How to Hypnotize Yourself with the Best Me Technique. How to Hypnotize Yourself: Special Hypnosis Techniques

To know how to learn hypnosis, you first need to get acquainted with its main types. In general, hypnosis is such a state of a person when he is asleep and awake at the same time. The art or technique of hypnosis is mastered by people who are good psychologists or endowed with this gift by nature.

They knew how to use it even in ancient times in Ancient Greece and Rome, as well as in the East. The name of this technique was coined by the English scientist James Braid. He conducted various sessions, observing the reaction of a person in a hypnotic trance to shiny objects, orders, etc. Then there were schools for the study and mastery of hypnosis. It began to be used in medicine for the treatment of certain diseases and in show business.

Types of hypnosis

Classical hypnosis, which can be obeyed by 70% of all people, inhibits the subject's cerebral cortex, leaving one area to work, which is associated with the hypnotist. Under the influence of a monotonous sound or the voice of a person introducing him into a trance, he is easily suggestible.

Erickson hypnosis. This method, which bears the name of the psychiatrist Milton Erickson, lies in the fact that the main role in it is given to the hypnotized person. In this case, the worker is left with a small area for communication with the hypnotist, and the rest is not subjected to hypnosis. That is, this technique allows you to introduce him into a light trance without risk to human health.

Gypsy hypnosis puts a person into a trance through his imagination. Such instant sessions are held in crowded places: squares, stations, parks, markets - representatives of this "tramp" nation, its female half, quickly comes into contact with the victim, taking it right hand and reading memory from it. Not letting him come to his senses, he subjugates himself and forces him to fulfill all orders and requests. But "aerobatics" is considered to be mastery of the technique of hypnosis with the eyes.

How to hypnotize a person?

There are many techniques of hypnotic influence on a person that you can learn yourself. The main thing is to have a confident voice, a piercing look. If the suggested person goes voluntarily to the session and believes in it, then success is guaranteed. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that hypnosis is self-hypnosis, when a person tunes into it himself.

Before proceeding to the session, it is necessary to find a volunteer who wants to pass the test. Then prepare him, explain what you can expect from hypnosis. Then find a quiet room without strangers. Sit him in a comfortable chair at arm's length from you, turn on quiet, relaxing music. Check with your partner if you have had similar sessions before.

To speak in a quiet, confident voice that nothing will disturb him, that the eyelids are filled with heaviness, and the body is immersed in peace and you want to sleep. Ask the hypnotized person to breathe evenly and deeply, which will distract him from thoughts about the process itself. Offer to look at the same object in the room for a long time. If the hypnotized wants to close his eyes, let him do so. So gradually he goes into a trance.

Next, the partner must be led along the “hypnotic ladder”, first up, and then offered to go down. The movement is accompanied by calm instructions and parting words. At the end of the path, invite him to open an imaginary door that will lead to complete relaxation. Entering a state of complete relaxation, the subject plunges into a deep trance.

Then the tasks set before the session are performed. They can be treatment, the solution of some psychological problems and so on.

After the end of the hypnotic session, the partner must be carefully brought out of the trance. For this, special words and an account from one to five are used, for example, which are pronounced in a measured quiet voice.

To learn the technique of hypnosis with a glance, you must follow exactly the following recommendations:

  1. draw a black circle with a diameter of 2 centimeters;
  2. step back 2 meters and look at him (perform 1-15 minutes);
  3. without taking your eyes off the circle, move around the room for 15 minutes, repeat 4-5 times;
  4. sitting in front of a mirror, concentrate your gaze on the bridge of your nose for 1-15 minutes;
  5. sit opposite your partner and focus on the bridge of his nose (1-15 minutes).

All actions are performed calmly, confidently. After these trainings, you can apply your skills to animals and people.

After any session with a partner, it is necessary to have a conversation about his feelings and condition. And always remember that any hypnosis session can have serious psychological consequences for any person in case of a mistake. Therefore, it must be approached with great caution.

Video on the topic of the article

Hypnosis is an ancient skill that allows you to subjugate any person to your will and make him completely suggestible. The technique of hypnosis is over three thousand years old. It is known that this skill was used in ancient Egypt, India and Tibet. Today, the skill of hypnosis is also very popular.

