How to make a boat with a pipe out of paper. How to make a paper boat with your own hands: diagrams of a simple ship, steamer and sailboat

Paper boats are the main entertainment in autumn and spring, when the weather is not the most pleasant, puddles, a little cool. Only a cheerful multi-colored boat can fix the gray everyday life and decorate everything around. Many of us organized competitions, whose boat would sail further, then in a small puddle they created such a current that any clumsy steamer turned into a motor boat. And if your boat still floated along with the passengers, then this is just the aerobatics of shipbuilding.

To make a boat out of paper, you do not need to be an origami master, it's quite simple. You just need to carefully study the instructions and practice. But this is a very useful activity, the child develops his spatial thinking, attentiveness and perseverance.

We all know how to do it, but not everyone knows how to make a boat. In order to get good craft you need to put in a little effort. After all, when we assemble our boat corner to corner, the future result is not obvious. First, just a square, then a triangle, and so on, and then again, and pulling the corners, we get our boat.

Today we will look at a few simple circuits, according to which you can make your boat out of paper.

simple paper boat

For a simple craft, we need 1 A4 sheet. Well, let's get started.

  1. The first thing to do (1.1) Bend the leaf in half, we should get a rectangle;
  2. Bend the top corners of the rectangle towards the center (1.2). Gently bend the coals, they should be in close contact with each other. You should get a triangle;
  3. Under the triangle, you have formed two free strips, they need to be bent up so that they frame the triangle (1.3);
  4. So you need to do on the one hand and on the other. Bend the protruding corners over the triangle (1.4);
  5. Now we have a hat. We need to take the corners of the triangle and connect them together to make a rhombus (1.5);
  6. Now the corners that we connected in the previous step, we need to bend up, so that we again get a triangle (1.6);
  7. Now we have a triangle (1.7);
  8. We are at the finish line, we need to sort of turn the boat around. Grab the bottom corners and pull them down (1.8);
  9. Our boat began to open, now we need to help it. Pull the top corners to straighten the boat (1.9);
  10. Done, now it remains only to straighten the craft and decorate it.

How to make a two-pipe boat?

To begin with, we need a square sheet of paper, you can take an A4 sheet and cut off the unnecessary part. Whatever, do not waste time calculating how to cut a square from a rectangular sheet of paper. Here is an easy way to get a square from a rectangle. You need to place an A4 sheet with the short side in front of you. Bend the upper left corner down to the edge of the sheet to form a triangle. An unnecessary rectangle has formed under the resulting figure, we just have to cut off the unnecessary part.

Now we can proceed to the folding of our boat.

  1. In order to determine where the center of the square is needed, fold our square in half, first on one side, then return it to its original state, and do the same with the other side (1).
  2. Now that we know where the center of the square is, we can bend each corner in turn towards the center (2). We should get a square again.
  3. Then we repeat the movement three more times (3,4,5), each new circle, turn the resulting figure, and bend the corners in the opposite direction.
  4. We are at the finish line, it remains for us to fold the resulting square in half to make a triangle. And pull the corners as in the previous diagram to open our boat.
  5. Now you need to make a two-pipe out of the resulting ship. We straighten the upper and lower corners, these will be pipes.
  6. All is ready!)

Even more schemes of paper boats

The paper boat is wonderful craft! It develops fine motor skills (if you carelessly fold crafts, the boat will not work), it trains spatial thinking remarkably, and besides, you can go outside and play with the resulting boat! Alone, with friends, with parents. Organize a sea expedition or speed race. Ships can be made from colored paper, painted and painted, and a crew of small toys can be chosen for them. In bad weather, you can launch boats in the bathroom, and in the country - in the basin ... In a word, practice on these schemes, and you will not regret it!

simple paper boat

It is such a boat that most dads will be able to fold out of paper, and many mothers too. And if you make it from a newspaper sheet, you get a completely tolerable headdress!

During the Soviet Union, these were popular with finishing workers - they perfectly protected against splashes of lime, and after the end of the working day they simply went to waste. Well, the scheme of such boats is very, very simple!

