Simple beading patterns for kids. Weaving from beads for adults and children

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


The creations of bead weaving masters are a whole art, and some works are rightfully called masterpieces. Learning to create beautiful things from beads is not so difficult as they think, the main thing is to learn necessary technicians. Bead weaving lessons for beginners are easy to learn, but you need to have such qualities as perseverance, patience and a great desire to create beauty. If you decide to try beading, you will never be disappointed with the result.

Basic beading techniques with patterns

If you decide to create a beautiful thing from beads, but still don’t know how to do it, then first choose a convenient weaving pattern for yourself. But most importantly, you need to find large beads that are more suitable for the base of beading by beginner needlewomen. Do not take too voluminous products into work for the first time - they require skill and a lot of time. To a large extent, the type of finished work will depend on the quality of the material chosen. Therefore, if you notice irregularities on the wire or foreign inclusions on the beads, then discard such material.

To choose the right material, follow a few tips:

  • Choose beads according to the shape and color indicated in the diagram.
  • When buying, inspect the package or jar so that there are no defective beads.
  • The size of the beads is determined by the number. The smaller the number on the package, the larger the beads.
  • For beginners, it is recommended to choose a wire that models the outlines of finished elements. The fishing line is different in thickness and color, and also involves the purchase of a needle for work.

Mosaic weaving

For most needlewomen, the technique of mosaic weaving is banal and simple. But even experienced craftswomen make mistakes, so it is important for beginners not to miss all the details of the scheme. With mosaic weaving, the beads are staggered, forming a dense canvas. Its main principles:

  • work is done on a single thread;
  • the number of beads must be a multiple of 2;
  • in order to weave a fabric for an uncountable number of beads, additional passes of the thread are needed through the extreme beads.

Weaving an even mosaic canvas begins with a set of an even number of beads that make up the first row. For the second row, you should dial one bead, and pass the needle through the second bead from the end of the row. Then pick up a bead, stitching through the fourth from the end of the row and so on. To finish the row, pass the needle through the first strung bead. In order to dial the third and all subsequent rows, sew a new bead through the last one strung in the previous row. Before you break the thread, pass the needle in a zigzag pattern through the entire weave.


Although brick weaving is a bit like mosaic weaving, it differs greatly in execution technique: it is weaved in a different direction and takes more time. Brick and mosaic weaving are similar, so they are often used in one product, and the connections look completely invisible. The principle and procedure of brick weaving:

  1. The first row consists of 5 beads. First, two pieces are put on the needle, and then the third, after which the needle is threaded through the second towards weaving, and through the third in the direction of weaving. Then the fourth bead is put on the needle, and the needle is passed through the third in the direction opposite to weaving. The same is repeated with the fifth bead, after which it is necessary to return to the beginning, passing each bead in turn in the countdown.
  2. The second level of brick weaving can be expanded. To do this, you need to string two beads on a needle, make a stitch, clinging to the thread connecting the two beads of the first level, and bring it out through the second bead of the second row. Next, the third bead is put on, and the stitch is drawn between the second and third bead of the first row. You also act with the fourth and fifth beads, and when the sixth is typed, the needle is inserted from top to bottom through the fifth bead, and output through the fourth bead of the first and second row.
  3. At the third and second level, the canvas expands in the same way, and starting from the fifth row, it should already be narrowed. To do this, the first two beads are strung, and the stitch is made under the thread connecting beads six and seven in the fourth row, and through the beads two of the fifth row is returned back. Next, the needle is led in the direction of weaving on the fifth row through the first bead, and then through the second. At the fifth level, they stop at seven beads, and so on.

Circular (French) technique

French weaving is very common among needlewomen. And this is understandable, because all the little animals, flowers and other decorations come out airy and openwork. With circular (French) weaving, at the base of any leaf or petal there is a thick central wire rod, on the base of which several beads are strung, and a thinner wire with beads is attached below. Two wires are arranged in parallel, fastened with one curl. This results in one half of the arc.

On the other side of the rod, another wire with beads is attached, fastening to the main rod from below. If you weave a couple more of these arcs, alternating the fastening of the wire from below, then from above, you will get a full-fledged leaf. The wire of the last row is fastened with the help of two turns, and its tip is cut off. One side of the axial rod is cut so that a small end of the wire about 0.5 cm remains. Then it should be bent into the inside of the decoration.