How to master hypnosis yourself at home?

Hypnosis is a short state of a person in which his mind has a sharp focus of attention and a high susceptibility to suggestion. In this state, a person falls into a trance, and for some time his consciousness slows down its activity.

While the hypnotized person is in a trance, others have the opportunity to better study his behavior, or force him to permanently give up bad habits.

There were cases when, with the help of hypnosis, they tried to cure seriously ill people. Sometimes these attempts have had considerable success.

Today, due to the huge popularity of hypnosis, many people are willing to learn this amazing skill on their own.

In order to comprehend the secret of hypnosis, you must first learn a few simple rules:

  1. to master the technique of hypnosis, you need to be a completely self-confident person;
  2. in order to hypnotize a person you need to have a firm and confident voice;
  3. for a successful hypnosis session, you need to establish firm contact with your patient, you need to let the person relax and enlist his full disposition;
  4. in no case should you resort to the effects of psychotropic substances.

The main secret of mastering the skill of hypnosis lies in concentration. It promotes concentration. First you should learn to concentrate your gaze on some point in space.

The easiest way to learn this is to take a sheet of paper and draw a small dot in the center of it, the size of a small coin. After that, try to look as long as possible at the center of this point, while not blinking your eyes. By concentrating your eyes, you will be able to concentrate all your attention. Repeat this exercise every day, and after a while your gaze will have the property of subjugating the attention of another person.

After mastering the ability to concentrate your gaze, you can move on to mastering the skill of ideomatorics. The secret of this system is that with the help of gaze concentration, you can send messages or commands to another person to perform any action.

To begin with, try to concentrate your attention on a nearby person, and mentally send him a certain command. For example, fixing the hair on your head, looking at your shoes, opening or closing a book, etc. Gradually, having mastered the skill of ideomotor, you will be able to stimulate people to make the decision you need, or to take the action you need.

How to put a person into a trance?

After you have mastered the basic basics of hypnosis, try your first session. In order to hypnotize a person quickly, for example in a few seconds, you need to establish a completely trusting relationship with him.

The patient must have complete confidence in you. After that, seat him in a comfortable chair. Tell him to carefully concentrate on his inner sensations, but at the same time keep looking into your eyes.

By concentrating all your attention and eyes on your patient, after a few seconds you will be able to put him into a state of light trance.

Once the person has entered the trance state, continue making eye contact with them. Try on the patient's feelings. Listen to his breathing, note signs of strain in his eyes. Try to mentally capture his inner experiences.

To get the desired effect as soon as possible, you can lead your partner along the “hypnotic ladder”. This technique has long been used in the technique of hypnosis. Tell the subject that he is standing on the last rung of a large staircase in a warm and comfortable room. Invite him to take his time down the stairs. Notify him that with each step he sinks deeper into his consciousness and into his mind. As soon as the patient reaches the last step, he can plunge into a state of real hypnosis.

How to hypnotize a person with a look so that he follows orders?

In order to make a person in a state of hypnosis follow your various commands and orders, use the ideomotor technique. Having previously entered a person into a state of deep hypnosis, concentrate yourself and persistently send him impulsive commands. If your mastery of hypnosis has reached average heights, your patient will certainly begin to obey you and execute commands.

Eye hypnosis is one of the most popular hypnosis techniques. As mentioned above, the main thing in mastering this technique is maximum concentration and concentration of the gaze.

You need to regularly train your eyesight and learn a strong concentration of attention and consciousness. An equally important factor is the ability to quickly win over the patient.

Influencing the patient with words

Hypnosis with the help of words is no less popular. To do this, you need to master the art of rhetoric. For a successful session, seat the patient in a soft, comfortable chair and tell him to relax and close his eyes.

With one hand, hold the patient's hand in the pulse area, and place the other on his shoulder. Slowly and calmly tell the patient that he is extremely tired and that he needs a good rest.

At the same time, carefully look at the bridge of the nose of the hypnotized. Slowly approach the patient from behind and slowly massage his temples. Tell him that his sleep will be extremely fruitful and beneficial. After about 1 minute, clearly tell the patient: "You are sleeping." After that, he should already be in a state of hypnosis.

Trance in 2 seconds?

