Self-diagnosis: diseases that your lips will tell about. The trend of the season: orange lipstick Red-orange lipstick who suits

We won't be bored this summer. Make-up experiments are what make-up artists all over the world “prescribe” to us as a salvation from boredom, and at the same time from heat. This time we take the liberty of trying a juicy orange lipstick.

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Orange is the new red. At least, they persistently tried to say and show this at the last spring-summer shows of Fashion Week in New York. Makeup artists from brands such as DKNY, Dsquared2, John Galliano and others have unanimously confessed their love for orange. The tones they preferred differed only slightly. The triumphal procession of bright lipstick did not end with the podium. On the contrary, it has only begun to gain momentum. Soon we saw orange on red: orange lipstick on the red carpet, and this is already sure sign that the trend has caught on. If the stars are not afraid of experiments, you can be sure that millions around the world will follow their example.

Wearing an orange shade is, of course, not easy. Not that it is completely impossible, but it is still worth following certain rules. However, any bright shade requires caution. The first thing to remember is that the tone of the face should be even, because bright lipstick tends to enhance the visibility of skin imperfections. In addition, if sleepless nights near the laptop were not in vain and now appear in the form of circles under the eyes, use a concealer, otherwise you risk looking tired, and even older by several years. Secondly, the shade should be right for you. Try and choose, there is no shortage of lipstick in the desired shade, so do not be shy. Most importantly, don't overdo it! Orange lipstick "declares" itself loudly, or rather, very brightly. Do not enhance the effect with additional color accents in the form of, for example, saturated shadows. Take a cue from the stars who combine this lipstick with neat black arrows and delicate blush. Or they don’t combine with anything at all, leaving orange as an independent accent in the image.

Carrot-colored lipstick is often stale on store shelves. Not every girl is ready to experience such a radical shade on her lips. Absolutely in vain, because this fervent tone will not leave you without attention. You just need to harmoniously combine it with makeup and clothes.

Carrot lipstick will not leave you without attention

Carrot lipstick color: how to combine and who suits

Carrot shades are warm and juicy. They are always noticeable in clothes and makeup, but you need to combine them correctly and choose according to your color type.

Carrot lipstick has “relatives” in shades: terracotta, tangerine, honey, amber, caramel and coral. All of them are in a warm range and harmonize well with almost all skin types except for too pale.

Carrot shades are contraindicated for girls of the "winter" color type. For those who have a cold tone of skin and eyes, a bright carrot tone will block their aristocratic pallor and look defiant. In addition, in combination with pale skin, it will give the face a grayish-blue glow, making you look at least tired, at the most exhausted.

You can harmoniously use carrot color in cosmetics and clothes:

  • Girls color type autumn and spring. By the way, it will look especially good on autumn girls.
  • Girls of a mixed (not pronounced) type. Blonde hair And dark eyes and skin (or vice versa) will become even more harmonious with the use of orange lipstick.
  • Orange tones will look good on dark and tanned skin.
If you find it difficult to decide on such a bright tone, start with a light lip gloss

How to match carrot lipstick

This shade will look harmonious in evening makeup, but so that it is not too bright in daytime, you need to try. If you have purchased a lipstick in this bold and sunny shade, consider the following tips:

  • Carrot lipstick color (photos can be viewed on websites or in catalogs) will not work if you have brightly made up your eyes. With such shades, it is better to combine eye makeup in the style of a light smokey ice. Natural shadows and one coat of mascara without a pencil or eyeliner will also look harmonious in combination with bright juicy lips.
  • Do not abuse sandy tones in shadows or blush. Otherwise, you will get too much "yellowing" in the overall picture.
  • Watch to Foundation was not too light or with a bluish undertone. If you only have one, it is better to get by with a corrector for problem areas and soft blush. Carrot shade does not like both pallor and excessive layers of cosmetics. He, like a litmus test, will show all the "unnaturalness" in the tone of the face.

