Scenario of the New Year tree in elementary school “New Year's tricks of evil spirits. Scenario of the New Year's interactive performance for young children "How the animals dressed up the Christmas tree Scenario of the New Year's performance around the Christmas tree

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Target: purposeful assistance to the formation of the spiritual and moral sphere of the child, which is the basis of the basic culture of the individual.

Tasks: assistance to pupils in the development of the system of values, ideals, moral domestic traditions of the Russian ethnos, the formation of national identity. Preservation of the historical continuity of generations, familiarization with the traditions of the national culture of the Russian people. Education of a creative, harmoniously developed personality, striving for the highest spiritual and moral ideals.

Preliminary work.

  1. Acquaintance of pupils with the stories: “Why was Jesus Christ born” by the priest V. Potapov, “Christmas dream” by O. Verigina, “Kolyada” by N. Gogol. (Merry Christmas!.: M.1995).
  2. Learning musical and literary material.
  3. Watching animated films: “The Nativity of Christ”, “Amazing Dinner on Christmas Eve”, “Christmas Stories”.
  4. Production of a presentation and a multimedia manual “Little Christ in the manger”.

Technical support: piano, music center, TV, DVD.

The hall is festively decorated. In the center of the hall there is an elegant Christmas tree, near the Christmas tree there is a nativity scene.

To the song "Christmas", music. E. Shmakova dressed children enter and sit on chairs.

Teacher: Hello children. Hello dear guests. So the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ has come to us, and after it the winter Christmas time. Christmas time is from the word "saint". This holiday celebrates Jesus Christ. On this holiday, they thank God for sending his son from heaven, who teaches to love, believe and forgive. For this Christ came to earth, so that a miracle would happen in the hearts of people, so that the evil would become good, the greedy would become generous, so that the weeping would be comforted, so that the lonely would find a friend. Let us glorify Christ who came into our world and wish everyone that everyone love each other, as the Lord God commanded.

View presentation #1

(Two angels come out to the Christmas tree).

1 angel: The great holiday has already come again;
Everywhere fun, feasts, celebration ...
Let's remember what word he told us
The one we are celebrating Christmas now:
“Everyone, let him always be merciful
To the weak, the orphans, the poor, the sick!
What he has, he will share with the poor
And call him his brother!”
So show me, friends, participation:
Many will meet in need of Christmas!
A good deed is a great blessing.
This is a sacred celebration!

2 angel: On a quiet Christmas evening
A star is shining in the sky.
My heart beats like this
Joy has come to earth.
Frost draws on the window
The pattern is very thin, wonderful.
Snowflake dances her waltz
Spinning under a bright star.

Children sing "Christmas Carol" E. Matvienko. (“Bell No. 40.2007)

Educator: A little over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem. When I was a little girl, my grandmother told me about his birth. I remember this story well:

I remember how in childhood for the first time
Heard about Christmas.
I was moved to tears
After all, the little Christ was born
Not in a rich eminent house
And he lay not in a magnificent cradle,
And in a deaf cave, on the straw
The angels, bending over him, sang.

Near the Christmas tree, children read Sasha Cherny's poem "Christmas".

1 child: In a manger slept on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
Stroked the flax of his hair.
The bull breathed in the face of the Baby
And, rustling straw,
On a flexible knee
I looked around for a little breath.

2 child: Sparrows through the poles of the roof
They rushed to the manger in a crowd,
And the bull, clinging to the niche,
The blanket was wrinkled with his lip.
The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
Licked her secretly.
Everyone was more comfortable with a cat
In a manger to warm a child sideways ...

3rd child: Subdued white goat
Breathed on his forehead,
Just a stupid gray donkey
He pushed everyone helplessly.
“Look at the child
Just a minute for me!”
And cried loudly - loudly
In pre-dawn silence...
And Christ, opening his eyes,
Suddenly parted all the animals
And with a smile full of affection,
Whispered: "Look quickly!"

Viewing the multimedia aid “In the manger the little Christ”. (Located by the author)

Educator: The word “Christmas” is usually associated with the words: “gifts”, “festivities”, “games”, “tree”. Christmas in Russia is celebrated in January, when the Christmas tree is still standing in the house. Why under New Year and Christmas dress up it is the Christmas tree, and not another tree? Listen now to "The Legend of the Christmas Tree" (author unknown). (Merry Christmas!.: M.1995).

Viewing a fragment from the animated film "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." (Located by the author)

Educator: So the holiday has come, which we have been waiting for so long. Candles burn solemnly in churches, lamps in houses, and stars in the sky. If you sit quietly and listen, you can hear what the stars are talking about on Christmas night...

(Music sounds. Christmas Star comes out).

Star: The whole world celebrates Christmas. Adults and children sing joyfully: for the salvation of the whole world, God was born in Bethlehem!

A great miracle happened that night:
God sent us a Savior.
In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger
The child, the son of God, was lying.
The belief among the people has long existed,
That on the quiet night of Christmas
All forest animals forget enmity,
And the world comes - all in the memory of Christ!

Educator: Look, Asterisk, the Wolf is coming!

Wolf: Cold at night
The hungry wolf walks
Raises fur on end
He is looking for someone to eat.

What a beautiful night, no one even wants to eat.

Star: It's because the holiday is Christmas!

Educator: The Wolf was surprised, sat down under the Christmas tree, looked at the star. Here the Squirrel jumps.

Squirrel: Winter has come again,
But not for fun
Hides a squirrel in a bin
Cones and nuts. (Notices Wolf)
Oh oh oh! Wolf! (Closed with paws).

Wolf: Don't be afraid, Squirrel, I won't touch you.

Star: Holiday today - Christ is born! Both heaven and earth - everything rejoices!

Educator: Belochka village next to the Wolf. The beauty of the forest is amazing. They hear - the branches crunch ... (The Bear comes out).

Bear: I sleep in a den in winter
Under a big pine tree.
Only when spring comes
I wake up from sleep.
What's that noise? Why was I woken up?

Star: We have joy, Medvedushka, Christ is born.

Educator: Then the Bear understood why he couldn’t sleep on such a night. Oh who is it? (Jumping Bunny)

Bunny: In the forest not long before trouble,
But the Hare is not easy.
I can confuse the traces:
Like this, like this, like this! (sees the Wolf, gets scared, trembles)
Oh, I'm afraid!

Star: Don't be afraid, the Wolf won't touch you. Today is Christmas!

Bunny: What is Christmas?

Star: Listen, the star sings!
Hurry all there, there,
Where on the straw, among the manger,
Who is more beautiful and wiser than all -
Savior of the world, king of kings!

Educator: And the animals decided to go to bow to the Divine baby. Yes, it just turned out that they go to the holiday without a gift!

Squirrel: I only have dried mushrooms and cones!

Wolf: And I only have paws and a tail!

Bear: It would be summer - they would pick flowers and berries. And now it's snowing and the trees are bare...

(Yolochka appears).

Christmas tree: Maybe I'll be useful to you? I am the only green tree in the forest.

Educator: Really, maybe give a Christmas tree?

(Everyone approaches the Christmas tree, touches).

All: She's really prickly!

Fir-tree: What shall we do?

Christmas Tree: Don't be upset! For your kindness, the Lord will decorate this Christmas tree, and you can give it to the Christ Child! Stars, fly!

(Christmas tree lights are lit).

All: Oh, how beautiful, how elegant!

Educator: Winter has come cheerful,
All people are happy for her.
She calls to the street
Both adults and children.
Winter has come merry
The Christmas tree has come to us
She stands with toys
Pretty and bright.

Children sing the song "Christmas", music. N. Kulikova. (“Musical palette” No. 7/2009)

The matinee ends with a common dance “Christmas”, music. V. Shemtyuk.

Mysterious music sounds. The Christmas Star walks around the Christmas tree, throwing Christmas needles on the Christmas tree, and sentences.

Star: Become needles gifts from the Christmas tree.

Under the tree, he takes a basket with treats and treats the children.

Star: Merry Christmas!
Happiness and health, I wish you all the best,
Holiness, deceit - in moderation so that everything,
Joy, good luck. Bad - nothing!

Yolka: Merry Christmas
And, of course, we want:
Blizzard let for a whole year,
Will give you health
The wind will blow away all the ailments
To the cold backyard
Let the snow swirl with sparks
To brighten up your faces.

Educator: And Christmas is like a magician, a wizard,
Like a precious talisman.
Health, vivacity and fun,
And let happiness give you!

To the music, the children go to a festive tea party.

Irina Kovalenko
Scenario New Year's performance at the Christmas tree "The Tale of the New Year's Forest"

Scenario of the New Year's performance at the Christmas tree

"The Tale of the New Year's Forest"


The children enter to the music" Christmas toys", make a circle and stop around the Christmas tree


With blizzard, wind and frost

winter holiday is coming to us.

And, of course, Santa Claus to us,

Bring gifts to everyone!

Tell me guys

What a holiday awaits all of us.

Answer amicably, loudly,

We are meeting ….

All: New Year!

Performance of verses

1. Winter before the holiday

For the green tree

Dress white herself

Sewn without a needle.

2. Shake off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And is the most beautiful of all

In a green dress.

