Where and how to celebrate 30 years for a girl. Celebrate 30th Anniversary

So, in order to create a festive atmosphere in the apartment, the rooms should first of all be decorated with various garlands, balloons, artificial or natural flowers, multi-colored flags on which you can write to the hero of the day. A special place among such decorations is given to a wall newspaper with photographs showing the hero of the day at different periods of his life.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare guests for the fact that a special event is being prepared. 30th anniversary script and the festive evening will be extraordinary. To do this, as invitations to the anniversary, it is best to use postcards, which will indicate the date and time of the evening.

Scenario of the anniversary of 30 years "Cheerful, warm circle friends"

To make this holiday rejoice,

To surprise him in many ways

Because it happens once

Thirty years have come to you now,

And in their honor today we sing

To be lucky in everything!


So that your wife bakes pies,

So that children always rejoice,

So that the hearth of the family is always hot,

And if something goes wrong, just don't cry,

'Cause we'll hold you forever

After all, we are always friends for you,

Rest today

Celebrate thirty years of glory!

Chorus 2 times.



The artists sang their song

And the guests, after all, were all sitting,

Now it's their turn,

So that every Anniversary congratulates!

(guests in turn congratulate the hero of the day, give him their gifts, wishes)


Well, now, for congratulations,

Let's drink without delay

So let's open the bottles

We fill our wine glasses

And for our dear, for our beloved Anniversary - we drink!

(musical break, meal)


And now let's pass

You will love it in every way!

Competition "Winter Party"

Everyone is welcome to participate, we are divided into two teams. Each team, at a distance of 5 five meters, is given a chair on which lies: a pea coat, a cap with earflaps, a bottle of vodka (mineral water) and a pile. Task: at the command of the leader, each of his team runs up to his chair, puts on a pea jacket, a hat with earflaps, opens a bottle, pours a glass, drinks, undresses and returns to the team. And so, the team that will empty the bottle the fastest wins. Prizes: each bottle of mineral water, with parting words for tomorrow.


Played, well done

They drank everything from the heart,

And now the real wine is poured,

And we drink for the family of the Jubilee!

(musical break, meal)


Now it's time for everyone to stand up

And happy to dance!

(sounds good funny music, guests dance at will)


And now I ask you to light a Bengal candle,

Look at the Anniversary with a smile,

And of course, drink to him,

After all, this day is everything for him!

(guests set fire to Bengal candles, sounds good about a birthday, a meal is taking place)


I hasten to tell you friends

That I already, alas, it's time

So please forgive me

But I have to leave

And you all have fun here

And enjoy this holiday to the fullest!

(the presenter leaves the holiday, but the guests continue to have fun)

Galina Petrova

More Anniversary Scenarios

Scenario for the anniversary of 30 years, contests, entertainment for guests - and congratulations

As everyone unfortunately knows that a birthday is only once a year - therefore, you should prepare for it thoroughly and with dignity. No, many people have their due imagination to make this holiday truly fun and memorable. But everyone wants this, especially if the anniversary is coming soon. On the birthday of a loved one, and especially on the real anniversary of your dear neighbor, I want to give him great attention.

Original gifts for an anniversary

You can approach the presentation of a gift for an anniversary with originality, for example: Prepare five surprises (both large and small) - put the first one under the pillow, and attach a note to it where the next one can be (and not a specific place, but for example " next gift is waiting for you in Moidodyr's big room "this is the bathroom, where washing machine there is a gift and another clue, gifts can be laid out throughout the apartment and even on the balcony. Also, the gift can be packed in several boxes according to the principle of nesting dolls (one inside the other). And on each box write a riddle or a question. To open the next box, you must first solve the riddle.

Some stores sell mugs, T-shirts, plates, puzzles and much more with pictures that are very funny and all sorts of different, but the main thing is that you can bring any photo, inscription and almost anything there and ask to be printed on a gift. Thus, it is possible to make very original gift, maybe the hero of the day will not wear this T-shirt with his own beloved face at all, but she will forever remain in his good, bright memory. You can make in Photoshop not just a photo, but something interesting.

Entertaining guests on a festive evening, entertaining for guests

For the entertainment of guests who came to your holiday, you can play several entertaining games:


One or more of the guests sit on a small stool facing the audience. Behind them stands the leader and holds a small sign with pre-prepared inscriptions above the heads of the participants (each participant has a very different, and preferably something significant). The rest of your guests ask them all sorts of different questions, such as "who do you go there with, as is often the case, what do you like to do there, etc." Participants of the game must answer all the questions asked. Naturally, they should not know what is written on the plate.

