Occupation patriotic education integrated preparatory group. Lesson on patriotic education for the preparatory group

Name: Synopsis of an organized educational activities V preparatory group“The candle does not go out of memory!”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, patriotic education, Preparatory group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Antoshka"
Location: Kemerovo region, Tashtagol city

Synopsis of organized educational activities in the preparatory group.
“The candle does not go out of memory!”
(patriotic education in preschool educational institution)

Prepared by: S.N. Polyakova, teacher of the 1st category MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Antoshka"

Target: Cultivate patriotic feelings; interest in the history, holidays and traditions of the Russian people.

Program content:

- to expand children's knowledge about the history of our country. To consolidate the concepts: "Motherland", "Fatherland", "Veterans", "The capital of our Motherland", "Victory Banner"; salute of the Victory;

- to acquaint children with military awards that were awarded to soldiers during the Second World War, with such symbols as - "St. George's Ribbon", "Dove of Peace".

- develop dialogue speech; to form and enrich the dictionary;

- develop visual skills, form the artistic taste of preschoolers;

- develop fine motor skills hands, develop creativity using the technique of three-dimensional origami.

- to cultivate respect for the feats of arms of soldiers and commanders; pride in one's people; love to motherland.


A letter-triangle, a video projector, a Victory Salute presentation, a stand with photos of awards, blanks for making doves using the Origami technique, blanks for making St. George ribbons, ribbons with clothespins for hanging pigeons.

Preliminary preparation:

Watching videos "Soldiers of War", "Cities - Heroes", "Memory", "Veterans", the cartoon "Salute of Victory"; reading stories from the series "Children about the war", proverbs about the war; a conversation about relatives participating in military battles; viewing illustrations on the topic.

Lesson progress

V. – Hello, dear colleagues!

I rise with the sun in the morning

And I'll go to my native kindergarten.

I love work very much

And I greet the guys with a smile!

- Guys, come in, please! Greet your guests.

Also an interesting lesson on patriotic education in a preschool educational institution:

There is a knock.

IN.- And what, someone was left behind the door? Dasha, look, please.

The child brings in an ENVELOPE

IN.- Look, they gave us some strange envelope. It has some strange shape. What shape is it?

- Also, pay attention to which envelope is old. Does anyone know when these letters were written? (during WWII)

- Let's see who it is addressed to ... you guys! (opens and reads)

Guys, who do you think wrote this letter? (soldiers)

What kind of war are we talking about?

“Would you like to know what kind of war it was?” Then take a seat and watch carefully.

- It was a long time ago, when our country was a large united state and it was called the Soviet Union.

3 SLIDE - Your great-grandparents were young, healthy, full of energy.

4SLIDE - Enjoyed life. Hope for a long and happy life.

5 SLIDE - We lived together. They worked together and studied together.

Our people were the most friendly, the most peaceful. Everyone dreamed about the future, thought that everything in their life would be fine. But something terrible happened...

6 SLIDE - One early Summer morning Fascists attacked our Motherland. Airplanes flew, tanks crawled.

7 SLIDE - Enemies attacked without warning. This is how our grandparents found out about the beginning of the war .... (Levitan's voice)

8 SLIDE - This war has affected every family in our country.

9 SLIDE - This song sounded all over the country - a call (Get up a huge country)

10 SLIDE - All residents, old and young, took up arms.

11 SLIDE - Even women put aside their household chores and stood in line to defend our Fatherland.

12 SLIDE - Guys, what is the Fatherland? I propose to conduct our warm-up "Motherland".

13 SLIDE - It was a terrible time. Many cities and villages turned into ruins, many thousands of people died.

14 SLIDE - She brought many troubles and grief to people.

15 SLIDE - The enemies did not spare anyone, did not spare either the elderly or the children.

16 SLIDE - But our people did not give up! Defending their homeland, soldiers and commanders fought without sparing their lives. The battles took place on water and on land, in winter and summer, in heat and in severe frost.

17 SLIDE - And children and adults, mostly women, helped the front, working in the rear.

(What is the rear?) (the territory where hostilities took place - the front, and where there were no hostilities, civilians lived, factories worked, were engaged in agriculture - the rear)

18 SLIDE - In order to prevent the enemies from seizing our factories, many of them were transported to Siberia. For example, in Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk and Barnaul.

19 SLIDE - In the rear, people did everything they could. They worked to the best of their ability.

Posters hung everywhere.

