Dragon scale bracelet. Rubber band bracelet: Dragon Scales - photo, diagrams

We welcome you to the DIY site, we have already written several articles about how this is a relatively new activity that immediately captivated needlework lovers not only in Europe, but all over the world. You can make beautiful bracelets as a decoration or as a gift for friends yourself, and even spending not a lot of money on it. In addition, when weaving with rubber bands, many useful qualities are acquired, one of which is creativity! Indeed, masters of weaving can create many various crafts of these little rubber bands - from toys to clothing items and jewelry.

There are already many techniques for making Rainbow Loom bracelets, here are some of them that we will talk about today. In this article, we have compiled a selection of interesting video master classes that show how to weave Dragon Scale bracelets in different ways: on a loom, on a fork, with fingers, crochet .... Let's start browsing:

Video MK: weaving a dragon scale bracelet on a small machine

The small machine is very convenient to use, it is suitable for weaving not very complex bracelets or crafts. For beginners, this is the best solution.

Weaving a dragon scale bracelet on forks

Weaving on forks is already a popular option, which shows that there is nothing complicated in creating Rainbow Loom jewelry. On the forks, you can easily tie a simple bracelet, or a small craft, which requires one row of posts. Of course, for more complex products, a more serious machine will be needed.

Bracelet made of rubber bands dragon scales in rainbow colors on the Rainbow Loom loom

And here is the same machine that was mentioned above, or rather its one row. The machine itself usually consists of two to three rows of posts, which are connected into one system. The columns themselves are made in a special way- on one side there is a fixing edge, and on the other side it is cut off, for easy removal of elastic bands with a hook or fingers.

How to weave a DRAGON SCALES bracelet from elastic bands without a hook on 2 columns

A special version of weaving on a loom, which consists of only four columns. This is a very handy machine for simple weaving. Alternatively, four pencils can be used, which can be fixed with adhesive tape with an insert.

Rubber band bracelet dragon scales (double compact) on the Rainbow Loom machine

A master class is described in detail, weaving dragon scales on a loom. I want to show another useful video, the stages of weaving are also very well shown:

Weaving dragon scales on the loom

I hope this small selection of videos of bracelet weaving master classes was useful, and now you can easily make a simple dragon scale bracelet. More different crafts can be viewed in the section of our website:. See you on the pages of our site!

What is a dragon scale rubber band bracelet? It's like a mesh of rubber bands. different colors, where the rubber bands themselves are staggered, as if clinging to each other. By weaving Dragon Scales on several columns, you can get a wide and openwork bracelet. But the same weaving can be done on a small number of posts, for example, on a fork, mini-loom or slingshot. The mesh pattern will remain in this case, but the width of the bracelet will decrease according to the number of columns.

This master class with photos will allow you to easily weave. Using only two columns of a slingshot, the bracelet turns out to be rather narrow and, according to the weaving pattern, is very similar to the Pavement bracelet, but the result is completely different. For comparison, look at the photo (on the left - mesh - Dragon Scales, on the right - dense - Pavement).

What you need to weave Dragon Scales on a slingshot:

  • 20-24 green rubber bands;
  • 20-24 blue rubber bands;
  • weaving device - slingshot;
  • 1 clip-fastener in the shape of the letter S.

How to weave a dragon scale bracelet on a slingshot?

Prepare the slingshot, hold it in your left hand, with the open side of the columns towards you.

Take a green elastic band and put one end on the left column, turn it over with a figure of eight and put the other end on the right column. It should look like this "eight":

Put on all subsequent rubber bands in the usual way, without twisting. Next gum - of blue color. Throw it in the usual way on both machines.

Take your hook and knit as follows. Hook the lower green elastic band from the left column from the outside and remove it in the middle between the columns. This is the beginning of weaving the Dragon Scale bracelet on a slingshot.

And now, from the right column, discard the two lower rubber bands (green and blue).

When weaving, alternate the colors of the rubber bands, that is, put the next rubber band on the columns - blue.

Repeat the combination until you use all the rubber bands or get the bracelet of the required length. Each time it is necessary to throw off the column, where there are three rubber bands, - two lower elastic bands, and put on the next one. Everything is very easy!

How to finish the bracelet? As a final result of weaving, you should have three rubber bands on the columns: 2 on one column and 1 on the other. Like this:

Throw off the bottom rubber band from the column on which two elastic bands are left to the center.

Throw one of the remaining elastic bands onto another column. Now pull the bracelet slightly and hook both rubber bands on the column with a clip-clasp.

Remove the bracelet from the slingshot.

At the other end of the bracelet, find the initial green rubber band, which was the figure eight. Crochet both sides of it.

