How to make a dragon out of dough. Salt dough painting Japanese woman and dragon

To begin, replace the dough.

Having tried different proportions and ingredients, I propose the following easiest kneading option: 2 stacks. flour, 1 stack. salt "Extra" and 200 ml of water. It is better to add water to the dough gradually. As a result, the mass should become similar to plasticine: do not crumble and do not stick to your hands (if it crumbles, add water, stick to your hands - add flour). During modeling, the dough should be kept in a plastic bag so that it does not weather. It is best to sculpt on foil, then after drying the craft will be easy to paint, varnish, and later separate from the base and transfer to the main background of the picture.

Wrap the picture frame in foil. With a regular pen, draw the outlines of a tree and a girl - this is a sketch of a future masterpiece.

Roll out the tetsa sausage with a rolling pin and lay it closer to the left side of the picture. Moisten the surface and apply the texture of the wood with your fingers.

Blind a branch on which the dragon will sit. Spread the joint with your fingers.

Decorate the tree with thin branches made from thin dough sausages.

To cover the branches with foliage, grate the chips from a small piece of dough on a fine grater.

Lay the resulting "foliage" around the branches, after wetting the surface

Let's start sculpting the dragon from the tail.

On a wet surface, apply scales with a tool

Keep wrapping your dragon's tail around the tree

Now we will fashion a part of the torso. Scale with scissors

Lay the carefully received part under the branch

Now blind paw and claws

For the wing, roll out a thin layer of dough and cut out a teardrop shape. Bend the top forward a little.

When laying the wing, bend it towards you, and apply streaks with a knife

"Decorate" the dragon's neck with scales using scissors

Use the tool to apply the scales on the side

Blind your head from a small piece

Lay to the neck, and use the tool to push through the mouth, nostrils and eye sockets

Insert a bead into the head instead of the eye

I don’t know what this part of the dragon’s muzzle is called correctly, but I sculpted it with a brush

Instead of horns, break a toothpick and insert its ends into your head

Now sculpt the next wing

Lift the tree trunk with a knife and tuck the dragon's wing under it

Cut the edges with a knife and push through the veins

Now budei sculpt a girl. First of all - make a torso from a sausage

For the clothes, I used a silicone stamp, but if you don't have one, take any item that gives a nice print and apply it to the rolled out strip of dough.

Wrap the "clothing" around your upper torso

Now roll out a layer for a dress from a larger piece.

The photo did not turn out, but the dress fits in folds around the waist. After a hand is formed from the dough sausage, fingers are cut out with nail scissors. So that the fingers are not square, index and thumb right hand press the corners a little.

Here you can see how the bottom of the kimono is laid. Place your hand on the dragon's tail

This is the future kimono sleeve

Lay it in folds

Now the head. It should be attached to a toothpick so that it does not fly off during the drying process.

Moisten the surface and quickly, until it is weathered, push through the places of the eye sockets with your fingers, and with the tool - the rest of the face: the nostrils of the nose and lips. Form the nose itself separately from a small drop of dough. Lay and smudge gently with a brush or tool.

Blind your hair with a garlic press.

Gently lay the resulting noodles around the head, creating a hairstyle for the girl.

Blind at the top of the hairstyle "squiggle" and decorate with beads.

Here's what should end up happening.

Now leave the painting to dry for 7-8 days in a dry and warm room. You can speed up the process by putting the workpiece on the battery, but then the craft may bend. Therefore, I recommend leaving the product for a day to dry on a cabinet or windowsill, and then put it in a hot place.

The dough can be painted with any paints. I used watercolor and gouache. Let the paints dry for about an hour and open the picture with wood varnish (I don’t recommend water-based acrylic - the paints will spread). Varnish for wood gives yellowness, so unpainted areas of the product will be a light yellow tint.

Glue the base of the picture with PVA with a cloth. Place the base in the frame and secure. Gently turn the craft over onto a soft base “face down”, remove the foil and apply Dragonly universal glue (it dries completely within a day).

