The summer solstice is a great solar holiday! Day of the summer solstice - what is its peculiarity? The holiday begins on the day of the summer solstice.

The most significant event of the year is the summer solstice. This is not only a special natural phenomenon, but also a holiday that, one way or another, was celebrated by almost all cultures of the world. Numerous traditions and rituals are associated with it, which have survived to this day.

Summer Solstice Festival

To begin with, let's find out what the summer solstice means, so by this we mean the maximum duration of daylight hours, and the night is the shortest of the year. At this time, the points of sunrise from sunset seem to freeze in place. From this moment on, the heavenly body is already turning towards autumn. For the Slavs, the day of the summer solstice is a pagan holiday, with which many signs, customs and rituals are associated. It is also called "solstice".

What date is the summer solstice?

In the Northern Hemisphere, this event falls on the 21st, and in leap years it shifts a day earlier, i.e. to June 20th. As for the Southern Hemisphere, the date of the summer solstice falls on December 21 or 22. On this day, the Sun is at its highest position, and then at the end of June and in July it begins to descend lower above the horizon, shortening the daylight hours. In astrology, on June 21, the celestial body passes from the sign to, from which the astrological summer starts.

How long is the summer solstice?

This day is the longest of the year, and it occurs at the moment when the axis of rotation of the Earth in relation to the Sun takes on a minimum or maximum value, depending on the hemisphere. If you observe the heavenly body on this day, it will seem that it is frozen on the horizon. In Russia and Ukraine, a day lasts 17 hours and 33 minutes. The night of the summer solstice is the shortest of the year and lasts 7 hours 46 minutes.

Summer Solstice - what to do?

Since ancient times, people have believed that the solstice is a special magical day, so all rituals, divination and conspiracies have a special power. The pagans without fail celebrated the celebration of midsummer called "Summer". There are several traditions regarding how to celebrate the summer solstice:

  1. The Slavs on this day jumped over the fire and arranged various festivities. There was a belief that if a person bathes in the lake at night, he will be able to cleanse his body of negative energy and sins.
  2. Be sure to meet the dawn on the mountain or any other hill during the celebration of the summer solstice. It is believed that thanks to this, a person absorbs the energy of the sun in order to be saturated with new forces. In addition, it relieves diseases.
  3. The holiday is the perfect time to reset the body and soul. From June 20 to 22 is an energetically strong time in which you can fulfill your cherished desire.
  4. On this day, we should remember the dead loved ones. The Slavs believed that on this day you can enlist the support of your Family in order to get help in any endeavors.
  5. You can put a lit candle at home so that its flame illuminates the room and expels unclean energy.
  6. Plants on this day have a special power, so it is forbidden to harm them, otherwise a person will feel their pain.

Summer solstice - signs

Known a large number of superstitions among the people associated with this day, here are just a few of them:

  1. If the weather is bad on this day, then the year will be lean. In addition, people believed that if the sun was covered by clouds, then nothing good could be expected during the summer.
  2. Signs on the day of the summer solstice say that if there is a lot of dew on the grass in the morning, this is a good sign, portending a high yield. The ancient Slavs necessarily collected it, considering it magical.
  3. If there are many stars in the sky on the night of the 20th (21st in a leap year), this is a harbinger of a good harvest in the fall.
  4. It is believed that if you meet the dawn on the day of the solstice, you can improve your health for the whole year.
  5. If a guy hits a girl on a holiday, it means that in the near future they will play a wedding.
  6. People believed that a person born on the day of the solar solstice is the bearer of the "evil eye", so he can harm others. Now it is believed that such people have powerful energy and even magical abilities.

The magic of the summer solstice

It has already been mentioned that this day is special, and it is filled with powerful energy that you can use for your own good.

  1. The rituals of solar magic have special power. On this day, everyone can make themselves a talisman of the Sun.
  2. It is believed that all opportunities for communication with various astral beings are enhanced.
  3. On the day of the summer solstice, the magic of the day allows for various divinations that will give more accurate information. The most powerful are predictions with the help of Tarot and runes.
  4. This day is ideal for rituals with different crystals and stones. Since the Sun is an energy healer, healing works will be effective.
  5. The summer solstice is a great time to stock up on healing herbs.