20 SLIDE - And people did everything possible and impossible. (Very valuable ore was mined in the mines of our city. Armor for tanks was smelted from this ore. Workers did not rise to the surface for days.

21 SLIDE - Everyone supported the soldiers as best they could. To support the spirit of the soldiers, concerts were organized for the soldiers. The song helped the soldiers cope with fatigue and fear.

22 SLIDE - One of the songs that was loved by the soldiers and that the enemies simply hated was “Katyusha”. Do you know this song? Let's sing. Imagine that you and I are on a halt.

23 SLIDE - For great services to the Motherland, courage and heroism, soldiers were awarded medals and orders.

24 SLIDE - Order "Victory".

25 SLIDE - Order of "Glory"

26 SLIDE - Order of the "Patriotic War"

27 SLIDE - Medal "For Victory"

28 SLIDE - Medal "For Courage"

29 SLIDE - Medal "For Valiant Labor"

30 SLIDE - Gold Star medal

31 SLIDE - People who live in our time have not experienced the full horror of war. But we remember the exploits of our people and, as a symbol of this memory, we tie a St. George ribbon, as if we were saying: “We remember!”, “We are proud!”

32 SLIDE - We are grateful to our great-grandfathers for the fact that we now live in peacetime. The symbol of peace is the white dove.


I propose now to go to the tables and make each a paper dove with St. George ribbon in the beak.

(Work in progress)….. And now let's fasten deeper to the tapes (in the reception area)

33 SLIDE - In memory of the soldiers who did not come from that war, monuments were erected in many cities of Russia. Look at this monument. Who knows the name of this monument.

34 SLIDE - Who will say what it is? ("Eternal Flame") This is also a symbol that says: "No one is forgotten - nothing is forgotten ..."

35 SLIDE - On May 9, 1945, the war ended. Everyone rejoiced, wept with happiness. And again, a familiar voice sounded throughout the country, which announced the joyful news. (VOICE OF LEVITAN)

36 SLIDE - Since then, every year on this day, our country celebrates Victory Day! Veterans put on their orders and medals.

37 SLIDE - They get together and remember the bygone years, when they were young and full of energy. They remember their friends, those who did not return from the battlefields.

And, as on the first day of Victory, cannons are firing all over the country, but only with salute fire.

38 SLIDE - wish.


IN.- This is where our lesson comes to an end. What did we talk about?

(children's answers)

IN.- What do you think, what can we do to avoid war?

Guys, have you ever seen fireworks? Would you like to see fireworks here now?

Then help me make a small area (lay out the fabric). Ready? Our Victory - Hurrah! SALUTE FROM CANDY

Feeling of patriotism and love for one's country.

Tasks: To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about Russia, to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols; fix the names of major Russian cities and rivers; names of folk crafts; to cultivate love for the motherland, civil-patriotic feelings.

Materials: Images of coats of arms and flags, a crossword puzzle, visual and didactic aids, an exhibition of drawings dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

Preliminary work: Conversations about Russian symbols; reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland; viewing photographs of cities and rivers; conversations, looking at illustrations and performing works based on folk arts and crafts.

Lesson progress

Educator: There are many on the planet different countries, but our largest country. What is it called? (Russia.)

- That's right, Russia. And what is our Russia like? ( Big, beloved, beautiful, huge, rich, strong.)

- Russia is our Motherland. Guys, explain how you understand what “Motherland” is? (Motherland is the place where we were born; the country in which we live. Every person has one homeland.)

caregiver: Guys, who knows the poem about the Motherland?


great land,
beloved land,
Where we were born and live
We are the motherland of light,
We are the dear Motherland,
We call our Motherland

caregiver: Many proverbs and sayings were composed by the Russian people about the Motherland. Remember them.

(To live is to serve the motherland. Motherland teaches - Motherland rescues. Who is a mountain for the Motherland, that is a true hero, etc.)

- All these proverbs teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies. Now let's get to the map.

- No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia. Look at the map. ( The teacher shows the children a map of Russia.) That's how much space the territory of Russia occupies. When people go to bed at one end of our country, morning begins at the other. It can snow at one end of our country, and the sun can bake at the other. To get from one end to the other, you need to travel by train for 7 days - a week, and fly by plane for almost a day. And today I offer you a trip to Russia.

- Guys, what can you travel on? ( By plane, bus, etc.)

Educator: I suggest you travel by train. Let's go. We take seats in the car.

(Sounds of music “Steam locomotive”.)

