Child psychologist. Psychologist's advice to parents

Every parent dreams of raising a healthy, happy and harmoniously developed child. Along the way, he encounters obstacles and unanswered questions. Or, on the contrary, there are too many answers and it is not clear which one is correct. It remains to rely on common sense and expert opinion. We chose useful tips from books based on the achievements of science and practice, which will be a good help for parents.

1. Let children play more often

Since 1955, the amount of time children spend playing has been decreasing, but at the same time they have increased levels of anxiety, more depression, a sense of helplessness, and at the same time childish narcissism and reduced empathy. Bad statistic. But it is in the power of adults, each of us, to give your child what he needs for harmonious development. The game in this sense is necessary as air.

Why does shortening play time lead to emotional and social disturbances? Play is a natural way to teach children how to solve their problems, control desires, manage emotions, look at a problem from different points of view, discuss disagreements and communicate with each other as equals. There is no other way to master these skills. That is why it is so important that the child spends a lot of time playing.

2. Stimulate curiosity

Children have an innate tendency to explore the world, which must be supported. One way to do this is to show all possible, most variety of options problem solving. Experiments confirm this idea: if a child is immediately shown a single function of a toy during the game, he will come to the conclusion that it can do nothing else. But when the toy was given to the child "at the mercy", they guessed to use it in different ways, not in one way.

The conclusion is simple. Those who were not specially taught had no reason to think that they were shown everything possible options, so they began to study it more carefully and discovered new uses for themselves. And this doesn't just apply to games. But also to life.

3. Allow your child to be friends with elders

In mixed age groups, young children have the opportunity to do things that would be too difficult or dangerous to do on their own or with a peer group. They can also learn something just by watching older guys and listening to their conversations. The older ones emotionally support the younger ones and take better care of them than their peers.

In the 1930s, Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky coined the term "zone of proximal development." It means an activity that the child is not able to do alone or with peers, but can do with the help of more experienced people. Vygotsky assumed that children acquire new skills and develop thinking by interacting with others in their zone of proximal development.

This is why the opportunity to interact with older children is important for a child's physical, social, emotional and mental development.

4. Live by the 4:30 AM Rule

Ultrarunner Travis Macy talks about the 4:30 AM rule that both his father and himself have always adhered to. It began, as you might guess, with an early rise. But that's not the point. At least not the whole point. Travis' father, Mark, was a father of two, worked hard on his career as a lawyer, enjoyed running and cycling, and began racing, which soon led him to ultramarathons.

And now, when he is over sixty, dad lives in the same mode, only now he wakes up at four in the morning (or even earlier). He participates in all the important moments in the life of his grandchildren and still never misses my competition. Incredible. Amazing.

Travis Macy grew up to be a wonderful family man, a loving father and an athlete with incredible fortitude —

Training and competition went against his main goals as a family man and a professional. But as a man striving to live full life and succeed in everything, he was determined to make it all work together somehow. And he came up with. Papa knew that best time for work - early morning. While other people were sleeping or slowly rocking before the start of the working day, dad was already working. Waking up every morning no later than 4:30, dad had time to go to the office to work, then go for a lunch run, come back to work for a few hours, stop at the bike trail and ride a mountain bike on the way home and come home early enough to spend time with us and attend all of our extracurricular activities.

What is the meaning of this rule? As parents, you must be firm in your decisions.

In short - if you make a decision in advance, then when the time comes to act, you are no longer distracted by thoughts about whether you want to do it or not. Do not take this rule literally; getting up at 4:30 in the morning is just an example of how strong-willed it takes to be successful.

A firm inner commitment - to parenting, family, relationships (or a workout program and a project at work) - is the most important thing you can do in life. This is where it all starts. And you are setting a good example for your children.

5. Support the child

Psychologists have developed a formula: 10,000 hours of practice equals expertise in any business. In studies of composers, basketball players, writers, skaters, pianists, chess players, hardened criminals, and so on, this number occurs with surprising regularity. Mozart began writing music at the age of 6, and his first great works appeared only at the age of 21. Or another example: it also takes about ten years to become a grandmaster. (Only the legendary Bobby Fischer came to this honorary title faster: it took him nine years. But not three years and not a year!) 10,000 hours is equivalent to 3 hours of practice per day, or 30 hours per week for ten years.