In order to put a person into a state of hypnosis in a short period of time, for example, in just 2 seconds, you will need to use a set of hypnosis techniques. Here, both hypnosis skills with the help of a glance and with the help of words will come in handy. Such hypnosis should be carried out at the closest possible distance.

For the fastest achievement, you can use any object on which the patient can focus his attention. It can be the famous gold on a chain.

Achieve maximum relaxation and concentration of the patient on your subject. While doing this, keep your eyes on the patient. As soon as you see that a person has begun to sink into a state of light trance, with a sharp response or a snap of your fingers, suspend the activity of his consciousness. Thus, the patient will be completely in a state of deep hypnosis.

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The question of how to hypnotize a person, unfortunately, worries not only psychotherapists who have decided to engage in a new practice for the benefit of clients, but also all kinds of scammers who seek to use this skill for personal gain. However, most of them do not get bright results, because, oddly enough, only a professional can enter into. This is especially good for those who have the ability from birth. However, minor hypnosis at a fairly superficial level is available to everyone.

How can you hypnotize a person with your eyes?

We will look at hypnosis techniques that are available to everyone, and not just those who are gifted with a hypnotic gaze from birth. Consider the option of how to hypnotize with a look.

  1. To get started, talk to a person about topics that are interesting to him, prove yourself as an excellent listener. Your voice should be soft and pleasant. Ideally, you need to adjust to the intonation of the interlocutor.
  2. Follow your gaze. It must be confident and deep. Hypnotists advise working it out by concentrating on one point for 5-15 minutes a day. You will introduce a person into light hypnosis if you constantly look your trained gaze directly into his eyes.
  3. If a person looks away, then you look away. When you feel that he is looking at you again, look into his eyes again and try to hold his gaze. At such a moment, a suggestion can be made, because under the power of such a look, the psyche is inhibited, and you can penetrate into the subconscious.

If you notice that they are trying to hypnotize you, tell yourself that you are not being influenced by mentally repeating these words. In no case do not look the hypnotist in the eyes, it is better to look at specific objects so that his words and efforts pass you by. Create a mental barrier by keeping the person out of your mind.

How to hypnotize a person with words?

The mechanism of simple hypnosis is always the same. You divert a person's attention to a repetitive stimulus (a pendulum, a look, monotonous speech), this causes inhibition of the nervous system. If you manage to keep a person in this state for the right time, his central nervous system slow down. As a result, the person falls into a hypnotic trance.

All techniques have a common content - the limiting stimulus is directed to one of the senses, a person notices a paradox, a break in the previously started stereotyped behavior. For example, gypsies for the introduction of hypnosis can suddenly scream and lift their skirts, which is why the "spectators" were confused.

The method of speaking involves information overload of consciousness, during which sensory overload occurs and natural inhibition mechanisms are triggered. Anything can be used as text: stories, stories, stories, anecdotes. There is only one feature: commands or behavioral attitudes must be woven into the text, and the listener's consciousness is immersed in them. A special effect is achieved when another story is revealed within one story, another one is revealed within that one, and so on.

For example, you start telling one story at a fast pace, and, without letting the person come to their senses, switch to the second. You need to speak accurately, clearly, so that he understands the words, tries to understand their meaning, but gets more and more bogged down in a trance from overload. The same method allows you to answer the question of how to hypnotize a person at a distance.

It is easy to protect yourself from this - do not listen to the person, do not look into the eyes, interrupt, turn on the player and generally try to leave.

The words "trance", "hypnosis" scare many people. And at the same time, these are very Resource States in which we gain access to our Unconscious. And its capabilities are much greater than those of our Consciousness.

Our brain is so arranged that we are not able to keep the focus of our attention on more than 7 ± 2 units of information (some manage to increase this figure to 15).

Consciousness and the Unconscious process information differently.

The first is in series, the second is in parallel (and its volume is many times larger).

The difference is very noticeable!

Not always the answers from the Unconscious come in the form familiar to us, more often they are signs and symbols. It is in them that the information we need is encoded.

The answer may "lie on the surface", but sometimes it takes time for the "Illumination to Descend". The question is in the degree of our readiness, and in how much we allow ourselves to do anything.

Everything that we once saw, read, heard, studied, felt (and much more) lies "in the recesses of our Unconscious".