Many needlewomen start their way in beading by mastering the technique parallel weaving. This is the most easy option, flowers and other interesting products. The essence of parallel weaving is that the beads of the first and second row are strung on one end of the wire, and its other end is threaded towards the first level through the beads of the second.

Two rows are pulled tightly to the middle of the wire or fishing line, and tightened tightly. After that, both ends of the wire come out from opposite sides of the decoration, and the rows are parallel to each other. Such lowering easily creates not only flat products, but also volumetric ones. Only for weaving volumetric figures the rows are stacked one under the other, and when creating flat ones, they are stacked in the same plane.

Beading workshops for beginners with photos

Beading products is very fashionable. Today, many Fashion Houses in their numerous models decorate bracelets, bags, rings, clothing items with beaded weaving. That's why modern women and are fond of beading, because every thing created by one's own hands takes its rightful place in the wardrobe, and becomes a matter of personal pride. To learn how to create beautiful things with beads, beginner needlewomen will need the following materials and tools for work:

  • beads, stones;
  • fasteners for weaving necklaces, bracelets, necklaces;
  • needles different sizes for large and small beads;
  • kapron threads, fishing line or wire for the base of the product;
  • pencil, notebook sheet in a box for sketching diagrams;
  • scissors.

Before starting to practice, a beginner should arrange the workplace so that he enjoys the process, and does not suffer from inconvenience or lack of lighting. You need to work at the table on which everything is cooked the right tools and material. And so that the eyes do not get tired, the light should not be too bright, but not too dim. It is better to start weaving with beads with some simple figures or bracelets, and complex jewelry should be left for later, when some experience has already been gained.



Weaving a tree is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner at first glance. The main thing is to know the step-by-step procedure:

  • To weave leaves, cut the wire into equal pieces of 80 cm each. Take 7 centimeters of green beads for one of them, and then, stepping back from the edge of 20 cm, make twists of 3 beads, and then twist the wire in a zigzag.
  • Make 7 identical branches, then connect the composition. To do this, twist two branches, and after 3 mm add another one. Gradually twisting the finished branches, a beautiful, branched tree is created.
  • So that the trunk does not look too thin, it is better to ennoble it. For this, a floral tape is suitable, which should be wrapped around the trunk, gradually wrapping new branches to the base.
  • At the end of the work, all that remains is to plant the tree on plaster in a pot, and to make it look like a birch, draw brown stripes with a marker that will imitate birch bark.


Weaving the simplest rose or violet from beads is also possible for a beginner, the main thing is to follow the instructions clearly. Master class step by step:

  • Cut one piece of 10 cm wire for the base of the flower, and another 50 cm piece that will become low.
  • String 5 beads on the base, and then wind it to the bottom.
  • Dial beads on 2/3 of the wire, form an arc, covering the low axis in series.
  • Make 5 arcs on each side - this will be a rosebud.
  • According to this principle, make 5 more (or more) petals, and in order for them to be sharp, they should be wound to the axis at an angle of 45 degrees.

  • Let's start collecting roses. Bend 3 petals in half horizontally, arching slightly outwards.
  • To avoid spilling the middle, the wire should be squeezed tightly.
  • Take a thick wire, insert it between the petals so that the stem is stronger. Then, with floss threads, wrap all the petals very tightly to the stem in order.

How to weave a bauble

If you want to present fashionable and original gift, then the most suitable option is a bauble. This jewelry is now popular not only among young people - many respectable people wear a variety of openwork bracelets. We offer a master class on weaving beaded baubles with flowers:

  • Attach one part of the bracelet lock to a thin fishing line, as in the photo.
  • String small beads on 2 pieces of fishing line so that each is 3 cm long.
  • Pass a transparent bead through both fishing lines (blue in the picture).
  • String the beads again on each piece of fishing line, and then thread both through the white bead - it will become the core of the flower. Unfold the fishing lines and thread each one again through 2 blue beads.
  • Follow this principle to make all the remaining links so that the end and beginning of the bracelet are the same.

