Project on technology theme skirt. Creative work on the theme of the skirt

State state educational institution, "Special (correctional) boarding school No. 9 for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities"

With. Padinsky Novoselitsky district

The project was prepared by a 7th grade student

Artyomova Nadezhda

Project theme:


Teacher: Prokhnenko T.K.

2016-17 academic year

Theme of the project: making a half-sleeve skirt

Goals and objectives: make a half-sun skirt in order to consolidate the knowledge gained; improve the skills and techniques of working with fabric, with a sewing machine, deepen knowledge of material processing technology; assess your ability to project activities; make a skirt according to the project, protect the project.

Sections of programs necessary for the implementation of the project.

    Materials Science.


    Artistic processing of fabric.



    Technological sequence of product processing.


Organization of project implementation.

    Justification of the problem and need.

    Model selection.

    Choice of fabric.

    Choice of equipment.

    Product design and modeling.

    Open products.

    Technological sequence of product manufacturing.

    Product cost.

    Evaluation of the quality and complexity of the project.

    Project protection.

    The main problems of the project.

Substantiation of the theme of the selected project.

Every morning, when we get dressed, the question arises, “What to wear?”.

Choosing clothes, we look at the weather, remember what we have to do, pay attention to our mood. In other words, we make a lot of demands on clothes.

The most common piece of belt clothing is the skirt. It can serve as an independent type of clothing or be part of a set.

Let's take a look at her story.

Main part

Problem Research

In the history of the skirt, we find confirmation that all classes did not miss the opportunity to emphasize the significance of their person even with its help. In the 16th century, skirts of immense width appeared, which were arranged in several tiers. Skirts became so heavy that women could not wear them.

In the 17th century, clothing became more comfortable, loose. And the effect of wide hips was created by wearing skirts. The number of skirts in winter reached 12 pieces. All skirts were decorated with embroidery, lace, flounces

In the Russian village, skirts were worn no earlier than the middle of the 19th century. At first, they were sewn as sundresses familiar in the village - on a bodice, which was made of lighter fabric and replaced the undershirt. Girls of marriageable age put on several skirts on holidays, "to appear thicker" - fullness for them was the same as beauty. Everyday skirts were sewn from canvas, festive underskirts were sewn from blue, pink or red chintz.

Plan of the organization for the manufacture of the designed product.

Bank of ideas and suggestions

Model selection.

Skirts according to the way they are worn are classified as waist products. By appointment, skirts are everyday, home, sports, uniform, for recreation. According to the cut, they can be:

Model No. 1. Straight skirt.

Model number 2. Wedge skirt.

Model number 3. Flared skirt

Design - analysis

After considering all the options, I decided to stop at the fourth model.

Model No. 4. Dressy skirt in mixed fabric. The semi-sun skirt consists of two parts - the front and back panels. The wide stitched belt is assembled on an elastic band.

The skirt is decorated with a wide belt - a bow. The belt - a bow is made of finishing fabric.

Fabric choice

Flared skirts have a large expansion along the bottom line, for sewing it is better to choose a fabric of large width - from 1m to 1m 50cm. Such skirts are sewn from soft woolen, silk, cotton and mixed fabrics. The choice of fabric for tailoring depends on the purpose of the product. For this project, a plain-dyed crepe fabric was chosen, as it is soft and drapes well.

Choice of equipment.

Sewing machine.

Ironing board.

Iron with steam humidifier.

Cotton threads No. 60 for machine work, cotton threads No. 50 for estimating.

Hand needle for estimating work, machine needle No. 90, pins.

Tape measure.


Tailor's crayons.

Measurements for constructing a drawing of a semi-dream skirt.

Skirt drawing

Preparing fabric for cutting:

1. Check the quality of the fabric - for tears, undyed areas, stains.

2. Determine the front and back sides of the fabric.

3. Determine the direction of the shared thread and pattern.

4. Measure the length and width of the fabric.

5. Iron the fabric with moisture along the shared thread.

6. Fold the fabric along the longitudinal thread with the front side inward, fold towards you, level the edges, chop the fabric with pins.