Summer Solstice Traditions

Since the time of the ancient Slavs, a large number of traditions have been preserved that are still used today, here are the most popular of them:

  1. To attract happiness and prosperity, you need to kindle a fire and jump over it. If a couple in love does this, they will be happy together for a long time.
  2. The summer solstice among the Slavs used to be accompanied by the collection of flowers and herbs that were filled with solar energy. They can be used fresh or dried, used to make infusions, teas, and the like. You can add them to the brooms in the bath.
  3. To protect your home from the evil eye, negativity and bad people, you can collect Ivan da Marya grass and hang a bouquet near the front door.
  4. On the day of the summer solstice, you can attract health and prosperity. To do this, you need to get up at dawn, spread your arms, as if hugging the sun, and imagine how the energy passes through the whole body.
  5. On this day, the Slavs traditionally dressed in clothes of gold or yellow color to attract success, luck and wealth.

Rituals for the Summer Solstice

Several rituals have survived to this day that our ancestors used to change their lives. The celebration of the summer solstice can be carried out with the following rituals:

  1. To attract wealth. In the morning, take out all the coins that are in your wallet. Fold them under the threshold or in the slot near the front door. From now on, the financial flow will be directed to the house.
  2. To fulfill a dream. To realize a cherished desire, collect wild flowers and weave a wreath. During this, it is important to think that the desired becomes a reality. It is important to visualize everything to the smallest detail. After that, put on a wreath and do not remove it until the evening.

Conspiracies on the day of the summer solstice

There are a large number of different magical texts that help to correct different areas of life.

Summer Solstice Practice

If you want to change something in your life, then you should know that the period of the summer solstice is a great moment for this. There are several simple practices that even a beginner can handle.

  1. Filling life with light. Before going to bed, open the windows so that the first rays of the sun can enter the room without obstruction. In the morning, before getting out of bed, focus on the flow of light, imagining how it fills and charges with energy, happiness and love.
  2. Unity with nature. If you want to know what to do on the day of the summer solstice in order to recharge with positive energy, then go to the park early in the morning, where you should take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass. At this time, imagine how the solar energy passes through you, moving from the top of your head down, and the energy of the earth enters through the heels. Spread your arms out to the sides for a while to absorb as much energy as possible.
  3. Washing with dew. At dawn, run your hands over the grass to collect the dew and wash yourself with it several times. During this, you should imagine how wrinkles, fatigue and other problems associated with appearance go away.

Slavic Holiday Kupala (Kupailo, Kupalo) - the day of the summer solstice. Most a long day and the most short night in a year. This is one of the four main holidays of the ancient Slavs, dedicated to the positions of the Sun (Kolyada, Maslenitsa, Kupala, Radogoshch). The last day of the Rusal Week or Mermaids. Kupala is one of ancient holidays, which has preserved many traditions and customs of our ancestors unchanged to this day, for example: seeing off Yarila, who is replaced by the God of the summer sun Kupala, collecting medicinal herbs, searching for a fern flower, etc. Kupala is also a great holiday, which is now replaced by the church on the birthday of John the Baptist.

When it will be?

Since the cosmos is the most accurate and delayed mechanism, the Earth is always at the coordinates of the summer solstice at the same time, and specifically, the date of the event is June 21, at 13:07 Moscow time.

The legends of the distant antiquity tell us that people for the most part studied exclusively on two cosmic bodies adjacent to our planet - the Sun and the moon. This is mainly due to the fact that they can be observed without the use of devices, with the naked eye. History does not know a people who did not worship the Sun as a deity who bestows the highest good on everyone.

The Slavs celebrated Ivan Kupala on this day. However, later church calendar changed somewhat and, accordingly, the celebration of Ivan Kupala began to be celebrated on a different day than the solstice. To this day, people respect ancient traditions and perform various rituals on this day, such as asking for a good harvest or good health.

history of the holiday

For the first time, people began to celebrate the summer solstice long before our era. Mentions of its celebration can be found among Europeans, Balts, Slavs. At the same time, historians have not yet found out at what point in time representatives of a particular culture began to celebrate this day.

