Interesting butterfly. Felting master class: Butterfly made of felt Scarf and beret

Hello, dear readers of the Sea of ​​Ideas.

I continue to write about butterflies, and today I will show two more options - made from ... wool. It would seem a butterfly - and wool are very poorly combined. I myself thought so, but, having tried it, I saw a certain charm in them. Yes, the kids loved it too.

By the way, I want to tell you a little about what kind of goals I pursue while working with children - and which ones I pass by. If you look at the photos of children's work, you can find a lot of flaws in them. Why? Because I give children the opportunity to create on their own, and ask for help only when they need it themselves. I do not set them the task of making BEAUTIFUL (although I certainly love beauty). But in children's creativity, in my opinion, the main thing is not this - but freedom of expression + study of the material. That's why I only show children the options - and give them the opportunity to find their own solutions - how and what to do.

I can already see the results of such actions. My daughter is already creating her own bead schemes (yes, of course they are inferior to those made by adults and experienced people - but she still has enough time to raise her level). And in this I see more success - than in a beautiful repetition of the finished one. Although, of course, we use “made by the book” as gifts.

Boys are also constantly experimenting, trying to repeat what they saw, to create their own. It turns out not always successfully - but each attempt brings closer to the goal ...

And now back to butterflies .

The first option is easier.

We take wool, at least two colors, tear off the same strands and fold. I made 2 yellow strands and 2 purple. Daughter - 2 blue and 2 red.

We impose one color on another and wrap it to the middle. The result is an oval - red on top, blue on the inside. We repeat again - with the second pair.

Then we take chenille wire(it is good because it keeps its shape well because of its thickness) and fix the wings (pinching them in the middle). The butterfly is ready - it remains only to spread its wings a little bit.

The second option suggests a continuation - the butterfly is placed on cellophane, moistened with soapy water, and rolled around)) In the sense, we begin to rub it so that the hairs get tangled and form a canvas. When the process is completed, the butterfly is washed with warm water and sent to dry.

My daughter did everything on her own - and this is what kind of wool butterfly she got in the end (if you wish, you can decorate it - sew on a couple of round sequins or beads).

In this tutorial you will learn how to make a bright brooch with your own hands. This master class will be mastered even by beginners, because. there are a lot of photos and almost every step is described and shown. Create, dare, have fun.

To begin with, we make a template - draw a butterfly wing on a leaf of arbitrary shape. For a more believable butterfly, you can take ready-made coloring templates and work with them, carefully drawing all the lines. In order to simply feel the wool, the simplest form will suffice. Moreover, it is suitable for children.
In general, they drew a wing, cut it out. Keep in mind that when felting the butterfly will become about 1.5 times smaller !!!

We redraw on the material for the template (pimple, polyethylene film, linoleum, laminate substrate .... - everything is in the house!).

and cut out.

Cooking materials: wool different colors, soap solution (or water and soap separately), scissors, gloves, a blank for a brooch, a thread with a needle, beads for eyes, wire for antennae, a felting needle (any), a felting sponge.

We draw out a thin strand of wool of the main color.

We lay several such strands horizontally

then vertical.

We wet with water and puff with soap (or immediately with soapy water).

We soak gently so that all the wool is soaked.

Try not to move (press your fingers exactly from top to bottom).

We turn over the butterfly blank (the wool is already moistened and is easily tolerated, because the volume is small).

We bend the tips of the protruding wool onto the template, trying to avoid large folds.

Lay the wool again: here, first vertically, then horizontally:

Wet again and gently press.

We turn over and bend the ends, avoiding rough joints and folds.

It turned out such a preparation:

It's time for embellishments, this is already what someone is much.

We close the butterfly with a film and begin to roll.

First, gently, almost without pressing, stroke, gradually increasing the pressure.

We periodically check the readiness by pinching: we pinch the wool and if a lot of hairs stretch for a pinch, then still roll and roll, and if only a couple of hairs are separated, then that's enough.

We remove the film and roll without it, do not forget all the edges, rubbing them with our fingers.

The foam is getting bigger and bigger.

When we felt that the template became cramped (it shrinks inside), then we make a small incision in the middle of the wings

We get the template.

This is the kind of grandma we get.

We overwrite the cut off tips, for this, simply put the wing on the film and gently rub it, pressing the edge of the wing with your fingers, over the film.

