How do naive women think? How naive women think How women think.

Women's psychology is a dark forest for a man. They puzzled over the question of how a woman thinks for a very long time, and not everyone succeeded. Some positive developments in this issue appeared only at the end of the last century. Significant advances have already been made in an era when the pickup truck was at its peak. Fortunately, today I have something to tell you.

From popular video

A. Kapranov, a very long time ago, in one popular video, told how women think. Their thinking is significantly different from men's, you can't argue with that, but in what exactly? A woman thinks in conclusions, not facts. Our brain will react differently to the same event. And the differences are drastic.

For men, the logic is completely straight forward. There is a problem, there is a solution. All! It's more difficult for women. There is a problem, a conclusion follows from this, and then another, and another. As a result, all this can result in such a chain that you will find yourself guilty of all mortal sins. Or vice versa, female emotions are already interfering here.

From the fact that you brought home small potatoes, it follows that all men are goats. Now go ahead and break your head over why she thought that.

Differences from the male brain

Just a list and fast.
  • Abstract thinking, high attention to detail.
  • More humanitarian abilities.
  • The ability to apply emotion and reason at the same time.
  • Instant adaptation to the situation.
  • Excellent intuition. In fact, it comes from the ability to carefully analyze the little things without even noticing it.
  • Improved hearing and color perception.
  • Cruelty towards competitors.
  • Condescending attitude towards male appearance.
  • The tendency to discuss the same topic for a long time, to touch each other during a conversation.
  • Ability to constantly multitask.

Thoughts of a woman in a minute

If a man is able to concentrate on one and only one problem, he can think about it all day long. This is how we are arranged, we need to see one goal and move towards its achievement. For the same reason we have more developed directional vision, and girls have scattered.

And the thoughts of girls can also contain a lot of different facts and emotions. They constantly live like a rollercoaster of emotions. In just a few seconds, the mood can rise, deteriorate, then deteriorate even more, and only then return to normal. And so on in a circle all day, all my life.

Attention now. Circus with horses. Thoughts of a girl in 1 minute:

  • shoes are uncomfortable;
  • why doesn't he call me;
  • at 5 to pick up the bag from the post office;
  • where are the keys;
  • Where are the keys;
  • and here, in the back pocket;
  • why doesn't he call me;
  • interestingly, the swift really cannot take off from the ground;
  • maybe I could go for the kill;
  • such flowers were given to beautiful Svetka;
  • you need to upload a photo in Insta;
  • what a cute kitten!
The most interesting thing is that all these thoughts are not consistent, it is one mass that is supported in her head in parallel. Amazing, right? You, too, can think all this in a minute, but not in the way a girl does. And in fact, all these thoughts can easily fit into 10 seconds. I can’t imagine how they live like that, it would be very difficult for me, my brain would quickly boil.

Why do you need all this?

Small but important section. Perhaps this question should have been asked right away. But you also need to be interested in the topic. If you understand how girls think, then it will be much easier for you to seduce them.

Your main tool

No, not between the legs. The girl's thoughts are not the most important aspect, oddly enough. It is much more important to understand her emotional perception of reality. There really is a lot to talk about here. The vast majority of men have no idea how their emotional range works.

Let me explain with your example. Your emotional range, for example, is between -10 and +10. You yourself can distribute the events that lead you to one or the other. And rather, you will give them a sharp assessment: 0.5.10 or the same minus. Women are different. -100 and +100 compared to yours. Any events are perceived by the weaker sex much more powerfully.

And now the main problem - each girl is also individual. That is, her emotional range may be different. I give only an average version. A lot depends on the conditions in which she was brought up, and how she lives now.

It is with emotions that you have to operate in any communication with girls. The thoughts of the girls come from emotions, she relies on sensations and draws conclusions from this. Now it's a little easier.

Fortunately, it's not that difficult. Give her something small and cute, give her a compliment, offer to carry her package, cook her dinner with your own hands if your hands are more or less straight. It's the little things like that that make her smile. Keep giving her an emotional roller coaster with a positive shift. She will quickly become yours only because of this.

