How long before childbirth does diarrhea start? Problems of expectant mothers: why diarrhea occurs before childbirth

Pregnancy is such a period when a woman can experience anything. Often these are unpleasant sensations: pain, discomfort, pathology and much more. And closer to the appointed time of delivery, a woman may experience another very unpleasant moment - diarrhea. But is this behavior normal? And how many pregnant women experience such unpleasant moments? In order to avoid such questions, it is necessary to prepare in advance and find answers to them.

Is it normal?

Very often you can find such information from women giving birth that this very unpleasant phenomenon happened to them just before the birth. As statistics have shown, diarrhea before the approach of childbirth happens to a lot of people. This can happen even when there are still a few weeks left for the final pregnancy. But in most cases, diarrhea appears a day or two before the start of the first contractions. The reason for this behavior of the body is that the head of the child, when lowered into the small pelvis, begins to press on the sacrum, which naturally causes some discomfort. There may also be frequent urge to go to the toilet associated with urination.

It is not uncommon for discomfort during sleep or just lying down. Then it is very difficult to find the position for sleeping, which will be really comfortable. Also, judging by the statistics, mothers who give birth for the first time experience diarrhea as early as 38-39 weeks. Those who have not given birth for the first time, then this unpleasant moment will be delayed almost to last day before childbirth.

During such features of the body, appetite practically disappears. Many women have a feeling of nausea and regular gastrointestinal problems. Such changes occur due to the fact that the female body is instinctively cleansed before a close birth. At such times, taste preferences can completely change.

Advantages of this situation

In rare cases, constipation may occur before childbirth. But this is usually a rarity. To a greater extent, a woman is pursued by diarrhea, which has a very positive effect on the body of the mother and child. This is one of the features of the body during pregnancy, because if the intestines are empty, then it will be much easier for the baby to move. Painful abdominal cramps or flatulence may occur along with diarrhea just before childbirth. This can affect the uterus and tone it, which of course will cause false contractions. But if you believe the practice, then this behavior of the body passes in a few days. This time is enough for the intestines to be completely cleansed, and the body to switch to active labor activity.

Harm of diarrhea before childbirth

But not always diarrhea is a positive signal that the birth is very close. You should consult a doctor if the stool is very liquid and has a greenish tint. Plus, the woman still has vomiting. In the same way, it is worth doing if there is foam in the feces, there is a pungent odor or it yellow color. Sometimes it can go up heat. Then such diarrhea cannot be ignored. Most likely, such signs are characteristic of an intestinal infection from which it is very difficult to insure. But if, apart from diarrhea, there is no weakening of the body or any other signs of malaise that are not characteristic of this situation, then you can behave calmly.

And to make it easier to survive such an unpleasant phenomenon of the body, you just need to eat fastening food and forget about red and orange foods for a while. Although it will not be superfluous to insure a visit to the doctor.

In most cases, diarrhea shortly before the expected date of birth can be considered quite normal. But for most mothers, this unpleasant phenomenon causes worries, is it safe for the baby? Let's try to figure out in more detail whether there is always diarrhea before childbirth, whether it can harm the child and how to behave in this situation.

Most of the women who gave birth talked about diarrhea, which began at a period of 38-39 weeks, that is, about a week before the birth. At the same time, the general condition was noted as satisfactory, and no anxiety symptoms except for liquid stool was not observed. All this is explained by the natural process of cleansing the body, which is preparing for the birth of the baby.

It is difficult to determine exactly how many days before delivery diarrhea can begin. Each organism is individual, as is the course of pregnancy. The start of the cleansing process can be influenced by factors such as the size of the fetus, the gastronomic habits of the pregnant woman on the day of birth, or the general health of the woman.

At the same time, before childbirth in multiparous women, episodes of diarrhea are extremely rare.

Fine liquid stool before childbirth can last from several days to a week. This is quite enough to thoroughly cleanse the intestines and not prevent the child from moving along the birth canal on the day of his birth.

These days, diarrhea refers to frequent loose stools that stand out in a small amount. Abdominal pain, fever and vomiting are absent. The condition does not cause dehydration of the body, which is why it does not pose a danger to the mother and child.

If diarrhea begins shortly before the birth of the child, not accompanied by other symptoms, do not panic and try to eliminate diarrhea. This is physiology, and there is no need to interfere with the natural processes that accompany the generic "everyday life".

A small bonus from such diarrhea is that when labor begins, a woman will not have to put a cleansing enema between contractions. Although many now give birth without it, an empty intestine is still safer for a child.

