How to weave a bow from rubber bands on a slingshot. Rubber bracelet Bow on a slingshot Photo and video tutorials! How to weave a small bow out of rubber bands

A charming, small rubber band bow can also be woven on a slingshot! Depending on the desired result, it can be a keychain or just a decoration. Weaving such small figures is very simple and interesting! See step by step photo Master Class How to weave a bow from rubber bands on a slingshot.

What you need for a bow made of rubber bands:

  • hook and special slingshot;
  • 17 rubber bands in purple (or any other) color.

How to weave a bow from elastic bands on a slingshot?

In order not to go astray during weaving, lay out the rubber bands, as shown in the photo. A bow made of elastic bands is woven very easily and will consist of two small parts, which we will then connect and get necessary figurine. For each of the details, you will need 8 rubber bands, which we will use in order, as they are laid out in the photo.

Do not forget to hold the slingshot correctly - towards you with the side where there are recesses. We throw the first purple elastic band on the right side of the slingshot, wrapping it four times.

Then we put a pair of elastic bands on both pins.

We send all four turns to the center.

From the left side of the slingshot we will transfer the rubber bands to the freed left. Let's throw on another single elastic band, wrapping it four times.

Again we throw a couple of purple on both columns, and lower four turns from the left to the center.

We put a couple more rubber bands on both pins and send all the rubber bands to the middle.

This turned out to be the first detail of our bow and, so that it does not interfere, we will transfer the elastic bands from the right to the left side of the slingshot.

To connect the parts into a single whole, we throw on the last single rubber band and send all the rubber bands from the pins to it.

Let's transfer the left rubber band to the right side of the slingshot.

And now let's throw the lower ones into the center.

We got such a small bow with a loop.

You can leave a loop to use as a key chain or to hang the bow on something. And you can also wrap the remaining loop a couple of times around the central part of the bow and you get this result:

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Good luck weaving!

We present you another simple bracelet woven on a horn of rubber bands. This bracelet is dense and looks very interesting on the hand. For weaving, you need two colors of rubber bands. In our master class, a bracelet with one color of rubber bands is considered, but you can take central rubber bands of different colors.

On our website you can see other simple bracelets woven from rubber bands on a horn.

How to weave a bracelet "Bows" on a horn.

For the "Bows" bracelet, you will need rubber bands of two colors, a clip, a hook and a horn.

The beginning of weaving the bracelet "Bows".

On one of the protrusions of the horn we put on an elastic band in 3 layers.

From above we put on 2 more rubber bands of the same color, and on top one more rubber band of the second color. At the moment, the color of the two rubber bands will determine the color of the edge of the bracelet.

We remove the triple rubber band, which is located on one of the protrusions of the horn in the center, as in the photo.

The main weaving of the bracelet "Bows". Recurring transactions.

All the time, three rubber bands should remain on the horn: two yellow (the edges of the bracelet) and one pink (the center of the bracelet).

We put on a yellow rubber band on top.

We hook the hook under the pink rubber band, grab the bottom yellow elastic band and transfer it to the center. We repeat the same operation on the second side of the horn.

We put a pink rubber band on the horn.

We insert the hook under the upper yellow rubber band, grab the pink rubber band and transfer it to the center. On the other side of the horn, we also transfer the pink rubber band to the center.

We continue weaving the bracelet on the horn to the desired length. We make sure that the rubber bands are worn on top through one, alternating colors. If we put a pink rubber band on top, then we remove the same pink rubber band from the horn. If we put on yellow, then we take off yellow.

Completion of the weaving of the bracelet "Bows".

We remove the lower yellow rubber band from the horn and transfer it to the center.

I want to tell you how you can weave a very interesting, but not complicated, bracelet from elastic bands "Bow". This bracelet goes beautiful pattern, each element of which looks like bows, and because of this it is called that - the "Bows" bracelet.

How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands "Bow"? You only need to weave it on two posts, so you can weave it on a loom, on a mini-loom, and even on a fork. I will weave it on the loom. You can also watch the "How to weave a bow bracelet" video below.

Weaving on the loom bracelet "Bow"

How to weave a bracelet "Bow"? Position your machine so that its open sides face to the right. And prepare the elastic bands of the colors that you will use for your bracelet. I will use white and red elastic bands for the “Bow” rubber band bracelet. I will use the red color for the bows, and the white color for the braid of the bracelet.

So, how to make a bow bracelet? To weave a “Bow” bracelet, take a white elastic band and put it on the second column, while twisting the elastic band three turns.

We continue the master class on how to make a bow bracelet. We take the hook and grab it with the lowest white elastic band, which we twisted in three turns.

Having captured the elastic bands, we drop them from the outside of the left column to the center between the two columns. We lower all the rubber bands down.

After the red we will always have to go White color. We will constantly alternate red and white elastic for the “Bow” bracelet. We throw a white elastic band over two columns.

Now we need to remove the elastic bands in this way: we start the hook between the first and second elastic bands of the left column and the back of the hook, move the second red elastic band away, now we need to grab the lowest (fourth) white elastic band, and, pulling it out, remove it from this column and throw it to center, between two columns.

On the right side, we need to do the same. After that, the red elastic band should be in the center between the white elastic bands. If the sequence is a little messed up, then you need to adjust the rubber bands with your fingers so that they are in the correct location. After the white gum we have goes red rubber. We take a red elastic band and throw it over two columns.