Additional upgrade

You can go further to understand women more deeply, to understand their psychology, to know from the inside. To do this, I have a few recommendations. It won't be easy, so make sure you really want it and figure out exactly how you plan to use it.

Chat with women more and on their territory. Yoga courses, dancing, music clubs, needlework and so on. Go wherever your heart desires and study their society from the inside, how they behave. In fact, you fit into the shoes of a girl in order to understand who she is and how she thinks.

Learn to understand the true goals of the girl. This is probably the most difficult thing for a man who always sets goals very precisely. A simple theory will definitely not help here. You will have to rely on banal logic, common sense and knowledge from a dozen thick books on psychology, preferably on women's.

Here's a simple example for you. The girl is 29 years old, she is single. It becomes clear to everyone that at this stage her only and most important goal is to find a partner for a permanent relationship. And then she herself will work to the fullest to find this partner. And every day the bar of her requests will decrease along with self-esteem.

The goals of young girls under the age of 20 are very different. They need romance, a lot of positive emotions, fun, often parties. She is just getting to know the world that has opened up before her, actively exploring and studying men, whom she generally sees nearby.

Age is not a motivational measure here. Everyone is different and you have to understand that. But with a detailed study of the girls, you will gradually understand what goals a particular person faces.

Why do you need all this? If you find out, and make at least a hint of fulfilling this goal, or even better - start fulfilling it in front of her - you will simply buy her with this. You just start to see what kind of man she wants to go to. And then you just pull on the mask of that same man and show yourself in front of her in all its glory.

The recipe is simple, but this is exactly the case when "it was smooth on paper." You will need rich practice combined with competent theory. Do you want to get both in one bottle, and even start using it not in years, but almost immediately? Sign up for the course and I'll help you with that.

If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

Every time a man and a woman break up, it's a little sad - after all, when creating a couple, people expect to find spiritual comfort and stability in a relationship.

Relationships are subject to special patterns that reflect the difference in thinking and worldview of men and women. When examining the reasons why relationships don't work out, it turns out that women often make the same mistakes, believing that men feel and see the world the same way they do.

These common misconceptions, shaped and fueled by songs, films and other products artistic creativity, become a kind of trap that generates erroneous or unrealistic expectations. And the collapse of expectations, as you know, brings disappointment and pain.

So that women can protect themselves from the emotional trauma associated with relationships, maybe they should start learning from other people's mistakes, not their own. After all, the principle is simple - if you put your finger in a meat grinder, it will hurt. You just need to handle the device according to the instructions, that is, according to its nature. I would like these principles to be simple and obvious, but upon closer examination, it turns out that there is a lot of paradox in the topic of relations between a man and a woman.

Trap 1. If a man shows attention to me, seeks my company, if his eyes light up when he meets me, then this is love. We will get married and live happily ever after

Paradox : If a man is in love, then usually it has very little to do with who the woman really is. Falling in love is a state when a man sees in his beloved a reflection of his ideal, and most of what he is in love with is his fantasy, and not at all the woman herself with her feelings, views, inner world. If a man finds a woman attractive, he doesn't necessarily consider the relationship to be serious. When a man is not in a state of conscious search for a candidate to build a family, he usually looks for female society in order to enjoy it and have a good time, preferably at no extra cost. And very often a woman who evokes passionate feelings and impulses does not at all coincide with the image of the woman that a man sees as a potential wife. At the beginning of a relationship, when feelings are intense, it is very important to remember the difference between the concepts of “falling in love” and “love”, and to be able to distinguish between their manifestations. Love implies respect for the personality of another person, consideration of his feelings and needs and leaves him the right to some imperfection.

