Games for children at the graduation party in kindergarten. Graduation in kindergarten

We are publishing several contests that you can include in your graduation script in kindergarten or just at a children's party:

The players sit in a circle. Everyone takes a rope with tied ends in their hands. The rope must be threaded through the ring. In the middle they put the leader blindfolded. His task is to find a ring on a rope, while all players move it in a circle or in different directions. The one with whom the ring is found stands in a circle. For this game, it is best to use a large ring.

Select a few peas in advance so that they can be easily held at the end of the straw, drawing in air. Then divide into 2 or more teams equal in number. Give each participant a straw, and the first participant a pea, which he will attach to the end of the straw, holding it there without using his hands. On cue, he turns and passes the pea to the next member of his team, who must take it by drawing in air through his straw without touching it with his hands. If the pea has fallen, it must be placed again on the straw of the one who last held it. This continues until the pea reaches the end of the line. After that, the last person in the line runs to the beginning. And so on until the last person in the line becomes the last again.

Place the basket in the middle of the room; at one end of the room put 4 balls. Each player is given the opportunity to see how long it will take him to get all 4 balls across the room into the basket - using only his feet. Time each participant to determine the winner. Or count the number of strokes each player needed to get the balls into the basket. Or make it a competitive game with each player holding only one ball.

In this fun game it is worth playing only in very small companies. The spectators stand in a circle. Someone first points to the player from the circle with a shout of “U”. The selected player must raise his hands up, clench his fists and bend them slightly at the elbows (as a bodybuilder shows his biceps); one player on each side of the selected player (let's call him “bodybuilder”) must make the following movements: one hand on the belt [the one that is closer to the “bodybuilder”], the second arm goes up, but does not bend at the elbow, the body bends to the bodybuilder. All these movements are accompanied by cries of "U". Who overslept or missed, or arched in the wrong direction, or raised two hands instead of one - leaves. And so on up to two people.

For this contest, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.

Do you want your graduation in kindergarten to be fun and memorable for everyone and forever. Then be sure to arrange competitions for children right at the graduation in your kindergarten. This will help to pass the time, the children will play enough, and the parents will be able to cheer for their children. So everyone will spend time with benefit and most importantly with interest.

Competition 1 - put the word together.
Children are divided into teams of six. And each team member is given sheets with letters. But so that the team could get one word. For example, the first team was given the letters: O, O, M, O, K, L - and they must guess what the word is and stand up so that everyone can read the word. And the word will be - MILK. The second team can be given letters: O, O, R, A, B, K - there will be a word - COW. And so on. Which team will cope with the task faster, that one wins.

Competition 2 - assemble a team.
Three participants are selected, who are blindfolded. And hoops lie down near them, and the rest of the children stand up anywhere. At the command of the host, the children who are blindfolded must find other children and bring them into their hoop. Whoever can collect more in his hoop - he won. Also, the competition can be stopped when someone picks up five people in his hoop.

Competition 3 - guess the subject.
After kindergarten, the children will go to school. And this is an acquaintance with new objects, but not with textbooks, but really with objects such as: a ruler, a pencil, compasses and many others. Therefore, you need to put various items related to the school in a large bag. And approach each child with this bag. The child puts his hand into the bag, chooses an object he likes and says what is in his hand, and then takes it out and shows it to everyone. Whoever can guess the most items wins. The naturally pulled item does not need to be put back in the bag.

Competition 4 - lay out the objects.
In front of each participant on the table are the same items: a pen, a pencil, a textbook and a ruler, you can put more if you want. The host says: put the items like this - a textbook, a pen to the right of the textbook, a pencil to the left of the textbook, and a ruler on the textbook. And whoever does it faster and correctly, he won. Options for placing items can be any, it all depends on you.

Competition 5 - be the first to answer.
Participants are given bells, and they stand in one row. The host stands five steps away from them and asks questions, and the children must answer the question correctly. But not just answer, but first ring your bell. Whoever calls first is the first to answer. And if the answer is correct, then he takes a step forward, if he is wrong, then a step back. And so, whoever approaches the teacher first, he won. And questions can be very different, for example: what color is the sky when it rains, we live on a planet called how, what gives cold at home, and so on.


