Men's toilet close-up view from below. How women go to the toilet around the world

While the average woman - whether in Russia or America - is standing in line for a public toilet, the average man manages to visit a booth, do business, smoke and watch a quarter of an episode of Star Wars. What do women do in public restrooms for so long? The Village's question is answered by a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and creator of a site about toilets.

The answer to the question is on the surface. 90% of visitors go to the public toilet in a small way. For this, it is enough for a man to simply unbutton and fasten his fly after a while - and it does not matter, in winter or summer. Accordingly, most men use urinals for 1–1.5 minutes. Toilet bowls - no more than 2 minutes.

It takes about 4–5 minutes for a woman to visit the toilet: go into the cabin, lock it, hang up the bag, if the lady is wearing a coat, take it off, and so on.

Now in numbers. Suppose a public toilet has the same number of sanitary appliances: the men's section has two toilets and two urinals, and the women's section has four toilets. Accordingly, the throughput is as follows: the men's section - about 150 people per hour, the women's - about 50 people, that is, three times less. In winter - for obvious reasons (fur coats, two pairs of tights) - the throughput of the women's department is even less: about 40 people per hour. Hence the queue.

Historical fact: at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, women's urinals were installed in toilets in Russia. However, this fact has been forgotten, and it is unlikely that this tradition will simply be resumed.

Olga Miloradova

The excretory processes themselves in the human mind are inextricably linked with such emotions as disgust and shame, which in turn is associated with the idea of ​​​​a dirty and unreliable essence of our bodies in principle. At the same time, the degree of shame and disgust in the public consciousness is not the same for different sexes. Women are thought to be more averse to bodily secretions, more likely to hide flatulence, more likely to try to hide the sounds and smells they make while using the toilet, and wash their hands much more frequently after using the restroom. Female excretion (excretion) is more hidden, emotionally suppressed than male.

In a 2004 experiment by psychologists Jamie L. Goldenberg and Tomi-Anne Roberts, girls who asked to go to the bathroom in the middle of a study were perceived negatively by other participants compared to those girls who asked to go to the bathroom for other reasons than those who asked to go to the bathroom. At the same time, for men, the reason for which they asked for leave did not play a role.

While in the toilet stall, the girl tries to make as little noise as possible, which can often be associated with time: less jet pressure so that there is less noise, plus excessive stress and acceleration is fraught with the danger of releasing gases. Also, the girl tries to hide the consequences of her visit to the toilet, shame is largely associated with the fear of contamination (pollution), to prevent which it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures: women are much more likely than men to use toilet paper after urination, and sometimes with wet wipes, which must also be removed from the bag.

In addition, many girls tend to endure for a long time before admitting that they need to use the toilet, respectively, emptying the crowded Bladder takes longer than a man who is more likely to go to the bathroom on time.


Apart from hygienic reasons - changing a tampon, for example - it must be taken into account that a woman generally has to make more movements: for example, lower her pants or tights, underpants, then put them back on; perhaps adjust the skirt, bra. Plus, women, unlike men, need to take care of the toilet seat: sit on it or get up, and if you sit down, lay a napkin. Imagine how much longer the queues to the toilets would be if men wrote with the letter zu. Then - wipe. Some even fix their makeup.

In general, the queues are longer, because, as everyone knows, women have a more complicated body, and they have to spend more time staying in a booth.

illustration: Nastya Yarovaya

For 19-year-old Flora, who lives in Maputo with her mother and other relatives, the toilet is shared by her family and several other neighbor families.

On Wednesday, November 19, the world celebrated unusual holiday, Toilet Day. And BBC World published a photo study by Panos Pivtures on how women go to the toilet in different countries peace.

According to BBC journalists, about 2.5 billion people in the world do not use civilized bathrooms and toilets, because they simply do not have such an opportunity. It is clear that this situation is especially inconvenient for women.

World Toilet Day is the occasion for a photo exhibition inspired by how women in different countries suffer from the lack of proper toilet facilities.

Renee's bathroom is an ordinary nook in her rural home near Sydney. Since there are no neighbors nearby, the lack of walls does not create any particular problems for Rene.

A 65-year-old Bangladeshi woman named Sukurbanu uses a "natural" toilet built near her home in Rupnagar. Numerous diseases of a woman are the result of using this, so to speak, toilet.

Sukurbanu lives with three daughters, so the morning toilet begins with a long queue to a hole in the ground.