Trap 2. If a man promised me something, dreamed about some future with me, expressed his intention and plans to do something with me, then this will definitely happen

Paradox : They say a man loves with his eyes, and a woman loves with her ears. For a woman, words are very important that allow her to experience the existential depth and meaning of her existence, the realization of which a woman is looking for in relationships. But it's not only that. In order to bind a woman to himself, a man must “win” her in some sense, demonstrating by his actions that she is of value to him. Often, images drawn with words are enough reason to keep a woman close to you, because expectations have a powerful potential that binds people to each other. And there is a substitution of real actions and "feats" for imaginary or planned ones, and the result is the same - a woman ready to give a man her energy, time and feelings. It's much easier to talk than to actually do something. At the same time, the words spoken by a man in a state of emotional upsurge can be very easily forgotten when this upsurge subsides. Of course, you don’t need to turn into skeptics who see men as complete liars, but it’s just as important not to become a victim of your own optimism, taking every unfamiliar man for a man of his word, until this has been proven on real facts.

Trap 3. If I take care, do a lot for a man, give him time and energy, solve his problems and at the same time ask for nothing in return, he will appreciate me and will answer me with love and devotion

Paradox: A man appreciates not the woman who invests a lot in him, but the one in which he himself invests a lot. For some reason, the Christian principle that the good we have done will return to us does not always work between the sexes. Psychologists say that a man has an unconscious memory of a woman who takes care of him without any conditions - his mother. Therefore, receiving care and attention from a woman, he perceives it quite naturally and does not feel remorse or the need to respond in kind.

In order for a woman in such a situation to satisfy her needs in a relationship, she must first learn to understand them and openly declare them (while not turning the request into a claim). Building a balance of exchange is painstaking work. Often the ability to declare one's needs and ask for what one wants is absent in both men and women, since it was not developed with upbringing. Instead, there may be a fantasy that "if someone truly loves me, he (or she) should already understand what I need, because it's obvious." Such a belief, rather, reflects the immaturity of a person who transfers responsibility for meeting his own needs to another person.

Trap 4. If a man cheats on me, cheats on me, or shows other disrespect, I must endure it, because I myself have chosen this, and this is the cross that I need to bear. True love is measured by the sacrifice we make for the one we love.

Paradox: The more a man feels impunity, the less he appreciates his woman. The reaction of a woman to the humiliation of the dignity of her personality is an indicator of how much a woman values ​​herself. That is, first a woman must learn to value and respect herself, and only then will she be able to convey this attitude to a man and the rest of the world.

If this sense of intrinsic value is weak, the woman has a strong fear of being alone, without a relationship, and there is a high motivation to fit in. Because of such fear, a woman can often abandon her own psychological territory - interests, hobbies, self-care, communication, mastering new skills. Although a man unconsciously strives to completely master a woman so that she gives all her energy to him, and only to him, when this really happens, it is not harmony and happiness that comes, but boredom and emptiness. When a woman ceases to develop as a person, she ceases to be unpredictable, in some way inaccessible, and novelty and freshness disappear from relationships, the need for which is always in a couple.

Trap 5: I feel lonely. I would rather have a close relationship with a man who is just friends with me, although he does not take me seriously, than not to communicate with men at all

Paradox : Not better. Men and women experience affection differently, on an emotional level. Often relationships that are emotionally safe for a man are not emotionally safe for a woman. If attachment arises in a relationship where there is no full-fledged female realization, this inevitably leads to the suffering of a woman, which can be very difficult to overcome. Therefore, it is easier not to get into such situations. In our habitual mind, relationships are the easiest and most natural way to fill life's loneliness when it arises. However, the ability to live a full and fulfilling life without men could keep many women's hearts "whole". It is better to seek a solution to the problem of loneliness with the help of a psychologist than with the help of representatives of the opposite sex.

That is why our thought processes work to complement each other, this is the basis. Man and woman must be seen as one. They cannot be "measured" individually.

Men think, women do or vice versa, everything works as a single mechanism.

In an article about intelligence, or I have already touched on this topic, or rather, which of us is smarter)). There he wrote that the basis of the thought process is linearity in men and non-linearity in women. Here I want to talk not about the process itself, but about its understanding by the opposite sex.

