How to whiten baby white socks. How to wash white socks from dirt, dullness and yellowness without or using household chemicals How to wash nylon socks from shoe marks

White socks look very aesthetically pleasing. But many people prefer to buy socks in less capricious colors, on which small dirt is not visible.

But in fact, cleaning white socks from dirt is not an activity for the faint of heart! And the owners of white socks cope with their washing in their own way.

Some shop at the hardware store special detergents and bleaches, with the help of which they wash this quickly soiled wardrobe item.

And others, those who like to experiment, are looking for their own ways to wash white socks, using the substances that are in almost every home.

But we must remember that it is easier to remove a small amount of dirt than socks, the colors of which are already difficult to recognize under a layer of dirt.

  • Therefore, white socks are washed after each use, regardless of the degree of soiling.
  • Most often they are washed by hand, pouring warm water into a basin and adding washing powder or laundry soap. By the way, laundry soap washes white socks easily. To do this, you just need to lather your socks well before the main wash and leave for a while. If a simple wash did not return the original whiteness of the socks, you can actually use the following methods.

Boric acid for whitening socks

  • Before bleaching boric acid white socks need to be washed first. To do this, pour not very hot water into a small container and wash socks with laundry soap. Very often this is enough to remove the main dirt.
  • Then clean water is poured into the container, to which one tablespoon of boric acid is added per liter of water. Well stir.
  • Socks are placed in this solution and left for two to three hours.
  • After this time, the socks are rinsed well or washed again. laundry soap.

Ammonia for whitening socks

The same property has ammonia.

  • In order to return the white color to the socks, they are first washed well with laundry soap.
  • Then 2 liters of water are poured into a small container and a tablespoon of ammonia is diluted in it.
  • Soak the socks in this solution for two hours.
  • After bleaching, the socks are rinsed well in clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide for whitening socks

Socks, as in previous cases, are first washed with laundry soap.

Method 1

  • Then 2-3 liters of water are poured into a small container and 3 tablespoons are added. hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon ammonia.
  • Soak socks in this solution for a day.
  • Then it is washed again by hand or in a washing machine with bleaching powder.

Method 2

If there is a color pattern on white socks, then soaking the socks in bleaching solutions is not allowed. In this case, the stain itself is removed directly, after washing the socks well before that. To do this, prepare such a stain remover:

  • A teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide 3% is mixed with big amount toothpaste.
  • Apply the mixture to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Then the socks are rinsed well in clean water. The stain should be gone.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Lemon juice and citric acid for whitening socks

Lemon juice is a mild natural bleach. It can be used if the socks cannot be bleached using more aggressive products. Lemon juice can be substituted citric acid after dissolving it in water.

  • Lemon juice can be added while washing white socks directly into washing machine. One cup of juice is enough for this.
  • Or they prepare such a solution: lemon juice is mixed with a small amount baking soda. Soak socks in this solution for 30 minutes before washing.
  • Socks from cotton fabric bleached by boiling. To do this, put a little in a container of hot water. washing powder and add a few lemon wedges or lemon juice. Socks are immersed in this water and boiled for about 15 minutes. After that, rinse well in clean water.
  • If there is a color pattern on white socks and they cannot be bleached by soaking, then the stains are removed with lemon juice, which is squeezed pointwise, that is, directly onto the stain. Then the stain is covered with dry washing powder, rubbed a little into the stain and left for a few minutes. After this procedure, the socks are washed in the usual way.

Vinegar for whitening socks

Vinegar is also a good natural bleach. With it, once white socks can be restored to an almost original appearance.

  • To do this, pour one and a half liters of water into a suitable container.
  • Add a glass of vinegar.
  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Washed white socks are immersed in this water and left for 8-10 hours.
  • Then wash with laundry soap or a good washing powder with a bleaching effect.

Turpentine for whitening socks

As in the previous case, once white socks can be restored to the brightness of the color with a simple tool:

  • Warm water is drawn into the basin.
  • Dissolve in it 3 tablespoons of washing powder and 3 tablespoons spoons of turpentine.
  • Soak white socks in this solution for 10 hours.
  • Wash after soaking.

