What month is better to get married, horoscope for marriage, auspicious time, church prohibitions. Leap year wedding Is it possible to schedule a wedding on the first day

Very important point when organizing a wedding is the right choice of the wedding date. Newlyweds often ask themselves: what time of the year is it better to have a wedding? The answer to this question is simple: all seasons are good in their own way for getting married.

But if the newlyweds are wondering: what days are better to play a wedding, then you should prepare yourself - analyze the desired wedding day from many points of view.

The most ardent desire of the bride and groom is that their marriage be long, lasting and happy, therefore, advice and signs should not be neglected.

Summer is ideal for modern newlyweds to marry: the warmest time of the year, the delights of a celebration in nature, the lush flowering of plants and a rich wedding menu are available.

Each season has its own advantages for a wedding celebration, the choice is only for the newlyweds.

First of all, you should check the chosen day in the sad calendar of events of married families. Was there any death in the family that day? It is believed that a marriage concluded on such a day will not be happy.

What is the best date for a wedding? the newlyweds think. What dates do not play a wedding - read below.

It is believed that a marriage concluded on such days can also become "transitional", that is, short-lived.

Another number in the year is not suitable for marriage - this is February 29th. It only happens in leap years. A family created on such a strange day is considered difficult.

Astrologers, when choosing the best number for a wedding, analyze the position of the Moon and the Sun. Symbolically, in the perfect sacrament of marriage, the husband is the Sun and the wife is the Moon. IN lunar calendar you can easily see the position of the luminaries.

For a successful start of marriage, you need to choose a day when the Moon is in the sign of the zodiac under which the future wife was born, and the Sun is in the sign under which the future husband was born.

The exception is the days when one of the luminaries or both at once are in the sign of Aries - such days are universally unsuccessful for marriage of those people who are born under other signs of the zodiac. Aries may not heed this advice.

It is better not to play weddings at the end of October and in November - the Sun is in Scorpio, which is not conducive to a family union.

A family that begins in March or at the end of February is not long-lived. But if the future wife according to the horoscope is Pisces, ignore this recommendation.

You cannot plan a wedding if the Moon is in the signs of Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn; days of solar and lunar eclipses are also unsuitable for a wedding celebration.

What is the best year to get married?

This question often finds very interesting answers. For example, 2014 was declared the year of widows and widowers, so some couples have postponed their happy union day.

Marriage is the main and long-awaited event in the life of any woman. Therefore, determining the date of birth of a new family union must be approached with all seriousness, taking into account traditions, observing signs and rituals. So what is the best month to get married?

When choosing a month for marriage, someone proceeds from personal preferences (it is warm in summer, beautiful in autumn), someone for financial reasons (weddings are at their peak in summer and autumn, it is during this period that all wedding services increase in price), someone then she quickly marries, fearing that they may not be called a second time, and someone is guided by signs, because they never appeared out of the blue. Astrologers also advise to appoint a wedding day in accordance with the position of the stars and the moon.

let's consider folk omens regarding marriage in a particular month of the year.

January. Birth new family this month has long been considered unfavorable, and the marriage is not strong, since there was an opinion about the early widowhood of the bride. Therefore, in most cases, young couples avoided this month for marriage. There was a saying among the people regarding this: “wolves get married in January.”

February. This month was considered one of the most favorable for marriage. The union, born in February, promised to be strong and long, the family was fine, and the bride in such a marriage lived in love and happiness.

March. According to some signs, this month promised separation, but separation was not a couple, but their imminent separation from their native lands. According to another legend, marriage in March foreshadowed the long absence of a young man's own corner. But it is living separately from relatives, no matter how good they are, that brings people together and strengthens relationships.

April. Marriages in April foreshadowed a striped life like a zebra. Happiness and harmony in the young family was replaced by quarrels and hardships. In general, couples who decide to play a wedding this month complain about the routine and monotony in family life won't have to. "Weather in the house" can be compared with the changeable weather typical for the month of April.

May. The well-known saying: “marry in May - toil all your life” is still relevant today. Young people even today try not to schedule a wedding for this month. Meanwhile, this sign has a rather deep meaning. It is in May that farmers and agrarians carry out the main work.

June. This month the weddings were especially rich. Young people were predicted to have a “honey” (happy, joyful and prosperous) family life if they got married in June.