To alleviate the condition during this period, it is recommended:

  1. Completely renounce any physical activity. Now we need rest, and if a woman wants to give birth to a healthy baby, you should take care of yourself.
  2. Reconsider your diet, excluding from it all foods that have a laxative effect.
  3. Don't forget about water. Most likely, dehydration does not threaten a woman, but it is not worth the risk. In this state, during pregnancy, the rate of fluid intake is 1.2–1.3 liters per day. But do not overdo it, a larger volume of water can provoke the appearance of edema and the development of complications.

Loose stools during pregnancy, what danger it carries, causes of diarrhea. Diarrhea as a harbinger early delivery how to distinguish from poisoning.

During pregnancy, a lot of changes occur with a woman, new sensations appear, often they can be unpleasant.

Taste preferences, mode and other features also change. Before the very birth, a woman can overtake diarrhea.

It is important to know if this phenomenon is normal, and what to do about it.

Is there liquid stool before childbirth

When the fetus begins to sink lower, it begins to put pressure on internal organs, namely, bladder and rectum. That is why the woman in labor has frequent urge to urinate and defecate. The latter can occur in the form of loose and frequent stools, which brings a lot of inconvenience.

However, this is a normal reaction of the body to such changes, which is preparing for delivery. Moreover, in each specific case prenatal period is different. Some may develop diarrhea, and some may vomit or become constipated. Diarrhea can overtake not only before childbirth, but also a couple of weeks before them.

If in the first birth a woman was disturbed by diarrhea, then in the second it may not be.

Many women are embarrassed by this phenomenon, so they do not tell the doctor about it. However, before giving birth, each of the women undergoes an enema procedure, which will allow them to empty their intestines. This is necessary so that during childbirth, the contents of the intestine do not enter the respiratory tract.

Physiological causes

A few days before delivery, the body prepares for this, so it hurries to remove everything superfluous from there.

The fetus begins to descend, moving along the birth canal, thereby squeezing the intestines and bladder. It is because of this that loose stools can disturb a couple of days before childbirth.

Features of diarrhea on this basis are:

  1. Loose stools, but not watery.
  2. The act of defecation is accompanied by mild pain in the intestines.
  3. There is no admixture of pus or blood.
  4. No vomiting.
  5. Normal body temperature.

Diarrhea before childbirth does not pose a serious danger to the mother and fetus, the most important thing is to drink more water so that there is no dehydration.

Pathological causes

During pregnancy, a woman is prone to many different diseases that can be accompanied by diarrhea.

Most often this happens due to:

  1. The use of questionable products.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Wrong nutrition.
  4. Allergies.
  5. Taking medication.
  6. Stress.

Food poisoning happens due to the use of products of dubious origin. Once in the body, such bacteria produce exotoxins, which cause symptoms of poisoning. A woman begins severe vomiting, acute pain in the abdomen, loose stools, fever, etc. If the body is dehydrated, then loss of consciousness is possible. To prevent this, you should consult a doctor in time.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, frequent urge to the toilet with loose stools is possible. At the same time, pain in the abdomen is not severe, there is no vomiting. To alleviate the condition, you should contact a gastroenterologist.

Diarrhea can occur due to malnutrition, addiction to junk food. Typically, this indigestion lasts a couple of hours and does not cause much discomfort. To prevent recurrent diarrhea, it is better to start eating right.

Can diarrhea be a precursor to labor?

Many women complain of loose stools or other digestive problems a few days or weeks before giving birth.

This is a normal reaction of the body, which may indicate the imminent birth of a child, the so-called - a harbinger of childbirth. The reason for this is hormonal changes and fetal prolapse, which affects the gastrointestinal tract.

The diarrhea that occurs before childbirth makes a woman go to the toilet several times an hour, while the stool comes out in a small volume. A few hours before labor, vomiting, loss of appetite and stomach pain are possible. These phenomena can occur together or separately.

If indigestion causes discomfort, you can wear a bandage for pregnant women, it will reduce the load on the internal organs.

How to distinguish indigestion from symptoms before childbirth

Sometimes diarrhea before childbirth is a sign of an intestinal infection or poisoning, and this can lead to dehydration and other unpleasant consequences.

You can get poisoned food products or substances such as mercury, gas and other chemicals.

In addition to diarrhea, a pregnant woman is also worried about symptoms such as:

  1. Nausea and severe vomiting.
  2. Bloating, severe pain.
  3. Fever and chills.
  4. Dizziness, low blood pressure and fainting.

If frequent stools and nausea

In some cases, diarrhea later dates indicates the imminent onset of labor. The body prepares for the birth of a child, so the excessive production of prostaglandins begins.