Carrot is a capricious color, and it is far from suitable for everyone. Best of all, he will sit on young ladies with a warm color type of appearance. These include spring and autumn. Spring women have a delicate sunny appearance, they have light skin of pale pink, peach or apricot hue, which easily burns in the sun. Spring capillaries are located shallow, so it is easily covered with a blush. The eyes of the representatives of the spring color type are light - blue, green, transparent gray, the hair is usually wheat, amber, honey or light blond.

The spring color type is rarely found in Russia. It includes many representatives of the Scandinavian countries and the Baltics.

Autumn is another color type that will suit an orange shade of lipstick. The autumn girl is easily recognizable by her mop of red hair. There are other shades, but in any case, the hair will be with a warm reddish tint. The skin of autumn is peach, beige, pinkish, ivory, and the eyes are marsh, brown, the color of coffee or aqua. If you recognize yourself in the description of one of the color types - feel free to experiment with carrot lipstick - it will most likely suit you, because warm shades suit you. But it is better for cold platinum blondes and burning brunettes to refrain from "". Cold pink, purple and blood red suit them.

If you want to make your lips look fuller, opt for a carrot lip gloss, or put a clear gloss on top of a layer of lipstick.

What to combine with carrot lipstick

In order for carrot lipstick to look good on you, it is not enough to have the right type of appearance. After all, it also depends on your makeup and clothes whether you succeed in the desired image. Carrot is a bright and eye-catching shade, so when painting your eyes, be restrained. Use neutral colors - beige, gray, brown, coffee, as the accent will be on your lips.

Carrot lipstick is a godsend for young ladies suffering from circles under the eyes. It makes this disadvantage less noticeable.

Also, do not choose overly variegated colors in clothes. Give preference to a discreet set and add a color accent with accessories. Throw on a scarf with a pattern in which there is an orange color, take a clutch with a carrot strap. Then your image will be harmonious.

Bold, catchy makeup details attract attention and admiring glances of others. Orange color is able to cheer up, bring joyful notes to the image, it is a very positive, warm color. But it should be borne in mind that he is also very capricious, he is not suitable for everyone. Such lipstick can emphasize the dignity of the face and highlight its shortcomings. In this article, we will look at who suits orange lipstick, how to choose the right shade of it, what to wear it with.

There are four types of appearance depending on the shade of hair, skin, eyes: spring, summer, autumn, winter types appearance.

The spring type includes light brown-haired, blond hair with a golden tint, having eyes of light blue and green hues, and peach or milky skin.

The autumn type is characterized by hair with a sheen of red, copper, chestnut, swarthy or beige skin, eyes are green, brown.

The winter type is characterized by very fair skin th, dark hair, and bright, shining eyes.

The summer type is characterized by skin of ivory, beige, pink, light gray tint, light brown hair, light eyes.

Depending on the type of appearance, makeup, clothes, accessories are selected to create a harmonious image.

The orange tone consists of yellow and red, depending on the shift in one direction or another, we get different color shades.

The right tone of orange lipstick will emphasize the features and help in creating spectacular image. Sometimes it happens that this tone is categorically not suitable, even with a uniform tan, do not be discouraged, be sure to choose your image. Consider who suits shades of orange.

Orange lipstick is not suitable only for women with pale skin, as it emphasizes circles under the eyes and a pale appearance, it looks like a bright spot on fair skin. For these young ladies, pink tones are suitable.

Women with dark skin and dark hair suitable shades:

  • honey;
  • carrot;
  • amber.

Girls with hair color from light blond to light chestnut and pinkish and peach skin will suit:

  • terracotta;
  • coral;
  • orange;
  • caramel.

For brown-eyed and green-eyed young ladies with red and copper tint of hair, an orange-colored lipstick with a red tint will complement the look.

lipstick for brunettes fit orange with a brown tint.

Bright tones of lipstick draw special attention to the lips, which means that they also attract attention to the teeth, if they are not in perfect condition, it is better to choose a calmer shade.

Basic rules for makeup with orange lipstick

By following some rules when applying bright makeup, you will create a unique look.