July. The family, born in the month of July, will know, as it was believed, everything: both sour and sweet, but she will never see boredom.

August. Unions concluded in August are harmonious. In such a family, mutual understanding between spouses, support for each other, as well as trusting relationships between children and parents will reign.

September. It is another auspicious month for marriage. Family life promises to be calm, stable and reliable. Such an alliance will bypass any adversity.

October. It is believed that those couples who decide to get married this month doom themselves to a difficult family life. Stability and reliability in such a marriage are rare guests. In addition, difficulties and problems will haunt the couple at every stage of family life.

November. The family life of a couple who entered into a marriage union in November will be full of family prosperity and abundance. In financial matters, the family will have contentment and some luxury.

December. Marriage this month promised the family love, tenderness and wealth.

Horoscope for marriage.
The location of the planets at the time of marriage has a huge impact on the energy of the future family. The wedding horoscope makes it possible to identify the most favorable month, namely the time period for marriage, provides information about the quality of the marriage concluded during this period.

The period from January 21 to February 19. During this time period, it is best to play a wedding for couples who do not mind giving some freedom to their soul mate. In general, the family life of a couple who got married during this period of time will not be particularly prosperous. The family will solve problems and implement plans in a chaotic manner. In this regard, the couple will have to rely only on the mercy of fate.

Period from February 20 to March 20. During this period, it is not recommended to marry creative and hyper-emotional people. In such an alliance, there is a high probability of violent and regular scandals. And, nevertheless, over time, passions will subside, they will be replaced by indifference and emptiness. Therefore, for those who cannot or do not want to dissolve in their soul mate, striving to preserve their own individuality, it is better not to marry at this time.

Period from March 21st to April 19th. It is considered not a particularly successful period for a wedding. The couple's family life portends frequent disagreements and conflicts. The marriage union itself at the energy level will be powerful, but at the same time unstable. At the same time, the passion that flared up at the very beginning, in this case, tends to quickly fade away. That is why, for couples who, without knowing each other well, decided to get married, this period is unfavorable. For those lovers who have studied the shortcomings of their soul mate well enough and learned to adapt to them, marriage at this time may well be acceptable.

The period from April 20 to May 20. In this case, the saying regarding the month of May (toil all your life), in contrast to superstitions and folk signs, does not at all apply to marriage. According to astrologers, May is the most optimal period for starting a family. This period is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. Therefore, marriages concluded at this time will be distinguished by strength and stability.

The period from May 21 to June 20. This time period is dominated by Mercury or the planet of communications. You can get married at this time only if you know how to “talk” without reproaching each other. Well-being awaits only those families in which there are common interests and plans. Family life promises frequent quarrels, but with a fairly quick reconciliation.

The period from June 21 to July 22. This period is suitable for the marriage of couples who are emotionally compatible and fully understand each other. This period is especially suitable for those who seek to create a friendly family and give birth to a bunch of children.

Period from 23 July to 22 August. A marriage concluded during this period should be extraordinary, bright and prosperous, but on the condition that the couple is ambitious and sets special goals for themselves. If ambition is inherent in only one of the partners, it is better to postpone the wedding. Otherwise, passionate and loving relationships will break into routine and boredom, which may result in a divorce soon. To prevent the development of such a turn of events, the couple needs to have a baby as soon as possible.

Period from 23 August to 23 September. This period is suitable for a passionate and impulsive couple. It is at this time that energy balance is created, relationships are harmonized, which eliminates jumps from love to hate. But calm and balanced partners should not marry at this time, since family life will become boring and monotonous in the very near future. In general, in order for a marriage concluded during this period to be strong, the couple must lead healthy lifestyle life and solve problems together.

The period from September 24 to October 23. The period is favorable for creating a marriage for couples whose family comes first. However, this period is completely unsuitable for concluding unequal marriages. A big difference age or differences in the social status of the spouses will not be able to make them good partners in all aspects of life. Namely, partnership is the main condition for the well-being of the union concluded at this time.

Period from October 24 to November 22. Marriage promises to be passionate and especially emotional. But such an alliance has a high risk of regular betrayals, mutual suspicions and a steady struggle for leadership. Family life will be full of major conflicts. Meanwhile, in intimate terms, such a union is especially good.

