Missed you very much. Bored Quotes and Statuses

For me, separation from you is the most intolerable and unbearable time. After all, when you are somewhere not with me, I immediately feel uncomfortable. There is a feeling of fear without you. I want my beloved, so that you and I will always be together. After all, you can’t even imagine how much I miss you. I want time to pass unnoticed when we are apart, and pass very slowly when we are together! I miss you so much when you're not around. After all, all my thoughts are only about you. Only that soon I will meet you and my heart will stop beating like this without you. Every moment without you is another torture for me, and for my heart! I want you not to leave, because my heart is attached to you, so much that nothing can be changed.

Beloved, my dear man! There is probably nothing more precious to me than the time when we are together! There is nothing more beautiful than your touch, there is nothing more fabulous than your voice! I want to say that every day when I don't see you, my head and my thoughts only think about you. My eyes are looking for you in unfamiliar silhouettes. And start to burn brighter when I see you near. I want time to enter into our position, and help us go faster without each other and enjoy the infinity of time when we are together. My soul is so attached to you that it already considers your soul as a half of its own. I miss you always dear. And time without you is torture for me.

I have never enjoyed spending time with anyone so much. I seem to forget about time in general, and think only of you. All my thoughts are always with you and about you. My heart does not beat so rhythmically without you. I want to tell you dear that there is no more dear and beloved person for me than you! Even in everything, all my thoughts, only about you. Only for you, I want to wake up in the morning to see the color of my beloved eyes and a radiant smile. So that later, throughout everything, to be there, and do everything for your happiness! Do everything to make you the most smiling person on earth! I feel so good when you are just next to me. Even when we are both silent, I feel something related between us, something intimate! I always miss you.

You know, when I heard the expression “I miss you 60 seconds a minute”, before you, I thought, well, how can you always think of only one person! How can you love someone more than yourself! But after meeting you, everything changed immediately. I instantly understood this expression and the fact that without a loved one, one second can seem like the longest time, without which the heart begins to stop. Without which, the day is not a day, and at night all thoughts are only about you! I love you always miss you, and I can not imagine how you can live without you! How can you wake up without you! How can I love you less life. I want you to always smile, my love. I want time not to be so cruel to us. And gave us more time to be together! It seems to me that you are for me that soul mate that people are looking for a whole life, and sometimes they never find it. So I'm very lucky to have you!

I will miss you even when you are in the next room. After all, I always miss you. We don't have enough time to be together. Your gentle touches are not enough for me. And you are always enough for me. I miss you always and everywhere. After all, you are the very, most beloved and dearest person for me! My heart is grieving without you. And I want you and me to be always inseparable! After all, missing you is so unbearable. I can't bear to wait, but when the meeting time comes, my feelings are indescribable. I am always waiting for you and my heart is waiting with me! Let every minute last for me an eternity, but then, how sweet are the minutes of the meeting. Darling, I miss you so much.

Probably, when I miss you, beloved, then nature seems to feel it. Because it is clear that even the sun begins to shine not so brightly. It seems to feel my sadness for you. It doesn't seem to be as bright! So, my love, if you see that the sun begins to shine not so bright and beautiful, it means that I miss you. It seems to me that there is no more on earth native person for me. My soul feels the connection between us. And this means that without you, she feels very bad. I want you and me to be together as often as possible! So that those minutes that we spend together last as long as possible! Know that I always miss you my dearest

You know, darling, when you are not around, I feel so bad without you, so lonely and uncomfortable. My heart is so attached to you that I don’t even want to think what will happen to him. Maybe my heart can't take it if you're not around. That's why I always miss you. Sometimes, even when we are together, but just in different rooms! I want our little happiness with you called love to last forever. And we didn't dare destroy anything there. Have you heard the term soul mates? So it seems to me that our souls, even before our birth with you, found each other. And we decided to be together forever. I miss.

Confessions to a guy Good morning to my beloved Good night to my beloved I miss my beloved I miss my husband Apologies to my beloved For mood Love boyfriend

What a sad moonless night
I look exactly like her
Because you are not around
And you do not look with a gentle look.

Without you there is no day for me to be happy,
The days are gray and the heart is sad.
I am alone, in melancholy in power,
I am empty in the fussy crowd.

I'm apart - a flower without the sun,
I wither, wither and disappear.
You are the only light in the window
I, my love, miss you a lot.