Laying out the pattern on the fabric. Open your skirts.

“Measure seven times - cut once” - this folk wisdom refers to cutting directly. It is quite obvious that the cutting operation should be approached with full responsibility and seriousness, all rules and instructions should be strictly followed. Cutting fabric is one of the most important stages of tailoring, and its appearance and comfort in operation will depend on it. The slightest carelessness in cutting can ruin the whole idea.

Technological sequence of apron processing

Like the manufacture of any garment, making a skirt involves a certain procedure - a work plan. Consistent implementation of the points of the plan will ensure the efficiency of work, help to avoid ill-conceived actions and mistakes that entail redoing, wasting time and effort.

Work plan for tailoring a skirt

1. Process the side cuts.

2. Process the belt.

3. Process the top cut.

4. Process the bottom cut.

5. Connect the finishing belt with the stitched one.

6. Iron the finished product

Work safety

Fabric Safety Rules

When working with needles and pins.

1. Sew with a thimble.

2. Keep needles and pins in a pillow, do not leave them at the workplace, in no case take needles, pins into your mouth.

3. Do not use a rusty needle.

4. Chip parts and patterns to the fabric with the sharp ends of the pins in the direction away from you.

When working with scissors.

1. Store the scissors in a certain place (in the box).

2. Put them with closed points away from you.

3. Pass the scissors, holding on to the closed points, with the rings forward.

When working with an iron.

1. Check the integrity of the cord and the cleanliness of the soleplate of the iron.

2. Turn the iron on and off with dry hands using the plug body.

3. Put the iron on a special stand

4. Make sure that the cord does not touch the soleplate of the iron and that the iron does not overheat.

Product cost

Name of used



per product

unit price (rub.)

Costs for

materials (rub.)

1. Crepsatin

2. Crepsatin

1 coil

The cost of my product turned out to be small - 142 rubles, since I sewed the skirt myself, and the costs Money were only for materials.

environmental survey

From an environmental point of view, the manufacturing process and the operation of my product will not entail changes in the environment, disturbances in human life, as the skirt is made of environmentally friendly materials

The process of tailoring a skirt is an environmentally friendly production!

Results of the work

    Positive ratings. Skirt "semi-sun". Appearance product matches the selected model. Processing performed as required. The skirt fits well. I liked the finished product.

    Negative ratings. In the process of work, I had one problem when processing the belt, but despite this, the skirt looks beautiful

List of sources used

    Technology. Sewing business: textbook for 7th grade. specialist. (corr.) educated. Institutions of the VIII type / G.B. Kartushina G.G. Mozgovaya 5th edition-M.: Enlightenment, 2009

    Technology. Sewing business: workbook for 7 cells. specialist. (corrected) educational institutions of the VIII type / G. B. Kartushina G. G. Mozgovaya Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 2009.

    Technology. 7th grade. Sewing business: development of lessons / L.V. Bobrova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010

4. Control and measuring materials 5-9kl.

Project Sequence: Problem encountered. Study. Revealing traditions.history Required Tools, fixtures, equipment. Drawing up a "Thinking Plan" Development of ideas. Options. Manufacturing sequence. Open products. Safety engineering. Technological sequence of skirt manufacturing. Product cost. Evaluation of the work done. Advertising.

I still have old jeans that I no longer wear. I decided to make a skirt out of them. To make it easier for me to work on the project, I put all the questions in the form of a reflection scheme. When I justified the problem and the need, I immediately understood: my task is to make a skirt. Justification of the problem

The history of fashion is a topic in which a certain line of time can be traced. We present a time line with a rather unusual content - this is the story of a women's skirt. In ancient times, ladies considered it the height of indecency if the skirt did not cover the toes of the shoes. Times have changed and today the length of the skirt is a rather democratic thing and depends solely on the taste of the fair sex. For thousands of years, people have not seen the need to separate men's and women's clothing. In the emerging civilizations, the similarity of a skirt, a loincloth, an apron had almost no differences in gender, age and position. But the evolution of everyday life, moral, aesthetic, ethical and religious ideas have changed clothes. Research, identification of traditions, history.