The summer solstice was of great importance to the pagans. It was believed that many aspects of his life (health, luck, marital status, and so on) over the next year depend on the rituals performed by a person on this day. Therefore, almost all residents of the settlements in which it was customary to celebrate this day took an active part in its celebration.

With the spread of Christianity in Europe, many pagan traditions gradually disappeared. But the custom of celebrating the summer solstice turned out to be so strong that it continued to be celebrated many centuries after the adoption of the new faith. Even today it is celebrated in Sweden, Poland, Belarus and other countries. And in Finland, this day is an official public holiday.

Traditions on the Summer Solstice

On this day, look for wild mint, thyme or angelica. At midnight, take turns throwing the withered bunches into the fire. Smoke will go on the ground: beware of failure or illness. The column went up: you will not only be healthy, but also lucky.

Gather a bouquet of the plant known as ivan da maria. By hanging it over the entrance to your apartment (house), you will create a talisman against failures and just sad days.

Cut birch trees, tie bath brooms, and then take a steam bath - this procedure will wash away all ailments from you. By the way, brooms can be prepared for the future, for several months in advance (or even for a year).

It is important to drink water from a well, and even better from a spring - it is considered healing. Girls should also wash their faces so that by the end of the year it will be ruddy and fresh.

Wait for dawn. Having met the sun, you will gain strength and good luck for the whole year.

Collect embers from holiday bonfires. They can be spread around the house and household (even scattered around the garden). Embers will become a powerful protector from evil people, as well as fire, that is, fires.

Make a wish (cherished, but doable), find 12 fences and get over them. Your dream should come true within 12 months.

From the whole wardrobe, choose a piece of sunny color - yellow, gold. Shiny jewelry is also welcome.

And what about marriage? Many esotericists say that the solstice day is ideal for this.

If you are a girl and only dream of meeting your destiny, find 9 holiday bonfires during the night and dance in front of them. If you succeed, in 12 months you will already have the desired stamp in your passport.

For many pre-Christian millennia, our ancestors honored the Sun as the highest divine power that gives life to the whole Earth. Unfortunately, the former deep meaning of the unity of man and all nature with the great heavenly universe has not reached us, but intuitively deep down we continue to feel this unity. All the holidays of Mithraism - the cult of veneration of the Sun - were dedicated to the Sun. And the dates of these holidays have passed into the current Christian holidays.

So, for example, the day of the summer solstice, celebrated earlier as Kupala, is now celebrated later, as the day of Ivan Kupala. Ivan Kupala, unlike the real Kupala holiday, is not timed to coincide with the solstice on June 21, but is celebrated on the date of birth of John the Baptist on July 7. Celebrate July 7 Kupala according to ancient traditions doesn't make any sense as the solstice is long gone. Our ancestors celebrated it exactly at the solstice, on the longest day and the shortest night of the year - the Night on the eve of Kupala.

For more than one millennium, this day has been of incredible importance in the religions of many peoples, as the day of the highest solar energy, the apogee of the dominance of light over darkness. The tradition of rolling wheels and kindling fires has been spread throughout the world and is found in historical sources. North West Africa, Japan, australia and even Brazil. IN Iran one can still observe the winter Zoroastrian festival of Zalda with night vigils and bonfires to dispel darkness, similar festivities are found in Tibet and Muslim northwestern India. This indicates the antiquity of the traditions of worshiping the Sun.

In Rus' the Sun had different faces depending on their position in the sky, on the time of year. That's a newborn Kolyada whose winter light is still weak, then it is young and ardent Yarila, disturbing all nature after hibernation, then a mature husband Dazhdbog bringing a great harvest and prosperity for the whole next year then the wise old man Horse that gives light of hope in the winter time of the dominance of darkness. The change of solar gods occurs on the days of solstices and equinoxes, and each time is accompanied by great holidays. By the way, in the culture of the Mayans and the Aztecs - on the other hemisphere - these days were also accompanied by celebrations.

Starting a Fire - Recreating the Sun

Recreating the Sun by kindling fire on earth is above all other rituals and is the most common practice on all solar holidays. The fire of the fire, saturated with the fire of the Sun, becomes magical. It not only burns out all the darkness, but also gives a fiery body to the passing seasons. It is not for nothing that the effigies of the solar gods are burned during the holidays - thus their current path on Earth ends and they return to the fiery Sun.

