Right at the wedding, the bride asked the groom to step aside and confessed her feelings to another. A woman in Islam: photos of beautiful Muslim brides in wedding hijabs All the secret becomes clear

28 Mar 2018

Muslim traditions are so strict that even on such a significant day as a wedding, believers steadily follow all traditions and do not even drink alcohol.

The main decoration of the wedding, of course, is the bride. However, restrictions apply even to them.

Wedding Dress should be as closed as possible: dense fabric, forearms, neck and even ears are hidden. Only hands and face can be left open.

Few of us have no idea how Arab weddings go. To tell you about it, for example, let's take the customs of such a conservative country as UAE.

Marriage preparation begins with matchmaking. Although this is a rather conditional stage, since the decision is made by the head of the family. Often men give their daughters in marriage to someone who owes a tidy sum.

From ancient times to the present day, the Arabs have women and men live separately, so the girls do not even have a chance to choose a groom. What is there, they can’t even see their future husband before the wedding.

One day the girl finds out that she engaged. Usually, the groom's representatives come to the bride's father and discuss the terms of the marriage.

An Arab woman can learn about her chosen one only from relatives. Sometimes the groom's mother and sisters come to talk to the bride's mother and sisters, but nothing more.

The next step is notice to relatives and friends about the upcoming ceremony. Sheikhs, who spend several million dollars on weddings, have servants who, in magnificent dresses, come to the homes of the owner's relatives with sweets and invitations.

Before the wedding, the groom and his relatives send the young different decorations, fabrics for sewing dresses and various souvenirs. It becomes her personal property.

Marriage is formally concluded at the time of signing marriage contract. It is signed by the groom in the presence of relatives and the father of the bride, in the presence of his family.

One week before the wedding the bride is locked up in a dark little room dressed in simple robes. It is believed that in this way she will be more beautiful on her wedding day. The groom is obliged to stay at home for several days before the wedding, in the family circle.

Wedding ceremony takes place after sunset. The bride's ring on the ring finger is put on not by the groom, but by a relative.

The festivities take place in a richly decorated bride's house. The wedding is held for several days. Random passers-by are invited to come in to eat wedding dishes.

men celebrating separate from women. This usually happens in separate rooms. At the wedding it is forbidden to drink alcohol, because the UAE has a dry law.

After the festivities, the groom with his father comes for the bride and takes her for the first wedding night. In the morning they lay the table, and the holiday continues for several more days.

Many Slavic peoples, including the Russian national tradition, believe that the bride must cry at the wedding. Many modern people do not fully understand the origins of this custom: after all, marriage is a reason for joy. Why are there tears? It turns out that the crying of the bride has deep social, cultural and mystical reasons.

Bad married life

Many peasant girls for many centuries married not for love, but because the groom's family needed working hands on arable land, in a cowshed, near a Russian stove. Cooking, caring for children, planting and harvesting, caring for livestock - all this and many other duties fell on fragile female shoulders. One could forget about carefree youth in the parental home.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law are not relatives, mom and dad. The brothers and sisters of the husband, too, could often offend the disenfranchised daughter-in-law, who was almost completely dependent on them and could not run away anywhere, there were no divorces. So the girl mourned the happy years with mom and dad.

It is no coincidence that the poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov wrote the following lines:

Village suffering is in full swing...

Share you! - Russian woman's share!

Hardly harder to find.

In addition, the customs at that time were really cruel. Even a monument of Russian literature of the 16th century, called Domostroy, according to whose instructions many families lived until the 20th century, taught men to beat pregnant women carefully so as not to harm the unborn child.

If even a young wife who was in a position was not forbidden to be subjected to physical violence, then what about the rest of the disenfranchised representatives of the fair sex? The book of spiritual instructions urged men to beat their wives painfully and with zeal, but at the same time trying not to cause serious harm to health, so as not to cause deafness, blindness, dislocations, and other serious injuries. Indeed, in this case, the woman will no longer be able to fully work.

In general, a negative and even contemptuous attitude towards the fair sex, their powerless position and absolute dependence on her husband's relatives made the bride cry, realizing that a far from comfortable life awaited her.

Death and new birth

Another reason for tears before the wedding is the pagan idea of ​​the transition from girlhood to family life as a kind of death and new birth. The ritual of marriage is the most important of the initiation rites that a person goes through on his life path. Not by chance, wedding customs somewhat like a funeral.

White veil, perceived modern people as a symbol of innocence, originally had a completely different meaning. This attribute of the bride's attire personified a part of the funeral shroud with which they cover the girl, saying goodbye to her forever. After all, after the wedding in this world will appear new woman, and the former maiden life will end.