My love, I miss you so much! So I want you to come running to me soon, squeeze me in your strong arms and take you far, far away, where there will be only you, me and our great, eternal and passionate love!

I miss you, honey!
I'm sad all day incredibly
Ah, if you could only know
How I enjoy being with you!

I think about you every hour
About the beautiful radiance of the eyes,
About your hands so tender,
And words about golden love.

All the moments pass by
And aimlessly the minutes go by
Come back soon, dear
I miss you already, my dear.

I understand with my mind, my beloved, that there are separations and distances in life, but my heart does not understand this. Minutes without you seem like years, and days seem like an eternity, it's sad and lonely for me without you. I postponed life for later, I miss and look forward to seeing you.

I miss you my dear boy!
By voice, by gentle hands.
The whole world seems aimless, dull,
Until I touch your lips...

I miss you very much and love you
I can't bear the separation
And I remember well
It was very close to you!

Come back, my heart, I beg!
When I see you
I will hug you tightly
And cover with kisses!

Words cannot express the power of my love. I miss the moments of parting immensely. It's times like these that I realize how much I love you.

It's hard for me to express how much I miss
All thoughts return to you.
I'm like a candle, darling, I'm burning down quietly,
With sad loneliness in the struggle.

Without you, the night is monotonous and long
Looks from the sky lonely moon.
And my dawn will be the same tomorrow,
After all, you are not with me, my love, next to me.

But as soon as you show up at the door
The heart will talk about love again
And a spark of fire will wake up in the soul ...
You are very important, my love, to me.

Even on the hottest days I feel cold, lonely and uncomfortable. The bed does not warm me, because it is also cold and empty. I missed you so much, my dear. Come back and give me the warmth of your love.

I miss you more every moment
How to overcome me longing, I do not know.
And about one thought - to hurry
Again you said, "Hello, dear."

With you apart, even a clear day is plain,
I aspire with all my soul to your native hands.
Sometimes I even cry quietly,
I will not give an hour with you for all the riches.

I look forward to our future meeting
I want to touch your sweet lips as soon as possible,
I yearn in the morning and especially in the evening,
The world without you is completely lifeless, gloomy, quiet.

I myself am surprised, but I have to admit: without you, I experience an unusually sad feeling that I have not experienced. For a long time I understood myself and realized that I just miss you, dear!

Alina Ogonyok

When we miss loved ones, we look for all sorts of ways to somehow contact them and let them know about it. Fortunately, in our information age, there is such a pleasant little thing as text messages that allow us to write about our feelings at any time. But what to do if you can’t put words together beautifully, but you want to be truly original?

In such a situation, our selection of SMS I Miss you will come to the rescue in which you can easily find the phrases you need, allowing you to accurately convey all the feelings that you experience in the absence of a loved one. Cute and romantic, funny and playful, serious and sad - whatever these messages are, their recipient will always know how much you miss him and how much he is dear to you.

Do you know how hard it is for me without you?
So missing your warmth.
So sad and hard for me.
What a pity that you are far away from me.

How much I miss you -
I can't put into words!
I dream of seeing you again
Hug, I want to kiss you.

I sit alone
I am texting you
That I kiss and miss
Warm hugs.

I love... Like no one ever!
I love... I love only you!
I miss you now!
Love love love...
Kiss... I love...

I'm very sad without you
But I want to say, loving -
Our meeting is not accidental
And separation is not forever.
I'll tell you a secret:
You are my main person.

Distance is not a barrier
For the love that we have
My main reward
What I love now.

I miss you
I think, I appreciate, I love.
And in the evening
I send you kisses!

I want to see you now
Soft lips touch your cheeks.
I miss you very much, because love with you is that dream,
In which it is better to live and not wake up.

I miss you very, very much:
Morning, evening and night.
I dream about you.
SMS for you!

Far away are your arms
Kisses and eyes
I'm sitting at the window again
And I don't know what to say.

What do you breathe, I don't know
In that unknown land.
I already miss you
Waiting, hoping and loving.

I miss you,
I present your image.
You are the star in my destiny
In my thoughts you are always with me.

I can not wait any more,
So I want to tell
About everything that I keep in my heart.
How I miss, I'm sad
How do I want to see
And how much I love you.

I miss you again
Standing quietly at the window.
And a cup of tea does not warm,
She is too small.

I'm bored, well it's not clear.
I miss you.
I miss, not in vain
Fate brought us together.