1. Hide the ribbons in the hall
Children in the hall sit on chairs. Music. Lead exit.
Hello guys, girls and boys! What elegant, beautiful! What holiday do you have? Cool. Which one of you is the smartest? Come on, guess the riddle!
"We were not - it was,
we will not be - it will be;
no one saw him,
and everyone has it."
(Name) Well here and there,
where they are called by name.
My name is............
AND YOU? Let's get acquainted? Say your names in turn (children shout out).
And now, all together at my command, let's say our name again loudly. One two Three! (Everyone says their names loudly at the same time.)
Let's get to know each other better. To do this, rise from the chairs.
I ask questions, and who would like to answer them in the affirmative, performs some simple movement. For example:
- Who had breakfast in the morning, stroke your stomach.
- Who has a brother or sister, hide behind a neighbor.
- Who is hard to wake up in the morning in the garden, squat down.
- Whom your parents forced to come here, stomp your feet
- Who wants to go to school faster - raise your hand up?
- And who wants to stay in the kindergarten - raise your leg up.
- Who loves the holidays - clap your hands. Great!
We announce to everyone now
Our graduation party.
And so it's time
Everybody shout "Hurrah!"
- Do you like to play? What games do you know? Games are different: all sorts of chants, congratulations, noise makers and players ...

The host divides the children into 2 teams "Karapuziki" and "Chumaziki".
On a signal, one team shouts “Soon!”, And the other “to school!”
The host confuses the children by giving the command several times to the same children. At the end, everyone shouts in unison: “Soon to school!”
There were congratulations. And the wishes? Today is a holiday, and on a holiday it is customary to wish each other all the best. So…
We will have wishes!
And you guys don't yawn.
Help together! (chorus answer Yes-yes-yes! Or No-no-no!)

Wishers (children sat on chairs)
We congratulate children on the holiday!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

And, of course, we wish you well!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Grow more for everyone.

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Be sure to be all fatter!

Children: No, no, no!

OK. Be beautiful, kind, sweet!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Both loud and quarrelsome.

Children: No, no, no!

So that moms and dads love you!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

With a strap to beat more often.

Children: No, no, no!

OK OK. To be fed with lollipops!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Maybe enough to congratulate? It's time for us to play games.

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

So be it. The game is called Cake.

Who loves sweets? What about ice cream? What about sweets? And the cakes? Do you want a cake? Big-big? Now we will make a huge cake together. To do this, we call parents for help. (All)

All children join hands and line up in one long chain. If there are few children, involve adults. Leader in front of everyone. On command, the children begin to “bake the cake”: The leader turns around himself, winding the whole chain. The host spins until a big “Cake” is obtained. Condition - do not disengage your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around the leader, you should stop.
Host: That's how the cake turned out! (asks children) Why do we have it?
Children's answers: With pineapple, with jam, with cream, with berries and bananas ...
Host: And what is missing on the birthday cake? Of course, candles. Raised all hands up. That's how many candles! And now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake (hands in the ring). Who has the biggest piece?
Children run in different directions.
Presenter: This is what our cake turned out to be: delicious, sweet, with pineapples, ice cream, jam and candles!
Children, show how you will eat it (the presenter also showed). Bon appetit!
They said ah-ah-ah-ah, stroked their tummy, licked their lips. Tasty? Well, let's eat. Now let's sit down and rest. They sat down on the chairs.

Question to the teacher - did your children scream a lot? Shall we give them one last shout in the garden? Who will scream louder? We will shout only at my command and with the voices of animals. So ...

Game "Tell me a word"

I have a learned dog -
Round button nose.
If I'm wrong about something
He barks loudly: ... (woof-woof)

Good crow bird
Yes, the singer is not good.
How to open your mouth - a nightmare -
Heard only: ... (kar-kar-kar)
Who mustachioed, like a robber,
Jumped over the window sill
Scared the neighbor's chickens
And purrs: ... (mur-mur)

Goose noisy, with a long nose.
The neck is like a question mark.
The goose goes for a walk in the meadows
And cackles: ... (ha-ha-ha)

Piglet will wash in a puddle
And rush to dinner.
I'll cook the bran for her
She will tell me: ... (oink-oink)
ringing a bell,
She ran away from me.
The meadow melts in the evening mist,
Where to look for her: ... (me-me)

He walks slowly from the river,
In a fur coat she is warm, like in an oven,
She will come to the hut
And calls me: ... (be-be)

Dawn walks through the meadows,
Milk brings us.
Dawn would live in a tower,
And she's in the barn: ... (mu-mu)
Waddling over is important
Bravely jumped into the river
And speaking of something
Noisily splashing: ... (quack-quack)

Only cherry blossoms
A bee flew into the garden.
I've been following her for a long time
She is looking for honey: ... (zhu-zhu)

Question to the teacher. Who always ran away for a walk? Which of the children is the fastest and smartest? Let's check. 8 people.

