How to get your child to read every day. How to get a child to read? Top Expert Tips

Most sadly state that modern schoolchildren prefer smartphones and TVs to books. And, they are invariably popular among the maternal environment.

The site editor Natalya Kovtun, mother of 9-year-old Sasha, has an alternative view of children's reading. The child does not want to read - and it is not necessary. There will be something to occupy him besides books.

My nine year old son does not read books. At all.

He has a drunken reading mom and dad, but of his own free will he will not read a single line beyond the school curriculum.

They say to me: how is it? After all, reading is the development of everything: speech, intellect, imagination! Here are hundreds of articles on how to teach (motivate, force, underline).

Thanks, I answer, but it is not necessary.

Everything that these articles advise, we have been applying for a long time. There is no TV in the house, there are books. Parents are reading. Joint reading before going to bed is generally a fetish and a tool for mutual manipulation: “If at 10 you are not in bed yet, I don’t read.” "If you don't read to me, I won't sleep."

My son loves stories in books. And the letters in the books are not.

He was born and raised in the era of computer interactive. Making him fall in love with black letters on a white sheet is like driving back into the ocean that dinosaur that was the first to grow lungs and come out to live on land. To drive and mumble that all the ancestors breathed, as expected, with gills. And he, you see, has lungs, he, you see, into the air.

Take the same computer games: here you have intelligence, imagination, and creativity. (Computer? How so! Here are hundreds of articles for you, how to distract, prohibit, wean)

Let's be honest. As a child, didn’t you dream of a book so that the pictures in it didn’t lie dead on the sheet, but moved, like in a cartoon? And would show everything that is written on the page?

Better yet, sit and read. And then he wanted - hop - and you are in the book, in the story itself. Like a hero in a movie. And you don’t just do what the author came up with for you, but you decide how to act. Who to help, who to fight. Whom to save, so that where everything ended badly, now it ends well.

Our children got all this for nothing, by birthright in the digital age. They are not satisfied with the letters on paper - their stories and fairy tales live in completely different spaces and scales. They are free to choose their own roles and behavior. They are not consumers of history, but co-authors.

And we are trying to take away this right from them and return them to the letters on the sheet. Why?

Because those letters were written by someone we think is smart and important? Because we ourselves once read these letters, and we liked it?
Or because we associate the development of the intellect with painful necessity, and not with entertainment?

Perhaps my child will outgrow his rejection of books and understand the taste of reading. And perhaps not. I don't see this as a problem.

But I see that he perceives audio-visual information unlike text easier. And that the BBC video gives him more than a natural history textbook. And that in his Minecraft he learned more English words than in school lessons.

Here we will add pumped spatial thinking and the ability to logical constructions, on which Minecraft is based. And the ability to keep detailed pictures in my head, and the ability to operate complex processes.

In my head - because the tablet is on schedule, and the plans for the game are spinning non-stop in my head. We have to visualize and calculate the actions purely speculatively.

Virtual reality is where my child is already better than me. A few more years, and in some things he will hopelessly overtake me. Your children will overtake you too, no matter how many books you and I have read.

There is no need to hold them by the tail and not let them into the new, just because they know how to do more than we did at their age.

Therefore, I sometimes allow to sit longer in the game, when it is very necessary to finish something urgently. And I restrain myself when I want to reproach: “It would be better if I did something useful.”

Every parent faces a stage in his life when the child is preparing to go to 1st grade. Someone starts training at the age of 5, someone at 6, if the child goes to school at the age of 7. However, reading is unavoidable. How do we act with a child to force him to read? How many nerves do we spend on this? And why? Why do we force a child to do what he does not want? The thing is, now the era of “comparison”, comparison of parents has come. Which in no case will benefit the child, but only harm, but we don’t even suspect about it. We look at other children and compare with our own, and God forbid our something will be worse than others! So here it is there has never been a case where a school graduate could not read . Everything is simple. All children are different, never compare a child with another, otherwise he will have low self-esteem from childhood, and he will always feel worse than the rest. Someone has good handwriting, but he can read slowly, someone writes like a “chicken paw”, but has such a powerful mind, someone does not read well, rearranges letters, but has such strong Creative skills that he does not yet know about it. All children are unique and talented, just not all parents can see and reveal this talent.

Ways to motivate reading

Many write that "If you read books, then by your example you can show the child that it is interesting." Although here I can argue. My husband's father is a very well-read person, he has a huge library at home, he knows every book, where it is and what it is about. But this did not affect his son in any way. He just doesn't like to read. He was interested in technology and everything connected with it.

The child himself must come to the love of books. And most importantly - this is a book that he will choose himself, and you will help him with this. For example, you say:

  • “I saw your girlfriend have such a beautiful and interesting book, she reads it, ask what it’s called.”
  • “Look, do we have any interesting books in the closet?”
  • “Can you imagine Masha reading the same book as we bought you!”

If you do not have a suitable book that would satisfy the child, buy the book that he chooses himself. With illustrations and short texts. We had a book at home that our daughter chose, Cinderella.

I was surprised when I heard from the corridor that she was reading. She became interested in reading. And at this point it is important to maintain interest. Join, ask to read for you, listen with interest, discuss. Make evening reading a ritual that you cannot fall asleep, how much you are interested in the further events of the book, and the child is an important character in this. Only she (he) can read so well for you!

Adults think that reading is a matter of course. That it's easy. But for a toddler, reading is a difficult process, and children get tired easily. The child needs to learn the letter, remember the sound pronunciation, connect letters into syllables, syllables into words. You need to keep your attention on the text, understand what you read, keep the plot in your head.

