Interesting questions about the new year for children. Scenario for the New Year: “Who knows everything about the new year

Come visit us soon, the long-awaited New Year! Children of the whole planet, and adults too, are looking forward to seeing you!

Today we will talk with you about a holiday loved by millions, about the New Year. New Year is a great mood, hope for the best, it's laughter, jokes, fun.

New Year's quiz contains 21 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

1. What is the symbol of the New Year?
Answer: Christmas tree

2. What is the name of the snow queen?
Answer: The Snow Queen

3. Why is New Year the most favorite holiday?
Answer: because miracles happen on New Year's Eve

4. What kind of dance is danced in Russia around the Christmas tree?
Answer: dance

5. When does the New Year come to us?
Answer: on the night of December 31 to January 1

6. Not a single New Year is complete without a smart grandfather?
Answer: without Santa Claus

7. How many winter months are there in a year?
Answer: three - December, January, February

8. Why does the Snow Maiden come to the New Year?
Answer: The Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Santa Claus. Together with him, she wishes everyone a Happy New Year

9. What costumes do children wear on New Year's Eve?
Answer: in carnival costumes

10. What is the name essential attribute New Year's balls - small, bright circles? Hint: the word is similar to the word "candy".
Answer: confetti

11. Why do people give? new Year gifts?
Answer: a gift is a sign of attention, it is joy, it is love, it is positive emotions

12. What is tinsel?
Answer: Christmas decoration

13. In which magazine was R.A. Kudasheva’s poem “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” first published?
Answer: in the magazine "Baby", in 1903.

14. What do children sing to Santa Claus?
Songs +

15. Where are Santa's gifts?
On the hump of a camel
in a container
In a bag +

16. What is fixed at the top of the Christmas tree?
Star +

17. Are there floating Christmas trees?
Answer: there are, for example, in Rio de Janeiro a decorated Christmas tree was launched and installed in a special place. The Christmas tree was gigantic, its height was eighty-five meters

18. Who is the author of the poem?
“What is the New Year, then new thoughts,
Wishes and hopes
Filled with a gullible mind
Both the wise and the ignorant."
Answer: N.A. Nekrasov

19. From which work is the quote “His beaver collar silvered with frosty dust”?
Answer: from the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

20. What is the subject described in this poem?
“We are nimble sisters,
Run fast masters
In the rain - we lie down,
In the snow we run
This is our regime."
Answer: skis

21. What happened yesterday and what will happen tomorrow?
Answer: Today

In this article - New Year's variant well-known table game "Questions and Answers". The host takes turns approaching the guests and asking them questions. The players take randomly prepared answer cards from a hat (or a beautifully designed box) and read them aloud. I tried to make such a selection so that any question-answer turned out to be funny and, as they say, on the topic. I hope you will enjoy.

Moderator Questions:

  1. Do you have a habit of kissing everyone on New Year's Eve?
  2. Debauchery in new year's eve- is it about you?
  3. Do you like to celebrate the New Year in the forest under the Christmas tree?
  4. Is it true that your old dream is to dance a striptease at a corporate party?
  5. Have you ever fallen asleep and snored at the New Year's table?
  6. Do you like to dance all New Year's Eve non-stop?
  7. Is it true that before every New Year you get a tattoo?
  8. Do you like to fool around on New Year's Eve?
  9. How often did you overeat on New Year's Eve so that you could not get out from behind the table?
  10. Do you like to yell songs under other people's windows on New Year's Eve?
  11. Do you like to keep track of who ate how much for festive table?
  12. Do you often celebrate the New Year in a clown costume?
  13. Do you like to wash dirty dishes after the New Year's feast?
  14. Do you enjoy taking Christmas gifts from the kids?
  15. Are you ready to "squander" all the money for New Year's gifts?
  16. Do you often wake up on the morning of January 1 in a snowdrift?
  17. Do you secretly dream about a love adventure on New Year's Eve with a stranger (stranger)?
  18. Is it true that you like to gossip about the outfits of those present at the New Year holidays?
  19. Do you like to pester those present with your boring discussions about life on New Year's Eve?
  20. Is it true that you consider yourself the most beautiful (the most beautiful) among all those gathered?