Attach the stucco to the base of the painting, add foliage to the top of the tree. Optionally - draw hieroglyphs. In this picture, the hieroglyphs mean - a dragon that brings good luck.

Thank you for watching until the end and spending your time on me!!!



What you need for work: Salt dough, paints, varnish. How to do it: DOUGH: 1 part salt, 2 parts flour, 1 part water. Roll out a circle or an oval from a piece of dough - this will be the base. Blind leaves, flowers and glue to the base with water. Dry (I dry on the window), paint, varnish. Photo

What you need for work: salt dough: 2 stacks of flour, 1 stack. salt "extra", 1 stack. cold water. How to do: knead the dough. I add a little grows. butter so it doesn't stick to your hands. dry in the oven with the door ajar for 6-8 hours, depending on the size. ready product

What is required for work: Salty dough 1 tbsp water, 1 tbsp fine salt, 2 tbsp flour. For the base, decorative fabric, frame How to do: I took all the embroidery schemes that I liked, which Panama-1 posted, home for modeling. I sculpted from dough, tried to keep the proportions from the printed picture.

What you need for work: Frame, PVA glue, salt dough, paints. How to do it: Dough: 1 cup salt, 2 cups flour, 1 cup water. Blind the body in the form of the letter "L", the ball-head. Roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick, cut out a dress and wings. Roll up the sleeves in the form of droplets, balls, palms,

Snowman, Christmas tree and dough dragon

Most of all, a child loves when parents together with him do something necessary and interesting out of nothing. The most common and affordable such activity is dough modeling. In this case, it is not necessary to go to the store and buy dough. For developmental and educational purposes, it is better to do it yourself. Easy Salt Dough Recipe: 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 3/4 cup water. Flour and salt are mixed in a bowl, water is added and the dough can be kneaded. The child is attracted, fascinated and, of course, drawn into the overall action by the process of stirring, and then, crumpling and wrinkling the dough. You can spend 3-4 minutes on making the dough, but it’s better (for the development of the child) to spend a little more on it, giving the child enough to crumple and crumple the created material. Thus, to the delight of your child and with his active participation, the most important material for creativity is ready! Another 5-10 minutes, a little imagination and work together with the child, and the fairy-tale figurine will come to life and sparkle with sparkles (they arise from salt). In the process of assembling the figures, it is important to think over the supporting frame, which will not allow the craft to fall apart. Toothpicks can act as a frame (in the figure, the herringbone has them at the base of the trunk and branches), wire (it can allow the dragon to turn its head) and even tubes for juice (in the figure it is used not only as a broom, but also as frame on which snowman balls are strung). It remains to wait until the figurine dries up, take gouache and creatively paint the craft (see pictures). The child rolls dough balls with pleasure, paints them, admires the achieved result.

All this magical act of creation develops fine motor skills child, has a positive effect on the development of coordination of the child’s movements, on his intellectual potential, develops in him a love for work, pride in his parents and in his achievements, and most importantly, this in the future, with age, is expressed in self-confidence, in his abilities , in the ability to approach the matter creatively. Forward - everything is in your hands!

Snowman dragon and Christmas tree made of dough We make a Christmas tree from salt dough with our own hands. Salt dough tree. We make a Christmas tree from salt dough with our own hands. We paint a Christmas tree from salt dough.

We make a Christmas tree from salt dough with our own hands. The tree is painted. It remains to decorate with tinsel and hang eels. We make a dragon from salt dough with our own hands together with the children. fire breathing dragon salt dough. The fire-breathing dragon is painted and ready to delight the kids. We make a dragon from salt dough with our own hands together with the children. Fire-breathing red-colored salt dough dragon.

We make a snowman from salt dough with our own hands together with the children. Salt dough snowman. We make a snowman from salt dough with our own hands together with the children. The salt dough snowman is ready and waiting for the New Year. We make a heart from salt dough with our own hands together with the children. Salt dough heart on a magnet.