More ways to whiten socks

  • If spots appear on white socks, and they cannot be soaked because of the pattern or embroidery, then such a bleach is prepared: a little washing powder mixed with a small amount dishwashing detergents to the point of foam. This composition is applied to contaminated places and left for no more than 10 minutes. Then they stretch well.
  • If white socks are very dirty, you can use mustard powder. It is applied to contaminated places and left for a while. Then the socks are loaded into the washing machine, in the drum of which the mustard powder- about 50 g. The washing mode is chosen so that the water temperature does not exceed 40 °.
  • If white socks are washed in the washing machine as usual, then 200 g are added to the rinse aid compartment when rinsing. baking soda.

But what if the white socks are not washed off? Of course, this can also happen if the socks are worn.

A lot of people like to wear clothes white color. This color is considered especially elegant, beautiful, attractive. Therefore, many people prefer to see white socks in their wardrobe. But, despite all the beauty and elegance, caring for white beauty can be quite difficult. It's only in the ad washing machine they throw in very dirty clothes, and after a couple of minutes they take out snow-white ones. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen in real life. In life, if you want to wear white clothes, then you will have to work hard for this and carefully understand the issue of how to whiten white socks at home so that you do not have to buy new ones every time.

Features of care for white socks

Separately, for white socks, there are simple rules, the more carefully you handle them, the longer the purchased item will serve you in all its glory. Accuracy includes daily washing and careful care. The next question is clean shoes, I think this does not need to be said much, because if the shoes are dirty inside, then you should not count on the cleanliness of your feet. When washing, you need to take into account the strong wear and tear of white things, so you don’t need to rub and twist things hard, it’s better to let them dry naturally. And most importantly, remember, the cleaner the thing you wear, the easier it is to bring it to perfect condition.

What should not be done by the owners of white socks:

  • Never leave the white parts of the wardrobe dirty for a long time. Once the dirt has spent enough time on the clothes, it is absorbed into the item, and it becomes very difficult, if not impossible, to remove it.
  • Don't wear given clothes more than one day, this also applies to all other parts of the wardrobe.
  • The combination of white socks and dark underwear is prohibited. Since when walking and even partially sweating, whites are painted over with dark colors, it is unlikely that they will be able to return to their original state.
  • If the toe has trim elements such as decorative stones and openwork details, then bleaching them in aggressive preparations is strictly prohibited. You may lose the entire product. In general, aggressive bleaching should not be permanent for white things, because of this they wear out a lot and quickly lose their appearance.
  • Washing white should be a special matter, because one careless, absent-minded act and your white clothes can be ruined forever. They can change their color if they are washed with things of a different color, they can simply darken and lose beautiful view, or even deteriorate if they are not handled in accordance with the rules of use.
  • Before washing, remove hairs, pieces of dirt, threads, and everything else that is not part of the product from socks. This will save you more soiling of your socks and you won't have to bleach them with harsh chemicals.

A little about stain remover

Stain removers are very different. They differ in strength of action, and other conditions. Chemicals include:

  1. washing powder;
  2. persol bleach;
  3. chlorine bleaches;
  4. vanish;
  5. anti-stain;
  6. bleaches from Amway;
  7. laundry soap.

And many others that can be listed for a long time. But when using each of them, one must also be relatively careful not to harm things that may not have sufficient resistance to strong agents.

The most important rule in the use of such products, which are endowed with whitening properties, is the rules for using the products that are indicated on the package. And also important is the socks label, which contains all the important information about the fabric from which the product is made, the percentage of natural and synthetic threads, the maximum allowable water temperature in which boiling and washing can be carried out, and many other useful indications.

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Home remedies for whitening socks

All home remedies are folk remedies, which people have used for many years and never let their users down. When using such products, a chemical reaction also takes place in bleaching, but considering that these bleaches consist entirely of household products, substances that housewives use daily in the household, they are called home or folk.

Boric acid

Before bleaching with boric acid, preliminary measures must be taken. It is necessary that under normal conditions to deprive things of the main part of the dirt, and only then begin the bleaching procedure.

After preliminary measures, pour a liter of water into the vessel, dissolve a tablespoon of boric acid in it. If you need a larger volume of solution, then prepare another solution in the appropriate ratio. Place the socks in the solution for two to three hours, and then once again you need to wash them with laundry soap to enhance and consolidate the effect.

Lemon juice and citric acid

Continuing to study the question of how to whiten white socks at home, we come to the following effective method, which includes the action citric acid, or juice which also contains parts of the acid. Hard water contains a stone, and thus has a complex structure, and lemon juice and any other acid contains sodium, and it softens the water. Soft water breaks down dirt better due to its simple structure.