Summer Solstice Customs

On the day of Kupala it was accepted set fire to the wheel and roll it down the hill into the river. This symbolic action depicted the Yarila-Sun, rolling down from its highest position in the sky (the moment of the summer solstice). The dancing and fun that marked the summer solstice sometimes lasted whole month. During this period, the day does not decrease so quickly, and the Sun only slightly leaves the zenith. Therefore, there is a feeling of the solstice. For our ancestors, it was not the moment of the highest point of the position of the Sun that was important, but throughout the solstice.

The most important thing on this holiday was Kupala bonfire on the night before Kupala. The night was lit with bonfires as a sign of the victory of light over darkness. The fire in the fire acquired magical properties highest solar energy. With this energy, the fire saturated the spirit of people jumping through it for the whole next year. He burned diseases, failures and other troubles. Couples jumping over the fire acquired harmony in relationships, all damage and evil eye were burned in it. Also, for purification, it was customary to drive cattle between Kupala bonfires.

What to do on the summer solstice

What can we do on the day of the summer solstice, which will take place on June 21, 2017. You can visit one of the holidays of admirers of ancient Russian culture on the night before Kupala, or independently light a Kupala fire somewhere in nature, or, in extreme cases, light a candle at home. You need to mentally turn to the Sun and ask to connect its seething energy with your fire.

The energy of the Sun is absolute justice, clarity, happiness, purity and highest law. Energy, which is so lacking in our lives. So let's ask the Sun on this day for justice in our personal lives, and be sure - in the country and in the world.

Only the field of how you ask for help to the world, the planet and your homeland - you can ask for yourself. That is the order. Let's ask together to put out the hotbeds of wars, bring honest and just rulers to power, and establish social justice in the country. And after that, you can ask yourself what you lack for happiness. Let go of all failures, fears, doubt and despair, these emotions carry negative energy which is opposite to the sun. Be joyful, inspired and solemn on this great sunny holiday! And be sure to feel, believe in the power of the Sun!

We are relatives of the Sun

Blavatsky wrote that The sun is a living spirit that has nerves, and Chizhevsky - that The sun directly affects the mental activity of the masses. The worship of the Sun is so natural that no other beliefs have been able to completely destroy it. So let's return to the Sun, like lost children to their father, who all this time calmly and patiently awaits our appeal. We are related to the Sun. Remember this, and we will all become not orphans, but children of our cosmic parent. And parents always help children! Happy new summer sun to you!

The summer solstice marks the beginning of the calendar summer according to astronomical concepts. In June, the Sun reaches its zenith at the northernmost point of the Tropic of Cancer.

The summer and winter solstices are characterized by the greatest distance of the Sun from the celestial equator. At the same time, the shortest night of the year is observed in summer, and in winter, on the contrary, the longest.

And if the spring equinox is a sign of the beginning of spring, then the summer solstice is the middle of summer, its zenith. Some nations still celebrate many holidays on these days:

  • In fact, the solstice days are probably the oldest surviving holidays. Thus, links to the longest and most short days years were found on the famous disc from Nerba, which, presumably, was created no later than 1600 BC.

    Even for the inhabitants of the Neolithic, the solstices were important. This can be seen in the soil footprints of some circular structures, such as at Goseck in Saxony-Anhalt, between 4800 and 4600 BC, where two of the three gates are aligned with those points on the horizon where the sun rose or set on the day. winter solstice. Well, of course, do not forget about the fantastic Stonehenge in the UK.

    It is believed that ancient people calculated the days of equinoxes and solstices using similar structures, but most likely this is not entirely true. To calculate the summer solstice, a simple stick stuck vertically into the ground is enough. And if its shadow on a summer afternoon is the shortest of all recorded, then the solstice has come.

    And all the stone ancient buildings, most likely, were sanctuaries.

    Summer Solstice Dates

    A modern person does not need any special devices in order to find out the dates of the solstices and equinoxes. Astronomers have long ago calculated everything for several years ahead:

    However, the summer solstice does not always fall on June 21, for example, in leap years it is shifting, but in general, the dates float from 20 to 22 June.