Snowman, Christmas tree and dough dragon

The dragon figurine shown here is molded from dough. But the dough is far from the only material from which you can sculpt a dragon!

Dough is such a material about which they say: “We mold, we mold - we don’t blind at all!” Something will fall off; then a snowman or a dragon, molded from dough, will have the lower part sagging under the weight of the upper! How to fashion a dragon out of dough so that the figure does not sag - you now know (you need an internal frame). Now it's time to see how you can fashion not from dough, but, for example, from plasticine of the same dragon!

Alternative options for sculpting a plasticine dragon can be found here:, here.

The Black Water Dragon is a symbol of the upcoming New Year. In order for happiness to accompany you in 2012, there must be a figurine of this mythical animal in the house. You can make a little dragon yourself. How? Very simple. Salt Dough Dragons they look just amazing!

New Year's crafts from salt dough can be great gifts for your friends and family. will bring pleasure not only to you, but also to your children. Try making salt dough dragons with your kids, which make great gifts for grandparents.

For starters, you should knead the dough from which you can sculpt dragons. If you plan to sculpt three-dimensional figures, you will need 1 cup of flour, half a cup of salt and 125 ml of water. But if you plan to sculpt thin figures, you can choose to add a tablespoon of PVA or starch to your dough. Wallpaper glue is also perfect, but it must first be diluted in water. Knead the dough with a mixer. So you will not only spend much less time and effort, but the salt dough itself will be much better.

As you know, salt dough crafts are flat and voluminous. Volumetric salt dough dragons can become great gift. But pictures are made from flat figures.

salt dough dragon

Let's tell how to make a salt dough dragon. First you need to decide on the size and shape of the dragon figurine. Make a dense blank of foil, which will become your base. Knead the salt dough and roll it out. The dough sheet should not be very thin. Cover the foil figure with the rolled out dough. At this stage, you should not try to sculpt all the thin lines. This is just the basis of your work.

Now you can start decorating the dragon's head.. Using small balls, make his nose and eyebrows. The salt dough is very soft, so you can completely form the face of the dragon with your fingers. With the help of a stack, small details are cut out and formed - the mouth, nostrils and eyes. If you don't have a stack, you can use an ordinary small knife. At this stage of making a dragon from salt dough, you can completely complete the design of the figurine's head. Add cute ears to your dragon.

We begin to make out the lower part of the figure. From the extra balls of dough, make the paws of the dragon and cut out the fingers on them with a stack. If your dragon needs to be spiked, they should be done now. Wings should be added last./p>

There are two ways to dry the finished dragon: naturally or in the oven. If you decide to use the oven, do not forget that it must operate at a minimum temperature. Dry the figurines in the oven with the door ajar. A dried dragon should be dyed. For this you can use acrylic paints or gouache with the addition of PVA. To give the figurine shine, it is varnished.

New Year's crafts from dough can be made flat. We suggest you make a frame for photos. In this case, you will need not only dragons from salt dough. From the same material you can make a frame of the size you need. Since we are making a New Year's frame, it should be decorated with various figures: Christmas trees and stars. Do not try to attach all the figures to the frame at this stage. Each element should be dried separately. Make also dragons with which you can decorate the frame. One of the most simple options is to make one long dragon. Roll out the dough into a sausage of the desired length and thickness. Use your fingers to form the muzzle and legs of the dragon. Add wings and spikes (optional).

When the frame and decorations are ready, they are left to dry. It is best to let the products dry on their own.. This is a long time, but the dough will definitely not crack. When drying in the oven, the products should be turned over from time to time so that the dough dries evenly on all sides. When all the dough products are completely dry, the dragon and various decorative elements are glued to the frame with PVA glue. Take carpentry PVA, and not clerical, then not a single decoration will definitely fall off the frame. The finished photo frame is painted with paints and varnished.

Salt dough picture "Japanese woman and dragon". Master Class

To begin, replace the dough.

