Video exercises for children: fun exercises to music, morning cartoon exercises. Card index (younger group) on the topic: Fun exercises for kids Fun exercises for children in kindergarten

Sport, albeit in small portions, but in regular performance, is useful for a person at any age, and especially for a small growing organism.

The material contains videos of fun exercises with elementary exercises, which contribute to the strengthening and overall physical development of the human body. According to the stylistic design and the course of classes, they correspond to the age categories.

Fun exercise for kids with music and video:

Funny cartoon - exercises for kids 2-3 years old

It is possible and important to cultivate interest in sports at an early stage of a child’s development. To achieve your goal, you just need to introduce joint morning workouts into your daily schedule. Your main task is to attract attention and win interest in classes.

The little peanut is ready to repeat with pleasure not only a new word, but also a funny action. Therefore, a mix of a mischievous song and funny movements will be interesting entertainment for kids and is guaranteed to give you and your baby a charge of positive emotions for the whole day.

A video with a cartoon - charging for children to the music - will surely catch the attention of the little one. After all, what could be more fun than watching the movements of a colorful cartoon character and trying to repeat them after him.

Video exercises for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten and at home

Small and daily sports activities have a beneficial effect on the overall emotional - physical health child: strengthen the body, make it more resilient, improve memory and develop patience.

Pediatricians agree that from the age of three or four, a baby may well devote 10-20 minutes to performing simple physical exercises, from the beginning under the supervision of the elders, and then on their own. Therefore, it is desirable to lay the foundation for a positive attitude to physical education, the sooner the better.

You can interest your child and involve them in performing vital jumps and bends with the help of fun exercises for children to music. Such gymnastics is useful to do both at home and in the kindergarten. IN home environment you can watch a recording with gymnastics, where the characters are the same crumbs who together perform funny movements to the words of a mischievous song.

Morning workout is fun to do in game form. During the game, you can visit various animals and demonstrate the movements that are characteristic of it. Musical exercises for children with words (poems to a rhythmic melody or just an interesting text of a song) activate not only the muscles, but also the memory of the crumbs.

How about guessing riddles during gymnastics?

Morning musical exercises for schoolchildren

It is a well-known fact that in schoolchildren activity and motor abilities are noticeably reduced than in crumbs of kindergarten age. Therefore, sports loads should not only be increased, but also the right elements for charging should be selected correctly.

Morning physical activities will help the student to cheer up from sleep and recharge with energy. It would be nice to take care of the active rest of the student and after school for an hour or two. This will help defuse brain activity after school and relieve accumulated stress.

Exciting aerobics for all the important muscles of the body

A heavy backpack with books and prolonged improper sitting at a desk confidently distort posture. But you can easily resist the "prosperity" of scoliosis by performing therapeutic and preventive gymnastics for the back. (Specially developed by the athlete Ekaterina Serebryanskaya according to the current methodology of Dr. Bubnovsky.)

Clockwork warm-up for older students

Watch baby video exercises in English

Do you want to combine the morning workout and train the baby English language? The task is easy to complete by watching a video of charging for children to music with English text.

Aerobics in English and with Russian translation

On various Internet resources, you can download or view videos of this kind online: with energetic play to poems about animals, with gymnastics from bright fairy-tale characters or a group of clockwork kids. And all this action will be filled with a rhythmic melody and a positive mood.

Indeed, fun! Many children enjoy doing it very much. And besides Have a good mood, such exercises are useful for children, as they develop speech, coordination of movements, help memorize verses, which in turn trains memory, introduces different concepts. With the help of such exercises, it is good to diversify activities with children. Choose any figurative verse on a topic that interests you and your child, and fantasize, come up with movements. At the beginning, read the poem to the child and accompany the words with actions. Make everything fun, emotional. After some time, the baby will begin to repeat after you, and here do not forget to praise him. Do not be annoyed with the child if everything does not work out. Praise him often and do it only when the baby is healthy. Good luck to you!

1. We will clap our hands - Clap-clap-clap,
We stomp our feet - Top-top-top,
We all raised our hands
And they lowered it together.
And everyone got into the magic plane. (arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest)
They started the engine - F-f-f, f-f-f-f-f-f (we twist slowly with our hands in front of the chest, increasing the pace)
The plane is flying, and the engine is buzzing - Oooh, ooh (arms to the sides, alternate tilts to the left and right),
Flew... (usually having made a couple of circles around the room, we fly to eat or wash, and sometimes we “fly up” to the map hanging on the wall to play geography)

2. Clap! One more time
We'll clap now.
And then quickly
Clap-clap more fun!
Clap, clap, clap!
Finger on finger tuk tuk,
Stomp, stomp, stomp!