3. To her green color to the face

Elka knows this.

How is she on New Year's Eve?

Well dressed!

4. They say: on New Year's Eve

Whatever you wish -

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

5. Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes,

He also leads a round dance.

Saying goodbye to the old year,

We are celebrating the New Year.

Leading. A clean forest, a blizzard field,

Winter holiday is coming to us

So let's say together:

Children: Hello, hello, New Year!

Leading: Hurry in a round dance, let everyone sing,

A wonderful Christmas tree is waiting for everyone!

The song "Little Christmas Tree", after the song, the children sit on chairs.


They danced well, together,

Now you need to rest.

You sit quietly

And look at the tree.

We will tell you a fairy tale.

Let's show miracles!

Sounds like magic music


In the magical winter forest, where a blizzard is spinning,

Winter built ice towers from snow.

There is always a New Year's holiday -

There Santa Claus lives.

And what is the New Year without Santa Claus! Guys, let's invite him to our party.

All: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Sounds like a blizzard, wind. Baba Yaga appears from behind the Christmas tree, barely dragging Father Frost's bag across the snow, pretending to be hard. Having dragged it to the Christmas tree, she pretends to be tired, wipes her sweat, rubs her hands, rejoices that she stole a bag of gifts

Baba Yaga: Don't wait for Santa Claus

He won't come today

And gifts, of course.

It won't bring anything!

Baba Yaga:- Yes, yes (snickering) you will not receive gifts from Santa Claus. Look, this magic pouch with gifts (strokes the bag) and they are all mine, I'm not going to share with you. Santa Claus gives them to you every year, and so

and no one has ever given me, but I also want a present.

Why talk to you (waving in the direction of the children with his hand).

Oh, I'm tired from the road,

Oh, my legs won't hold me

I'll sit in the woods

What can I see in the bag? (leaves)

(A song sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come out from behind the Christmas tree, decorate the Christmas tree, not noticing the children)

Snow Maiden:(bewildered) -Oh, grandfather, look how many children are here, they all came to the holiday.

Father Frost: - Hello, kids,

girls and boys, and here I am,

Hello everyone, friends!

May it bring joy to all

Good, glorious New Year!

Let laughter ring everywhere!

Happy New Year - everyone, everyone, everyone!

Snow Maiden:- Hello, boys and girls.

Not afraid of winter threats

I'm not afraid of blizzards!

Granddaughter of Santa Claus

I'm called Snow Maiden!

Admiringly looks at the Christmas tree, walking around it.

Hey tree! Just a miracle!

How elegant, how beautiful!

Here she is -

Slim, big!

Christmas tree-beauty Do you guys like it?

Snow Maiden:- Grandfather, look, the Christmas tree is not yet lit!

Father Frost:- What is it? Not in order!

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

To make the tree burst into flames

You will shout together with us:

"1,2,3 Christmas tree, Christmas tree, burn!"

Together: 1,2,3 Christmas tree, Christmas tree, burn!

Magical music sounds and the Christmas tree lights up with lights

Snow Maiden: You are our Christmas tree,

All sparkle with lights,

We will dance merrily, we will sing songs.

Song: "Beads glitter on the Christmas tree"

Leading: Very much, they were waiting for Santa Claus, we are for you today

How happy everyone is! New Year's fuss.

forest gnomes come out

And for our guests you will dance.

Dwarf dance

During the dance, Santa Claus also dances

Father Frost: Ooh, tired, ooh, tired

I danced with you.

Almost sprained my leg

I won't rest much now.

(sits on a chair)

I want to know guys

Are there any talents among you?

Come quickly to the tree

Yes, show your talents.

(reciting verses).

Presenter: Guys, let's read New Year's poems to our guests

1. Dear Santa Claus,

We've all been waiting for you.

For our favorite holiday

The tree was decorated.

Learned for you and poems and songs.

We know that there is no more wonderful holiday in our garden.

2. Herringbone, herringbone,

Here she is

Slender, beautiful,

Bright, big.

3. Santa Claus goes to the holiday

In a red coat, in felt boots,

He brings gifts

For little kids!

4. Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

He lit the fires on her.

And the needles shine on it,

And on the branches - snow!

5. Oh, what a good one,

Good Santa Claus!

Christmas tree for our holiday

Brought from the forest.

The lights are sparkling

Red, blue-

Good for us, tree,

Have fun with you!

6. What a miracle, a miracle tree

All green needles

In beads and balls

In yellow lanterns!

7. Beauty! Beauty!

Our tree is high.

Above dad, above mom.

Reaches the ceiling.

8. Children lead a round dance,

They clap their hands.

Hello, hello New Year!

You are so good!

9. We celebrate the holiday.

We decorate the Christmas tree

We hang toys.

Balls, crackers.

10. Snow covered everything

And trees and houses.

This means that a snow-white winter has come.

Father Frost: what are you good fellows, pleased me.

Snow Maiden: snowflakes, sisters, come out and dance with me.

Dance of snowflakes Snowflake girls dance a dance together with the Snow Maiden, then sit down. One snowflake reads a verse from a place

Snowflake: What is Christmas without snow?

And so for you

We fell straight from the sky

And they immediately started dancing!

We glitter and spin

And from the wind we wind.

We are frosty fluffs -

Christmas snowflakes

Father Frost: Children sang at the elegant Christmas tree,

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, have you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost: Oh, I completely forgot. Where is my bag? (looks around, looking)

Snow Maiden:- Grandpa, maybe you left him in the forest?

Father Frost:- No, I know for sure that I hid the bag under the tree, but I can’t remember under which one (they look under the tree)

Snow Maiden:- No pouch is visible here

Grandpa, what a shame!

Is it without gifts?

Are the kids leaving the party?

Father Frost:- How will they leave? Won't I?

I will find gifts!

Let's ask the guys

Maybe they saw something.

Snow Maiden:- children, dear, help, help out, have you seen grandfather's bag here?

Children: - seen. He is with Baba Yaga.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga comes out from behind the tree with a bag.

Father Frost: Baba Yaga, have you seen my gift bag?

baba yaga: - My bag, I won't give it back.

I found him under the tree

And there is no good in it,

Well, others in my bag

I advise you not to climb!

Santa Claus: (goes to her, knocks with a staff).

Oh, you, shameless, decided to pick up gifts from little kids?

(Baba Yaga jumps up, throws herself on the bag. Screams)

Baba Yaga: My bag, I won’t give it back.

Father Frost:- Baba Yaga, give the bag with gifts, sit in your mortar, take a broom and fly away (bangs with a staff)

baba yaga: - I agree, but only with this bag (drags it by the Christmas tree).

Father Frost:- No, no, stop. And I'll ask you to leave the bag.

Baba Yaga:- n-o-t (drawn, I won’t give it to you just like that. Ha-ha-ha

Father Frost:- What do you want in return?

Baba Yaga: Well, guys then guess my riddles

1. If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the tree goes to the house,

What holiday? …

(New Year)

2. Quickly the lights flash,

They run from top to bottom.

This friendly team

It's called...


3. In winter, during the hours of fun,

I am sitting on a bright spruce.

I shoot like a gun

My name is …


4. In the center of the room stands,

All toys shine.

needle pricks,

How beautiful...

5. A Christmas tree was born in the forest,

She is in front of you.

We decorated the top with a beautiful


6. Who plays with snowflakes,

Like a bouquet of white roses?

Who controls the blizzard?

Good Grandpa...

7. She is dressed in silver with pearls -

The magical granddaughter of the magical grandfather.

(Snow Maiden)

Baba Yaga: Well done guys. These riddles were not easy. Here are your gifts.

Gives away the bag. Looks at everyone with sad eyes and says

Oh, I want food!

I ask your forgiveness!

Grandfather, Snow Maiden, I'm sorry

And give a gift!

I'll fix it, believe me

I'll start a new life!

I will be kinder, better

Every hour, every day!

Father Frost:- Guys, forgive Yaga?

Children: Yes

Baba Yaga: Hey guys, come out and dance with us all

General dance__Come on together top-top-top

After the dance, everyone sits down.

Snow Maiden: Father Frost! Hooray! Yaga gave us the bag!

Father Frost A: That's the knot. Uh-huh! (Santa Claus is trying to untie the bag)

I can't untie!

Snow Maiden: Come on, we all clap together (everyone clap)

Let's stomp our feet! (everyone stomps)

Father Frost: The knots are all untied

And we got presents!

Presenter: Louder, music, play

Sing a song in chorus.

Song: What Santa Claus brought us children sing a song near the chairs.

Father Frost: Hurry to places

I will give you gifts.

Snow Maiden: We give you gifts

And we give you orders

To keep you all healthy

Getting better every day!

(Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden give gifts)

presenter: So it's time for us to finish the New Year's holiday.

We wish you a lot of joy today, kids!

Baba Yaga:- Happy New Year, Happy New Year

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone

See you next year!

You wait for me, I will come! To the music of Baba Yaga leaves

Father Frost: It's time, friends!

Need to forgive.

We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts,

Snow Maiden: Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids.

Together: Goodbye! Leave to the music

Sounds background. Children gather around the Christmas tree.

