing, and there the hut on chicken legs is spinning.
Masha went into the hut, and Baba Yaga was sitting there.
- Fu, fu, girl, what are you looking for here?
“I’m going to the thirtieth kingdom for Finist, the bright falcon,” Masha answers.
- I see you visited my sister too. She decided to help you, and I will help. Maybe you'll find your falcon. Here is a golden needle and a silver hoop. The needle is not simple, she knows how to embroider. If the queen asks you to sell, then don’t sell it, but give it away for free, only let her allow you to look at Finist.

Gouache falcon step by step for children from 5 years old. Master class with step by step photo

Master class in gouache painting from 5 years old "Landscape with a falcon"

Author: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, Lecturer, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution additional education children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikie Luki, Pskov region.
Description: the master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creating a landscape with a falcon in gouache technique.
-to teach children to draw a falcon in gouache technique;
- improve the skills of building a preliminary sketch, the ability to correctly position the drawing on the sheet format;
- exercise in the work with a brush (with the whole pile, tip), the ability to use strokes of various directions and amplitudes in the work;
- develop an eye, attentiveness, interest in working with color;
- to cultivate interest in the traditions and customs of the native land.

Hello dear friends and guests! Today the main object of our creativity is the falcon. This bird has always been very important in people's lives, in the glorious heritage of our ancestors, many legends, myths and tales about the falcon have been preserved.
We take purity, simplicity from the ancients,
Sagas, fairy tales - dragging from the past, -
Because good is good
Past, future and present!
(author V.Vysotsky)
The falcon is an unusual and one of a kind bird of prey, which has a powerful beak and claws, which will attack its enemy only directly, in the forehead. The Falcon never "beats the down", he always waits until his opponent is able to continue to fight.
That is why the Slavs honored the falcon as a noble warrior, guarded by heavenly grace. Ah, frontal collision on the battlefield was a favorite method of warfare. So, our ancestors thought, much more honest.
And now, years and centuries later, and today, a number of elite Russian military units contain a falcon in their name or emblem.

In the rich cultural heritage of our ancestors, the falcon shared with the eagle a significant part of its solar (solar) symbolism, expressed inspiration and victory. In the falcon, people have always seen the power of the sky itself, and the golden falcon on banners and shields meant cosmic harmony
The falcon has become a symbol of masculinity, militancy and nobility, for which honor comes first. He is not for cruelty and blind murder, he is for justice.
Warriors wore it as a talisman to defeat the enemy and protect their territories. Also, the falcon symbol gave powerful energy to its owner, inspired before the battle and set it up for a positive outcome.

Slavic mythology knows two wonderful falcons:
The first of them is Rarog, the embodiment of a fiery spirit associated with the cult of the hearth and the fire god Semargl.
According to ancient legends, Semargl is the eldest son of Svarog, his name is Fire Svarozhich. At the beginning of time, when Svarog struck the white-flammable stone Alatyr with a magic hammer, divine sparks flew out, carved from stone, which flared up, and the Fiery God Semargl was born from the flame. The luminous Fire God Semargl appeared in a fiery whirlwind, and like the Sun, lit up the entire Universe. From the great fire of Svarog then God's wind arose, so the god of the winds Stribog was born. He began to inflate the great flame of Svarog and Svarozhich-Semargl.

In fairy tales, the Ragog bird (the fiery falcon of victory) is the embodiment of Semargl in the earthly world, it plays the role of primordial fire that feeds the whole world with life. It is a fiery spirit that carries warmth and power, and is patronized by the god Svarog himself. Rarog, by the way, was the link between Higher world(Rule) and earthly (Reality). That is, he carefully listened to the instructions of the gods in heaven, and then flew to the people and told them. It is believed that this bird comes to its owner with sparkling plumage and brings him protection from diseases and enemies. Also, the fiery falcon protects the house from evil, the evil eye, helps to find family happiness.

Finist (the fiery falcon of battle) was also the incarnation of the god Semargl.
As a character in Russian fairy tales, Finist Yasny Sokol is a wonderful husband in the guise of a falcon who secretly visited his beloved. According to one of the legends, his beloved goddess Lelya. She became a faithful wife for him, the one that is able to give all of herself to only one, beloved person.
The magic feather of the bird Finist Yasna Sokol has wonderful properties: it not only helps the young Finist to turn into a falcon, but also removes all obstacles in his path. Whether it is an impenetrable thicket, a deep abyss or a huge enemy army.