For convenience, put on the index finger of your left hand or simply pull the hook and hook both parts of the elastic with the second hook on the fastener clip.

Here it is ready rubber band bracelet Dragon scales on a slingshot! Happy weaving!

See also the video tutorial on weaving dragon scales on a slingshot.

How to weave a bracelet "dragon scales" ("mesh") from rubber bands on forks, without a loom. Master class with step by step photos.

"Dragon scales" or "Mesh" - a bracelet made of rubber bands

There are many different ways weaving bracelets from Rainbow Loom rubber bands or their analogues. And even the same bracelet can be woven in different ways using different tools. Bracelet "Dragon Scales", which is also called "Dragon Skin", "Dragon" or "Mesh" can be woven on a loom, on hooks or forks.

IN step by step photo master class this article presents the weaving of this bracelet on table forks, without a special machine.

The appearance of the bracelet made of rubber bands "Dragon Scales" or "Mesh"

"Dragon Scale" is the original wide bracelet a mesh of rubber bands intertwined with each other in a checkerboard pattern. Since the bracelet is openwork and looks like a mesh, this similarity explains one of its names.

The colors of the rubber bands in this bracelet can be very different: you can weave a rainbow bracelet, a bracelet with alternating rows of different colors, or even one color.

In terms of complexity, this is not the easiest bracelet, for beginners it is better to start with other, the simplest, weaving options.

"Dragon Scales" ("Grid"), master class

This master class with a photo was prepared for the competition "Rainbow rubber bands" by Irina (6 years old) from the city of Rzhev and her mother Olga.

Materials and tools for weaving a bracelet "Dragon Scales" or "Mesh"

  • table forks - 2 pcs.
  • gum or adhesive tape for connecting plugs
  • multi-colored rubber bands
  • plastic fasteners (clips) - 4 pcs.
  • hook (optional)

How to weave "Dragon Scales" ("Grid") without a loom on forks. Stages of work

  1. We connect two forks together with an elastic band, hold, as in the next photo. We number the teeth at the fork: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8.
  2. First row: we put an elastic band on tooth No. 1, cross it with a figure eight and put it on tooth No. 2. This is how we pair teeth 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6, 7-8 with an elastic band in the form of a figure eight.
  3. The second row is simply connected without twisting the elastic: 2-3, 4-5 and 6-7.
  4. We throw the lower (blue) elastic band over the corresponding tooth through the upper black elastic band. And so are all the lower gum.
  5. Then we repeat: we connect with an elastic band (without twisting) 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6, 7-8.
  6. We throw the lower elastic bands over the corresponding tooth through the corresponding upper elastic band.
  7. Then again 2-3, 4-5, 6-7.
  8. And so on…
  9. Finishing the bracelet. We put on the last row of elastic bands: One elastic band on the first fork (1-2-3-4), twisting the eight in front of each prong. And another elastic band on the second fork (5-6-7-8). The last row, to the detriment of the attractiveness of the bracelet, I took a contrasting blue color (the penultimate row is rubber bands yellow color) to make it clearer.
  10. So, now we throw the lower yellow elastic band over the prong over the upper blue elastic band. And so all the lower yellow gum.

  11. Now we throw the blue gum from the 1st tooth to the 2nd,
    from 4th to 3rd.
    And on the other fork from 5th to 6th, and from 8th to 7th.
    View from the back.
  12. We put clips on the four blue elastic bands remaining on the fork.
  13. We remove from the fork.
  14. We connect the fasteners with loops on the opposite end of the bracelet. All.

The bracelet is ready.

Video, if something is not clear (some steps are in a slightly different order), by Ekaterina Rainbow.

All the very best to you! Especially for blog readers "MORE creative ideas for kids"(https: // site), with sincere respect, Yulia Sherstyuk

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  • Weaving from rubber bands - 3: a simple bracelet ...
  • Weaving from rubber bands - 2: a simple bracelet without ...
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Weaving bracelets from elastic bands is very fashionable today. After reading just a few lessons on creating such jewelry, you can easily learn how to weave on your own. various patterns and make stylish multi-colored bracelets with your own hands, both using a special machine and.

How to make a dragon scale rubber band bracelet (step by step)?

