A 10 year old child urinates frequently. central nervous system

If your child has begun to write frequently, then you should not leave this alarming fact unattended, as it may indicate an incorrect organization of the child's diet or be a sign of illness. Therefore, attentive parents should always pay attention to the urine and feces of the child, as well as the frequency of urination. Experienced parents should know how often a child should write at a certain age and notice any deviations.

How often should a child pee?

Pediatricians have determined the norm for the amount of urination in children of a certain age. If your child develops normally, has no diseases and has a properly organized daily routine, then the number and volume of urination will correspond to the normal limits. It should be borne in mind that with the growth of the child, the volume of urine emitted by the child per urination and the frequency of emptying will change accordingly. Also, the volume and frequency of urination may vary depending on the amount of liquid drunk, the level of humidity and temperature in the room in which the child is located. Consider the general norms for the frequency and volume of urination for children of different ages:

  • Babies up to six months a day pee often, from 20 to 25 times, emitting up to 20-35 ml of urine in one emptying, thus, the daily volume of urine is from 300 to 500 ml.
  • Children from 6 to 12 months old pee on average 15-16 times a day, the volume of one urination is 25-45 ml, and the daily volume is from 300 to 600 ml.
  • A child aged 1 to 3 years pees 10-12 times a day, emitting 60-90 ml of urine per urination, and from 780 to 820 ml per day.
  • Children aged 3 to 5 years urinate much less frequently, only 7-9 times a day, the volume of one urination is 70-90 ml, and the daily volume is from 900 to 1070 ml.
  • A child aged 5-7 years is emptied 7-9 times a day, while the volume of one urination is 100-150 ml, and the daily volume is from 1070 to 1300 ml.
  • Children 7-9 years old pee 7-8 times a day, emitting up to 145-190 ml of urine in one urination, and from 1240 to 1520 ml per day.
  • A child of 9-11 years old pees 6-7 times a day, the volume of one urination is 220-260 ml, and the daily volume of urine is 1520-1670 ml.
  • Children aged 11 to 13 pee 6-7 times a day, the volume of one emptying is 250-270 ml, and the daily volume of urine is from 1600 to 1900 ml.

But what to do if you notice that the child began to write often? First, you should determine why the child often pees, and only then take appropriate measures or conduct adequate treatment.

Why does the child pee often?

There can actually be many reasons why a child began to write often. Some causes can be completely harmless and easily eliminated, while others are a symptom of the disease.

Basically, the child often pees for the following reasons:

  • inflammation of the genitals or bladder;
  • severe diseases and pathologies;
  • nervous tension and other psychological causes;
  • the presence of diuretic foods in the diet or the use of diuretics.

Parents should be concerned if changes in urination in a child persist for several days, it is imperative to pay attention to the smell of urine, its color and transparency. You should definitely consult a doctor and take a urine test if the child complains of pain, cramps or burning during urination.

The cause of inflammation of the bladder and genital organs may be improper hygiene or infection. For example, with prolonged use of diapers, the baby's genitals can become rotten and inflammatory processes are activated that cause urination disorders. Particular attention should be paid to the hygiene of girls, because with improper or insufficient care, harmful bacteria from the rectum enter the genitals, which contributes to the activation of inflammatory processes.

Diseases that cause frequent urination

Here is a list of the most common diseases that is the answer to the question of why a child often writes:

  • Urinary canal infections - the child often pees (from 2-3 times per hour), the volume of urination is small, and false urge to urinate is possible. At the initial discharge of urine, the child feels pain and pain. In acute cystitis, fever, cloudy urine, incontinence, pain in the lower abdomen and in the perineum are added to these symptoms.
  • Diabetes mellitus - suddenly the child begins to write often and drink a lot, which indicates the beginning of the latent period of diabetes mellitus. There are changes in the child's eating habits, he either refuses to eat at all or eats often, he also loses weight, becomes lethargic and sleepy. A timely appeal to an endocrinologist will help to correct the situation.
  • Overactive bladder - with this pathology, the child often pees even after 4-5 years, that is, the frequency of urination does not normalize. The psychoneurologist is engaged in the treatment of this disease.
  • Enuresis is uncontrolled urination, a fairly common occurrence when a child often pees at night. There can be several reasons for this, ranging from excessive water absorption in the evening to stress and nervous tension. If a child often pees during the day or at night, parents should contact a pediatrician.
  • Synechia (in girls).
  • Pathologies from the kidneys (doubling of the kidney, hypoplasia, etc.);

But what if the tests showed that the baby is completely healthy, but at the same time the child also pees often? In this case, the reason should be sought in the following: 3.7 out of 5 (54 votes)

Nighttime urinary incontinence in children under 5 years of age is considered normal. Unfortunately, there are children who, even at the age of 7-10, sometimes wake up on wet sheets. In addition to the fact that the child is uncomfortable waking up in a wet, cold bed, he is also very ashamed. You can get rid of nighttime troubles only by establishing an accurate diagnosis of the disease that caused nocturnal enuresis.