If you notice a talent in your child, let him discover it. Without parental support, it is impossible to earn 10,000 hours. Remember: 10,000 hours is a very, very long time. Children and young people cannot work that many hours alone. Parents need support and help. This style of parenting is called “co-development”. Its task is to actively "stimulate and evaluate the talents, skills and motivations of the child."

If you want to raise a genius (or at least not a miserable person), give your child the opportunity to do what he loves, without restrictions.

6. Teach your kids the difference between good and bad.

If a bad deed is rewarded, then the young brain may identify it as beneficial to the survival of the individual. If a child gets support when being aggressive but not when he wants to interact, his brain can easily remember that aggression is good for his survival.

If a baby gets a reward when he is sick and loses it when he recovers, he forms appropriate long-term bonds.

The brain does not learn from experts child education and not from textbooks of etiquette. He learns on the basis of changes in the content of certain neurochemical substances in it. Each time you and your children have been rewarded or, on the contrary, felt threatened, you have added new circuits to the neural infrastructure that tells you where to look for respect, recognition and trust in the future.

7. Let your kids feel happy more often

Happy moments in the past create special connections between neurons that are ready to produce “happiness hormones” the next time you experience similar positive feelings. In other words, the more often your child feels happiness and joy, the easier it will be for him in adulthood.

For example, a child who is highly respected by his parents because he is good with computers develops neural connections that allow him to expect greater joy when giving such help to other people. He repeats his actions, and in his nervous system new neural pathways for happiness emerge.

Each positive moment strengthens neural pathways, and our brains are designed to "address" those pathways that are strongest and most used. A person accumulates experience from childhood, and then turns to it all his life.

8. Hug your kids more often

Touching and hugging is not someone's whim. There is a clear physiological basis that makes both adults and children happy when they show affection for each other. Oxytocin is the "hormone of happiness" that is secreted in mammals.

Having children also causes a significant surge of oxytocin. And for both parents and children. Raising other people's children also increases oxytocin levels.

Oxytocin gives us the pleasure of being calm around those we trust. This is not a conscious decision, but rather a physical sense of security. Neural pathways formed with the participation of oxytocin occur throughout our lives. And it is very important to form them in childhood so that the child more often feels the joy of life.

9. Let go of the idea that you are in control of your child's future.

If we ourselves value freedom and are responsible for our actions, then we must respect the right of the child to independently pave his life path. Our aspirations cannot become the aspirations of a child, and vice versa. The search for one's own course begins at an early age.

To learn to be responsible for themselves, children must learn to make decisions every hour, day or year, and this they can learn only by practice.

All loving and caring parents care about the future of their children, so it's hard for them not to try to control them. But any attempt made under control will not lead to the goal. When we try to determine the fate of a child, we do not give him control over his life and learn from his own mistakes.


Anxious children are distinguished by excessive anxiety, and sometimes they are afraid not of the event itself, but of its foreboding. Often they expect the worst. Children feel helpless, afraid to play new games, start new activities. They have high demands on themselves, they are very self-critical. Their level of self-esteem is low, such children really think that they are worse than others in everything, that they are the most ugly, stupid, clumsy. They seek encouragement, adult approval in all matters.

Anxious children are also characterized by somatic problems: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, throat cramps, shortness of breath, etc. During the manifestation of anxiety, they often feel dry mouth, lump in the throat, weakness in the legs, palpitations.

Criteria for determining anxiety in a child:

1. Constant anxiety.

2. Difficulty, sometimes inability to concentrate on anything.

3. Muscle tension (for example, in the face, neck).

4. Irritability.

5. Sleep disorders.

It can be assumed that the child is anxious if at least one of the criteria listed above is constantly manifested in his behavior.

In order to identify an anxious child, the following questionnaire is also used (G. P. Lavrentyeva, T. M. Titarenko).

Signs of anxiety:

Anxious child

1. Cannot work for a long time without getting tired.

2. It is difficult for him to focus on something.

3. Any task causes unnecessary anxiety.

4. During the performance of tasks, he is very tense, constrained.

5. Feels embarrassed more often than others.

6. Often talks about tense situations.

7. As a rule, blushes in unfamiliar surroundings.

8. Complains that he has terrible dreams.

9. His hands are usually cold and wet.

10. He often has an upset stool.

11. Sweats profusely when excited.

12. Does not have a good appetite.

13. Sleeps restlessly, falls asleep with difficulty.

14. Shy, many things cause him fear.

15. Usually restless, easily upset.

16. Often cannot hold back tears.

17. Poorly tolerates waiting.

18. Does not like to take on a new business.

19. Not confident in himself, in his abilities.

20. Afraid to face difficulties.

Add up the number of "pluses" to get a total anxiety score.

