Granite - description and properties of a healing stone. What is granite and where is the stone used: composition, extraction and processing, unique properties Granite message for 2

Let's look into the storerooms of the Earth

Rocks form the thickness of the Earth, and they themselves consist of minerals.

View Samples feldspar, quartz and mica. These are minerals, joining together, form granite rock

Consider a piece of granite. Find colored grains. It is the mineral feldspar. Find translucent grains. This is the mineral mica.

Complete the chart. composition of granite.
Color in the scheme a rectangle with the name of the rock with a green pencil, rectangles with the names of minerals - with a yellow pencil.

Write out examples of rocks from the textbook.

Granite, sand, clay, limestone, chalk, marble, flint

Find additional information about granite, feldspar, quartz, mica in the atlas-determinant "From Earth to Sky". Prepare a message about 1 - 2 of these stones (of your choice). Write down brief information about them.

Granite is gray, pink, red. It can often be seen in cities: the walls of some buildings are lined with granite, river embankments are built from it, pedestals for monuments are made. Granite is a rock composed of grains of several minerals. It is mainly feldspar, quartz, mica. Colored grains are feldspar, translucent, sparkling - quartz, black mica. "Grain" in Latin "granum". From this word came the name "granite".

Feldspar is the most common mineral on the earth's surface. Many varieties of feldspars are known. Among them are white, gray, yellowish, pinkish, red, green stones. Most of the time they are not transparent. Some of them are used to make jewelry.

Quartz is a mineral that is part of granite, but is often found on its own. There are quartz crystals ranging in size from a few millimeters to several meters! Transparent colorless quartz is called rock crystal, opaque white - milky quartz. Many people know transparent purple quartz - amethyst. There is pink quartz, blue quartz and other varieties. All these stones have long been used to make various jewelry.

Mica is a mineral consisting of plates, thin leaves. These leaves are easily separated from each other. They are dark, but transparent and shiny. Mica is part of granite and some other rocks.

If you have your own collection of stones (for example, colorful sea pebbles or other stones), choose the most beautiful and interesting ones. Take photos and post them here. In the signature, try to convey your attitude to the world of stones.

Looking at stones is a very exciting experience. Studying the stones, you will definitely go to the distant past of our planet and the area where you live. There are countless different stones on Earth: beautiful and not very, different colors and forms. Looking at the stones, you think that each of them has some kind of mystery and many mysteries. And not all of them, probably, are revealed and solved. And how much these stones have seen in their lifetime! I would like to know what secrets they hide in themselves, how they differ from each other, what is the history of their appearance on Earth, and what benefits stones bring to people.

Granite refers to rocks formed during the solidification of magma. This is a very hard material. Granite is the basis of all continents, it is widely distributed on Earth. But in space it is nowhere to be found: neither on the planets of our solar system, nor in meteorites.

This rock contains several minerals. The main components are quartz, which is interspersed in granite grains and creates beautiful drawing rocks, as well as feldspar. Quartz gives a special hardness to the stone. It also contains mica. In the process of weathering of this rock, kaolin (white clay) is formed.

The main branch of granite use is construction, since the material does not absorb moisture at all, it does not get dirty, it endures low temperatures. It is used for interior or exterior decoration. The only minus of the rock is natural radioactivity. Separate varieties of granite are used to obtain uranium.

Granite comes in various colors: pink, greenish, blue and even yellow, but gray is more common. Its pattern is heterogeneous, includes grains of various sizes and stripes, which makes granite a very beautiful material. Translated from Latin, granite means "grain". Fine-grained rock is considered stronger and more durable. An artificial analogue is porcelain stoneware, obtained by pressing and firing at a temperature above 1000 degrees a mixture of quartz, clay, spar and water.

After polishing to a shine, granite countertops, stairs, columns are made, used to decorate fireplaces and fountains. Many monuments are made of this durable material. Everything that is made of granite is practically eternal, resistant to various mechanical influences, does not wear out or scratch. Granite is often used in the construction of metro stations.

Granite is not easy to extract, because it must be extracted in whole blocks, without destruction. Blocks are chipped or cut off from blocks. Sometimes a hole is made in the rock and explosives are laid, after the explosion the block breaks into large pieces.