What can provoke enuresis in children aged 7-10 years

The processes that contribute to urinary incontinence at night (enuresis) in children of age are represented by a physiological and psychological component. A wet bed when waking up causes trouble not only for the child, but for all family members. Most often, bedwetting occurs in boys and disappears in them by the beginning of adolescence. . This does not mean that the situation that has arisen does not need to be dealt with. If a child pees at night, he feels psychological discomfort, is ashamed and withdraws into himself.

The manifestation of nocturnal enuresis is caused by several reasons.

  1. Causes of a psychological nature

By the way, the nervous stress experienced by the baby can provoke bedwetting.

  • Change of environment (change of residence or transfer to a new school).
  • Family conflicts.
  • The loss of a dear person or four-legged pet.
  • Exam or test papers at school.

In most of these cases, enuresis resolves without outside intervention, but sometimes the help of medical professionals may be required.

2. Failure or immaturity of the central nervous system

The body does not receive a signal that the bladder is full and that it is time to empty it. This reason is one of the main contributing to the manifestation of enuresis.

3. Hereditary factors

If both mom and dad suffered from the problem of nighttime urination, then the probability of its occurrence in a child is almost 80%, and if one of the parents, then up to 45%.

4. Cold weather

Children are more sensitive to a strong drop in temperature.

5. When the child is often raised to the toilet at night

He can sometimes wake up on his own and a conditioned reflex to urinate will quickly work in him.

6. Malfunctions of the endocrine system

In this case, the child manifests not only enuresis. He noticeably increases sweating, swelling of the face or a tendency to be overweight.

7. Hormonal imbalance

8. Pathological abnormalities in the urination system

9. Infection in the genitourinary system or vaginal infection (in girls)

10. Weakened bladder or kidney function

The problem of enuresis during night sleep at 7-10 years old can be quite prosaic. It’s just that the baby has a healthy, sound sleep, or the root cause lies in in large numbers liquids, fruits, or cold foods that he had before bed. Treatment in these cases will consist in the timely control of children.

Which doctor will help children get rid of enuresis

First of all, parents, faced with nocturnal enuresis, turn to a pediatrician. As a rule, the doctor advises to wait a bit, arguing that over time the problem will disappear. At best, he will prescribe a general blood test and ultrasonography internal organs.

It is not necessary, on the advice of a doctor, to wake the child more often at night. This can only make the situation worse. Because of the frequent getting up at night, the child may then show symptoms of childhood neurosis.

A good pediatrician should determine what kind of specialist the baby will need and give a referral to a pediatric urologist, psychologist or neurologist. Only a complete examination will help determine what caused urinary incontinence during a night's sleep.

Do not wait for the problem to "resolve" without medical intervention. Consult a doctor at the first manifestations of the disease.

Methods of dealing with enuresis, depending on the causes of its occurrence

After a complete examination and discovery of the causes of the disease, the doctor decides which method to use to solve the problem in a particular case.

Treatment with medications

  • One of effective means from children's enuresis drug Adiuretin-SD is recognized which contains desmopressin. It is an analogue of vasopressin, a hormonal agent that normalizes the process of excretion or absorption of free fluid by the body. The drug is released in the form of drops in the nose and is prescribed to children from the age of eight. For a baby who has not reached this age, the doctor reduces the dosage.
  • For bedwetting to improve children's sleep may prescribe tranquilizers having a hypnotic effect. (Radedorm or Eunoktin).
  • With a neuropathic manifestation of the disease, Rudotel is prescribed , Atarax or Trioxazin (children over 6 years old).
  • Neurological bedwetting is treated with amitriptyline. However, its use under 6 years of age is contraindicated.
  • To increase the volume of the bladder, prescribe Driptan in tablets.
  • To improve the functioning of the brain, prescribe sedatives such as Persen, Nootropil, Novopassit, B vitamins, vitamin A and E. Pantocalcin may be prescribed. With its help, the development of impulses responsible for the assimilation of new skills is stimulated.