Educator: The station is called "State"

- Name the capital of Russia. (Moscow.)

- And who will tell a poem about Moscow?


Moscow is Red Square
Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin,
Moscow is the heart of Russia
who loves you

Educator: The President of our country is...? ( D. A. Medvedev.)

- Name the state symbols of Russia. (Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)

Find the flag of our country among others. ( Images of flags are laid out, children choose the flag of Russia from the proposed ones.)

- Well done! And who will tell a poem about the flag?


White color - birch,
blue sky color,
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn

Educator: Now find the coat of arms of our country. (Images are laid out, children choose from the proposed coat of arms of Russia.)

Who knows the poem about the coat of arms?


Russia has a majestic
On the coat of arms is a double-headed eagle,
To the west, to the east
He could look right away
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is the free spirit of Russia.

Educator: What is an anthem? (The anthem is the most important song of the country. The anthem is listened to while standing, etc.)

- Right! Each country has its own anthem. Now we will listen to the national anthem of Russia.

(Listen to an excerpt from the anthem.)

The station is called "Forest"

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Us in the rain and in the heat
A friend will help
Green and good
Will stretch out dozens of hands to us
And thousands of hands. (Tree.)

Educator: Right! This is a tree. What is a tree made of? (Roots, trunk, branches, leaves.)

– Russia is the richest country in the world with forests. The forest is a huge house. Only one tree can provide shelter and food for many animals and birds. And there are thousands of such trees in the forest! What trees of our country are familiar to you? (Birch, oak, etc.)

“But not only trees grow in the forest. What else does the forest give us? ( Berries, mushrooms.)

– What berries can be picked in the forests of Russia? (Blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.)

- What mushrooms do you know? (Boletus, russula, etc.)

But there are also poisonous, dangerous mushrooms. Does anyone know what mushrooms are? (Amanita, grebe.)

Birds and animals also live in our forests. What animals do you know? (Bear, fox, etc.)

- What kind of birds do you know? ( woodpecker, starling, etc.)

“Now get up, spread out, we’ll play with you.”

Physical education:

Hands raised and shook
These are birches in the forest,
Hands bent, brushes shaken -
The wind knocks down the dew.
Hands to the sides, gently wave,
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, we will also show
Hands bent back

Educator: The forest is our wealth. Let's save nature.

And our journey continues. We take seats in the wagons. Go.

Educator: The station is called “Geographical”

Here we need to solve a crossword puzzle. Guess what is being said from the written word. What word, read. (Word RIVER.)

- Right. The rivers of Russia are powerful, full-flowing rivers, they carry their waters to the seas and oceans. Listen to my first clue.

1. This river flows in the city, where there are a lot of museums, ancient parks, beautiful fountains, magnificent palaces, and there are also drawbridges in this city. (NEVA)

2. The name of this river is consonant, the same with the name of the capital of our Motherland. This? (MOSCOW)

3. This river is named female name.(LENA)

Educator: Well done! Our crossword is solved. What other rivers do you know? (Ob, Oka, Yenisei, Amur, Angara, Irtysh.)

There are also many cities in our country. What cities do you know? (Kazan, Vladivostok, etc.) Right. The names of cities and rivers are geographical names. Therefore, this station is called “Geographic”

We arrived at the station “Historical”


Russia was famous for its miracle - masters,
Wood and clay turned into a fairy tale.
They created beauty with paints and a brush,
Young people were taught their art.

caregiver: I suggest you remember the products of decorative and applied art of Russian masters. Solve riddles.

  1. colorful girlfriends
    They love to hide in each other. What is this? (Matryoshka.)

    - Of course, this is a familiar nesting doll to all of us. Here she is! (The teacher shows the children a nesting doll.)
    - Next riddle.

  2. This painting is just amazing.
    All dishes are blue.
    Painting with a blue swirl
    Beckons with a Russian cornflower. (Gzhel.)

    Educator: That's right guys. Look how beautiful.

  3. Golden grass grew on a spoon,
    A red flower bloomed on a bowl. (Khokhloma.)
  4. All toys are difficult
    And magically painted
    Snow-white, like birches,
    Circles, cells. Stripes. (Dymkovo toy.)
  5. The good master made a fairy tale
    Animals come to life in a fairy tale
    Bears, hares, mallets -
    Wooden Toys.(Bogorodskaya toy.)

Educator: Well done, guys, you know the products of Russian crafts. The Russian people know how not only to work, but also to have fun. And we'll play Russian now folk game "Golden Gate"

- And now we have arrived at the station "Festive".