3. We walk along the path
Top-top, legs, top!
And we clap our hands.
Clap, clap, pens, clap!
Hey kids!
Oh yes, strong ones!

4. Hands to the sides, in a cam,
We unclench and on the barrel.
Left up!
Right up!
To the side, across
To the side, down.
Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! (banging fist on fist)
Let's make a big circle. (“drawn” a circle with their hands)

5. We stomp our feet, Top-top-top!
We clap our hands, clap clap clap!
We shake our heads
And we turn our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands
We give hands
And we run around.

6. Hey! They jumped in place. (jumping)
Eh! We wave our hands together. (motion "scissors" with hands)
Ehehe! back bent, (tilt forward, hands on the belt, back bend)
We looked at the pictures. (bending down, raise your head as high as possible)
Ege-ge! Bent down lower. (deep bend forward, hands on the belt)
Leaned closer to the floor. (touch hands on the floor)
Eee! What a lazy person you are! (straighten up, wag a finger at each other)
Stretch, but don't yawn! (hands reach up, rising on toes)
Turn around in place deftly. (circle)
In this we need skill.
What do you like, friend? (stop, hands to the sides, raised shoulders)
Tomorrow there will be another lesson! (hands on the belt, turned the body to the right, right
hand to the side, then to the left and left hand to the side)

7. And now all the children stand up,
Raise your hands slowly
Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,
Hands down and so stand.
Everyone got some rest (lean forward and shake hands)
And they went to the track. (steps in place or in a circle)

8. Show all hands (raising arms above head, rotate brushes, “flashlights”)
And clap a little
Clap-clap-clap, Clap-clap-clap.
Look at me now (make any move)
You will repeat exactly.
One-two-three, one-two-three.
Now let's show the legs.
And let's dive in a little.
Top-top-top, Top-top-top.
Show me the arms, legs,
Play with them a little voluntary movements of the arms and legs)
One-two-three, one-two-three.

9. There is a lock on the door. (hands clasped)
Who could open it? (tries to separate hands)
Turned, turned
They knocked and opened.

Comment on the article "Fun exercise for kids"

Comment on the article "Fun exercise for kids". Maria Shukshina, children: 12 years old to the younger twins and a photo with a handsome elder. “Happy birthday, my darlings !!!,” a mother of many children wrote on social networks: Maria Shukshina has four children from three marriages.

Dynamic charging for mom. Massage, exercise. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness Put the kids on your feet and raise your legs one by one. The gluteus maximus muscle and ankle work. 5. I.p. lying on the floor baby...

Gymnastics after childbirth Mom + Baby. ? Exercises for a mother with a child under 6 months If you have difficulty doing these exercises ... Maybe someone has a link to a set of exercises that can be done with a two-year-old?

Girls, does anyone know a link about gymnastics with a baby? Something like: mom squats with the baby in her arms, rocking the press with 4. Dynamic gymnastics for the baby will help strengthen the muscles of the hands. If you are unfamiliar with her, then contact your masseuse ...

Today, my mother overslept, (usually I get up at 6.30) and woke up with my daughters at 8.00, which means that many of the procedures that I try to do alone are Fun exercises for kids. With the help of such exercises, you can diversify activities with children.

Charging in kindergarten. Kindergartens. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development child from 3 to 7 Cheerful exercises for kids. Charging in kindergarten. Babysitters, kindergartens.

Charger. I want to teach the child to charge. Tell me, please, some good poems for charging (we are 1.7). Such that it was possible to stomp under them, pens-legs Cheerful exercises for kids. With the help of such exercises, you can diversify activities with children.

Another good exercise for mom and baby is to lie down, raise your legs and bend at the knees, put the kinder on your stomach with your stomach and hold it by the handles. I hasten to share my personal know-how, i.e. charger for mom and baby.

Exercises for cerebral palsy. Hello girls! Tell us what exercises you do with kids with cerebral palsy. In general, girls, write what you do for the child, how you do it, what programs anyone has to deal with cerebral palsy.

Fun exercise for kids. With the help of such exercises, you can diversify activities with children. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. baby charger. where to see what we need to do for two weeks, maybe a link ...