The host invites several couples. Participants stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 meters. Between each pair of participants, several open bottles of beer or vodka (juice) are placed. The host must blindfold the men, and on command they begin to move towards the partner. The goal of the game is to reach your couple and kiss her without hitting the bottles. But while all the participating men are being hyped, the assistant presenter silently removes all the bottles. Men intuitively try to bypass obstacles under the "help" of spectators like "Vanya, more to the right, more to the right. Beware!!! He's about to fall", etc.


This is a very interesting and win-win game for any company, any age. They record pieces of bright, well-known songs on a computer disk. The presenter should have an assistant who will put on the right "music" at the right time. The host goes from one guest to another and puts a knitted hat on their heads, with the words "Let's see what our hero of the day is thinking about now." And puts a hat on the head of the hero of the day. At this time, the assistant turns on the music.

For example:

"They squeak my gifts and bite,

They scratch each other.

Of course, this does not apply to my guests.

They will all leave satisfied with themselves."

30th Anniversary for Women's Anniversaries

It is better to invite guests to the celebration not by phone, but with the help of beautiful invitation cards that can be sent by mail or given personally to relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Where and with whom to celebrate the anniversary.

A young woman's 30th birthday can be celebrated in a narrow family circle at home or in the country. If the weather allows, you can organize a picnic in nature or rent a gazebo with a barbecue in the recreation area.

With your closest friends, you can sit in a cafe or visit a sauna, play bowling or billiards, go to a disco or serene summer day have a picnic on the beach. If you like thrills, play paintball with your friends or go to a go-kart club.

With colleagues, you can celebrate your 30th anniversary at work by having a tea party at lunchtime or at the end of the working day.

And if you plan to invite many guests to your 30th anniversary, then the restaurant will be the best place for the holiday.


Whatever place you choose, be sure to decorate it. Your holiday decoration may include balloons and fresh flowers. You can stick photos of the birthday girl everywhere at different periods of her life, draw congratulatory posters or a wall newspaper.

Anniversary organization.

So that the guests do not get bored, there should be a toastmaster at the anniversary, who controls the sequence of toasts and congratulations, and also entertains the people with jokes, songs and contests. The role of the host can be taken by one of the friends or relatives of the birthday girl. It is even possible that the hero of the day herself wants to spend her evening.

The celebration should begin with the presentation of gifts. Then the presenter can tell about the life of the hero of the day, starting from early childhood, alternating his stories with toasts, additions, congratulations and good wishes to the hero of the occasion. The host can read telegrams and Greeting Cards, which were sent by relatives and friends of the birthday girl.

The scenario of the 30th anniversary for a young woman may include a variety of games, contests, quizzes and skits. For victories in competitions, guests can receive souvenirs from the hero of the day as a gift - things that allegedly belonged to her before (her favorite rattle, toy, book, pen, which she wrote at the institute, and so on) or a portrait with her autograph and a kiss.

Your celebration must include a dance program. Music for dancing must be selected taking into account the tastes of the birthday girl and recorded in advance.

Scenarios of the 30th anniversary for a woman

In order not to script the 30th anniversary for a young woman yourself, you can choose a ready-made option to your taste.

  • Anniversary script for a woman
  • Anniversary script in french style
  • Scenario "We give a holiday"
  • Anniversary script for a woman at work
  • Scenario "Jubilee on Olympus"
  • Scenario "Women's Friendship"
  • Scenario "Girlfriend"
  • Scenario " Cool anniversary»
  • Anniversary Scenario oriental style

Thirty years is a very important mark on the scale of life. Thirty years is a kind of boundary between youth and adulthood. The thirtieth anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale more often than the twentieth and fortieth. If you have to celebrate your thirtieth birthday and you want it to be a bright, memorable holiday, there are three ways: spend a lot of money on your birthday celebration, have a party in an unusual place, or come up with original idea holiday. Just about the ideas and themes for the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary, we will talk.

