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Betrothed by blood. Choice Natalya Zhiltsova

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Title: Betrothed by Blood. Choice

About the book Betrothed by Blood. Choice" Natalia Zhiltsova

What could be worse than dying during the selection of brides?

Refuse the future emperor!

After all, to leave on your own means to bring the wrath of the emperor on your family and the censure of all his subjects. Especially now, when miraculously managed to survive in the canyon of giant worms, the ratings are too high, and Prince Damian is worried and showing more and more sympathy.

Therefore, I must stay. Stay despite the fact that I put myself in mortal danger and have no right to win. Use all your knowledge to get out of the web of other people's intrigues, deal with strange feelings for the archmage and, most importantly, survive. After all, the enemy that destroys brides is still not defeated.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online book“Betrothed by blood. Choice” by Natalia Zhiltsova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

It didn't take long to wait. Natalya Zhiltsova sat down with great interest to write this work. This is noticeable in everything - the style has become better, the dynamics have become greater. She was able not only to continue the story, but to make it even more exciting.

Read Betrothed by Blood for free. Choice

The Empire is a rich fantasy world inhabited by a variety of creatures. Naturally, the main role in it is played by people. The ruling emperor decides to find a bride for himself and spend the rest of his days with her. To do this, he arranges a real selection to find his beloved. But not everything is so simple. Someone unknown, kills all the chosen ones of the ruler. Why is he doing this? Unclear. Most likely, he is simply trying to sow the seeds of anarchy in a prosperous kingdom. What all these ups and downs will lead to can be read for free on our website.

Free download Betrothed by blood. fb2 selection

The main role in this whole story is played by a simple girl. It, against the background of the rest, is favorably distinguished by one distinctive feature. The heroine has a certain unusual gift, which is transmitted in her family through the female line. However, because of this, she cannot become the emperor's wife. After all, only boys are always born in his family. In addition, the girl has to deal with the attacks of killers who are trying to destroy everything that she has been building for so long. It is not known how this story will end. But you can find out for yourself and download the book “Betrothed by Blood. Choice".


What could be worse than dying during the selection of brides? Refuse the future emperor! After all, to leave on your own means to bring the wrath of the emperor on your family and the censure of all his subjects. Especially now, when miraculously managed to survive in the canyon of giant worms, the ratings are too high, and Prince Damian is worried and showing more and more sympathy. Therefore, I must stay. Stay despite the fact that I put myself in mortal danger and have no right to win. Use all your knowledge to get out of the web of other people's intrigues, deal with strange feelings for the archmage and, most importantly, survive. After all, the enemy that destroys brides is still not defeated.

Selected Reviews

It is surprising that such a flurry of criticism fell upon this work. Everyone claims that the writer has written herself out and is now “stealing” other people's stories. However, I completely disagree with this. There is only one similarity with the work of Kira Kass - the choice of a bride for the monarch. However, further events do not at all resemble the novel of this writer. In this book, everything is more dynamic, more intense and not so obvious. I read the book myself in two evenings and am completely satisfied with it. I did not notice any predictability and incoherence. The finale turned out to be emotional and turned out to be beyond all my predictions.

Thank you, Natalya Zhiltsova, for such a wonderful work. Ignore the haters and keep creating.

Advantages: Engaging storyline, well-developed characters and a great ending.
Flaws: did not find.


Natalya, you a beautiful woman and an excellent writer. Thank you for your multifaceted and unusual creativity. Each of your books is a holiday for me and my family. We read with pleasure and enjoyment.

What about this work. It turned out great. I am amazed at how you manage to mix genres so famously. A wonderful comedy and a wonderful melodrama are layered on the main detective story. It is very pleasant to watch the development of relations between the main characters. For a while, I forgot that it was fiction and thought that they real people. I don't recommend reading this book without reading the first novel. After all, this is a dilogy and there is a common plot.