Answer cards:

  1. Yes, sometimes I admit small weaknesses.
  2. No, I don't even dare to think about it.
  3. It's over, but only for good money.
  4. We are all not without sin!
  5. I confess that this is my favorite pastime.
  6. Certainly! But what is it here?
  7. Don't you think that you haven't been to the doctor for a long time, since you ask me such ridiculous questions?!
  8. Well, once a year I can afford it.
  9. Questions like this give me migraines.
  10. Yes, although it's embarrassing to admit it.
  11. I would love to, but my friends forbid me to do it.
  12. Alas, this is just my dream...
  13. It kind of happens by itself.
  14. How did you find out about this, I asked you not to disclose this?
  15. Yes, but less often than I would like.
  16. Yes, especially when I eat heavily.
  17. Yes, especially after New Year's banquets.
  18. No, but together with you I am ready to try it.
  19. Fi, how vulgar!
  20. Yes, yes and yes again!

With age, the New Year is perceived as a common occasion to meet at the table with family or friends. And then what? Movies on TV, heart-to-heart talks, congratulations from the president and the chiming clock. But how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. The holiday is supposed to be noisy and fun, so a New Year's Eve quiz with funny answers will help entertain the guests you plan to enter 2020 with.

New Year's Eve Traditions

If you really learn to celebrate this holiday, then you definitely need to take an example from the Chinese. Neither Russia, nor prim Europe and whimsical America with their Christmas traditions can compare with how the New Year is celebrated in the East. This is confirmed by the strict adherence to the Chinese zodiac, where animals predominate. So in 2020 we will have a new patron of the year - the White Rat.

This little rodent will usher in a new 12-year cycle. The rat is a wise and cunning creature, and according to legend, it was with it that Buddha received the most unusual animals to be brought to heaven. To win over the symbol of the year, try to meet him sincerely, openly and cheerfully. Therefore, do not skimp on emotions, call your friends and come up with contests and entertainment.

For a mouse party

Riddles are loved by adults and children. For the New Year's quiz 2020, you can pick up questions related to the symbol of the year. These can be tricky questions about both rats and mice.

  • Who is the first to escape from a sinking ship? (Rats)
  • Who almost killed Pinocchio? (Rat Shushara)
  • In Japan they say: “If you want to become rich, invite to visit ...” (Rat)
  • Who is Lariska from the cartoon "Cheburashka"? (Rat)
  • Who was Chuchundra who gave advice to the mongoose Rikki-tikki-tavi? (Rat)
  • Who helped pull out the turnip? (mouse)
  • Who does the cat love the most? (mouse)
  • Who can make a woman jump on a table in a second? (Mouse)
  • To whom did Leopold say: "Guys, let's live together"? (To two mice, Gray and White)
  • Enemy of the Nutcracker? (Mouse King)

  • Looks out of the gap, afraid to get out (Mouse)
  • A small ball fumbles under the bench (Mouse)
  • Gray, small, tail like an awl (Mouse)
  • small stature, a long tail. Gray coat, sharp teeth (Mouse)
  • Which animal lives in the water in summer and in the ground in winter? (Water rat)
  • What do they say about someone who does nothing? (does not catch mice)
  • Who was the coachman in Cinderella? (Rat)
  • Who did the steadfast tin soldier meet under the bridge? (with a rat)
  • What game did Puss in Boots play with the Ogre? (In cat and mouse)

For scholars

If you plan to celebrate the New Year 2020 in close family circle, then invite those gathered at the festive table to stretch their brains and answer difficult but interesting quiz questions.

  • Why do rats, which require very little food for life, constantly gnaw something? (If they do not grind their teeth, then they will grow so long that the animal will not be able to close its mouth. In a year, the teeth of a rodent grow by 13 cm)
  • What is the ironic name for an old man who tries to look young? (Mouse stallion)
  • Which fairy tale tells about the most clumsy mouse? ("Ryaba Hen")
  • Choose a synonym for the word "pissed off" in the theme of 2020 (Angry)
  • What did Montmorency the dog (Three Men in a Boat (not counting the dog) book) bring in addition to the upcoming Irish stew? (dead rat)

  • What was the name of the super-heavy tank designed by Ferdinand Porsche? (mouse)
  • What role did Yevgeny Mironov get in the movie "The Idiot"? (Prince Myshkin)
  • What do computer scientists call an armpit? (Mouse pad)
  • What is depicted on the Australian 1 cent coin? (Opossum)
  • What chemical element is named after rodents? (Arsenic)
  • How can you write the word "mousetrap" with five and three letters? (Cat or cat)
  • Traditional New Year's operetta at the Vienna State Opera? (I. Strauss "The Bat")
  • Which herbaceous plant of the legume family should definitely be grown in 2020 on personal plot? (mouse peas)
  • How on Chinese sounds the word that is called bat? (Happiness)
  • Can rats swim? (Yes, and swim 30 km without stopping. They can also dive and get their food from the bottom of the reservoir)
  • Can rats tolerate frost? (Yes, these rodents are even found at abandoned stations in Antarctica)
  • Can the ballad about the Pied Piper of Hamelin be true? (Yes, since the inadequate reaction of rodents to loud sounds was confirmed by a case that occurred in the city of Southport, where a large number of rats and they could not get rid of them. When a rock concert was organized there, the rodents abruptly left)

