A Chinese woman secretly gave birth and flushed the baby down the toilet (7 photos). The mother drowned her child in the toilet Flushed the child into the toilet transfer

Yesterday I read from the republican newspaper and was shocked

“I still can’t believe that Lena is capable of such an act!” says neighbor Tatyana. “She was a pretty and sweet girl. Polite, always said hello. Although why be surprised if such parents?” According to neighbors, the girl was brought up in a dysfunctional family.Parents have been abusing alcohol for the past few years.Mother works as janitors, father is a garbage truck driver.But the people around them never had any complaints about their children.

“The guys at the Lashins are good, they haven’t been noticed in anything bad. The eldest son got married and lived separately, - the neighbor continues. - Lena studied at school from three to four ... Modest, closed, if not downtrodden. I think that in what happened there is a big fault of her mother. The girl was confused, and she had no one to consult with.
The girl left for Moscow about two years ago in search of a better life. They say that poverty forced them to leave their father's house. In Saransk, she did not find a decent job, and she was not used to relying on her parents. In the capital, Lashina got a job as a seller, lived in a rented apartment.

She never talked about her personal life. In Saransk young man she didn't have. Most likely, she met the father of the unborn child in Moscow. Lena carefully hid her pregnancy from others, she was not observed in the antenatal clinic. When I visited my parents, I tried not to leave the house at all.

“One day I went to them and immediately realized that Lena was expecting a baby,” says another neighbor, who wished to remain anonymous. - She tried to hide the figure with a wide dressing gown, but her stomach was already visible. I ask the hostess: “Is my daughter in a position?” And Valentina replies that she eats too much, therefore she is gaining weight.

Rumors quickly spread around the house. It was said that the daughter confessed to her mother too late. Could not find a doctor who would have an abortion on late term. The woman was waiting for the approaching birth with horror. According to friends, Lena broke up with her boyfriend at that time, he didn’t need this child at all. And his own financial situation left much to be desired. As the parents said, at the end of last year, the daughter had a big shortage. To help her out of trouble, her mother sold a private house.

In January, Lena fell ill with pneumonia and was admitted to the Mytishchi Central Hospital in a serious condition. Fearing for the health of the baby, the doctors suggested that the woman be examined by a gynecologist. But future mom categorically refused, the doctors could not approach her. On January 21, the waters broke, contractions began, but Elena did not ask for help. She went to give birth in the toilet and decided to get rid of the unwanted child. As soon as the child was born, the mother dipped him into the toilet and flushed the water ... The newborn choked. The body was accidentally discovered by another patient. The boy was alive. He was rushed to the emergency room. Doctors fought for his life for 16 days, but all efforts were in vain ...

Despite the disease suffered by his mother, the boy was born absolutely healthy. After a high-profile scandal, the head physician of the hospital, Gennady Proskurnikov, and other officials were fired. It was believed that they should bear personal responsibility for what happened."

The owner of an apartment building in the city of Pujiang, Zhejiang province in China, heard children's cries from the pipe and called a rescue team, as it turned out later that the native 22-year-old mother flushed her newborn child down the toilet .. The mother flushed the child down the toilet and then raised the alarm and secretly watched as the rescuers cut the pipe and saved the baby from certain death. 22-year-old woman, rented a room in this house. A bloodied woman was found in her room. toilet paper and toys. The two-day-old, 2.5 kg baby boy was temporarily given the name "Baby 59" after the number of the neonatal equipment he was placed in after the rescue. The boy was taken to the hospital with a fractured skull.

In a shared toilet on the fourth floor, rescuers were able to hear faint screams and spotted a child's foot deep inside the pipe.

Rescuers sawed off the section of the pipe in which the baby was

Abuse of newborn babies is common

The mother herself claimed that she hid her pregnancy and, after the "sudden" birth of the baby, accidentally dropped him into the toilet.

Later, the mother of the child admitted that she could not afford an abortion and the pregnant woman moved to a rented apartment. And after the birth of the child, she dropped it into the toilet, but since the child was stuck and she could not pull it out on her own, she warned the owner of the house, after which she called the rescue team.

The owner of the house said that there were no signs of childbirth in the toilet and it was not at all clear that the renter was pregnant.

The girl, in turn, claims that she managed to hide her pregnancy by wearing loose clothes and tightly tying her stomach

Removing the baby from the tube

This is not the first Chinese media report of a baby being flushed down the toilet immediately after birth, making the incident a highly disturbing but common occurrence in China.

Thousands of Chinese, as soon as they learned about the tragedy, came to the hospital and brought diapers, baby clothes, baby food and were even interested in the possibility of adopting a child.

Kid 59's condition is stable, but he needs to recover for some time.

Toilet bowl - New, to buy - what you take for new, in fact, has been in use more than once.

Your discoveries will not be revelations to others.

Old, wash - to the services that you will be forced to provide.

Caring for the sick or babies.

Very dirty - you will have to be disgusted, perhaps cleaning up after the sick. Such a punishment is given to you, most likely for your pride.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they care too much about someone or take care of them, then in this case they say: "Seven nannies have a child without an eye."

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: "Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry."

A child is a symbol of trouble, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you rest, and as a signal of your state of mind in a dream it appears child.

If you dreamed crying baby, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.

Holding a child in your arms, rocking him, putting him to sleep - in reality you will need a lot of work, because the path to success will be very difficult.