Period from November 23rd to December 22nd. During this time period, astrologers do not recommend getting married at all, since there is a high risk of divorce. Despite the seeming exemplary family, in reality the couple will have frequent and major quarrels. In the case of the same worldview of the spouses, the marriage can turn out to be very good. Hence, astrologers do not recommend during this period to marry a partner of a different nationality, marriages with foreigners and marriages with partners of different religions. The difference in views adversely affects family relationships.

Period from December 23rd to January 20th. During this period, it is recommended to enter into marriages of convenience or mutual agreement. Such alliances will be stable and calm. But a long grinding of partners to each other cannot be avoided. If the spouses survive this period safely, then divorce will become an irrelevant topic.

Church wedding bans.
When choosing a wedding date, be sure to exclude from options periods of fasting, because for many years the church did not agree to connect the destinies of people during this period. It is believed that if young people violate the canons established by the church and ancestors, then it is better for them not to dream of a prosperous family life. It is strictly forbidden to marry during the four fasts:

  • Christmas - from November 28 to January 6 (six weeks);
  • Great - from Maslenitsa to Easter (seven weeks);
  • Petrovsky - from the second Monday after Trinity until July 12 (Peter and Paul Day);
  • Uspensky - from 14 to 28 August.
Also, you cannot get married during the periods of Kalyad (from January 6 to 21) and on Maslenitsa week (before the start of Lent). Marriages are also prohibited during such holidays as the Nativity of John the Baptist, Candlemas, Christmas Holy Mother of God, Trinity, Exaltation, Annunciation, Intercession. Weddings were never played on memorial Saturdays (Grandfathers), this day was devoted exclusively to memories and visits to cemeteries.

It is also not recommended to get married if a year has not passed since the death of a close relative of the bride or groom (grandmother, grandfather, parents, siblings or cousins). And it is also recommended to avoid a leap year for a wedding.

Favorable time for weddings.
The ideal period for marriage is the period from the end of August to the end of November, when the Advent begins, as well as the period from the second half of January until pancake week or meat eater. However, even at this favorable time, memorial Saturdays should be excluded.

Our ancestors believed that a wedding before the full moon promises a successful marriage, that is, if you play a wedding, then only on the rising moon - this will bring good luck to family life.

Of course, to believe or not in signs and superstitions is everyone's business. The main thing, by and large, is not what month or day you will marry, but who you will marry. It is important to believe in your companion, in yourself and your love. Mutual understanding, trust and respect will help in difficult life situations better than any superstition or omens.

Most newlyweds are very careful when choosing a wedding date. For this, referring to all kinds of calendars, and even. But is it true that the date of the wedding affects the married life and is it possible to sign a post?

You will not find a definite answer to this question. Because there are many different opinions. Who to trust and how to protect yourself from trouble in married life? Using many different resources, and after conducting a thorough research, we have prepared for you answers to exciting questions.

Wedding in the post: pros and cons

In the minds of Ukrainians and the entire Orthodox world, the opinion has strengthened that a wedding in Lent is a great sin and will bring misfortune to the young. But why did such an opinion arise? It is worth going back to the roots to understand what fasting is.

In Orthodoxy, fasting is considered a time to cleanse a person’s soul and prepare for a big church holiday. At this time, people not only limit their diet by eating lenten dishes, but also purify the soul. During fasting, it is worth devoting time to God, going to Church, and refraining from noisy festivities and concerts. Already married couples are also prohibited from having sexual intercourse during fasting. This is precisely the main reason for the prohibition to marry in fasting.

However, the ban applies only to the wedding ceremony. Not a single Orthodox priest would agree to marry the newlyweds during Lent without good reason(if the groom goes to war). But it is quite possible to carry out an official painting in the post. Many couples sign in advance, and after the end of the fast, they loudly celebrate the wedding with relatives and friends.

What days does the Church forbid marriage

The Orthodox Church does not hold a wedding ceremony on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It is impossible to get married in fasting, as mentioned earlier. This rule applies especially strictly to the Great and Nativity fasts, as well as to the Assumption and Peter's fasts. Also, weddings are prohibited during major Orthodox and temple holidays, Christmas time and Good Friday. On all other days, you can safely get married.