Interesting facts about the symbol of the year

If you get tired of guessing riddles, you can invite guests to compete in erudition, telling interesting stories about the symbol of the year. It is good if the invitees prepare for this competition in advance. Stories should be unique and not repeat.

  • Rats warned people of danger in war. During the defense of Stalingrad, sailors told how rodents hastily left not only sinking ships, but also ships that were shelled the next day.
  • In the 19th century in France, an announcement was printed in the newspaper that one of the markets would be moved to a new location. Interestingly, the day before this date, the rats from the market square broke off and ran exactly to where they were going to open a new market. Did they read newspapers too?
  • Psychologists, studying the behavioral stereotypes of humans and rats, set up an experiment. The subjects were placed in equal conditions, in a labyrinth, in the center of which they put a bait: a banknote for a person, a piece of cheese for a rat. In search speed, the subjects were equal. But when the bait was removed, it turned out that the rat quickly adapted to the new conditions and did not resort to where the cheese had previously been. And the person again and again returned to the place, hoping to see the money again.
  • Rats can speak, they have a rich vocabulary. They communicate through ultrasound. If we could hear this animal, we would go deaf from the indignation of the little rat. This sound can be compared to the roar of a jackhammer.
  • Rats are suspected of killing dinosaurs. These rodents are big fans of eggs. Scientists have suggested that such gastronomic preferences eventually led first to a decrease in the birth rate, and then to the complete disappearance of ancient reptiles. Even today, the rat does not stop there, freeing up a place for itself under the sun. In Ireland, all marsh frogs have already disappeared, and it was these gray rodents that ate them.

Comic New Year's quiz

You should not focus on the symbol of the year, because the New Year is fun party, so you can dilute serious questions with comic ones.

  • What is the name of the schoolchildren's sled? (Briefcase)
  • Why does the snowman have two waists? (To make hugging easier)
  • The most sober for the New Year? (Christmas tree)
  • What's lost plastic windows in winter? (Frost patterns)
  • In France he is a pope, in Germany he is a saint, in Russia...? (Father Frost)
  • What holiday gathers the most risky people at the table? (On the New Year and drink champagne)
  • Snowman's wife (Snowwoman)
  • An appetizer from a tub that winter serves to guests? (Snowballs)
  • Currency for buying gifts from Santa Claus? (Poems and songs)
  • A woman who dresses up once a year? (Christmas tree)
  • Name winter holiday driving foreigners crazy? (Old New Year)
  • Salad that is not afraid of frost? (Herring under a fur coat)
  • Shells of the winter army. (Snowballs)

  • Where is the ice hut in which winter lives? (Near the forest at the edge)
  • Why is winter coming? (Over autumn)
  • Which holiday is celebrated twice a year? (New Year, January 1 and 14)
  • Who likes to drop people in winter? (Ice)
  • The two most important pieces of furniture in NG? (A table at which guests gather, and a stool on which children recite poems)

Quiz "Christmas Adventures"

Goals: 1.activate the mental activity of the younger


2. to develop the personality of each child through self-realization in the conditions of game situations;

3. form the need for new knowledge.

Equipment: crossword, cards with anagram words, cut pictures, cards with the word "snow maiden".

Event progress

Hello guys! Who wants to take part in the New Year's quiz? Now we will be divided into three teams of 8 people, for this you need to pull out a token from the bag. Who did not get into the team will be a spectator. Each team has its own table.

Exercise 1. The game "Tell me a word."

We have a game for you

I will start it now.

I'll start - and you finish,

Answer in unison!

Roof in a fur hat,

White smoke overhead.

Courtyard in the snow. White houses.

At night, came to us ... (winter).

We looked out the window

Well, I can't believe my eyes!

All around white-white

And sweeps ... (blizzard).

Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes

He also leads a round dance.

Saying goodbye to the old year,

We are meeting…( New Year).

He has a rosy nose

He is bearded

Who is this? ... (Santa Claus).

That's right guys!

