Women's day March 8 history. How did Women's Day come about?

The idea of ​​a women's social movement arose for the first time in the second half of the 19th century, and it received a significant impetus to development at the turn of the 19th-20th century, when a period of militant ideas, an aggressive revision of the world's borders, social upheavals, and a significant population growth began in industrialized countries.

On March 8, 1857, New York textile workers and seamstresses took to the streets to protest. Their demands included a ban on inhumane working conditions and wage increases. Police detachments were thrown against the demonstrators, who brutally dispersed the demonstration. Two years later, again in March, the same textile workers formed their first trade union to protect the basic rights of working women.

In 1977, the UN adopted a resolution that called on all states to proclaim March 8 as International Women's Day. Countries former USSR and many others have declared the day a national holiday.

Another date, March 8, this time in 1908, is memorable in the United States. This is the so-called Day of Bread and Roses. Gathered in numbers of 15,000, women took to the streets of New York in an organized manner, seeking suffrage, the same salary as men, reduced working hours, and a ban on the use of child labor. Bread in the hands of the demonstrators symbolized social security, and roses symbolized high living standards.

In 1910, an international conference was held in Danish Copenhagen, bringing together more than 100 women from 17 powers. All of them - including the first three women elected to the Finnish parliament - represented the socialist organizations of their countries. It was this women's international who unanimously supported the German representative Clara Zetkin, who proposed to establish Women's Day around the world on March 8, in memory of the New York textile workers' strike.

At the same time, the conference participants decided that they would fight for women to get the right to work, study, vote, as well as the right to hold public office on an equal basis with men.

Interestingly, the logo of the International women's day made in purple and white tones - these are the colors of Venus, considered the patroness of women. It is purple ribbons that are worn around the world on March 8 by famous and accomplished women - politicians, business women, teachers, doctors, journalists, athletes, actresses, when they participate in events dedicated to the advancement of women. These can be government initiatives, political rallies, women's conferences or theatrical performances, craft fairs and fashion shows.

In Russia, International Women's Day has been celebrated since 1913. About one and a half thousand people participated in the first celebration, which took place in St. Petersburg in the building of the Kalashnikov Grain Exchange.

As old as the world and known to all. Just in case, I checked with my colleagues and realized that many people know only the official version. On the eve of Women's Day, we decided to collect all the stories that, one way or another, relate to the creation of International Women's Day. Some of them may shock and even discourage you from celebrating this day at all.

Version one, official: Working Women's Solidarity Day

The official version of the USSR says that the tradition of celebrating March 8 is associated with the "march of empty pots", which was held on this day in 1857 by New York textile workers. They protested against unacceptable working conditions and low wages. It is interesting that in the then press there was not a single note about the strike. And historians have found that March 8, 1857 was a Sunday at all. It is very strange to go on strike on the weekend.

In 1910, at a women's forum in Copenhagen, the German communist Clara Zetkin called on the world to establish International Women's Day on March 8th. She meant that on this day women would organize rallies and processions, and thereby draw public attention to their problems. Well, we all know this story.

Initially, the holiday was called the International Day of Women's Solidarity in the Struggle for Their Rights. The date of March 8 was brought under the same strike of textile workers, which, in fact, may never have happened. More precisely, it was, but it was not the textile workers who were on strike. But more on that later.

This holiday was brought to the USSR by Zetkin's friend, the fiery revolutionary Alexandra Kollontai. The one that conquered the Soviet Union with the "great phrase": "You have to surrender to the first man you meet as easily as drinking a glass of water."

Version two, Jewish: praise of the Jewish queen

Historians have not agreed on whether Clara Zetkin was a Jew. Some sources claim that she was born in the family of a Jewish shoemaker, while others - a German teacher. Go figure it out. However, Zetkin's desire to connect March 8 with the Jewish holiday of Purim cannot be hushed up.

So, the second version says that Zetkin wanted to connect the history of Women's Day with the history of the Jewish people. According to legend, the beloved of the Persian king Xerxes, Esther, saved the Jewish people from extermination, using her charms. Xerxes wanted to exterminate all the Jews, but Esther convinced him not only not to kill the Jews, but, on the contrary, to destroy all their enemies, including the Persians themselves.

It happened on the 13th day of Arda according to the Jewish calendar (this month falls on the end of February - the beginning of March). Praising Esther, the Jews began to celebrate Purim. The date of the celebration was sliding, but in 1910 it fell on March 8th.

