How to make paper shuriken? Detailed instructions with photos and videos Throwing shuriken drawings.

The most common throwing weapon in Japan is the shuriken.

Literally from Japanese, the word itself can be translated as "a blade hidden in the hand." Today, this type of weapon is inextricably linked with the image of the ninja (“war of the night”), but it cannot be assumed that only ninja used these weapons. Shurikens were part of the mandatory equipment of any samurai warrior.

There are three main types of shuriken:

    “bo shurikens” or “bojo shurikens” (cylindrical rods are long and thin, of various shapes and thicknesses). There are about 50 varieties.

    "hira shuriken" (flat metal disks of multi-beam, star-shaped form), also called "shakens" (a foreign name), later transformed into Japanese

    "senban shuriken" (thin rectangular or square metal plates)

In principle, “hira shurikens” and “senban shurikens” are plates and they are often combined under the general name of shaken (a non-Japanese foreign name for this throwing weapon), later the Japanese began to call them “kuruma-ken” - “sword blade”. The number of variations regarding the shapes and sizes of shurikens of both types exceeds 50 types!

Such a variety of shapes and sizes is due to the various technical forms of training used by numerous martial arts schools, but of course initially main reason there was an individual preference and skills of the war. Shuriken could easily be hidden under clothing, this was the main convenience. A samurai could carry up to 8-10 syaken and the same number of shurikens, the first ones were worn like a stack of coins wrapped in cotton fabric, spread out or hidden in any number of pockets of clothing specially designed for this purpose; the latter could be hidden in the sleeves or worn in the hair, like a kind of "hairpin".

Shurikens are a multifaceted weapon, not only throwing, but also cutting, stabbing, designed both to hit a long-range target and close combat. It is also a good auxiliary tool, they were used as chairs for making fire, used when climbing trees, etc.

The basic techniques for throwing shurikens vary somewhat in different schools due to the shape of the blades and, accordingly, the methods of throwing. They were thrown not only one at a time, methods of throwing two and three syakens at the same time are known.

Particular attention should be paid, perhaps, to such types of shaken as tetsumari-shuriken and manji (nagare-manji)-shuriken. Tetsumari shuriken were made from two metal rings in the shape of a windmill wheel. And manji-shuriken and nagare-manji were treated with poisons and intended for inflicting scratching wounds.

Shuriken is a type of throwing melee weapon that was widely used by Japanese warriors. Brought to perfection, the possession of a well-aimed and sharp throw of a metal "asterisk" allowed them to inflict painful and sometimes fatal wounds on the enemy from a sufficiently large distance. Shurikens come in many forms, but the most common is the four-pointed star.

Today, professional combat models are made of high quality metal by industrial or hand-made methods. The most valuable are "stars" made to order. professional master. But to plunge into the exciting and exotic world of the East and feel like a real samurai is permissible and without high costs. A prototype of a combat shuriken is easy to create at home using paper, thin tin or a CD. The latter option is the most convenient, because it does not require special skills and abilities, and it can be made from improvised materials available in almost every home.

What is needed for manufacturing?

To make a throwing "asterisk" from a disk on your own, it is enough to have a simple set of items and tools at hand:

  • an old disk that is no longer suitable for its intended use;
  • black thin marker;
  • ruler;
  • household scissors.

Step-by-step instruction

The principle of making shuriken is quite simple. Even a teenager can cope with such a task. This instruction proposes to make an easy to perform, classic and most common four-pronged hira shuriken. The whole process takes no more than half an hour and allows you to get a fairly high-quality copy of exotic melee weapons.

  1. The disc must be wiped and carefully checked for cracks and splits. It should be intact, and preferably slightly springy when squeezed.
  2. Using a ruler and a marker, apply basic markings to the disk. This is easy enough to do if you remember a little school lessons geometry. On the surface of the disk, you need to draw two perpendicular lines intersecting in the center at a right angle. From each obtained right angle, release a bisector of arbitrary length, which depends on the desired bending of the edges of the "asterisk". Connect the endpoints of all lines with a smooth line. The markup is ready.
  3. Carefully, using household scissors, cut off the parts of the disk cut off by marking. You need to act as smoothly and carefully as possible so as not to accidentally split the disc. If necessary, slightly polish the edges of the shuriken, sharpening or, conversely, rounding. Working with scissors that are too small, such as nail scissors, can result in uneven, jagged edges.