- Guys, what holiday will our people celebrate in May? (Victory Day.)

- Yes, guys, Victory Day is a great, important holiday for all our people. This year we are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the victory. On this day, we remember all those who gave their lives for our Motherland, for us. We say words of gratitude to those veterans who are still alive. We dedicated our exhibition of drawings to this holiday. (Showing an exhibition.) And in the evening on this day, volleys of festive fireworks will sound in the sky of our vast Motherland. And about this we will now sing a song

"Salute of Victory". (Children sing a song and a chants.)

“If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong”

And so our trip to Russia ended. We remembered a lot, learned a lot.

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Kovtun Alla
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "We are patriots"

Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 49 "Okay"


Direct educational activities in preparatory group

Subject: "We are patriots"

Direction: "Cognitive and speech development"

"Civic-Patriotic Education"

"Social and personal development"

Educational areas: "Knowledge"; "Communication"; "Socialization"; "Health"; ; "Music"



Kovtun A. Yu.

Program content

Region "Knowledge"

1. Educational tasks:

To clarify and deepen the knowledge and ideas of preschoolers about Russia, about the state in which they live (language, President, capital);

Consolidate knowledge about the Motherland;

To fix the image of the coat of arms, knowledge about the flag of the native city;

To generalize and systematize knowledge about Russia.

2. Developmental tasks:

Develop attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking, develop fine motor skills.

3. Educational tasks:

Cultivate a sense of pride in the Motherland;

Cultivate love for the Motherland;

Patriotism for one's country;

A sense of belonging to her fate;

Maintain interest in the history of your country;

To form a respectful attitude towards state symbols.

Region "Communication"

Develop the ability to hear and listen to the teacher;

Continue to learn to answer with a full answer.

Region "Socialization"

Continue to develop mindfulness, observation, visual-figurative thinking, perseverance;

Develop the ability to communicate calmly;

To form the ability to negotiate, help each other;

To form the ability to listen to the interlocutor and not to interrupt;

Learn not to shout from the spot;

To cultivate a friendly relationship between children, respect for others, for the Motherland, for Russia, for family and nature.

Region "Health"

Develop fine motor skills.

Region "Reading Fiction"

Cultivate a love of literature.

materials: map of Russia, the image of the coat of arms of Russia, Serpukhov, the image of the flag, the image of the sights of the capital, the city of Serpukhov, small flags of Russia.

vocabulary work: Motherland, coat of arms, flag, symbol, Russians, capital, citizens, cities of Russia, peoples of Russia, folk crafts

preliminary work:

A conversation about the capital, about the Motherland, about Russia;

Reading fiction;

Examination of a map of Russia, coat of arms, flag;

Conversation about the native city of Serpukhov;

Learning poems.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing time.

IN group includes two teams, stand opposite each other and say a greeting, sit in a semicircle.

caregiver: Today we have an unusual class, and a quiz on the topic "We are Russians". The game is played by two teams. Teams greet each other.

Team "Cornflowers"

Cornflower - flower of Russia,

He is like the sky, blue-blue.

Russian soul loves

Cornflower eyes.

Team "Daisies"

We are a chamomile field

Symbol of the Russian expanse,

But not hot at all.

Chamomile white rays.

Teams sit at tables (in the center of each is a flower symbol).

caregiver: We live in a country that has amazing beautiful name- Russia. Let's say the sonorous name of Russia together - Russia. There are many things in our country amazing: unusually beautiful nature, beautiful cities, amazing people.

No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia. Look at the map (the teacher shows the children Russia). When at one end of our country people go to bed, at the other, morning begins. At one end of the country it can snow, and at the other, the sun can bake. The borders of Russia pass both on land and on water. Our country has a very beautiful name RUSSIA. Let's see how the word is spelled (the teacher writes the word in large letters on the board "Russia")

Russia is an extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland. What do you think homeland is?

Children's answers: Motherland - dear, beloved, dear as a mother, where we were born, the country in which we live.

caregiver: Let's start our quiz with a warm-up. I will say the beginning of the sentence, and you will finish it.

Our country is called... (Russia);

Citizens of Russia are called .... (Russians);

The capital of Russia is the city of... (Moscow);

The most famous river in Russia (Volga)

On the banks of the Volga there are cities ...

Children's answers: Samara, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Saratov

caregiver: What other Russian cities do you know?