Do you know how to spell the word LOVE?
Or what is the best way to talk about love?
Shall I write you a couple of sketches?
Call back if you want!
Yes, I miss, I'm waiting, I'm on fire!
And I say this without shame
I don't get tired of texting
Just like waiting
And dream about a meeting.

I miss you very much
I repeat day and night:
I love you so hard
As is very rare,
I love you so much,
That separation is powerless here.

Cities between us
And in my heart is sadness.
The bed is empty without you
Well, it's already morning.
Very, very looking forward to meeting
I love you more and more.

I'm sending you sms
To say how much I miss you
How my soul yearns for you
And how bad I am without you.

I love you so much
And I miss you very much
I always want to be with you
But how are you? Want?

I'm in hundreds of sms
I'll just repeat:
I feel so bad without you!
Miss and love!

How sad without you
There is no sun and no heat.
My love is not with me
You can only hear the rain at night.
He is sad like me
Without you, one longing.

You are far from me
It's not easy for me without you.
I want to be together always
And give you love!

When you and your loved one are not together, hundreds of kilometers separate you, so you want to say to your loved one: “I miss you very much!”. This can be done both in poetry and in beautiful prose.

The most poignant verses will tell your loved one how much you miss him. A simple phrase to your beloved “I miss you” does not require explanations and lengthy prefaces. In one word fit the meaning of those feelings that you experience.

Another beautiful way to tell about what you miss are poems. With the help of them, you can bring to a person how much you appreciate his presence nearby, and the word "miss" carries a very deep meaning. By this you prove the sincerity of your feelings!

The heart will shrink from the words - I miss you, skillfully woven into lyrical verses. And after such messages, at a meeting, you will never part again!

A couple of lines sent from the net loving heart- what can be more expensive in separation, even a short one. Write letters to your loved ones! Give your sincere feelings and it will best gift for your loved one!

I really want to be with you now, so that we become one, very loving family! 5

I want to you, I want with you, and I want it right now! 15

When can I kiss you, look into your wonderful eyes? I miss you, I hug you, I look forward to seeing you. You are my biggest joy! I adore you! 23

I count the seconds until the meeting, to see your eyes. Today is a joyless evening - there is no near, darling, you! 21

Love me as I love you, feel the pain of my heart, because you are not with me. I love you, I miss you madly, my beloved, I'm so lonely and empty without you, I want to see you! 8

Thousands of kisses!!!))) And endless tenderness!))) I miss you!!! 17

Night without you is not night, day without you is not day. Hurry be next to me, I live without you like a shadow! 19

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Without you, I sit in sadness, you are far away and do not call, and I miss you madly! 12

I love the starry sky
I love late walks.
All this dear
I want to share with you.
I love touching hands
And tender confessions.
And sincerely I will say -
I value you very much! 15

Some things are not done, some words are not spoken, some are left unaddressed, but one thing is clear - I miss you. 7

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness, I love you just like that, just for being in my life, for the fact that with you I don’t have to pretend, I don’t have to pretend to be who I am not. With you, I am the one who really is, the real one, with you you can laugh merrily, chat for hours just about nothing, it’s so pleasing, it’s nice to feel that you love me, that you warm with your warmth and care! 22

To make our souls more cheerful, to turn a gray life into a real fairy tale, we just need to meet! I miss you so much. 14

Where, my honey, disappeared? Did you lose your phone? It's sad ... I'm sad, and I'm waiting for news from you 15

My dear, my gentle, beloved, dear, I always want to be only with you! 24

The light was turned off in the heart, and there is no comfort in the soul! What happened with me? I answer: I miss you a lot! 12

My heart yearns for you, my lips whisper - I love you. You remember me and keep my love! 13

I miss you... I want to hear the sound of your steps. This is the sweetest music for me. I want to see you, touch your lips, I miss you so much... 6

I love, I dream to be with you always!
I swear separation, I count the days ...
Darling, I'm waiting for you and miss you very much ... 11

I'm waiting for your sms. I'm waiting for your calls. Waiting for me to finish missing you. I'm waiting for you to say that you need me! 8

I miss you, I love you, I kiss you
Thinking of you.
Mentally I draw
Meeting you in a dream. 14

I love it when we are together, and we do not sleep until late at night ... Remember: I wait, I hope, I believe and I miss you very, very much! 11

Waiting and just remembering you is such a small thing! I only got a grain of happiness! When we are together, I really look forward to it, in the whole world there is only you for me. 14