The last stage of creating a shuriken from a disk is purely decorative, allowing you to give the model a complete and complete look. The silver surface must be covered with acrylic, stained glass paint, dark nail polish or just paint with a marker of the desired color and let dry well. To give the “asterisk” an oriental flavor, it is worth additionally applying fancy ornaments or hieroglyphs to the surface of the disk.


Firstly, having got the hang of making a classic four-pointed shuriken, you can safely play with its forms. There are many ideas for creativity both on the Internet and in specialized magazines. Together with the shape of the shuriken, such as sharper angles or rounded shapes, both the range of its flight and the depth of penetration into the target will change.

Secondly, the shuriken from the CD has a fairly low weight, which can be increased with the help of polymer clay or adhesive plaster pasted in several layers in the central part. This will significantly increase the damaging ability of the model.

How to use shuriken from CD?

A homemade shuriken made from a regular disk will not become a complete analogue of a combat throwing weapon, but it is perfect for the training stage. If the edges of the "asterisk" are slightly sharpened, then with a sharp and strong throw, they will successfully pierce loose cardboard, tree bark or foam. But it is not recommended to throw a shuriken at too hard targets - it can simply split. Having made several models at once, you can arrange whole competitions for dexterity, range and accuracy in the company of friends. But do not forget about safety. Shuriken from the disk, if it hits a person, will not cause fatal injuries, but it can seriously scratch or cut the skin.

  1. Look at what is highlighted in red, I consider this a mistake, maybe sometimes I will be wrong)
  2. It is not necessary to constantly use keywords in the titles of subsections, for example, in this article it is a Shuriken from a CD, it is not very readable, and it is incorrect from the point of view of promoting articles.

Video lessons

It is designed for concealed wear. In Russia, shuriken is better known as "Asterisk", although the name is rather general. The present can take many forms.

These are pointed or curly stars with a different number of rays, and either blades, and sharpened coins, and even nails.

Dream boys and criminal elements

The art of owning these weapons has been brought up in Japan for years. Russian teenagers learned about him from films in which heroes skillfully defeat enemies by throwing an asterisk at them. Of course, after watching such films, every boy wanted to have his own shuriken. No one knew how to make it, so gramophone records, pieces of tin in the form of stars, sometimes even ordinary plates, were used. During the troubled perestroika years, weapons attracted the attention of criminal elements. And although only a few were able to throw this terrible weapon correctly, almost every “kid” or “brother” dreamed of having a shuriken. How to make it, they invented themselves. They sharpened knives, spoons, flattened nails, threw bicycle gears, pieces of fittings, made something out of steel that remotely resembled a throwing weapon. By the way: this item is considered a melee weapon, and you can get a significant punishment for wearing it. Today in our country, shurikens are made even by teenagers. The most suitable material for them is computer disks.

How to make shuriken with your own hands?

To practice throws, you will need a weapon in the form of four-pointed

night stars. For the "stars" you need to find a hard metal that cannot be bent. Only such a shuriken will fly. How to make it at home? You need to follow the instructions.

  • To begin with, a blank is drawn on paper. Its shape must fully correspond to the finished product.
  • The pattern is glued to the metal and a shuriken is cut out with a hacksaw.
  • The finished product is polished, and its tips are sharpened so that they stick into the target.

Warning: you can practice throws with the help of real metal shurikens only at home: wearing and using edged weapons is prohibited in Russia.

How to make paper shuriken

For children's games, not real, but paper shuriken is more suitable. If it is painted, for example, with silver (or other paint), then the weapon will look like a real one.

  • First, a square of paper needs to be cut into two equal rectangles. Remember: the more accurate the work, the more beautiful the finished shuriken will be. How to make the cuts smooth and the parts even? Use sharp scissors and a ruler.
  • One of the rectangles is folded in half again, and the corners of the resulting figures are folded in different directions.
  • At right angles to the first folds, the second ones are made. You should get two and isosceles).
  • The same, but in mirror image, is done with the second rectangle.
  • The resulting triangles are superimposed on each other. The corners of the bottom are brought under the upper triangles. Then the figure is turned over and the action is repeated. The simplest shuriken with four corners is ready.