Children's answers: Serpukhov, Podolsk, Ivanovo, etc.

caregiver: Who founded St. Petersburg?

Children's answers: Peter I.

caregiver: Well done, I see that you are ready to play. Before you start our contests, you should know that for each correct answer, the team gets a chip.

Competition No. 1 "State symbols"

caregiver: What state symbols do you know?

Children's answers: Coat of arms, flag, anthem.

caregiver: What is the national anthem?

Children's answers: The main song of the country, performed on solemn occasions, you must listen to it while standing, showing respect for your country.

caregiver: What is depicted on the coat of arms?

Children's answers: A golden double-headed eagle, George the Victorious on a horse is depicted on the shield, he strikes a serpent with a spear.

caregiver: Where can you see the flag?

Children's answers: On government buildings, ships, aircraft, residential buildings on public holidays.

caregiver: What is the color of the stripes on the Russian flag, and what does each color stand for?

Children's answers: white-

educator: Well done! Let's move on to the second contest.

Contest №2 "Literary"

caregiver: Each team prepared poem about motherland. And Motherland, as we have already said, is the place where we were born and live. And we live in the beautiful city of Serpukhov. Have you prepared a poem? "Land of Serpukhov".

Children's answers: Read a poem.

caregiver: And who else knows the poem about the Motherland?

Children's answers: Nikita P., Nastya R. Etc.

caregiver: in Russia there are over a thousand cities, many villages, villages. Russia is the biggest country in the world!

Competition No. 3 "Cities of Russia"

caregiver: What are the cities you know? (teams take turns calling cities)

Physical education minute

Team captains hold a physical education session

caregiver: Think and Tell: Why are we proud of Russia?

Competition No. 4 "Peoples of Russia"

caregiver: A lot of different peoples live on the territory of Russia, each nation has its own culture, its own language. Let's remember who lives in Russia.

Children's answers: Russians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Jews, Yakuts, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Udmurts, etc.

caregiver: Let's move on to the next contest.

Competition No. 5 "Folk Crafts"

caregiver: I suggest you remember the products of Russian masters. Guess what is hidden in the magic chest.

This painting is just amazing.

All dishes are blue.

Painting with a blue swirl

Beckons with a Russian cornflower.

Children's answers: Gzhel.

caregiver: Golden grass has grown on a spoon,

A red flower bloomed on a bowl

Children's answers: Khokhloma.

caregiver: Clay goat in apples,

I feel good, very handsome.

But a deer on slender legs,

All the beauty of a deer is in the antlers.

Children's answers: Dymkovo toy.

caregiver: The good master made a fairy tale,

Animals come to life in a fairy tale

Bears, hares, beaters -

Wooden Toys

Children's answers: Bogorodskaya toy.

Children guess riddles, and the teacher takes out riddles from the chest.

caregiver: Our country, our Motherland is rich in talents. How many wonderful people glorified Russia with their creativity and work.

Competition No. 6 "Famous Russians"

caregiver: Remember and name our famous compatriots:


Children's answer: A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Nekrasov, L. Tolstoy


Children's answers: P. Tchaikovsky, M. Glinka, N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Our contemporaries?

Children's answers: V. Tretyak, P. Bure, S. Khorkina, A. Pugacheva, A. Kabaeva, D. Medvedev, V. Putin.

caregiver: Well done! Now let's sum up which team scored the most points. (summarizing the results of competitions)

Guys, I wish you to grow up big, smart, strong and also glorify our country with your work and achievements.

All teams receive a prize - candy factory "Russia"

Program content:

1. Clarify and deepen the knowledge and ideas of preschoolers about Russia as the state in which they live (territory, President, capital, language).

2. Fix the image of the flag and coat of arms of the native city, the meaning of the symbols in it, the symbolism of the colors (district, region).

3. Cultivate a sense of pride in the Motherland, a sense of belonging to its fate. 4. Maintain a cognitive interest in the history of your country, develop attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking; develop fine motor skills.

Previous work: memorizing poems about the Motherland; proverbs and sayings about Tula, Motherland. Examination of illustrations about Moscow - the capital of Russia (metro, Kremlin, Red Square). Conversations and stories about cities - heroes (why are they called that); laying out of the stripes of the State flag of Russia. Reading fairy tales, epics about the victory of warriors over monsters.

Didactic game"White - blue - red" with color signals.

Drawing on a theme"My hometown".

Application "If they say the word Motherland"4 "My country".

