How to make a do-it-yourself bunny from a sock. Bunny from an old sock

A handmade toy will grab the attention of any child and there is a good chance it could become their favorite. In addition, such toys can be easily made from simple, improvised materials, which every home probably has. You can also involve children in the process, who will enjoy creating crafts with their own hands. Besides, beautiful toy, for example, a do-it-yourself bunny from a sock can become great gift or decorate your Easter basket. How to make such a craft - we will tell in this article.

What will be required at work?

In order to make a cute bunny out of a sock, you will need the following:

  • plain baby sock(without patterns).
  • A piece of dense, stiff fabric in a contrasting color (for example, felt).
  • Elastic band or hard thread.
  • Little pom-pom.
  • Beady eyes.
  • Adhesive for fabric.
  • Scissors.
  • Stuffed material.
  • Elegant thin ribbons.

Important! As a stuffing material, you can use cotton wool or cereals - buckwheat or rice. You should not take a synthetic winterizer, because the toy with it will turn out to be too light and will not be able to stand stably.

Operating procedure

To make a bunny out of a sock, proceed as follows:

  1. Place the sock in front of you and fill it with the prepared stuffing. For these purposes, you will need approximately one glass of cereal or a couple of large cotton balls.
  2. Measure the distance from the finger part of the sock to the place where the neck will be located. Tie the area tightly with string or elastic.
  3. Measure a distance a little less - for the bunny's head. Tie the top even tighter than the neck so that the stuffing does not spill out.
  4. Cut the remaining free edge of the sock in half lengthwise from the bandaging line to the end. Cut out two ears and give them a standing or lying shape. Sew around the edges of the ears to keep the material from fraying.
  5. It's the turn to decorate the toy: cut out a small oval or semi-oval piece from a dense piece of fabric to indicate the tummy, glue it to the place of the supposed belly of the bunny.
  6. Make eyes out of beads by gluing or sewing them to the right place.
  7. Also, using the elements cut out of dense material, form and glue the teeth and nose.
  8. Sew a small pom-pom around the bottom of the back - this will be the tail.

Important! With the help of an elegant silk ribbon, the bunny can be made even more beautiful. If you tie a bow around your neck - you get a boy, and if you add a bow on your head between the ears - a cute bunny.

hare family

In addition to the method described above, there are also options for making do-it-yourself bunnies from a sock.

perky kid

You can also make another bunny from one sock, which will have handles with legs:

  1. Place the sock in front of you in an inverted state so that the heel is in front of you, bent down.
  2. The ripped cuff (upper part of the sock) will go to the tail and front paws, and the part from the cuff, the heel and the part it covers - the head and ears (the heel will just be the bow), below - the torso, and the piece for the fingers - the lower paws .
  3. Sew all the details along the edge, fill with filler, sew together and decorate to your liking.

Affectionate humble

To create this option, you will need two socks already. Such a bunny is already more suitable for playing than as a gift or souvenir:

  1. Put two socks in the same way as in the previous version, but with the finger side up.
  2. The entire part of the foot of the first toe is the ears, the heel is the tail, part of the instep is the upper paws.
  3. On the second toe, make only one cut from the hole to the heel - these are the lower legs. The heel means the beginning of the body, on which the animal will sit comfortably.
  4. Fill all the details tightly with filler, process with a seam and sew to each other.


As you can see, make a bunny out of a sock very simple. To do this, you only need one or a pair of socks and sewing supplies. This craft will delight the child, and you will have a good time while making it.

Do you want to please your child? Or perhaps herself? Then we suggest you make an unusually cute bunny out of ordinary socks. The tutorial below will help you with this.

To make a bunny socks you will need:

A pair of children's socks (use two white ones and one with a pronounced ornament for clothing);

Sintepon / cotton wool for stuffing;

Needle + thread;

Graphite from a pencil + brush;



1. In order to make a bunny toy, you will basically need a pair of baby socks. I advise you to choose, firstly: white, without any ornaments and a pronounced texture - this is for the bunny himself, and secondly: colored socks with a simple monotonous ornament and texture, for the bunny suit.

2. white sock cut with scissors at the base of the heel. We have a white bag.

3. We put enough cotton in the bag in large numbers to take on a firmer shape. But do not try to compact too much, the toy should be soft.