Advantages: A wonderful fairy tale for adults that any reader will enjoy.
Flaws: You won't understand anything without reading the first book in the series.

Review left by user: asmety

Natalya Zhiltsova

Betrothed by blood. Choice

© N. Zhiltsova, 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

* * *

As soon as the cohedron went out, the kerad Ra-shahha, who was under the illusion of a lean clerk, again turned his gaze to the visitor.

A heavyset man in an expensive suit standing opposite was visibly nervous. Sweat broke out on his forehead and short neck. It is not surprising: to become a witness at such an important conversation! These usually don't last long...

However, Ra-Shahkha, although he enjoyed the emotions of his fear, did not yet plan to kill this man. For several years now, he has taken an oath of allegiance to him and has played one of the most important roles in the implementation of the current plan of kerada.

Well, let's get back to the conversation. After today's event, I hope you no longer need additional cash injections to contain negative rumors about the Duchess?

"Of course," the man said at once. - Now Lady Ariana will take a stable place in the rankings ...

– Yes, yes, of course. The man nodded and nervously tugged at his shirt collar. “Lady Ariana's passage through Sheltras Canyon made a lasting impression on everyone. I guarantee that absolutely all news publications, including ours, will be full of rave reviews. Even a conspiracy of well-born families to promote their candidates will not be able to prevent this.

- Fine. What do you hear from your the best employee"? Did he at least partially justify the funds invested in the equipment?

“Lady Ariana trusts him…”

You said that last time too! interrupting, the kerad barked. “And I want the details of their conversations!” Information!

“But the Seal of Prohibition forbids Austin from telling us…”

A blow with his fist on the table made the man choke on the rest of the phrase and swallow in fright, and then stammer:

“Actually, Austin asked for our archival subscriptions about an Empress the other day. As I understand it, not for myself, but for the Duchess.

– Is that how? The Ra-Shahha narrowed his eyes. - About what?

- One second. The man began to quickly delve into the tablet artifact. - And here! For some reason, he was interested in Issiana of India and the details of her accession.

- Even so? Well, perhaps I know what our little de Arden needs.” A satisfied smile appeared on the illusory human face of the kerad. - How well everything works out. Yes, we will give her this information. And even more than that, we will give her what is primarily beneficial to us.

- Sorry?

“Contact your collaborator immediately, dear Marius,” the kerad pointed to the table cohedron with a nod of his head. - And tell him that you managed to get the information he needed. The reporter should receive papers not from outside, namely from your hands. Make an appointment in two hours. By then you will have them. And, of course, your employee should still not suspect anything. Otherwise, de Arden will instantly feel falseness in his emotions.

“Of course, sir.

Marius Webber, editor-in-chief of The Imperial Gossip, bowed hastily and reached for the speech artifact.

The hysteria did not subside immediately. Even now, after half an hour, I was still sobbing, but still found the strength to rise from the floor.

washed my face cold water in the hope that this will finally bring me to my senses. And, looking at the trembling hands, I realized: that's enough. Enough with me selection, enough of all this!

Jumping out of the bathroom, I rushed to the closet and began frantically pulling out dresses. Only when an impressive pile formed on the floor and bed did she belatedly realize that she hadn't prepared anything to pack them. There were no suitcases in the bedroom, and I hurried to the living room.

Natalya Zhiltsova

Betrothed by blood. Choice

There Can Be Only One!

As soon as the cohedron went out, the kerad Ra-shahha, who was under the illusion of a lean clerk, again turned his gaze to the visitor.

A heavyset man in an expensive suit standing opposite was visibly nervous. Sweat broke out on his forehead and short neck. It is not surprising: to become a witness at such an important conversation! These usually don't last long...

However, Ra-Shahkha, although he enjoyed the emotions of his fear, did not yet plan to kill this man. For several years now, he has taken an oath of allegiance to him and has played one of the most important roles in the implementation of the current plan of kerada.

Well, let's get back to the conversation. After today's event, I hope you no longer need additional cash injections to contain negative rumors about the Duchess?