If you or your close believers, then it is better not to violate church rules. You can always reschedule the holiday to a more favorable time. However, if there is an urgent need to get married urgently, then it is possible the best option will sign, and after the end of the post, get married and celebrate the wedding.

What happens if you get married in a post

Wedding during Lent overgrown huge amount myths and superstitions that are already difficult to distinguish from the truth. It is believed that those who marry during fasting will not see a happy family life. However, these are only inventions to make people take the Church more seriously and observe religious precepts.

If you still decide to celebrate in the post, we advise you to consider a few simple rules which will help to avoid embarrassment in front of the guests. On holiday table there must be fasting dishes in case one of the guests is fasting. Try to refuse or limit the amount of alcohol consumed during the banquet.

The advantages that marriage during fasting will bring are low prices and lack of excitement. You will be able to book your favorite restaurant or photography services without any haste and much cheaper.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to play a wedding in a post is very simple. It depends only on your desires and personal choice. One thing is known for sure, mutual love cannot be destroyed simply by an unsuccessfully chosen day. It is much stronger than all superstitions.

Oh, how superstitious people become on the eve of the wedding, and even those who have never twisted a black cat's fig, are actively beginning to be interested in all wedding signs. The superstition about a leap year is especially strong among the people - they say that it is absolutely impossible to play a wedding in such a year, the family will be doomed to all sorts of misfortunes. Is it really possible to get married in a leap year or is it not worth it to get married? Is there any evidence for this superstition?

Why is leap year bad?

To answer the question of whether it is possible to have a wedding in a leap year, you need to understand what is generally wrong with having an extra day in a year? Traditionally, a leap year was considered bad, this was due to the fact that Kasyan was the patron of such a year. This saint was considered by the people to be a miserly, envious, selfish and unfriendly type who brings people nothing but misfortune. And with such a patron, what good can you expect from the year? But statistics do not confirm this popular opinion - misfortunes occur not only in leap years.

There is also an opinion that more deaths allegedly occur in a leap year than in other years that are not burdened with an “extra” day. But this superstition is also not confirmed by science - a general pestilence is not observed every leap year.

Why, then, is it said that there are more troubles in a leap year, were our ancestors really so narrow-minded? No, in some ways they are right, there really is more than one day a year, which means that a little more events can happen. And why did they rely on bad events? It's just that people are more willing to believe bad things and listen to tragedies more willingly than rejoice in happiness.

Can you get married on a leap year?

Are there any signs associated with a wedding and a leap year, is it possible to get married this year? Superstitious people will say that you can get married in any year, but it is better not in a leap year. Because a marriage concluded in such a year will certainly fall apart. But this superstition is not something that is not confirmed by science, it is even folk tradition do not support.

Will you say that since ancient times, in leap years, matchmakers did not go to the house of the bride, because this year was considered unlucky? Indeed, in a leap year, matchmakers were not to be found in the houses of brides, but not because of a bad year, but because matchmakers went to the grooms this year. Only in a leap year, the bride could send matchmakers to the groom, and he could not refuse her, with very rare exceptions. So history does not support the superstition about unhappy leap year marriages.

And how does the church look at this, maybe it categorically forbids weddings on a leap year? And here is a mistake - the Christian church not only does not prohibit getting married on a leap year, it also dishonors superstitious people in every possible way, equating them with pagans. And indeed, if everything is the will of God, can the appearance of one additional day in a year somehow affect a married couple? If you are destined to live happily and long, then it will be so and no years will become an obstacle, and if it is written to part with your family, then not a single prayer will help. And the church canons are proof of the normality of a wedding in a leap year. They have days when the wedding ceremony is not performed - on the eve of major holidays, Wednesdays, Fridays and during many days of fasting. As you can see, nothing is said about the ban on church marriage in leap years.

It turns out that you should not be afraid to get married on a leap year, all superstitions are just a legacy of the dark and maybe not very happy past of our ancestors. Us, modern people they're not scary, are they? real love does not overcome all obstacles?

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the date of marriage. So, by month, season, date or day of the week, you can guess how the family life of the newlyweds will turn out.

Probably, each of these signs has its own, well-founded roots, just a lot has long been forgotten or lost its relevance. But, for example, it is quite possible to understand why, according to popular signs, it is not recommended to play a wedding in church posts - what kind of family life is there in wealth and prosperity, if wedding feast very modest - without any meat delicacies.