Isabella lives in a luxurious penthouse. A 33-year-old woman from Rio de Janeiro has no idea how you can do without a clean hot water and a comfortable toilet.

Fabiola (69) lives near the capital of Ecuador, the city of Quito. The woman spent her childhood and youth in poverty, when one toilet had to be shared with two dozen people. Now Fabiola lives in an apartment with five bathrooms.

Meseret of Ethiopia, who lives in the country's capital, has a shared toilet in her backyard, which she shares with her mother, two brothers and two sons.

For 47-year-old Ima, the toilet is a place of work. A Ghanaian woman lives in an apartment with her husband and four children that has no toilet at all. Therefore, when she comes to work, Ima takes advantage of her official position and visits the “working” toilet with pleasure.

The crime situation in Ghana forces Ima and her family to defecate in plastic bags at night so as not to be on the street next to the criminals.

Haitian Martin, 27 years old, uses a thicket near her house as a toilet. A cesspool is arranged there - but this is a night "toilet". During the day, Martin, like her neighbors, goes to the public restroom, located a 15-minute walk from the house.

Shangita, who is 35, moved to New Delhi 10 years ago. A special pride of a woman is a cozy toilet in her new apartment, which was not even close in his native village.

61-year-old Japanese woman Eiko lives in Tokyo. She often uses the public restroom, which has heated seats and music. In the relaxation room next to the restrooms, Eiko can recharge her phone, watch TV, and even get a foot massage.

In a Kenyan school, the toilet is designed for 250 students. It is clear that the condition of these latrines is, to put it mildly, deplorable, so children prefer to relieve themselves in secluded corners right on the street.

Eunice (the woman in the photo) is the founder of the school. She arranged with her husband special small toilets that make it difficult for adults to use them. Now it is difficult for the neighbors of the school to come to it to shit in the children's toilet.

Romanian Pana (49 years old) from Buzescu, like half of the country's inhabitants, lives in a village where there are no running water. Pana has a toilet inside the house, but it is only used when guests arrive. The rest of the time, the woman's family goes to the toilet outside.

Nombini's home in South Africa has two dry closets, portable toilets, used by 12 people in her family.

Young writer Maria from New York used to live in Beijing, where she used a shared toilet, so now she is happy to have such a small but personal one in her small bathroom. Ah, no... Two friends live with the girl.

The 46-year-old Zambian is disabled, but Susan is also the founder of a school for children with physical and mental disabilities. The toilet at the school is located on a hill, because during the rainy season, water can wash out the latrine.


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A collection of the most creative and unusual toilets from around the world:

These egg-shaped booths are located in the toilet of one of London's restaurants.

A space toilet with a special vacuum is located at the Engineering Museum of Innovation in Tokyo.

Parisian toilets are self-cleaning: as soon as the visitor leaves, an automatic disinfection cycle begins, which lasts one minute.

A one-sided mirrored toilet designed by architect Monica Bonvicini is located in London: you sit to yourself and look at passers-by.

Fortunately, passers-by cannot see what is happening inside: the mirror coating is only on the outside.

The toilet at the Madarao-Kogen Hotel (Iiyama City, Japan) gives you the opportunity to sit on the toilet, feeling at the same time on top of a mountain, ready to ski down at any moment.

In the toilet of the Hong Kong shopping center, without looking up from the process, you can watch some kind of television show.

As you know, the Japanese are big fans of video games. Therefore, now there are games in the toilets, which are called "Toylets". Moreover, there are several games at once, but you can manage all of them ... with a stream of urine. For example, when playing "Graffiti Eraser", graffiti is washed off the walls with a jet, and when playing "The North Wind and The Sun And Me", a girl's skirt can be lifted with steam from urine, i.e. the stronger the pressure, the higher the skirt will rise.

Built on the 15th floor above an open elevator shaft, this see-through toilet is located in Guadalajara, Mexico. The sensations experienced inside the toilet certainly contribute to its intended purpose.

This solid gold toilet is located in Hong Kong. The cost of only one toilet reaches 5 million dollars. Before entering it, the visitor is asked to put on shoe covers so as not to scratch the golden floor.

Immediately after buying a summer cottage, its owner is faced with the question of building a toilet. This is a fairly simple task, but it has a lot of nuances and possibilities that you should understand before building a structure. How to build a toilet in the country, and will be discussed in this article.