This is not a scientific treatise and therefore it is not necessary to take this article as a basis for a dissertation =)). This is just a reflection on the topic of what men think about women or just the thoughts of a man ... according to mood))

But I'll start from the other side, what I would like)). Here, for example, is the most common opinion of women that all men are "goats" and we supposedly need only one thing. But as you can see from below, female logic does not always work against men =))) Sometimes a healthy grain is born in it!)

What the hell, I'm still clumsy:
Broke up mobile phone!
I jumped like a goat through the puddles -
And dropped it right on the concrete:
I stand. Anxiety grows in the brain
You need to run to the store!
After all, there is a SIM card, but there is nowhere to insert it:
And I'm starting to understand men))

The thoughts of men about a woman are also not devoid of some irony by type; a goat's wife certainly cannot be a lioness. Goat - goat, and Caesar - Caesar =)) Everything should be in harmony.

This is how a man and a woman think in a family union? There are only two options and as always the exception. Either the husband is the head and the wife is the neck, or vice versa. Those. in the dance, only one partner always leads)) But with the exception, everything is much more complicated.

If someone believes that there can be 100% equality in all respects in a family, then they are deeply mistaken. If someone sees this, then this is only an illusion, and behind it there are sensitive relationships and mutual understanding between a man and a woman.

Everyone has their own responsibilities and everyone is aware of their responsibility and takes it for granted. This, of course, looks like an ideal from the outside, but it does not appear on its own. I've gone off topic =)

What do men think of women

Of course, the thoughts of men about women do not correspond to how the woman herself sees them. Rather, as she would like to see, and all again because of the non-linear reasoning of the female mind. A rare woman thinks logically.

Another feature of female thinking, not all of course, is short-sightedness. Forgive me, women)) well, do you need to add it?)) Therefore, it is difficult for them to build a logical chain.

I do not want to write here about the right and left hemispheres of the brain and how everything works there, what's the difference. Let scientists deal with this, but in a simple way I repeat once again, a man and a woman are one. Let someone work from the left, for someone on the right, the main thing is that in different ways, like one addition to another.

Nothing good will come of it if both a man and a woman think with the same hemisphere =)). For women, it usually ends like this:

I was looking for a lion in this evil world!
No luck and I found a seal.
But the seal, having warmed itself, became a goat.
I'll have to make a deer out of him

In general, I don’t think it’s worth asking why men and women think differently, think differently. Nature (the creator) has long decided everything for us. We just need to live, love and not worry about such questions, and not create problems for each other)).

If someone is interested in the question of why my soulmate does not understand me, then this half is not yours ((. And there's nothing you can do about it. You need to look for your own.

Or, as an exception, turn on all your hidden reserves, add a little “white” cunning, a little charm and with a smile in your soul make your desires look at least like this =))

I want there to be no war
So that we trust each other
For more kindness
Well, in general I want a fur coat!

I want not to destroy the forest
And so that there is no disassembly,
And for progress to win
And that she was from a mink!

I want everyone to be more tolerant
And to be nicer
So that we love each other
And so that the fur coat is more authentic!

I want no one to be sad
He, and I, and all of us, too.
So that everything is light and warm.
And that the fur coat is more expensive!

I want children to be born
So that there are bows on the gifts,
So that there are no sick people in the world
Well, in general, I want diamonds!

Do not judge strictly for the article, I do not pretend to be an award ... =)) There was time, desire, mood, and that's what I did))

Every time a man and a woman break up, it's a little sad - after all, when creating a couple, people expect to find spiritual comfort and stability in a relationship. Relationships are subject to special patterns that reflect the difference in thinking and worldview of men and women. When examining the reasons why relationships don't work out, it turns out that women often make the same mistakes, believing that men feel and see the world the same way they do.

These common misconceptions, shaped and fueled by songs, films, and other artistic creations, become a kind of trap that creates false or unrealistic expectations. And the collapse of expectations, as you know, brings disappointment and pain.