Material for the lesson: map of Russia, map of the Tula region, felt-tip pens, blanks of Russian flags (for each), envelopes with flags, coats of arms of Kireevsk, Tula, Bolohovo, Russia; portrait of the President, albums "Arms", "Belevskie lace", "Tula samovars", "Accordions"; recording of the song "Tula - my land", crossword puzzle; recording of the anthem of the city of Bolokhovo.

Lesson progress

Hello dear guests!

Children, do you like to travel? (to be somewhere, to learn something new, interesting). I invite you to take a trip today. But where, in which place, let's solve the crossword puzzle. (Children take turns taking out balls with riddle numbers from the bag). Children write answers with a felt-tip pen.

1. Sisters stand in the meadows -

golden eye, white eyelashes. (chamomile)

2. It will not knock on the door,

but he will rise and wake everyone up. (Sun)

3. What can be said: native,

paternal, brick, old? (house)

4. Guess what is ringing?

younger brother Tsar - bells. (bell)

5. Growth different girlfriends

are not similar to each other.

They all sit next to each other

but only one toy. (matryoshka)

Well done, all riddles have been solved. So where are we going? (we read the word MOTHERLAND). That's right, to travel around our homeland. What is it called? Yes Russia. And what do you think it is? (showing a map of Russia). Russia is huge and immense. And what do we call our Motherland? (the place where they were born).

We call this country our homeland because we were born in it, everything in it is dear to us; mother because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters. There are many other states and lands in the world besides Russia, but a person has one mother - he has one and his Motherland.

Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland:

Beloved motherland is like a mother.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

To live - to serve the motherland.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Poems about the motherland.

What do we call motherland?

The house where we live

And birch trees, along which,

We are walking next to my mother.

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside.

Everything that we keep in our hearts

And under the sky blue - blue

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Our first stop is in our hometown - Bolokhovo. This is our small Motherland (I show on the map and mark with a flag). Our town is small, about 10 thousand people live in it. It used to be the village of Bolohovo, in honor of the Bolkhovsky princes who lived in it. Over time, for euphony, someone inserted the vowel "o", and they began to call the village of Bolokhovka, and now the city of Bolokhovo.

Children name the streets of the city (Korneeva, Lugovaya, Tereshkova, Mira, Lenin) ....

What monuments are there in our city? (Common Grave, Alley 413 Infantry Division, Eternal Flame, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier).

You already know that each city has its own state symbols. What it is? Yes, this is a coat of arms, an anthem, a flag. Our city also has a flag and a coat of arms (each child has sets of coats of arms and flags on their tables). Task: choose the symbolism of our city. The coat of arms of the city of Bolokhovo depicts 2 picks and a gear. Pickaxes represent the city of miners, squares, and the gear - the city of machine builders. Children, and quite recently our city has a hymn, it sounds majestic, leisurely, solemn. Let's listen to him. .. (children listen to the hymn standing).

The game "Centipede" - (physical education).

Just like Bolokhovo, the city of Kireevsk also has state symbols (children choose on their table). What is depicted on the emblem and flag of the city of Kireevsk? (the mace is a symbol of the power of the future city, the pickaxe is a symbol of peaceful labor, earthworks and mining). Kireevsky district, this is the area of ​​the coal industry, mines. There are only two mining towns in the district: Bolokhovo and Lipki.

Our journey continues. Speech: We have a hike ahead

One, two, one. two.

Behind the school year

One, two, one, two.

The one who ran all year

One, two. one, two.

He does not get tired on the way

One, two, one, two.

We are located in the regional center. And our region is called ..... Tula, right! Main city? Tula is a hero city. (I show on the map I mark with a flag).

Who knows why Tula is called the hero city? (children's answers)

1. We remember the forty-first sacred,

How they remember their homeland.

The soldiers laid down their heads

For the ancient Tula in battle.

2. Tula people stood to death,

They didn't flinch in battle.

Bow to you low, countrymen.

Let us overcome death and fear.

3. Like a hero, the Russian city stood up -

The Fatherland is a formidable arsenal.

Moscow from enemies in Tula,

As a shield reliably covered.

4. We remember the forty-first sacred,

As mothers of children remember.

Let there be fallen soldiers

In the hearts and memories of people.

Let's talk about Tula: what the Tula land is famous for (samovars, gingerbread, weapons, accordions, Filimonovo, Belevsky laces).

About symbolism - children choose and tell.

Coat of arms - two silver blades lying in a cross, in the middle a gun barrel, above and below a golden hammer (blacksmithing traditions).