How to celebrate the anniversary of 30 years: a few ideas

You can choose almost any topic for the thirtieth birthday that is interesting to the hero of the day, his relatives and friends: it can be a gangster party, a Mexican fiesta, a Hawaiian-style party, etc. However, you can link the topic either specifically to the birthday person - that is, to his hobby, profession, vital interests, or directly to the thirtieth birthday. We will just consider the last option.

1. Party "We are 20" (15, 18, etc.). In this case, the 30th anniversary party is dedicated to that short period when the birthday boy and his classmates (classmates) were 20 years old.

That is, for example, a party can be dedicated to the year 2001. The slogan of the holiday: "In our hearts we are always 20!". For a woman's thirtieth birthday, you can choose the year when she was 18. Then the slogan will be slightly different: “Body and soul we are always 18!”.

The hero of the day and the guests try to dress the way they dressed when they were 20. To remember what the fashion was like, you can look at the photos in your photo albums and on the net.

Selected music, fashionable at the time. If possible, objects that are relevant for that time are used - for example, you can make a “garland” from antediluvian mobile phones, which at that time only appeared in our life. Floppy disks, Kodak film rolls, etc. will also work.

How to have fun? Firstly, you can watch video collages from the hero of the day and his friends at the age of 20. Secondly, you can arrange a quiz on the knowledge of that era. The host names any event in the world (politics, art, science, natural disasters, etc.) that could have happened that year, and the guests guess whether this event actually happened in that year or it happened in another time or did not happen at all. You can also arrange games and entertainment that were popular at parties at the time when the hero of the day was 20 years old.

2. Party in honor of the thirtieth anniversary of "30!". Everything revolves around the number "thirty". Firstly, the room is decorated with thirty - these can be numbers made of paper, electric garlands fixed on the wall in the form of thirty, balloons with this number, etc.

You can order a birthday decoration such as decoration with balloons. At the entrance to the place of celebration, a large arch of balls will look amazing, on the sides of which are the numbers "3" and "0".

You can give guests any details with the number "30". For example, shoulder straps, caps, T-shirts, etc.

The more thirty at the holiday - the more entertaining. It can be 30 dishes, 30 cocktails on the table, 30 bouquets, etc. By the way, when inviting guests, you need to inform them that the gift also contains a “thirty”. For example, relatives can give a gift certificate for 30 thousand rubles; someone will present 30 fish hooks or 30 wine glasses, and someone will order an engraving. It will be interesting.

Entertainment can also (and preferably) be tied to the number "thirty". For example, ask what the number "30" will turn into if you swap the numbers. Guests will answer that it will be an ambulance phone. Immediately after that, you can hold some kind of competition or game on a medical theme (see our script medical party).

Another option is to ask the guests to tell what they will use the ambulance method for the hero of the day to save him from the blues. There can be a lot of ideas, ranging from “I will come to him with champagne” or “I will take him on a fishing trip” and ending with “a striptease” and “I will give birth to his child.”

Second fun. If the number "thirty" is read differently - the number 3 as "three", and 0 as the letter "o", then the word "trio" will be obtained. This can be presented as a rebus by asking guests to read the word in thirty for a musical ensemble. When the rebus is solved, you can organize a creative number of three people. Moreover, it can be quite a serious, lyrical number or humorous, playful. For example, male guests with taped mouths can serenade the hero of the day.

Third fun. The number "thirty" can be read as the syllable "ZO". The facilitator may invite guests to name two words ending in -zo. There are 2 words in -zo: belly and iron. When the guests guess them, the host will say: “We wish the hero of the day (jubilee) always eat from the belly and have character like iron”. Then competitions can be held related to these topics (joking strength competition "iron muscles", cooking competition, etc.).

3. Retro party in honor of the thirtieth anniversary "I was born." The celebration of the thirtieth birthday can be held in the form of a retro party dedicated to the era when the hero of the day was born. Retro decor is used, guests come in clothes of that time, appropriate music is selected. Entertaining moments can also be tied to the place where the hero of the day was born, and to the profession of his parents.

4. Film anniversary 30 years. A film shot in the year when the hero of the day was born is selected. This is taken as the basis for the holiday scenario.

For example, in 1981, films were made "Carnival" with Irina Muravyova in the title role and "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles"- these films are just right as a theme for a holiday.

For example, the hero of the day can be in the image of Sherlock, and his wife - in the form of Watson. The holiday can be held in the form of an investigation into the case of the loss of the Elixir of Youth, which is accepted by the mother of the hero of the day.