Who will take the place faster. ... They found a quick one.

Question for children. Which of you often laughs? And who often cheats?

Can you solve "FUNNY CRAZY MYSTERIES"? Then listen:

In more often, head up,
Howling with hunger... giraffe.
Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... wolf.
Daughters and sons
Teaches grunt ... ant.

In his warm puddle
Loudly croaked ... Barmaley.

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
Deftly jumping ... a cow.

Those were children's riddles, right? Are you adults already?


Question for the kids. Who wants to go to school the most. How old are you? Also six or seven? So you can all go to this school together! Line up like a "train" - take each other by the waist! Ready? Now close your eyes and fly!
Music sounds, the train goes through the stations: Kolenkino, Ushkino, Zhivotikovo, Loktevo, Ushkino, Popkino, Pyatkino, Nosovo.
Here we are, guys!

Already almost at school. Let's check what you know about the school. They sat down on the chairs. Imagine that we are in a class.


New house I carry in my hand
The door of the house is locked
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board.

Black, crooked, all mute from birth. And when they stand in a row, they will instantly speak. (letters)
Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on them!

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want!

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
(pencil case)

What's at school after school? - recess. Parents are welcome to join us.

Carousel (with parents)
-4 teams - 8 children and 4 parents. Braid pigtails.

- we call all the parents and divide into two teams - parents and children.
Divide the room into two parts (you can use chairs). While the music is playing, throw as many balls as possible to the opponent's side.

On command, the children throw the balls up and shout: “Hurrah!”. Whoever is the highest will throw the ball and catch more bubbles.
Music. Bubble. Dance.

Sweet table.

Balloons 30 pcs.

Many adults do not even realize what an important role a children's graduation party plays in a child's life. After all, this is not just a transitional stage from kindergarten to school, for some it is the first childhood love, the first pride in connection with an important overcoming, the first ball, finally. And it doesn't matter that while he is in kindergarten.

And you need to spend it in such a way that it warms the soul with cheerful memories and vivid photographs all summer, and better - all further school years! Therefore, the children's graduation games prepared by you or the presenter should be special and fun.

Contest "Chamomile"

Children and parents are divided into two teams: children oppose adults. The task for each team is to tear off a chamomile petal and complete the task written on the back of it. The tasks are completely different, it is interesting that neither the children nor the parents know what they will have to do. For example:

  • Tell a poem about the summer of any poet.
  • Sing a song about school or about children.
  • Draw a portrait of the teacher (teacher) and solemnly hand it over.
  • say 5 nice words to all girls.
  • Say 5 courageous wishes to all the boys.
  • Dance a polka (or other dance) to the music in pairs.
  • Blow up balloons and draw emoticons on them.

Chamomile can have many petals, and let the tasks be limited only by the imagination of the authors and presenters. In any case, this is a test of team spirit for children, and a serious test for parents. Not all mothers and fathers, for example, will dance a children's polka.

Topsy-turvy name contest

Children are divided into groups. The leader pronounces the names and surnames of the guys from the group on the contrary, from the end to the beginning. For example, Lena Ivanova will be Avonavi Anel. It is necessary to understand by ear who it is about, and shout out the correct name. Whoever guesses first - well done!

Young poets

The host first pronounces, and then gives each group of children printed rhymes, you need to compose your own poem:

After the guys read their poems with these rhymes, let them remember which famous writer these rhymes belong to? And in which poem have these lines been read? (Here, for example, the lines “Lukomorye has a green oak ...” by A. S. Pushkin).

You can choose rhymes from other poems known to children. This competition is a good exercise for the mind!

horse racing

The guys line up in one line, like runners before the start of the race. By correctly answering the facilitator's questions, each participant jumps forward. Who could not answer, stands still. Questions, for example, may be from the field of children's knowledge of nature, hometown, holidays.

The winner is the one that gets to the leader first.


Among the props, you also need to prepare a skirt for the granddaughter, a ponytail on a string for the "Bugs", a mask with a mustache for the "cat", a headband with ears for the mouse.