Of course, - immediately assured the man. - Now Lady Ariana will take a stable place in the ranking ...

Yes, yes, of course. The man nodded and nervously tugged at his shirt collar. - Lady Ariana's passage through the Sheltras Canyon made an indelible impression on everyone. I guarantee that absolutely all news publications, including ours, will be full of rave reviews. Even a conspiracy of well-born families to promote their candidates will not be able to prevent this.

Fine. What do you hear from your “best employee”? Did he at least partially justify the funds invested in the equipment?

Lady Ariana trusts him...

You said it last time too! interrupting, barked the kerad. - And I need the details of their conversations! Information!

But the Seal of Prohibition forbids Austin from telling us...

A blow with his fist on the table made the man choke on the rest of the phrase and swallow in fright, and then stammer:

In fact, Austin recently asked for our archival subscriptions about one empress. As I understand it, not for myself, but for the Duchess.

Here's how? - Ra-shahha narrowed his eyes. - About what?

Wait a second. - The man began to quickly delve into the tablet artifact. - And here! For some reason, he was interested in Issiana of India and the details of her accession.

Even so? Well, perhaps I know what our little de Arden needs, - a satisfied smile appeared on the illusory human face of the kerad. - How well everything is going. Yes, we will give her this information. And even more than that, we will give her what is primarily beneficial to us.


Contact your employee immediately, kind Marius, - the kerad pointed to the table cohedron with a nod of his head. - And tell him that you managed to get the information he needed. The reporter should receive papers not from outside, namely from your hands. Make an appointment in two hours. By then you will have them. And, of course, your employee should still not suspect anything. Otherwise, de Arden will instantly feel falseness in his emotions.

Of course, sir.

Marius Webber, editor-in-chief of The Imperial Gossip, bowed hastily and reached for the speech artifact.

The hysteria did not subside immediately. Even now, after half an hour, I was still sobbing, but still found the strength to rise from the floor.

I washed my face with cold water in the hope that this would finally bring me to my senses. And, looking at the trembling hands, I realized: that's enough. Enough with me selection, enough of all this!

Jumping out of the bathroom, I rushed to the closet and began frantically pulling out dresses. Only when an impressive pile formed on the floor and bed did she belatedly realize that she hadn't prepared anything to pack them. There were no suitcases in the bedroom, and I hurried to the living room.

Stopping in the center of the room, she looked around. Where did the servants hide them?

I didn’t want to call the “overseers” assigned by the emperor ahead of time. Is it not enough? It is better to collect all the things yourself, and only put them before the fact of your immediate departure.

However, a short search of the living room yielded no results. The carved cabinets were filled with nothing but trinkets and crystal. Well, it seems that you still can’t do without maids ...

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a gentle knock on the door. And it looks like they are.

Sign in! I responded nervously.

However, instead of Paulina and Newara, Philania appeared in the living room. To my astonished look, the girl explained:

I came to see how you are? After what happened ... - she broke off, seeing the scattered things behind the open bedroom door. - What are you doing?

I exhaled sharply.

I pack my things and get out of here.

How? Philania blinked in confusion, and then shook her head sharply. - Wait a minute! No!

Yes, I snapped. - I can not do this anymore. This is not the selection of brides, but their murder!

But you can't leave!

I can very much.

No you can not! - A friend grabbed my hand with icy fingers. - Just not now! Don't you understand?!

I don't understand, right, - I confirmed gloomily. - Why?

Because now you are the idol of billions of people! You can't just take everything and give it up! You have crazy ratings...

What about your kind and dignity?

Her words made me shudder and finally realize what state I was in.

Here. Think about it, - noticing my reaction, my friend began to persuade. - Think about how your departure will look from the outside. Just think, she passed over the abyss with worms and cowardly fled, unable to withstand the stress. Broke. Or, even worse, she decided at a difficult moment to turn her back on the empire. How many enthusiastic people will abruptly change their minds and start shouting about spitting in the face of the emperor? Can you imagine what a wave of hatred for your family will rise? To you, Ariana?