Such a symptom in the later stages does not pose a serious danger, but if it lasts no more than a day. If vomiting or diarrhea bothers you too often, it can lead to dehydration. In this case, urgent action must be taken.

Sometimes women experience diarrhea before childbirth. This is a consequence of the restructuring of all body systems during the bearing of a child. The first trimester is characterized by the appearance of nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen. Feelings may get worse. Body features future mother are such that some of these manifestations persist literally until the moment of delivery.

Causes of diarrhea

For a certain time period before the onset of labor, pain may appear, which are pulling in nature. While carrying a child, contractions can be felt, they have a training orientation. The baby gives signals about the imminent readiness to be born. By the end of pregnancy, appetite worsens. Against this background, there is a possibility of developing diarrhea. Women who have given birth are aware of this feature. They do not give in to anxiety or panic. Their emotional state remains at the normal level. Unpleasant symptoms disappear as soon as the mother meets her baby.

From a period of 38 weeks, the appearance predicts the imminent onset of labor. This phenomenon is physiological in nature. The body needs to get rid of everything unnecessary. Diarrhea before childbirth is a normal reaction. Diarrhea does not require special treatment during pregnancy, if this does not affect the well-being of the expectant mother, her activities.

By the expected date of birth of the child, all organs, body systems begin to rebuild for childbearing.

The causes of diarrhea before childbirth is the prolapse of the uterus into the pelvic area. With the positive aspects of this process, there is an increase in the urge to go to the toilet. This is due to additional pressure on the bladder and sacrum. In some cases, the reverse process occurs - constipation. A feature of diarrhea in pregnant women is that it does not lead to dehydration. The water-salt balance is kept within the normal range. The consistency of feces is mushy. The volume of bowel movements is small. If the expectant mother is observed in the inpatient department of the maternity hospital, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about the onset of diarrhea, its frequency.

After 37 weeks, the fetus is actively gaining weight, activity decreases. Closed space hinders his movements. Symptoms of imminent labor can occur at any time. The woman must be ready to be placed in the delivery room.

Diarrhea as a sign of imminent labor

The main signs of approaching labor activity are:

  1. Promotion of the child in the pelvic area. As expectant mothers say, the stomach begins to sink. It becomes easier for a woman to breathe. Mom's hand is placed between the chest and stomach. The pressure on the stomach decreases.
  2. Increasing pain in the groin. There is additional pressure on the pelvic bones. This can lead to a condition where it becomes difficult for the expectant mother to find a comfortable body position. Finding a comfortable sleeping position becomes more difficult.
  3. Mucous discharge, colored brown. The process is indicated by the passage of the cork, which all the time protected the baby from infection.
  4. Bloody issues. The phenomenon does not indicate danger. From the pressure of the baby, small blood vessels burst.
  5. Departure amniotic fluid. The indicated sign indicates the approach of the moment when mother and baby will first see each other.
  6. Diarrhea.

Loose stools before childbirth come as a surprise to some women. In primiparas, pre-delivery diarrhea may occur several weeks before admission to a health facility. In multiparous women, diarrhea before childbirth may occur at the time of contractions. The described condition increases gas formation, spasmodic pains are possible.

With an empty intestine, it is easier for the fetus to pass through the birth canal. In the event of a decrease in appetite or its absence in the expectant mother, it is not worth persuading to eat. The body signals that there is no need for an additional portion of nutrients. Overloaded with food, the intestines can provoke discomfort in the form of belching and heartburn.

Some women in labor experience discomfort, embarrassment, if diarrhea caught them at the time of examination by an obstetrician. Doctors study the characteristics of the body during the delivery period, are ready for unforeseen situations. If diarrhea has opened at the time of the onset of labor, then there is no need to artificially cleanse the intestines.

There may be situations when diarrhea before childbirth is accompanied by vomiting. Increased amount hormones cause nausea. It is recommended to refuse food, water, so as not to provoke a gag reflex. If a woman realizes that she is unable to cope with vomiting, the staff will provide her with a container to alleviate the condition.

Nutrition for prevention

Two to three weeks before the expected date of birth, a woman is recommended to review her diet. It is not worth overloading the digestive system with heavy meals. The use of fast carbohydrates, sweets and cereals should be kept to a minimum. The basis of nutrition in this period are products of plant origin.

Consumption of fermented milk foods should be cautious. The presence of bacteria in them can lead to increased gas formation and a change in the consistency of the stool. You should limit the intake of carbonated drinks, fatty, fried and salty foods. Unpleasant sensations in the stomach will bring additional discomfort to the expectant mother.