4. Gently and tightly sew the base with a needle and thread.

5. Next, divide the shape in half with a thread. Fold the thread in four so that it does not break, you will have to pull yourself up in order to tie a secure knot tightly enough. As a result, we got the head and body of a bunny.

6. Then, with the same dense thread, pinch the ends where you sewed the base of the form. Pinch so that you get small balls - these will be the legs of the bunny.

7. Now we have a form on which we must put on a sweater. Cut the colored sock in half near the gum. Elastic band - this will be our bunny sweater.

8. We dress, correct, analyze.

9. If there is too much material on the sweater that will not curl comfortably around the bunny's neck, remove and shorten it a little.

10. We will make panties from the middle flat part of the same colored sock.

11. We dress this piece on a bunny, we get, as it were, a skirt. But we will sew it between the legs without removing it to make panties.

12. A bare tummy is an essential feature of a bunny toy, so do not try to hide it under a sweater and panties. But on the back, on the back, you can straighten the sweater so that the bunny does not catch a cold in his kidneys.

13. Our next task is the hands of a hare. We will need small cotton balls and small pieces of a white sock.

14. We hide cotton balls in pieces of fabric and tighten with a thread, cut off the excess. Sewing is not required.

15. We wrap white balls with pieces from a colored sock, having previously folded them in half. We sew, and we got white paws in colored sleeves.

16. Sewing legs to the body is not difficult, but requires patience. They need to be placed clearly on the sides.

17. We have already done the most difficult. Adjust only the sweater around the neck.

18. We probably use the second white sock for the ears. The longer the ears, the cuter the bunny. We cut the sock in two places, we will use the middle part, so try to cut it out as much as possible.

19. Directly for the ears, we use the side parts of the piece that we cut off from the sock. Cut out not very thin strips. These pieces are double.

20. We will make one end rounded, as in the picture. Try not to get two identical ears, but to have both right and left.

21. Sew up the ears from the cut side.

22. And turn them inside out so that the seam is in the middle, and the ears take on even volumetric shapes.

23. Be sure to make sure that the ears are located on the back of the bunny's head with a curved shape outward.

24. The ears should be sewn exactly on the top line of the head at such a distance from each other that your index finger fits between them.

25. When you have sewn on the ears, they can be bent forward.

26. The face for a bunny toy can be embroidered with black thread, or drawn with a black helium pen. Divide his face in half from ears to neck - this will be the line where you can place the bunny's eyes. By the way, I didn’t come up with this, it’s the same for everyone, you can check it for yourself! Take a look in the mirror - your eyes are exactly in the center of the head from the crown to the chin.

It often happens that during a trip to the countryside or on vacation, you in a hurry forget to take toys for your child. You can easily get out of this situation with the help of improvised means, for example, a sock and thread with a needle. The end result is a wonderful soft toy- a bunny from a sock.

And if you take a beautiful sock and decorate the toy at the end, you can get an excellent souvenir that you are not ashamed to give to your friends.

In order to make a bunny out of a sock, you will need the following materials:

  1. Children's plain sock without patterns;
  2. Dense rigid fabric of a contrasting color (you can - felt);
  3. Hard threads or elastic bands;
  4. Small pom-pom;
  5. Beady eyes;
  6. Scissors;
  7. Glue on fabric;
  8. Elegant thin ribbons;
  9. Stuffed material.

As a stuffing material, you can use cotton wool or cereals - rice or buckwheat. It is better not to take a synthetic winterizer, as the toy will turn out to be too light and will not stand.

Operating procedure

  • Place the sock in front of you and fill it with stuffing. You will need about a cup of cereal or a couple of cotton balls the size of a baby's fist.
  • Measure from the toe of the sock to where the neck will be. Tie tightly with a rubber band or thread.
  • Measure the distance a little less - for the head. The top must be tied even tighter than the neck so that the stuffing does not spill out.
  • Cut the remaining free edge of the sock in half lengthwise from the bandaging line to the end. Cut out 2 ears and give them a standing or lying shape. On the edge of the ears can be processed with a seam so that the fabric does not bloom.

Now you can start decorating the "Sock Hare" toy:

  • From a dense fabric, cut a small semi-oval or oval piece to indicate the tummy. Glue the hare to the place of the alleged belly.
  • You can make eyes out of beads by sewing them on or gluing them on.
  • Also, with the help of parts cut out of dense fabric, form and glue the nose and teeth.
  • Attach a pom-pom tail to the bottom of the back.