The advantage of this method is also its environmental friendliness, because it is a natural bleach. And also not high costs for the preparation of the solution, since approximately one lemon is enough for one-time bleaching. Usually bleaching is carried out by three methods.

  1. Soak the clothes in a small amount of water, and add the squeezed juice of one lemon to the container, let it brew for 2-3 hours, then wash it clean. This method is also used for general bleaching of soiled clothes, acid works well on dirt. As a substitute for this method, it can be the preparation of a solution with lemon juice and soda, in such a solution you can infuse clothes for only 30 minutes, this will be enough to get the result.
  2. The second method is for clothes that have color drawings on them, in this case it is not necessary to soak the clothes, they should only be damp and pre-washed. You need to apply the juice locally to the contamination so that the acid does not get on the drawing and spoil it. The juice should be on the product for about 15-20 minutes, after which it should also be thoroughly washed off with a detergent.
  3. The third way is bleaching with lemon juice using a regular wash. A glass is added to the filling of the washing machine along with the powder lemon juice, the machine will automatically wash the clothes, provide enough time for them to bleach, and also rinse well. The whole process will be quickly completed and you will not have to spend a lot of your time on it.


Natural cotton based fabrics are especially difficult to care for, although they are the most pleasant to use. It is best to whiten such socks by boiling. These cleaning methods will not harm your clothes. Whitening is carried out by the following method: we put the product in a vessel, pour a small but sufficient amount of water, and add 0.5 cups of vinegar, or a little citric acid, or grated household soap, boil stirring for 5-7 minutes, if it is excessively dirty, it is allowed to boil the thing up to 20 minutes. The whole process will take you no more than 30 minutes, with a normal wash. Then, we put it in the air to cool down and when the water reaches a warm level, we carry out a regular wash and thus complete the bleaching.

As a recommendation for prolonging the life of socks when washed in this way, we advise rinsing them with a soda solution afterwards, it will soften things and make them pleasant to use. After such treatment, it is recommended not to twist the socks, but to squeeze them and carefully deprive them of water, and dry them not in the sun, but in a shady place that is well ventilated.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Hydrogen peroxide by itself is a very good bleach, and in combination with ammonia, or as it is otherwise called ammonia, it becomes very effective. We take a solution of water, peroxide and ammonia in the ratio: 3 liters of water to 1 tbsp. l. peroxide and 3 tbsp. l. ammonia. Let the clothes brew in the solution for at least half an hour, or you can leave it all night.

It must be remembered that ammonia behaves aggressively, therefore, if it gets on other clothes, you should immediately wash the item, and carry out general washing on the street, or on the balcony, where there is access to fresh air, because you will have to withstand its smell all the time while you are work with him.

When washing things with colored parts, the peroxide is diluted with toothpaste and applied directly to the stain on the clothes. It is left for 3-5 minutes, after which the usual hand wash is carried out.

Laundry soap

This method has been known since ancient times, it was used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. We already mentioned it above when we turned to other methods, both in boiling and bleaching with boric acid, and in the list of chemicals for removing stains. True, the area for removing stains with laundry soap is medium and light pollution. For heavy soiling, this method is not suitable. Washing with laundry soap is carried out as usual, familiar to us, hand washing. Soap the stains and let it soak, and repeat this procedure until the time when it is reached desired result. When the average is dirty, we connect a toothbrush to the usual wash, with which we clean the dirt, pre-wetting it in a soapy solution.


Every housewife who has a jar in her kitchen on which 9 percent vinegar is written can turn to the vinegar method. Usage: soak clothes in a vessel in a solution of water with vinegar in the ratio of 1 liter of water 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar (more is possible, but the smell may remain on the clothes). Water should have a temperature not higher than 40 degrees, otherwise the vinegar will evaporate and the whitening will not work. Let the soaked clothes stand for several hours, after which we carry out the usual hand wash.


In the right amount of water, dilute 3 tablespoons of washing powder and 3 tablespoons of turpentine, soak for 10 hours, or overnight. After that, we carry out the usual washing.


