What is the name of the day of the police. How is the day of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrated?

It has been celebrated since 1962, it was then that a decree was issued on the introduction public holiday- Police Day. The police in Russia received their legislative formalization on the basis of the decision of the People's Commissariat for internal affairs dated November 10, 1917 "On the workers' militia". In 1991, the federal law of the RSFSR "On the Militia" came into force.

The historical changes that have taken place in Russia over the past two decades have required a new definition of the place and principles of the activities of the internal affairs bodies in the changed socio-political structure of the state. The need for a new legal platform that would meet modern realities has become obvious. The current law "On the Police" was repeatedly corrected, but this did not give the desired results.

In the 21st century, new challenges and threats have arisen - terrorism, extremism, corruption and transnational organized crime, high-tech crimes.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) was faced with the task of reorganizing the department so that the system would work according to international legal standards, modern technologies, and respond effectively and professionally to new challenges and threats.

The beginning of the process of reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was laid by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2009 "On measures to improve the activities of internal affairs bodies Russian Federation". The active phase of the transformation began on March 1, 2011, when the federal law "On Police" of February 7, 2011 came into force, which led to the renaming of the police to the police.

In 2011 was formed the legislative framework activities Russian police, measures were taken to optimize the functions and organizational and staffing of the entire system. The basis of the new police legislation was the federal laws "On the Police", "On Social Guarantees for Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" .

The main areas of reform were updating the legal framework; carrying out organizational and staff activities aimed at liberation from unusual functions; getting rid of unnecessary management links and increasing the role of operational services.

An important direction of the reform was the humanization of the forms and methods of police work, the transition of the relationship between the law enforcement agency and society to a partnership model aimed at ensuring the effective protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

The renaming of the police to the police also entailed the renaming of the professional holiday of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies.

The internal affairs bodies in Russia ensure the protection of public order, take operational-search and other measures established by law in order to detect crimes and the persons who committed them. An important aspect of their activities is the supervision of compliance with the rules for the acquisition, storage, transportation of weapons, and the fight against the spread of drugs. In natural disasters and other emergencies, the police are involved in saving people, state, public and personal property of citizens, and also ensures the safety traffic.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, last years the detection of the main types of general crimes has increased: murders, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, rape, car theft, robberies, kidnappings, robberies, burglaries.

In 2017, police units registered 2,058.5 thousand crimes, which is 4.7% less than in 2016. Of these, half (52.3%) are theft of other people's property, committed by: theft, fraud, robbery, robbery. Every thirty-third recorded crime is burglary. In 2017, their number decreased by almost 10% compared to the same period in 2016. In 2017, police officers detected 199.3 thousand crimes related to drug trafficking, more than 89 thousand economic crimes, which accounted for about 85% of the total number of crimes in this category. More than 905,000 crimes have been preliminarily investigated by internal affairs officers, which is 81% of the entire array of pre-investigated crimes.

The most important direction for the internal affairs bodies is the implementation of state policy in the field of road safety. The implementation of relevant programs at the federal and regional levels contributed to the improvement of the situation on the roads. Over the past five years, the number of deaths in car accidents has decreased by 32%, the number of injured by almost 17%.

Employees of the internal affairs bodies are also involved in the prevention of offenses. Children and adolescents from the so-called risk groups remain at the center of their attention. Targeted work covered 290 thousand children who committed various offenses. At the same time, every third of them was removed from the register in connection with the correction. As a result of the measures taken, the overall situation has improved. Since 2012, the number of criminal acts committed by teenagers has decreased by almost one third.

As a result of additional efforts aimed at countering illegal migration, in 2017 the police identified over 775,000 violations in this area. Almost 69 thousand foreign citizens were expelled and deported from the country, more than one hundred and ninety thousand

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it takes place where it is felt, where it is expected. Much has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

History of the Russian police

The day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is a great occasion to look at the page of history.