The dream in which you feed the child promises you a troublesome business that will end with a benefit for you, will bring moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream - in reality, experiencing inconvenience, discomfort, because you will do work that you do not like.

Interpretation of dreams from

The woman in labor is 15 years old, and the father of the child is 18. Allegedly, it was the father who tried to force her to get rid of the newborn. A terrible story surfaced today, December 7, in social networks. The above circumstances have already been partially confirmed officials- police and officials from the Ministry of Health.

It all happened in Troitsk, in the toilet of one of the dormitories. On the night of December 5, a schoolgirl gave birth to a living child over the toilet. They say that the father of the baby did not know that the girlfriend was in interesting position. Just like the parents of the mother. Upon learning that his girlfriend was about to give birth, the guy forced her to go to the restroom and demanded to flush her son down the toilet.

Perhaps a schoolgirl would have done just that. However, at that time, her mother came home. Seeing what was happening, she herself cut off the umbilical cord and called an ambulance. The doctors took the baby and his unfortunate mother to the hospital. Whether the baby's father was present during the birth is unclear.


The child is not the fact that he will survive, because he is premature. The girl was not observed by a gynecologist, she smoked and drank a lot. In general, she did everything to make the child die, - says a friend of the baby's grandmother in social networks.

But the boy survived. He was urgently evacuated from Troitsk to Chelyabinsk, the doctors of the regional children's hospital are fighting for the baby's life. A premature baby is in the intensive care unit of the intensive care unit. His condition is assessed as serious. Forecasts for life: whether he will survive or not - the best doctors in the region do not yet give.

Perhaps the boy received some kind of birth injury, because they gave birth to him as they had to, or he drank water and froze while lying in the toilet.

The 15-year-old woman in labor is now also in the hospital, she was taken to the Troitsk maternity hospital. It is quite difficult to give birth at this age on your own. The body of a teenager is not yet ready for such colossal loads. According to friends of this family, the girl received tears during childbirth. internal organs. If so, she, too, is in for a painful recovery.

Both the mother and the child are under the supervision of doctors, they are provided with all the necessary assistance, - told the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - Chelyabinsk "an employee of the press service of the regional Ministry of Health Natalya Kazantseva.


Meanwhile, the chronology of all events is restored by the police. Law enforcement officers must find out whether there was malicious intent in the behavior of unfortunate parents.

It is impossible to say who is guilty now. The Troitsk police are already checking all the circumstances of the incident, the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Chelyabinsk region reported.

Later it became known that the Investigative Committee took the materials of the check. The situation was taken under personal control by the chief investigator of the region Denis Chernyatiev.

All according to the same rumors, walking around the hostel, the father of the child was seriously going to take his life. And when it was not possible to flush his son down the toilet, he was eager to take the baby out in a bag to the street and bury it. If all this is confirmed, instead of the army, an 18-year-old guy can go through the stage. In addition, he will also have to answer for the seduction of a minor. The police have not yet reported the identities of all the defendants in this story.


Under Chebarkul mother-murderer reached the end

In October this year, a similar incident occurred in the village of Medvedevo near Chebarkul. The mother also decided to kill the baby there. A 30-year-old woman, who already has three children, missed all the terms of the abortion and decided to get rid of the baby in a different way.

The lady also did not tell anyone about her situation, and when the time came, she gave birth to a girl at home and threw it into cesspool. A few days later, the body of the crumbs was accidentally noticed by a neighbor. According to the examination, the girl was born alive and died from suffocation with sewage - she choked.

A criminal case was opened against the mother. A parent with many children faces four years and four years in prison.

In the Chinese district of Jinhua, a terrible state of emergency has occurred. The unfortunate mother, who hid her pregnancy, gave birth in the toilet and washed the child down the drain.

The rescue service received a very unusual call. Hearing what the alarmed locals wanted from them, the men quickly rallied to help.

Arriving at a multi-storey residential building, the rescuers were a little taken aback. From the sewers of the fourth floor, a child's cry was indeed heard! Soon the reason for calling firefighters became clear to everyone. A newborn boy was found in the sewage pipe. The baby is firmly stuck in the depths of the collector.

The rescuers failed to pull the baby out with improvised means, and time was running out, so they had to cut out a section of the pipe and take it to the clinic!

Initially, doctors suggested that the boy, whose placenta was still attached to the body, had heart problems. In addition, a lot of bruises and scratches were found on the baby's body. But, fortunately, soon the condition of the baby stabilized.

The police took up the case almost immediately. Although attempts at deliberate infanticide are not uncommon in China, they are mostly carried out on female infants, as the most undesirable.

The police managed to find out who is the mother of the child. She turned out to be a resident of the building where the incident occurred. In fact, she herself called the rescuers. According to the young woman, her boyfriend left her, and she had no money for an abortion. The woman in labor gave birth to her son in the toilet on her own, but claimed that she did not plan to get rid of the baby. She claims that the baby slipped out of her hands and into the pipe. To save the baby, the mother immediately called the firemen, but when they arrived, she was afraid of the consequences.

The story of the unfortunate baby stirred up the public. Since the boy did not yet have a name, the press called him "baby 59", after the number under which he was admitted to the hospital. Soon, caring local residents began to bring infant formula, diapers, diapers, etc. to the baby.

Many were outraged by the irresponsible behavior of the mother of the crumbs. However, there were also those who tried to protect the woman in labor, pointing out that she was in a difficult situation and was very scared. It’s good that she called the rescuers in time, otherwise the boy would be doomed.