The flag is three crossed blades and two yellow hammers above and below.

Children, what famous people do you know in the Tula region? L.N. Tolstoy (Yasnaya Polyana), Tula left-hander (shoeed a flea), Mosin (invented the first rifle), Beloborodov (creator of the Tula accordion).

Well done! Children, many beautiful songs have been composed about Tula. Listen to the song "Tula - my land". (chorus sing together).

Proverbs about Tula:

In Tula, the Nazis were blown up.

Tula turned the war.

Tula rifle - shoots deftly.

You won't get lost in battle with a Tula rifle.

Game "Tetera" ....

So we reached the main goal of our journey, arrived in the main city of our country - Moscow - the capital of our state.

(I show on the map and mark with a flag).

We are all proud of our Moscow,

Our capital is a city - a hero,

Red stars burn above you

Native city, hero city.

Boldly with enemies you led the battle

And won, our Moscow.

We are all proud of you today

Native city, hero city.

Why is Moscow a hero city? (children's answers). And what other cities do you know - heroes? (Kerch, Brest,...).

Who is the head of our state? Right, President (portrait of D.A. Medvedev).

What are the state symbols of Russia (coat of arms, anthem, flag). Well done!

(children color the flag of Russia - each has blanks on the table).

White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

Russia has a majestic

On the coat of arms is a double-headed eagle,

To the west. to the East

He could look right away.

He is strong, wise and proud,

He is a free spirit of Russia.

Children, what do they call people living in Russia? (Russians, Russians, dews).

What language do all Russians speak? (in Russian).

Name the place where the president governs the state? (Kremlin). Well done!

Children, and which of you will call interesting places in Moscow, monuments, attractions? (Red Square, Garden Ring, Eternal Flame, Chistye Prudy, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Metro, Bridges, Moscow River, weapons museum, mausoleum, etc.).

Our journey through the Motherland - Russia is over. you liked it 7

All people return home after a trip. And we returned to our hometown of Bolokhovo.

You won't find it on the world map

The house you live in.

And even the native streets

We won't find that one on the map.

But we will always find on it

Your country is our common home.

As a memento of our trip, I give you badges (the flag of Russia), and you will present your flags to the guests.

Svetlana Gustyakhina

Abstract open lesson in the preparatory group for patriotic education"Russia - my homeland"

Target: Upbringing love for one's country, Motherland. Arouse interest and desire to know as much as possible about Motherland introduce the coat of arms, flag and anthem Russia.

Materials and equipment:Map Russia, laptop, display of coats of arms, flag Russia, pva glue, brushes, squares corrugated paper white, blue, red, colored strips of cardboard, dog toy.

1. Organizational moment. (gather on the carpet in a circle).

caregiver: You woke up?

Children: We woke up.

caregiver: Did you smile?

Children: Smiled.

caregiver: Are you dressed?

Children: We got dressed.

caregiver: Did you rush to the garden?

Children: They rushed to the garden.

caregiver: Made friends?

Children: Made friends.

Together: Now we are friendly, we need each other on the way. Let's smile at each other, because a smile is a symbol of kindness. Are you good together?

Guys, today I went to kindergarten, and at the door of the kindergarten I met a puppy named Tyapa. He said he really wanted to know what it was. motherland. Do you want to know? (children answer, sit on the carpet on the chairs).

2. caregiver: Guys, every person has a land on which he lives, a mother who gave him life. Man needs bread, clothes, a house. It is simply impossible for him to live without all this, but among the most necessary things a person has motherland. What is the name of our motherland,Guys?

Children: Russia!

caregiver: That's right, our country has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia!

Let's all repeat it together Russia!

My motherland we affectionately call Mother. Motherland is home in which we live is the place in which we born and raised. Many different peoples live in our country and they all strive to live in friendship, they want to make life happy for everyone. We all want our motherland- Mother was strong and beautiful.

Children read poetry:

1. What are we We call home? The house where we live.

And the birches along which we walk next to mom.

2. What are we We call home? A floor with a thin spikelet.

Our holidays and songs, a warm evening outside the window.

3. What are we We call home? All that is in our hearts.

And under the blue sky, blue flag Russian under the Kremlin!

4. What is motherland? I asked mom. Mom smiled and waved her hand.

This is our Motherland - dear Russia, there is no other in the world such a motherland!

5. You are in everyone's heart, Motherland - Russia, white birches,

poured ear. You are not more free, you are not more beautiful.