So that women can protect themselves from the emotional trauma associated with relationships, maybe they should start learning from other people's mistakes, not their own. After all, the principle is simple - if you put your finger in a meat grinder, it will hurt. You just need to handle the device according to the instructions, that is, according to its nature. I would like these principles to be simple and obvious, but upon closer examination, it turns out that there is a lot of paradox in the topic of relations between a man and a woman.

Trap 1. If a man shows attention to me, seeks my company, if his eyes burn when he meets me, then this is love. We will get married and live happily ever after

Paradox: If a man is in love, then usually it has very little to do with who the woman really is. Falling in love is a state when a man sees in his beloved a reflection of his ideal, and most of what he is in love with is his fantasy, and not at all the woman herself with her feelings, views, inner world. If a man finds a woman attractive, he doesn't necessarily consider the relationship to be serious. When a man is not in a state of conscious search for a candidate to build a family, he usually looks for female society in order to enjoy it and have a good time, preferably at no extra cost. And very often a woman who evokes passionate feelings and impulses does not at all coincide with the image of the woman that a man sees as a potential wife. At the beginning of a relationship, when feelings are intense, it is very important to remember the difference between the concepts of “falling in love” and “love”, and to be able to distinguish between their manifestations. Love implies respect for the personality of another person, consideration of his feelings and needs and leaves him the right to some imperfection.

Trap 2. If a man promised me something, dreamed about some future with me, expressed his intention and plans to do something with me, then this will definitely happen

Paradox: They say a man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears. For a woman, words are very important that allow her to experience the existential depth and meaning of her existence, the realization of which a woman is looking for in relationships. But it's not only that. In order to bind a woman to himself, a man must “win” her in some sense, demonstrating by his actions that she is of value to him. Often, images drawn with words are enough reason to keep a woman close to you, because expectations have a powerful potential that binds people to each other. And there is a substitution of real actions and "feats" for imaginary or planned ones, and the result is the same - a woman ready to give a man her energy, time and feelings. It's much easier to talk than to actually do something. At the same time, the words spoken by a man in a state of emotional upsurge can be very easily forgotten when this upsurge subsides. Of course, you don’t need to turn into skeptics who see men as complete liars, but it’s just as important not to become a victim of your own optimism, taking every unfamiliar man for a man of his word, until this has been proven on real facts.

Trap 3. If I take care, do a lot for a man, give him time and energy, solve his problems and at the same time ask for nothing in return, he will appreciate me and will answer me with love and devotion

Paradox: A man appreciates not the woman who invests a lot in him, but the one in which he himself invests a lot. For some reason, the Christian principle that the good we have done will return to us does not always work between the sexes. Psychologists say that a man has an unconscious memory of a woman who takes care of him without any conditions - his mother. Therefore, receiving care and attention from a woman, he perceives it quite naturally and does not feel remorse or the need to respond in kind.

In order for a woman in such a situation to satisfy her needs in a relationship, she must first learn to understand them and openly declare them (while not turning the request into a claim). Building a balance of exchange is painstaking work. Often the ability to declare one's needs and ask for what one wants is absent in both men and women, since it was not developed with upbringing. Instead, there may be a fantasy that "if someone truly loves me, he (or she) should already understand what I need, because it's obvious." Such a belief, rather, reflects the immaturity of a person who transfers responsibility for meeting his own needs to another person.

Trap 4. If a man cheats on me, cheats on me, or shows other disrespect, I must endure it, because I myself have chosen this, and this is the cross that I need to bear. True love is measured by the sacrifice we make for the one we love.

Paradox: The more a man feels impunity, the less he appreciates his woman. The reaction of a woman to the humiliation of the dignity of her personality is an indicator of how much a woman values ​​herself. That is, first a woman must learn to value and respect herself, and only then will she be able to convey this attitude to a man and the rest of the world.