You can use these funds only as directed and under the supervision of a physician. In order not to harm the child, strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage.

Non-drug therapy

When the problem of bedwetting is psychological in nature, no medication will help, unless irritating factors are excluded from the life of a student. First of all, you can not scold the child for a wet bed or tease and mock him. This will only make the situation worse.

Fear of punishment or ridicule will provoke the development of the disease. You can’t tell strangers about the problems of your son or daughter, especially in their presence.

Creating a favorable microclimate in the family is the first step to success in the fight against childhood enuresis.

In addition, other factors contribute to the solution of the problem.

  • Daily regime . It is necessary to properly organize and study a teenager. He should avoid heavy loads that lead to overwork, and increase the duration of sleep. The last meal should be 2.5-3 hours before bedtime. In the evening, you need to limit the intake of liquids, especially juices, dairy and sour-milk products.
  • Bladder training. The procedure begins at the age of seven. The child is taught to delay the process of urination. Track when the baby goes to the toilet, offer him to be patient a little more. Slowly increase the delay time. This will help you gain control over bladder.
  • motivational therapy . The method is highly effective, allowing to solve the problem of nocturnal enuresis in 80% of children. best doctor in this case, it becomes the child himself. The essence of the method is very simple - encouraging children for every dry night. One child needs simple praise, another needs new toy, bicycle or skates. Hang a calendar over your son's or daughter's bed, marking all the dry nights on it. Agree with the child that with a certain number of dry nights per week or per month, the baby will receive a long-awaited gift. If he fulfills his part of the agreement, you must, without any excuses, fulfill yours.
  • Physiotherapy . The procedures contribute to the improved functioning of the nervous system, brain and bladder. As medical procedures, to ensure a dry bed for the crumbs, electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetotherapy are used, electrosleep, circular showers and therapeutic exercises are used.
  • Psychotherapy . The specialist teaches the child self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques. In the process of training, the reflex connection between the bladder and the nervous system, weakened for various reasons, is restored. With severe neurotic enuresis, therapy is used for depressive mood shift - tearfulness, fear, irritability or anxiety. An important role in this is played by family psychotherapy, that is, the creation of a favorable climate in the family and the comprehensive support of the child.

Folk methods of dealing with bedwetting

An assistant in the fight against the disease can be and ethnoscience with her recipes

  1. A tablespoon of dill seeds brew a glass of boiling water and insist 1 hour. Up to 10 years old, drink half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. A decoction of St. John's wort leaves is added to the compote of lingonberry berries, and give the child to drink several times a day. The tool helps well with incontinence, which is caused by psychological factors.
  3. One liter of boiling water pour 2 tablespoons of rose hips and let it brew. You need to drink infusion several times a day, replacing them with tea or compote. Rosehip not only helps to cope with enuresis, but also has a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

Traditional medicine offers great amount prescriptions for enuresis. But, before using them, do not forget to consult with your doctor.

For treatment to work, family members must be the moral support for the child. Praise him for every dry night, do not scold him if the bed suddenly turns out to be wet again.

It is necessary to reassure the beloved man, to inspire him that all this can be got rid of and that he is able to cope with the problem that has arisen. Feeling the full support of loved ones, the baby will quickly cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as nocturnal enuresis.

If the child began to write at the age of 4-5 years, then this should alert the parents. For children over the age of three, naturally spontaneous urination disappears. Some also have difficulty with bladder control, but proper treatment and understanding, tolerance of parents and caregivers, as a rule, gives a positive result.

Why did the child begin to write?

Possible reasons:

  • due to underdevelopment of the bladder;
  • a small number of cases are associated with physical problems of the urethra;
  • lack of attention;
  • as a result of severe fright or stress;
  • hyperactivity syndrome.

Some experts believe that the following factors affect urinary incontinence in children:

Obstructive sleep apnea

Scientists believe that difficulty breathing through the nose, children's snoring can increase the amount of fluid in the body.

genetic factor

If one of the parents or both childhood suffer from enuresis, this significantly increases the possibility of developing urinary incontinence in their child.

What to do if the child began to write at night?

If a child of 4 years old began to write:

Pay attention to the emotional state of the child for the last 3-4 months. Analyze whether there were any stressful situations (change of residence, divorce of parents, death of relatives, birth of a brother or sister, family quarrels), because this is what can provoke enuresis.

If the child began to write at night:

The body does not produce enough antidiuretic hormone, which is released at night and regulates the amount of urine produced.