High anxiety - 15-20 points.

Average - 7-14 points.

Low - 1-6 points.


1. When communicating with a child, do not undermine the authority of other significant people for him. (For example, you can’t say to a child: Better don’t listen to Grandma!”)

2. Be consistent in your actions, do not forbid the child for no reason what you allowed before.

3. Consider the possibilities of children, do not demand from them what they cannot fulfill. If something is difficult for a child, it is better to once again help him and provide support, and when even the slightest success is achieved, do not forget to praise.

4. Trust the child, be honest with him and accept him for who he is.

5. If for some objective reasons it is difficult for a child to study, choose a circle for him to his liking so that classes in it bring him joy and he does not feel disadvantaged.

6. If possible, control your reactions to various life circumstances. Learn only the necessary safety measures. Not to present the world to the child exclusively as hostile, where misfortunes lie in wait for him at every step.

7. Don't turn a child's life into a constant struggle for achievement. Your approval is due to him not only as a reward for success, but simply because he is yours. Constant fears, anxiety will not help, but rather prevent him from achieving something significant in life.

8. Sometimes children do not speak directly about their disturbing feelings. They behave noisily, try to attract the attention of children and adults with clown or hooligan antics. They need understanding and sympathy, and they achieve the exact opposite result with their behavior.

9. Some children tell fantastic, fictional stories about themselves. Or they constantly ask for the help of adults, trying to occupy them exclusively with their special. Others show excessive friendliness to adults, too concerned with winning the approval and sympathy of others. Everyone always agrees. Sometimes adults are satisfied with the last option of behavior - the child's effort to earn the recognition of others. But this emotional dependence may continue as the child grows.

10. It is very useful for such a child to attend group psycho-corrective classes - after consultation with a psychologist. The topic of childhood anxiety is well developed in psychology, and usually the effect of such activities is tangible.


It is necessary to understand and accept the child's anxiety - he has every right to it. Be interested in his life, thoughts, feelings, fears. Teach him to talk about it, together discuss situations from life in kindergarten together look for a way out. Teach to do useful conclusion experience is gained from experienced unpleasant situations, there is an opportunity to avoid even greater troubles, etc. The child must be sure that he can always turn to you for help and advice. Even if children's problems do not seem serious to you, recognize his right to experience, be sure to sympathize (“Yes, this is unpleasant, insulting ...”). And only after expressing understanding and sympathy, help find a solution, see the positive side.

    Help your child overcome anxiety - create conditions in which he will be less afraid. If the child is afraid to ask passers-by for directions, to buy something in the store, then do it with him. That. You will show how you can solve a disturbing situation.

    In difficult situations, do not try to do everything for the child - offer to think and deal with the problem together, sometimes just your presence is enough.

    If the child does not speak openly about the difficulties, but he has symptoms of anxiety, play together, beating through the game with soldiers, dolls, possible difficult situations, maybe the child himself will suggest a plot, a development of events. Through the game, you can show possible solutions to a particular problem. It is important to teach your child to set small, specific goals and achieve them.

    Compare the child's results only with his own previous achievements/failures.

    Teach your child (and teach yourself) to relax ( breathing exercises, good thoughts, counting, etc.) and adequately express negative emotions.

    You can help your child overcome feelings of anxiety with the help of hugs, kisses, stroking the head, i.e. body contact.

The negative consequences of anxiety are expressed in the fact that, without affecting the overall intellectual development, a high degree of anxiety can adversely affect the formation of creative thinking, for which such personality traits as the absence of fear of the new, the unknown are natural.

If you want to make your child happy, but at the same time educated and well-mannered, then check out the following helpful tips and tricks.

♦ Love your child the way he is!

♦ Do not punish your child! When we feel bad, we do not begin to behave better, but we begin to lie to hide our own failure.

♦ Trust your child! We do not want to deceive someone who trusts us, and we strive to be even better, to do good deeds, to do good deeds.

♦ Respect your child. Remember that we respect those who show us respect.

♦ Do not look down on the baby, squat down when talking to him - so it will be easier for you to understand each other.

♦ Hug your child as often as possible (at least ten times a day), caress him, stroke his head. But do it when he is ready to accept your affection.