    A little history of the solstice

    Our ancestors took solar holidays, especially such significant ones that were tied to astronomical phenomena, very, very seriously:

    year 2018 2019
    Dates and times of solstices and equinoxes
    20 16:15 21 10:07 23 01:54 21 22:23 20 21:58 21 15:54 23 07:50 22 04:19
    2020 20 03:50 20 21:44 22 13:31 21 10:02
    2021 20 09:37:27 21 03:32:08 22 19:21:03 21 15:59:16
    2022 20 15:33:23 21 09:13:49 23 01:03:40 21 21:48:10
    2023 20 21:24:24 21 14:57:47 23 06:49:56 22 03:27:19
    2024 20 03:06:21 20 20:50:56 22 12:43:36 21 09:20:30
    2025 20 09:01:25 21 02:42:11 22 18:19:16 21 15:03:01

      among the Slavs it was Kupala;

      in the Wiccan tradition of Lita (in ancient times, the festivities were called Alban Heffin, and all celebrations began on the eve of the longest day);

    Many peoples especially celebrated such holidays. This continues to this day, even despite the fact that Christian holidays began to push back and block pagan holidays.

    Related article: Rusal Week: traditions and rituals. What holiday is it?

    If we talk about the solstice, now it is combined with the celebration of the day of John the Baptist (hence the prefix to the primordially Slavic holiday of Kupala - Ivan).

    All festivals dedicated to the Sun, and especially at the peak of its zenith, are much older than the Bible. They have always taken place in:





      and the Baltic regions.

    Even the oldest tower in the world, the Tower of Jericho (Pre-Pottery Neolithic, 8400-7300 BC), shows what a significant role the Sun played in people's lives.

    During the festivities, echoes of pre-Christian rites on the occasion of the solstice still remain. For example, lighting fires is an old ritual of fertility and cleansing:

      the ashes of these fires were scattered over the fields to make them fertile;

      and everything old, unfit to be thrown into the fire.

    Ancient rites of the summer solstice

      The summer solstice, also called the summer solstice, is a celebration of the sun and fire. This fun party filled with delight. If the winter solstice was associated with anxiety about the imminent onset of cold weather, then the summer solstice is a celebration of the pure joy of life. People had no reason to worry, the earth produced the first fruits, and everything went on as usual.

      Everything around smelled of abundance. But survival was difficult in those distant times, and it was not easy, as it is now. But during the summer solstice, the triumph of life could be celebrated carelessly. The land was fertile, the plants quickly grew and promised a rich harvest. Nature lived as if yesterday and tomorrow did not exist. Summer with its own melody filled people's hearts with happiness.

      Huge fires were kindled, people danced around them and jumped over the fire. It was supposed to bring good luck and protect from evil. There are also versions that children were thrown over the fire to protect them from diseases. And smoldering logs were taken into the house to bless the dwelling.

      They celebrated the solstice until late at night, until morning came: burning wheels and logs rolled from the hills.

      On this day, women gathered herbs:

      • delphinium,

        and especially St. John's wort.

      These herbs were tied around the hips and worn until the morning. On their heads they wore wreaths of vervain and ground ivy (gunderman). It was believed that this promotes clairvoyance in people predisposed to it.

      Herbs on the night of the summer solstice received wonderful strong healing properties, which were most effective when the celebrations fell on a full moon.

      People danced naked, only covering their waist and hips with a "grass skirt". This was supposed to increase fertility. The nakedness of that night was sacred, it was a connection with the authenticity of human nature.

      In addition, strong beer was prepared with the help of magical herbs, which had a particularly intoxicating effect and was an aphrodisiac.

    ancient gods

    Pagan priests, also known as Bilvi priests, served the sun god Belenus or Baldur. Their task was to bless the fields in the middle of summer. Especially honored the god of nature Cernunnos, nicknamed "Horned".

      In Greek mythology, he is known by the common name Pan.

      His Germanic name was Freyr.

    He, the king of beasts and a faithful companion of the great goddess of the Earth. It is he who is the deity of nature, the forest, the forces of nature, fruitfulness, creative power, growth, reincarnation, as well as love, prosperity and wealth. To pay tribute to him meant to increase one's own vitality and fertility.

    In honor of this deity, special “wolf” herbs were placed around the fields:

    • raven and others.