A carnival party can be a lot of fun, with performances by professional singers and dancers, magic tricks, juggling competitions among guests, and the ability to speak tongue twisters with nuts in your mouth.

If the holiday has an idea, then the whole structure obeys it. There is nothing superfluous in the script, all its elements are harmonious and interesting. Such holidays are always remembered, because they leave the impression of something very bright.

We wish you a successful and very beautiful thirtieth anniversary!

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Party in the style of dudes

Party Ideas New Year

beer party

Getting ready to celebrate the first thirty years? Surely you have often imagined what you would be like in your 30s. Some by this moment completely find themselves, others reach the peak of their careers, others decide to drastically change their lives before it's too late.

Whatever surprises fate has prepared for you by the age of thirty, this is not just another date. This is a new page of life that needs to be turned over in a fun, original way and always in good company. Today we offer you 30 useful ideas how to celebrate 30 years.

1. Birthday in nature

It's not about barbecuing in your backyard. Pack your backpacks, tents, provisions, and go camping. Celebrate your birthday in a picturesque forest or in the mountains, with guitar songs around the fire, with the best people and without the usual bustle of the city. Romance!

2. Party at the bar

If you are a child of a metropolis, and you cannot distinguish ordinary matches from hunting ones, go with your friends to your favorite bar or cafe. Organize a high-profile party with interactive entertainment, gourmet food, live music and a rousing show program.

3. Actually barbecue

There is no time and desire to call entertainment establishments, negotiate with artists and gather in public place? Then calmly fry the meat and drink beer in a narrow circle of relatives and close friends. A minimum of preparation, only a pleasant rest.

4. Wine tour

Are you a passionate wine aficionado whose tastes will be envied by professional sommeliers? Then it was decided: plan a wine tour for the 30th anniversary of the best wineries in Italy, France or Spain. See the world, taste and stock up on your favorite wines for yourself and friends.

5. Concert or music festival

If a concert of your favorite artist is planned nearby, book tickets and indulge in pleasure. Music festivals are generally a wonderful place for a music lover to celebrate their 30th anniversary: ​​food, drinks, entertainment, interlocutors and a lot of positive emotions.

6. Ghost Tour

In no way do we hint that dust is already falling from you, and the world of spirits has become a year closer. Foreign birthdays are increasingly ordering extreme ghost tours of abandoned cities and dangerous places. For example, a tour to Pripyat is an ideal place to think about the eternal.

7. Karaoke marathon

An excellent choice for musically gifted owners of a sonorous voice. Throw a fun karaoke party at a nearby bar or at home. But do not forget about high-quality sound equipment, without which a karaoke marathon will turn into a pathetic parody.

8. Amusement park

Thirty is not a reason to become a bore. Turn in yourself inner child and explore the nearest amusement park. A great option for family birthday parties with children.

9. Road trip

Turn the celebration of the 30th anniversary into an exciting journey with friends or family along the roads of your native country. Fill up the tank, pack your bags and head to the cities you've always wanted to see. All you need is a credit card and a good company.

10. Excursion to the brewery

Do you love beer? Then we suggest you go on a tour of the legendary breweries in Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium. This is an opportunity to expand your beer knowledge and at the same time enjoy the tourist beauties of old Europe.

11. Far away vacation

In honor of your 30th birthday, take a vacation, turn off your phone and fly to dreamland. Someone dreams of the beaches of Thailand, someone dreams of the pensive peaks of Nepal, and someone wants to ride with the breeze through the African savannah. Hurry to make your dreams come true!

12. Cool hotel

Celebrate your birthday in luxury hotel where they would never have stopped in normal times. Just check out today's incredible selection of boutique hotels, heritage hotels and more.

13. Zipline and skydiving

Prove that you are young, physically strong and brave. Extreme activities like skydiving or steel-rope rappelling are unforgettable experiences for your 30th birthday.

14. Gorgeous party

Accustomed to putting aside a penny for a penny? Then a chic party with a Hollywood scale will shake up your familiar world. Do not be stingy on this day, arrange an enchanting show, invite your favorite performers. Treat yourself and surprise your friends.

15. Medieval Fair

An ideal option for those who are not alien to the spirit of travel and love of history. In many cities of Western and Northern Europe, unique medieval fairs are held from time to time with a lot of authentic entertainment and goods, music and costumes. Pack your bags!