The history of the Russian police dates back to the reign of Peter I. In 1715, the Emperor created a public order service in Russia and called it the police, which means "government of the state" in Greek. On September 8, 1802, under Alexander I, the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Empire was formed. The tasks of the Ministry, in addition to establishing and maintaining calm, ensuring fire safety, fighting fugitives and deserters, also included the construction of roads, overseeing shelters, it controlled trade, mail, medicine and monitored the payment of taxes. However, already in 1810, the leadership of the police was removed from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Police was created. On July 6, 1908, the existence of detective departments under the police departments of cities and counties engaged in operational-search activities was legally fixed.

The Workers' and Peasants' Militia (RKM) was created immediately after the October Revolution on November 10 (October 28, old style) 1917 to protect revolutionary public order. Citizens who had reached the age of 21, who recognized Soviet power, were literate and enjoyed the right to vote, were accepted into the militia. Each enrolled in the police gave a subscription to serve at least 6 months. Many city and county executive committees set up voluntary organizations to assist the Soviet militia (Voluntary Police Detachments, Friends of Public Order, etc.). The introduction of a uniform uniform for police officers increased its prestige in the eyes of workers.

During the years of the Civil War and intervention, police officers actively participated in hostilities and at the fronts.

In 1919, over 8,000 policemen were sent to the Red Army. In 1920, the entire militia of the front line took part in the battles against the troops of Wrangel and the White Poles: more than 3 thousand employees of the railway militia were sent to the Western Front.

The "Regulations on the Workers' and Peasants' Militia" dated June 10, 1920 established that the main units of the apparatus of the RCM are the city and county (general), industrial, railway, water (river and sea) and search police. The regulation defined the RCM as an armed executive body, having the value of armed special forces.

Many police officers for participation in military operations of the Great Patriotic War were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, orders and medals.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 1, 1988, the holiday was renamed Police Day.

The roots of the process of formation of the Soviet militia go back to the February Revolution in Russia. After the overthrow of the autocracy, the tsarist police were liquidated. The decision of the Provisional Government dated 03/06/1917 on the liquidation of the gendarmes corps, and on 03/10/17 on the abolition of the Police Department became the legal consolidation of the liquidation process. The replacement of the police by the "people's militia" was proclaimed.

The legal basis for the organization and activities of the militia was determined in the decrees of the Provisional Government "On the Approval of the Militia" and "Temporary Regulations on the Militia" issued on April 17, 1917. In its resolution, the Provisional Resolution tried to prevent the simultaneous existence of both the people's militia and the armed formations of workers that existed in this troubled time. The Soviets of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies that arose during the February Revolution, along with the people's militia, organized detachments of workers' militia and other armed formations of workers who guarded factories and plants and supervised the maintenance of public order. In the resolution "On the Approval of the Militia", the Provisional Government indicated that the appointment of the people's militia is carried out by the state administration. Thus, the people's militia, created immediately after the February Revolution, became an integral part of the state apparatus.

After the October Revolution, as it is now customary to say, the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets legally secured the formation of the Soviet state and secured the liquidation of the Provisional Government and its bodies locally and in the center. The central militia bodies ceased to exist on December 2, 1917. On the ground, everything depended on the will of the new "masters of life." In many cities and districts, the militia of the Provisional Government was disbanded, while in others it was reorganized under the leadership of semi-literate political workers.

The legal basis for the organization of the Soviet militia was the resolution of the NKVD "On the workers' militia" issued on 28.10 (10.11). 17. This resolution did not provide for the organizational forms of the police apparatus. This was connected, first of all, with the views of the ruling elite on the state system. These views consisted in the fact that with the demolition of the old state machine, first of all, the army and the police were liquidated, and their functions were transferred to the armed people. This view existed for some time after the October Revolution. This idea received organizational and legal expression in the fact that the formation of the workers' militia took place, as a rule, on the basis of voluntariness, and only in some cases the formation took place on the basis of the service introduced by the Soviets.