    Now, of course, all the rituals have changed a lot. We will write an article about Celtic holiday Lita and Slavic holiday Kupala, and we will tell you everything in more detail in these articles. You can subscribe to blog updates.

    Signs for the summer solstice

    We already had an article in which every day of the national calendar for June is signed, of course, the 21st is also there. People call this day Fyodor Kolodeznik.

    Most of the signs of the summer solstice are weather predictions, and there is nothing surprising in this, the harvest depends on the weather.

    1. Bad weather on June 21 to a crop failure and a bad summer
    2. But a lot of dew in the morning - to a bountiful harvest.
    3. The starry sky on the night of June 21 (20) promised mushrooms in early autumn.
    4. If you meet the dawn on the day of the summer solstice - be strong and healthy for the next year.
    5. On the day of the summer solstice, dreams can come true, especially if you make a cherished wish and climb over 12 fences.
    6. Children born on June 21 (20) have an "evil eye", that is, maybe not wanting it, they can jinx it or invite trouble. But this is just a version. There is a second one, that such children are under the protection of the Sun itself.
    7. If a guy accidentally (or maybe not) pours water on a girl, then there will be a quick wedding.
    8. And if you dance all night around nine bonfires, then the red maiden will absolutely marry this year. This is what our ancestors thought.

    In the most ancient mythological studies, especially in the Teutonic and Celtic ones, the sun was a female deity;

      The longest day of the year is not always the warmest;

      On the night of the solstice, various forest spirits, for example, fairies and elves, freely roam the earth;

      Norwegians believe that on this night you can’t sleep, but you need to have fun;

      In June, the distance to the Sun is greater than in December;

      The earliest sunrise does not occur on the day of the summer solstice, but earlier;

      The dew that fell on the longest day of the year was usually collected and poured into a separate vessel, as it was believed that it had a rejuvenating and healing effect.

      Stonehenge still celebrates the summer solstice.

    A Simple Ritual for the Summer Solstice

    At the end of the article, I would like to give one of the oldest purification rituals.

    Take a small linen bag and fill it with herbs:




      earth ivy.

    Mentally list all your worries, fears and problems and "put" them along with the herbs in the bag. Then tie the bag tightly, and throw it into the fire.

    The fire should be lit together with your like-minded people and friends, this will give more effect. If the fire is small enough, jump over it (only if it's completely safe and hassle free) to cleanse yourself of all negativity.

    Of course, the Christian church has a sharply negative attitude towards all these ancient rites. And that is why some of them have already been lost for centuries, and some are closely intertwined with the beliefs of Christians. But something, nevertheless, still managed to be preserved, after all, this is our culture and our heritage.

    That's all. Have a nice and happy summer.

    On June 21, we will celebrate a grandiose astronomical holiday - the Summer Solstice. This is the longest day of the year when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky. This is a powerful special time, filled with the energy and power of nature and the Sun.

    On the days around the Solstice, the Earth's energy is at its peak, and so is our own energy. It is especially strong on the day of the Solstice itself.

    Mentions about the celebration of the solstice can be found not only among the Slavs, but also among Europeans, the Baltic states. Even today it is celebrated in Sweden, Poland, Belarus and other countries. And in Finland, this day is an official public holiday.

    The celebration of this day at Stonehenge deserves special attention. Most scholars agree that in the distant past, the Druids chose this place for their rites. The Celts, they say, believed that on the day of the solstice, the fertilization of the Mother Earth by God the Sun took place. Today, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge on the summer solstice to pay tribute to the old Celtic traditions.

    Interestingly, the holiday was celebrated even in Nazi Germany. Moreover, in terms of its scale, it was not inferior to the ancient pagan celebrations: with the onset of darkness, people made fires and jumped over them, staged torchlight processions, dances and games.

    On this day, rituals involving fire and water are performed. Almost always they burn large fires and bathe in natural reservoirs or baths. It is believed that these rituals contribute to the purification of the soul. In Sweden, Germany and other countries, on this day it is customary to install a Maypole in a crowded place, symbolizing the triumph of goodness.

    The summer solstice is associated with the power of fire and its cleansing action. In a cleansing flame, mothers burned the shirts worn by sick children. According to legend, the disease burned along with the clothes.