Each fairy tale is a great heritage of our ancestors, through which they tried to pass on knowledge, technology and achievements to their descendants. ancient civilization. The tale of the Bright Falcon is no exception - the main character goes for the Bright Falcon to the thirteenth (three by ten) Hall. The thirteenth Hall (constellation) on the Svarog Circle is the Hall of Finist. That is, she made her way to another solar system on seven spaceships, with seven transfers, wearing out seven pairs of iron boots along the way (shoes with artificial gravity, for moving in a spaceship) and eating seven iron loaves (the image of astronauts' food, which is stored in a metal packaging).

In Slavic folklore, the falcon symbolized a warrior, as a rule, a young hero, a hero and a prince leading a fighting squad. This image is often mentioned, for example, in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The trident of Rurikovich appeared as an allegory of a diving falcon. The epic Prince Volga, standing guard over the borders of Rus', could turn into a falcon.
Now Finist Yasny Sokol is an image of the revival of Russia, which, plunging into the literary roots of the beliefs of its ancestors, is trying to get back on its feet, regain spiritual strength, and do good by friendship, not enmity. Bright Russia, striving to be the first, living, ruling power for good.

Materials and tools:
- sheet of A3 paper
- simple pencil, eraser
- bank for water
-cloth for hands and hands

Master class progress:

Let's start the work with a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil. Find the middle of the sheet and divide it into two parts using horizontal line. Approximately in the middle of this line we place the oval of the falcon's head.

Next, draw the beak and eye of the bird, and the lines of the chest and back of the falcon. Outwardly, the preliminary drawing reminds us of the previous drawing work. a rabbit.

Then we work with color, we need pink color. It can be created on the palette, it all depends on the colors available in the set, you can use scarlet and ruby ​​​​colors - mix with white.
With pink color, using strokes in the horizontal direction, we cover almost the entire surface of the work, leave unpainted - the horizon line, the cloud (we draw its silhouette immediately with paints) and the falcon, as well as the very bottom part of the work - later we will place a line of land with herbs.

At the very top of the figure with of blue color draw a line of clouds.

We combine the blue color with the pink background of the sky with the help of a semi-dry brush, as if rubbing the paint. Then fill the lower cloud with white, also strokes white color add and above the horizon line itself, carefully connecting them with pink. We introduce a few shades of blue into the cloud, thereby creating blue shades.

Now we need the pure scarlet or ruby ​​we used to create the pink. We will draw a forest with them - it is located on the other side of the lake and is reflected in it.

In the lower part, we will draw herbs with the same color, using the “sticking” technique.

We draw herbs from three tiers - first red, then blue and black, applying one layer of color to another.

Black draw the silhouettes of tree trunks.

We also draw black branches of trees, and apply red shadows to the trunks. Next, we use yellow for the beak and eye of the bird, and white for the breast of the falcon.

We work in black again.

Well, the most important work is the plumage of a bird. We need to carefully combine black with white, work with a clean brush with water (my brush often) in small strokes - create different shades of gray - imitating falcon feathers. We work on the beak according to the same principle, we combine black with yellow + a few white strokes.

The Russian folk tale Feather Finista Yasna Sokol will appeal to children aged 6 years and older. This is a story about strong love. It tells how one girl Maryushka lived in the world and had her fiance Finist-clear falcon, whom she had to free from the captivity of the queen.

Read online Russian folk tale Pyoryshko Finista Yasna Sokol

Once upon a time there was a peasant. His wife died and left three daughters. The old man wanted to hire a worker to help on the farm, but the youngest daughter, Maryushka, said:

No need, father, to hire a worker, I myself will run the household.

OK. Maryushka's daughter began to run the household. She knows everything, everything is good with her. Father Maryushka loved: he was glad that such a smart and hard-working daughter was growing up. And from herself, Maryushka is a beautiful hand-written. And her sisters are envious and greedy, ugly, and fashionistas - fashionistas - sit all day and whiten, and blush, and dress up in new clothes, and their dresses are not dresses, boots are not boots, a scarf is not a scarf.

The father went to the market and asked his daughters:

What do you, daughters, buy, than to please?

Buy a half-shawl, so that the flowers are larger, painted with gold.