Selection and application rules:

  • regardless of the chosen shade, orange lipstick should be matte, without shine;
  • before applying, make a scrub, then moisturize the lips with a balm;
  • before applying to oily skin, lips need to be covered with a thin layer of powder;
  • With bright shades on the lips will look natural makeup eye and cheekbones. The maximum that can be done is to emphasize the contour of the eyes with a thin line, and lightly make up the eyelashes. When using shadows of saturated shades in combination with bright lips, you will look vulgar.
  • If there is redness on the face, bright shades will emphasize it and give a painful look.
  • Do not be lazy to try many shades to find the one that suits you, this is a very moody color.
  • To visually soften the nasolabial folds, use reflective products.
  • Look in the mirror more often, correct your makeup, orange pigments are very noticeable on the lips.
  • Applied with a brush, it looks more natural.
  • To keep the color for a longer time, and the contour does not blur, you should use a silicone lip primer.

Bright shades not only emphasize the advantages, but also highlight the shortcomings, therefore, before applying, it is necessary to whiten the teeth, mask all skin imperfections, and use a concealer to remove dark circles under the eyes. Apply bright makeup on cleansed skin, after applying the foundation.

We select clothes and accessories for orange lipstick

We select shoes or accessories to match the lipstick, it can be: shoes, a scarf, a handbag, a headband, a watch strap, a bracelet, beads. They can be any warm shade, but have an insert to match the color of the lip makeup. You should not dress in all bright colors under catchy makeup.

To create perfect image, you can capture experiments with appearance on film, then view the photos, choose the most preferred style. To get an adequate assessment, contact your friends and acquaintances, they will appreciate the image you created from the outside.

When Bad mood takes control of all other human emotions and the blues sets in, everyone says in unison: “the sun is not enough.” There are suggestions to wear brighter clothes, to walk more in the fresh air. All this really helps, but when you need a quick result and without much hassle, it will help out. Orange lipstick.

orange lipstick, like any other color, has a lot of shades: carrot, orange, red, amber, honey. Although many manufacturers of decorative cosmetics "name names" this bright lipstick is more "glamorous": lipstick color "hot caramel"; coral lipstick; tangerine lipstick, grapefruit color lipstick. The essence of this does not change.

Orange is somewhere between red and yellow, and the accent can be brighter in both directions.

Stylists claim that orange lipstick colors goes absolutely everyone: blondes, brunettes, and redheads. Naturally, each will have its own successful shade.

However, in order to make good friends with this color of lipstick, you must have a perfect even tone face and white smile. This is such an insidious color that can both “ennoble” and, excuse me, get wet in the dirt.

But, having found your shade, be prepared for a lot of admiring glances. A woman with such “tasty, sunny” lips is hard to ignore.

How to find your shade?

To be honest, it's just trial and error. And, in general terms, it is easier to start a relationship with orange lipstick for women of the “autumn” and “spring” color types, for whom redness is not wildness 😉

How to wear orange lipstick correctly?

1. Achieve perfect tone face with tonal and corrective means.

2. you can (and should) apply on the lips themselves - the lipstick will last longer.

3. Only lips should be bright. Those. makeup with lipstick bright colors These are calm shades of shadow, a minimum of mascara and no eyeliner at all. In any case, it’s definitely not necessary to draw arrows that are fashionable today. The image will turn out pretentious and overloaded.

4. Opinions on the use of lip liner are divided. Some stylists say that the contour is needed, because. with it, the line will be clearer and the lipstick will not smudge along the edges of the lips. Others argue that the contour is already too much. We advise you to find a middle ground: still use the contour, but make it less noticeable with a small amount foundation above.

Accessories, clothes and lipstick in orange

Sunny lipstick is already very bright, so when choosing between clothes and accessories to create a color balance, give preference to accessories. Chain with orange pendant; neckerchief with an unobtrusive orange pattern; a clutch with orange accents or shoes with an orange element will be the most suitable for creating the integrity of the image.

Unusual use of orange lipstick

If dark circles under the eyes often spoil your mood, then orange lipstick will help out. It works even better than white concealers. The fact is that orange and blue (namely, circles under the eyes of this color) are opposite in color palette, and interacting with each other, completely neutralize themselves. Try it!

Do not be afraid of orange lipstick, it, like a ray of sunshine, will warm and give a lot of positive!

Olga Vinogradskaya