If this sense of intrinsic value is weak, the woman has a strong fear of being alone, without a relationship, and there is a high motivation to fit in. Because of this fear, a woman can often abandon her own psychological territory - interests, hobbies, self-care, communication, mastering new skills. Although a man unconsciously strives to completely master a woman so that she gives all her energy to him, and only to him, when this really happens, it is not harmony and happiness that comes, but boredom and emptiness. When a woman ceases to develop as a person, she ceases to be unpredictable, in some way inaccessible, and novelty and freshness disappear from relationships, the need for which is always in a couple.

Trap 5: I feel lonely. I would rather have a close relationship with a man who is just friends with me, although he does not take me seriously, than not to communicate with men at all

Paradox: Not better. Men and women experience affection differently, on an emotional level. Often relationships that are emotionally safe for a man are not emotionally safe for a woman. If attachment arises in a relationship where there is no full-fledged female realization, this inevitably leads to the suffering of a woman, which can be very difficult to overcome. Therefore, it is easier not to get into such situations. In our habitual mind, relationships are the easiest and most natural way to fill life's loneliness when it arises. However, the ability to live a full and fulfilling life without men could keep many women's hearts "whole". It is better to seek a solution to the problem of loneliness with the help of a psychologist than with the help of representatives of the opposite sex.

Nadezhda Grishina

Original entry and comments on

Significant differences are present in how a woman thinks and how a man thinks: they are due both to the structure of the brain and to different roles in society. And although the information presented in the article is a kind of symbiosis of the work and research of leading psychologists and scientists, this by no means can be considered a firm, strict rule, a description of any man or woman. Each person is unique and in some way is not at all like the others. However, facts point to the existence general principles work of the female and male brain. In other words, in most cases, people of different sexes act, feel, and think differently.

How does a woman think, how does a man think? Main differences

  • The male brain is highly specialized, that is, it uses a certain part of the left or right hemisphere to solve the corresponding task. In a woman, on the contrary, several different departments are simultaneously used in any type of activity.
  • Men are able to focus on narrow issues, discarding unrelated and distracting information. Women naturally view everything from a broader perspective, as part of a larger picture.
  • Men can carefully focus their attention on certain problems or activities, do this for a long time without getting tired. Women are better adapted to multitasking, when you need to perform several actions at the same time.
  • Men lay out information, stimuli, emotions, attitudes, and so on. in different parts of the brain. Their thinking can be compared to a warehouse where everything is placed in separate boxes and not mixed. This is different from how a woman thinks: her brain is easier to liken to a ball in which everything interacts and is closely connected.

Thinking and functioning of the body

Men produce about 20 times more testosterone in their bodies, which makes them more aggressive, dominant and focused on the physiological aspects of life. As a rule, their predominant mode of perception is vision, which is usually not the case for women. To a certain extent, their senses are more receptive and function in a balanced way.

Intersexual relations

Perhaps the biggest impact these differences have on how women (and men) think about intimacy and sexuality. Whatever the authors say modern books, articles and series, both sexes, as before, are most interested in a partner - this has not changed over millions of years of human history. Today, in this area, a man is most often confused, not understanding what a woman is thinking about. Why can she suddenly be rude to someone who treats her well, say "no" when she really means "yes"? There are several fundamental principles that every man should understand: they will help to understand how women think.

About women who are in search of their soulmate

They rarely make the first move, ask for a phone number or make an appointment - there are at least two reasons for this: the danger of rejection and the risk of losing value in the eyes of the opposite sex. Men are looking for soft, more passive women than themselves. This is not an absolute truth, but a widely accepted rule. Women know about this, they understand on an instinctive, intuitive level: they will be less appreciated if they begin to actively act, take the first step towards rapprochement. The more a man invests in "winning" a woman, the more he tends to cherish her. In turn, the willingness to invest effort makes it more reliable, especially in the case of pregnancy. For this reason, women are often forced to "run" after themselves, thereby checking the seriousness of their boyfriend's intentions. If you understand these and other principles of behavior, it will be easier for men to streamline their ideas about the psychology of the opposite sex.