I collapsed wearily on the sofa and for the first time in this hour I thought: “What am I doing?”

Everything turned out that nothing good for his reputation.

I understand how stressful it was for you, - sitting next to me, meanwhile softly continued Philania. - Believe me, I really understand like no one else. I, too, once narrowly escaped death. But the worst is over. You survived. The palace is safe, and we won't be sent anywhere else. Even if you really don't want to qualify to the end, just wait a bit and that's it.

The words of a friend were reasonable, I could not help but admit it. Yes, for someone else, perhaps public censure did not matter much. But for me, for the née de Arden, dignity was more important than anything else. Even more important than life.

It is because of the feeling dignity I managed to overcome my emotions on the Sheltrassky Bridge and cross it with my head held high. Show the true royal blood of your kind. Now what? Destroy everything on your own?

What glory about me would go after this?

I had no right to denigrate my name. But if not for Philania, she would definitely have done stupid things!

I looked gratefully at my friend.

You know, you're right. Thank you.

Not at all, - she smiled and, wanting to support, squeezed my hand.

Suddenly, the call of the cohedron rang out. Without doubting the identity of the caller for a second, I apologized to Philania and headed to the office.

The very first glance at the communication artifact confirmed the correctness of the assumption. Above the graphite plate shone the coat of arms of the de Arden family, and as soon as I touched it, I saw the face of the Most Serene Duchess.

Grandmother answered the polite, etiquette greeting with only a short nod. She looked at me silently, dispassionately as usual, as if judging me. Only the sharper than usual features of her face and pointed cheekbones made it possible to understand that, in fact, the Most Serene Duchess is far from calm.

My grandmother's gaze flickered almost perceptibly over my eyes, which were probably still swollen from tears. The thin line of her lips quivered a little, tightening tighter. This made me instinctively straighten up and lift my chin in an effort to show that there was no more weakness. Yes, I could not restrain myself, but now emotions are under control.

Approval flickered in the eyes of the Most Serene Duchess.

I'm proud of you, my girl, - she finally said. - I'm proud of you.

The cohedron went out.

I barely held back a sigh of relief. Still, my grandmother is the only one whose opinion was really important to me.

“What if you were packing your things now?”

The idea that the Most Serene Duchess could see me in such a pitiful state made me uncomfortable. I could hardly restrain myself from shrugging my shoulders: I so wanted to discard the unpleasant image that arose before my mind's eye. And, trying not to think about it anymore, she hurried into the living room, where she immediately caught Philania's admiring glance.

She has incredible endurance, ”said her friend respectfully. Now I understand who raised you like that. And I understand why you were able to pass the canyon. Even my father's voice trembled half an hour ago, for all the firmness of his character. But I was in the forefront, when nothing had happened yet. And you…

Don't remind me, I winced.

Natalya Sergeevna Zhiltsova

Betrothed by blood. Choice

Betrothed by blood. Choice
Natalya Sergeevna Zhiltsova

Stars of Romantic Fantasy Bride #2
What could be worse than dying during the selection of brides?

Refuse the future emperor!

After all, to leave on your own means to bring the wrath of the emperor on your family and the censure of all his subjects. Especially now, when miraculously managed to survive in the canyon of giant worms, the ratings are too high, and Prince Damian is worried and showing more and more sympathy.

Therefore, I must stay. Stay despite the fact that I put myself in mortal danger and have no right to win. Use all your knowledge to get out of the web of other people's intrigues, deal with strange feelings for the archmage and, most importantly, survive. After all, the enemy that destroys brides is still not defeated.

Natalya Zhiltsova

Betrothed by blood. Choice

© N. Zhiltsova, 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

There Can Be Only One!

K / f "Highlander"

As soon as the cohedron went out, the kerad Ra-shahha, who was under the illusion of a lean clerk, again turned his gaze to the visitor.