Version three, about women of the most ancient profession

The third version is perhaps the most scandalous for all the fair sex, who await International Women's Day with trepidation.

In 1857, in New York, women did protest, but they were not textile workers, but prostitutes. Representatives of the oldest profession demanded to pay salaries to sailors who used their services, but did not have the money to pay.

On March 8, 1894, prostitutes again demonstrated in Paris. This time they demanded recognition of their rights on an equal footing with those women who sew clothes or bake bread, and the establishment of special trade unions. This was repeated in 1895 in Chicago, and in 1896 in New York - shortly before the memorable congress of suffragettes in 1910, where it was decided to declare this day women's and international at the suggestion of Zetkin.

By the way, Clara herself carried out similar actions. All in the same 1910, together with her friend Rosa Luxembourg, she brought prostitutes to the streets of German cities demanding an end to police excesses. But in the Soviet version, prostitutes were replaced with "working women."

Why did they introduce March 8?

Many historians agree that March 8 is the usual political campaign of the Social Democrats.

At the beginning of the 20th century, women protested all over Europe. And in order to attract attention, they did not even need to show their breasts. It was enough just to walk through the streets with posters on which socialist slogans were written, and public attention was ensured. And the leaders of the Social Democratic Party have a tick, they say, progressive women are in solidarity with us.

Stalin also decided to add to his popularity and ordered to recognize March 8 as International Women's Day. But since it was difficult to tie it to historical events, the story had to be slightly corrected. And nobody really cared about it. Once the leader said - so it was.


Following the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day", which until recently was celebrated on February 23, both International Women's Day - March 8, and Victory Day - May 9 can go into oblivion.

March 8 is World Women's Day, a holiday of love, female beauty, wisdom and tenderness. Today this day is considered a holiday of spring and attention to female gender regardless of her status and age. We thank women for being in our lives. On this day, it is customary to pay attention to your beloved women, compliment them, please them with care and gifts.

March 8 Wikipedia holiday history: versions of the appearance of the holiday

World Women's Day has not always been considered a holiday of spring. Initially, he was associated with the struggle in the political, economic and social fields. Then, the goal was to defend their rights, and to establish equality between a man and a woman.

In 1966, in the USSR, this day became not only a holiday, but also, accordingly, a non-working day. Over time, the holiday ceased to be tied to politics and the struggle of women for their rights, but simply, without any explanation, became a holiday on March 8th.

There are several versions of how this holiday appeared.

According to the official version - "Working Women's Solidarity Day". According to tradition, celebrating March 8 was associated with the "march of empty pots". It was held by textile workers from New York in 1857. They wanted to achieve equality, so they came out to protest against unacceptable working conditions and low pay.

In 1910 in Copenhagen, the German communist Clara Zetkin raised the issue of choosing one day a year when a woman could express her problems, thereby attracting public attention to her. From the very beginning, the holiday was called the International Day of Solidarity of Women in the Struggle for Their Rights, and the date of March 8 referred specifically to the performance of working women.

According to the Jewish version, Clara Zetkin wanted the events associated with Women's Day to be connected with the history of the Jewish people. According to legend, Xerxes wanted to destroy all the Jews, and Esther, who was his beloved, on the contrary, convinced him to destroy all Jewish enemies, including the Persians themselves. Glorifying Esther, the Jews began to celebrate Purim, which in 1910 fell on March 8th.

Version of the oldest female profession. This option is the most unpleasant for women. According to this version, the protest, which was in New York in 1857, was attended not by textile workers, but by prostitutes. They insisted that the sailors who used their services be paid their wages.

Such demonstrations were held in Paris in 1894, in Chicago in 1895 and in New York in 1896, reports Wordyou. This time the prostitutes demanded that they have the same rights as women of other professions. And in 1910, this day was nevertheless recognized as women's and international, as Clara Zetkin suggested.

March 8 Wikipedia holiday history: how the holiday is celebrated today

After the collapse of the USSR, the day of March 8 remained public holiday RF and is considered a day off. According to tradition, on this day, flowers are the most desired and sought-after gift.

Fresh flowers are the most versatile way to pay attention to your beloved woman.

The holiday, on which ladies look forward to congratulations, flowers and gifts, and men turn into gallant gentlemen and show attention to their loved ones, arose more than a century and a half ago as a day of women's struggle for their rights.

The political coloring of the holiday was washed away by time and now on March 8 everyone is celebrating the onset of spring.

International Women's Day

The holiday originated in the distant past and is closely intertwined with the ongoing struggle of women of many generations for equality with men.