Child 5 years old began to write:

The cause may be an overactive bladder. In this case, urination can occur 10-30 times a day. As a rule, these symptoms disappear after 2-3 weeks, without requiring special treatment.

There are such causes of overactive bladder:

  • caffeine, which increases urine output and can cause bladder muscle spasm;
  • food allergy;
  • small capacity of the bladder;
  • constipation, a condition where a child has fewer than two bowel movements per week.

What to do and how to treat?

It should be understood that if a child suddenly began to write at night, it is necessary to consult a specialist. You may need to take a urine test to rule out possible bacterial inflammation of the bladder. If necessary, an ultrasound examination is performed to detect anatomical abnormalities.

If your child has begun to urinate, it is also advisable to conduct a detailed blood test to rule out diabetes. In some cases, treatment may require medication. Only a doctor can choose the necessary course of treatment to normalize the level of antidiuretic hormone.

If the child has begun to urinate again, it is necessary to include in the treatment a diet that would provide the child with sufficient fluids and would exclude the use of caffeine, carbonated drinks, citrus juices, dairy and sugary products.

It is very important to present this to the child as a way to help him, and not a punishment. There are a lot of psychological methods in the world for developing a reflex to the urge to urinate, but in no case should you put psychological pressure on the baby!

Are common psychological methods problem solving:

  • restraining exercises to strengthen the sphincter of the bladder;
  • a gradual increase in the time between visits to the toilet (if the child has a weak bladder muscle);
  • accustoming the child to urinate by the clock, which emit a sound signal.

Useful video for caring parents:

This is a topic of interest to many parents.

The reason that child pees frequently, are numerous physiological factors or diseases of the internal organs. The frequency of urination in children depends on various factors: on age, on the individual characteristics of the organism, on the diet and on the neuropsychic state of the baby. The doctor should deal with possible diseases.

So that parents can distinguish one from the other, you need to know the norms of urination in children.

How often should a child write at different ages?

It depends on age and a little on individual characteristics. In the first five to seven days, the baby almost does not urinate, then the frequency of urination increases rapidly - this continues for up to a year. After a year, the baby is emptied less and less. At about ten or eleven years old, a child goes to the toilet as many times as adults do.

The use of fruits and drinks increase urination, in which case you should not look at the standards. Also, a change in these indicators occurs in the presence of certain types of infections. Frequent urination is called in a medical environment, which is provoked by various factors.

What diseases cause a child to urinate frequently?

Pollakiuria may be a symptom of one of the diseases.

  • . The body is unable to properly absorb glucose. It is excreted in the urine instead of entering the cellular structures. The kid often wants to go to the toilet, complains of thirst, which cannot be got rid of.

  • . This disease is characterized by a deficiency of vasopressin. After filtering by the kidneys, the water is reabsorbed. The frequency of urges increases after three years.
  • Bladder dysfunction. The disease occurs with pathologies of development urinary tract. Symptoms are aggravated by colds and stress.
  • . The physiological increase in urges lasts no more than ten hours, but if the functions of the body are impaired, then the symptoms persist much longer.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. The signal to empty the bladder comes from the brain. This signal is transmitted to the spinal cord, the person goes to the toilet. If such a chain is broken, then it happens.
  • Tumor. A neoplasm can put pressure on the walls of the bladder if it is located outside this organ.
  • Infection. Infection leads not only to frequent urination, but also to weakness, fever, cough, or upset stool.

Sometimes child pees frequently due to the specific features of the formation of the genital organs in boys and girls. The boy turns red and swells in the urethra. In girls, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa affects emptying.

What are the household reasons for frequent going to the toilet in a child?

Physiological pollakiuria can be provoked big amount liquid used. This happens during hot summers or cold winters when the heating systems dry the air in the rooms, which causes intense thirst. It is important not to confuse these signs with the symptoms of diabetes. Fruits and vegetables cause a diuretic effect, watermelons, cranberries, lingonberries, cucumbers are especially strong in this regard - children should use these products with caution.

Antihistamines, diuretics and antiemetics medical preparations also cause pollakiuria. The same situation is observed after a long stay in the cold. This is due to spasms of the renal vessels, which disappears after the body warms up. Stress with pollakiuria is more common in children under four years of age, as well as at the beginning of kindergarten or school attendance, problems with other students or teachers.