Manufacturing sequence. 1) Taking measurements and building a drawing of a skirt. 2) Modeling a skirt according to the main drawing of a straight skirt. 3) Preparing the fabric for cutting and cutting the skirt. 4) Preparing the details of the skirt for basting and the skirt for trying on. 5) The first fitting of the skirt, the correction of defects that have arisen. 6) Processing of side cuts. 7) Finishing the fastener in the left side seam and the skirt with braid. 8) Processing the belt, the upper section of the skirt with a stitched belt. 9) Processing the lower section of the skirt with a seam hem with a closed section. 10) Final fitting of the skirt.

Technological sequence of manufacturing a skirt The manufacture of a straight skirt requires compliance with the technological sequence. 1. Preparation of cut details for basting. 2. Preparing the skirt for fitting. 3. fitting. Correction of defects. 4. Processing of tucks 5. Joining and processing of side cuts. 6. Processing the fastener in the side seam of the skirt with a braid-zipper. 7. Processing the belt, processing the upper cut of the skirt with a stitched belt. 8. Processing the bottom cut of the skirt. 9. Processing the buttonhole and sewing on the button.

Cost price.. Zipper 1-10 rub. THREADS blue 1-12 rub. CENTIMETER TAPE1-6 rub. ENGLISH PINS rub. 46 RUBLES SPENT. FORTY-SIX RUBLES, 00 KOPEKS SPENT.

Evaluation of work. I think I did a long and hard job and got through it. My skirt turned out to be very neat and fit in size: the lines are even, the hem of the fabric is the same on all sides, the size is right. In general, the skirt turned out neat. I am very pleased that I myself managed to sew a skirt for myself and there was one more skirt in my wardrobe. For me, this is a real victory!

"Daria" skirt salon-studio is the exclusive representative of the Siberian brand Elianna Moore Also, the salon "Daria" is the official representative of well-known Siberian brands: Miss Kelly, Kelly Star, Just for you, Collector Salon-studio "DARIA" We are waiting for you! WWW-Pwk-sitiRu

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

creative project: "Skirt". Head Perelomova M.N. Prepared by: 10th grade student Polina Sokolova

2 slide

Description of the slide:

My tasks. Justification of the problem and need. Definition of a specific task and its formulation. Identification of the main requirements for the product. Research. Development of ideas, options. Idea analysis and selection the best option. Choice of fabric, tools, equipment fixtures. Manufacturing sequence. Economic justification. Product manufacturing. Quality control. Product testing. Project design. Self-esteem.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Justification of the problem and need. In technology lessons, we were asked to make a skirt. To make it easier for me to work on the project, I have put all the questions in the form of a reflection scheme.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Definition of a specific task and its formulation. When I substantiated the problem and the need, I immediately understood: my task is to make a skirt.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Identification of the main requirements for the product. What requirements, of course, do I present to my future product? The skirt should be beautiful and fashionable, correspond to the features of the structure of the figure, purpose and appearance. The design of the skirt must match the chosen model. The skirt should sit well on the figure, be comfortable to wear. It is necessary that the skirt be versatile in wearing and can be combined with an elegant blouse or jacket. The product should be inexpensive, but well-made.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Research. There are three main styles: classic, sporty and romantic. The classic style includes everything that almost does not change over time, something that is out of fashion. Cloth sports style usually loose fit. It is convenient for movement, for a variety of work, outdoor activities. Romantic style is lightness, dreaminess. The clothes use elements of historical, national (folklore) costume.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Development of ideas, options. I chose a romantic style skirt. I found some information about what the skirt looks like. The skirt is two-seam, expanded from top to bottom. Zip fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt, the lower section is finished with a seam at the hem.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Choice of fabric, tools, equipment fixtures. Choice of fabric. Now that I have decided on the model of the skirt, I still have to choose the right fabric for its manufacture. I decided that suit and dress fabric would be more suitable for my skirt. This material drapes well, forming soft beautiful folds.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Continuation. Selection of equipment, tools and fixtures. Sewing machine. Ironing board, iron, spray gun. Hand needle number 3, pins, scissors, thimble. Cotton threads No. 50 - for machine work, No. 60 - for manual work. Measuring tape, ruler, crayon. Additional materials: paper for building drawings and making patterns, a textbook, a workbook for repetition.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Manufacturing sequence. I'll take my measurements and draw a straight skirt. According to the main drawing of a straight skirt, I will perform modeling in accordance with the selected model. I will make a pattern and cut skirts. I will prepare the fabric for cutting and cut the skirt. I will prepare the details of the skirt for sweeping and the skirt for trying on. I will try on the skirt and correct the defects if they arise. I'll work on the cutouts. I'll work on the side cuts. I will process the fastener in the left side seam of the skirt with a braid-zipper. I will process the belt, I will process the upper cut of the skirt with a stitched belt. I will process the lower section of the skirt with a hem seam with a closed section. I will process the loop and sew on the button.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Economic justification. I presented the calculation of the cost of materials for the manufacture of a skirt in the form of a table. Name of material Conditional price (rub.) Material consumption (pcs.) Cost of materials (rub.) Costume and dress fabric 150 per 1m 1m 10cm (fabric width 1m 40cm) 165 Sewing threads 6 per spool 1 spool 6 Button 50 per 1 dozen 1 PC. 5 Zipper 6 for 1 pc. 1 PC. 6 Total: 182 rub.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Product manufacturing. Quality control. I will make a skirt in the sequence described above. I will look in the textbook for the technology of making a skirt and the corresponding practical work. The teacher talked at the technology lessons about the main criteria for checking and evaluating the quality of the project. I will try to be self-critical and I will control my work.

Sumik Daria

Creative project on technology "Skirt" of the participant of the regional Olympiad on technology for girls 2012



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Slides captions:


MBOU Pavlovskaya school

Creative project.


Completed by: Sumik Daria.

7th grade

Lecturer: Beifus N.V.

year 2012.

Project execution sequence:

  1. Problem encountered.
  2. Study. Revealing traditions.history
  3. Drawing up a "Thinking Plan"
  4. Development of ideas. Options.
  5. Open products.
  6. Safety engineering.
  7. Technological sequence of skirt manufacturing.
  8. Product cost.
  9. Evaluation of the work done.
  10. Advertising.

Problem encountered.

  • I still have old jeans that I no longer wear. I decided to make a skirt out of them.
  • To make it easier for me to work on the project, I put all the questions in the form of a reflection scheme.
  • When I justified the problem and the need, I immediately understood: my task is to make a skirt.

Research, identification of traditions, history, trends.

With the onset of autumn, the number of girls in skirts on the streets decreases sharply. At first, skirts become longer and longer, and then disappear almost completely: their place is taken by the "true friends" of girls - trousers and jeans. And the favorite skirt is thrown away into the closet - until next summer, a suitable event, or forever. Unfair, but legitimate.
The acquisition of two or three skirts "in one sitting" for a woman today is almost a feat. Pants and (or) jeans are a completely different matter. Sellers of women's clothing state that in Lately women come to the store not for any particular thing, but to "buy something they like." And for some reason they "like" skirts less and less. Among the colorful and bright heap of women's clothing, constantly offering new forms and textures, it is sometimes difficult to isolate the lifesaver of a women's wardrobe - a skirt. Hands are drawn to everything shiny, bright and interesting. We remember the skirt only in hot weather, going on a date or deciding to show off a new pair of shoes to our friends, which will be completely invisible under the trousers.
And so I decided to sew a skirt for myself.

Necessary tools, fixtures, equipment.