About big religious holidays, too, everything was clear worthless ordinary people put yourself above the Church. Well, as for other superstitions, each of them has its own history, hidden somewhere in the mists of time.

To believe or not to believe in omens? Here everyone decides for himself. But if people sincerely love each other, then no superstition can destroy their happiness. And yet folk wisdom says: "If you do not know about the sign, then it will not come true."

But in any case, when setting a wedding date, you need to be guided by common sense, convenience, take into account the traditions that have developed in the families of the bride and groom and various family circumstances. Think for yourself: the more satisfied guests there will be at your wedding, the more positive, joy, fun and good wishes towards the young and less likely that someone will overshadow your triumph with their irritation and petty insults. So let the atmosphere of your holiday be filled with warmth, joy and happiness!

Well, now let's get acquainted with some wedding signs, superstitions, customs and traditions associated with the time of marriage. Unless you've changed your mind, of course.

Months, numbers and time

When choosing the date of the wedding, folk signs were often taken into account. A superstition has come down to our days: to play a wedding in May - then toil all your life, but they forgot about other months. And folk wisdom had its own advice for the entire calendar year.

  • Wedding in January can lead to an early separation from a loved one.
  • February marriage promises happy life in agreement with your spouse.
  • Wedding in March predicts a girl life on a foreign side.
  • April marriage is like April weather: clear days with partly cloudy.
  • May warnings are alive to this day. To avoid trouble, before the wedding ceremony, the bride needs to kiss the groom three times in a row.
  • June famous for long, happy marriages.
  • In July to get married - to keep sweet and sour memories in your life.
  • Play a wedding in August- the husband will be not only a lover, but also a devoted friend.
  • September wedding promises you a quiet and peaceful life.
  • If in October got married, get ready that you will have many difficulties in marriage.
  • Do you want the family to always have prosperity, then november It's time for your wedding.
  • From December marriage of wealth, perhaps, is not worth waiting for, but love will be stronger every year. Such a forecast can be taken as a joke, or you can listen to the experience of folk wisdom.
  • Wedding winter leads to overspending in the future family.
  • spring the wedding says that the young will live happily and happily.
  • Wedding in summer- warmth and joy in family life.
  • Autumn marriage is considered the most durable and lasting.
  • If the wedding takes place on Ivan Kupala , then the family will have a good income.
  • If the wedding has to for Maslenitsa, then both newlyweds will ride like butter all their lives, everything will be fine with them.
  • If on Apple spas , then - the husband will never go bankrupt.
  • It is believed that if the wedding takes place on an even day , then a boy will be born first, and if on an odd number, then a girl.
  • Can't get married in a leap year .
  • Misfortune promises those couples who announced their upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year , and the wedding took place at the beginning of the next.
  • seventh and twelfth - happy dates for the wedding, the marriage will be successful.
  • thirteenth it is better not to marry, although many now appoint a wedding on this day, considering it happy.
  • good omen- full moon in a day or two until the wedding. The marriage will be long and happy.
  • Marriages are considered the most successful afternoon.
  • If before the Dormition of the Virgin (August 28) the maiden of the groom will not look after, then she will sit all winter in the girls.
  • In the Annunciation you can’t braid braids for girls: they won’t have their own home. Let us recall the proverb that was widely used in Rus': “On the Annunciation, the bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids.” Once the cuckoo broke this rule, and since then the name of this bird is called the mother who abandoned her children. A marriageable girl (however, like any person) on this one of the most significant Christian holidays should not do any work, even weave a braid.

What day of the week to get married:

  • Monday- wealth.
  • Tuesday- health.
  • Wednesday- the best day.
  • Thursday- losses.
  • Friday- crosses.
  • Saturday- unlucky day.

In America, a song is popular about which days you should get married, and which days you should beware:

There will be happiness on Monday
And on Tuesday - a lot of money,
Well, the best day is Wednesday!
Don't even try on Thursday
Friday - beware
And on Saturday - never!