Crocodile beading

Connect your imagination and create funny crafts from beads. We offer a master class for beginners on making a simple crocodile, on the basis of which you can make earrings, a key chain or a bracelet pendant:

  • String one bead of dark color on the wire - this is the nose of our crocodile. Secure it by parallel weaving in the middle of the segment.
  • With one end of the wire, grab two green beads, pulling them close to the nose, and then insert the second piece of wire into them. After fixing it, you will have the second row.

  • The third row is three green beads, the fourth is four, and in the fifth row you should alternate green beads with beads of a different color - these will be the eyes of a crocodile. Starting from the sixth row, the head narrows.
  • Once you narrow your head down to three beads, by adding two loops, make paws on the sides.

Summer has arrived and many parents are ready to spend most of their time with their children. What to do? And how to make the child take care of himself, and come up, for example, once every 15 minutes, and not “hang on the tail”? 😉

We have already started talking about and realized that it is very useful for development. And today the site will talk about the elementary ones, with which even five-year-old princesses can handle it.

Beading for children: what will you need?

  • Actually, beads. For younger children, I suggest replace it with larger beads, they can be purchased in children's stores in kits for creativity. They will be easier to hold in your hands, and the products will be made faster, which is important for kids.
  • Thread. As an option, fishing line 0.5 thick. But the thread is easily confused, and weak knots are obtained from the fishing line, which are also prickly. For kids, I can suggest using the so-called rubber thread flesh color. It will not prick, relatively thick, which will help to keep it in your hands. In addition, its elasticity will help solve the issue with the size of the product and fasteners. As for the length of the thread, then For a bracelet for a girl's hand is enough 30-40 cm.
  • Needle(if you use thread or elastic). If you are not ready to trust your daughter with a needle, you can thickly cover the ends of the thread with old nail polish for about 3 cm and dry. The end of the thread will become hard, and will be easily threaded into the beads.
  • Scissors(cut thread). You can not give them to your daughter, but perform this responsible manipulation yourself.
  • Saucer(pour out the beads). Good for this purpose cream jars, because they are more stable and their contents are harder to spill. And in general, you can easily close the jar with a lid and store the beads there.
  • wet sponge. One way or another, the beads at least once, but crumble. It is easier and more convenient to collect it with a damp sponge than with your hands.
  • Tray with low sides. It is good to lay out all the accessories on it and weave it over it so that the beads do not fall on the floor.
  • Pliers. If already in the middle of the pattern you found extra bead, and we have neither the strength nor the desire to bind the entire product, it can be cut with pliers. But this is a very delicate and dangerous work, and it is still desirable that Mother.


Yes, even in such a simple matter as beading for children, there is safety precautions you need to know and apply. So, while working, you need to follow:

  • Behind lighting and posture(you can plant vision and back in a month)
  • Behind working hours(it is better to weave from beads afternoon, and not more than 30-45 minutes otherwise, all the same problems with vision and posture are possible).
  • Behind beads(they are so cool to stuff in your mouth, nose, ears, etc.). In addition, scattered beads can be great to slip and fall.
  • Behind needles and scissors(if you dare to trust them).

Beading basics for kids

So, we got to the point. In this article, I present the easiest bead weaving techniques for children, based on preschoolers. I will describe more complex techniques in subsequent articles. In general, all beading techniques can be divided into two large groups: weaving on one thread and on two threads.

Single strand weaving

First, let's talk about weaving on one thread. In this case we we string beads on one end of the thread, and somehow fix the other end to keep the beads from slipping off. The easiest - tie it on a bow to a bead(it is important to leave a long enough end so that later it can be connected with the second end, thus securing the entire bracelet).

The simplest chain

Everyone will cope with the manufacture of the simplest chain. You just need string beads on a string one by one until the desired length is obtained.

The simplest chain

But, despite all the simplicity, this chain is the basis various other ways of weaving from beads. In addition, her Can differently decorate, For example:

  • Use beads different colors and sizes(in children's kits for creativity, there are often beads in the form of flowers, leaves, etc.)
  • Weave a few simple chains, and then twist them into a pigtail and tie with a ribbon.
  • And others that you and your daughter will come up with yourself 🙂

Chain "Thorn"

Despite the name, this is a good chain, on the basis of which you can make a lot of interesting products. It is woven on the basis of the simplest chain. At first thread a few beads as we have just learned. In the place where we want to make a "thorn", it is necessary to thread the thread again into the penultimate bead and tighten. The beads are placed one below the other.

