Halloween in the office Corporate Halloween - original ideas for celebrating at work

Scenario of the corporate party "Halloween in the office"

(Several variants)

Idea: holding a corporate party on Halloween - a traditional American holiday that is becoming more and more popular with us. Of course, this year, the most beloved characters will be Harry Potter and vampires, but we have several other options for you to choose from.


This is a very handy theme for an Halloween party and is very easy to perform and prepare. Now there are so many horror movies on the screens, from which you can choose something interesting, or just combine several films. Make a list of your favorite horror movies and send it to all your colleagues so that they can choose a character and think about a costume in advance. If you're the one tasked with organizing this party, then start by getting horror movie posters and assigning characters to co-workers, you can even divide movies between departments (or let departments choose a movie) to dress up as a group. Or choose one movie and stick to it for everyone. Just imagine how 20 Freddy Kruegers from the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street" greet guests at the entrance! Buy traditional "decorations" for this holiday: pumpkins with carved faces, plastic skeletons and skulls, images of ghosts and so on. Hang fake spider webs around! And don't forget the smoke machine to fill the fog and make the room more gloomy and ominous.

Murder Mystery

This game is becoming more and more popular in the West: a planned murder takes place at a party - one of the guests (they agree with him) becomes a victim, the rest of the guests must figure out who the killer is by the traces he left. So this Halloween party theme can be very fun and interactive! When everyone enters the hall, give them the evidence and let them find out for themselves who did it. Come up with a plot yourself, of course, you will need accomplices - agree with them about everything in advance so that it is interesting and unpredictable. As for the outfits, the options are as follows: the owner and mistress of the house, their guests at a social event, maids, a butler, a detective, for example, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, etc.

Willy Wonka and Charlie at the chocolate factory (you can take employees' children to this party)

This film is just a masterpiece, and you don’t even have to invent anything - everything is there! If one of the colleagues has not seen it, ask to see it or arrange a general viewing a week before the party. Divide the roles, make the scenery - everything is from the movie, it's quite colorful and there are a lot of ideas that you can use. Of course, the invitation to such a party will be golden tickets made of chocolate bars, which you will distribute to all your colleagues. Order a few Oompa-Loompa cardboard figures from the print shop, arrange them around the hall so that you can take a picture with them. The main treat at this holiday will, of course, be chocolate and various sweets, therefore, this is more a holiday for children! This is a very unusual and, therefore, memorable theme for Halloween.

Concert of Dead Stars

Invite your employees to the Dead Stars concert, it will be unforgettable! Warn them in the invitation that they will have to dress up as one celebrity who is no longer with us, such as Elvis Prestley, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, etc. It will be very interesting for everyone to dress up as their favorite artist. Decorate the hall with many skeletons, skulls and images of star-faced ghosts. Make a small scene against one wall. The one dressed up as Elvis will stand at the entrance and greet everyone like a true "King" of the party. It will be great if this is the president of your company! When all the stars have gathered, dance until you drop. Then, you can arrange a contest - "Sparade your idol": turn on the songs of those stars who attended your concert, and let your colleagues portray them under their own song. And you can even arrange a karaoke contest! The party will definitely be grandiose and very fun!

Any suggestions on how to celebrate Halloween more scary?!
- Well ... You can shoot scary women ...

If you decide to celebrate Halloween and invite guests, or the party will be held in your office, sketch out a short plan of the event on paper. What should be considered when preparing a Halloween party?

An example scenario for preparing a Halloween party

Halloween entourage

You will need a darkened room. Lampshades with scary patterns (silhouettes of bats, skulls, bones) can be put on lamps.

Halloween costumes

All guests must come in costume.

Halloween photo session

The costumes of your guests should definitely remain in the memory of a descendant. Therefore, do not be lazy to bring a camera and take pictures of everyone.

Halloween Contests

Consider how you will entertain your guests. Contests are the best for this purpose.