This type of weaving is easy to master - the main attention and patience are here. Having weaved such an ornament at least once and having understood the scheme properly, you will later be able to easily weave bracelets from rubber bands “Dragon Scales”:

  1. In order not to get confused in colors, prepare the required number of elastic bands in advance. The main method of weaving "Scales" is the alternation of rows with 4 and 5 elastic bands.
  2. In the first row, elastic bands for two rows should be placed on the hook at the same time. Thus, we use 9 rubber bands at once - 5 for one (long) and 4 for the next (short) row. So, we put the first gum on the hook.
  3. We immediately twist it with the “eight”, we also put the second loop on the hook.
  4. Put the second elastic band on the hook and thread it through the loop of the first elastic band. Then also twist it and fix it on the hook.
  5. In the same way, you should do with all the remaining 9 rubber bands.
  6. For further weaving, we need a pencil (as an option - another hook or a thick knitting needle). Take it in left hand, and leave the hook with the first row of rubber bands in the right.
  7. Throw the first loop on the pencil (similar to knitting).
  8. Put a different color of elastic band (in this case, purple) on the hook if your bracelet is two-tone.
  9. Then pull it through two orange loops and return to the hook.
  10. We take the next purple rubber band and repeat the ninth paragraph.
  11. We repeat these steps until there are 4 purple rubber bands on the pencil, and the very first, orange one, is removed from the hook, turned over with a “figure eight” and placed on a pencil.
  12. The next row is 5 orange rubber bands. It is better to prepare them in advance. Insert your hook under the first two loops on the pencil and remove them. Then knit an orange rubber band through them in the usual way.
  13. As in the previous row, we continue knitting the row to the end, using all 5 rubber bands.
  14. The last loop left on the pencil is simply moved to the hook.
  15. Similarly, the next row will consist of 4 purple rubber bands, and so on.
  16. The bracelet should contain as many rows as will be sufficient for its length. Thus, how many elastic bands you need for a Dragon Scale bracelet will depend on the thickness of your wrist. Keep in mind that this type of weaving stretches very well, and do not forget to periodically try on the product on your hand.
  17. We have already learned how to weave "Dragon Scales", and now let's find out how to finish this bracelet made of rubber bands. To do this, find at the very beginning of weaving, on the end part, long “eights” of orange rubber bands. There should be 5 of them.
  18. Hook the very first of them with an S-shaped lock and connect it to the "eight" on the opposite end of the bracelet.
  19. If you do not have such special locks at hand, use additional elastic bands, as if you were connecting two rows of fabric, crocheted. The result should look like this seam.
  20. Here is the bracelet! Please note that the “Dragon Scales” are woven without a loom, on the fingers, although this rubber band bracelet can also be made using a loom. After you have mastered the weaving technique, you can begin to study others, for example,

Ah, this grid. Very beautiful stylish bracelet made of rubber bands called Dragon Scales. Wide, bright, original bracelet. Today you will learn how to weave such a charm - a Dragon Scale bracelet.

Rubber bracelets have long ceased to be something for children. The bracelets are so beautiful that many fashionistas cannot refuse them. Even the men wear rubber bracelets.

This bracelet can be woven both on the loom and on the slingshot. The dragon scale bracelet will work even on a slingshot. Have you tried braiding on a comb? No? It's time to try. The Dragon Scale bracelet can be woven even on a comb.

How to weave a Dragon Scale bracelet from rubber bands on a loom

The most popular way to weave a Dragon Scale bracelet is on a loom. For weaving, you will need a classic Rainbow Loom loom. For weaving, you need only 1 row of the loom. If you have a removable machine, then you can remove the remaining 2 rows so that they do not interfere with you.

Weaving is very simple, if you watch the video of weaving dragon scales, then everything will become clear to you. Having learned how to weave several rows of a bracelet, everything will go according to the thumb.

Dragon Scale Bracelet Colors

What colors to weave the Dragon Scale bracelet? We are often asked this question. We have collected for you photos of the most beautiful bracelets from rubber bands Dragon Scales. You still do not know how and from what elastic bands to weave a bracelet?

This bracelet looks beautiful from bright elastic bands, for example, pink, red, yellow. You can make a kind of gradient transition in the Dragon Scale bracelet - elastic bands from dark to light, and vice versa.

And you can weave a Dragon Scale bracelet on a loom from two different colors of elastic bands, for example, blue and yellow, green and light green, blue and red and other similar combinations.

Or weave a dragon scale bracelet of all different rubber bands. It will turn out very bright and iridescent.

How to weave a dragon scale bracelet - other weaving techniques

The Dragon Scale bracelet can be woven not only on a loom, but also on a fork, and even on a small slingshot. True, on a slingshot this bracelet will turn out not as wide as on a loom.

But to weave a wide Dragon Scale bracelet on a fork, you can use 2 forks at once. Experts in the video weaving dragon scales on a fork show how to weave.

On a slingshot, it turns out to weave a very narrow Dragon Scale bracelet, but this does not negate its originality. It turns out a very cute narrow bracelet made of rubber bands on a slingshot.

Now you know how to make a Dragon Scale rubber bracelet on a loom, on forks and on a slingshot. Create and weave with pleasure, let your work please you.

With love, Editorial Yavmode.ru