Again we start the hook between the first and second rubber bands of the left column (and always in the process of weaving we will hook between the first and second elastic bands), with the back of the hook we move the second elastic band and since we have a red elastic band on top, we must also grab a red elastic band . Therefore, we grab the red gum, we have it third in a row, if we count from above, and from the outside of the column we throw it into the center between two columns. On the right side, we do the same.

After the red gum, we have a white gum. We also throw it on top of two columns, start the hook between the first and second rubber bands, move the second elastic band with the back of the hook, grab the last white elastic band and throw it in the center between the two columns. We do the same on the right column. And in this way you need to weave the entire bracelet until you reach the desired length that will fit your hand.

When the desired length of the bracelet is ready, you will need to complete the bracelet.

It ends very simply, now we have three elastic bands on each column.

We need to drop the lowest third elastic band to the center on the right and left columns. Now we grab two elastic bands on the left column with a hook and throw it on the right column.

That is, on the right column we now have four rubber bands. To make it more convenient to put on a fastener on these four elastic bands, you and I pull them off with a hook on any adjacent column. We take the clasp and put it on these four elastic bands.

We put the other part of the clasp on the beginning of the bracelet. Now you know how to weave a bow bracelet. And you yourself saw that the bow master class is quite simple. See below for a video about weaving a "Bow" bracelet.

Video master class "How to weave a bow bracelet"

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It is quite simple to weave such a bracelet as a “Bow” from rubber bands! Thanks to a special weaving pattern, this product, in the process of weaving, in the center will acquire a nice pattern in the form of a small bow. The process of weaving is very exciting and uncomplicated!

For starters, get everything ready. necessary materials and tools such as:

— small rubber bands in two colors;
- a small machine "Slingshot";
- plastic hook;
- clip.

The machine needs to be turned towards you with the in-depth side, so it will be much more convenient to remove the rubber bands!

On both columns, an elastic band is added.

Then, another one.

All elastic bands that are fixed on the machine must be of the same shade. After that, an elastic band of a different shade is added to them (in this case, pink).

Having passed the hook under the “Triple” elastic band, it must be hooked and dropped to the center.

If desired, you can immediately attach a miniature clip to it.

Since the topmost elastic band is pink, you need to add green.

Each "horn" should have four loops. Having wound a hook between the first and second elastic band, you need to pull out the last one.

Then, just take it off.

In the same way, it is worth removing the lower gum on the other side!

After that, a pink rubber band is thrown over.

But now, it will be necessary to reset not the last gum (fourth), but the third! Having wound a hook between the first and second rubber band, you need to hook the third one and drop it to the center.

Having done the same on the other side, only three elastic bands should remain on the posts.

These actions are the main ones in creating this pattern. The bracelet will gradually gain length, and there will be more and more patterns in the form of a bow.

The product itself is quite voluminous and dense. Be sure to monitor the location of the rubber bands, if necessary, correct them periodically!

You need to continue weaving in this way to the desired length!

Then, you will need to remove the lowest loops.

Only two will remain on the machine. After, transfer everything to one column!

Fix the clip securely on them, making sure that all four loops are in the clasp!

And then, just remove it from the slingshot.

The original bracelet "Bow" is ready!

Final view. Photo 1.

Final view. Photo 2.

It looks pretty nice on the wrist!

Final view. Photo 3.

Such a pattern can be created in any shades!

Weaving a bracelet out of rubber bands is not always a very simple task, but that makes it even more interesting! A bracelet made of elastic bands A bow on a slingshot is one of those models that needs to be worked on with concentration so that, having lost it once, you don’t have to dissolve everything. But if you can figure out and remember the repeating algorithm, then weaving this bracelet will be a very simple task for you!

The bracelet got its name because it is decorated with small bows along its entire length.

To weave a bow from rubber bands, you need:

  • special slingshot;
  • hook;
  • 1 clasp in the form of the letter S;
  • purple rubber bands - 42 pieces;
  • orange rubber bands - 39 pieces.

How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands Bow on a slingshot?

First, we will prepare all the necessary materials and tools, count the required number of elastic bands of the colors that we will use for weaving. Well, now, let's get started)

We hold the slingshot towards us with the side with the concave parts. On the left side we throw three turns of purple gum.

With a special hook we hook three purple turns on the left and throw it between the columns.

** Let's throw on another purple elastic band. We introduce the hook under the second rubber band from the top on the left side of the slingshot.

Grab the lowest purple rubber band and throw it into the center of the weave.

On the right, we will also introduce a hook under the second gum from the top, in this case orange,

and, having hooked the lowest purple one, we will throw it into the center.

The next step is to put orange elastic on the columns. We introduce the hook again under the second rubber band from the top and now hook the orange bottom one (we have it third from the top),

throw off.

Let's do the same on the right column. Inserting a hook under the second gum from the top, grab the orange one (third from the top)

and we'll drop it. **

The same steps, indicated by asterisks, should be repeated until the desired length of the bracelet is obtained.

The main points to remember for the successful implementation of the Bow bracelet:

  1. Always insert a hook under the second rubber band from the top.
  2. Putting on a purple elastic band, we also throw off the purple one (the lowest one).
  3. Putting on an orange rubber band, we also throw off the orange one (third from the top).

Let's finish the bracelet like this.

We drop the lower purple elastic bands into the center of the weave.

Both elastic bands that remain are transferred to another column. We hook the clip and pull the bracelet off the slingshot.

We find the initial elastic band of three turns (purple) and, for all three turns, we hook the clips with the second hook.

The bow bracelet is done!

Happy weaving!

Watch the video on weaving "Bow".