Fun exercise for kids. With the help of such exercises, you can diversify activities with children. Comment on the article "Fun exercise for kids". Maria Shukshina, children: 12 years old to the younger twins and a photo with a handsome elder.

baby charger. Massage, exercise. A child from birth to one year. It is clear that charging is needed at any age, but the exercises change as the baby grows. I hasten to share my personal know-how, i.e. charger for mom and baby.

Morning exercises for kids. Even for toddlers infancy recommend massage and physical exercises carried out together with the mother, but for older children All exercises and the duration of the lesson should be selected individually for the child! To content.

Mom touches the tip of each finger of the baby. finger gymnastics(development of speech, part 2). Nursery rhyme For the development of speech, intelligence, sense of rhythm, for tactile contact with mother. FINGER GYMNASTICS. An approximate set of exercises for the finger...

Fun exercise for kids. With the help of such exercises, you can diversify activities with children. In your kitchen, resent the injustice of life, yes please. But this is all from the field: "Masha was given a rhyme of 8 lines on the matinee, and only 4 lines to my Petya."

Tell me if you do morning exercises with the kids, if so, how did you introduce them and what kind of exercises for the baby. where to see what we need to do for two weeks, maybe Mom overslept today (usually I get up at 6.30) and woke up with my daughters at 8.00...

Children's medicine. Child health, diseases and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Fun exercise for kids. With the help of such exercises, you can diversify activities with children. We and our complexes.

Fun exercise for kids. With the help of such exercises, you can diversify activities with children. Charging with dad - how is it? Our dad is ripe to do exercises in the morning with the child. Please advise where you can find a description of the exercises for the couple "adult ...

(1 vote : 5.0 out of 5 )

At the age of two or three, children like to imitate adults. Use this quality for useful purposes. You will have to do exercises together. Just show the kid a good example, and he will definitely do everything like mom or dad. "Do as we do, do better than us"! - let these words become the motto of your family.

Gymnastics for kids should not turn into complex strength exercises, push-ups, press swings or acrobatic stunts. It must be carried out within 5-10 minutes, and only in a playful way. Otherwise, it won't work. At this age, it is difficult to keep the attention of the child, it is necessary to captivate him with something. Use and play with topics that are close and understandable to the baby. Do not give all the exercises at once. Two or three is enough for the baby to play and at the same time learn some new motor skills.

Charging for the little ones

Get the sun. Tell your baby that the sun is shining directly over his head (you can hold a yellow balloon). Ask him to get the sun. He will stretch his arms up and rise on his toes. Here is exercise number 1.

On toes and heels. Ask your child: how does he know how to walk on toes and heels? Show me how to do it. Let the doll or beloved soft toy will also take part and demonstrate their abilities.

Squats. How to teach a child to squat? Scatter different objects (or toys) around the room and ask your baby to bring them to you one at a time and put them in a box, for example. The conditions of the game will "force" him to squat.

Bridge. This bridge is different from the adult, because it is done in reverse. The baby should stand on his hands and feet, but not with his stomach, but with his back up. Make sure he straightens his knees. Look into the baby’s face and ask: “And who became our bridge?”

locomotive. Let the kid get on all fours and show how the locomotive rides. You can accompany the movements with sounds: “choo-choo”. Designate the trajectory of the movement of the “engine”, let him try to reverse.

airplane. Spread your arms out to the sides and fly around the room. Accompany your movements with the sounds of a flying plane: "oooo".

Scissors. This is a classic exercise that we all know well. The abdominal muscles of the child are not yet strong enough to keep the legs on weight for a long time. He will have his own "scissors". The main thing is effort!

kitty. Let the baby get on all fours and bend the back up and down like a cat. Don't forget to purr!

bear clumsy. Ask the child: “How does the bear walk?” Let him show. Demonstrate the clumsy movements of the clubfoot.

Running and jumping. Sprinting for a two-year-old toddler is likely to end in a fall. Learn to run fast gradually. For good coordination of movements and balance, invite the baby to run between spaced objects. Jump after running. It will not be difficult: ask the baby to show how the hare jumps.

Prevention of flat feet

For the prevention of flat feet, do gymnastics for the feet.

◈ Sit the baby on the floor and invite him to be a monkey. Scatter various (small) objects around and ask the baby to collect them with her toes. Show me how to do it. The task will not be easy!

◈ Sit on the floor (on a soft surface) opposite each other, hold a towel (or clothes) between your legs and play tug of war.

◈ Sit on the floor, pass the ball to each other, pushing it with your feet.

◈ Let the baby raise his hands up, stand on his toes and walk a few circles around the room. This exercise well trains the muscles of the lower leg and foot.