A heavyset man in an expensive suit standing opposite was visibly nervous. Sweat broke out on his forehead and short neck. It is not surprising: to become a witness at such an important conversation! These usually don't last long...

However, Ra-Shahkha, although he enjoyed the emotions of his fear, did not yet plan to kill this man. For several years now, he has taken an oath of allegiance to him and has played one of the most important roles in the implementation of the current plan of kerada.

Well, let's get back to the conversation. After today's event, I hope you no longer need additional cash injections to contain negative rumors about the Duchess?

"Of course," the man said at once. - Now Lady Ariana will take a stable place in the rankings ...

– Yes, yes, of course. The man nodded and nervously tugged at his shirt collar. “Lady Ariana's passage through Sheltras Canyon made a lasting impression on everyone. I guarantee that absolutely all news publications, including ours, will be full of rave reviews. Even a conspiracy of well-born families to promote their candidates will not be able to prevent this.

- Fine. What do you hear from your “best employee”? Did he at least partially justify the funds invested in the equipment?

“Lady Ariana trusts him…”

You said that last time too! interrupting, the kerad barked. “And I want the details of their conversations!” Information!

“But the Seal of Prohibition forbids Austin from telling us…”

A blow with his fist on the table made the man choke on the rest of the phrase and swallow in fright, and then stammer:

“Actually, Austin asked for our archival subscriptions about an Empress the other day. As I understand it, not for myself, but for the Duchess.

– Is that how? The Ra-Shahha narrowed his eyes. - About what?

- One second. The man began to quickly delve into the tablet artifact. - And here! For some reason, he was interested in Issiana of India and the details of her accession.

- Even so? Well, perhaps I know what our little de Arden needs.” A satisfied smile appeared on the illusory human face of the kerad. - How well everything works out. Yes, we will give her this information. And even more than that, we will give her what is primarily beneficial to us.

- Sorry?

“Contact your collaborator immediately, dear Marius,” the kerad pointed to the table cohedron with a nod of his head. - And tell him that you managed to get the information he needed. The reporter should receive papers not from outside, namely from your hands. Make an appointment in two hours. By then you will have them. And, of course, your employee should still not suspect anything. Otherwise, de Arden will instantly feel falseness in his emotions.

“Of course, sir.

Marius Webber, editor-in-chief of The Imperial Gossip, bowed hastily and reached for the speech artifact.

The hysteria did not subside immediately. Even now, after half an hour, I was still sobbing, but still found the strength to rise from the floor.

I washed my face with cold water in the hope that this would finally bring me to my senses. And, looking at the trembling hands, I realized: that's enough. Enough with me selection, enough of all this!

Jumping out of the bathroom, I rushed to the closet and began frantically pulling out dresses. Only when an impressive pile formed on the floor and bed did she belatedly realize that she hadn't prepared anything to pack them. There were no suitcases in the bedroom, and I hurried to the living room.

Stopping in the center of the room, she looked around. Where did the servants hide them?

I didn’t want to call the “overseers” assigned by the emperor ahead of time. Is it not enough? It is better to collect all the things yourself, and only put them before the fact of your immediate departure.

However, a short search of the living room yielded no results. The carved cabinets were filled with nothing but trinkets and crystal. Well, it seems that you still can’t do without maids ...

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a gentle knock on the door. And it looks like they are.

– Enter! I responded nervously.

However, instead of Paulina and Newara, Philania appeared in the living room. To my astonished look, the girl explained:

“I came to see how you are?” After what happened…” She trailed off when she saw the scattered things behind the open bedroom door. - What are you doing?

I exhaled sharply.

I'm packing my things and getting out of here.

- How? Philania blinked in confusion, and then shook her head sharply. - Wait a minute! No!

“Yes,” I snapped. - I can not do this anymore. This is not the selection of brides, but their murder!

But you can't leave!