But Maryushka stands silent. Her father asks:

What do you want to buy, baby?

And for me, father, buy Finista's feather - the clear falcon.

The father comes, brings half-shawls to his daughters, but he did not find a feather. My father went to the market another time.

Well, - says, - daughters, order gifts.

Buy us each boots with silver horseshoes.

And Maryushka orders again;

Buy me, father, Finist's feather - the clear falcon.

Father walked all day, bought boots, but did not find a feather. Came without a feather. OK. The old man went to the market for the third time, and the eldest and middle daughters say:

Buy us a coat.

And Maryushka asks again:

And for me, father, buy Finista's feather - the falcon is clear.

Father walked all day, but did not find a feather. I left the city, and towards me an old old man:

Hello, grandfather!

Hello Darling! Where are you going on the road?

To myself, grandfather, to the village. Yes, here is my grief: the smaller daughter ordered me to buy Finista's feather - the falcon is clear, but I did not find it.

I have such a feather, yes it is cherished, but for good man no matter what, I'll give it.

Grandfather took out a feather and gives it, but it is the most ordinary. A peasant rides and thinks: "What did Maryushka find good in him?"

The old man brought gifts for his daughters, the eldest and middle dress up, but they laugh at Maryushka:

As you were a fool, so it is. Put your feather in your hair and show off!

Maryushka remained silent, stepped aside, and when everyone had gone to bed, Maryushka threw the feather on the floor and said:

Dear Finist - a clear falcon, come to me, my long-awaited groom!

And a young man of indescribable beauty appeared to her. By morning the fellow hit the floor and became a falcon. Maryushka opened the window for him, and the falcon flew up to the blue sky.

For three days Maryushka welcomed the young man to her; during the day he flies like a falcon through the blue skies, and at night he flies to Maryushka and becomes a good fellow.

On the fourth day, the evil sisters noticed and told their father about their sister.

My dear daughters, - says the father, - look after yourself better!

"Okay," the sisters think, "we'll see how it goes."

They poked into the frame of sharp knives, while they themselves hid, watching. Here is a bright falcon flying. He flew to the window and cannot get into Maryushka's room. He fought and fought, cut his whole chest, but Maryushka was asleep and did not hear. And then the falcon said:

Whoever needs me will find me. But it won't be easy. Then you will find me when you wear out three iron shoes, break three iron staffs, tear three iron caps.

Maryushka heard this, jumped out of bed, looked out the window, but there was no falcon, and only a bloody mark remained on the window. Maryushka wept with bitter tears, washed away the trail of blood with her tears, and became even more beautiful. She went to her father and said:

Do not scold me, father, let me go on a long journey. I'll be alive - we'll see each other, I'll die - so, to know, it's written in the family.

It was a pity for the father to let go of his beloved daughter, but he let go. Maryushka ordered three iron shoes, three iron staffs, three iron caps, and set off on a long journey to look for the coveted Finist - a clear falcon. She walked through a clear field, walked through a dark forest, through high mountains. The birds gladdened her heart with merry songs, the streams washed her white face, the dark forests welcomed her. And no one could touch Maryushka: gray wolves, bears, foxes - all the animals ran to her. She wore out her iron shoes, she broke the iron staff and tore the iron cap. And now Maryushka comes out into the clearing and sees: there is a hut on chicken legs - it is spinning. Maryushka says:

Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

I am looking for, grandmother, Finist-clear falcon.

Oh, beauty, it will be difficult for you to look for him! Your clear falcon is far away, in a distant state. The sorceress queen drugged him with a potion and married him to herself. But I will help you. Here's a silver saucer and a golden egg for you. When you come to the distant kingdom, hire yourself as a worker for the queen. When you finish the work - take a saucer, put a golden egg, it will roll by itself. Will buy - do not sell. Ask Finista - it's clear to see the falcon. Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and left. The forest darkened, Maryushka became afraid, afraid to even take a step, and the cat met her. He jumped to Maryushka and purred:

Don't be afraid, Maryushka, go ahead. It will be even worse, but you go and go, do not look back.

The cat rubbed his back and was like that, but Maryushka went on. And the forest became even darker.

Maryushka walked, walked, wore out her iron boots, broke her staff, tore her cap, and came to the hut on chicken legs. Around the tyn, on the stakes of the skull, and each skull burns with fire.

Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me! I climb into you, there is bread.

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Maryushka. Maryushka went into the hut and sees: Baba Yaga is sitting there - a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and her nose has grown to the ceiling.

Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

Pah, pah, smells of Russian spirit! Red girl, are you torturing the case, are you lying from the case?

Did my sister have?

There was a grandmother.

Okay, honey, I'll help you. Take a silver hoop, a gold needle. The needle itself will embroider with silver and gold on crimson velvet. Will buy - do not sell. Ask Finista - it's clear to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and left. And in the forest, knocking, thunder, whistling, skulls illuminate the forest. Maryushka became terrified. Look, the dog is running. The dog said to Maryushka:

Av, av, Maryushka, don't be afraid, dear, go. It will get worse, don't look back.

She said and was. Maryushka went, and the forest became even darker. He grabs her by the legs, grabs her by the sleeves... Maryushka is walking, walking and won't look back. How long, how short, she walked - she wore out the iron shoes, broke the iron staff, tore the iron cap. I went out into the clearing, and in the clearing there was a hut on chicken legs, around the tyn, and horse skulls on stakes, each skull was on fire.

Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me!

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Maryushka. Maryushka went into the hut and sees: Baba Yaga is sitting there - a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and her nose has grown to the ceiling. Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

Pah, pah, smells of Russian spirit! Red girl, are you torturing the case, are you torturing from the case?

I am looking for, grandmother, Finist - a clear falcon.

It is difficult, beauty, you will look for him, but I will help. Here is a silver bottom, a golden spindle. Take it in your hands, it will spin itself, the thread will be pulled not simple, but golden.

Thank you, grandma.

Okay, you’ll say thank you later, and now listen to what I’ll punish you: if they buy a golden spindle - don’t sell it, but ask Finista - it’s clear to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and went, and the forest rustled, hummed: a whistle rose, owls swirled, mice crawled out of their holes, and everything was on Maryushka. And Maryushka sees - a gray wolf runs towards her. The gray wolf says to Maryushka:

Do not grieve, - he says, - but sit on me and do not look back.

Maryushka sat on a gray wolf, and only she was seen. Ahead are wide steppes, velvet meadows, honey-colored rivers, kissel banks, mountains rest against the clouds. And Maryushka keeps jumping and jumping. And here is a crystal tower in front of Maryushka. The porch is carved, the windows are patterned, and the queen looks in the window.

Well, - says the wolf, - get down, Maryushka, go and hire yourself as a servant.

Maryushka got down, took the bundle, thanked the wolf and went to the crystal palace. Maryushka bowed to the queen and said:

I don’t know what to call you, how to call you, but will you need a worker?

The queen answers:

For a long time I have been looking for a worker, but one who could spin and weave and embroider.

All this I can do.

Then come on in and get to work.

And Maryushka became a worker. The day is working, and the night will come - Maryushka will take a silver saucer and a golden egg and say:

Roll, roll, golden egg, on a silver platter, show me my dear.

An egg will roll on a silver saucer, and Finist will appear - a clear falcon. Maryushka looks at him and bursts into tears:

My Finist, Finist is a clear falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, to cry about you!

The queen overheard her words and says:

Ah, sell me, Maryushka, a silver saucer and a golden egg.

No, - says Maryushka, - they are not for sale. Can I give them to you, if you let Finist - it's clear to look at the falcon.

The queen thought, thought.

Okay, he says, so be it. At night, when he falls asleep, I will show him to you.

Night has come, and Maryushka goes into the bedroom to Finist, the clear falcon. She sees - her heartfelt friend is sleeping soundly. Maryushka looks, does not see enough, kisses her sugary lips, presses her to her white chest, - her heart friend will not wake up sleeping. Morning came, but Maryushka did not wake up dear ...

Maryushka worked all day, and in the evening she took a silver hoop and a gold needle. Sits, embroiders, she says:

Embroider, embroider, pattern, for Finist - clear falcon. It would be something for him to dry himself in the morning.

The queen overheard and said:

Sell ​​me, Maryushka, a silver hoop, a golden needle.

I won’t sell it, says Maryushka, but I’ll give it away, let me only see Finist, the bright falcon.

Okay, - he says, - so be it, at night I will show it to you.

The night is coming. Maryushka enters the bedroom to Finist - I am clear to the falcon, and he sleeps with a sound sleep.