Happy days for weddings:

  • January — 2, 4, 11, 19, 21.
  • February — 1, 3, 10, 19, 21.
  • March — 3, 5, 13, 20, 23
  • April — 2, 4, 12, 20, 22.
  • May — — 2,4, 20, 23.
  • June — 1, 3, 11, 19, 1.
  • July — 1, 3, 12, 19, 21, 31.
  • August — 2, 11, 18, 20, 30.
  • September — 1, 9, 16, 18, 28.
  • October — 1, 8, 15, 17, 27, 29.
  • November — 5, 11, 13, 22, 25.
  • December — 1, 8, 10, 19, 23, 29.
  • Marry on the new moon- to a new happy life.
  • Get married at waxing moon - to the rapid growth of capital.
  • Marry on a full moon - life will be a full bowl.
  • At waning moon to marry - all sorrows and hardships will go away.

Unfavorable time for weddings:

  • Your birthday .
  • Who got married on the day of your angel - will be unhappy.
  • Same day or same year so is your sister . There is an opinion that out of two sisters who get married on the same day, one will certainly be unhappy.
  • Earlier older sister . In the old days, it was believed that the eldest daughter must be the first to marry. If the youngest marries first, then she will be childless, and all sorts of misfortunes will befall her parents.
  • According to the assurances of the ancestor, it is not recommended to play weddings during the periods of Kalyad (from January 6 to 21) and on Maslenitsa week (just before the start of Lent).
  • Such are categorically contraindicated for a wedding. big christian holidays like the Presentation, the Trinity, the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Annunciation, the Exaltation, the Intercession and the Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • Never walked weddings on Memorial Saturdays (Grandfathers), this day was reserved exclusively for memories and visiting the graves of people who left this world in the cemetery.
  • Traditions should not be neglected and a celebration should not be celebrated if less than a year has passed since the death of a loved one relative of the bride or groom, here we are talking about parents, grandparents, relatives and cousins and sisters.
  • After sunset it is not recommended to marry because it has long been believed that with the onset of darkness, all evil spirits wake up, which can harm the young.

Posts- a bad time for weddings. When wondering when it is better to get married, one should immediately exclude the period of fasting, for many years the church refrained from marrying people at this time. Centuries-old folk observations indicate that the young will not have a prosperous family life if they violate the canons established by the church and ancestors.

You cannot marry during four fasts:

  • - Christmas - from November 28 to January 6 (six weeks);
  • - Great - from Shrovetide to Easter (seven weeks);
  • - Petrovsky - from the second Monday after Trinity until July 12 (Peter and Paul's Day);
  • - Assumption - from 14 to 28 August.

Good time for weddings

The ideal time for marriage is the period end of august to end of november, When does Advent start?

Cover- Wedding time. brides wear wedding attire- snow-white cover. If snow fell on Pokrov on the day of the wedding - happiness to the young.

meat eater- from the second half of January to Shrovetide week. Usually in the villages it was at this time that matchmakers began and thundered funny weddings. Our ancestors, better than any psychic, answered the question in which month it is better to get married. True, we should not forget that even in these auspicious months we should not forget about memorial Saturdays, they should definitely be excluded from the wedding calendar.

Wedding before full moon portends a happy marriage. Old people recommend arranging a wedding on the days before the full moon, they are considered the most successful.

When choosing a day for a wedding, even such a factor matters, like the phase of the moon. There is a belief among the people that if you start some business on the rising moon, it will certainly be successful. The same principle applies to marriage.

Best day of the week for a wedding Friday. If you know the history and traditions of the Slavic peoples, then the obvious answer suggests itself - on Sunday. However, the problem lies in the fact that these days, registry offices work only six days a week.

In past centuries, weddings in Rus' began on Sunday and continued for three days. Today, the church has gone to meet the newlyweds, giving them the opportunity to get married on Friday and then organize a big three-day celebration until the start of the working week.

This is not a complete list of signs associated with the date of the wedding. Each locality or ethnic group has its own wedding omens because our country is huge and multinational. But you can see that often the signs do not coincide or simply contradict each other, because our life is also very contradictory.

So, decide for yourself - whether to take it seriously as folk wisdom, or toss it away, like obsolete superstitions of old times.

Trust your feelings and love each other despite all signs, superstitions and life's difficulties - this is the most important thing in family life, allowing you to live a long happy married life.

Well, if you have already begun your joint journey through life with your loved one, then it's time to get acquainted with what Weddings (anniversaries) are waiting for you ahead and what gifts, according to tradition, your relatives and friends will present to you.