During the processing of the rock, a lot of granite chips are formed. It is added in the production of paving slabs, pouring asphalt, building foundations. The crumb has found application in landscape design: paths in gardens are covered with it so that puddles do not form on them.

Option 2

Granite is a mineral demanded and popular for many centuries. Granite is solidified magma that is part of the earth's crust. Granite crystals are not found on other planets, so geologists have made up the saying "granite is the hallmark of the Earth."

Granite in Latin means grain. Granite stone consists of small (less than 2mm) or large (6-7mm) grains.

Composition of granite stone:



Characteristics of granite:

Durability up to 500 years;




Depending on the places of origin, granite acquires a different color of red, white, brown, black.

The disadvantages include:

Residual radiation for some varieties of the mineral, so it is mainly used for outdoor decoration;

The high cost of mining the mineral.


Granite is mined in three ways:


Extraction by air;

- “stone-cutting method”.

The development of granite by undermining the rock is called an explosive mining method. A well is being drilled, a charge is placed in it and blown up. The quality and strength of granite rock is low.

The extraction of the mineral according to the second option is carried out by drilling a well in the form of a reservoir and then air is pumped into the well under pressure, an explosion occurs, in this way more monoliths are mined, and there is less waste. This method is more laborious, requires special equipment and more time.

The third mining method is the "stone-cutting method", which uses special equipment and highly skilled workers. By this method, granite deposits are developed to the maximum and of high quality.

Granite is found on all continents of the planet. Up to 50 deposits are known in our country - from Karelia to Transbaikalia.

Granite is a mineral

Granite refers to crystalline rocks found in mountainous areas and consists of feldspar, mica and silicon oxide. The breed can be found on all continents of the planet.

Due to the crystallization of magma at different depths under the earth's crust, a solid mineral of various configurations and sizes is formed. In some cases, it appears on the surface of the earth due to the destruction of the sediments that blocked it.

This a natural stone with fine, medium or coarse grained structure. The stone has extensive colors and a variety of shades: black, burgundy, gray, white and with various inclusions. The hue depends on the percentage of minerals included in the granite.

Throughout Russia, there are up to 50 places where granite is formed, which is used as a piece of stone. Most large deposit beautiful stone found on the territory of Ukraine.

Advantages of granite

1. High-quality fine-grained granite is durable and does not degrade for 500 years.

2. Resistant to abrasion, friction and compression. The stone has a density of 2.6-2.7 t / m, and a strength of up to 250 MPa.

3. Granite is not affected by atmospheric phenomena and acids. Great for finishing the exterior of the building.

4. Waterproof. The material does not absorb moisture and is suitable for use in the construction of embankments.

5. Radiation-safe and environmentally friendly stone.

6. Variety of textures.

7. Good compatibility with other building, finishing and decorative materials that fit perfectly into all design solutions.

8. Large range of colors. The most common granite gray color, less common red, pink, orange and green.

Granite is a versatile material, it is widely used in construction:

Floors on flights of stairs due to abrasion resistance;

Window sills, cornices, countertops, columns, railings are not subject to mechanical damage due to the increased strength properties of the stone;

A variety of textures for facade and interior decoration;

Landscaping details;

Supports on the bridge, steps and paving stones;

Occupying central part face, nose is its architectural center. There are about 15 main types of noses, each of which includes five main parameters of the nose - the root, the shape of the back, the direction of the base, the tip and the length.

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  • The use of granite since ancient times had not only an aesthetic value, but also a functional side. Today, the stone is polished, ground, the surface of the processed samples has many names - polished, sawn, bush-hammered. For certain purposes, the stone is treated with fire. And all this variety of granite materials serves the conscience of a person.

    The most durable, practical countertops and window sills are obtained from stone, which are also quite original due to the texture and color of the mineral. There are even fashion trends associated with cladding with this material. If earlier smooth surfaces were popular, today textured elements are in use. They conditioned the use of granite as a floor covering to avoid shoes slipping. Walls with textured design are also in fashion, it gives the interior a rich look and sets the main tone for the style decision.