Chlorine is considered one of the most powerful bleaching agents. It bleaches and kills various bad odors at the same time, although if you don’t wash your socks thoroughly after it, they may remain with a specific smell of bleach. It is not difficult to use it, just lay out the white socks in a vessel and pour on them not a large number of bleach. From time to time, you need to turn or mix the clothes to give full access to the liquid to each part of the clothes. Then carefully wash the bleached things.

You can also soak things pointwise in bleach so as not to damage the colored parts of the clothes, only this matter will have to be taken with all care and caution so as not to accidentally pour water on the colored parts.

Machine wash socks

Socks are machine washed in the usual way, only you need to pay attention to some rules that must be followed. Washing white socks in the washing machine should only be done in combination with white clothes so that after washing your white socks do not turn yellow, pink or green.

To bleach socks in a machine wash, the bleaching methods described above are most often used: soaking socks in a solution of boric acid, after which washing is carried out. Adding 200 ml of soda to washing powder. Pour 1 cup of lemon juice to the drum while pouring water into the machine.

Special car wash

You decided to remember this washing method at the very end, but still not bypass it in your attention, because this washing method is suitable for most men. In an ordinary water bottle, you need to push socks, pour washing powder with other bleaches into it, pour water, but leave a small amount of air. Cork up and toss in the trunk for an entire day of travel. For a day of dangling in a bottle, your socks will have the perfect white look. And you don't have to put in a lot of effort to get those results.


We figured out the question of how to whiten socks at home. conditions, now you can easily begin to practically apply all the knowledge gained in practice. The main thing is not to forget all the ways that we told you about. They will undoubtedly come in handy, because each of us wears white socks from time to time.

People who often wear white socks face certain difficulties in caring for them. After a certain period of time, the heel and toe area are subjected to mechanical friction, due to which the structure of the material is damaged. After each subsequent wear and improper washing, the socks lose their former whiteness, a gray or yellow tint appears. In both cases, there is a need for bleaching, which we will talk about today.

  1. Never wear white socks with dark insoles or shoes. The listed components begin to shed under the influence of moisture and sweat, and then settle well in the fabric, which greatly complicates the bleaching process.
  2. White clothes should be washed immediately after wearing. Otherwise, dust mixed with sweat eats into the fabric, which greatly complicates subsequent care.
  3. If the product has openwork stones, rhinestones, sequins or a print, it is strictly forbidden to use hard bleaches. When aggressive detergents come into contact with the adhesive, a chemical reaction occurs. You will not only ruin a once beautiful thing, but also with my own hands create yellow streaks.
  4. It is important to understand that frequent soaking of socks with strong agents damages the structure of the fabric and the shape of the product. This method is suitable for occasional use, in all other cases, follow the rules of care.
  5. One pair of white socks is not recommended to be worn for more than a day. It is also important to know the peculiarity: if, for example, you put on socks in the morning and took them off in the afternoon, immediately send the thing to the wash, even if you need to go somewhere in the evening.
  6. Washing in the machine should be orderly. Get some special clothes covers, put 5 tennis balls in there along with socks and send to wash. Friction will help to remove dirt better and keep the shape of the products. Also, the presence of balls in the machine reduces the consumption of powder by several times.
  7. It is worth remembering forever that socks that have been bleached with harsh chemicals are dried in the shade. Under the influence of ultraviolet, pronounced spots appear on the fabric yellow color from which it is impossible to get rid of. Therefore, to prevent the consequences, dry things in the fresh air, preferably in the wind.
  8. Before bleaching socks, you need to carefully read the label on the back of the product. Cotton, synthetics, viscose, linen - they are all washed at different conditions. This must be taken into account in order to choose the best bleaching option.
  9. Before putting your socks in the washing machine, rub them with bleaching soap and leave them for 20 minutes. After the expiration date, do not rinse, put in the machine, add the powder and turn on the desired program. Very often, after such manipulations, there is no need for additional bleaching.
  10. White items are washed separately from colored items. Even if quite harmless beige T-shirts or faded blue shorts belong to the colored ones. Any pigment in the composition of other products is transferred to the white fabric. Keep this in mind.

Pour 2 liters of warm water into a basin, add 50 ml. ammonia and 100 ml. lemon juice. Place socks in the solution, cover the basin with cling film, leave for 3-4 hours. After the expiration date, wash the socks with your hands, use gloves. If grayness and yellowness have not disappeared, repeat the procedure.