Chain "Thorn"

Chain "Bud"

A complicated version of the "thorn". The thread is re-threaded into the fourth bead from the end and tightened. It turns out a simple chain, and on it a loop of three beads, similar to a bud, goes to the side.

Chain "Bud"

Not necessary re-thread exactly in the fourth bead from the end- it is possible both in the fifth and in the sixth ... Thus, the loop will turn out more and more.

Chain "Rhombic"

This chain is different from those described above, and weaving it is more difficult. But it also looks more impressive.

  1. 8 beads are drawn on the thread, and the thread is threaded into the first bead. Get a ring.
  2. 5 more beads are picked up on the thread, and the thread is threaded into the third bead of the ring.
  3. 5 more beads are collected and the thread is threaded into the fourth bead from point 2.
  4. 5 more beads are collected and the thread is threaded into the fourth bead from step 3 ...
  5. And so on, until the desired length is reached.

Chain "Rhombic"

Now oh tying. Chains such as the simplest, "Thorn", and "Bud" should not raise questions - take two ends and tie them together in a knot, cut off the excess thread.

But with a rhombus you have to tinker ...

Two strand weaving

As the name implies, beads are collected at once on both ends of the thread. That is , the thread should be 2 times longer, and 2 needles will be needed, or both ends of the thread must be strengthened with varnish. But for sure, nothing will roll down from anywhere 🙂

Chain "Cross"

Probably the most famous chain. And the simplest in technique for two threads. 1. At either end of the thread, 4 beads are typed, and shifted to the center of the thread. 2. One (again, any) end of the thread is threaded into any extreme bead crosswise. The beads are held in the center of the thread, and the ends are tightened. 3. For each thread (and we have two of them), one bead is typed. The third bead is taken, both threads are threaded into it from different sides. We tighten ... And repeat step 3 until the chain reaches the length we need.

Chain "Cross"

To tie such a chain, instead of the third bead, the first bead of the chain is taken, and only one end of the thread is threaded into it. Then the thread is tightened and tied into a knot.

Chain "Leaf"

It is carried out according to the same principle as the "cross" chain, but with a little nuance. 1. 6 beads are collected, shifted to the center, the end of the thread is threaded into the extreme, tightened. 2. 2 beads are collected on each thread, the fifth bead is taken, both threads are threaded into it from different sides and tightened. Repeat step 2 until the desired length is reached.

Chain "Leaf"

Not necessary string on the ends of the thread exactly 2 beads- you can do 3, 4, or a different amount - then the chain will bend ... I leave the experiments to the will of your imagination.

Bead weaving is a very fascinating, incredibly beautiful and very useful type of needlework. Finally, we got to this wonderful art, and we will start with the most elementary: beading for the very beginners is already waiting for you on this page. We'll tell you what tools and materials to choose for your first beadwork, which figures are easiest to weave, which technique to use and which patterns are the simplest. We will be happy to help you create your first beaded masterpieces!

Beading for beginners, no doubt, begins with the selection of all necessary materials. At the head of everything is, of course, beads. Do you know how many varieties of any beads exist today?! Modern beads can be classified not only by color and price, but also by others. important criteria:

  • to size;
  • by calibration;
  • in form;
  • hole size;
  • by quality and place of staining;
  • according to the material of manufacture.

It is worth at least a little understanding of all these subtleties in order to learn how to quickly and efficiently weave the products you need. Then you will know what beads should be used to weave flowers and trees from which material the most beautiful roses, and which beads are best for creating jewelry. In the course of the article, we will dedicate you to all the nuances of beadwork and the choice of material, so that you have a general impression of this type of needlework.

Bead size

The size of the beads is small, medium, large and very large. Each type of beads has its own number, by which you can determine the diameter of the beads. The most common sizes are from 6/0 to 15/0. At the same time, 15/0 is the smallest size (diameter is about 1.5 mm), and 6/0 is the largest. These numbers indicate how many beads need to be folded in one line to get a chain 1 inch long. That is, with a size of 6/0, there will be 6 beads in 1 inch, and with a size of 15/0 - 15.