Due to the fact that the formations of the workers' militia did not have a permanent staff, they were in the nature of mass amateur organizations. However, the real state of affairs has shown the unviability of such an approach to the organization of ATS. The party leadership at that time had a sober mind and sound memory. Already in March 1918, the Commissar of the NKVD raised the question of organizing the Soviet militia on a full-time basis before the Government. This issue was considered at a meeting of the Government, and the NKVD was asked to develop and submit a draft regulation on the Soviet militia.

On May 10, 1918, the NKVD collegium adopted the following order: "The police exist as a permanent staff of persons performing special duties, the organization of the police must be carried out independently of the Red Army, their functions must be strictly delineated."

On May 15, this order was sent by telegraph to all the governors of Russia. On June 5 of the same year, the draft Regulations on the People's Workers' and Peasants' Protection (police) were published. It clarified and deciphered the order of the NKVD, which we quoted. Then, the congress of chairmen of the provincial Soviets, which took place from 30.07. on 08/01/18 "recognized the need to create a Soviet workers' and peasants' militia."

On August 21, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars considered the draft Regulations on the Soviet militia. The Council of People's Commissars instructed the NKVD, together with the NKJ, to rework the draft into an instruction, adapting it (the instruction) to the performance of the direct duties of the police. And, finally, on October 21, 1918, the NKVD and the NKJ approved the Instruction on the organization of the Soviet worker-peasant militia. On October 15, 1918, this instruction was sent to the provincial and district police departments. She established the organizational and legal forms of the police for the entire Russian Federation. The central body of the Soviet militia became the Main Directorate of Militia. It carried out: general management of the activities of the Soviet police; publication of orders and instructions defining the technical and, of course, the political aspects of the work; supervision over the activities of the militia, etc.

For many years the holiday was called "Militia Day". After the entry into force of the new law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the name of the holiday became obsolete. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, the holiday became known as the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation."

Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

Historical reference

The Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is celebrated annually on November 10th. It is this number that was chosen to honor the profession that guards public order. Thanks to the patrol on the roads, PPS-nicknames in in public places, operatives and investigators in the country maintain constitutional calm. The date was not chosen by chance, but became the receiver of the Soviet holiday "Militia Day".

Voentorg "Voenpro" joins the congratulations to the employees and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also offers for this holiday.

On November 10, 1917, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR Rykov signed a decree "On the workers' militia". This day is considered the birthday of Soviet law enforcement agencies.

But the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies itself began to be celebrated only in 1962, and official holiday became even after 18 years. Concert events began to be prepared for the celebrations, and especially distinguished employees were awarded departmental medals, distinctions, and prizes. In society, it was necessary to create a bright image of the Soviet policeman, who stands guard over order. Therefore, a lot of attention was paid to the preparation of the holiday.

In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday was forgotten, and it was restored only 20 years later. Although, despite the absence in the calendar, the Day of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia continued to be celebrated, and quite loudly. For example, since the early 2000s, festive concerts have been held at the State Palace in the Kremlin. So the government took care of honoring the power structures.

In connection with the reform of 2011, the Day of the formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was renamed the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The militia itself became the police, which caused a lot of discussion in society. But in the end, everyone got used to the new name quite quickly, and this issue was no longer understood. On April 5, 2016, another reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out, which led to the reduction of 163 thousand employees and the establishment of the general staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 904871 specialists of all categories.

Part of the reduced was transferred to the newly formed Russian Guard. And the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service were transferred to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What traditions exist on the Day of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia?

The day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of Russia has many of its own traditions, which must be observed. Honoring police officers takes place in all cities where they organize holiday program with the invitation of famous pop stars, theatrical performances, showing documentaries or feature films. Interesting fact: the cult Soviet film "The meeting place cannot be changed" was also released on November 10th.

Congratulations on the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies are heard from all representatives of the authorities. The most distinguished workers are awarded state and departmental awards. The presentation is held in front of the whole city, so that the population knows their heroes by sight. Concerts in large cities are necessarily broadcast on television, so everyone has the opportunity to watch the ceremony. After the official part, the concert continues.