Household pollakiuria is not dangerous for the baby. It goes away on its own without any treatment when the provoking event is eliminated. The danger is that parents often attribute frequent visits to the toilet to eating fruits or other harmless reasons and may miss the onset of the development of the disease.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on the frequency of urination in a child

Many acute and chronic diseases are expressed in the fact that child pees frequently. If parents use disposable diapers, this problem is detected quickly. When using reusable diapers, it is much more difficult to judge the baby's urination.

Komarovsky recommends that parents monitor how often and to what extent the baby pees. If the norms are exceeded, then you need to contact the pediatrician, who will prescribe and. These diagnostic studies are carried out in any clinic and help to quickly make a diagnosis.

If, against the background of pollakiuria, there is an increase in temperature, a runny nose, or a rash appears, then a complex of such symptoms indicates a bacterial infection of the reproductive system. In such a situation, you need to abandon the diaper and calculate the frequency of urination. At the same time at home, by the time he arrives, the parents already have information about the nature of urine output.

Sometimes the child begins to cry for no reason, and then calms down. This may indicate pain in the process of urination. To test this version, you need to remove the diaper and see how the baby goes to the toilet next time.

VIDEO Urinalysis and urinary tract infections – School of Dr. Komarovsky

How much should a child drink at different ages?

The drinking regime includes not only water, teas, milk, compotes and other liquids that the baby drinks per day. It is impossible to completely replace water with compote or something else. But it is also forbidden to completely refuse water - it is vital for every organism. Some children drink more water, others less, this is regulated by the body independently, depending on the time of year, weather, humidity, method of feeding.

baby on breastfeeding before the introduction of complementary foods does not need additional fluid intake. Everything that the baby needs, he gets from his mother's milk. Baby up to six months old artificial feeding needs additional fluid in the amount of 50-100 ml per day (or more in hot weather). In addition to water, you can give herbal teas, apple or raisin decoction. You need to drink at the request of the baby. After the sixth month, the child receives complementary foods, in which case the liquid comes already in the composition of the dishes. At this age, children are already being watered on artificial and breastfeeding.

The norms of liquid per day are as follows (ml per kilogram of body weight per day):

  • 1 day - 90 ml.
  • 10 days - 135 ml.
  • 3 months - 150 ml.
  • 6 months - 140 ml.
  • 9 months - 130 ml.
  • 1 year - 125 ml.
  • 4 years - 105 ml.
  • 7 years - 95 ml.
  • 11 years - 75 ml.
  • 14 years - 55 ml.

Of these volumes of liquid, water is approximately 25 ml per kilogram of body weight per day.

VIDEO How much water should a child drink?

What tests should be done to find the cause?

When child pees frequently, the root cause of this phenomenon can be identified in the course of laboratory diagnostics.

The pediatrician will definitely prescribe a general urine test - it is collected in a clean container. Be sure to rinse the pot well to avoid distorting the analysis. It is impossible to collect urine in the evening, only morning urine is needed. After that, you need to take the container for analysis - it is forbidden to store it in the refrigerator, this distorts the result. That's why general analysis it will be clear whether the baby is healthy, whether he has pyelonephritis, gloperulonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

To diagnose the disease more accurately, a urine test for protein and glucose may be required. For this, daily urine is collected, such an analysis is necessary for other kidney diseases. If there is a lot of glucose in the urine, then this is evidence of diabetes. With a large amount of salt in a baby, it can, as an addition to another disease.

What to do if a child often wants to write, but cannot?

Such manifestations are called false urge to urinate. Sometimes they occur a couple of minutes after the baby has urinated. This situation is repeated, its cause is an infection in the genitourinary system.

In the presence of inflammatory process have pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. The process of emptying is often painful, with burning and cutting in the urinary ducts. If parents notice false urges in their baby, it is imperative to contact a specialist in order to localize the infection in a timely manner and prevent complications.

Folk remedies for the treatment of frequent urination in a child

As an auxiliary method, some of the techniques used by our ancestors in the old days can help. They can be used if the baby does not hurt anything. It is not recommended to treat children under one year old with herbs.

  • sold in a pharmacy. A teaspoon of the product is brewed in a glass of boiling water and aged for an hour. The child is given half a glass of infusion twice a day.
  • Rosehip decoction boiled for ten minutes and infused in a thermos.
  • Herbs sold in a pharmacy are prescribed as an additional treatment for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis and urethritis.

All these folk methods will help if the baby does not have dangerous diseases, in other cases they can blur the clinical picture. No parent has yet been able to completely insure against problems with children's urination. But following preventive measures will help reduce their occurrence at times and avoid complications.