There is no other in the world such a motherland.

3. caregiver:Let's see on the map how big our country is. Fit to the map.

Look how big our country is! No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia! It is located in two parts. Sveta: In Europe and Asia; washed by three oceans: Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

When night falls on one side, it is already morning on the other. If in the north the rivers are ice-bound and the ground is covered with snow, then in the south gardens bloom, wheat and corn are sown in the fields.

Our Motherland is so big that if we want to travel from region to region, then on the fastest train this road will take a whole week, and on an airplane we will have to fly all day, if we walk, we will have to travel at least a year.

In ancient times it was called Rus. Many poets, writers, composers have written wonderful works about our great Motherland. Let's talk with you about Motherland.

Children read proverbs:

1. There is no more beautiful in the world our motherland.

2. Man without Motherland like a nightingale without a song.

3. Take care of your native land, like a beloved mother.

4. The hero who is for motherland mountain.

5. One man has a mother, and one he has motherland.

caregiver: Guys, look, there are more than a thousand cities in our country. What cities do you know?

Children's answers.

caregiver:Each country has a chief capital city. What is the name of the main city Russia?

Children: Moscow.

caregiver:Moscow is the capital of our Motherland It is one of the most beautiful cities in the country. It differs from other cities in that it works Russian government,the president. He leads the life of the country. What is the name of the president Russia?

Children:IN. V. Putin.


We learned a song

And in the song the words (children march)

Hello our motherland

Our city Moscow (hands up)

What kind of square is there in Moscow

Where is the Spasskaya Tower (arms spread out to the sides)

Everyone knows this area.

This square is red (arms forward).

caregiver: Guys, each country has three distinctive symbols (sign).You have already guessed what I'm talking about?

These include the coat of arms, flag and anthem. Residents of different countries are proud of the symbols of their state, and treat it with respect. Let's sit down on the chairs and take a look.

(slide show) Coat of arms Russia.

Look guys, this is the coat of arms Russia. It depicts a double-headed eagle.

The eagle is a symbol of the sun and the heavenly power of immortality. The double-headed eagle holds in its paws a power and a scepter. The scepter is a symbol of royal power. In the other paw of the eagle, power means power, the country in which the king rules. Inside the coat of arms, on the chest of the Eagle, there is the coat of arms of Moscow - a rider on a horse is not just a warrior, this is George the Victorious. George the Victorious pierces the dragon with a spear.

The coat of arms is the emblem of the state.

It is depicted on all seals, monetary signs:Paper and metal. On passports and documents.

Display of passports, banknotes.

flag slide Russia.

Look at the flag, it has three horizontal stripes: White, blue and red. What does white, blue and red mean?

It is known that White color means peace and purity of soul, blue - loyalty and truth, red - courage and love.

Guys, you must match these symbols, try to be friendly, honest and brave, love your loved ones and your motherland.

Now let's play.

D.I. "Pick up the flag Russia. "

Working with colored stripes Children collect the flag in the correct order.

caregiver:Symbol Russia is -Anthem.

Hymn Russia is a solemn song or melody that is sung by all public holidays And ceremonial events and also during sports competitions, when awarding our athletes with medals for the victory.

They always listen to the Anthem while standing, the men take off headwear, and they never talk about it.

Let us stand up and listen to the song of our State - Anthem Russia.

Listen to part of the anthem Russia.

caregiver: What do you think the nature of the music is?

Children: Solemn, Majestic

caregiver: Our country is called Russia. What is the name of the people who live in our country?

Children:They are called Russians.

caregiver: And how affectionately called Russia?

Children:Russia - Mother.

caregiver: Our country is located on a huge planet. What is the name of this planet?


IN: Why do we listen to the anthem while standing?

Children's answers.

Where and when is the anthem played? Russia?

What is on the coat of arms?

Where can you see the flag Russia?

children's answers.


The future of our Russia depends a lot on you guys, on how much you love your motherland What good can you do for her when you become adults. Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other. You feel like a spark flashed between your palms, a small, small sun, it does not burn. and warms, flashes in your eyes. I know that you sometimes quarrel, but when only anger flashes in someone's eyes, put your hands on his shoulders and kindness will melt anger without a trace!

Puppy Tyapa:

Guys, I really liked you, I learned a lot, thanks guys, I'll run to tell my friends puppies. Goodbye.

caregiver:And we guys will go with you now and we will make a flag by trimming Russia.

Thank you all very much for your attention.