Cat Vasily

Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Background music is playing. "Behind the scenes" a voice sounds:

Attention attention!

Hurry, hurry!

Around the green Christmas tree

Get up quick!

Dance "Merry New Year" (performed by a dance group)

Toadstool Mukhomorovna and Chuchunya run in, listening.

Sounds background Christmas music

Attention! Attention! Says the radio station of forest dwellers. There are a few days left before the New Year. All the inhabitants of the forest get ready for the meeting of important guests: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

Toadstool. Did you hear? Get ready to meet important guests! And we, then, so-so? They also found important ones for me - this old man and the girl Snegurochka. Si-si-si, la-la-la!

Chuchunya. Who spreads such rumors throughout our forest kingdom?

Toadstool. Who else - if not a magpie on the tail brings filthy news. It’s even insulting: are we worse than them, or what? Why am I not a Snow Maiden, and Koschei is not Santa Claus?

Chuchunya. The New Year is coming, and I just want to do some dirty trick.

grebe. Think.

Chuchunya. You know what? It is necessary to invite my relatives - Baba Yaga, yes Koshchei. With them, we better come up with, then we are evil spirits.

Toadstool. I heard from Leshy that Baba Yaga tied up with the old one and only puts pies with cabbage in the oven on a shovel! And Koschei disappeared, as if he had fallen through the ground! ...

The Evil Clown stands in a circle with the children, throws a "log" under the legs of the Toadstool and runs away.

Toadstool. (stammers about the "log" and falls). Oh you! Almost broke my nose! How did this lifeless snag get here? (kicks). Let's take her home, melt the stove, brew some kakava, and come up with some dirty trick (they leave).

Background music is playing.

Announcer: Attention! Attention!

We invite everyone to a friendly round dance,

Meet us for the holiday the Snow Maiden is coming!!!

Let's meet the Snow Maiden with a cheerful friendly dance and show how we waited for her and decorated the Christmas tree! Repeat the movements of fairy tale characters!

Dance - the game "We will hang the balls"

Everyone is standing in a circle.

We will hang the balls - go to the Christmas tree

And then flashlights - and back from the Christmas tree

And then more rain-springs

Let's not forget about the snowflakes - circled

Gilded fish - a fish swims;

Funny lights - children jump legs apart-together and arms to the sides-down

Let's scatter tinsel - scatter tinsel around us

We continue the game - 4 times clap

Sounds background. The Snow Maiden and Vasily the Cat come out.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys!

I'm glad to see you!

I was in a hurry to celebrate you,

But got a little lost.

Someone seems to be joking

Changed pointers.

Santa Claus is coming soon

But he can't find the path!

Cat: Mur-r-me-u! ... Oh, Snow Maiden, I feel that the paths are tangled for a reason. (sniffs, snorts) Frr! Frr! Meow! I feel that the evil spirit is in charge here! And where evil spirits appear - expect trouble!

Snow Maiden: Well, what are you, Vasenka, Santa Claus will definitely find his way to us for the holiday. In the meantime, we will dance with the guys for you.

Snow Maiden: We do not want to stand still,

We will dance with you together.

Follow us!

Dance - a game with the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: What good fellows you guys are. But still, I'm worried: why, is Santa Claus still not at the holiday?

Cat: Mur-r-me-u! Yes, I started to worry. We need to look for him and remind him that the guys are waiting for him. I'll give you a magic ball - where it points, go there.

Snow Maiden: Thank you, Vasenka, I will do as you said. See you soon!

Cat: That's good, but I'll wait here for now.

Disturbing music sounds. The cat is hiding under the tree.

Toadstool and Chuchunya run in and Koschey follows them.

Toadstool: Guard! Save! Help! The poor old woman is being deprived of her life!

Koschey: Yes, how dare you, marsh frogs! Me, melt the oven and boil some water !!! I will destroy! I will incinerate! Yes, I will scatter in the wind!!!

Chuchunya: Spare us Koschey, we wanted to brew kakava and come up with dirty tricks ...

Koschey: Well, how did you come up with it?

Toadstool: They came up with, your snake majesty! Today we learned this! All the paths and paths in the forest were bewitched, confused ...

Chuchunya (interrupting) ... and Santa Claus was lured into the hut and locked up. Let the New Year meet there!

Toadstool: (interrupting) ... and yet, a magic staff and a bag of gifts from an old man frozen were stolen!

Koschey: Ha-ha-ha, well done, I forgive you! They rescued me from the log, and spoiled the holiday for everyone! Praise!

Chuchunya and Toadstool: Glad to try, your villainy!

Cat's sneezing is heard.

Koschey: Who dared to disturb my precious peace?

(Koschei goes up to one child, then to another; menacingly pokes his finger at each). It's you? Or maybe you? Or you?

Chuchunya and Toadstool pull the Cat by the tail, the Cat meows loudly.

Cat: Meow! Help! Santa Claus, Granny Yagulenka, save Kitty!

Chuchunya: Here he is! Cat Vaska! Grandma Yaga's favorite!

Toadstool: Sitting under the tree! Oooh, flea spy!

Cat: Meow! (reads against the background of the Blizzard) Hey, snow figures and you guys help! Surround the Evil Evil Ones, blow, bring on a cold so that it would be disgraceful for them to spoil the holiday.

"Dance of the Snow Figures" (performed by a dance group)

Koshchei. Uh, it became cold, but you won't be able to freeze me, because I'm immortal!

Chuchunya: Now you will not be healthy!

(The evil music of the Blizzard sounds).

Koschey: Blow, snowy winds!

Let the whole earth freeze!

Wake up, evil forces -

I'm calling everyone today!

Well, you are cold Snowflakes,

Everyone please come here

And freeze like ice

In a magical dream forever! Ha ha ha!

Koschey knocks Santa Claus's staff on the floor. Koschey and all the Unclean Ones run away, and plastic snowflakes lie on the floor.

Cat: Moore-r-me-u! …Where are our Snowflakes? Look guys, here they are. (Picks up plastic snowflakes.) What grief! Who can we now?

Music sounds. Runs, hurries Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Vasenka, run, run, killer whale! Who offended you, just tell me, this very hour I will put before your clear eyes.

Cat. Granny, look what Koschei has done! Meow!

Baba Yaga: Here's the thing! Koschey bewitched Snowflakes? I will help this grief.

Vasily, hand out snowflakes to the kids. As soon as it sounds funny music you, kids, pass these snowflakes into your hands in a circle, if the music stops, and whoever has snowflakes in their hands, run out to our Christmas tree and start dancing. You look, the witchcraft will dissipate, and the snowflakes themselves will dance with us!

Dance - the game "Dance Marathon".

Baba Yaga: Well done, guys, they danced merrily, warmed up well. Now you are not afraid of any frost!

Cat: Granny, we need to hurry!

Baba Yaga: What happened?!

Cat: Evil Evil Santa Claus lured into a trap, a magic staff, and took a bag with gifts! And the Snow Maiden went to the rescue alone! No matter how you get into trouble!

Baba Yaga: (sniffs) Stop, Vasily, you don’t have to go anywhere! I feel the Evil One itself has come to us! Let's hide for now. (stand in a circle to the children)

Carefully, Koschey with a staff, Toadstool and Chuchunya come out on tiptoe.

Baba Yaga and the Cat stand in a circle with the children.

Koschey Drag more gifts!

Toadstool: (Pulls out a bag) Here it is dear. All so blue and heavy!

Chuchunya. Oh, and we’ll burst into every tasty treat!

Koschey. Don't fuss! Now let's see, just let me untie the bag. (Unties the sack and sticks his hand in) Wow, something round and cold!

Toadstool. If it's round, then it's a watermelon, I'm telling you for sure!

Chuchunya. And why is he cold then?

Toadstool. So what a cold! If I were him, I would turn into a snowball.

Koschey (pulls out a snowball from the bag) Look, there is a snowball! It cannot be that the old man only carries snowballs in a bag!

Stop!! I think I'm starting to understand something! Snowballs are magical! Grandfather can turn any of these balls into a gift! But first, for sure, magic words will whisper.

Toadstool. Listen, what are we for? Really, good for nothing? I myself can turn these snowballs into different gifts!

Sounds music Toadstool conjures.

There is a pot on the stove

There is no light in the house!

Quickly evaporate the snow!

Come on candy! (instead of candy, a bump is obtained)

Koshchey.No, old, you can see nothing but cones. Watch how it's done!

Sounds music Koschey conjures

Just shake my chest

The bones will shake

The snowball will instantly become candy,

Eat, guests! (It turned out fly agaric)

Chuchunya. Yes-ah-ah! You don't know anything. It's time for you to retire. Me too, honored sorcerers! Learn how to spell!

Sounds music Chuchun conjures

I never wash.

Washing is very difficult.

But I'm young

And I conjure wonderfully!

I just have to think

The victory is near.

And appear in your hand

Delicious candy!!!

(It turns out a big candy)

Koshchey. Well done, Chuchunya! Open it up, I'm already drooling!

Toadstool. Oh, let's nibble on a candy!

Chuchunya (unwrapping the wrapper) What kind of stick is this? I'll throw her over the snowdrift. Out of sight, out of mind! (Throws a stick behind a snowdrift, an explosion is heard. Everyone falls)

Koschey drops the staff of Santa Claus, Baba Yaga and the Cat pick it up and run around the Christmas tree and run away.