♦ When your Small child offers you help, or wants to do something himself, give him such an opportunity, even if you are sure that he cannot yet cope with such a difficult task, praise him for every little thing that he was able to do.

♦ Praise the baby when he does something well, notice even the little things in which he is successful, because “a kind word is also pleasant for a cat,” and for the sake of praise, the child will be ready to try to do even more, even better.

♦ Praise your child more often for every little thing, explaining what you are praising him for. Give him pleasant definitions that fix good behavior: "diligent student", "creative boy", "neat girl", "persistent person", etc.

♦ Don't scold your child for doing something wrong. Find positive intention in his actions, praise him for what he did well, and then tell him what could be improved - and show how exactly (OSVK).

♦ Share for yourself first of all the attitude towards your child and his actions.

♦ If you teach a child to tell his parents about what torments him, and tell that you experienced something similar at his age (and usually it happens), then some of the children's fears will disappear by themselves.

♦ Teach your child to order from one and a half to six years. Then it becomes much more difficult to do so.

♦ If a child has asked for your help, support him, help him see what he can do on his own and what he really needs your help with, and help him do it.

♦ Talk to your child about your successes and failures and how you feel about them. Let him know that parents can also make mistakes and be upset by this. Ask what is happening with your child and how he feels about it.

♦ Be always on the side of your child if there was a conflict with strangers and you had to intervene. If you think he's wrong, tell him about it later, in private, using the ATCM.

♦ If you disagree with your child about something, or if he has upset you about something, tell him about it in private, using the principles of SAWC.

♦ Teach your child to pay attention to the process. It is important to know how the drawing process leads to beautiful drawing, and the process of solving a problem in mathematics to knowledge and fives in this subject. Let him note what he likes to do and what he doesn’t like, then he will feel the connection between the process and the result.

♦ Believe in your child. Know that your faith in his strength helps him to be successful.

♦ Don't compare your children. Let them be different. If they do not have to divide you among themselves, they will always love and support each other.

♦ Remember when you have youngest child, the elder is still a child who needs affection, care, attention, the opportunity to feel small.

♦ Ask the younger child what he can do to independently resolve the conflict with the older one, what he can do to make it pleasant and interesting for the older child to communicate with him.

♦ Create conditions for the youngest child to be of real benefit and to choose the area in which he can be useful, starting in early childhood.

♦ Respect the territory of each of your children. They are equally entitled to inviolability of their belongings, regardless of age.

♦ When you ask your child to stop doing something, tell him what you want him to do instead. You will be surprised at how understanding and obedient your child is.

♦ If you can't ban something, legalize it, but within certain limits. You can draw on the wall, but only on one.

♦ When we punish children by forbidding them to play a computer game and force them to read instead, reading becomes a punishment and the computer becomes a sweet forbidden fruit.

♦ Teach your children to make independent decisions, to make choices, to take responsibility.

♦ Consult with your child on issues related to your family: what to cook for dinner, how best to spend the weekend, what furniture to buy for the room, etc.

♦ Help your child learn that he can influence his life. If something does not suit him, he can change it.

♦ Give your children the opportunity to make their own decisions, trust them and support them in their choice.

♦ If your child is offended by you, ask him for forgiveness and tell him how much you love him. A parent who is able to apologize to a child earns respect from him, and the relationship becomes closer and more sincere.

♦ If the child has become rude to you, encourage each time a polite conversation with him, discuss with him what he likes and what he does not like in your communication with him.

♦ Be gentle and careful with your children. Remember that parental instructions are the most powerful installations that a person receives and which can help him in life or, on the contrary, hinder his success and create serious problems.

♦ Tell your child that you love him!

Inna Silenok, psychologist

Reading 9 min.

Children are the most valuable thing in everyone's life. We try to educate them the best we can. But sometimes there are situations when mom and dad do not know how to act correctly in a given situation. In such a situation, the advice of a psychologist to parents can help solve the most pressing problems. What should you pay attention to when raising your child?

What is education - the opinion of Yu. Gippenreiter

How to raise a child so as not to harm him?

Your child is unique. He is not like anyone, including you. The child is not a copy of you, so you cannot require him to implement the life script you wrote.

Your child is an independent person, with their own strengths, weaknesses, abilities, desires and preferences. Give him the right to choose in everything. Let him make his own decisions at crucial moments. Focus on his strengths and positive qualities. Accept him the way he is.