Baking soda

Place the socks in the machine, add powder to the first compartment, and 180 gr to the second. baking soda. Pour in fabric softener, set the wash cycle for very dirty laundry. After the clothes are washed, take them out and evaluate the result. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated by setting the machine to a 30-minute mode.

Glycerin and medical alcohol
Combine in one composition 45 ml. liquid glycerin and 150 ml. medical alcohol. Soak socks in the mixture, leave for a quarter of an hour. After the expiration date, wash the products by hand, do not rinse, immediately send to the machine for an intensive rinse. If there are difficulties with the purchase of medical alcohol, replace it with vodka, doubling the number of components.

Hydrogen peroxide solution
Grate ¼ bar on a coarse grater tar soap, pour the resulting composition of 550 ml. hot water, wait for complete dissolution. Pour in 170 ml. ml of 6% hydrogen peroxide solution, dip into the socks mixture and leave to soak for 10-20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, put on household gloves, carefully wash your socks and place in the machine. Set the temperature to 40 degrees and the 30-minute mode.

Gel for dishwashers
Pour 3 liters of water into a basin, add a large amount of hand washing powder and 50 gr. dishwasher gel. The agent will enhance the effect of the powder, but there is a possibility of damage to the tissue structure. Soak in socks, put on rubber gloves and rub the product well, leave to soak for half an hour. After that, put the socks in the washing machine, add powder and rinse aid, set the intensive wash cycle.

Table vinegar and glycerin<
Pour 2 liters of water (40 degrees) into a basin, add 60 ml. vinegar with a concentration of at least 9%. Place in the composition of the socks, wrap the basin with cling film or a bag to form a vacuum. Leave for 40 minutes, wash the product by hand, then rinse in the washing machine.


Let's calculate the components for 2 pairs of socks. Squeeze the juice from 4 lemons, dilute it with 1 liter of water and soak your socks. Wait at least 5 hours, then rub the thing with a bleaching gel or tar soap, wash it in a typewriter at 40 degrees.

Boric acid
Purchase an alcohol solution of boric acid from a pharmacy. Dilute 50 ml. composition in 1 liter of warm water and place socks in a bowl. Wait about 3 hours, then hand wash the product. To maintain the shape and structure of the material, rinse the socks in the washing machine along with shady balls.

Special funds
Dilute "Domestos" or "Vanish" in warm water, keeping the proportions 1:1. Soak socks, leave for 1 hour. Put on gloves, drain the water and send things to wash with a typewriter. Set an intensive cycle and a temperature of 40-50 degrees. You can use the composition in pure form, then the exposure time must be reduced to 15 minutes (the exact interval was indicated in the instructions). Very often, the use of pure chlorine-containing preparations destroys the tissue structure.

Dilute in a bowl with 3 liters of hot water 100 gr. washing machine powder, add 45 ml. turpentine. Wait for the complete dissolution of the granules, pour in 35 ml. dishwashing liquid and soak in the socks solution. Wait at least 3 hours, after the expiration date, wash in the machine.

Wet your socks with plenty of warm water and rub them well with laundry soap to leave a characteristic brown shade. Put things in a plastic bag, tie it tightly so that air does not enter there. Wait 10-14 hours, after the expiration date, hand wash and throw your socks in the machine for half an hour. In a similar way, you can use soap marked "to remove difficult contaminants."

Chlorhexidine and ammonia

Dilute 60 ml in 1.5 liters of water. ammonia and 100 ml. chlorhexidine solution (sold in a pharmacy, can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide). Wash socks with tar soap, rinse and immediately place in a basin with a solution. Wait about 2 hours, then send the item to the washing machine. Set the temperature to 40-50 degrees, pour in the conditioner to preserve the structure of the fabric.

Use chlorine to restore your socks to their former whiteness. Pour 2.5 liters of water into the basin, add 125 gr. machine washing powder and 30 ml. bleach. Leave for 12-13 hours, after the time, put on gloves and wash. Rinse in the machine with plenty of powder and conditioner. Hang to dry on the balcony, avoiding ultraviolet radiation.

enjoy practical advice care for white socks to prevent the further appearance of a gray or yellow tint. To bleach, use baking soda, table vinegar, ammonia, laundry soap, or harsher products.

Video: how to safely bleach t-shirts and socks

How to wash white socks at home so that they get their original, attractive look? You can achieve the desired effect by resorting to several methods for caring for such things. Some tricks will help with this.