Congratulations on the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are also awarded to veterans of law enforcement agencies who have devoted their entire lives to serving people. They are invited to the holidays as guests of honor and are awarded with commemorative awards. Such continuity shows the young that not only the police maintain order in the state, but the state will not forget about its workers.

Another obligatory event is the solemn laying of flowers at the monuments and memorials of the fallen security officials, who fulfilled their duty to the end and did not retreat from the occupied lines even under the threat of death. Approximate statistics say that on average the country annually loses about a hundred employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the line of duty. More than half of all cases are related to attacks by militants on representatives of law enforcement agencies.

How to congratulate loved ones on the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

The day of the internal affairs officer in 2016 is coming very soon, so it's time to think about presents. Get state awards, of course, it’s nice, but it will be much more pleasant to realize that the relatives have not forgotten about such a significant date and have prepared a surprise. Always want to know what is loving family, which will support in any life situation.

Many do not know what to give for the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to definitely please the recipient. It is enough to visit any military store where you can easily find interesting accessories with the symbols of the relevant department. Such goods are very popular, as they are of high quality and can serve for a very long time, each time reminding the owner of the donor. For most people, in difficult moments, it is these signs that help not to break.

Of course, the Military Pro also remembers the heroes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Need not forget be that November 10 is the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies and congratulate everyone who stands between underworld and tranquility of citizens. There is no doubt that every employee deserves the honors shown to him. Even despite the risk to their lives, every year hundreds of young men and women consciously choose to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as their profession. Therefore, it is necessary to pay tribute to them and do everything possible to promote the image of a policeman in society associated with safety and security.

They can have practical value or just be souvenirs that can be put on the desktop. The security forces have good feeling humor, so something original will definitely give them positive emotions. In such a dangerous and difficult profession it is impossible to live without funny moments, which give the opportunity to be distracted and think about something good.

Voenpro congratulates all employees of the internal affairs bodies of Russia on the holiday!

Work brothers!


Contact our managers for your questions.

Despite the fact that the law enforcement service has existed in Rus' since time immemorial, the servants of the law acquired a professional holiday only in 1962 after the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date of November 10 was chosen because on October 28 (November 10, according to the new style), 1917, the resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR "On the workers' militia" was adopted. For almost thirty years, from 1962 to 1991, the holiday was called "The Day of the Soviet Police". After the change in the political system, the word "Soviet" left the name of the holiday. From 1991 to 2011, the holiday was called "Police Day". Last changes in the fate of the holiday date occurred in 2011. After the adoption of the new law "On Police" dated March 1, 2011, the name "militia" was replaced by "police". The official name of the holiday also changed and came to its current form. We are currently celebrating the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation". However, in everyday speech, the holiday is often referred to more briefly and simply - "Police Day". On this page you will find poems and congratulations on Police Day, postcards and pictures for the holiday, and you can also send cool audio congratulations to relatives and friends of police officers directly to your mobile phone. See also:

On the tenth day of November

Invariably, this happens On the tenth day of November: On the tables, glasses full of mist are not in vain -

Something will wait until tomorrow, Something done yesterday... The holiday came to us suddenly! Happy Police Day! Hooray!


Congratulations to the police officers

We wish the police officers with all our hearts Do not give up positions, May great success await,

Let the career develop, the salary grows faster, Let you want and can Happy holiday everyone, guys!


Beloved Cop

Always on guard my hero! You don't have to fight! With bosses, with life, with mess... But don't fight only with me!

I can always understand you, I always want to hug you. Today I will say loving: "Beloved, happy holiday to you!"


Good poems with congratulations on Police Day

May God save you From all obstacles and from the bad, You boldly move forward, And in life do not know the dashing.

I wish you with all my heart In the police a calm service, May great success await you! Love, hope, true friendship!


Poem to the policeman with a holiday

The police rejoice - Congratulate them, kiss! On this holiday, the whole country is full of gratitude!

Even thieves will congratulate them: Dark deeds will be left! Smile and dance, Policeman, from the heart!