The main advice is love and trust

Feel free to love your child and show it. Do not be afraid that you will "fall in love" with him.

He must feel in you a reliable support in life and understand that you will support him in any situation. Try to take the child on your knees as often as possible, look into his eyes, hug and kiss. Weasel is best method encouragement.

At the same time, do not allow permissiveness in education. It is necessary that some limits and prohibitions are established in your family, which you need to strictly adhere to.

Tip #1 from child psychologist Y. Gippenreiter

Before you punish, stop and think about whether the child really deserves to be punished now. After all, at first you can try to solve the issue with the help of affection and requests. If the punishment is indeed motivated, then it is necessary to clearly explain the reason for the punishment.

Do not forget what a huge role play plays in a child's life. It is in the game moments that you can convey to the baby everything that he needs to know. It is with the help of the game that you can tell the baby about life values ​​and priorities. The game helps children and parents to understand each other better.

Advice No. 2 from child psychologist J. Gippenreiter

It is necessary not to forget about the importance of communication with the child, try to do this as often as possible. Teach your child to express their feelings and emotions. This will help the child in understanding other people and their behavior.

The style of your attitude towards the child affects not only the behavior of the child, but also on his mental health. If your child feels negative towards himself, this can cause manifestations of hidden aggression.

Advice No. 3 from child psychologist J. Gippenreiter

Remember that how you communicate with a child depends on his ability to empathize with others, to feel emotions, both positive and negative. When communicating with a child, remember that the process of communication requires an understanding of your interlocutor, his feelings and emotions.

The most common mistakes parents make when raising children

Never compare your child to anyone else. This will only have Negative consequences, as it can cause psychological trauma to your little man. Also, such behavior of adults contributes to the development of negativism, selfishness and envy.

Advice No. 6 from child psychologist J. Gippenreiter

How to make communication between parents and children effective?

In the process of communicating with the child, make every effort to ensure that the child understands that you understand his emotional state, mood, feelings associated with the situation that he is telling you about. All that is needed for this is to listen carefully to the child, and then unobtrusively repeat in your own words what the child told you. So you give the child the opportunity to sort out his feelings, he will understand that you hear and listen to him.

If a child talks to you about his problem, this is already a successful start in order to get rid of it.

When you communicate with a child, try to carefully monitor his gestures and facial expressions. Sometimes children do not want to upset us and say that everything is fine. But if you look closely at their non-verbal way of expressing their feelings (the chin is trembling, the eyes are shining or “in a wet place”), then you can immediately guess the true feelings of the child.

Try to support the child in any situation, even without words. To do this, you can use all possible tactile methods: a smile, a hug, a wink, a nod of the head, a look into the eyes.

You may not be ready to answer every question. But try not to answer the child's questions in a mocking tone, because he is able to betray you better than your words and eyes.

Parental quarrels adversely affect the psyche of the child

By maintaining a conversation, you need to demonstrate your interest in the topic of your communication. You can ask the following questions: “Wow! And what happened then?”, “Oh, how interesting! Tell me…"

When you spend time with your child, use games that are familiar to you from childhood. For example, for the development fine motor skills- sort out the buckwheat. To develop coordination, allow the child to climb trees. In order to develop speech and horizons - talk to your child. In the process of communication, many subtle psychological problems can be solved.

Help your child relieve muscle and nerve tension. This can be done with massage or even light rubbing of the body. If it is not possible to do the above procedures, just hug the child, stroke him on the head and tell him how much you love him.

Caress and hugs are very important for a child.

Praise the child - how to do it right?

The most important thing to remember about praise is that every child needs to be supported and praised. All actions of the child should begin with a sense of success, which should be manifested not only at the end, but also at the beginning of any business. The task of parents is to create conditions for feeling a sense of success, the joy of searching, overcoming.

However, parents face the question of what and how to properly praise the child, what actions or features of his personality should be emphasized and focused on. Here the main answer will not be praised for, but how to do it.

Your sincere approval and boasting can truly work wonders. This will give the child the opportunity to believe in themselves and their abilities.

Why not praise? First of all, one cannot praise for something that is already so easily given to a child or given by nature. It is necessary to praise for the work and effort that the child has made. If you approve of the mere presence of certain abilities, then this is unlikely to bring any positive result for the development of the child. On the contrary, such a style of communication can only hurt, especially if it is often repeated.