You need to be careful about the clothes that the baby wears. It should reliably protect from the cold, but the child should not sweat in it - in this case, it is more likely to catch a cold. Be sure to keep your feet dry and warm. If the baby got his feet wet, you need to quickly change his shoes and give him a warming drink to drink.

It is useful to feed the baby with breast milk for a long time, it will reliably protect the baby from many infections. If your child pees frequently, do not try to find out the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon on your own. The diagnosis established by a non-specialist will in most cases be erroneous.

- No? At the same time, the child goes to the toilet every 10 minutes a little during the day, and at night - sleeps peacefully, as if completely healthy? INYou went to the pediatrician, and he ruled out cystitis?

Urinary dysfunction without incontinence

Sometimes children have a sudden significant increase in urinary frequency, sometimes every 10 to 15 minutes throughout the day, without symptoms of dysuria, urinary tract infection, daytime urinary incontinence, or nocturia.

Duration of pollakiuria

This disease is completely harmless and goes away on its own. Sometimes the symptoms go away after 1-4 weeks. But more often the disease lasts 2 or 3 months. Rare cases are described when the disease lasted 5 months. In all cases, the disease passed on its own, without any consequences. Some children may have relapses of this disease, that is, it may recur after a full recovery.

How to help a child

1. Reassure the child that he is physically healthy. Tell the child that his body, kidneys, bladder .., everything that he worries about is in perfect order. Because family members can convey their anxiety to him, and he may be afraid that something is wrong with his body, that something threatens him. Convince him as many times as you see fit - that he is healthy, that soon everything will pass without a trace.

2. Explain to the child that if he wants, he can learn to wait longer periods of time between urination. Reassure him that he probably won't pee because that's what the baby is afraid of. If he still gets wet - do not hesitate to talk to him about it, explain that this sometimes happens to children, there is nothing to worry about. Tell him that the return to normal urinary frequency will be gradual. If frequent urination bothers him while shopping or walking - try not to take him far from home during this period.

3. Help your child relax. The frequency of urination can be an indicator of internal stress. Make sure your child has free time and positive emotions, favorite activities every day. If he has obligatory things that he does on schedule - loosen discipline, step back from the regime a little. Relaxation exercises can help your child if they are over 8 years old.

4. Happiness and harmony in the home usually helps to restore a child's sense of security. Ask school staff, or kindergarten that the child visits, to weaken the discipline of the child as much as possible and in no case limit him in the frequency and duration of visiting the toilet room.

5. Try to find out what is bothering your child. Talk to other family members and think about all the possible stressful moments that may have occurred 1 or 2 days before the onset of the disease. Ask school and kindergarten staff about this topic. Discuss your thoughts with your child, try to identify and resolve the stressful situation, but remember that you should not be zealous in this - your anxiety and excessive fussiness can aggravate the symptoms. Frequent stressful events that trigger this disease:

  • death in the family
  • accidents or other life-threatening events
  • tension, quarrels between parents and other family members
  • severe illness of a parent or other family member
  • admission to primary school or change of school, team
  • excessive concern about enuresis, fear of bedwetting at night
  • cases when the child could not hold urine in the presence of peers (classmates, etc.).

6. Ignore frequent urination. When your child goes to the toilet very often - do not comment on it. The comments will remind him that these symptoms are bothering you. Give up any calculations of the frequency and measurement of urination volumes. Do not collect urine samples (unless ordered by a doctor). Do not ask your child about his symptoms, do not look at him when he urinates. Do not remind him that he must do bladder stretching exercises, that he must endure - that is his own task. Your child does not have to tell you about every urination or count them himself - all you need is to maintain the most general control - whether the child is getting better or the symptoms do not change yet.

7. Make sure that none of the adults (parents, grandmothers, older brother, educator, teacher, nanny ...) punish the child for his symptoms, do not criticize, do not allow himself to ridicule him. Stop all family talk about frequent urination. The less you talk about it, the less often the child will want to go to the toilet. If your child brings it up himself, reassure him that he will gradually get better and will soon pass.

8. Avoid getting soap on mucous membranes and other perineal irritants. A bubble bath can lead to frequent urination in children, especially girls. Soap can irritate exposed mucous membranes in the urinary tract. Shower gel, hair shampoo, etc. can cause these symptoms if they enter the urethra. In addition, before puberty - control the washing of the child with warm water, without soap, daily (just ask, remind), make sure that the child's genitals are clean.