16. Conquest of the summit

The epic conquest of the mountain peak is for the strong in body and spirit. If you were mountain climbing in your youth, then climbing a mountain with friends will be a serious test of the strength of old bones. Raise a glass to your health there!

17. Horse riding

Arrange a trip to the nearest farm or stud farm. Meet the 30th anniversary on horseback, literally and figuratively. Picturesque countryside, clean air, communication with nature surrounded by dear people - what else do you need for a good time?

18. Cooking class

If you dream of learning something new, book a cooking class with your friends. A great opportunity to chat, learn the secrets of delicious cuisine and cook something special for your own birthday party.

19. Excursion to the museum

Visit a themed museum that suits your interests with family and friends. From racing cars and sabers to wine corks and butterflies.

20. Paintball

If you want to take out the dissatisfaction or just have fun - paintball is suitable in both cases. Grab a group of friends and go to the nearest arena, where you will give free rein to your feelings.

21. Winter fun

Winter is coming, which gives birthday people special impressions of the holiday. Skiing, skating, snowboarding - have a blast. No snow? Celebrate your 30th anniversary at the ice arena.

22. Climbing wall

Not everyone has the spirit and preparation to climb real mountains, but no one will stop you from going to the nearest climbing wall. And fun, and useful for the body, and work up an appetite.

23. Predictions

Add some mysticism. Go to a medium and get a prediction for the next 30.

24. Massage session

Sign up for the best massage parlor. Remove stress and anxiety, relax all your muscles and get ready to celebrate an important date. Make time for yourself.

25. Game Festival

Gaming is a hobby for all ages. Gaming expo or festival like WG Fest - the best place to plunge into the virtual universe. Bring your children and wife - the first ones will surely be delighted, and the wife ... But where will she go on your holiday?

26. Marathon

For those who own not only a joystick, we offer to run a marathon. Well, or at least a more modest distance. In any case, do not hesitate: you will remember this birthday for a long time.

27. Beach party

If you live near the sea, then a beach party will be a natural ending. solemn day. Active guests can start with surfing and scuba diving.

28. Best Restaurant

Quiet gatherings in the bar - too modest for the anniversary. Hollywood party is too expensive. But a birthday in the best restaurant, with your favorite dishes, cocktails and music - that's it.

29. New pet

Start your fourth decade by making a new friend, even a four-legged one. In addition to the right look and affectionate hugs, the smaller brothers are good company, especially if you are alone.

30. Shopping

Classics of the genre. Shopping for modern man is not just a trip for things, but also communication, stress relief, entertainment. Stock up on time and a tight wallet, take your best friends, and go ahead - fight stress. You won't come back without a pleasant purchase.

For many, thirty years is the border between youth and adulthood. As a rule, the thirtieth birthday is celebrated on a larger scale than the twentieth or fortieth. If you want to arrange an unforgettable, bright holiday then you have three options. The first option is to spend a lot of money on the organization, the second option is to find unusual place and have a party there, the third option is to come up with your own original idea.

How to celebrate a 30th anniversary? As the theme of the celebration, you can choose one of the favorite themes of the birthday man, his family and friends. For example, you can arrange a gangster party, a Mexican fiesta, a Hawaiian-style party, a retro style party, or a carnival. It is also possible to organize a birthday party related to the hobby or profession of the hero of the occasion.

Party on the theme "We are 20 again." In this case, the party will be dedicated to a short but fun and carefree time period when the birthday boy and his friends were 20 years old.

The birthday person and guests should dress according to the theme of the evening, it will be necessary to choose clothes in the style that they wore in their twenties. To remember the fashion of those years, look through your photo album or look for information on the Internet.

Next idea on “ How to celebrate a 30th anniversary- party "Thirty". In this case, all the details and elements of the holiday revolve around the number 30. You can cut out thirty as a room decoration, or depict this number using garlands or balls. The more ideas you come up with using the number 30, the more interesting your holiday will be. Come up with various riddles and contests related to the number 30.

On his thirtieth birthday, the hero of the day can choose the retro era, that is, the time when he was born. You should come up with a retro decor, guests need to dress for that time, the music should correspond to the retro era. Contests can be thought up on the topic of professions of that time or the place of birth of the hero of the day.