Chuchunya. That's so sweet!

Toadstool. It’s good that I didn’t bite it off, otherwise I would now collect the ears along the edge!

Koshchey It's better for you, Chuchunya, not to conjure at all. Almost died of fear, despite the fact that I am immortal. Where is my staff?!!!

Chuchun. Oh, look who's coming!

"Exit of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden" (performed by a dance group)

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Cat and Baba Yaga with a staff appear at the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus. My granddaughter found me! (Taking the bag) You won't get any gifts!

Koshchey. (To Baba Yaga) Wow, the old hag has tricked us around her finger!

Baba Yaga. Shut up, hardened villain! Just think, a hundred years at lunchtime, and it won’t stop! Everything would harm him, invite misfortune!

Koschey. This won't work for you!

Chuchunya. Give back our bag!

Toadstool. Immediately!! And unconditionally!

Snow Maiden. Do something, grandfather!

Santa Claus. Do not be afraid, granddaughter! (staff taps, magic)

Santa Claus orders

Freeze everything in place!

Unclean power, become kinder!

Koschey, Toadstool and Chuchunya freeze, who was standing as they were.

Cat: Well, did you jump? Were you deceived? Me-woo!

Toadstool. Oh, I can't move! It's like they glued me!

Koshchey.What is it for us to stand in one place all our lives now ?!

Chuchunya. Listen, grandfather, can you let us go? We are generally good. And no one loves us!

Toadstool. We gnaw on oak bark all winter! So we decided to feast on other people's gifts.

Baba Yaga. Frost, killer whale, they say it is painfully pitiful, can you forgive them?

Father Frost. Yes, I would forgive if they gave me an honest word that they would improve.

Snow Maiden. Did you hear what Grandpa said?

Toadstool. Heard, heard! We are happy!

Kashchei. Let's act like decent people.

Santa Claus. Okay, especially since the holiday is coming soon. May everyone be well and happy! Wither away!!! (staff taps, magic)

Baba Yaga. (Turns to the Unclean Ones) Well, grandfather has to do business, and we will not interfere with him, let's go have a cup of Indian tea.

Koschey, Baba Yaga and the Cat leave.

Chuchunya. Can the guys and I stay, because we have never been to a real holiday ?!

Toadstool. Oh, let's remember the golden childhood, Let's play and have fun!

Santa Claus. Arrows, arrows, hurry up,

Accelerate a quiet move.

Children, hold hands

We are celebrating the New Year!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, you forgot the most important thing! Light up the lights on our Christmas tree.

Santa Claus. Ay-ya-yay,

Well, let's look at the tree,

How beautiful, how slim

How her needles shine

How elegant, green.

Come on, staff, work hard

Our Christmas tree is on fire! (Christmas tree does not light up)

Santa Claus. I don’t understand, has the staff really lost its magic power?

Snow Maiden. This is because you didn’t ask the guys for help

Santa Claus. That's right, let's say together: one, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!

Children repeat. Background. Magic. (Christmas tree lit up)

Santa Claus: Beautiful outfit on the Christmas tree

Shines, sparkles Christmas tree

Please sing for me

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree!

Dance - game "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost. Thanks for making the old man happy. Now tell me together, do you have fun in winter?

Snow Maiden. We don't care about frost! Not afraid of the cold.

Santa Claus. Are you afraid of frost?

Beware, beware

Come on, show me your hands

Yes, put it behind your back

Who will I touch

I will freeze without a joke.

Dance - the game "I will freeze."

"Frozen" go to the Christmas tree.

Toadstool. Snow Maiden, tell me what to do with the "frozen" guys?

Snow Maiden. Of course, defrost!

Santa Claus. Although I have a gray beard,

But at heart I am young.

And I dance at my leisure

Fashion Boogie Woogie Dance!

Chuchunya. Hey, guys, move your feet with us!

Dance is a game of boogie-woogie.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost! Look how handsome these guys are today!

Santa Claus: That's right, good!

Snow Maiden: A joyful and bright holiday

New Year brought us all

Toadstool. And funny gifts

Prepared by Santa Claus.

Chuchunya. Who is in a New Year's costume,

He will receive the prize today!

Snow Maiden. Let's join hands, friends,
And let's dance!
Not every day, but once a year
The New Year is coming!

Music. Heroes reward children in carnival costumes.

Santa Claus: And now the moment of magic has come!

Snow Maiden: Let each child touch the magic staff of Santa Claus and make his most secret wish ...

Toadstool. It is not necessary to pronounce it aloud, otherwise it will not come true.

Music sounds. Santa Claus walks around with a staff of all the guys.

Snow Maiden: Let your dreams be any

Come true in the new year

Let the lights on our Christmas tree

Burn brighter!

Chuchunya. We all felt good

fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!

Toadstool. Happy New Year!

We wish you happiness, friends!

Bright life for a hundred years

And a hundred pounds of health!

Father Frost. Well, friends, you need to say goodbye

Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts...

Welcome the new year together!

Both adults and kids!

All: Happy New Year! See you soon!

Music sounds. The heroes leave.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

New Year's holidays are the brightest and most emotional form of organizing children's leisure. Whether the New Year will be a fun, unusual, amazing holiday for our children, whether they will believe that miracles exist, that a fairy tale is somewhere nearby, depends on the organizers of New Year's events, on their experience, skill and knowledge. Indeed, in the New Year, everything is possible, because the imagination of creative teachers and children is limitless, and the variety of modern forms of New Year holidays allows you to make this holiday truly bright, magical and unforgettable. Excellent shape preparations for the holiday are ready methodological developments, for example, the current one is available for review.

Purpose of the event: generate interest in the upcoming holiday. Create a festive Christmas mood. To give children the joy of participating in the event.

Event objectives:

  1. To teach children to expressively perform musical, dance, poetic numbers on stage;
  2. Develop Creative skills, communication skills;
  3. Improve the ability to play roles, confidently keep yourself on stage;
  4. Contribute to the comprehensive, including the artistic and aesthetic development of the child;
  5. Cultivate love for nature.

Forms of organization of children's activities: New Year's theatrical performance.

Event progress

Vedas. 1:

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Sirs and ladies!

Vedas. 2:

Senors and senoritas!
Ladies and gentlemen!

Vedas. 1:

It's time to!
The nights have become longer than the days.
The whole earth was covered with snow, and the water with ice.

Vedas. 2:

On the street white-white.
Looks at the glass for the last time
Winter through the eyes of December.

Vedas. 1:

Already a wing of the calendar
Preparing his last stroke.

Vedas. 2:

And the shadows are blue in the corners
Condensed and cling to the wall
And darkness sways in the window.

Vedas. 1:

And a glorious New Year's holiday,
Already in a hurry, going.

Vedas. 2:

There are many holidays
But my favorite is New Years.
They say it's very important.
Who will meet as - so lives!

Vedas. 1:

Well, let this evening
Will be marked with joy.

Vedas. 2:

There will be games, jokes, laughter.
There will be contests for everyone!

Vedas. 1:

And the first by tradition
Competition for erudition.

Vedas. 2:

Guess the riddle!
Messed up the paths
Decorated the windows
Gave joy to children
And on a sled! (Winter)

Student 1.

We all waited impatiently
The day when she will come
With the first snow and blizzard
Our good winter.

(Winter appears to the music of "By the Forest at the Edge").

Student 2.

Winter has taken over us
Snow sleeves -
And the snowflakes fell
On trees and houses.

Student 3.

We will fight in the snow
We love to ride down the mountain
And so we are very
(Chorus.) I like winter very much!

Song 011 "Snow song" is performed


Frequent forest, blizzard field
Winter holiday is coming to us
So let's say together:
"Hello, hello, New Year!"

Children:"Hello, hello, New Year!"

Winter: In this magical new Year's Eve we continue the competition. I will ask questions and you answer them.

Quiz "Winter Holiday".

  1. Where is it colder - at the North or at the South Pole? (At the South Pole)
  2. What tree is dressed up in Russia for the New Year? (Christmas tree)
  3. An old but timeless Christmas tree dance. (Round dance)
  4. What song do adults and children sing at the Christmas tree? (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree)
  5. A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects? (Wolf)
  6. Man's anti-tree weapon? (Axe)
  7. Undersized blizzard? (driving snow)
  8. Carnival "cash". (Mask)
  9. Ice casting. (Ice rink)
  10. The life time of the Snow Maiden. (Winter)
  11. Winter drummer. (Freezing)
  12. How many rays does a snowflake have? (Six)
  13. Seasonal "sculpture" made of really natural material. (Snowman)
  14. Who came up with the lines: “Winter! The peasant, triumphant, / Renews the way on the firewood ... "? (A.S. Pushkin)

Clown 1:

Hey honest people
Come forward.
Turn from the gate
And then vice versa!

Clown 2:

Hey boys and girls
naughty rascals,
Fun awaits you
Come forward!

Clown 1:

Today is forbidden
Whine and mope.

Clown 2:

And strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine.