Rules for the care of white socks

To keep socks white, you should pay attention to the following:

  • it is recommended to wear them until the next wash for no more than a day (light dirt is removed much easier);
  • wash white socks separately from other linen, in particular colored items;
  • in order to better remove dirt from the fabric, before washing, such products must be soaked for several hours in warm water, after rubbing with soap;
  • Under no circumstances should heavily soiled white socks be washed in hot water, because in this case, the dirt is literally “baked” on the fabric;
  • Turn your socks inside out before putting them in the wash.

How to wash white socks from black soles?

When using low-quality insoles or wearing shoes that fade, persistent black streaks can form on white socks, which are difficult to clean. New sneakers that have been exposed to rain can also color snow-white products.

How to quickly wash white socks from black soles? To do this, you should use such a potent remedy as Domestos, or take any other concentrated substance containing chlorine. It is necessary to dilute the composition with water in equal proportions. After wetting a sponge in the resulting solution, carefully treat the contaminated areas on the socks with it, and then send the products to the washing machine.

How to wash white wool socks?

How to wash woolen white socks? In this case, it is absolutely not recommended to soak them in hot water. Since the result will be a reduction in products by several sizes. To begin with, it is better to shake woolen socks well, which will remove small lumps of dirt and dust from the structure of the fabric. Next, you need to unscrew the product and perform the action again.

Before washing, woolen white socks should be thoroughly rubbed with laundry soap on both sides. After that, you can send them to the machine. At the end of washing, it is recommended to rinse the products thoroughly in running water. They should not be twisted. It is enough just to squeeze each sock in turn in the palm of your hand.

Cleaning with dishwasher detergent

How to wash white socks? One of the simplest, proven solutions is to add a small amount of dishwasher detergent to the water when soaking items. A tablespoon of the substance is enough for a deep basin. Soak the socks in the resulting composition for about an hour. Then you should send the products to the washing machine and scroll through them by setting the fast cycle.

This trick gives an effective result. However, there is a small chance of damage to natural tissues. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to the method when cleaning white socks made from synthetics.

How to remove yellowness and gray spots?

How to wash white socks at home if outdated dirt and unattractive yellowness have already appeared on them? In such a situation, ordinary household soda will help. A teaspoon of the substance must be dissolved in a glass of water. Then the composition must be poured into the compartment of the washing machine, designed for rinse aids. In conclusion, it is enough to scroll through the socks in the standard mode.

Unusual way (for car owners)

How to wash white socks? There is one unusual trick that motorists should resort to:

  • take a capacious plastic bottle;
  • prepare a soap solution and pour it into a container;
  • push the soiled socks through the neck of the bottle inside and close the lid;
  • put the container in the car.

After completing the above steps, you can safely go by car on your own business. By evening, the socks will be thoroughly saturated with soapy water and shaken up. Thus, there will be no trace of persistent pollution. Returning home, all that remains is to remove them from the bottle, additionally wash them with your hands and rinse in running water.

Washing with tennis balls

Let's continue to consider the tricks that will bring heavily soiled white socks back to life. How to wash them if persistent gray spots have formed on the fabric? They will come to the rescue tennis balls. The latter must be sent to the washing machine along with socks. They will have an additional mechanical effect on the fabric and will remove obsolete contaminants from the structure of the material.


White socks - how to wash? To remove heavy soiling from a white fabric, good old digestion allows. In a deep pan or bucket you need to place a quarter of a bar of planed laundry soap and half a lemon. This is where socks are placed. All this is poured with water and brought to a boil. Then you need to cook the products for another 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to wash the socks by hand or in a typewriter. It is recommended to wring out products without twisting, only slightly squeezing them in the palms. It is better to dry socks by laying them on a horizontal flat surface.

Washing with a solution of boric acid

A fairly effective way is to soak white socks in a solution of boric acid. You can buy the composition in a pharmacy in the form of an alcohol liquid or powder.

No more than a tablespoon of the substance should be used per liter of water. Soak socks in the resulting liquid should be for 2 hours. After the specified time, it will be much easier to remove obsolete dirt from the fabric. It is enough just to wash the products in the washing machine.