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy

Accept medications for thickening feces is recommended only after consulting a doctor. It is forbidden to make a decision and prescribe drugs on your own. On the forums, you can find women recommending a drug prescribed to them earlier, referring to the similarity of symptoms. It is impossible to predict the reaction to the consumed medicine without a doctor's examination. It is possible that diarrhea will disappear on its own after the baby is born.

If diarrhea bothers a woman, then you can drink a small amount of rice water or sorbent. With its frequent use, you can cause the opposite effect. This will complicate the act of defecation in the postpartum period.

If diarrhea does not go away for a long time or has interspersed with blood and mucus, then it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist. The stools may become greenish in color. The presence of blood may indicate problems with the lining of the stomach or intestines. When a sharp bad smell, weakness or fever, you should contact an ambulance medical care. There is a possibility of developing an intestinal infection with these symptoms. After examination and testing, additional specific treatment may be required.

In addition to physiological diarrhea, feces can be changed in pregnant women in the following cases:

  • when the consumed products are incompatible;
  • exacerbation of allergic reactions;
  • infections localized in the digestive system;
  • exacerbation of sluggish gastrointestinal disease.

If a pregnant woman notes at least two or three of the listed signs, then there is no need to panic. This means that the long-awaited meeting with your baby will soon take place.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Diarrhea before childbirth is a popular event in women during pregnancy. Changes in the hormonal background lead to certain changes in the life of the body.

In the first trimester, a woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the abdomen.

These ailments towards the end of bearing a child recede, but others come to replace them.

Types of diarrhea in pregnant women

Diarrhea before childbirth has its own causes, which are divided into 2 categories:

  • Pathological - can be serious complications of acute and chronic pathologies, the penetration of infection into the digestive tract;
  • Physiological, which do not need special intervention.

Diarrhea before childbirth is a worrying situation. And no matter how this process is explained by its naturalness, it requires examination and recommendations from the doctor.

How many times have you heard in the queues to the gynecologist from patients, from nurses, and from the doctors themselves, that diarrhea during the end of the gestation period is the preparation of the female body for labor.

The female body reacts differently to the time of childbirth. One category of pregnant diarrhea refers to the near onset of labor.

Other women already have diarrhea in the middle of the third trimester. It has not been scientifically proven that diarrhea is a mandatory harbinger of childbirth.

Loose stools before childbirth, according to women who have given birth to their babies, do not always accompany pregnant women.

But there is a curious fact that a multiparous woman can have a stool that is not different at any stage of pregnancy. And it happens that constipation appears at the end of the gestation period.

The presence of feces in the intestine complicates the course of attempts. Therefore, nature itself took care of helping a woman giving birth in the form of bowel cleansing.

Diarrhea, as a harbinger of childbirth, has characteristic features:

  • Does not contain signs of dehydration, expressed in dryness of the mouth, tongue, lips, rare urination;
  • The stool is not liquid, but more of a mushy consistency;
  • The volume of bowel movements is small, but defecation occurs up to 4 times.

Not always everything is so cloudless and harmless before childbirth. During this period, there may be an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the occurrence of other pathologies.

Then pathological diarrhea begins, which is characterized by the following criteria:

  • loose, copious stools containing mucus and blood. The color of the stool will tell about the pathology, which can be from yellow shade to a greenish tone;
  • nausea and vomiting accompany the condition of the pregnant woman;
  • spastic nature of abdominal pain;
  • fever, fever, chills;
  • signs of dehydration;
  • deterioration in well-being.

Before childbirth, any such manifestation should not be ignored by the doctor.

In addition to exacerbations and infections, the development of acute surgical pathology is possible. Diarrhea in the third trimester can also be a hint of preterm labor.

Diarrhea, not aggravated by dangerous manifestations, can last for several days until the intestines are cleared.

But since the situation of pregnant women, nevertheless, differs from the condition of non-pregnant women, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Moderate physical activity. Less walking, more relaxing. In particular, if before childbirth, the time is calculated up to 14 days;
  • Track your nutrition. Exclude from the menu dishes that have a laxative effect;
  • If thirst begins due to the withdrawal of fluid during diarrhea, increased drinking is recommended;
  • Despite diarrhea, one must be calm, not experience stress, moderate emotions, both positive and negative.

Diarrhea, which started as a symptom of a pathology, must be treated under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to lead to premature birth as a stimulus for contractions.

After all, a primiparous woman does not always understand whether feces are pressing on the anus, or labor pains have begun.