  • You need to determine by touch all the parts of the body of Dead Joe. They are laid out in different ends darkened room.
  • The caller is blindfolded. The host leads him to each position, offering to touch what lies there and guess what it is.
  • "Dead Man's Heart Joe" - very large, and even better if a rotten and wet tomato is peeled and placed in a cup.
  • "Dead Man Joe's guts" - nasty slimy pasta - spill out into a large plate.
  • A couple of large grapes are placed in a bowl of water - “Dead Joe's eyes”.
  • Small pebbles or hard candies are poured into a metal pot (to make them ring better!) - “Dead Joe's teeth”.
  • "Dead Man Joe's Hair" - The wig is pulled over a ball or balloon.
  • A piece of raw beef liver placed in a bowl of warm water can play the role of "Dead Joe's tongue".
  • In the meat section of the market, several beautiful bones of various sizes are bought in advance.
  • A pickle of a suitable size is cut in half - these will be "Dead Man Joe's ears". Or not ears.
  • Sausages in polyethylene - if peeled, they will be stickier and nastier than "Dead Man Joe's fingers".
  • Heated tomato juice poured into a jug will pass for Dead Joe's blood.


What's a party without dancing? Just don't forget to pick up atmospheric music.

We create a festive mood in the office without interruption from work

To make Halloween a real holiday, you do not need to make a lot of effort - just give it an hour. Here are some tips from IGate on how to create a festive atmosphere without distracting from the work process.

Quickly decorate the office

If there is no time to decorate the premises, do not despair. An artificial web will help to make an ancient crypt out of a cozy office in just 10-15 minutes. IN holidays online stores will deliver it in a couple of hours.

Complete with a web, you can order special garlands of bats or witches. But if you don’t want to spend money on disposable tinsel, you can print several bats on a printer and hang them yourself. And with the help of napkins, adhesive tape or ribbons - create a swarm of little ghosts. Creating one such ghost will take only one minute.

Agree, half an hour of preparation is worth two days of joy. After all, Halloween officially ends on the night of October 31st to November 1st.

Set the festive table

The traditional symbol of Halloween is Joe's pumpkin. But carving a "smiling friend" from a pumpkin is long and inconvenient. Therefore, we recommend arming yourself permanent marker and create several dozen of his friends from ordinary tangerines. We checked that it takes no more than 10 seconds to create one face. And you can buy fruit or even order with delivery directly to the office at the nearest store.

In addition to tangerines, “bloody cupcakes” can be served to the Halloween table. Firstly, it's stylish, secondly, it's delicious, and thirdly, it doesn't take much time to prepare. You can order cupcakes in the same store. And if you add a jar of condensed milk and a bag of food coloring to them and mix them in the right proportion, the blood turns out to be quite impressive.

In autumn, instead of cold cocktails, you want warm tea. And on Halloween, this drink will also decorate the table. If you make tea from lemon, ginger and ordinary basil, you get a very tasty and aromatic drink. By varying the amount of basil in tea, you can achieve not only pink, but also blue and even dark purple color of the drink.

Festive mood without effort

If a decorated office and holiday table if you don’t have enough, you can arrange a holiday for your employees by ordering a make-up artist. This service will cost from 200 to 500 hryvnia per hour, while, on average, the master will spend from seven to ten minutes on one image.

Do you have an artist in your team? Amazing! You can order face painting online for 80-100 UAH with delivery.

If you do not want to disperse in the evening, arrange contests. You can try to carve the most creative pumpkin head with the joint efforts of the departments. Or, at speed, eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with your hands.

What can be found on the Internet

The group of Ukrainian marketplaces EVO showed how you can create a Halloween image from the goods and services presented in the network.

By the way, before leaving home, you can arrange a surprise for colleagues. To do this, just take a pack of eye stickers and “revive” all the equipment in the office. A sea of ​​emotions on Monday morning is guaranteed to you.

And this is how Halloween is celebrated in Ukrainian IT companies

Startup Incubator "1991 Open Data Incubator".

Halloween is a holiday whose history began in what is now Great Britain.

On this night, according to the ancient belief of the Celts, the worlds of the living opened their doors, and the inhabitants of the otherworldly dead world made their way to the earth. Despite the ancient serious meaning, now Halloween has turned into an interesting one. fun party with bright themes.

Want to decorate your office by October 31st, but don't know where to start? We offer you some simple but original ideas:

1. Silhouette outside the window.

Window decoration is one of the most difficult tasks in the development of decorative design. On New Year we decorate windows paper snowflakes or rain, on March 8 and February 23 - garlands or drawings.

But how unusual to decorate a window for an unusual holiday for Russia - Halloween?