We move to the songs

If desired, any children's song can be used as musical accompaniment, as well as tips for action when charging. Here, for example, is this:

Ah, in Africa, the mountains are so high, (raise your hands up)

Ah, in Africa, the rivers are this wide, (raise our hands to the sides)

Ah, crocodiles, hippos, (clap hands)

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Ah, and a green parrot (we wave our hands like birds)

Fun exercise for children 3-4 years old

Synopsis of playing exercises for younger preschoolers.

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 "Northern Fairy Tale", Petrozavodsk

Material Description: synopsis of playing exercises for the younger preschool age may be interesting music directors, caregivers, and concerned parents. IN summer period game exercises can be carried out on the street. Charging can be used as a physical minute or a fragment of an activity or entertainment.

Target: involving children in healthy lifestyle life

- promote children's health
- improve the skills and abilities acquired in music lessons
- develop coordination of movements
- develop Creative skills, transforming into various images.

In the morning the sun rises
Calls everyone to the street.
I invite you guys
For a fun workout.
We raise our legs higher, walk one after another.
We walk one after another.
We all walked together
And now they are in place. - stop in place

Let's show our hands to everyone - raise your arms at shoulder level
And wave our hands. - turn your palms from side to side
They stomped their feet - stomp
And now they applauded. - clap

Let's all get on the train bend your arms at the elbows
Let's visit the forest. - move one after another, performing rotational
folded arm movements

We hit the lawn
And we saw a rabbit there.
Let's have fun jumping
Represent everything as a hare. - jump on two legs

Frogs - jump, yes lope
Heels - together, apart - toe. - connect heels together, socks apart,
hands up, fingers outstretched

(image of a frog). Spring with half-bent legs.

Here comes the fox
Red sister - move in the form of a fox (one arm is bent in front of you -
"foot", the other behind depict a ponytail, making smooth
swaying movements

Teddy bear strict
Went out of the den. - arms raised up, walk, waddling from foot to foot

The bird flew
Sang a song - easy running on toes

A warm breeze blows
Spin with me, friend. - spin around yourself

There will be a strong wind blowing
He will bend the tree. - raise your arms high, slightly spread your legs wider.
Swing from side to side.

Let's get on the train again
And we'll all go home. - moving like a train

All! We've arrived!
Again, you need to stretch your legs!
You don't fall behind
Everyone walk together! - walk in a free direction.

Let's wave to the sun
And let's say thank you. - wave both hands
Get up on your toes
Touch the sun with your hands. - reach up with your hands
Put your hands down, put your hands down
Repeat everything first.

(repeat 2-3 times - hands up - down)

Thank you all the guys
For a fun workout! - clap

Sports complexes for the street and cottages are specially designed for outdoor sports. They differ from home complexes in the way of installation, usually in a larger occupied area and a greater choice in the configuration of sports equipment.


Universal sports grounds are usually equipped with football goals, volleyball and basketball posts, badminton posts, etc. You can learn more about sports grounds by reading our article.

Exercises with babies

Do you think babies don't need sports? No matter how! After all, the physical development of the child is directly related to mental abilities. Morning gymnastics, fitball training ... There are plenty to choose from!

Physical activity for a child

Do you want to know which exercise stress optimal for children? What are the contraindications for playing sports? When is the best time to start playing sports and is there physical education for newborns?

Fun exercise for kids

It is difficult to captivate a baby of two or three years with exercises. Children at this age are not able to concentrate on one activity for a long time. Standard exercises are boring to perform, and squats-tilts-jerks with their hands are still beyond their power. You can, of course, drive the ball, but this is not enough. What else would you do to diversify your activities? We offer you a fun exercise for kids in verse. It develops coordination of movements, memory, imagination. The bottom line is that when reading the text aloud, the child imitates the movements of its content. This charger is also suitable for children 4-5 years old.


Bunny walked, Bunny walked
I found cabbage, sat down, ate, and went again,
The bunny walked, the bunny walked,
I found a carrot, sat down, ate, and went again

(The child imitates how the bunny walks, finds vegetables, crouches, eats)


The birds have flown
little birds,
Everyone flew, everyone flew
They waved their wings.
Arrived on the track
The grains pecked.

(The child waves his arms, imitating flight, crouches, taps his fingers on the floor)


The planes buzzed
The planes flew
They sat quietly in the clearing,
Yes, they flew again.

(Hands to the sides, simulating the flight of an airplane, squats and again imitation of a flight)


Sasha walked, walked, walked,
white mushroom found
Once a fungus
Two - fungus,
Three - fungus,
He put them in a box.