  1. Textile.
  2. Iron.
  3. Ironing board.
  4. Paper.
  5. Pencil.
  6. Tape measure.
  7. Scissors.
  8. Safety pin.
  9. Needles.
  10. White threads.
  11. Green threads.
  12. Sewing machine.
  13. Bobbin.
  14. Bobbin cap.
  15. Chalk.

Drawing up a "thinking scheme"

Occupational Safety and Health.


Development of ideas, options.

Model No. 1. The skirt is straight, narrow in shape. There are two tucks on the front and back panels. Zip fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt.

Model No. 2. Semi-sun skirt. Zipper fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt.

Model No. 3. The skirt is straight, tapered. There are two darts on the front and back panels. Zip fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is processed with a facing.

Model number 4. .The skirt is straight, narrow in shape. On the front and back patch pockets. Zip fastening in the left side seam. There are two darts on the front and back panels.

Model No. 5. Year skirt, straight shape. It consists of 6 wedges. .Zip fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt.

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option.

I opted for model #1.

Product manufacturing.

Manufacturing sequence.

1) Taking measurements and building a drawing of a skirt.

2) Modeling a skirt according to the main drawing of a straight skirt.

3) Preparing the fabric for cutting and cutting the skirt.

4) Preparing the details of the skirt for basting and the skirt for trying on.

5) The first fitting of the skirt, the correction of defects that have arisen.

6) Processing of side cuts.

7) Finishing the fastener in the left side seam and the skirt with braid.

8) Processing the belt, the upper section of the skirt with a stitched belt.

9) Processing the lower section of the skirt with a seam hem with a closed section.

10) Final fitting of the skirt.

Open products.

Drawing of a straight skirt

Safety engineering.

Safety rules for working with needles and pins

1. Transfer rings forward.

2. Do not put on the edge of the table.

4. Do not keep the tip up

Safety rules for working with scissors

1. Pass the rings forward.

2. Do not put on the edge of the table.

3. Do not make sudden movements.

4. Do not hold with the tip up.

5. In the non-working position, the ends must be closed.

6. At the end of the work, put it back in place.

Technological sequence of skirt manufacturing

The manufacture of a straight skirt requires compliance with the technological sequence.

1. Preparation of cut details for basting.

2. Preparing the skirt for fitting.

3. fitting. Correction of defects.

4. Processing darts

5. Connection and processing of side sections.

6. Processing the fastener in the side seam of the skirt with a braid-zipper.

7. Processing the belt, processing the upper cut of the skirt with a stitched belt.

8. Processing the bottom cut of the skirt.

9. Processing the buttonhole and sewing on the button.

Taking measurements and building a drawing of a skirt.

Half waist - 32.

Semi-circumference of hips-41.

Length back to waist-34.

Skirt length-47.










Evaluation of work.

I think I did a long and hard job and got through it.

My skirt turned out very neat and true to size:

the lines are even, the hem of the fabric is the same on all sides, the size is suitable. In general, the skirt turned out neat.

I am very pleased that I myself managed to sew a skirt for myself and there was one more skirt in my wardrobe.

For me, this is a real victory!


Comprehensive school"

creative project

on the topic of:

Petrova Regina

Arsk 2011

11.Quality control.

12.Product manufacturing.


14. Control, test.

16. Design of the project.

17. Self-esteem.

Skirt history.

Development of ideas, options.

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option.

Development of ideas, options.

Choice of skirt style.

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option.

Types of fabrics.

A. Choice of fabric.

1) Sewing machine

Manufacturing sequence.

6) Processing of side cuts.

Half waist - 32.

Semi-circumference of hips-41.

Length back to waist-34.

Skirt length-47.


TN=Di=47 cm.


41+3 cm.=44 cm.



41:2=20.5 cm.

4.H²O=T²H²+1 cm.



(41+3)-(32+1)=11 cm.

Т³Т4=S:2=11:2=5.5 cm.

7.T5T6=S:3=11:3=3.6 cm.

T7T8=S:6=11:6=1.8 cm.