According to unconfirmed reports, International Women's Day is associated with the "March of Empty Pots" that the textile workers of New York held on March 8, 1857.

Taking to the streets 161 years ago, they demanded equality, in particular, shorter working hours and equal pay conditions with men.

The police dispersed the demonstrators, but two years later they managed to create the first trade union to protect their interests, which in those days was a great achievement.

New York women again defended their rights after 51 years - this time, women's right to vote was added to their demands.

Demonstration in New York under the slogan "Bread and Roses", where bread symbolized economic security, and roses - best quality life, spent 15 thousand women on March 8, 1908. And in May, the Socialist Party of America proclaimed last sunday February National Women's Day.

As a result, the long-term struggle of women has borne fruit - in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, women received the right to vote in 1918, and in the USA - in 1920.

Women's Day was established as an international one at the suggestion of the German Communist Clara Zetkin at the Women's Forum in Copenhagen in 1910, which was attended by more than a hundred activists from around the world.

© photo: Sputnik / RIA Novosti

Women from different countries on International Women's Day, starting in 1911, held rallies and marches to draw public attention to their problems and eliminate gender inequality.

The first international agreement declaring the equality of men and women was the UN Charter, signed in 1945 in San Francisco. After 30 years, the UN officially established March 8 as a holiday, and 1975 - international year women.

International Women's Day March 8 since 1965 has become a holiday and non-working day in the USSR, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. Over the years, the holiday has lost its political overtones and has become simply International Women's Day - March 8th.

During Soviet times, International Women's Day was also celebrated in Georgia, but after the collapse of the Union, March 8 was abolished, like many other Soviet holidays.

The International Women's Day on March 8 again received the status of a holiday in March 2002, under the second president of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze.

This decision was taken by the Georgian legislature on the initiative of Nino Burjanadze, who then held the post of chairman of the parliament.

Holiday traditions

Over the past decades, traditions of celebration have accumulated enough, although in different countries are celebrated in different ways, somewhere on a larger scale, and somewhere less.

International Women's Day in the territory of the former Soviet Union is celebrated almost everywhere, including Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine.

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 in China, however, only Chinese women who go to cafes and shops with their friends rest on this day. And men, after a normal working day, prepare the traditional "Pumpkin of Fidelity".

The Vietnamese on this day have a rest and celebrate the International Day of Women's Struggle for their Rights. Previously, they celebrated March 8 as a day of remembrance for the brave Trung sisters who bravely fought against China's invasion of Vietnam and died preferring death to captivity.

In Italy, March 8 is a holiday, but not a day off. On this day, Italian girls arrange bachelorette parties at discos or clubs. On the occasion of International Women's Day, men's strip clubs in Rome are offering women free entry.

International Women's Day is not celebrated in France, although special charity events are held on March 8. The money collected on this day, the French transfer to the fund of heroine mothers, so that they go on vacation.

In general, various events dedicated to women are held on International Women's Day, including exhibitions, flash mobs, concerts, and so on. On March 8, all women are given flowers and gifts, and memorable gifts and awards are given to outstanding women.

There are many traditions, but the most important of them is the special attention of men to women.

Dear men, take care of your women, pamper, give flowers and gifts all year round, and not only on March 8, and your attention will definitely return to you a hundredfold!!!

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

© Sputnik / Maria Tsimintia

About the history of the holiday on March 8, why exactly March 8 became Women's Day, when and how it was first celebrated March 8. This is a story about the holiday of March 8 for adults and children. Teachers can use the materials in this article when developing holiday class hours and scenarios dedicated to March 8.

Today, almost the entire planet celebrates March 8 as a day of worship. real woman, her beauty, wisdom and femininity that save the world.

From the history of the holiday on March 8

This beloved holiday on March 8 dates back to the traditions of Ancient Rome in the 1st century BC. It was believed that the goddess Juno, wife of the great Jupiter, was endowed with great power and had great opportunities. She had many names: Juno-Calendariya, Juno-Moneta. .. She gave people good weather, harvest, good luck in business and opened every month of the year. But most of all, the Romans bowed before Juno - Lucius (“bright”), patronizing women in general, and especially during childbirth. She was revered in every home, she was brought gifts upon marriage and at the birth of a child.

The most joyful for the female half of Rome was the holiday of March 1, dedicated to this goddess and called the Matrons. Then the whole city changed. Festive dressed women walked with wreaths of flowers in their hands to the temple of Juno Lucius. They prayed, brought flowers as a gift and asked their patroness for happiness in the family. It was a holiday not only for respectable Roman women, but also for slaves, whose work on this day was performed by male slaves. On March 1, men gave generous gifts to their wives, relatives and girlfriends, did not bypass the attention of maids and slaves ...