Advice number 7 from child psychologist J. Gippenreiter

If you constantly praise your child unnecessarily, he will get used to it and will constantly expect and demand praise. This can cause problems in communicating with people around him. Since the child will be sure of his complete superiority over others. This is fraught with manifestations of egocentrism and the formation of inflated and inadequate self-esteem. He will constantly expect admiration and praise from others. If praise stops, it will cause psychological discomfort in the child, which in the future will lead to envy, petty resentment, jealousy of someone else's success, suspicion and other qualities.

It is highly undesirable to praise a child for what comes easy to him in front of those for whom it is almost impossible or very difficult to do.

This can be very traumatic for the child's psyche. This can lead to a decrease in motivation to work. Such an unfair opposition will not cause a desire to take an example from the one who is unfairly praised. On the contrary, it can only cause a feeling of oppression and resentment.

Helpful advice finally

You can not praise too often, when there is no obvious need for it. At the same time, praise depreciates, causing a feeling of cheap success. There is a thoughtless attitude to what adults say.

Praise should be for a specific act, for the achievements of the child, and not for the personal qualities of the child. Otherwise, you can form an overestimated self-esteem and high conceit. If in the future the child sees that others are not so enthusiastic about him, then this will lead to the appearance of neuroses and hysterical character traits.

Pechueva Olga Vladimirovna
Psychologist's advice for parents Important Points in raising a child"

Important points in raising a child .

1. The one to whom child tied, consoles and gives him strength simply by the fact of his presence.

2. Want to the child coped with life? So, all childhood console, hug, accept his feelings. Do not speak "Do not Cry!", do not seek to immediately distract and entertain. Help him live through stress, stay alive, and get out of it, and not swallow unpleasant feelings and freeze.

3. It seems to us that those who are hardened by adversity from childhood will be better able to cope with them later. This is wrong. Research shows that those who have a happy childhood and a happy family cope better with difficulties. Their psyche has a margin of safety, in stress it retains the ability to be flexible and inventive, they seek help and are able to console themselves.

4. Decide what to do right now with your own baby who is crying, fighting or scared - only you, and if your intuition, driven by love and care, does not say what the book says - listen to your intuition.

5. It is important to be a parent to a child, A parent is the one, who cares.

6. Want him (child) able to ask for forgiveness? Ask yourself, show an example of getting out of a quarrel and admitting mistakes. If everything is in order with attachment, he will turn on imitation and he will also learn, on his own, without moralizing.

7. The habit of emotional discharge through child- if you break down often - it's just a bad habit, a kind of addiction. And you need to deal with it effectively in the same way, like with any other bad habit : Not "to fight with", A "learn differently", gradually trying and fixing other models.

8. Treat yourself "timeouts", small breaks before unbearable fatigue sets in. Put on a cartoon for the kids and calmly drink coffee or take a shower. Forget about the menacing warnings of doctors that TV for more than 15 minutes a day is very harmful. Believe me, a mother in a state of nervous exhaustion is much more harmful than a TV.

9. If we teach children not to lie, but we ourselves are lying, we demand not to smoke, but we ourselves smoke, we order not to offend the small and weak, but ourselves we beat the child, do not have illusions about the result.

10. Our shortcomings are a continuation of our virtues, and vice versa. For some reason, we willingly admit this in relation to ourselves, but we forget when it comes to children.

11. For some reason, many adults think that if child does not immediately drop everything he was busy with and does not run to fulfill their instructions, this is a sign of disrespect. In fact, disrespect is addressing a person not with a request, but with an order, not being interested in his plans and desires (the only exceptions are emergency situations related to security).

12. What is the most important thing in business parenting? And the most important thing is, of course, parent and his own condition. Psychologiststhey love to cite as an example a paragraph from a flight safety instruction: “In the event of a depressurization of the cabin, first put on the oxygen mask on yourself, then on child". Because if you can't breathe normally, to kid Certainly no one and nothing will help.

13. Do not sacrifice communication with child for that, to "give him all the best". There is nothing better than you and your hugs in the world anyway, trust and peace of mind child you can't buy for any money.

14. Important so that in the process of collisions with you child was getting different type responses. So that sometime they give in to him, and sometime they don’t, so that sometime they transfer it into the game, and sometime they agree, and sometime it’s different, so that, like in life, there are different options.

15. The best thing we can do for the development of our children at a tender age is not to interfere with their play. Sometimes participate in games, sometimes turn household chores or walks into a game, sometimes just leave him alone if he is passionate.

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