    Elemental Time

    The summer solstice is one of the four main solar points of the year. Others are the winter solstice when the Sun enters 0 degrees Capricorn, the vernal equinox when the Sun enters 0 degrees Aries, and the autumn equinox when the Sun enters 0 degrees Libra.

    The most important thing, in my opinion, modern man- this is that solar holidays allow you to tune in to the correct natural cycle, which is more natural for a person than the social rhythm of life. Attuning to the sun, a person raises the tone of all vital organs, forges astral armor against "everyday life" and harmful foreign influences, strengthens the health of the body and the balance of the soul.

    In the end, the attunement of man and the Sun makes it possible to feel like an important cosmic unit capable of much, and not just a cog in modern society.

    Ideally, of course, - ah yes, out of the city to nature - to the realm of life and the four elements!

    But if, nevertheless, at this time you stay in the metropolis, then this practice is also available to you.


    The main symbol of the Solstice is, of course, fire. Solar fire is heavenly, and its reflection is earthly fire. On the one hand, fire always symbolizes the very power of life, on the other hand, the human soul is woven from the same finest substance as sunlight. That is why on the Solstice you can thoroughly cleanse your energy, burn down complex karmic knots and at the same time saturate your subtle bodies, up to the soul, with a new radiant power. That is why fires are made, candles are lit, and most importantly, they meet the sun at dawn.

    Direct tuning of the body and soul to the solar rhythm

    First of all, stand in one of the climactic sunny days June 21, 22, 23 or 24 early, early, together with the sun, because the night is now very short. The best time to do this is tomorrow. At the moment when the light begins to rise like a red apple in the east above the horizon (and has not yet become dazzling), take a comfortable position to openly contemplate the fiery disk. It can be a clearing in the forest, a seashore, an open field, but your balcony or the roof of a high-rise building can also come up.

    Look at the sun with wide eyes, but with a calm, relaxed look. To get enough of his power, start breathing like. Breathe until you feel that your body, and especially your heart, is filled with fertile heat. Remember this feeling.

    At this time, you can ask the Sun for support in a difficult situation, in getting rid of something small that interferes with life (for example, fussiness, addiction, greed, irritability - any negative quality, as well as any illness). At this moment you warm up your aura and your soul.

    At the time of tuning to the Sun, you can make a wish, the most intimate! Imagine how, by saturating your energy with solar power, you simultaneously saturate your desire, and it will certainly come true. It can be done like this. You visualize your desire as a sparkling ball that grows and becomes brighter at the solar plexus (manipure chakra) as you breathe in the Sun. When you feel a density in manipura, ready to explode from within, push this ball out of yourself, like ball lightning or a Firebird, to the east, towards the Sun.

    The solstice is the time when the border between the planes of reality is thinned to the limit, so everything accelerates, including the fulfillment of desires. At the end of the practice, thank the Genius of the Sun in your own words from the bottom of your heart, because at this time he is at the zenith of his power and is especially beautiful.

    What else is good to know

    For those who work on self-development, these days are very important. On the day of the summer solstice, solar energy intensifies and the potential for magic, rituals and meditation increases dramatically. On this day, you can not only take a big step towards exciting changes, but also absorb the most powerful energy that will nourish you for many months. If you have already realized for a long time that you would like to change your life, consider that the decisive moment has come - it is difficult to imagine a more successful period than the day when sunlight overwhelms the world around us, disinterestedly giving away its warmth and energy.

    Throughout the day, remember that today you are programming yourself for many weeks to come. Readily absorb everything positive, but at the same time remember to keep a strong defense, protecting yourself. Bioenergetics believe that in this way it is possible to protect the biofield and chakras of a person from imbalance. Do not be afraid to make the most daring wishes today and make grandiose plans - the Sun will give you its powerful support and give you strength to realize your plans.

    Our distant ancestors, who endowed every natural phenomenon with human traits, and, of course, could not stay away from this astronomical phenomenon. The ancient Slavs celebrated on June 21 the birthday of the god of thunder Perun, and the Celts and Druids celebrated the holiday of Lita, which can be translated as "the longest day of the year."