B6 \u003d B³ + 2 cm.

B5=B2+1 cm.

B7=6+4 cm.

Economic justification.

Calculation of the cost of a skirt.







Consumption of materials for the product


for materials


Wool fabric

250 rub.


80 cm

(1.5m cloth width)

200 rub.


15 rub.

(1 PC.)

1 PC.

15 rub.

Sewing threads

10 rub.

(1 cat.)

1 coil

10 rub.


225 rub.

Quality control.

Product manufacturing.



you, I'll fix them.

Control, test.

I circle in front of the mirror.

Are you going to the club?

With winter optionlack of decor

We are waiting for you in the salon"Jasmine"

Project design.



MOU "Crossroad Korsinskaya main

Comprehensive school"

creative project

on the topic of:

Developed by: 6th grade student Petrova Regina

Checked by: technology teacher

Khairutdinova Roza Ildusovna

Arsk 2011

P project sequence.

1. Justification of the problem and needs.

2. Definition of a specific task and its formulation.

3. Identification of the main parameters and limitations.

4. Research, identification of traditions, history, trends.

5. Drawing up a “thinking scheme”.

6. Development of ideas, options.

8. Choice of fabric, tools, fixtures, equipment.

10. Economic justification.

11.Quality control.

12.Product manufacturing.


14. Control, test.

16. Design of the project.

17. Self-esteem.

Justification of the problem and need.

A stain appeared on my old skirt, and I decided to sew a new one, besides, we learn how to sew a skirt in technology lessons.

Definition of a specific task and its formulation.

When I substantiated the problem and the need, I immediately understood: my task is to start sewing a skirt.

Identification of key parameters and limitations.

What requirements, of course, taking into account my wishes, do I make for my future product?

The skirt should be beautiful, comfortable and meet modern fashion.

The design of the skirt must match the chosen model.

Future update should sit well on the figure.

Arising defects must be eliminated in the process of working on the item.

It is necessary that the skirt has classic style, and it could be worn with a dressy blouse or jacket.

The product must have a low cost and be of high quality.

Research, identification of traditions, history, trends.

With the onset of autumn, the number of girls in skirts on the streets decreases sharply. At first, skirts become longer and longer, and then disappear almost completely: their place is taken by the "true friends" of girls - trousers and jeans. And the favorite skirt is thrown away into the closet - until next summer, a suitable event, or forever. Unfair, but legitimate.
The acquisition of two or three skirts "in one sitting" for a woman today is almost a feat. Pants and (or) jeans are a completely different matter. Sellers of women's clothing state that recently women come to the store not for any particular thing, but to "buy something they like." And for some reason they "like" skirts less and less. Among the colorful and bright heap of women's clothing, constantly offering new forms and textures, it is sometimes difficult to isolate the lifesaver of a women's wardrobe - a skirt. Hands are drawn to everything shiny, bright and interesting. We remember the skirt only in hot weather, going on a date or deciding to show off a new pair of shoes to our friends, which will be completely invisible under the trousers.
And so I decided to sew a skirt for myself.

Skirt history.

The history of fashion is a topic in which a certain line of time can be traced. We present a time line with a rather unusual content - this is the story of a women's skirt. In ancient times, ladies considered it the height of indecency if the skirt did not cover the toes of the shoes.