If as a child you were not fond of origami and now look at the boat diagram with bewilderment - here's a video for you: in detail, clearly, accessible.

Steamboat with two pipes

The second most popular origami boat scheme "from childhood". Without any doubt and without a diagram, you will remember how to make it, but, just in case, we still post a diagram and a video.

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

An interesting detail is that this particular origami scheme does not seem to be found at all on foreign sites dedicated to children's crafts.

So, perhaps, this is our Russian ship! And with two pipes!

Ship with sails

But such a boat, on the contrary, for some reason is not popular with Russian kids. It is not at all difficult to make a romantic boat with sails, moreover, we have found two whole ways leading to the same result. It should be noted that such a boat floats not so hot, but it looks beautiful, and on our streams it is also fresh and unusual!

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

* Tip - when watching a video, turn off the sound, for some reason duringexactlyof this filming, in the background, someone was painstakingly torturing musical instruments.

wise boat

The scheme of this boat is called "Tricky boat", sounds a bit like the word "trick". You can translate the name and the truth as "cunning, tricky, confusing." Well, it's not for nothing that she got such a name! After sitting on the scheme for a good half an hour, the author could not fold the boat.

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

Fortunately, a video was found on the Internet, and the complex immediately became simple. We must warn you, for the first minute and a half, the paper is simply crumpled and smoothed in all directions (apparently, this is a necessary condition for performing an ingenious trick), but then the real magic begins!

We all folded in childhood paper boats, but time goes by, and we forget what we did in childhood with our eyes closed. And children grow up, and you can entertain them not only with toys, but also with all sorts of improvised means. You can distract the child while you are sitting in line, or you are going somewhere, using plain paper. It is enough to make a boat out of paper and your child will be distracted for a long time, because he will want to make such a boat himself.

When I started preparing for a trip to the Black Sea, I had a question about how to entertain a child on a train. And here paper crafts are just a chic option. After all, a paper boat can not only be made, it can be painted, decorated, etc. It turned out that there are not one, but six options for making a paper boat.

A paper boat is an easy option.

Everyone made this boat in childhood. This option turned out to be the simplest, and the boat turned out the first time. Try to make such a boat with your children, they will be delighted. Such a boat will not sink in the water, and you can safely let it into the stream. Immerse yourself in childhood with your children.

paper boat - standard

For the manufacture of a boat, it is better to use thicker paper than ordinary paper. Then your boat will serve you longer, will sail longer in the seas and oceans of your child.

A paper boat is a steamer.

This version of the ship is more complicated, but all the same, the child can even make it on his own. You just need to show him a couple of times how to assemble this option.

paper boat - steamer

Your child will really like this option, especially since it is a pleasure to decorate this steamer.

A paper boat is a boat.

Making a boat out of paper is quite simple. The child was delighted after I started making the 3rd version of the paper ship for him. Therefore, you can show a real master class to your child. The boat, by the way, is very stable on the water, and launching it into the water brings a lot of positive emotions.

paper boat - boat

The only little problem last step it is necessary to turn the boat inside out, and this must be done very carefully, the child may not be able to cope.

A paper boat is a catamaran.

This boat looks like a catamaran, but to be honest, I don’t really like it. And it was not possible to assemble it the first time and it does not look quite like a boat, but of course I will publish the scheme for collecting it. Maybe someone will like it.

Paper boat - catamaran

A paper boat is universal.

This boat is very beautiful, strong and stable. I liked her the most. It took a little longer to make than the first one, but it turned out the first time.

Universal paper boat

A very beautiful boat turned out as a result, by the way, you can put soldiers or small toys in it.

Paper ship - military.

The most difficult option, not even all adults can do it, but after a couple of attempts, you still succeed. This warship will help your child develop fine motor skills hands, and this is very important for the psychophysical development of the child.

Paper ship - military

If you take A4 paper, from which to make a square, etc., then the boat turns out to be small.

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