Clown 1:

Hurry, hurry
Hurry quickly.
Take everything for the holiday
You are good friends.
Clown 2:

There will be fun here
And jokes and laughter.
For a holiday to yourself
We invite everyone.

Clown 1:

Hey! Which children are here
Forget everything!
Open your mouths wider!
And she, and he, and you!

Clown 2:

How many of you are here today!
I can't count in a day!
You are Dima, Sasha, Nikita, Tanyusha.
Guessed? Let's check if you guessed right or not.

Clown 1: But as?

Clown 2: That's how!

All Sasha and Dima clap,
Alina, Alena, Polina - stomp,
Vova, Denis, Maxims, Kirills - jump,
Ira, Liza, Ksyusha - kicking with their legs.

Clown 1:

Ani, Tanya - raise their hands.
They squat all over Vanya,
And the rest as loud as possible
They call their names.
So one, two, three
Say your name.

Clown 2: So remember who does what?

Clown 1: 1, 2, 3 - start!!!

(A game is being played.)

Clown 2:

Here we met.
Starts now
Happy holiday for you!

Clown 1: Guys, let's see who is the most dexterous, attentive and skillful.

Clown 2: Stroke your head with your right hand, then pat your belly with your left hand. Now do it at the same time.

Clown 1: Not bad for a start.

Clown 2: Well done!

Winter: Guys, let's play dance game "Snow Snakes". I invite 10 girls and 10 boys here. (Snowflakes go backstage.)

Two snakes move around the hall and dance (1 - boys, 2 - girls). When only the music stops, each team must show their figure.

1. "Snowdrift" - they stand in a circle, stretch their hands up to the center, they say: "Crunch-crunch"

2. "Dry snow" - they squat, wave their hands over their heads, shout: "U - u - u."

Music 030 "New Year's disco" (A game is being played).

Sounds 018 "Song of the Snow Maiden" (The Snow Maiden comes out with snowflakes. They dance a dance.)

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Santa Claus didn't come here? (No). No? So I came first. While we are waiting for Santa Claus, let's play the game "Do everything like me." Get comfortable!

Let's do everything like me! (2 claps)
Come on, all together, all at once! (2 claps)
Everything is done together with us. (2 claps)
Let's all stomp like me! (2 floods)
Let's laugh like me! (Ha ha)
Let's sneeze like me! (Apchi)
Let's all be like me! (2 claps, 2 stomps, haha, apchi)

Music sounds 119 "Kashchei's Song" (In a carriage drawn by devils, he enters The Snow Queen. The devils laugh.)

Winter: What are you laughing at?

1st trait: Over all of you! This is us!

Winter: What do you?

2nd trait: You will never have a New Year!

Winter: Who are you?

1st trait: Now you will know.

2nd trait: Come on, all the guys got up next to us and let's start.

(Children disperse around the stage and move.)

The game "I'm the devil" (Children in hell repeat their words and movements. The game repeats faster and faster each time.)

Both traits:

I walked through the forest, found a bag, opened it, took it out and saw it!
Little horns, little feet
Black eyes, as if from a fairy tale!
Not a dog or a mole
It's bad, bad shit!

(The devils scare the children. The children run to their places. They sit down.)

Winter: It's you, the devils, who closed the road to the New Year?

1st trait: Yes Yes Yes! We, we, we!

2nd trait: And what? What will you do to us?

Winter: But what?

If three magic circles
Around the Christmas tree to describe
A wish will come true,
You don't even have to wait!

1st trait: Hey, we've been bitten!

2nd trait: Don't be afraid, tree, look how big it is! They don't have enough hands to make a circle around her.

Winter: And the guys will help us.

Winter: Guys, let's get up in a round dance and sing song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

1st trait: Oh, they're having fun. What to do?

2nd trait: What to do? We will distract! (Guys) Oh what helpers you guys are! Is there anything else you can do?

1st trait: And we know how to pack!

(The devils rush at the Snow Maiden, take away her cloak and crown, give it to their mistress.)

The Snow Queen: Plant her alive in a bag, take her away and hide this Snow Maiden more securely.

(The devils carry away the Snow Maiden).

Finally, my dream will come true: to turn everyone against the Snow Maiden. And they only do that they praise her: “Oh, what a kind Snow Maiden, what a good one. Now I'll put it on carnival costume and no one can tell me apart from her. Everyone will think that I am the Snow Maiden. Here will be fun! Ha ha ha!

(Music 041 "Song of Santa Claus" is heard).

But what is it? It's Santa Claus coming. I’ll hide from my eyes, and you, kids, look, don’t try to tell him anything superfluous, otherwise ... (Threatens).

(Santa Claus appears, sings a song. Children sing along to him.)

Father Frost:

I came to visit you, Santa Claus (3 times),
I walked past pines and birches (3 times).
Oh what a long beard (3 times),
You have never seen such (3 times).


Dance with us, dance (3 times),
Show gifts, show (3 times).

Father Frost: It's too early to show gifts, but you can dance.

I am Santa Claus with a beard.
He looks like an old man, but he is used to dancing.
One two three four five -
Let's dance the Lady. (Dance "Lady")

Father Frost: Phew, it's getting hot, give me some water to drink.

(Zimushka-winter gives Santa Claus a mug filled with 1/3 of confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and then, as it were, pours the rest on the guests.)

Father Frost: And where is the Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden, granddaughter! Where are you?

The Snow Queen: I'm coming!

Father Frost: There you are, granddaughter! Already put on a carnival costume, my good girl. Say hello to the guys.

The Snow Queen: Hey peep!

Father Frost: What are you, Snow Maiden, it’s not customary to say hello.

The Snow Queen: And you, old man, do not teach me how it is accepted, but how it is not accepted. As I want, I will say hello.

Father Frost: But that's not possible! Our guests won't like it.

The Snow Queen: If they don't like it, then let them go from here to where they came from.

Father Frost: Granddaughter, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?

The Snow Queen: Let go of your worries!

Father Frost: I don’t recognize my Snow Maiden, as if they had changed. But what a kind, polite woman she was. I knew a lot of games, dances, and now what a wicked one!

The Snow Queen: I'm Snow Maiden! I swear on my beard. Oh, crown. Oh, that is honestly. And games and dancing - please! Let's dance with me! (grimaces)

Winter: Oh, you lie, you lie! What kind of Snow Maiden are you? You look around, what guys gathered smart, resourceful. Do you think they are easy to deceive? So they believed you.

Father Frost: You must answer my questions. If you answer, then you are a real Snow Maiden.

The Snow Queen: Go ahead!

Father Frost: What is my cousin's name?

The Snow Queen: Everyone knows this, Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Right! Now tell me, where does the snow come from?

The Snow Queen: And this is generally light, from where, from where? You, grandfather, have a huge feather bed at home. And when you whip it, then snow flies out of it.

Father Frost: And here's the wrong one! So you are not a Snow Maiden. And who are you? You are the Snow Queen. Do you want to ruin our holiday?

The Snow Queen: You won't have a holiday. No dancing, no gifts, no Snow Maiden - you will have nothing. Hey, my faithful servants, run to me! (devils run out). Did you do everything as I told you? Is everything ready?

Devils: (in chorus) Everything, Your Evil Majesty!

The Snow Queen: Now have some fun if you can? Ha-ha-ha! (leaves)

Winter: Of course we can. We will still find the Snow Maiden. Let's take Santa Claus in search of the Snow Maiden and sing to him song for good luck 012 "Tick-tock".

(Children sing a song. Santa Claus leaves. Winter reads the decree.)

On the 28th day of the 12th month of this year, I command the fairy-tale heroes who can find the Snow Maiden to come to Santa Claus at the ball. Whoever succeeds in this feat will receive as a reward the fulfillment of any desire.

Today's year.
Winter is current.
Father Frost.

(Music 046 “Winter Holiday” sounds (beginning) Ivanushka enters.)

Ivanushka: Hey guys! Why are you so sour, boring?

Winter: The Snow Maiden was stolen from us. Santa Claus went to look for her, and our tree does not light up!

Ivanushka: So this is me in a moment. Think trouble. Now it will light up like a little one. Hey hell, who's got matches or a lighter?

1st trait: Here I have an imported company!

Winter: What is this for?

Ivanushka: What do you mean why? We will light the tree.

Winter: No wonder they called you Ivanushka - the fool. After all, light bulbs need to be lit.

Ivanushka: Well, here you go, you fool again. Well, you would have said that the light bulbs, otherwise the Christmas tree. I do need help.

Winter: What help?

Ivanushka: Help that I'm smart.

Winter: There will be help for you, but first you must find the Snow Maiden, then Santa Claus will fulfill your every desire. And, please, take away these negligent ones. (Pointing to devils.)

1st trait: Yes, we will leave.

2nd trait: But first we want to play a game with you "Don't believe your eyes."

(They say one thing, but do another. For example: arms up, and down themselves; legs wider - and they themselves raise their hands; hands to their ears, and they themselves take their nose.)

Ivanushka: Okay, well done! I went to look for the Snow Maiden. Only you guys help, without your help I can't do anything. The more fun it becomes with you, the easier it will be for me to find the Snow Maiden. Agreed? Brothers - devils, march behind me! (They leave.)