Gradually stretch the edges of the wing a little so that they are more wavy.

You can also knead it like dough.

That's how it happened. Smooth as needed and leave to dry.

We turn to the manufacture of the body. We take the wire 2 times longer than the antennae.

We bend it in half.

Wrapped in wool.

We twist the tip of the wire to fix the wool.

We fix a little with a needle for felting.

We add a needle (or in the hands in a wet way, as we roll a flagellum) body.

We attach the body to the wrong side of the butterfly.

Gently attach with a needle (you can just sew with a needle and thread).

On the front side, such hairs were obtained, knocked out from the inside.

We apply a little wool and close this ugliness with a needle (if you sew a little body, then skip this step).

Let's prepare the eyes for the butterfly - 2 large black beads.

We sew these little eyes on our butterfly.

Sew on the blank for the brooch.

With the help of a pencil (knitting needle, hook ...) we make out the antennae by simply winding the wire on it:

It went something like this:

The finished version will decorate any casual outfit).

Delicate and fragile butterflies for finishing clothes and shoes. Can be worn as a hairpin, brooch, or can be stuffed directly on a bag, hat, clothes.

1. First, with thin stripes of wool, lay out the contour of the wing (left or right) of the butterfly, observing the proportions (according to the drawing or from memory). The coat color is chosen depending on the main color of the winglet. The number of layers is not more than three.

2. I lay out the contour of the butterfly with strands of wool of the main color and a seven-needle needle (I call it a "stapler") I go through the strands 50 times. Then, with an awl, carefully, starting at the edges, I lift the layers of wool so as not to tear the still fragile creature and turn it inside out. Tucking the hairs of the edge of the winglet inward and working with a stapler 50 times and again turning the winglet to the front side and again with a stapler 50 times. It turns out a flat surface in 3 times. Be sure to follow the shape of the wing according to the drawing (scheme, invention)

3. Now the actual drawing with wool))). With small strands of wool and a needle, we apply and fix the wing pattern. If the butterfly is multi-colored, then six colors are needed))). BUT ... Mother nature is difficult to repeat))). Each butterfly is never alike in life, and the master will each time be different and not repeatable. It is impossible to repeat an exact copy up to a hair of wool, all butterflies are obtained individually and with their own character))).

4. After drawing the drawing, I must nail all the layers and inclusions with a stapler and correct the drawing and shape of the winglet, comparing it with the original. With an awl, I carefully lift the winglet and with a needle No. 38, 40 I process the edge of the winglet, bending the villi to the edge on the wrong side. The wrong side is shaggy!!!

5. I repeat this operation from the very beginning (see Fig. 1), but with the lower wing and make the second upper wing, observing the mirror shape and pattern.

6. Thus, we got 4 shaggy blanks !!! I put them on IKEA film, moisten them with soapy water and walk for 1-2 minutes. VShM (vibro-grinding machine) can also be used with handles))). I squeeze out the excess water, add a drop of liquid soap and all together in my fist I start to knead like dough. At first quietly, and then more intensively for 10-15 minutes, I rub, rub and throw it on the film. The body is rolled with an ordinary sausage with a thickening towards the head. The wings are rinsed, dried and ironed, and then clung to the body. The antennae and eyes are the most diverse - from wire to thread and beads.

Here is our beauty! Can be washed, ironed. Wear as a brooch or hairpin, attach to felt boots, mittens, hats, etc.

You will need:

Remains of yarn for felting in different shades that combine with each other,
- bubble wrap 50x50 cm2,
- mosquito net,
- grinder or rolling pin
- spray gun
- any liquid soap,
- scissors,
- Needle for dry felting No. 36,
- double sided tape

Butterfly interior and therefore should harmoniously fit into your already finished interior. To do this, attach a set of yarn to the place of "residence" of the future butterfly for verification. Remove anything that doesn't match. Let's start rolling.

On the embossed side of the bubble wrap, lay out small, very thin “feathers” of the main color yarn. We lay out the strands with an overlap so that the wool fibers overlap each other. Having laid out the first layer, we change direction, and lay out the second layer at an angle or across to the first. This is done so that when felting, the future product shrinks evenly. We do the layout, approximately making out the shape of a butterfly. The size of my finished butterfly is 12x11 cm2, and the layout size was 17x14 cm2. 20-30 percent of the initial size will shrink when felting, keep this in mind when laying out the yarn.