Congratulations on Police Day for women

Our weaker sex - you are the strongest! In the service, this was proved by deed! In work, sometimes overwhelming, Brilliant victories won!

On your special and professional day, Accept a personal gift from us! We give gratitude and recognition, For courage, for a career and for titles!

We female forces We wish the defenders And we cordially congratulate you on the Police Day!


Congratulations to the husband of the policeman

My husband is a brave policeman, He is on duty day and night. And everyday life is not terrible, And the daughter is proud of her father.

Let the troubles pass, Let the shifts be shorter. Let the police workaholic Be like supermen!

Let your salary grow Like dough with yeast, There will be more servelat, On family revels!


Congratulations to a friend - a police officer

The siren roars heavily: “Wah! Whoa! Whoa! A cap sticks out in the window, In a cap - a head.

And in the head of that thought Not easy at times, And a baton with a holster hung on a belt.

And in the holster, the clip is Stuck in the gun. Live, brother, quietly, Preferably a hundred years!


Police Day in Russia

The police service is the shield and sword of the country, while protecting society from the criminal darkness.

It's the police's job to serve the motherland, And cherish the oath taken sacredly.

Knights brave Rati of peaceful days, According to the laws of the motherland Serve every day.

Training is excellent Standing at posts, Neutralize in time Passion of thieves' brigades.

Great Rus will be More beautiful and mile, Under the protection of the knights - Glorious sons.


Cool congratulations on Police Day

Some people do not want to honestly Live somewhere today, But it is known for certain Who will help us in trouble.

Somebody today is a holiday, Someone is drinking something today. Something big and different They want our people.

Somewhere songs will flow, Something will dance. Sing, law! Crime - crack! What-what your mother!


Congratulations on the day of the cops!

Congratulations on the day of the cops! Let there be no jambs! Respected at work, Shake hands firmly!

Everyone is happy to congratulate you! Let the salary go up! Be severe with crime, You yourself are lucky and healthy!


Congratulations on Police Day to women

Your shoulders are crowned with stars, The shape is to the figure and to the face; And these women know how to repulse any insolent!

Girls, today, on Police Day, Our boss signed the order, And you are all appointed queens! Rule us - we love you so much!


Congratulations on the day of the policeman

Policeman, be strong And in love with the profession. Protect ordinary people, And today - just drink!

Just drink and pour, Celebrate this holiday, Happiness in life wanders around, Nothing else is needed!


Congratulations to the police officer

As a child, it seemed that it was courage, Courage, weapons, strength, deduction ... But it turned out - paper, bodyaga, Crosses, scum, intrigue, corruption.

Of the violators, every second is the godfather of the deputy, major and thieves. And the rest - with them, bribed. Throw shackles on FIG!

Go into business, or into private security... Who then will protect you, unfortunate ones? Save life, save investments? Who, if not a humble police officer?


Happy Police Day Opera!

Hand over the weapons to the base! Turn off the phones And set the tables to receive congratulations right away!

Let the opera rest from work today! Pour already, what's there! Happy Police Day! Hooray!


Wishes for the holiday - Police Day

We honor this day especially - Police Day for us - A holiday of the highest standard It was in the past, and now.

We wish you in deed, in a word, to win the world of crime, to always be strong, healthy, promises to keep

And to serve with dignity From trouble, saving everyone, To believe in sincere friendship And our general success!


Congratulations to the Ministry of Internal Affairs

A rubber club is a reliable tool. Doesn't require petrol, starts right up.

The criminal encroacher Will appear in the distance, And - time !!! – already in bed Chews tetracycline.

Tetracycline tasteless, Flowing down the beard. So in writing and verbally Congratulations to the Ministry of Internal Affairs!


Congratulate on Police Day

Congratulate on Police Day I have been dreaming of you for a long time. Only sincerely glorify, wish you every hour

Just enjoy life, Don't forget about your family, And for your homeland To reduce crime!


Guys, Happy Police Day!

Guys, Happy Police Day I want to congratulate you! Career ambitions Let them come true at once!

Let a minimum of crimes Happen in the country, And only straight lines Lead you to fate!