Returning socks to their original whiteness

If the socks are hopelessly worn, in this case, the following solutions will help to return them to their former, attractive appearance:

  1. Turpentine - mix 3 tablespoons of the substance with the same amount of powder and dilute in 10 liters of water. Stir the composition, and then place contaminated products in it. Leave the socks in the liquid for a day. Finally, wash them as usual.
  2. Chlorine - take a few tablespoons of "Whiteness" or a household cleaner for ceramic surfaces. Dissolve in 2 liters of water. Add 100 g of washing powder. Leave dirty socks in the resulting composition overnight. Wash and rinse products in the morning. This will remove the gray and yellow plaque that has formed on the fabric.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - these substances are suitable for self cooking bleach. It is necessary to connect them in a ratio of 2: 1. The prepared composition should be applied to dirty socks and kept for half an hour. After this time, it remains only to wash the products manually or in a typewriter. To eliminate the rather unpleasant ammonia smell, just hang your socks in fresh air.


Above, we looked at common, proven methods that allow you to wash your socks and return them to their original whiteness. If one of the presented solutions did not give the expected result, do not despair. It might be worth using another method.

Socks require daily change and washing. Usually, housewives wait until dirty fumes accumulate, and only then start washing in the machine. How to wash socks, and which mode to choose? It depends on the type of fabric and its color. In the article we will consider the basic rules for caring for socks.

How to do the washing: in the machine or by hand? Here their quantity and material are taken into account. If only 3-4 pairs have accumulated, then it makes no sense to run the washer, it’s easier to wash it with your hands. If the products are made of white fabric, then they should be washed immediately and not worn twice in a row.

Some are wondering: is it possible to wash socks with underpants and underwear? This is strictly prohibited. If you carry fungus on your feet, it will move from socks to underwear when washing together. The same applies to handkerchiefs and other clothing.

If you do not know what you can combine socks with when washing, we will answer: it is better to wash them separately from all things.

At what temperature to wash? Preferably at least 80 degrees so that all bacteria and contaminants are removed.

Ideally, when buying socks, you need to pay attention to the label. There, the manufacturer indicates not only the size, but also the correct washing mode. What should be done:

  1. Divide socks according to color. Black and white items are washed separately, woolen items, as well as children's socks, cannot be placed in the same drum with the rest.
  2. Before loading, they turn inside out and shake out the dirt.
  3. In order not to lose steam, put them in machine wash bags or fasten them with clips.

Some fasten the socks with stitches, but it is advisable not to do this. In the machine, with intensive exposure, holes appear in the places of the stitches.

Even after the first use, white socks can be difficult to wash off. Soaking will help restore the original whiteness of the products. If your machine has a special mode, then you can soak directly in the drum.

  • Fill a basin with water. The water temperature should be no more than 30 degrees if you are using enzyme powder.
  • Dissolve the powder in water, then immerse things in it for 2-3 hours (longer, depending on the pollution).
  • You can use the home method. Rub dampened socks with laundry soap. It is recommended to additionally put them in a plastic bag for several hours, and then load them into the washing machine.
  1. When machine washing, 1 cup of baking soda is poured into the compartment of the dispenser tray.
  2. Dilute 6 grams of boric acid into two liters of warm water. You can also use lemon juice. Leave things to soak for three hours.
  3. For cotton products, this soak is suitable: 2 tablespoons of any bleach and 100 grams of powder are added to 2 liters of water. Leave to soak overnight.
  4. For bleaching and softening, use this method: dilute 2 tablespoons of alcohol or ammonia in 1 liter of water.

What mode to wash socks in the machine? Set the Cotton program at high temperatures.

To keep your socks white, dry them outside or at least in a dryer. Do not place on the battery, otherwise they will take on a yellow tint.

Products from natural fabric- wool - can also be soaked. To preserve the saturation of colored fabrics, soak them in cold water with salt.

To get rid of stubborn dirt, dissolve the powder with enzymes and 3 tablespoons of turpentine in 10 liters of water. Leave things to soak for a day.

To avoid spools, use only liquid products and the correct mode: "Delicate wash" or "Wool" mode. A small spin has a beneficial effect on woolen products, does not stretch their fibers.

How often to wash woolen socks depends on the degree of soiling. Dry flat and lay flat on the dryer. Do not place woolen products on a battery or hang on a rope. Now you have figured out how best to care for socks made of various fabrics. Keeping your closet clean is no small feat, but if you choose the right approach, you will save time and restore things to their original appearance. Remember the washing secrets from this article and use them regularly.