If you want to arrange a carnival, then you can choose a film from the period when the hero of the day was born. Guests should choose one character and change into his costume. A party on the theme of "Carnival" will be fun and interesting, especially if you invite singers, dancers, hold a competition for juggling and the ability to repeat tongue twisters with a mouth full of nuts.

Where to celebrate a birthday? For the celebration, you can rent a cafe or restaurant, or mark it at home. The most important thing for a holiday is its structure, because a well-organized anniversary will be remembered for a long time by you and your invited guests.

P.S. Leave your comments on the article, I will be glad to answer them. If the article turned out to be useful for you, then share it with your friends by clicking the buttons of social networks.

It's time to put everyday life aside. Trips for groceries, trips to the clinic, the tedious evening buzzing of the TV. It's time to gather all your friends, dear and dear people, and have fun from the heart! For your 30th anniversary, we have 10 cool ideas!

1. Time machine. How often, leafing through a student photo album, we dreamily sigh: “Oh, what were the times!” Party in the style of the USSR

Jeans, new sports suit(almost "Adidas"), a cigarette - and go to the disco! And there - the glitter of mirror balls, blue neon, a cassette recorder ... Do you remember? And also - favorite chewing gums - "Love is ...", and the desire to find out what it is - LOVE?

Maybe this rarity is stored somewhere in your attic? Start looking now! All posters of idols of those years, all cassettes with popular music, all clothes will become simply indispensable for your "Student Party a la 90s". Oh yes! And further. Don't forget to tell your friends to do the same! And then, at the end of the evening, you will hold a competition for the best “outfit”.

2. Mardi Gras. Have a carnival. A real French (Italian) carnival!

Put on big rings, beads, earrings, masks! Clothes in blue, green, purple. And also - turn on real carnival music and dance samba with rumba until the morning! Celebrate brightly, cheerfully, shockingly!

3. Oktoberfest. Lots of good beer and hearty food hasn't ruined a party yet! 30th Anniversary Beer Party

4. Wine and cheese tasting or 30th anniversary wine party

For this party, you need to decorate the "showcase" of the tasting room. Make labels for each drink, where you indicate the grape variety, year of release, storage conditions, country of origin, etc. The same is true for cheese.

You can also ask guests to bring a collection bottle with them, which they brought from their last vacation (business trip). Let this wine be a gift for you in honor of your thirtieth birthday!

5. Park - party. Party for 30 years in the park

Why not celebrate your birthday in public? For example, in the nearest public park? Arrange a dance show with barbecue, karaoke, contests. Surely passers-by will want to join your holiday. And this is the romance of random interesting meetings ...

6. Party on the water or water party for 30 years

Water is mesmerizing! You can look at her for hours. Just like on fire. And yet - in it you can splash, fool around, swim, dive. Yes, anything! Especially if you do all this in the company of your best friends and your loved one! And then - set the sea table! It will certainly be a great decoration for your beach party! And be sure to serve original dishes! Your guests will surely appreciate your ingenuity!

7. Hawaiian Party or Hawaiian Birthday

Developing the theme of a beach party, you can give your friends (and yourself, first of all!) original holiday in the style of the locals of the popular resort island. Put on flower wreaths and the famous Hawaiian grass skirts and dance to the island's rousing tunes! And also, for greater effect, invite the organizers of fire shows to the holiday! And treat your guests to real Hawaiian palm vodka (or a cocktail with it in the base).

8. Only girls in jazz! Anniversary 30 years in jazz style

The idea of ​​the holiday is in the majesty of music that unites generations! Of course, ideally, hire a live jazz band and organize a good dance floor. But if that's not an option, both the records and the nearest lawn will do! The main thing is the appropriate mood!

9. Casino night or Las Vegas style party for 30 years

Green cloth, roulette, poker, blackjack. Schedule your party to start at midnight! Oh yes! Casino - the world of glamour! So be sure to tell your friends about the dress code - evening dresses and costumes! And prepare a lot of counterfeit money for them (after all, your Vegas is just an imitation of a real casino)! Prepare treats that match the theme of the holiday!

10. Arab holiday or 30 years in the UAE

The luxury of treats, the richness of fabrics, quiet Arabic music, a hookah ... An abundance of divine sweets ... Invite professional oriental dancers to the party. Their performance will add color to your celebration in Arabic style!