(Imitates the movements of picking mushrooms)


A rooster was walking along the shore,
Slipped - into the river boo!
The rooster will know what's next
You have to look under your feet.

(Hands of the child behind his back, walks with swaying to the sides, then swaying movements with his hands, squat, wag his finger, lean forward)


The train rushes and whistles
And the wheels are rattling.
I'm knocking, knocking, knocking
I'll prove it to everyone.
Choo-choo, choo-choo
I'll prove it to everyone.

(The child's arms are bent at the elbows, performs circular motions hands)


Gray geese flew
They sat quietly on the lawn,
They walked, pecked,
Then they quickly ran.

(The child imitates the flight of geese, waves his arms, then crouches, taps his fingers on the floor, gets up and runs in place)


Raise your shoulders
Jump, grasshoppers.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Stop, sit down.
They ate grass
Silence was heard.
Higher, higher, high
Jump on your toes easily.

(The child makes movements with his shoulders, jumps, crouches, listens, jumps again)


Here goes black cat,
Hiding, waiting for mice.
The mouse will go around the mink
And not suitable for a cat.

(The child walks, raising his legs high, crouches - hands to his knees, gets up, turns his axis, gets up - hands to the sides)

Let's go, let's go...

Chiki-chiki, chikalochki,
A goose rides on a stick.
duck on a pipe,
Cockerel on the booth
Bunny - on a wheelbarrow,
The boy is on the dog.

(The child jumps in place, legs together. One leg in front, jumps on the other. Then a duck step in a waddling position. Chest forward - mince legs. Hands in front of the chest, jumping, running in place)


Tick-tock, tick-tock
All clocks go like this:
Tick-tock, left - one,
Right - time
We can do it too
Tick-tock, tick-tock.

(Tilts of the body according to the text)


A gray bunny is sitting
And wiggles his ears.
It's cold for a bunny to sit
You need to warm up your paws.
It's cold for a bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump.
Someone scared the bunny -
Bunny - jump - and ran away.

(The child imitates the movements of a bunny in the text)


Pinocchio stretched,
One - bent over, two - bent over.
Raised hands to the sides,
Apparently the key has not been found.
To get us the key
You need to get on your toes.

(The child imitates movements in the text)


On a flat path
On a flat path
Our feet are walking
Our feet are walking.
On stumps, on bumps, on pebbles,
Over the pebbles, into the hole - bang!

(The child performs body tilts to the sides, steps in place, jumps, crouches)


Rain, rain, what are you pouring?
You don't let us walk.
Rain, rain, full of pouring,
Children, the earth, the forest to wet.
After the rain in the country,
We will jump through the puddles.

(4 claps, stomp, 4 claps, jumping in place, walking, puddle jumping)

Bunny game

The children went out to the meadow,
We looked under the bush
We saw a bunny
Beckoned with a finger:
"Bunny, bunny, dance,
Your paws are good!"
Our hare began to dance,
To entertain small children.

(Walking movements, squats, imitation dance, clapping)


We bake wheat
The pies are excellent.
The dough is kneaded in a bowl
Salt in the salt shaker is not forgotten.
The dough is rolled out with a rolling pin,
Rolled out, not tired.
They took a spoon with cottage cheese,
Pie after pie.
Come on, oven, give the pies a place!

(movements in text)

Legs and palms

Like our guys
Feet thumping merrily
Our people are remote
Even though it's very small.
Only the legs get tired
We clap our hands
In the palms, palms,
Funny chicks.

(The child runs in place, hands on his belt, then claps his hands while standing still)


Come on bunny, jump
Tap with a gray paw,
You fall on the grass
Lie down and rest.
Rested - now get up,
Start jumping again.
Quickly run to the Christmas tree
And hurry back.

(The child performs movements in the text)


Stork, stork, long-legged,
Show me the way home.
Aist answers:
Stomp with your right foot
Stomp with your left foot
After - with the right foot,
After - with the left foot,
That's when you come home.

(movements in text)


Stay on one leg
Like you're a solid soldier.
Well, be brave, pick it up
Look, don't fall.
Now stay on the left
If you are a brave soldier
Now stay on the right
If you are a brave soldier.

(The child keeps his hands on his belt - stands on his right leg, then on his left. Then he raises a straight right hand in front of him, arms to the sides, swaying left and right)

The text of exercises for kids was borrowed from Yulia Sokolova's book "Speech and Motor Skills", ed. "Eksmo", 2007