    It is clear that properties and areas of application of granite are interconnected. So, the hygiene of the stone, moisture resistance make it possible to create sinks and bathtubs from it. In addition, the mineral has high heat resistance, which is only a plus for the material used for such premises. The stone gives a person comfort and aesthetics in everyday life.

    And yet the main thing for which he has been loved for centuries is his presentability. Majestic staircases, magnificent sculpture, harmonious borders and paving stones, monumental structures made of granite have been and will continue to be created as long as the mineral is formed in nature, as long as the reserves of this unique “eternal” stone allow.

    A brief message about granite, the most common rock, is given in this article.

    Brief information about granite

    Translated from the Latin language "granite" means "grain". And in the earth's crust, it is the most common rock. This is a clearly crystalline granular massive volcanic rock, which was formed in the process of cooling and solidification of magma melts at depth. By its nature, granite is a durable material, therefore it is used in construction.

    Among the main characteristics of the breed are:

    • The strength of granite exceeds the strength of marble by 2 times. This is due to the presence of quartz in its composition, so it can only be polished with a diamond.
    • It is able to withstand temperatures from -60 ° C and more than + 50 ° C and is practically not affected by the fungus.
    • High level of moisture absorption.
    • impact resistant external environment, acids and precipitation.
    • Frost resistant.

    Granite description for children of the appearance of the stone

    Since granite is an igneous rock, it is highly polished. Its mirror surface, obtained in the process of polishing, can retain its lining for a long time. It contains a large number of grains. And depending on their size, granites are:

    1. fine-grained
    2. medium-grained
    3. Coarse-grained

    Fine-grained granites are the most resistant to mechanical stress and weathering. They are considered the most expensive and high-quality breed. A distinctive feature of granite is its color range, which depends on the amount of feldspars in its composition. The most common shades of the stone are pink, red, orange, gray-blue, bluish-green. Biotite and hornblende, mafic components also influence the color. Thanks to them, granite can be dark and greenish in color. The rarest are rocks with blue quartz.

    Granite deposit

    Geologists find information about granite and its deposits. This rock is common on all continents. The main places where granite is mined are Wisconsin, Georgia, Vermont, South Dakota, Malokohnovskoye and Mokryanskoye deposits, the Urals, the Far East, the Caucasus, and Siberia.

    • It carries sounds through itself much faster than air.
    • Contains radiation.
    • Mount Kanchenjunga, the world's third highest mountain, is made entirely of granite.
    • The main world suppliers of granite are Italy, China and India.
    • Interestingly, this rock was formed at great depths under enormous pressure, and after millions of years it ended up near the surface of the earth.

    We hope that the story about granite for children helped you learn a lot. useful information about it natural stone. And you can leave your message about granite through the comment form below.

    Do you know that all materials on Earth rest on powerful granite slabs? Granite is a hard rock that is one of the main materials that form the outer part of the earth's crust.

    The name "granite" comes from the word "granum", meaning "grain" in translation. This, however, as you understand, is not about grains of wheat or rye. Grains are called crystals of quartz, mica, feldspar, hornblende and other minerals that are constituents of granite. Granite color may vary. Most often it has a grayish or pinkish color, but the presence of impurities in it can change its color.

    Granite is a volcanic rock. As a rule, it is formed in the depths of the Earth when molten magma cools. Magma is a mixture of various minerals that looks like dough.

    Granite is formed in mountainous regions. Rocks on the surface of the Earth, like a huge blanket, prevent magma from cooling too quickly. Granite is outside only when the outer covers are "weathered", that is, they are destroyed under the influence of water, wind, ice, or as a result of movements in the earth's crust, when granite blocks are pushed to the surface.

    After that, however, the granite itself undergoes weathering. The feldspar crystals are destroyed first, turning into a mixture of clay and salts. Only quartz is able to resist the influence of the forces of nature. Over time, only fragments and mineral dust remain from the giant granite rocks, which, together with the remains of living organisms, form the soil.

    Granite is one of the most durable building materials. He goes to the construction of facades of large buildings, monuments, as well as the manufacture of gravestones and tombstones. The ancient Egyptians used it to build temples and the famous pyramids.

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