And remember, you deserve such a holiday! Long everyday life, the properties of his broad soul, sincere friendship. Rest assured, your friends will pick up the tune and tone you set by arranging theme party. The main thing is to start. And then the ship called the THIRTY-YEAR ANNIVERSARY HOLIDAY will sail on the right course. Even without clear guidance from the captain!

The phrase “scenario of a woman’s anniversary” in almost everyone evokes the association of a holiday for a lady who has already reached certain heights in life, i.e. from 45 years and older, perhaps, therefore, compiling programs for younger culprits causes difficulties, because almost all game moments and congratulations on any, albeit conditional, summing up, are not suitable for them.

To help the organizers of such parties, we offer scenario of the 30th anniversary of the girl (young woman) "For the sake of the hero of the day", using his example, we tried to show how you can present and beat the anniversary entertainment from game program"All for you" when the birthday girl is 30 years old and above.

Note: Full description rooms with musical arrangement see )

Solemn meeting of the hero of the day.

The guests are lined up in a living corridor, the hero of the day enters.


Attention appears our star!

Her name is………….., ladies and gentlemen!

Fanfares sound

She's like a magazine cover

There is a red carpet in her honor! (anniversary steps forward)

Sounds 1. Fanfare

(agree with the guests in advance that after the line about compliments, that at the moment the hero of the day approaches him, everyone shouts his own: “beauty”, “perfection itself, etc.”)

Compliments are pouring from everyone's lips! (guests shout compliments)

And thunderous applause is heard in the hall! (guests clapping)

Sounds 1. Fanfare

Today is a charming ... ... birthday,

Only for her flowers, gifts and congratulations!!!

Sounds 2. Allegrova excerpt Happy birthday

(guests surround the hero of the day, give flowers and congratulate)


And now, gentlemen, everyone is invited to the table.

To have fun and give praise to the hostess!

Sounds 3 excerpt Hello guests

(guests sit down)

The first part of the script program for the anniversary of the girl "For the sake of the hero of the day"


So, in honor of the hero of the day, a toast sounds in this hall,

Fill your glasses and glasses soon, guests!

(says a toast while the guests fill their glasses)


Illuminated everything with its radiance,

Perfection and charm!

At .... life flourish!

Time for success and bright victories!

Time for love and admiration

Ups, hopes and insights,

So let Fortune ...... smile,

And may happiness never end!

(The presenter comes out and says a toast)


And we continue the program of the anniversary,

AND warm words for ………we will not regret:

Let there be wealth, health, success,

And today there are compliments and laughter!

(drink, short banquet break)

Presenter: Already many good beautiful words today it sounded, I propose to determine who is our most eloquent guest, according to the hero of the occasion

The presenter holds a competition for the best compliment or wish, as an alternative - or “For the sake of your wonderful eyes” (the “Everything for You” program). The birthday girl chooses the winner and presents either a comic medal or a small prize from herself.

(Congratulations and presenting gifts from friends. Demonstration of a slide or clip made for the hero of the day)

Comic musical forecast "And after 15 glasses I ..."

(program "All for you")

Presenter: Dear guests, we figured out a little with compliments and gifts, and what else for each of us is associated with the anniversary of a beautiful lady (guests answer, one of the answers is flowers) That's right, flowers, but are you good at them. Let's check with the song game.

Musical game "Color the world with songs and flowers"

you can watch this game

You can also use any version of the Guessing Song game, for example, Flower Guessing Game.

(a game is held, the winner is awarded a comic medal "The Most Musical Guest" or a small prize)

Presenter: Today is an amazing day because it is dedicated to an amazing girl (lady) named ... Today, all flowers, compliments and congratulations are only for our birthday girl (name). When we were kids, we expected a magician for our birthday ( full version eyeliners are in the program "All for you")

Musical congratulations on the anniversary of "Mask Show"

(program "All for you")

(according to the results of the congratulations, the hero of the day can award one of the speakers or all joke medal"For the best congratulations")

(dance break)

The third part of the anniversary program "For the sake of the hero of the day"


Dear guests, look how it sparkles

From your attention and love, the birthday girl,

No one today for the sake of ...... not sorry for the efforts,

Not sorry for smiles and best wishes!

Table role-playing tale "Only the best wishes"

(program "All for you")

(the game is being held, in the final you can award the medal "The most artistic guest")

Anniversary Lotto with Kisses

(program "All for you")

(a game is being held in which you can establish a medal for the "most erotic guest" or "For the hottest kiss")