Times have changed and today the length of the skirt is a rather democratic thing and depends solely on the taste of the fair sex.
For thousands of years, people have not seen the need to separate men's and women's clothing. In the emerging civilizations, the likeness of a skirt - a loincloth, an apron - had almost no differences in gender, age and position. But the evolution of everyday life, moral, aesthetic, ethical and religious ideas have changed clothes.
For young men of ancient civilizations, it remained short, for noble men it became longer. Women's clothing became more closed and different long skirt.
In the 16th century, Spain became the capital of fashion - it was she who established which skirts noble people should wear. This time is characterized by the immense width of the skirts, which became so heavy that the ladies simply could not lift them. Then a frame of hoops was invented. Covered with brocade, decorated with jewels, such skirts were very expensive. The skirt of those times is a whole structure; having installed it on the floor, they simply "entered" it, and then fastened it to the corset.
Then the skirt in the form of a dome became fashionable. By the middle of the last century, the skirt had already become somewhat simplified. The metal frame was replaced by a crinoline: a linen case woven with horsehair, which was soon replaced by a wire frame. By the end of the 19th century, the skirt had already become an independent waist product. However, all these skirts had in common that they completely covered the legs.
The democratization of life softened the view of fashion. In 1911, the French couturier Paul Poiret released the first model of a trouser skirt, for which he was anathematized.
The next significant time in the history of the skirt was the 1920s, when the Charleston skirt came into fashion. Its main advantage was the hem. It was specially made uneven so that the impression of the length of the skirt below the knee was visually created. Actually while dancing

legs were exposed to the hips.
In the late 1930s, designer Cristobal Balenciaga created the balloon dress, which in the 1980s was interpreted as the balloon skirt. The flower skirt was created by the famous designer Christian Dior. They were incredibly lush and fell below the knees.
1964 entered the history of skirts thanks to the English designer Mary Quant, who offered the women of the world new style skirts - mini, and it was a real revolution in the fashion world. According to legend, one day she caught her friend Linda Quizin while cleaning the apartment in an old skirt cut off with scissors so that the long hem would not interfere with work. Since then, the length of new skirts in Mary's shop has been reduced by a few centimeters every month. In the first year, over 200,000 English miniskirts were sold in France alone. The fashion designer was awarded the Order of Economic Merit by Queen Elizabeth II of England. It is believed that the queen was grateful to Mary for the sharp increase in the birth rate in Britain as a result of the introduction of the mini.
Thus, in the 60s, a complete collection of various models of skirts was formed, variations of which are also used by today's fashion designers. The length of the skirts varies from just above the ankle to just below the waist.

Drawing up a "thinking scheme"

Development of ideas, options.

Model No. 1. The skirt is straight, narrow in shape. There are two tucks on the front and back panels. Zip fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt.

Model No. 2. Semi-sun skirt. Zipper fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt.

Model No. 3. The skirt is straight, tapered. There are two darts on the front and back panels. Zip fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is processed with a facing.

Model number 4. .The skirt is straight, narrow in shape. On the front and back patch pockets. Zip fastening in the left side seam. There are two darts on the front and back panels.

Model No. 5. Year skirt, straight shape. It consists of 6 wedges. .Zip fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt.

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option.

I opted for model #1.

Development of ideas, options.

Choice of skirt style.

Fashion makes the skirt whatever it wants: inserts a crinoline, makes it a balloon, a flared sun, a bell, a godet, a pleated skirt, a princess, a tulip, a mermaid, a flower, a college, a T-shirt, a skirt with a yoke, with waves and, finally, a trouser skirt .

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option.

I opted for a straight cut skirt.

The choice of fabric, tools, fixtures, equipment.

Types of fabrics.

1) Worsted fabrics - luxurious, compact, shiny: twill, gabardine, twill, ottoman, thin Venetian wool, small bird's eye patterns.

2) Compact soft tissues with a basement - cloth, flannel, fine fabrics from Saxon wool, castor, velvet.

3) Silk dense fabrics: fai, grosgrain, double-sided satin, georgette, pique.

4) Thin and smooth fabrics made of cotton and linen: high-twist twills, thin satins.

5) Dry and compact summer coat: wool crepe, crisp twill. Plastic and dubbed fabrics: rayon and triacetate fibre, summer satins with a sparse structure.

6) Luxurious silk fabrics: grosgrain, damask, jacquard fabrics with tapestry patterns, brocade, velveteen, shantung.

7) Refined classics: denim, cotton twill, plain weave, gabardine, knitted fabrics jersey, silk poplin, satin, ottoman

8) Fabrics with finishes that imitate manual work: printed designs, embroidery, structured yarns, checks and stripes, needle lace and needle-punched effects.