Well, the dress: all needles, only ... (Christmas trees) wear it.

Task 2. Competition "Christmas tree".

For the competition, you will need glue, a sheet of white paper, a spruce cut out of green paper, Christmas tree decorations.

Whoever glues the Christmas tree and decorations faster and more accurately will win.

Task 3. Crossword.

You have 5 minutes to solve the crossword puzzle, for each word you guessed 1 point.


2. Frost for the Snow Maiden. (Grandfather)

5. Russian folk tale about the beautiful Nastenka, whom her father abandoned in the winter forest. (frosty)

6. White bear cub from the cartoon. (Umka)

9. Who is carrying Father Frost's sleigh? (horses)

11. A small animal with a fluffy tail, not white at all. (squirrel)

12. Magic stick of Santa Claus. (staff)


1. What is behind Santa Claus? (bag)

3. He was beaten, carrying an unbeaten fox and catching fish with his tail in the hole. (Wolf)

4. It has frosty patterns on it. (window)

7. Solid white "snow", which is used to write on the board. (chalk)

8. The name Sasha is the opposite. (ashas)

9. A bunch of letters that Santa Claus receives. (bale)

10. Sometimes Frost is red ..., and sometimes it’s blue ... (nose)

Task 4. “Guess riddles». Game with spectators. At this time, teams from the word "Snow Maiden" make up new words. 1 point for each word.

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzards are walking…

When does it happen? (winter)

No arms, no legs

And he knows how to draw. (freezing)

Bel, but not sugar,

No legs, but walking. (snow)

white carrot

It grows in winter. (Icicle)

What toy

Shoots like a gun? (clapperboard)

Fish live warm in winter:

The roof is thick glass. (ice)

All summer stood

Winters were expected.

Waited for the pores

We rushed from the mountain. (Sled)

Two snub-nosed girlfriends

They won't leave each other.

Both run in the snow

Both songs are sung

Both ribbons in the snow

Leave on the run. (ski)

Task 5. "Pantomime".Each team has a puzzle card.

The answer must be shown in pantomime.

An asterisk circled, rolled and kneaded the snow,

A little bit in the air, we blinded a little man,

Sat down and melted Instead of eyes - two coals,

On my palm. And in the hands - a whisk!

(snowflake) (snowman)

Every evening I go

Draw circles on ice.

Just not with pencils.

And shiny ... (skates).

Task 6. Poetry competition.We play with the audience. At this time, teams receive cards with anagrams. You need to correctly compose a word, for each word 1 point.




Summing up, awarding the winners.

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This development of an educational and entertaining program will unite the teams of students, will allow you to find out which of the children knows more about New Year's traditions.

(Slide 1)


New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?
He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost has a beard?
He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?
But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
The New Year is coming to us.

Guys, the long-awaited, unusual and most beloved New Year holiday will come soon. But not many people know about the history of this holiday, about its traditions. To find out New Year's connoisseurs, we will hold a New Year's quiz. A team is represented from each of the 4 classes of our lyceum. I invite them to introduce their name and captain.

What guys are great, but let's think without whom our competition would not have taken place. (JURY) Of course, the jury will evaluate the teams. Let's ask them to be strict but fair.

1 competition. Warm up

We will ask questions in turn to each team, you will think and give an answer, be careful, if the answer is wrong, the other team will answer.

  1. Which tree is the symbol of the New Year holiday? (Pine, spruce, cedar, fir)
  2. What is the name of the snowman's hat? (Taz, bucket, hat, cap)
  3. Where does Santa Claus get presents for kids? ( From the bag, from a sock, from a chest, from a safe)
  4. What is the name of Santa's magic wand? (Scepter, club, wand, staff)
  5. Threads of lanterns on a Christmas tree? ( Fairy lights, confetti, beads, serpentine)
  6. What are New Year's crackers stuffed with? (Nails, lettuce, candy, confetti)
  7. What month, year ends, and winter begins? (January, December, February March)
  8. Christmas tree lullaby singer? (Snowstorm, blizzard, blizzard, frost)
  9. What is the name of the dance Christmas tree? (Cha-cha-cha, waltz, polka, round dance)
  10. At what beat of the chimes in our country does the New Year begin? (10, 12 ,1,2013)

(Slide 13)

2 contest

People started celebrating New Year's Eve a long time ago. Our teams will be given a text where they will need to insert the missing words to get the story of the New Year holiday.

(Slide 14) The guys insert the missing words. Submit the work to the jury.