Winter: Guys, to make it more fun for us and Ivanushka found the Snow Maiden, let's sing song "Snowflake Carousel" .

(Song 099 “Song of Baba Yaga” sounds. Baba Yaga runs in to the music.)

Baba Yaga: Chavo shouted, sang?

Winter: So today we have a holiday, grandmother.

Baba Yaga: What kind of holiday do you have, grandfather?

Winter: What kind of grandfather am I?

Baba Yaga: What kind of grandmother am I? I have some 300 years of everything and then live, I want to do damage.

Winter: Oh, Baba Yaga, you are cunning, but we are smarter.

Baba Yaga: What are you, what are you. Yes, I am the most truthful. And if you want, I'll sing. Just let the guys help me.

Winter: Fine. Our children love to sing.

Baba Yaga: You go, you go! What are you, what are you saying!

Baba Yaga: Can you play with me?

Winter: And what game?

Baba Yaga: I forgot what it's called. I'll remember right now. I have this - chlorophos, not chlorophos, but dichlorvos ... And I remembered - sclerosis. Well, here's a game...

The game "The most snowy"(Several players are called. They are given paper napkins. The task is to make a snowfall, i.e. tear the napkin into small pieces. In this case, the players hold the napkin in the right hand extended forward, and the left is removed behind the back).

(The game is played to the music of 006 "It's good that the snow has gone.")

(Ivanushka appears.)

Ivanushka: Ay! Is anybody here?

Baba Yaga: Are you screaming? Who it? Where are you going?

Ivanushka: I - Ivan - a fool. Looking for a Snow Maiden for the holiday.

Baba Yaga: Ivan, are you stupid? At all or what?

Ivanushka: Like this? I don't know myself.

Baba Yaga: Okay, I can see in my eyes that I'm not a fool. It's written on your forehead - talent!

Ivanushka: What do you want, old lady?

Baba Yaga: You see, I'm tired of the hut on chicken legs, outdated. I want to build a three-story cottage for myself, but there is no one to build it. Won't you build?

Ivanushka: No, I need to find the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: Come on. You will be the stoker at the cottage. Warm, quiet. No worries. And I will call you Ivanushka.

Ivanushka: Oh, old hag, look at what a net you have led. I will call Ivanushka. (Mimics.) Will I work for you? Dudki! (Shows a figure.)

Baba Yaga: Now I understand who I'm dealing with. Do you know what we're doing with this? We fry with offal! (Claps his hands 3 times, devils run out and grab B. Yaga.) Not me, grab him. We'll roast it a little. I ask for the last time: will you build a cottage for me?

Ivanushka: So that it was empty for you, old! Scarecrow garden!

Baba Yaga: Into the oven! Ignorant! Ham!

Ivanushka: I hear from the rude!

(Baba Yaga listens.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, be quiet. My daughter, it seems, is coming.

(Music 025 “If I became a Christmas tree” sounds (beginning). Kikimora enters, walks around the Christmas tree and looks into the pan (instead of a mirror).


I walk through the dense forest,
I look at myself, beautiful.

I don't like girls and boys
I don't read any books.
I walk through the dense forest,
I look at myself, beautiful.
Who is prettier than me? Just me, me, me.
Fufu! It smells of Russian spirit. Who's here?

Baba Yaga: Dinner, baby.

(Ivan starts laughing out loud.)

Kikimora: What are you laughing at?

Ivanushka: And what a terrible one!

Kikimora: Who am I? Yes, I am the most beautiful, attractive and charming.

Ivanushka: Terrible, which the world has not seen.

Baba Yaga: What? Terrible? Yes, a little scary. Maybe you know a way to become beautiful. Help if you can.

Ivanushka: Help to help. Once I have to look for the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga: And I will give you a tangle of guidance, you will follow him and you will find the Snow Maiden. Agree?

Ivanushka: Agree. Just guess my riddles.

Tail with patterns, boots with spurs.

He sings at night, he counts time.

Baba Yaga: This is right now, my daughter will guess, she is smart with me. All in me.

Kikimora: This I know. Alarm clock with a tail.

Ivanushka: Where did you see an alarm clock with a tail. (Children help solve the riddle)

Baba Yaga: Well, I made a mistake a little, with whom it does not happen.


small, remote,
Passed through the earth
Found the red cap.

Kikimora: Miner.

Ivanushka: Did he climb into the ground for a hat? (Children's answers.)

Kikimora: Think how clever. But what is this?

Cannon, candy, icicle, rocket.

The riddle is ready. Not a bull, not a cow.

Ivanushka: Who is this?

Kikimora: I don't know myself. Just came up with.

Baba Yaga: Enough with riddles here. Tell me the recipe for my beauty. And then you will leave a wet place.

Ivanushka: Okay, agreed. Write it down. You need to take a handful of chicken manure, a handful of Ariel, a pack of tide, a liter of kvass. Steam and apply. It will quickly become beautiful.

Baba Yaga: Did you hear the guard? One leg here, the other there. March! Thank you, Vanya!

(Gives him a ball and Ivanushka leaves.)

Kikimora: Mom, go make me an ointment, and I'll stay with the guys for now.

(The Snow Queen appears.)

The Snow Queen: Servants! Where are you? (The devils run out.)

Are you ready for the New Year's Eve? Report everything as it is. Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie.

1st trait: Everything, mother, is ready.

2nd trait: Everything, your evil majesty, is ready, only … (They fall to their knees.)

The Snow Queen: What only?

Devils: (in chorus). They did not lead to execute, they led to pardon! The Snow Maiden does not agree to celebrate the worst year with us, she wants to visit the guys.

The Snow Queen: Couldn't persuade. The most important thing was not done. Oh, you, I you! For whose money did they drink, for whose money did they eat? I'll send you back to the fairy tale. Everything has to be done by yourself. Bring the Snow Maiden here.

(Ivan enters.)

Ivanushka: Well, that you will immediately give the Snow Maiden or we will fight. (Pulls out a large box of matches.)

The Snow Queen: Okay, okay, I'll give it. Just put those matches away. (Makes three claps.)

(The Snow Maiden appears.)

Ivanushka: That's it.

The Snow Queen: Let the Snow Maiden play with me and with the guys.

Snow Maiden: Fine. Let's play a game. You must answer yes or no.

Is Santa Claus known to everyone? (Yes).
Does he come at seven sharp? (No).
Is Santa Claus good? (Yes)
Likes a fur coat and galoshes? (No).
Will he bring gifts? (Yes).
Is the trunk good for our Christmas tree? (Yes).
Was it cut down from a double-barreled shotgun? (No).
What grows on the tree, cones? (Yes).
Tomatoes and rugs? (No).
Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold? (No).
Has he been friends with me for a long time? (Yes).
You came to the Christmas tree to us -
Did you bring twos in bags? (No).
Brought all together laughter? (Yes).
Joy, happiness and success? (Yes).

The Snow Queen: Commendably, children, I am very satisfied. For your steadfastness and for your courage, I return the Snow Maiden to you.

Snow Maiden: Thank you Snow Queen. And for the fact that you let me go, you can stay at our holiday. And we will sing with the guys song 017 "In the New Year's Forest".

Winter: And where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden:

Fun doesn't come to mind
The celebration is gone!
What is the new year
Without one grandfather?
Who can tell us now
Welcome speech?
Now don't give gifts
And do not light the Christmas trees ...

Winter: I know how to find it! We will call him now. When I wave right hand, the guys on the right will depict a blizzard (U - y - y), when I wave my left hand, the guys on the left will depict a blizzard (Sh - w - w), and when I wave both hands together, all the guys will shout loudly - “Grandfather Frost! Come to us!" Ready? ( Repeat 2-3 times.)

(Knock on the door.)

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus knocks at the door
Shakes off the snow from the hat ...
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
How much joy everyone has.
We have been waiting for this day for a long time.
Haven't seen each other for a whole year
Sing, ring under the tree,
New Year's round dance!

(Santa Claus enters to the music.)

Father Frost: I am very glad to return to you. Without Ivanushka, dear children, we would not have found the Snow Maiden. Thank you. As I promised, I will fulfill your every desire.

Ivanushka: I need proof that I'm smart.

Father Frost: Let me reward Ivanushka and give him a certificate. (Gives a certificate). Be happy, Ivan.

Father Frost:

I came to celebrate you
To have fun with friends!
To make me happy!
Do you know how to play?
Songs to sing and dance?

Snow Maiden:

We gathered at the tree
In the New Year's round dance,
To meet together
Happy New Year!

Father Frost:

So let's get up guys
In a big round dance.
Everyone let the Christmas tree
Sing the song!

Snow Maiden: Wait, Santa Claus, we haven't lit the lights on the Christmas tree yet!

Father Frost: I'm sorry, I forgot. What does it take to light them up?

Snow Maiden: You have to say the magic words.

Father Frost: I know those words.

Our tree with a head
All covered with gray
And keeps thick needles
The smell of summer resin.
For the bumps to turn
In colorful balls
To make the snowflakes sparkle
Not melted by the heat
So that the stars are rays
Illuminated brightly,
Let's say together, together with us:
Our Christmas tree is on fire!