With the first main colors of the yarn (in my case, the upper wings are turquoise wool, the lower wings are white) we lay out the butterfly in five layers. You can do more, then the finished product will be thicker and denser. Next, we “draw” a pattern on the wings. For the veins, we pull out a thin long strand from the skein and roll it in the palms. A speck will turn out after felting, if the strand is rolled into a ring. We lay out the pattern according to your taste in different colors. Do not forget to lay out the body and head in the center. The creative stage is over, the felting itself remains.

Dilute a soap solution in a spray bottle: 1 tbsp per 100 g hot water. Carefully, so as not to disturb the pattern, cover the workpiece with a mosquito net. Then spray generously with soapy water. Without removing the mesh, we stroke the wool with our hands, foaming the solution. Thus, we fix the pattern on the butterfly, do not allow the wool fibers to move. The initial stage is the most responsible, there is no need to apply force. Iron gently and carefully different directions 5 minutes. Now you can carefully remove the mesh.

After that, it is convenient to work with scissors, cut where it is superfluous or not symmetrical, cut the strands between the head and wings. Then you can roll with a grinder or rolling pin. We cover the butterfly and on top with bubble wrap, simply bending it in half. We carefully wind it on a rolling pin and roll it like dough, periodically changing direction, until it completely stalls. Then we wash, wring out and dry in the unfolded form.

At this stage, the butterfly is already quite recognizable, but sloppy, with a jagged edge. Here, too, you can slightly tweak with scissors, cutting the places between the head and wings. If after felting you are not satisfied with the proportions of the moth, then they can also be corrected with scissors, but the cut edges must be additionally filled up, moistening the butterfly again with soapy water. We fill up uneven edges with a needle.

That's all. This option is suitable for my purposes, and if you wish, you can sew on bead eyes and make a mustache out of wire. Glue a piece of double-sided tape on the wrong side.

Delicate and fragile butterflies for finishing clothes and shoes. Can be worn as a hairpin, brooch, or can be stuffed directly on a bag, hat, clothes.

1. First, with thin stripes of wool, lay out the contour of the wing (left or right) of the butterfly, observing the proportions (according to the drawing or from memory). The coat color is chosen depending on the main color of the winglet. The number of layers is not more than three.

2. I lay out the contour of the butterfly with strands of wool of the main color and a seven-needle needle (I call it a "stapler") I go through the strands 50 times. Then, with an awl, carefully, starting at the edges, I lift the layers of wool so as not to tear the still fragile creature and turn it inside out. Tucking the hairs of the edge of the winglet inward and working with a stapler 50 times and again turning the winglet to the front side and again with a stapler 50 times. It turns out a flat surface in 3 times. Be sure to follow the shape of the wing according to the drawing (scheme, invention)

3. Now the actual drawing with wool))). With small strands of wool and a needle, we apply and fix the wing pattern. If the butterfly is multi-colored, then six colors are needed))). BUT ... Mother nature is difficult to repeat))). Each butterfly is never alike in life, and the master will each time be different and not repeatable. It is impossible to repeat an exact copy up to a hair of wool, all butterflies are obtained individually and with their own character))).

4. After drawing the drawing, I must nail all the layers and inclusions with a stapler and correct the drawing and shape of the winglet, comparing it with the original. With an awl, I carefully lift the winglet and with a needle No. 38, 40 I process the edge of the winglet, bending the villi to the edge on the wrong side. The wrong side is shaggy!!!

5. I repeat this operation from the very beginning (see Fig. 1), but with the lower wing and make the second upper wing, observing the mirror shape and pattern.

6. Thus, we got 4 shaggy blanks !!! I put them on IKEA film, moisten them with soapy water and walk for 1-2 minutes. VShM (vibro-grinding machine) can also be used with handles))). I squeeze out the excess water, add a drop of liquid soap and all together in my fist I start to knead like dough. At first quietly, and then more intensively for 10-15 minutes, I rub, rub and throw it on the film. The body is rolled with an ordinary sausage with a thickening towards the head. The wings are rinsed, dried and ironed, and then clung to the body. The antennae and eyes are the most diverse - from wire to thread and beads.

Here is our beauty! Can be washed, ironed. Wear as a brooch or hairpin, attach to felt boots, mittens, hats, etc.