High-quality beads must be the same in size, that is, pass the calibration. You can buy already calibrated beads (it will cost more), or you can sort different-sized beads yourself. The quality of your future product will depend on the calibration process. If you will make flowers, then the beads should be sorted (maybe not quite carefully). But when creating a collar necklace, you can use ordinary, uncalibrated beads.


Modern beads are made from different material, and we will talk about the most popular types of beads.

  • Beads with glass beads. These are small colored tubes made of durable glass. The shape and color of the beads can vary significantly.
  • Chameleon beads that changes colors depending on the lighting.
  • Brocade beads. Transparent glass beads, dyed in the middle with silver or gold paint.
  • Drenching (wet beads). Pastel beads, with a slightly pronounced sheen.
  • Mother-of-pearl (Ceylon) beads. Slightly transparent beads with a coating resembling pearls.
  • Opaque natural beads(regular, matte). Opaque beads without coating and gloss.
  • plastic beads. Suitable for beginners.

Tools for beading: choosing everything you need for creativity

Video tutorials on beading should, of course, begin with the choice of tools and materials. We have already talked a little about the choice of beads. Let's move on to the tools. You can string beads on threads, on fishing line and on wire.

Threads for beads can be taken different types:

  • silk- the most reliable threads for beading, but their price is quite high;
  • nylon (kapron) threads- inexpensive and durable, but they are difficult to tie;
  • cotton threads- not strong enough;
  • rubber threads- Great for beading. Baubles and bracelets are best made from them.

Choice of wire and line

The wire for weaving with beads should be selected soft, preferably from copper. Don't use too thin a wire, otherwise it will break after a few twists. Also, do not take very thick, so that the products look neat. The fishing line is ideal for weaving volumetric compositions of beads, rigid structures, such as flowers, leaves, crosses, etc. For colored beads, there are colored wires of appropriate shades on sale.

The line must also be strong and thin.. Beginners can also learn on a fairly thick fishing line, with hard tips. Next, you will already use more elegant designs. We select the thickness of the fishing line for stringing beads as follows: it must pass through the bead 2-3 times. If the beads are very small and the wire is very thin, we use needles.

Needle for beads

Special needles are often used for beading, they are thin and flexible. Their size ranges from 10 to 16. The thinnest needle is under No. 16, the thickest is No. 10. The most versatile are needles under number 12.

You will also need a few useful tools to get the job done:

  • organizer;
  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • glue;
  • pins;
  • clasps and fasteners for jewelry.

Beading for beginners: simple patterns for beginners

After we figured out the tools and materials, we can already start beading: we have selected very accessible and simple patterns for beginners.

Today there are many various techniques weaving with beads, especially for beginners lovers of beadwork removed great amount video lessons. We will also show you beading tutorial video, but somewhat later. And now let's look at pictures with the simplest schemes.

Before moving on to knitting figurines and other products, you should learn how to weave beautiful chains of beads. Figures 6 and 7 show the so-called “one-thread” chains, which will not be difficult to make, even for children.

  1. For the first chain, we thread 4 beads into the thread.
  2. We stretch the thread into the first bead and tighten the ring.
  3. We put on 2 more beads and stretch the thread through the second bead of the extreme row.
  4. We draw the thread and add 2 more beads, and we stretch the thread through the second bead of the previous row.
  5. We continue to weave according to the same pattern until the required size of the product.

Figure 7 also shows detailed diagram by which you can weave a chain of flowers.

Master class on weaving bracelets from beads

We present a few more simple schemes that step by step demonstrate the entire process of weaving beaded jewelry. Detailed and informative instructions with photos will help you create your first beaded masterpieces.

How to weave a bracelet from beads and beads: a step-by-step master class

Now that you have already mastered the basic nuances of beading a little, we offer you the simplest master class weaving figurines. You can weave such a cute dragonfly together with your child, since the technique for creating a product is very simple.

Carefully consider the scheme, prepare everything you need and start weaving this wonderful decoration. After all, a ready-made dragonfly can be used both as a pendant and as a toy, key chain, accessory or souvenir. As a basis for a future product wire should be used so that the dragonfly keeps its shape well and is strong enough. The figure clearly shows where to start weaving a dragonfly from beads. But if you still don’t understand something on the diagram, watch the video tutorial on creating a dragonfly, which we added to the site especially for you.