(Everyone repeats the words and the tree lights up.)


Let the Christmas tree sparkle with elegant lights,
Let the songs and laughter never cease.
And may this whole year be joyful -
You are all very nice people.

Father Frost: And under such a Christmas tree, dancing and dancing is not a sin.

Song "Christmas Tree Song"

Father Frost:

Celebrate the New Year with a song!
Celebrate the New Year with a dance!
Who is the verse good knows,
I hope he reads it to us.

Winter: Guys, let's tell Santa Claus poems (Children read poetry)

Snow Maiden:

What are you, Santa Claus,
You sit and wonder.
Like you're rooted to the floor
Don't you dance, don't you sing?

Father Frost: Yes, I sit and think: “Is it frost or not frost?” Oh, and I'll freeze you. Well, stretch your hands forward. The song "Three white horses" is held the game "I will freeze"

Father Frost: Didn't freeze anyone. Oh, old age is not fun. Oh, I can't take it anymore, let me sit.

Snow Maiden: Sit, grandfather, and see what beautiful costumes at the guys.

(To the music of 035 Dance - the game "Who is it?" children demonstrate their costumes.)

Father Frost: Oh, I'm an old fool! Head with a hole! I completely forgot about gifts!

Snow Maiden: Nothing, grandpa. The guys will sing a song for you now, and then you will distribute gifts to them. Song "New Year"

Father Frost:

Come, honest and brave people,
Well done, daring.
Blondes, brunettes, redheads and others,
Hungry for New Year's gifts!
I tell the whole wide world
In the strictest confidence:
Today there is no refusal.
We have no gifts,
Who wants to run!

(To the music 015 " New Year gifts» Santa Claus, Snow Maiden give gifts to children.)

Father Frost:

The holiday sparkles bright,
The kids are having fun
New Year gifts
We got everything. Hooray!!!

Baba Yaga: Happy New Year, you guys, Happy New Year! Good time!


It's time to say: See you again!
Finished New Year's Carnival
You were visiting friends of the heart -
Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.

Baba Yaga:

The Christmas tree shakes its branches ...
Saying goodbye, should be with you.

Father Frost: Well, let's say to the tree we ...

All(in chorus). Farewell, see you next winter! (Everyone repeats).

Winter: Now you can take pictures with fairy-tale characters, and then dance! So, 1st class is invited to take pictures with fairy-tale characters, then 2nd, 3rd, 4th classes.

- Santa Claus (DM)
- Snow Maiden (SN)

- Clown Snezhinkin (CL)

- Baba Yaga (BYA)

- Water

- Cat Baiyun

- Koschei the Immortal

- Snowman

Scene 1

(2 students, Baba Yaga, CL)

New Year's background music sounds, first-graders read poems: ( Start - 1)
Came back to us today

Fir-tree and Winter holiday.

This New Year's holiday

We were looking forward to it!

Frequent forest,

Blizzard field

The winter holiday is upon us.

So let's say together:

"Hello, hello, New Year!"

The song "Silver Snowflakes" and "Dance of the Snowflakes" - (2)

Baba Yaga comes out to the tree, goes around the tree, examines it and the children. Stops.

Oops! What a Christmas tree! Fluffy, green, already with toys. (to children) What are you staring at! Who will greet the Snow Maiden for you? Probably waiting for me? And I was in such a hurry to you, in such a hurry, I trampled all the legs, broke ten panicles ... Am I a good Snow Maiden? (Children answer) What?! Don't like it?! Today I am the hostess here! And whoever doesn't like it, I'll leave him without a holiday. So let's entertain me! Give gifts, have fun with rhymes, and don't forget about the Mishka in the North sweets!

(Calling backstage ) Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden-ah!!! (runs out to the Christmas tree, continuing to call her and seeing BYA, stops in mid-sentence ) Oh, Baba Yaga ... (steps back )
(Snezhinkin) Stand!
I stand. Baba Yaga, a.. a.. what are you doing here?

(Mimicking ) What are you doing here...(Stepping on a clown ) What are you doing here? Who are you?!
(Proudly ) I'm Snezhinkin! The main assistant of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden ... And where ... The Snow Maiden ...
I am a Snow Maiden! Understood!

Understood, ... that is, I didn’t understand ... but where is the Snow Maiden ... the real one ...?

Are you blind...?! I am the Snow Maiden ... the real one! You will do what I say.

CL :
No I do not agree, (
Guys ) Guys! This impostor will spoil the whole holiday for us!
STAND! SHUT UP!!! The guys themselves know who they need, (Children) Hey, bad boys, ugly bully girls, who wants me to be a Snow Maiden, shout “I” loudly. Three four (
children don't cry )
And who is for this impostor to be removed from our Christmas tree, shout “I” loudly. Three four. (
Children scream ) You see, Yaga, you lost.
But but but. I've been waiting for this holiday for a whole year and I'm not going to leave. And you, if you want to see your Snow Maiden, pay a ransom ... sing, dance, tell a fairy tale ... (
soft ) Respect the old woman. (Rough again ). Otherwise, you won’t see the Snow Maiden and you won’t see the holiday!
So that's why the Snow Maiden is not there ... Speak, vile, where is the Snow Maiden? (
BYa grimaces, is not going to answer)
Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden, maybe she will hear us ... (
shout together three times "Snow Maiden")
Oh, they made me laugh, oh, I can’t, ... Your Snow Maiden got lost ... maybe she’ll get out of the forest by morning, ... however, I can return her ... if you agree and sing a song with me ... then I, honestly villainous, will leave ...

And what, the truth, you will leave, you will not deceive ...
What a shame... elderly woman don't believe...

Okay, Baba Yaga! There will be a song for you, the most fun, the most New Year's (
to children )
In a circle, guys, stand,

Hold on tight to your hands.

We will save the Snow Maiden

Let's sing a song together.

(Song« Ice ceiling » (3 ) 1st verse, the children go in a circle, for the chorus they first go to the Christmas tree, from the Christmas tree, clap their hands, spin around)

Oh, well, oh well done ... but it will not be enough ... I still want to play.

As you wish! We also love to play. I have a game: “What happens in the New Year” If it happens, answer loudly: “Yes”, and if it doesn’t happen: “No”. Be careful guys, Baba Yaga will definitely insert something of her own and confuse you. Ready?

- Santa Claus - a cheerful old man?

- Yes.
- Likes jokes and tricks?

- Yes.
- Knows songs and riddles?

- Yes.
- Eat all your chocolates?

- No.
Will he light the Christmas tree for the children?

- Yes.
- Hide threads and needles?

- No.
Doesn't he age in spirit?

- Yes.
Will it warm us up outside?

- No.
- Santa Claus is Frost's brother?

- Yes.
- A rose bloomed under the snow?

- No.
Is the New Year getting closer?

- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?

- No.
- Santa Claus brings gifts?

- Yes.
- In the New Year, are all the masks bright?

- Yes.
That's it, stop playing, I want to… dance.…

Do not be afraid Yaga, we know how to dance, we will also dance you
(for children ) Really guys?
group of girls dancing modern dance (4). Snezhinkin during the dance constantly teases BYa)
Oh, oh .. quite tired, they drove the old woman ...

You, Yaga, don't talk to us, keep your promise. Bring back the Snow Maiden and leave for good, hello.

Oh, I wanted in a good way, but it will have to be in a bad way!
(B-I conjures - 5)

(Ominous music sounds, Baba Yaga casts a spell)
Chufyr, Bufyr, Eriki, Moriki!
Magic door, open!

Dark power, appear!

Scene 2

(CL, Water)

(Song of the Waterman - 6 with words) (Music sounds. Merman appears )


I am Water, I am Water

Who would talk to me

And then my girlfriends -

Leeches and frogs.

Fu, what a mess!

CL. So we want to talk with you, dear Vodyanoy.

Water. How wonderful! I'm so tired of being alone. Let's dance with me.

CL. Actually, we are in a hurry and would like to…

Water. And I don't want to listen! Get in a circle!

("Dance of the little ducklings" - 8) (The merman also dances)

CL. Grandfather, we would like to ask if you know where the Snow Maiden is?

Water. What I don't know, I don't know. And you go to the bend of the fabulous sea, to Lukomorye. The cat Bayun lives there. If he does not put you to sleep, then maybe he will help.

CL. Goodbye, Water. Thank you!

(I am Water - 9 without words) (Waterman leaves to the music)

CL. We'll have to go to Lukomorye.

Scene 3

(KL, Cat Bayun)

(Exit Kot Bayun - 10) Cat Bayun comes out, falls asleep (purrs a song in a dream)

cat Baiyun. “Bayu-bayushki-bayu, don’t lie down on the edge ...” and “Don’t rub salt on my wound, because it still hurts ...”

CL. Dear Cat!

Cat Baiyun. Don't bother me, I remember the songs. I remember the first line, I don't remember the second.

CL. Don't be upset, Cat Bayun, we will help you! Really guys? You sing, and we will sing along to you.

Cat Baiyun. Oh, can you do it? Let's remember this one "If there was no winter ..."