It's a shame to ignore such a potential!

Constant communication with the Unconscious increases the degree of Trust and Openness to the information received. Which makes life much easier in the future.

When we descend to the Unconscious level (State "out of the Mind"), it strains it (more). All this seems to the Mind incomprehensible, frivolous, sometimes even frightening (there is always something that we prefer to forget).

If you decide to do the independent work of introducing yourself into a trance, but do not have the necessary experience, do not take on difficult tasks and traumatic situations. In this case, you need a professional.

What is possible?

Recall necessary information, find lost things

Get any resource state (calm, confidence, creative upsurge, etc.)

Achieve your goal faster (and at the same time, find out: is this your goal?)

Relieve pain or unpleasant symptoms (but it’s better to go to the doctor later and find out the cause of the pain, especially if it is recurring)

Feel good in absolutely any environment

Learn, memorize, etc.

When introduced into a trance, the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain is synchronized.

And this is one of the important steps towards obtaining the "State of Active Intelligence" (read what are the advantages of this state).

I must say, trance is familiar to us! We easily enter it several times a day (when falling asleep, daydreaming, or focusing deeply on something).

I have "caught him" more than once while walking. went so deep that an elephant could be led past me, I would not have paid attention.

When leaving this state (especially if I was asked about something), I looked around in a state of complete bewilderment: "Where am I?"

Familiar terrain seemed alien and took on new outlines.

By the way, this is a very interesting experience: to look with a fresh eye at something that is well known and to notice something that used to elude due to the usual perception filters. Such training allows you to greatly expand the picture of the world.

Do you remember Shurik and Lidochka from Gaidai's film "Operation Y….?"

This is the same Light trance state 🙂

The main signs of Light Trance:

External: muscle relaxation, slowing of breathing and speech (tone of voice drops), the skin may turn red or, on the contrary, turn slightly pale.

Of internal signs: the sensitivity of the body may decrease, there may be a feeling that hearing, vision or smell have become sharper (as well as tunnel vision - when the space around the edges seems darker than in the middle). There is a feeling of separation from the outside world ("thing in itself").

Light trance is just as effective as deep trance. There are many ways to put yourself in a light trance state.

The principle is this: either a strong narrowing of the focus of attention (focusing on one thing), or, conversely, an expansion. In this case, when "the threshold is exceeded", "Consciousness falls into a stupor and turns off", opening access to the resources of the Unconscious.

It is possible to behave in a trance for the sake of interest, and observe the difference in the States "Before and After". This is also helpful. For starters, just feel the difference.

And then try to work on some task or problem.

Maybe you have noticed that you have repeated stable "patterns of response" to any situation from time to time. Or there was a stagnation in business. Or maybe you want to get rid of something that is no longer useful to you.

NLP New Code Games are a very easy and enjoyable way to achieve an altered state of consciousness (which is what happens in trance).

These Games (Alphabet, Rainbow, etc.) only look frivolous in appearance. But with their help, you can solve very serious problems!

Static version of the game "Alphabet"

(click on picture to enlarge!)

It is necessary not only to pronounce all the letters of the alphabet at a fast pace, but also to make additional movements with your arms and legs at the same time (the lower letter shows what needs to be done. Designations: R-right, L-left, V-together

In our case: say U and raise the right arm and leg (P)

Then Sh - jump and clap your hands (in a simplified version, you can raise both hands) and so on ....

The second line begins with the letter Yo, under which stands (L). So we raise left hand and leg.

Believe me, it's not so easy: name all the letters and never get lost in movements (if you make a mistake, return to the beginning).

All this allows you to turn off the work of the Mind (knock it out of the usual patterns). For a more detailed principle of the Alphabet Game, see the 2nd part of the article.

Conditions of the Game of the New NLP Code - "Alphabet"

1. Formulate a request.

For example: Dear Unconscious, I need…. (substitute according to the situation). Please give me a solution. You can write down the question on a piece of paper.

2. First dive into non-resource state(in which you don't have the right solution). with him completely. Take the right posture. Relive the situation as vividly as possible, imagining what happens. What do you see? Do you hear? Do you feel? What sensations are you experiencing? Stay in it for a couple of minutes.