In the modern world, Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th. The history of this holiday began in the 19th century, and it was timed to coincide with the day of the struggle for women's rights. It was on March 8, 1857 that a demonstration of workers of clothing and shoe factories took place in New York. Then they demanded that they be given a ten-hour day, acceptable working conditions and equal pay with men. Before that, women worked 16 hours a day and received mere pennies for this. After March 8, 1857, women's unions began to appear, and for the first time women were given the right to vote. But only in 1910, at the International Women's Conference of Socialists in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin was asked to celebrate World Women's Day on March 8th. It was a kind of call to women all over the world to join the struggle for independence and equality; and they responded by joining the struggle for the right to work, respect for their dignity, for peace on earth. For the first time this holiday was celebrated in 1911, but only on March 19, in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Then more than a million men and women took to the streets of these countries, and the demonstration was held under the slogan: "Elective rights of workers - to join forces in the struggle for socialism." In Russia, International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg. Its organizers called for economic and political equality for women. One of the most powerful performances of women took place in Petrograd on March 7, 1917. And in 1976, International Women's Day was officially recognized by the UN.

Today, March 8, is a holiday of spring and light, a tribute to the traditional role of a woman as a wife, mother, friend.

Who was the founder of the holidays on March 8: Clara Zetkin or Esther?

Many may have a question: was Clara Zetkin the only ancestor of March 8? Historians also believe that the celebration of this celebration is connected with the legend of Esther. Many centuries ago, she saved her people from a terrible death. Therefore, it is to her that the most fun party Jewish people - the holiday of Purim. It is celebrated almost at the same time as International Women's Day: at the end of winter - beginning of spring, on March 4th.

Once, in 480 BC, all the Jews captured by the Babylonians gained freedom and could freely return to Jerusalem. However, there were practically no people who wanted to leave Babylon, where the Jews spent almost their entire lives. Hundreds of thousands of Jews remained in the Persian Empire, and not at all as a labor force. Many of them managed to get a very good job and earn a good living.

Over time, the Jews took root in Babylon so much that even the indigenous people no longer understood who conquered whom: the Persians of Jerusalem or the Jews of Babylon. Then one of the ministers of the powerful ruler of Xerxes - Haman - came to the king and told him that the Jews had flooded their state. Xerxes decided to exterminate all the Jews.

About the terrible plan of Xerxes, his wife Esther accidentally found out, who hid her ethnic origin from her husband (she was Jewish). Clever Esther did not beg the king for mercy, but decided to use Xerxes' love for herself. When the king was under the influence of her spell, she took from him a promise to exterminate all the enemies of her people. Xerxes agreed to everything, and only some time later he discovered that he had promised his beloved wife to destroy all the enemies of the Jews, but it was no longer possible to retreat ...

And on Adar 13 (the month of the Jewish calendar: approximately the end of February - the beginning of March), a royal decree regarding pogroms is distributed throughout the Persian Empire. But it was radically different from what was originally intended to be created: this decree of Xerxes made it possible to compose Esther and her cousin and teacher Mordecai.

“And the royal scribes were called, and everything was written as Mordecai ordered to the rulers of one hundred and twenty-seven regions on behalf of the king - that the king allows the Jews who are in every city to gather and stand in defense of their lives, to destroy, to kill and destroy all the mighty in the people and in the region that are at enmity with them, children and wives, and plunder their possessions ”(Est 8, 8-11). And for two days, “all the princes in the regions, both the satraps and the executors of the king’s affairs, supported the Jews. And the Jews beat all their enemies, and destroyed them, and dealt with the enemies according to their own will" (Est 9, 3-5).

Minister Haman, who gave Xerxes the idea of ​​exterminating the Jews, was executed by hanging along with his entire family. During this struggle, about 75 thousand Persians were destroyed. The Persian Empire was practically destroyed. The day of this significant victory for the Jews is honored and celebrated to this day.

Among the greatest sages, “there is even an opinion that when all the books of the prophets and hagiographers are forgotten, the book of Esther will still not be forgotten, and the Purim holiday will not cease to be observed.”

Perhaps this legend was true, and Esther really saved her people. And in gratitude for such a feat, the Jews honor the savior at the present time, celebrating Purim. And everyone understands that such a legend about the celebration world day women also have a right to exist.