(Children sing the first verse)

Cat Baiyun. How wonderful it is! Now help me remember this one “Christmas tree, Christmas tree forest aroma ...” ( Children continue the first verse)

Cat Baiyun. Oh great! And this one? “Oh, you, canopy, my canopy!…” (Children continue)

cat Baiyun. But you, of course, do not know this very beautiful song. And I don't remember! I only remember one line. "..."

( Song "") Grade 7 -

Cat Baiyun. Today is just a holiday for me. I almost forgot, why are you walking in the woods?

CL. We are looking for the Snow Maiden. We can't start without her. New Year's celebration.

cat Baiyun. Oh, I knew where the Snegurochka was hiding. Ah, I knew! I forgot... I don't remember.

CL. Well, remember! Please.

Cat Baiyun. I can't... Oh, I seem to remember. Oh no, I forgot again.

(Cat Bayun - 10) ( The cat is leaving

CL. It's time to hit the road again.

Scene 4

(KL, Nightingale the Robber, student)

(Exit Nightingale the Robber - 12) (Whistle sounds)

CL. Oh what is it, where are we?

(The nightingale the robber flies in)

Nightingale. What, got caught? U-tu-tu ... I eat you at dinner.

First row student. Why do we have, Nightingale is a robber, because we can be useful to you.

Nightingale. How can you be of use to me? You are small and stupid, how can you help me?

CL. Although we are not great, we can compete with you.

Nightingale. We will check this now! You know how I can whistle, right? But you can’t do this at school, although I’m a robber, I know about it. Let's do this, we will blow on the balloons, and whoever blows it into the circle first will win.

(Playing with children)

Nightingale. Yes, no one is afraid of these guys. Funny boys! I just can't help you. I don't know where the Snegurochka is hiding. She is hidden! ( leaving).

scene 5

(KL, Kashchei)

(Scary music plays.Exit Kashchei - 14)

CL. Be careful, guys, we seem to be in the kingdom of Kashchei the Immortal!!!

(Kashchei the Deathless appears.)

Kashchei. Yes, you are not mistaken. This is my kingdom - Kashchei the Immortal! And inevitable death awaits you in it.

CL. Why do you have such anger, Kashchei the Deathless?

Kashchei. I don't like it when the human spirit smells. Answer quickly, why did you come to me?

CL. BYa stole our Snow Maiden. We are looking for her.

Kashchei. Ha-ha-ha ... Yes, it was I who, together with BJ, stole your Snow Maiden. Yes, but I will never give it to you! You will not see the Snow Maiden!

CL. (Resolutely steps forward) Give the Snow Maiden back, or you'll regret it!

Kashchei. Who wants to scare me? (Steps on KL) Who dares to stand in my way?

CL. Why, I'm not alone, (points to the guys) That's how many helpers I have!

Kashchei. That's what, little fry, get out of my way! And then I’ll get really angry now, there won’t be a wet place left from you. I count to three! Ra-a-z! Two-ah!

(CL disappears)

Scene 6

(Snowman, Kashchei)

A snowman enters the hall.

Snowman. Why are you, Kashchei, offending my friends? Although they are small, they do not have the courage. Come on, Kashchei, it's better to measure strength with me. I have long wanted to overcome you, but everything did not work out in any way to meet us in one fairy tale.

Kashchei. Well, the Snowman, you can fight. You are a prominent opponent, not like these little ones.

Tug of war - 16 (Kashchei falls)

Snowman. Well, Kashchei, will you give the Snow Maiden now?

Kashchei. Will not give it back! (Stands up again.)

Snowman. Well, blame yourself! (Starts to blow). Children, help me! (Everyone is blowing).

Kashchei. (Zakochenev) Oh-oh-oh, have mercy, don't let them die... Don't blow!!! I'll give you the Snow Maiden!

Snowman. That's it! Now leave while you're still alive!

(Kashchei gets on his horse and leaves).Care Kashchei - 17

Scene 7

(Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga)

Exit of the Snow Maiden - 18 . The Snow Maiden comes out.

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. I was in a hurry to visit you for the holiday, but I got a little lost. Someone apparently joked, changed the signs, mixed up all the paths, and Snezhinkin also disappeared. Did he not come here?

(Echo, from behind the Christmas tree ) The crocodile ate him ...
Oh, someone is answering me

It shakes the branches of the fir tree

Who is joking here, respond

Rush, rumble, rumble...

I don't understand anything.

(goes to CH ) Enough, I don't play anymore...
(Snow Maiden ) Dangled, not dusty.
Santa Claus will find out, he will freeze your nose, you better not be naughty, where is Snezhinkin, answer!

Yes, don't worry, you're so, you're not going anywhere, Snezhinkin will not go away, ... he will fly a little ... and will return. (
Starts crying and talking ) And I am poor, ... unhappy, ... lonely, ... I live in the forest, ... offended the old woman, they were not invited to the holiday ... (Sobbing into a handkerchief)
Really, guys, it didn't work out well...

That's it, egoists

(Baba Yaga ) Bye, stop crying. Guys, let's forgive BYA, ... leave it on our New Year Tree.
We are all very well

fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday.

Forgive all mistakes today

But not the lack of a smile

(I stop crying )
I feel like we're here

Good Santa Claus will come.

New Year is coming soon

Are you ready to meet him?

(The kids are in charge )
So that we don’t waste time in vain ... I ... I ... offer to dance ... The first dance will be mine, repeat everything after me.

( Dance "Forward four steps ..." - 19 )

Well done guys, danced merrily, warmed up well. Now you are not afraid of any frost!

( phonogram for the exit of Santa Claus - 20 )
Oh, it seems to me that someone is in a hurry to visit us at the Christmas tree ...

This, tea, Santa Claus is in a hurry ... I smell his iron tread. Well, now it will begin ... Hello kids, how are you doing, ugh, every year the same thing ...

Guys, something is delayed Santa Claus.

Let's call him together. (Everyone's name is Santa Claus. To the solemn music, Santa Claus comes out to the Christmas tree)

scene 8

(Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Snowman, KL)

Ay, ay, I'm going, I'm going.

Hello my friends!

I am very glad to see you.

Happy New Year

All children and all guests!

I wish you happiness, joy

New holiday ideas!

May this New Year

It will bring you good luck!

Yep… already brought…
Hello Dedushka Moroz! It's good that you came! We have something incomprehensible going on without you.

And you, Yaga, are here ... you have taken up the old. Again I wanted to spoil the children's holiday.

What are you, what are you, I didn’t offend anyone, didn’t spoil anything ... Together with the guys I had fun, sang songs.
I know, I know about your tricks... Who helped the Snow Maiden get lost? Are you not?

I confess, there was a case ... but, after all, I was not out of malice, I was just joking ...
Grandfather Frost, Yaga must be forgiven. The guys and I forgave her a long time ago. They had fun together.

Oh well, has Baba Yaga really become good? (
The kids are in charge ) Then another matter.
Grandfather Frost, guys, let's sing the song "Little Christmas Tree" as a sign of reconciliation.

( round dance "Little Christmas Tree" - 21)

Well, thank you guys for making the old man happy. Now tell me together, do you have fun in winter?

Children: Yes!
Are you afraid of frost?

Beware, beware

Come on, show me your hands

Yes, put it behind your back

Who will I touch

I will freeze without a joke.

(The game "I will freeze." Sitting on the 1st row. "Frozen" go to the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden, tell me what to do with the "frozen" guys?

Grandpa, of course, defrost. Let them solve riddles.
I'll tell you, guys, New Year's riddles, whoever guesses the riddle gets a candy ...

The sun will come out - cry.

There is no sun - it will hide the tears. (Icicle)

What is the name of the needles

At the pine and the Christmas tree? (Needles)

The squirrel has it, the bear has it,

At the fox, at the hare,

And on a cold winter day

We go out for a walk in it. (Fur coat)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfoot, brown ... (Bear)

And the guys and I will sing to you
(Grade 1 sings a song )
Well done, guys, pleased the old man.

Santa Claus, have you forgotten anything?

What have I forgotten?.. Played with children?... - Played. Did you dance near the Christmas tree?... - Danced! He sang songs, made children laugh, what else have I forgotten?

Grandpa, you forgot the most important thing! Light up our Christmas tree.

Ay-ya-yay, Oh, I'm an old fool! Head with a hole!
Well, let's look at the tree,

How beautiful, how slim

How her needles shine

How elegant, green.

Come on, staff, work hard

Our Christmas tree, light up!

(Christmas tree does not light up )
I don’t understand, has the staff lost its magical power?

It's because you didn't ask the guys for help
That's right, ... let's say together: one, two, three, Christmas tree, burn! (
Christmas tree lit up )

DM: Well, now, guys, tell the verses.
(Children recite poems to Santa Claus)

(the intro to the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" - 24 . The guys join hands and walk around the Christmas tree ) New Year's round dance (costume contest )

The jury summarizes the results of the competitions. (Costumes, posters)


It's time, friends! You need to forgive!

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.

Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids!

May any of your dreams

Come true in the new year
Let the lights on our Christmas tree

They light up brightly.


May this bright New Year

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

Let him be the best

The happiest for everyone.

Let for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries

It will not just be new,

And happy new year.

Together : Happy New Year, New Happiness, See you soon!

(phonogram of the song for the conclusion - 25)