Video tutorials: beading for beginners

Beading for children is one of the interesting folk crafts that allows not only to keep the child busy, but also provides unlimited space for creative activity. The craft is not available for kids preschool age, and from 7 years and above, it will appeal to you.

Weaving for children from beads is an opportunity to make with my own hands interesting jewelry, crafts, souvenirs that are exchanged or given to friends. And if at the beginning of training, children use schemes, then after a while they already come up with their own style.

Beading for kids is not difficult to establish, it does not require any serious costs. All you need is to purchase tools and materials. Items for classes will easily fit in a school bag.

Standard set for weaving:

  • three needles for beads of the 12th size, this number has the same thickness along the entire length of the needle, which is convenient for work;
  • multi-colored beads, should be freely worn on the needle;
  • kapron thread (monofilament, lavsan, fishing line), useful for embroidery and weaving jewelry: bracelets, chains;
  • wire - flat and voluminous souvenirs are woven on it, its features are: it is well suited for weaving, with the help of which the intended shape is given;
  • fishing line - used for large voluminous key rings, as the wire is wrinkled and the product will look wrinkled;
  • various blanks for jewelry;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Czech seed beads TM “Preciosa”

All this is sold in special stores. On sale there is a wire of different colors, lengths and thicknesses - they are selected taking into account the size of the base material, a thin one will sag under the weight of large beads.

So that the child does not lose the desire to engage in beading, they choose high quality beads. After all, a product that has taken so much work and time should not lose color and look skewed. Therefore, calibrated is considered the best. This is one in which each bead does not differ from the other in shape and with a stable color. Therefore, when choosing a material, carefully review each bag. You can check it like this: moisten the beads with detergent lay out on a white cloth to dry and check for stains. If they are found, you should not buy it. Japanese and Czech manufacturers produce quality beads.

Workplace organization

  1. Good lighting is the main criterion.
  2. Take breaks with gymnastics for the eyes and back as often as possible. The Butterfly exercise will help moisturize your eyes and relax your muscles: blink often and easily, like a moth flapping its wings.
  3. To prevent the beads from rolling off the table, they acquire a box of sweets, put a fleecy fabric on the bottom, on which it will be convenient for the child to distribute the beads in piles and take them.

At what age should you start learning a craft?

It is allowed to engage in beading from the age of seven, when the child already goes to school and is accustomed to sit at the table for a long time. To interest children in this skill, the teacher begins with an introductory speech. It includes the history of the emergence of beading, what features prevail in different peoples, talk about weaving techniques.

At the introductory lesson, children are provided with a finished work on beading. An introductory word and a display of crafts can captivate creativity and indicate the purpose of work.

For beginners, the lesson is built with an analysis of the basic concepts:

  • when they take a wire as a basis, and not a thread;
  • what features when weaving are manifested in a kapron thread;
  • what is the difference between special beaded needles and ordinary.

In the first lessons, beads will replace beads, they are convenient to hold in your hands and connect with each other. As soon as they gradually master the technique, they switch to beads. The first exercise is stringing multi-colored beads on a thread. You can use one tone, but the task will be interesting and the children will quickly master the basics of weaving if the thread is turned into a striped caterpillar or rainbow.

In the second lesson, they already take the wire and make constructions on it. You can buy kits for creativity with diagrams or make them yourself.

Beading for kids younger age It is based on simple circuits, since these students are still quickly tired, they have distracted attention and lack perseverance. With children of seven years old, they make a flower, a heart, a ring, a butterfly.

Loop weaving for beginners

Beading patterns for beginners are drawn up in detail, they are read without much difficulty. Looking at them, children see the future product entirely in color and shape. At the beginning of the exercise, one cannot do without schemes, since it is impossible to understand the principle of twisting beadwork.

You need to start working according to the scheme with loop weaving. This is the easiest technique and you will need beads and wire for it.

Loops are made in several ways:

  1. A wire is taken and beads are strung on it (at the initial stage of learning to bead weave, we use beads, then we switch to beads), bend it into a loop. We twist the ends of the wire so as not to scatter the beads (Fig. a).
  2. Having connected the ends of the wire with the beads, thread them through the bead (fig. b) or do not twist the ends, but pass them from both sides of the bead towards each other (fig. c).

To make 2 loops on one wire, take it longer. It also makes a larger number of loops.