An excellent solution would be a silhouette of a man with empty eyes made of dark paper. The first to be frightened are the employees, who will pull back the curtains in the morning. But even after the gloomy silhouette will be indispensable for maintaining the spirit of the holiday.

2. Balls instead of pumpkins.

No party is complete without balloons! Choose plain orange balls and draw faces with a black marker, as on traditional pumpkins.

For additional intimidation, place a bright green lamp behind the balls.

3. The contours of the body on the floor.

Another unusual decoration will be the contours of a dead person on the floor.

Imagine yourself as a criminal investigator! Persuade one employee to portray the corpse, give it an unnatural pose and circle it with chalk or white adhesive paper.

Don't you think that's scary enough? Draw the outline of the leg or arm at a significant distance from the outline of the body.

4. Garland of paper ghosts

The simplest, but at the same time the best element of decor will be a garland of paper ghosts.

Take a square-shaped sheet, put a crumpled piece of paper in the middle and tie it with a rope. You will get a small ghost, it remains only to draw eyes for him and hang him in a bunch with the rest.

If this morning at the entrance to the office you met Jack the Ripper, or a goblin, or the Joker, or a banal Baba Yaga, then someone has been looking forward to the arrival of Halloween for a whole year.

A bit of history

It is believed that the idea of ​​Halloween belongs to the ancient Celts, who lived in the territory of modern Scotland and Ireland. What the holiday looked like in those days, historians know. And approximately in the form in which we know Halloween, it appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. The tradition of celebrating the eve of All Saints Day has become widespread thanks to the Americans. From their light hand The holiday spread throughout Europe and even reached Asia. Conservative Germans, tradition-loving Japanese, cheerful Australians, romantic French - all before Halloween plunge into the creative search for ideas for costumes and parties.

Where is the pumpkin from?

Initially, it was not a pumpkin at all, but a turnip or swede. Only when the tradition of celebrating Halloween came to the pragmatic Americans, they decided to use a pumpkin, because this vegetable on the market was much cheaper than other alternatives. The official name of the pumpkin is "jack o' lantern". It is believed that Jack, if he is comfortably placed near the entrance to the dwelling, protects the house from evil spirits.

Choose an image

The gloomy attributes of Halloween, frankly, not everyone likes it. And if you put on scary mask, defile around the office, perhaps this will not cause general delight. But if you want, Halloween can be made fun if you approach inventing images with a bit of humor. After all, ghosts, for example - they are good. And Edward Scissorhands is a darling, a romantic and subtly feeling hero. If you decide to wear a fancy dress for Halloween, rummage through your memory and find an image that interests you and matches your character. So it will be easier to get used to the role and, you see, you will be able to win the corporate competition for best suit.

Speaking of costume

Creating it is not so difficult with the help of accessories, makeup, false nails and other tricks. So, wearing colored wide pants like bloomers, drawing a black pencil on your eyes and tying a pirate scarf on your head, you become Jack Sparrow. Leather corset, red lipstick, bright manicure and slightly tousled hair turn a strict office worker into a seductive witch. And with the help of an ordinary sheet with slits for the eyes and a “face” drawn with a marker, it is easy to portray a ghost, evil or good - to your taste.

Competition program

Perhaps the most common Halloween corporate contest is the costume contest. But you can think of other options. For example, a comic poll on the topic: "Who is the best vampire in our office?". Poll with subtext - if it is properly beaten, then the winner, on the one hand, will be pleased to become the hero of the day. On the other hand, he will think about whether he behaves too selfishly towards his colleagues. In the morning, put a box at the entrance to the office, and let the employees drop pieces of paper with the names of candidates for the status of Dracula there. At the end of the day, you will sum up the results of the vote and solemnly hand over a can of tomato juice to the winner - so that you can cook Bloody Mary more often and be in a good mood.


Give your colleagues a bunch of garlic. As you know, garlic drives away evil spirit, and in the economy the product is always useful. You can give your favorite boss glasses, like Harry Potter, and a “magic wand” with an eloquent wish that he swindle a salary increase in the next six months. And to a colleague whom you sympathize with, present the “invisibility cap” with the phrase that its charm blinds you and prevents you from fulfilling the production plan. There are plenty of ideas, they are literally in the air. Especially on Halloween.