9) Soft and warm woolen fabrics: shetland, fleece tweed, fleece, thin felt, low numbered yarns.

10) Winter cotton: plush, velveteen, pile fabrics, moleskin, chenille.

A. Choice of fabric.

Since it is winter outside, I decided to sew a skirt from fabric with the addition of wool.

B. Selection of tools, fixtures and equipment

1) Sewing machine

2) Ironing board, iron, spray gun.

3) Hand needle number 3, pins, scissors, thimble.

4) Cotton threads No. 50 - for machine work, No. 60 - for manual work.

5) Measuring tape, ruler, chalk.

6) Textbook, workbook, landscape sheets. Additional materials: paper for building drawings and making patterns, fashion magazines.

Manufacturing sequence.

1) Taking measurements and building a drawing of a skirt.

2) Modeling a skirt according to the main drawing of a straight skirt.

3) Preparing the fabric for cutting and cutting the skirt.

4) Preparing the details of the skirt for basting and the skirt for trying on.

5) The first fitting of the skirt, the correction of defects that have arisen.

6) Processing of side cuts.

7) Finishing the fastener in the left side seam and the skirt with braid.

8) Processing the belt, the upper section of the skirt with a stitched belt.

9) Processing the lower section of the skirt with a seam hem with a closed section.

10) Final fitting of the skirt.

Taking measurements and building a drawing of a skirt.

Half waist - 32.

Semi-circumference of hips-41.

Length back to waist-34.

Skirt length-47.


TN=Di=47 cm.


41+3 cm.=44 cm.



41:2=20.5 cm.

4.H²O=T²H²+1 cm.



(41+3)-(32+1)=11 cm.

Т³Т4=S:2=11:2=5.5 cm.

6.BB³=B¹B4=0.2 Sat=41 0.2=8.2.

7.T5T6=S:3=11:3=3.6 cm.

T7T8=S:6=11:6=1.8 cm.

B6 \u003d B³ + 2 cm.

B5=B2+1 cm.

B7=6+4 cm.

Economic justification.

In the table, I presented the calculation of the cost of the skirt.

Calculation of the cost of a skirt.







Consumption of materials for the product


for materials


Wool fabric

250 rub.


80 cm

(1.5m cloth width)

200 rub.


15 rub.

(1 PC.)

1 PC.

15 rub.

Sewing threads

10 rub.

(1 cat.)

1 coil

10 rub.


225 rub.

Quality control.

The teacher told at the technology lessons about the main

criteria for checking and evaluating the quality of the project. I post-

I dare to be self-critical and resort to self-control.

Product manufacturing.

I will make a skirt in the sequence given



I will return to points 3 and 6. I will compare my completed project

with the one that was conceived and drawn. If there is a deficiency

you, I'll fix them.

Control, test.

The last stitch is done. I'm very happy. Smiling I

I circle in front of the mirror.

At school, the teacher praised for the neat and beautifully done work.

Need a skirt for business meetings- Please. The classic style is perfect for this.

Are you going to the club?The skirt can be decorated with shiny decor or metal clasps.

Wanted to buy a skirt for going out- no problem. Lightweight fabrics, interesting cuts with jagged edges, a large number of petticoats, sequins and openwork inserts.

With winter optionalso no problems. In the assortment of our wardrobe you can always find a velveteen or woolen skirt.
Well, if it suddenly seemed that on her
lack of decor- forward to the store, for accessories. There are no limits to fantasy in this case. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it and always remember why you need this or that style of skirt in the first place.

We are waiting for you in the salon"Jasmine"

Project design.

I will get acquainted with the requirements for the design of the project and do everything that needs to be done.


My skirt turned out very neat and true to size:

the lines are even, the hem of the fabric is the same on all sides, the size is suitable. In general, the skirt turned out neat.

I am very pleased that I myself managed to sew a skirt for myself and there was one more skirt in my wardrobe.

For me, this is a real victory!