Songs about...

All guests of the holiday need to remember songs that have words on a topic set by the host, for example, about flowers, school, animals. The theme may change several times during the performance. The competition is fun, works to unite and bring together adults and children.


  1. Children are divided into two teams.
  2. The one in which there are more children becomes in a circle, everyone joins hands, and then they begin to confuse the group as much as possible without unhooking their hands.

    It is possible for some participants to crawl under the clasped hands of others, you can sit down, you can turn around. The main thing is not to separate hands.

  3. The members of the second group, who did not see all the manipulations, should return the whole team to the general circle, also without separating anyone's hands. If two teams get entangled in parallel, and two participants unravel them, it turns out to be a fun competition.

The longest chains

The task is given to the parents. They need with the help of their children from improvised means - bags of mothers, ties, laces and belts of fathers, as well as using glasses, bows, handkerchiefs and other little things, lay out the longest chain on the floor. Whose chain is the longest, that family team is recognized as the most resourceful for traveling to the ends of the world. If there are many families, then you can combine them into pairs with an equal number of participants.

magic words

The host invites all the guys to stand facing him and perform the movements that he will call. But you need to be careful, because you can start moving only after the leader says some kind of “magic” word: please, thank you, thank you. For example:

  • Please, everyone squat down! (Children do).
  • And now they got up and jumped (children should not get up, everyone should remain in the same position, because there was no magic word).
  • What good fellows, thank you for your attention, applause! (The “magic” word “thank you” sounded, the children applauded).
  • You are doing well, thank you, you can stand up and jump. (Children do the task).

Dance with an object

This competition is used even by adults during the holidays, but we invite you to play dancing with objects at the graduation for children. Children and adults stand in a circle, several people receive objects (a doll, a ball, a pencil) in their hands. During the dance, you need to give your object to someone else, and so quickly along the chain. The music stops, and those players who have items left in their hands leave the circle. One object also leaves the circle, and the dance game continues. The winner is the last person remaining in the circle.

Third wheel

  1. All the guys go to the center of the hall, moving randomly to the music. As soon as the music is turned off, everyone quickly splits into pairs and joins hands. The most unhurried ones still run among the standing ones for some time, and one person still won’t find a match for himself and will leave the game (provided that initially there were an odd number of guys).
  2. Further - again a chaotic movement, and you need to get up three people, be sure to hold hands. Those who have not found a place for themselves are out of the game.
  3. Then they again break into pairs, play until the last pair of players, who are recognized as the winners of the competition.

Catch a fish

All the guys are closely watching the leader, who shows them his hands and explains that one of them is a wave (makes characteristic movements with it, depicting a wave), and the other is a fish. As soon as the fish shows itself out of the wave or "jumps" out of it, all participants clap.

Thus, it depends on the host how fast the fish will emerge from the water and how often to do it, and the children must be careful. When the leader makes the fish emerge from the wave constantly, endless applause begins. The game is dynamic and fun.


This competition can be held when the children are tired of jumping and dancing and need to calm down.

  1. In advance, we will prepare photographs of those places that the children know for sure: where they always walked, went in for sports, or where they went to music classes. Photos are best printed in A-4 format, pasted on not very thick cardboard and cut into an equal amount. geometric shapes- rhombuses, squares, trapezoids.

    We are preparing several envelopes (according to the number of teams of children), in each envelope there are identical puzzles.

  2. Children are divided into teams, sit down at the tables, and each team receives an envelope containing puzzle pieces.
  3. Task: collect all the pictures from the speed puzzles and name the place shown in the photo. This is how we choose the winners.

And finally, about the most important thing: dear parents, it is you who must decide which competitions are needed and important at the first graduation party for your children. Let them be funny, unexpected, mobile or not, for invention, attention, knowledge and skills. The main thing is that everyone should be participants on this day: educators, and other teachers, and parents, and children. Only in this way the holiday will remain unforgettable and bright in the memory of all those present.

Graduation in kindergarten preparatory group preparing for almost the whole season. Children learn poems, songs and dances, rehearse a lot and look forward to fun party. And to make it really fun, you need to prepare not only performances, but also the game part. Interesting games at graduation in kindergarten will be a great help to create a joyful atmosphere. After all, the mood of the kids can be sad: they say goodbye to those who managed to become native teachers and to their favorite toys.