Having tried different proportions and ingredients, I propose the following easiest kneading option: 2 stacks. flour, 1 stack. salt "Extra" and 200 ml of water. It is better to add water to the dough gradually. As a result, the mass should become similar to plasticine: do not crumble and do not stick to your hands (if it crumbles, add water, stick to your hands - add flour). During modeling, the dough should be kept in a plastic bag so that it does not weather. It is best to sculpt on foil, then after drying the craft will be easy to paint, varnish, and later separate from the base and transfer to the main background of the picture.

Wrap the picture frame in foil. With a regular pen, draw the outlines of a tree and a girl - this is a sketch of a future masterpiece.

Roll out the dough sausage with a rolling pin and lay it closer to the left side of the picture. Moisten the surface and apply the texture of the wood with your fingers.

Blind a branch on which the dragon will sit. Spread the joint with your fingers.

Decorate the tree with thin branches made from thin dough sausages.

To cover the branches with foliage, grate the chips from a small piece of dough on a fine grater.

Lay the resulting "foliage" around the branches, after wetting the surface

Let's start sculpting the dragon from the tail.

On a wet surface, apply scales with a tool

Keep wrapping your dragon's tail around the tree

Now we will fashion a part of the torso. Scale with scissors

Lay the carefully received part under the branch

Now blind paw and claws

For the wing, roll out a thin layer of dough and cut out a teardrop shape. Bend the top forward a little.

When laying the wing, bend it towards you, and apply streaks with a knife

"Decorate" the dragon's neck with scales using scissors

Use the tool to apply the scales on the side

Blind your head from a small piece

Lay to the neck, and use the tool to push through the mouth, nostrils and eye sockets

Insert a bead into the head instead of the eye

I don’t know what this part of the dragon’s muzzle is called correctly, but I sculpted it with a brush

Instead of horns, break a toothpick and insert its ends into your head

Now sculpt the next wing

Lift the tree trunk with a knife and tuck the dragon's wing under it

Cut the edges with a knife and push through the veins

Now budei sculpt a girl. First of all - make a torso from a sausage

For the clothes, I used a silicone stamp, but if you don't have one, take any item that gives a nice print and apply it to the rolled out strip of dough.

Wrap the "clothing" around your upper torso

Now roll out a layer for a dress from a larger piece.

The photo did not turn out, but the dress fits in folds around the waist. After a hand is formed from the dough sausage, fingers are cut out with nail scissors. To prevent the fingers from being square, press the corners a little with the index finger and thumb of the right hand.

Here you can see how the bottom of the kimono is laid. Place your hand on the dragon's tail

This is the future kimono sleeve

Lay it in folds

Now the head. It should be attached to a toothpick so that it does not fly off during the drying process.

Moisten the surface and quickly, until it is weathered, push through the places of the eye sockets with your fingers, and with the tool - the rest of the face: the nostrils of the nose and lips. Form the nose itself separately from a small drop of dough. Lay and smudge gently with a brush or tool.

Blind your hair with a garlic press.

Gently lay the resulting noodles around the head, creating a hairstyle for the girl.

Blind at the top of the hairstyle "squiggle" and decorate with beads.

Here's what should end up happening.

Now leave the painting to dry for 7-8 days in a dry and warm room. You can speed up the process by putting the workpiece on the battery, but then the craft may bend. Therefore, I recommend leaving the product for a day to dry on a cabinet or windowsill, and then put it in a hot place.

The dough can be painted with any paints. I used watercolor and gouache. Let the paints dry for about an hour and open the picture with wood varnish (I don’t recommend water-based acrylic - the paints will spread). Varnish for wood gives yellowness, so unpainted areas of the product will be a light yellow tint.

Glue the base of the picture with PVA with a cloth. Place the base in the frame and secure. Gently turn the craft over onto a soft base “face down”, remove the foil and apply Dragonly universal glue (it dries completely within a day).

Attach the stucco to the base of the painting, add foliage to the top of the tree. Optionally - draw hieroglyphs. In this picture, the hieroglyphs mean - a dragon that brings good luck.

Thank you for watching until the end and spending your time on me!!!