Thanks to this master class, you will learn how to make shuriken out of paper with your own hands. This instruction includes 9 options for making ninja stars. All of them differ in the degree of complexity and manufacturing technique. These crafts are great for active children's games!

Shuriken or ninja star (in the lane “a blade hidden in the hand”) is a concealed carry weapon of Japanese ninjas. It is a small round blade in the form of an ordinary thing: stars, circles, coins, etc. Among the ninja warriors, these items were used as auxiliary weapons.

Materials and tools

Despite various techniques manufacturing, for all master classes you will need the same materials and tools:

  1. Paper. A colorful scrapbooking or double-sided color is best. If you do not have one, take standard A4 sheets or newspapers.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Stationery knife or scissors.
  4. Pencil or pen.
  5. Decorative ornaments (optional).

How to make a simple paper shuriken

This shuriken is very easy to make even for a child.
Step 1: Prepare the Square
You can make it from a standard A4 sheet by folding it diagonally and cutting off the excess at the bottom.

Step 2: cut the square
The square obtained in the previous step is cut into two identical sections.

Step 3: Fold the Sections
Fold both sections in half again.

Step 4: form the folds
Fold each corner down diagonally. Make sure that in each section the corners are wrapped along opposite diagonals.

Step 5: collect the star
Now turn the first blank over and place it on top of the second one perpendicularly (see photo below).

Fold the top edge of the bottom piece into the recess in the middle of the top piece.

Tighten the top corner into the recess until it stops.

Do the same at the bottom.

Now flip the star.

And tuck the rest of the blades into the recesses.

Now this shuriken can be thrown.

Shuriken transformer

With this instruction, you will make a transforming 8-pointed ninja star. Such a little thing is also very simple to create.

Step 1: Prepare the Squares
cut colored paper into squares of the same size. You can use one or two colors. Stars with rays of various shades look very beautiful.

In total, for the manufacture of this craft, you will need 8 squares. 4 pieces of each color.

Stage 2: make the module
Take one leaf and fold it twice diagonally and two times vertically (see the picture below).

Fold down the top two corners, using the vertical center line as a guide.

Fold the sheet with the folds inward.

Using the folds you made earlier, fold the top right corner inward to form two folded triangles.

The first block is ready! Fold the rest of the sheets in the same way. You should have 8 identical figures in your hands, 4 yellow and 4 blue.

Stage 3: assemble the craft
Insert module of blue color non-opening edge in the middle of the module yellow color. Fix both parts together.

Insert all the details into each other, alternating colors. Also fix them.

You will get a full circle of details in alternating shades.

Holding the circle firmly with one hand, pull the hidden "blades" forward one at a time with the other hand.

The transforming ninja star is ready!

8-pointed ninja star

To make this work, you will need double-sided paper of various shades.

Step 1: Prepare the Squares
Cut the colored sheets into identical 10 cm x 10 cm squares. You will need eight squares in total.
Step 2: Make the Module
Assemble the parts using the diagram below.

Step 3: collect the star
According to the following scheme, carefully insert all the blocks into each other in a circle.

Assembly diagram

How to assemble:

  • Initially distribute all the blocks by shades.
  • Take the first and second part. Gently insert the lower left corner of the second piece into the inner pocket of the first piece.
  • Repeat in a circle.

See how easy it is!

Ninja star with 16 rays

This origami star is also very easy to make. Just keep in mind that to create it you will need to add 16 blocks, so please be patient.

Step 1: Prepare the Sheets
To make rays, you need squares. You can take both ready-made sheets measuring 10 cm x 10 cm, or cut them out of colored double-sided paper. In total, you will need 16 squares to make the work.

Step 2: make a module
Take the first square and fold it along both diagonals.

Wrap all corners towards the center, as shown in the photo below.

Now place the blank in front of you so that its inner folds show a cross. Fold the top two flaps to the vertical center line.