At the heart of the treatment methodology, it is mandatory to fulfill the doctor's prescriptions:

  • Maintaining a diet and drinking regimen;
  • In the first few days, exclude difficult-to-digest dishes;
  • Taking sorbents to accelerate the elimination of toxins in case of food poisoning or infectious diseases;
  • Treatment with drugs for symptomatic manifestations of pathologies.

How to prepare the body for childbirth

The time for childbirth is getting closer. Not in all, but in many pregnant women, there are many unpleasant symptoms that panic can cause.

Although they are natural manifestations before childbirth, they cause discomfort in expectant mothers. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen can result in false contractions.

Diarrhea and discharge of the mucous plug accompanies indigestion. Some people experience loss of appetite during this time.

The essence of such processes is that the uterus moves from the abdominal cavity to the pelvic part. The prolapse of the uterus before childbirth creates some relief for the woman.

The uterus does not squeeze the diaphragm and lungs, because of this, breathing becomes freer. At this time, nausea, heartburn, and mild vomiting, which used to be caused by the backflow of the contents of a compressed stomach into the esophagus, may disappear.

Giving freedom to the upper organs of the peritoneum, the uterus compresses the organs of the small pelvis. The primary discomfort is experienced by the bladder and rectum.

A pregnant woman is provoked by a frequent urge to urinate, slight nausea, and diarrhea before childbirth is not excluded.

Prenatal time for unpleasant manifestations individually for each pregnant woman. Loose stools can begin much earlier than expected contractions.
weight loss

The growing weight of the last trimester after 37-39 weeks suddenly drops by 1-1.5 kg. Better seen in pregnant women with edema. This is a sign of close birth.

Nature itself stimulates before childbirth to get rid of excess moisture. This contributes to a slight weight loss.

Blood thickens and less is lost during childbirth. The extra moisture that was needed for the production of amniotic fluid is now unnecessary, and the body brings it out.

Contractions and their nature

Delivery can be expected when contractions appear. Contractions begin, as if trial. There is no particular pain involved. It is similar in character to muscle tension.

The abdomen stiffens, petrified, and after a certain period begins to relax. A distinctive feature of false contractions is their irregularity.

True contractions are detected by the minute. They come with enviable regularity, reducing the gap between occurrence.

2-3 weeks before delivery, false contractions are an indicator of their approach. Their nature is beneficial for the uterus. Contractions help the cervix to become soft, straighten, preparing for the upcoming birth.

Mucus plug as a messenger of close childbirth

A woman may soon give birth if the mucosal plug has passed. Its formation occurs during pregnancy as a result of the release of a jelly-like mass by the mucous membranes of the cervix.

Mucus plug is designed to protect the birth canal. It blocks the entrance to the cervical canal. This protects the fetus from ascending infection.

She is rejected shortly before childbirth. The period for different pregnant women is individual. It can be a period of a week or two.

After the cork is released, it is necessary to protect the birth canal from infection, excluding any bathing in water bodies, and even at home in the bathroom. During this period, you need to use the shower.

The leakage of a liquefied plug should not be confused with the discharge of amniotic fluid. If there is no experience to distinguish between these 2 processes, then The best decision It's a doctor's examination.

Summing up the above, let's focus on the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy. This is the last week that concludes the course of the formation of the fetus.

From that moment on, the child is already full-term. But he still has a month of comfortable intrauterine life at his disposal. Any of the days can be the date of his birth.

But this period for the expectant mother is quite difficult. A child may be born earlier due to a cold, runny nose, oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios, in the presence of twins, sex.

At this time, the harbingers of childbirth start. And although their appearance is individual for each patient, they still need to be well remembered.

What accompanies a pregnant woman on the eve of childbirth:

  • Periodically stony or pain in the abdomen begins;
  • There are bouts of nausea;
  • The woman's weight suddenly drops;
  • The fetus took a position to exit the womb;
  • Diarrhea or loose stools begin as a natural bowel cleansing;
  • Contractions are false and tend to be regular;
  • The temperature of the pregnant woman may rise.

One of the harbingers of childbirth usually confuses the pregnant woman. This is the presence of diarrhea or loose stools.

Experienced women already know by themselves that the intestines are cleansed naturally or not, maternity hospitals will definitely use bowel movements.

And this is not only because fecal feces complicate the process of labor attempts. The involuntary exit of feces during attempts violates the sterility of the birth canal.

Therefore, everything for natural bowel cleansing - diarrhea, enema, suppositories - is needed for the birth of a healthy baby.

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