3. Take a step to the side and "get out of this state" (shake yourself, count to 10 and back)

4. Now go to the sheet with the printed Alphabet and begin to pronounce the letters and make the appropriate movements. If you make a mistake, go back again. Completed the Alphabet? Continue, but in the Reverse Direction. The game lasts 10-15 minutes (several cycles from start to finish, and vice versa).

What should you get as a result?

Simultaneous State of Concentration and Relaxation (the feeling that a winding key has been inserted into you and you are moving in the same rhythm without any tension). Enthusiasm for the process and full involvement (the state of the child behind the game). Positive and resourceful mood.

As soon as you "caught this State", you can stop. It is important to come out at the peak (when you realize that you are no longer making any effort, your arms and legs move on their own and you do not think about a mistake). Another indicator (but not required!) when you look at a letter and realize that you can't remember what it's called.

5. Return to your situation. Please note that your State (with correctly completed steps 2-4) has changed!

And much is seen differently from the resource State! Unexpected solutions and ideas come. What used to seem difficult and unsolvable, looks different now. Illumination arises: " God! The answer lay on the surface! How could I not see him!"

If you do not feel a change in the State, it means that somewhere you have been slacking off (And "The Mind has won this round!")

What can be advised here? Practice, practice, and more practice.

Again, don't get upset if your State has changed and you don't see a solution yet. It depends on the complexity of the situation and your willingness to resolve it, and is similar to "Making Soup".

If you put a hefty potato in the pot, it will take time for it to cook. And if fried onions, then it will be ready almost immediately.

So one is lucky! And they, after a few minutes, slap their foreheads and joyfully say: " Eureka!"Others have to wait.

Important! Now your Unconscious will begin focus and highlight everything which is related to your request. Be careful! It often gives clues with symbols and signs! Don't miss them!

What do you need to be prepared for?

Our Unconscious knows better than us: " What do we really need?"

And it can surprise. Sometimes, this far exceeds our expectations. It happens, and vice versa: you suddenly realize that your request is not relevant! And you need more! And that's pretty good too.

When you know exactly what you want, you are not upset when you arrive at your destination.

P.S If you use the Alphabet game 2-3 times a week or more often, you will feel a lot of pleasant changes (feeling that everything adds up without much effort). You will notice how Life changes when you operate from the Resource State and combine the potentials of the Conscious and Unconscious.

If there is a feeling that you have not worked through your problem or task completely, go back to it again, and "lose" as many times as necessary. It is possible that insights will come or you will pay attention to new nuances!

You can also create your own alphabet. If you work with one sheet for a very long time, then the sequences are remembered, and the effect is reduced.

If you are interested in this game, you can email me and I will send an additional version.



Mastering the art of hypnosis is the dream of many, but most often it is based on the selfish goal of getting what you want through suggestion. But knowing how to hypnotize a person, you can solve important problems - cure psychological and physical illnesses, restore memory. Any suggestion is the control of the subconscious through submission to one's will. It will take experience and skills to turn off the opponent's mind and control it.

Translated from ancient Greek, "hypnosis" means "magical sleep." The sages and priests of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rus' knew how to put their wards into a special state of trance in order to erase painful memories, protect them from pain during an operation, and cure amnesia. But there were also less good goals - to force certain actions to be taken, which would be difficult for a person in a normal state to decide.

Such suggestion was used massively by soldiers before the start of battles and individually for personal intentions. With its help, the heads of state were set up so that they could confidently lead the people. In the Middle Ages, hypnosis training independently or with a teacher was carried out for the elite in monasteries, Masonic orders. This knowledge was considered elite, and those who possessed it could easily command the crowd.

In the 19th century, work with the subconscious became the prerogative of psychotherapists. They not only used their skills in practice, but also wrote many scientific works, thanks to which anyone can apply these developments and master a special technique. To do this, it is not necessary to have a natural gift, it is enough to be:

  • charismatic and self-confident;
  • own a commanding tone of voice;
  • be able to psychologically dispose to oneself;
  • to have a hypnotizable (suggestible) recipient.