    Many rituals and traditions on the day of the summer solstice are reminiscent of the celebration of Ivan Kupala. Indeed, initially Ivan's Day was closely associated with the longest day of the year, but a mixture of Christian and pagan traditions, as well as due to the separation of calendars for the Gregorian and Julian feasts of Ivan Kupala, we celebrate on July 7th.

    Astrologers and esotericists claim that the summer solstice greatly affects all living organisms, whether they are people or plants. Peasants have long noticed that it is up to the day of the Solstice that annual plants grow in height, and after that they begin to vigorously nourish their fruits.

    It has also been noted that the seeds that will be sown on June 21 will either not sprout at all, or the seedlings will be weak and frail, even if they artificially lengthen the day.

    During the summer solstice, the entire space around us is literally saturated with the energy of the Sun. June 21 is perfect for programming the future - set yourself up for a positive wave in the morning and don't miss it at least until sunset.

    From the point of view of astrology, the summer solstice is especially favorable for the signs of the elements of fire - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. For the earth and water signs of the zodiac, the day is generally neutral, but the representatives of the air element should be careful and prudent on this day.

    What kind of magic is suitable for the Summer Solstice?

    • The rituals of solar magic are greatly enhanced. For example, on this day you can make a talisman of the Sun for yourself.
    • A subtle connection with the astral world is much easier.
    • Divination on the day and night of the summer solstice is much more accurate. Divination on Tarot cards and Runes is especially suitable. True answers are given by divination for love.
    • Love magic spells work much better on the day of the summer solstice. For love magic, collect seven different herbs, flowers and sew into an amulet. Flowers of marigold, lavender, rosemary, sunflower, fern leaves, verbena, oak, mountain ash, etc. have love-attracting properties on this day. The traditional magical colors of this day are yellow and red, red and pink flowers are also suitable for love magic. On this day, you can perform a ritual to attract love.
    • This is a powerful magical time for rituals with crystals, stones with the help of solar energy.
    • This is a very good day to start the healing work because the Sun is the esoteric healer.
    • Gathering herbs for magic, especially those used for solar magic, fire magic, and healing. Powerful healing power solar herbs collected at this time possess: wormwood, burdock, St. John's wort, mistletoe, dill, parsley, green onions, thyme, honeysuckle, hyssop, nettle, meadowsweet. And some, such as nettle, mountain ash, burdock, dill, are used at home to protect against evil. On the day of the summer solstice, you can perform a ritual to protect the house.
    The night before the summer solstice is a magical time. To meet the solstice, rituals are held at night on the eve of this day. This is the time when the veil between our world and the parallel world becomes thin, allowing magic, spirits and fairies to permeate our world.

    In ancient times, celebrations of the summer solstice almost always included ritual bonfires. The tradition of jumping over the fire of a fire has been preserved from ancient times to the present day. Nowadays, not everyone has the opportunity to build a fire, but you can light yellow or orange candles. The element of fire symbolizes vitality and life itself. Death is cold. Fire is warmth and life. In many traditions, this day celebrates the union of the elements of Water and Fire, and water also has powerful magical powers.

    The next important solar point of the year will be the autumnal equinox.

    Ritual Turning to the Light

    The whole day of the summer solstice must be turned into meditation: from morning to night.

    The day before, take a glass of water, pour a sip of holy water into it and top up with regular water. Put it on your bedside table and go to bed before dawn.

    If the birds failed to wake you up, try to wake up from the first alarm signal: you should not fill up the notorious “five minutes”. Open your eyes and welcome the world. Sit in bed and spread your arms wide, imagine how you absorb solar energy. It spreads with warmth throughout the body, penetrates into every cell, fills thoughts. Having sent your greeting to the day of the summer solstice, drink water, mentally saying a prayer: the one that is closer to you in spirit and causes the strongest sensations. Just think about every word, give meaning to every step of this day.

    All the things that you plan for this day should be pleasant to you. The people you meet should evoke only good emotions. In no case do not get involved in conflicts and avoid fuss.

    Ritual for change

    To drastically change your life for the better, on the night of June 21-22, you need to spend an hour by the pond, taking a mug of spring water with you. From time to time, drink a sip with the words: “As water runs, hurries, changes, so let my life change for the better.”

    The ritual must be performed between dusk and dawn.