How to teach a child to read

Reading, like any skill, takes practice. It takes time to make the process of reading easy and enjoyable.

"But how do you get them to read?" - fundamentally the wrong question! Under no circumstances should a child be forced. Compulsion forever calls negative attitude to any business. And reading is no exception. If parents turn reading into a dull "obligation", then this will form the baby's belief that reading is terrible, bad and difficult.

As a rule, parents themselves live with reading trauma. They remember how in childhood they were forced to read them - and pass on the habit of painful reading-punishment to their children. How to break this vicious circle?
How to make your child read on his own, regularly and with pleasure?

Let's address this question to the neuropsychologist, the head of the "Superbrain" school Guzel Abdulova.

It is very important to teach a child to read correctly, to lay a solid foundation for effective reading and speed of thinking. Your child has learned to read by syllables. He knows all the letters well, puts them into syllables, syllables into words. But he reads slowly, cannot retell the text and answer questions. What to do?

First of all, it is important to understand that at each stage of the formation of the skill of fluent reading, specific skills appear and develop.

The transition to the next stage is possible only when all the skills of the previous stage are automated!

It is important to keep in mind that every child is different. Often the child simply does not have enough time to reach a confident level. The material becomes more complicated, the child begins to lag behind others and falls into the group of underachievers. Failures multiply and develop into an insoluble conflict. Of course, this situation discourages any desire to read.

Problems arise not because the child cannot understand and learn, but because he does not have time to develop at an uncomfortable pace for himself.

What to do?

  • Practice when the child is rested, not hungry and feels good.
  • Be sure to show your child that joint activities are a pleasure for you, generously praise for success.
  • Maintain game form classes. In the game, children learn any skill involuntarily, without effort.
  • Do no more than 30 minutes, or even less if you notice that the child is tired. It is difficult for a child to keep attention and interest on one subject for a long time. Change activities and exercises frequently.
  • Keep a success diary in which you celebrate your child's achievements - even the smallest victories.

I offer several interesting games so that reading quickly turns from a boring activity into a pleasure!

Rotating letters.

Syllables behind the "curtain".

You will find a system of games and training exercises in my training book “Reading after the ABC: developing speed reading”. In just 10 weeks of regular practice, you will eliminate all reading difficulties in your child. The program is detailed step by step: breathing, articulation, reading games and detailed methodological recommendations will help create an atmosphere of exciting, entertaining and useful communication.

Turning reading into pleasure is easy!published .

Based on the book by Guzel Abdulova "We read after the alphabet: we develop speed reading"

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

But today's children absolutely do not like to read! And acquaintances told about their children, and I see it in my child. The second grade is already, but the love of reading has not appeared. But there is love for the TABLET and TV.
Now I am quietly developing my child's interest in reading different books. Unfortunately, this interest cannot be developed for free. Modern children do not like to read old literature, even the TALES of the old plan are not interesting to them (maybe, of course, they love someone, but many do not).

I decided that instead of toys, now I will give beautiful books. Now I’m “addicted” to these books by Holly - Web and Daisy Meadows (there will be time, I can write about them in more detail).

What I want to say: the child was really interested in them. Already ordered on Ozone (it's cheaper there than in our bookstores) a few pieces as a gift.

For the first time, my daughter saw Holly Webb's book "Millie the Kitten or Welcome Leopard" on the Internet, she wanted to read it herself (she was intrigued by the cover). I downloaded the eBook for her for free, but it only contained a snippet of the book. She quickly read this fragment on the tablet and naturally wanted to continue the story. I decided not to buy the full electronic version of this book, but to buy all the same - printed (she has a tablet too often in her hands). Daughter read it - excitedly! Several chapters at once (and not one at a time, as we usually read), without requests and persuasion.

As it turned out, the writer Holly Webb still has a lot of books of the same kind, mainly about kittens and puppies. To today's younger children school age I think they will be very interesting.

After giving her a book Sophie the Squirrel or Be Careful Dragons writer Daisy Meadows. This book is part of the "Forest of Friendship" series, which should have been read from the first book "about the Rabbit". But we didn't know! And still we read it and it was very interesting (although if we had read it from the first book, it would have been clearer). Now we bought a book about a rabbit, after that I will order about other animals.

These books are very interesting, even I read them! I decided now to collect the entire series "Forest of Friendship".

Holly Webb book included in the series "Good stories about animals", however, these books can be read separately, regardless of the book's release date.

Book "Daisy Meadows" included in the series "Forest of Friendship": you need to start reading from the first book "Rabbit Lucy or the Magic Encounter" otherwise there will be "holes" in understanding the plot.

Honestly: Daisy Meadows' books from the Forest of Friendship series I liked even more, because. there the plot is filled with magic and magic (I love fantasy). In Holly Webb's books, the plot is closer to reality and not much less dynamic, but this also has its pluses.

Both books have a beautiful bright cover, large print and thick sheets of white paper. There are pictures, but they are black and white (but there is an opportunity to color them).

In any case, both books are good and I think that I will order them again (suddenly the child will fall in love with reading after all).
I think that reading is still useful for children: develops imagination and introduces children to new words, phrases, teaches how to build sentences, write and even speak. However, many children of preschool and primary school age do not like to read, they are better off watching TV or playing games on a computer / tablet.

Do you think it is necessary to force a child to read if he does not want to do it?

What other children's books for primary school age can you recommend?