You are my finist, bright falcon, get up, wake up!

Finist is sleeping - a clear falcon in a sound sleep. Maryushka woke him up, but she didn't wake up.

The day is coming. Maryushka is sitting at work, picking up a silver bottom, a golden spindle. And the queen saw: sell, sell!

I won’t sell it, but I can give it away anyway, if you let me stay with Finist, the bright falcon, for at least an hour.

OK. And she thinks: "All the same, she won't wake me up."

The night has come. Maryushka enters the bedroom to Finist - I am clear to the falcon, and he sleeps with a sound sleep.

You are my finist - a clear falcon, get up, wake up!

Sleeping Finist, does not wake up. She woke up, woke up - she couldn’t wake up in any way, and the dawn was close. Maryushka cried:

My dear Finist - a bright falcon, get up, wake up, look at your Maryushka, press her to your heart!

Maryushka's tear fell on Finist's bare shoulder - clear as a falcon and burned. Finist woke up - a bright falcon, looked around and sees Maryushka. He hugged her, kissed her:

Is it really you, Maryushka! She wore out three shoes, broke three iron staffs, wore out three iron caps and found me? Let's go home now.

They began to gather home, and the queen saw and ordered the trumpets to blow, to notify her husband of the betrayal.

The princes and merchants gathered, began to hold advice, like Finista - it’s clear to punish the falcon.

Then Finist the bright falcon says:

Which, in your opinion, is a real wife: is it the one that loves deeply, or the one that sells and deceives?

Everyone agreed that Finist's wife is a clear falcon - Maryushka.

And they began to live, live and make good. We went to our state, gathered a feast, blew the trumpets, fired the cannons, and there was such a feast that they still remember.

There was an old man who had three daughters. The eldest and middle are dandies, and the youngest is modest. Once the father was going to the fair and said: “My good daughters, tell me what gifts to bring you?”

The eldest asks: "Buy me, father, a satin dress." - The middle one asks: "Buy me, father, morocco boots." - And the smaller one says: “I don’t need anything, father, I just need Finista’s feather - the falcon is clear.”

The old man came to the fair. I bought an update for my eldest daughter and I bought it for my middle daughter, but Finista's feather - a clear falcon - is nowhere to be found. The old man was sad. Yes, what can you do? So I had to come back.

And suddenly he comes across a wanderer on the road. The old man asks him: “Can you tell me, good man, where is Finist’s feather for me - is it clear to find a falcon?” - “And I will give it to you,” the wanderer says and gives the old man a box.

The old man does not know how to thank the wanderer. Yes, while I was looking for words, it was as if it had not happened. The old man hid the box in his bosom and went home cheerfully. He whips horses, sings songs with joy.

All three daughters meet him at home. The elders began to try on new things. And the smaller one took the box, only she doesn’t open it and doesn’t show anyone what is in it.

By nightfall, the sisters had gone to their lamps. The smaller one also shut herself up in her bottle. She opened the box - and there it lies, the treasured feather shimmers with all colors.

The girl stroked him, kissed him and threw him on the floor. And at the same moment the feather turned into a beautiful prince. They look at each other, they don't fall in love. And they started a conversation - they can’t talk enough.

Then the prince hit the floor and again turned into a feather. She hid the smaller feather in a box, and then let the sisters in.

The sisters look there, and look here - there is no one. So they left with nothing.

And the smaller one opened the window, took out a feather and said: “You fly, my feather, in an open field! Fly, my feather, in the free space!

And she just said - the feather turned into a clear falcon. The falcon soared to the skies and flew over the high mountains, over the blue sea. “Wait for me again tomorrow!” he shouted on the fly.

The sisters spied how the falcon flew out of the window, and conceived an evil deed. The next day, towards evening, they drugged my sister with a sleeping potion, and then they locked her window from the inside, and poked the window with sharp knives from the outside.

At midnight, Finist flew in - a bright falcon, beat at the window, beat, all covered in blood. "Farewell, fair maiden," he said sadly. “If you love, look for me now in a distant kingdom, in a distant state.”

The girl hears him, but to open her eyes - there is no strength. I woke up in the morning, looking - on the window the knives were sharp, like a palisade, poked and scarlet blood dripped from them. The girl wept bitterly: “It was the sisters who ruined my dear friend!”