(Slide 15) Let's check what needed to be inserted into the gaps.

For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of lighting fires on Christmas trees. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1. More than 300 years ago, in 1700, Tsar Peter I ordered the New Year to be celebrated on January 1st. At the same time, a tradition appeared to decorate Christmas trees, arrange fireworks and New Year's costumed carnivals.

(Slide 16)

3 contest

In our country, the famous grandfather is Santa Claus. He is wearing a long red coat with white fur. Santa Claus has a long white beard and a staff in his hands. He comes to visit not only with gifts, but with his assistant - granddaughter Snegurochka. Our children will need to find out the name of Santa Claus in other countries. (Slide 17)

Let's ask our jury to sum up the intermediate results. While they let them down, we'll find out how in different countries celebrate the new year, what is the name of Santa Claus in them.

(Slide 18) In the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Western Europe, Santa Claus is called Santa Claus. He is wearing a red jacket
adorned with white fur, and in red trousers. On the head is a red cap.

(Slide 19) Hook-nosed grandfather Yultomten and dwarf Yulnissaar. Both on New Year's Eve leave gifts on the windowsills.

(Slide 20) New Year's grandfather's name is Joulupukki. He has a tall cone-shaped hat and a red outfit. He is surrounded by gnomes in pointed hats and capes with white fur.

(slide 21)

4 Competition

They have many names, but they do one thing, they give gifts. And now let's find the differences between Santa Claus and Santa. Each team writes as many differences as possible. (slide 22)

(Slide 23)

5 competition. Musical

Who better to sing a song about NG. You need to consult and decide which song your team will sing, and sing it better than your rivals.


The questions are over, friends!
And I praise everyone, guys, I.
The account has come to an end.
Who is not mistaken - well done!
And who made a mistake, even a little bit,
Not well done, but a hammer!

Well done! And now, while the jury is counting the points, we will find out how Santa Claus differs from Santa Claus.

Well, now let's find out which class knows more about the new year? The floor is given to the jury. (Congratulations to the winners).


Connect the country and the name of Santa Claus in it.

Insert missing words.

For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of _____________________. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year began to celebrate ______________.

More than 300 years ago, in 1700, the king _____________ ordered to celebrate the New Year _________________. At the same time, a tradition appeared to decorate Christmas trees, arrange fireworks and New Year's costumed carnivals.

Answers to tasks

History of the New Year

For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of lighting fires on Christmas trees. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1.

More than 300 years ago, in 1700, Tsar Peter I ordered the New Year to be celebrated on January 1st. At the same time, a tradition appeared to decorate Christmas trees, arrange fireworks and New Year's costumed carnivals.

Connect names and country

USA - Santa Claus

France - Père Noel

Finland – Joulupukki

Find differences

Father Frost lives in Veliky Ustyug, and Santa Claus lives in Lapland. Santa Claus - tall, strong, mighty hero. Santa is a short, chubby, ruddy, cheerful old man. Santa Claus's outfit can be any color except black, and Santa Claus's is only red. Our Russian Grandfather Frost wears a warm boyar hat with fur trim, such was worn by Russian tsars or very rich boyars. That's why she's called "boyarka". Santa Claus wears a hat with a white pom-pom at the end. Santa Claus has a long fur coat richly decorated with gold or silver embroidery, which repeats the pattern of frosty patterns on the windows, with eight-pointed stars and snowflakes, and white fur along the edge of the fur coat, and an embroidered sash on the belt.

Santa Claus has a short fur coat with a white trim on the collar, sleeves and along the edge of the hem, and a black leather belt at the waist. Santa Claus has white mittens on his hands or the color of a fur coat, and white felt boots on his feet. Santa Claus usually has black gloves on his hands and black boots on his feet. The main attribute of Santa Claus is a staff, crystal or silver, with a twisted handle. In the hands of Santa Claus sometimes there is a stick with a bent end and glasses. Santa Claus moves on foot or in a sleigh pulled by three horses. Santa Claus rides in a cart pulled by reindeer.

Helper Santa Claus - good elves. Faithful assistant and companion of Santa Claus is his granddaughter - Snegurochka. Santa Claus solemnly enters the house, passes gifts from hand to hand without fuss or puts them under the Christmas tree. Santa Claus sneaks through the chimney and hides gifts in stockings by the fireplace.

Warm up

history of the holiday

What is the name of Santa Claus?

Find differences?




1 point
for the correct answer

1 point per inserted word

Up to 3 points

1 point for each difference

Up to 5 points