Assembly hall preparation

In addition to the chairs placed around the perimeter of the room and the piano in the corner, the assembly hall for graduation requires additional decoration. Children should feel that this is a real holiday. At the same time, decorations should be functional and not banal. An excellent and popular option today is the design of children's graduation balls. The benefits are obvious:

  • balls in children are associated with the holiday, so this is a win-win way to decorate the assembly hall;
  • modern technologies make it possible not only to hang balloons around the hall, but also to create whole compositions from them, both wall-mounted and
  • outdoor (arches, characters of cartoons and fairy tales, bouquets, etc.);
  • you can hide wishes or surprises in balloons so that at the end of the graduation they will be distributed to the children.

Outdoor games

It is difficult for six-year-old children to sit still, so they are very fond of games where they can run, jump and dance. We offer two options for interesting outdoor games at graduation in kindergarten, which will allow children to throw out their accumulated emotions.

Find a couple

You should prepare in advance cards on which paired characters are written, for example:

  • Chip and Dale;
  • Fox Alice and Cat Basilio;
  • Kai and Gerda;
  • Malvina and Pierrot;
  • Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena;
  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka;
  • Shrek and Fiona;
  • Jasmine and Aladdin;
  • Tom and Jerry etc.

Each character is written on a separate card. They are distributed to children, and cheerful music is turned on. Everyone must find their partner and stand side by side. After that, other music is turned on, and the children dance in pairs. By the way, the dance can be prepared in advance.

Forbidden movement

Another interesting game for graduation in kindergarten. All children go to the center of the room and form a circle. Leading in the center cheerful music performs various dance movements (squats, puts his hands on his belt, claps his hands, etc.), and the children must repeat this. At the same time, a prohibited movement is declared. For example, you can not raise your hands or your hand up. In the process of demonstrating body movements, the presenter must periodically show the forbidden (waving his arms, while raising them up, clapping his hands above his head, etc.). There are no losers. This is just an entertaining fun game.

You can make kindergarten graduation games even more interesting with the help of parents. Children will be happy to participate in competitions with their moms and dads.

Good luck

For the game you need two teams of 3 pairs of child + parent in each. All parents are blindfolded and given a marker. Each team has a drawing paper on which they need to write a parting word to future first-graders “Good luck”. Each parent comes to the drawing paper in turn and writes one letter with the prompts of the children. The first letter is usually not a problem. The fun begins later, when the child has to explain to his mom (dad) where to write the next letter on the paper. The child can indicate the direction (to the left, higher) and the size of the letter (larger, smaller). At the end of the competition, the quality of the written wish and speed are evaluated.

Compose a ditty

Several children (the number can be any) call their mom or dad. Each team (child + parent) is given a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter turns to the audience and asks to come up with simple rhymes for the word “school” (Coca-Cola, radio tape recorder, Corvalola, football) and “student” (used, collar, joker, watchmaker). If the audience can't cope, the leader prompts them. After that, the teams are invited to compose a ditty to the given rhymes and sing it. The winner is determined by applause.

Preparation for school

The program must include a couple of games that will remind the children that they will soon become first graders.

Assemble a briefcase

You will need:

  • 2 school bags;
  • educational supplies (notebooks, pens, pencils, drawing sets, primers, etc.). All in duplicate;
  • items not related to school (toys, slippers, a ball of thread, etc.). Also in two copies;
  • 2 tables.

Children are divided into 2 teams and stand in a column one at a time. The host announces that they will now determine who is better prepared for school. On a signal, one child from each team runs up to the table and puts one thing in the satchel that, in his opinion, is necessary for school. Then this child runs away, the next one runs up, and so on. When the next participant understands that the satchel is assembled, he closes it and runs to the leader. The team that does everything faster and more correctly wins.

Make up a word

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each participant is given an A4 letter. The host makes riddles about the school, and the children must collectively guess it and line up in such a way that they get a guess. We warn the children in advance that not all letters can participate in the guess. Riddles don't have to be rhyming. You can just ask questions on school topics.

By the way! If there are few children in the group, you can give each participant two letters written on both parts of A4 sheet. It will be more difficult, but more interesting.

A varied program is a guarantee that graduation in kindergarten will be a success. After sad songs about farewell to the group and teachers, it is imperative to entertain the children so that they do not lose heart and are cheerful. It is also necessary to prepare memorable prizes in order to participate in contests and games more interesting.