At the same time she ran to the forge, ordered to forge herself iron shoes, an iron staff, an iron spit, and set off on her way to look for her dear friend, Finista, a clear falcon.

She walked for a long time, she went to the very end of the world. She has already trampled on the iron shoes, and broken the iron staff, and gnawed the iron prosvir.

Suddenly he sees: there is a hut on chicken legs in a dense forest. “Hut, hut,” the girl asks, “turn your back to the forest, front to me.”

The hut turned, and the girl entered. And in the hut of Baba Yaga - his nose is hooked, his chin is upright, he sweeps the floor with his ears, throws firewood into the stove with his teeth. The girl bowed to her waist,

Baba Yaga shook her head and said: “Fu-fu-fu! I haven't heard the Russian spirit for a long time! Where are you going, pretty girl, are you on your way?"

The girl answers her: "I, grandmother, am looking for my dear friend, Finista - a clear falcon. My evil sisters wanted to destroy him, and he flew away."

I know, I know, - says Baba Yaga. - Your falcon lives in a crystal palace on the seashore and is already betrothed to an overseas princess. Yes, do not worry! Go to sleep. The morning is wiser than the evening!

Thank you, granny, on a kind word, - says the girl. - I climbed on the bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, the light dawned a little, Baba Yaga woke her up. “You,” she says, “respected me yesterday, bowed to my waist, for this I will respect you. Here, take the golden spindle, you will need it. You start spinning a tow, and a thread will stretch, but not a simple one, but a golden one.

The girl took the spindle, and Baba Yaga again says: “For

the fact that you called me grandmother, I will reward you again.

And he gives her a silver saucer, a golden apple.

An apple rolls on a saucer, gold on silver, and on a silver platter you can see everything - ships on the seas, and shelves in the fields, and mountains high, and heavens beauty.

The girl hid this miracle, and Baba Yaga again says: “You thanked me yesterday, for this I will thank you. Here, take a golden hoop with a silver needle, and the needle is not simple - it sews and embroiders itself.

The girl hid this wonder as well, bowed low to Baba Yaga and got ready to go.

And Baba Yaga instructs her: “Remember my words - the princess will trade your curiosities with you, but you don’t sell, just ask to let her look at her fiancé. Well, go, go!"

“To know, this is Finista - the kingdom is clear,” the girl thought. She sat on the bank, took out her golden spindle and began to spin. Then the princess came out of the palace with her nannies - maids.

The princess saw a wonderful spindle and asked: “Sell me this curiosity!” - “I won’t sell it, but if you let me look at your fiancé, I’ll give it back,” the girl replies.

“Well, look,” says the princess. She took a spindle and quickly went to the palace. She drugged Finist - a clear falcon with a sleeping potion, and when he fell asleep, she called the girl.

The red-haired girl saw her dear friend, bent over him, calls him, speaks affectionate words to him. But he does not hear - he sleeps soundly. The girl began to cry and left the palace.

The next day, in the same manner, the princess lured out a silver saucer - a golden apple, and then let the girl look at her fiancé. And he sleeps again - does not wake up, does not respond to her speech.

On the third day, the girl again sat down on the bank. The sad one sits, in the runes she has a golden hoop, a silver needle sews and embroiders herself. Yes, these patterns are amazing!

The princess, as she saw it, again asks: “Sell and sell! What do you want to ask! I won't regret anything!"

And the girl again says: “Let me look at your fiance again.” “Look, I don’t feel sorry,” the princess answers. The girl hurried to the palace.

And Finist, the bright falcon, flew all morning through the skies, just returned home.

The princess fed him, gave him a drink and poured a sleeping potion into his drink.

Finist, the bright falcon, drank it and fell into a sound sleep. A girl came, calling a friend of the heart. Only he does not wake up, he sleeps soundly. The girl bent over him for the last time, and her hot tear fell on his cheek.

At the same moment, Finist woke up - a clear falcon. “Ah,” she says, “what did it burn me?” “It was my tear that burned you,” says the girl. Then Finist recognized her - a bright falcon, and was so delighted that it was impossible to say.

The fair girl told him how she was looking for him around the world, and Finist, the bright falcon, loved her even more than before, she became even dearer to his heart.

At the same hour, he drove away the greedy princess with all her nannies - maids, and then played the wedding. And the young began to live - to live, to make good.