Ready! With the help of an elegant ribbon, a bunny can be decorated. If you tie a bow around your neck, you will get a gentleman-boy, and if you add a bow between the ears, you will get a beautiful girl.

This is the easiest way to make a sock bunny, but it is just as popular.

Tip: if you buy a pair of socks, you can make 2 baby bunnies at once.

hare family

In addition to the method described above, there are some more options for making toy hares. They are a little more difficult, but even more interesting.

  • perky kid

Also, from one sock you can sew another bunny, which will also have legs with handles. To do this, you need to put the sock in front of you in an inverted state so that the heel is directly in front of you bent down.

The uppermost part of the sock (open cuff) will go to the front paws and tail, part of the cuff, the heel and the part it covers - the ears and head (the heel is just the bow), below - the torso, and the piece for the fingers - the lower paws .

All details need to be stitched along the edge, stuffed, sewn together and decorated.

  • Affectionate humble

This option is created from two socks. Such a bunny is already more suitable for playing than as a souvenir for a gift.

Stripes I call striped Japanese toys from ... sock! It is not difficult to make such babies, but because everything is sewn by eye and without a pattern - each toy turns out to be unique and inimitable

You can see other minke whales

So, we sew such a bunny from a sock:

We take a sock (of course, clean and new, if you don’t want to make a toy in retro style), scissors, threads for flashing “spare parts” and for embroidering the little animal’s face, synthetic winterizer and something for the baby’s neck. Lace is presented here, later changed to a satin ribbon, you can also use a beautiful thick rope.
I advise you to choose a sock without any inscriptions (we don’t want to see the name of the sock company on the muzzle of a hare?) And preferably without special patterns, otherwise it’s quite difficult to work and combine details.

We hem over the "heel":

Now we fill with synthetic winterizer. I take more, then the bunny turns out to be plump. It is better, of course, to take a whole synthetic winterizer, and not in pieces, then the body of the bunny will be smoother.

It turns out here is such a voluminous oval). You can already see the outlines of the future bunny - here you get a side view :)

We cut off the tip from the whole, still unused sock (where the fingers should be), we also cut off the same piece from the first one - they will be useful to us in the future :)

We cut the existing rectangle into 2 halves, you can round it from above if you wish:

We hem:

Sew the ears to the bunny. as you remember - our head will be where the heel is, do not sew the ears to the pope

It's already clear that we have a wonderful bunny :)

From the existing pieces that we cut out in advance, we form paws. I like these triangles.

Here's the foot you get if you still flash your fingers :)

Sew the legs to the body.

Then very important point. We form the head as follows - we tighten it with a ribbon, rope or lace (I don’t know what you chose for yourself) under the place where you want the head to end. We tighten it tight enough, if the synthetic winterizer is wrinkled, we fix it. It is better to sew the ribbon on several sides so that it does not roll down anywhere and does not leave.

Well, now we embroider a face :) This is a very exciting process). We look at what would suit the bunny and what you would like to do, then carefully draw thinly (preferably with a pencil of the same color as the future embroidery - then the pencil will be invisible) and embroider :)

OK it's all over Now! Now you know how it's done :)
It remains to pack beautifully and present to relatives and friends who will no doubt be happy with such a unique gift :)

Just think how many socks we throw away a year, because of wear and tear or mismatch. But you can make so many wonderful toys out of them and please your little one with them. Or do it differently, do this work with your baby. How many positive emotions the child will receive at this moment and how he will be proud of his result in the form of a toy in the future. In addition, joint creative work can bring you closer to your baby.

Today we will sew a little bunny from a women's worn sock in size 36-38.
In order to sew a bunny, we need:

One sock;
Silicone filler;
Thread and needle;
Black marker.
For decoration:
doll hat;
Doll sandals;
Decorative flower.

And so, let's get to work.

1. Turn the sock inside out and make markings with a black marker.

According to the patterns from the sock, we will get a head with ears, a torso and four legs.
2. We cut our sock according to the markup into separate 7 blanks.

3. Then we sew the head and ears, leaving a small hole below to fill the workpiece. We turn the sock inside out and fill the hare's head with silicone balls.

Then gently tighten the bottom of the head with a thread.

4. Now we sew the body with the head and leave a hole at the bottom.

Through this hole we fill the body of the bunny with the prepared filler.

Then we sew the hole with an invisible seam.

5. Thus, we sew the paws and tail. We fill these details with silicone balls.