Rest on Police Day!

All colleagues respect you, Relatives love you, friends appreciate you, All doors are open before you, And your family is proud of you.

On this festive day, I wish that all desires, dreams come true, And career growth, and titles, On Police Day, you rest!


Police day for us

Police Day means a lot to us: Every day and every hour, Day and dark night

Our police peace Protects dispassionately! Let life be great, Service - safe!


Thank you police officers

You are on guard of our life, guard the peace, serve the Fatherland with honor with your heart, body and soul,

Even if you can’t say everything in words, But thank you for what you are on guard, What keep our peace!


Good Wishes for Police Day

The policeman - the guardian of order - This is the pride of Russia always! Let the service sometimes not sweet - You cope with it without difficulty!

On Police Day, let the commanders reward you with a new rank! And let new stars suddenly shine on the shoulder straps of the uniform!


Who keeps our peace

Who guards our peace, Guards the hooligans, And guards the order, Protects the defenseless - All the police - vivat! Everyone is happy to congratulate you! We wish you success, Happiness, joy and laughter, And love your work, Give care to all people, We now congratulate you all on Police Day!


Happy holiday! Happy Police Day!

Police Day is celebrated by the whole country from year to year, This holiday is celebrated very joyfully by the people.

We heartily congratulate the wonderful guys, We wish you easy service And high salaries for you!


Happy Police Day!

Happy Police Day! Today you have a big holiday. And from the bottom of my heart I wish you to be happy and believe in yourself,

I wish you success at work, In your personal life - love and warmth! And let everything that you dream of Come true in life always!


There is the tenth number in November, We must not forget it, And the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a wonderful date It is time to congratulate.

You are strong, brave people And you are not afraid of anything, You are doing an important thing And thank you for it!


To all the cops - hip hip hooray!

To all the cops - hip-hip cheers, Your holiday, today! Happiness to you - for all the years, Excellent service!

Titles, honors, awards, Many bonuses, Eternal cheerfulness charge, Auspicious days!

Let the money in the house rustle, Life will be great, And the criminals are in a hurry, Come to you with a confession!


Today you are elegant, beautiful ...

Today you are elegant, beautiful, Let crime fall asleep forever, We say to you for everything: “Thank you!”, We are grateful to you, gentlemen!

You are the protection of the people, You stop crimes, And you are engaged in solving cases, You are in perpetual motion ...

And on your day - from the bottom of our hearts we wish that it becomes calmer in the country, that you are at home more often, that you are appreciated in your family!


Short poem Happy Police Day

Happy Police Day! May the service and fate be successful. All crime will disappear like smoke, so that you are happy, loved and loved!

November 10 is one of the most significant holidays V recent history of our country - the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies (formerly called the Day of the Soviet Police, now - the Day of the Police).

At the height of the October Revolution, the Soviet Republic faced the acute problem of protecting citizens from the criminal element. The creation of paramilitary workers' squads is becoming more relevant and logical than ever. These new-style militia detachments are replenished with thousands of volunteers. The enthusiasm with which they set to work will soon curb gangster arbitrariness.

history of the holiday

The origins of the holiday are rooted in the thick of the October events. On November 10, 1917, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Rykov signed the decree "On the Workers' Militia". This date becomes the actual birthday of the police, but is not officially celebrated in any way until 1962, when the Presidium of the Supreme Council transfers the informal date to the rank of a professional holiday for policemen. And only since 1980, Militia Day acquires the status of a public holiday.

For many years the holiday was called "Militia Day". After the entry into force of the new law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the name of the holiday became obsolete. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, the holiday became known as the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation." The old and beloved holiday received its modern name on October 13, 2011. This is due to the reform of the militia and its transformation into the police, which took place at the beginning of the same year.

For many years one of the gifts to this professional holiday considered a big gala concert on television. Also on this day, many solemn and commemorative events take place, when they not only honor distinguished employees, but also congratulate veterans - former police officers and honor the memory of those who died in the line of duty.