Flip your work. Fold the blunter edge from the left extreme point to the right extreme point.

Fold the shape in half so that the folded edges of the triangle are placed on the outside.

The first module is ready.

In the same technique, fold the remaining 15 blocks.

Step 3: Assemble the Shuriken
Pick up two modules different colors. Insert the two sharp corners of one block into the small slots inside the other block (see picture below).

Advice: if you have difficulty inserting the corners into the pockets, use a needle or tweezers to open the flaps a little wider.

Continue adding the rest of the pieces in the same way.

Dense sheets hold their shape well enough and do not need to be fixed, but if you see fit, fasten the parts with additional drops of glue.

Connecting blocks is the hardest part of the job. They can be wobbly and fall out, but after you add all 16 pieces, the craft will be very strong.

Beautiful shuriken from scrap paper

With this guide you will make beautiful star with 8 beams. To create it, you will need colorful scrapbooking sheets: patterned, velvet, plain, shiny, etc. Choose any to your taste.

Step 1: Prepare the Squares
As in the previous instructions, cut the sheets into 10 cm x 10 cm squares, or use ready-made in the amount of 8 pieces.
Step 2: Make the Parts
Use the diagram below to assemble 8 blocks.

Module Assembly Diagram

Stage 3: collect the star
Assemble the figurine according to the following scheme.

Assembly diagram

Insert all modules into each other with the indicated corners in the internal valves. In this diagram, you can see the assembly process from both the top and bottom sides.

These stars look very nice on both sides!

Video how to make paper shuriken with three beams

Through this video you will learn how to assemble the original ninja star with three "blades".

Videos shuriken with small beams

This craft with small rays looks very cute!

Videos square shuriken

Videos ninja star with six blades

Having dealt with the nuances, you can easily create such a shuriken!

Shuriken is a hidden ninja weapon. Varieties of this weapon exist a large number of. Shuriken can be in the form of a star, a square, or simply a round shape. Such devices are melee weapons, so before you learn how to make a shuriken, you must take into account this fact and not use these weapons in the future to cause harm. Also, do not use shuriken for fun, to fool around, as the risk of causing damage to yourself and others is very high.

Shuriken can be made from paper, various kinds metal and wood. You can make such weapons yourself from improvised means, for example, from an ordinary disk. There are many ways to make shurikens. The most difficult, but interesting, is the creation of a metal shuriken.

We will need the following:

  • Metal plate. You can choose any, but it is best to take the "stainless steel", because it lends itself well to processing and practically does not deteriorate. The thickness of such a plate can be from 3 to 5 millimeters;
  • Drill;
  • Hacksaw (for metal);
  • File;
  • Blade sharpening stone.

How to make shuriken

Before you make a shuriken out of metal, you need to make a blank from a metal plate. To do this, you need a little patience and the ability to draw straight lines. Lay the plate, distribute it into as many parts as you need vertices. We will be making star shuriken or hira shuriken. You need at least three such vertices, but maybe 12, as you please. You can choose the average, draw on 6-8 vertices. In the middle of the future shuriken, you can make a hole for better weapon dynamics, but you can do without it.

If you decide to make a hole in the center of the shuriken, use a drill, and when the hole is ready, file it with a file to make an even circle.

Take a drill to make holes around the perimeter of the shuriken. They are necessary in order to make it easier to work with the workpiece with a file, making contours on a metal plate. Now use a hacksaw to remove excess metal and get a full-fledged star. Take a file, they need to make clear outlines of the shuriken. Treat them with the rays of the star from the middle to the ends.

If you need to know how to make an 8-pointed shuriken to make it a full throwing weapon, you need to sharpen the star beams. Take a stone for sharpening knives. You can also use the "skin" to give the shuriken more streamlining, remove small protrusions on the metal. It is necessary to sharpen the rays only at the ends on one or both sides.

Safety regulations

Before using the shuriken, put on gloves. Under no circumstances should you work with bare hands. You should also be careful when working with a drill, the drill can “chew” a glove or sleeve of clothing.

Use goggles to keep shards of metal out of your eyes. Throw the shuriken carefully. The shuriken star is a dangerous weapon that can cause serious injury to yourself and others.