Not everyone is easily hypnotized. It has been proven that a third of the population is completely insensitive to it, it is difficult for the majority of people to trust and relax, and only 20% are easily suggestible. Beginning hypnotists should first of all know what types of magical trance exist. Hypnosis happens:

Playing with the subconscious and trying to suppress the will of another without consent is fraught with consequences. Mental disorder, depression and nightmares are the least that an underprepared neophyte can get:

It is impossible to suppress someone else's will without the ability to concentrate. The power of the eye is of paramount importance. Even in the photographs of Grigory Rasputin, one can see the extraordinary power of the eye with a penetrating gaze into the interlocutor. With such a look, a person can be hypnotized to follow orders of any nature. If there is no natural gift, then you need to train a lot.

Before giving mental orders, you need to learn how to focus your attention on one point, which will then become the starting point for issuing commands. If it is difficult to imagine it mentally, then you should:

The second set of exercises will give the look piercing and tenacity. This is a rather monotonous work, but before moving on to influencing people, you need to develop a base, otherwise nothing will come of it.

  1. The point is the center of focus of the eyes, the goal is not to blink for as long as possible. The image of a red dot inside a labyrinth of black and white lines is well suited - this will relieve a little peripheral vision and train the vestibular apparatus.
  2. Additional points at the top or bottom (they can be drawn or found among household items). Concentrating on the central one, look down, then up. Start with one minute and increase the time gradually.

The third complex will help the gaze become penetrating, conveying thought. Such work on oneself is useful not only for those who want to learn hypnosis, but also for insecure people. Communication with others will acquire a new quality.

Having learned to do such things, you can easily influence people - support in difficult times or stop aggressors with one glance.

Having mastered the concentration on the point and on the reflection, you can proceed to the next stage - influencing people. It is important to observe the ethics of behavior, remembering that the practice should not harm anyone. It is best to ask a friend or parent to help:

One of the most ancient methods is suggestion with the help of a bright pendulum, which will serve as a metal pendant on a chain, and any pendant, even a multi-colored paper circle. The pendulum is ideal for learning hypnosis at home. The exit from a trance is indicated by a sound signal - snapping fingers, clapping or ringing a bell. This may be preceded by a countdown from 10 or 3 to 0. The subject must be familiar with the sound prior to the session. Hypnosis is carried out in several stages:

  • relaxing the patient on the couch with calm phrases and the power of the gaze;
  • an agreement on a sound signal and a countdown;
  • swinging the pendulum in front of the patient's face and verbally putting him into a trance;
  • quick shutdown of consciousness by the command;
  • introduction of the program to the subject through auto-training;
  • suggestion of a command to be executed after waking up.

Sometimes, with well-executed hypnosis, you can talk to the patient, ask questions, and at the same time suggest a healing program. But most often a person is just sleeping, and the brain in a relaxed state absorbs attitudes expressed confidently and clearly. It is always necessary to withdraw from a trance quickly according to a simple algorithm and without unnecessary excitement.

After training and gaining experience, introducing anyone into an altered state of consciousness will be easy and will not take much time. The famous Wolf Messing could hypnotize a person in 2 seconds. Of course, his natural gift was of great importance, but psychotherapist Erickson believed that anyone could develop such abilities in themselves if they worked hard.

For successful instant hypnosis, you must not doubt your abilities and have experience working with sound to turn off consciousness (most often this is a snap of your fingers in front of your eyes):

  1. The metal pendulum lulls the patient's attention.
  2. A sharp sound turns off consciousness, plunging into a trance in a couple of seconds.

Hypnotists all over the world are working on themselves daily to achieve just such a result.

Rapid suggestion can also be used by parents of schoolchildren who are not good at educational material or when the child finds it difficult to calm down before bed. The pendulum and suggestion method works great even in the daytime. The student must be laid on the couch, calmed down and brought into a meditative state by the pendulum. Complete sleep in this case is not required, it is enough to relax the mind.

The parent inspires a program to overcome the problem, for example, says that the child is now an excellent student, completes lessons quickly and efficiently, gets along with classmates, remembers the material well. For very young children, you can come up with a fairy tale to captivate the attention of consciousness and then inspire that the baby is always calm, falls asleep well and wakes up filled with strength and health.

Mastering hypnosis is a useful and productive skill with which you can help your family, friends and yourself. In the event of a collision with injustice or deceit, hypnosis will stop ill-wishers and save a person from problems.