In anticipation of the wedding, it was customary to cry, because in the parental home the bride, as it were, ceases to exist, she is between two worlds, having lost her former reality, but has not yet entered into new family. Therefore, the bachelorette party and all the rituals and songs associated with it have a clearly sad, mournful character.

For example, the nanny of Tatyana Larina in Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin" recalls her wedding:

I cried bitterly from fear

They untwisted my braid with weeping,

Yes, with singing they led to the church.

Not to offend parents

It's always sad to say goodbye to mom and dad. Saying goodbye to loved ones who raised the girl, she should have shown that the upcoming separation greatly saddens the young heart. The bride who didn't feel sad or cry when she left native home, seemed to people an ungrateful and heartless person.

So the girl used to lament:

I lived, beautiful girl,

You, my parents:

I lived and adorned

My heart rejoiced

Like a bee bathed in honey.

(From a folk song).

But in addition to living relatives, the girl forever left the good keepers of the hearth, which are the spirits of her ancestors. It was believed that they protect her and take care of her from birth. When marrying, according to pagan beliefs, the bride loses the protection of guardian spirits native family and passes into the jurisdiction of the good defenders of another hearth.

The bride cried so as not to offend her ancestors. She, as it were, showed them that she was not leaving the house of her father and mother of her own free will.

In order not to cry in family life

Since ancient times, there was a belief in Rus': “If you don’t cry before the wedding, then you will cry in family life". Of course, no girl wants to be married life was overshadowed by problems or even troubles. Therefore, the girls often cried from the heart.

It is noteworthy that there was no need to shed real tears for this. It is enough at the moment of farewell to the household to sing a folk song-complaint, performed by a recitative in a minor key. Each region of our country has its own characteristics that give such cries of girls their own flavor.

As a rule, in her song, the bride first persuades her father and mother not to marry her, grieves for the happy years of childhood and youth, regrets that she will never braid her girl's braid again. Then the beauty, crying, seems to come to terms with her share, agreeing to leave her home.

So, for example, a Novgorod girl lamented:

Thank you very much, great,

You are my dear little friends,

That you have not forgotten me, the goryushnitsa.

Yes, they came and were not angry,

Yes, take me to strangers,

Yes, in strangers, yes strangers,

Yes, someone else's for a stranger.

(From a folk song).

The girl had to look sad, even if she marries her beloved guy and considers herself the happiest in the world.

After leaving the parental nest, the bride meets with the groom. And from that moment on, she can not only cry, but just be calm. The girl's face should literally glow with a joyful smile. The newlywed is obliged to be cheerful in order to show new relatives how glad she is to enter their family.

After that, the girl ran out of the hall sobbing. According to media reports, a Singaporean businessman suspected his passion of treason shortly before the wedding ceremony. He hired a private detective who confirmed the groom's fears. The man's heart was broken, and he decided to take revenge.


During the celebration, when the guests were sitting at the tables, he launched a video on the big screen, which began as a classic wedding video. Suddenly, romantic music and beautiful shots were replaced by documentaries. It shows how the bride with an unfamiliar man retire in a hotel room.

According to the head of the detective agency AJAX Investigation & Security Services Zhuo core, at first he and his employees thought that the groom's suspicions had no real grounds - for the first month and a half of observations, the bride did not do anything suspicious, doing ordinary pre-wedding affairs. The detective thought that he was working in vain when the girl showed her true face.

"She was in a hotel with another person, they left separately, but from the same room," he said. The detective filmed it and gave it to the groom. The detective was sure that the client would cancel the wedding. However, he came up with a more sophisticated revenge.

He invited his bride's lover to the wedding ceremony and seated him at the table with her relatives. When the parents of the unfaithful girl saw on the screen a man who was taking their daughter to the room and recognized him as a guest with whom they kindly talked all evening, they were shocked.

The great love of Marine Joshua Newville and Air Corporal Emily Lehan gave them no chance to be alone. After asking the command for a short vacation, they decided to get married.

Wonderful lace of the dress, festive candles, a snow-white cloud of decor mesh, a marvelous bridal bouquet…

The organizers did their best: the ceremony was luxurious.

The main words about love and fidelity sounded.

The main wishes of happiness and long joint years of joy sounded.

The newlyweds exchanged rings and ended the ceremony with a traditional kiss.

It's time for champagne and solemn toasts and congratulations from the guests. But Emily suddenly asks for a minute of attention ... The audience falls silent.

The young wife turns to Gage, Newville's little son from his first marriage. We do not know what she said, in what words she dressed her tenderness for the baby. But we see Gage's touching reaction. A reaction that indicated that her big feelings resonated in her small heart.

Many adult women who neglect the children of their beloved men would learn such wisdom.

She didn't give Gage the gift of life. But life gave her a gift - Gage.

Emily's sincerity struck her husband, who did not expect such a turn of events at all. Newsville even wiped away a stingy male tear ...