Butterfly in loop weaving technique


  • long wire about 30 centimeters;
  • beads of different colors and two black things for the eyes.

We begin to weave a moth according to the scheme:

Examples of similar schemes for beginners.

Children are constantly learning and discovering the world. Understanding this, loving parents try to give them the best, very responsibly approaching the choice of developmental activities. Is beading included in their list? Undoubtedly! As soon as the child can be safely entrusted with working with small objects, you should start working with him.

It is important to understand that beadwork lessons for children are not necessarily a big expense. Rather, on the contrary: this is the most budgetary type of developmental activities that parents can only afford. Let's see why.

  • When little fingers work with beads, the process of intensive development begins fine motor skills, speech, thinking and perception.
  • Moreover, thanks to these creative pursuits the kid learns to make a whole out of small details, presents the finished result and learns to find variety of options his achievements.
  • The child learns to communicate. If the lesson is conducted by a teacher, the kid can learn a lot from communicating with him. What if parents? It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of time spent with your children - especially for useful activities. By teaching your child on your own, you will not only save money. Most importantly, you will become his friend and raise your authority in his eyes.
  • Ability to read diagrams. Beads for children is a unique opportunity to learn to understand simple drawings from an early age. Encouraging the baby to weave according to the scheme, you are doing him a huge service. Tip: weave a simple craft with your child. Let him evaluate the result. Then invite him to choose one of the patterns for the next toy and weave along it together, explaining the meaning of the image along the way. After several lessons, it will be much easier for the child to navigate the schematic drawings.

According to these patterns, you can weave bead crafts with children

Weaving toys can be a very exciting activity. You can make many cute crafts from beads, each of which the child will be proud of.

Cute beaded teddy bear

Then you can learn more complex beadwork for children and move on to making jewelry.

In this way, you can weave a bracelet or a bookmark for a book.

Cute handmade beaded bauble

By applying the “from simple to complex” method, one can develop and instill an interest in beadwork. And now let's talk about "simple". How to start introducing a child to small shiny beads?

Simple circuits

To begin with, you should master the elementary techniques that will be useful for creating the first jewelry: bracelets, necklaces and rings. With the help of the presented schemes, the child will be able to weave simple beaded chains.

Now we can move on to a more complex one - making a bracelet based on a square chain. If you skillfully choose colors, such a bracelet will become a very stylish addition to the outfit of a young fashionista.

Stages of weaving a beaded bracelet

For this you need to prepare:

  • medium-sized beads (about 2 mm) of two shades;
  • thin strong fishing line;
  • needle for beads;
  • jewelry lock.

For convenience, we take white and red beads as a basis, as shown in the diagram. Please note that if you replace ordinary red beads with small beads (about 4-6 mm in diameter), the bracelet will turn out to be much more interesting. Let's start:

  1. We count 4 white beads and collect them. At the same time, we must fix the “tail” of the fishing line (Fig. 1).
  2. Between each white bead we add 2 red ones (Fig. 2). Having passed in a circle, again we bring out the fishing line through the red bead, which was added first.
  3. Now we add one white between the red ones and complete the weaving of the first “link” (Fig. 3).
  4. Doing Roundabout Circulation fishing line, leading it out of the second bead white color(Fig. 4) and add another one to it, as shown in this figure. Then, continuing the weaving of beads for children, slightly tighten the thread.
  5. We attach a white bead (Fig. 5).
  6. Having collected 3 more white ones, we will close the ring (Fig. 6). Note that we are repeating the action shown in Fig. 1 - weave the same element.
  7. Let's repeat the steps shown in Figures 2 and 3. Through the bead marked in Figure. 7, you should withdraw the fishing line for the subsequent addition of beads.
  8. When finished weaving the chain, attach the clasp.

Over time, it will be very interesting to combine previously learned weaving methods. Don't be afraid to mix beads and beads of different colors, sizes and textures. The product will only benefit from this, and beads for children will become your hobby. One more piece of advice: after teaching your child to read diagrams, do not forget to regularly encourage this. Pick up new easy and difficult drawings, continuing to develop your baby's skills. Over time, you will see results.

In the meantime, try to make a simple beaded bicycle, following the suggested pattern. Good luck!

Beaded Bicycle Diagram

Video story how to weave a bauble with your own hands