Types of country toilets

There are the following types of toilets for summer cottages:

  1. Pit toilet. This option has existed for a very long time and during this time has proved itself with the most better side. It is very simple to build a country toilet with such a design - at the bottom there is a properly formed cesspool, above which a toilet house is installed. When the pit is completely filled, it needs to be cleaned, and you can do it yourself, or you can use the services of vacuum cleaners. In extreme cases, you can simply move the house to another location, and bury the old hole - over time, all sewage will be processed, and the toilet can be returned to the same place.
  2. play closet. This type of structure is distinguished by the fact that their pit is airtight. The construction of a toilet of this type is carried out in cases where there is a need to install a toilet near the house, a source of drinking water, or if the soil water is too high on the site.
  3. Powder closet. Such country toilets are a completely familiar design, with the only difference being that there is no cesspool under them. To collect waste products, any container can be used, the volume of which corresponds to the regularity of using the toilet. Powder closets are suitable for situations where there is no possibility to equip a cesspool (for example, if groundwater is located almost on the same level with the ground).

When using closet powders, you must always keep dry peat on hand (sawdust or ash can be used as a substitute), which sewage is covered with. There should be a separate container for storing powder in the house. After filling the container that replaces the pit, it must be cleaned. The waste under the layer of powder gradually rots, and after some time it will be possible to dispose of it or fertilize the plants with it.

The location of the toilet in the country

Before you build an outdoor toilet with your own hands, you need to consider all the rules regarding its location. Any type of country toilet with a cesspool can be located on a site where the depth of soil water exceeds 2.5 meters. In addition to the depth of soil water, you need to take into account the rules and regulations governing the location of the toilet in the country.

The device of the toilet in the country should be carried out at a certain distance from various objects:

  • Water sources (wells, lakes, rivers, etc.) - a distance of at least 25 m;
  • Residential buildings and cellars - the minimum distance is 12 m;
  • Shower cabins and bath buildings - 8 m;
  • fruit and ornamental trees– not less than 4 m;
  • Bushes and fences - 1 m.

If we are already building a toilet in the country, then when choosing a place for it, it is necessary to take into account all the objects, including those located in neighboring areas. In addition, it is recommended to take into account the wind rose so that the smell of sewage does not spoil the impression of staying in the country. If there is a slope of the site, the best place for the toilet will be a point located at a minimum height.

Construction of a cesspool

When the site for the toilet is selected and prepared, you can begin to form a pit. Cesspools are most often given a square shape. The minimum depth of the pit should be 2 meters - with a smaller depth, the construction of a country toilet will be pointless.

There are two types of cesspools:

  1. Sealed. The bottom of the sealed pits must be concreted, and immediately before pouring with concrete, the structure must be reinforced. In order for the reinforcement to keep its shape, it is fixed with pegs. The walls of the pit must also be airtight, for which they are covered with a solution or all joints are coated with bitumen.
  2. Absorbent. Cesspools of an absorbing type should preferably be dug up to the very sand - this will allow the liquid component of sewage to pass into the ground with minimal effort. At the bottom of the pit, a filter is formed from crushed stone or pebbles of a large fraction.

In order to know exactly how to build a toilet correctly, you need to decide in advance on the type of cesspool, which directly depends on the possibilities in the matter of sewage disposal.

To strengthen the walls, you can use one of the following solutions:

  • Brickwork;
  • Monolithic concrete structure;
  • Reinforced concrete rings;
  • Plastic containers.

Sheet material is laid on top of the pit or concrete is poured. The remaining space should be enough for the hole in which the toilet seat will be equipped. After that, building a toilet in the country with your own hands can move on to the next stage.

How to build a toilet house

To build a country toilet, you will have to decide in advance on its dimensions. Dimensions for the house are usually selected individually, but there are also recommended values. The optimal combination of length and width is 1 x 1.5 m, and the height is about 2-2.5 m. It is undesirable to make the toilet less than the indicated values ​​\u200b\u200b- it will not be spacious enough, especially if people with a large physique use it.

Before you build a toilet, you need to create a diagram of the future house. However, there is no need to do this on your own - you can always take a finished project and use its data. The presence of a scheme greatly simplifies the work, especially in terms of acquiring the required amount of materials and determining the cost of the toilet.

In accordance with the finished project, you can start arranging the base of the frame. The toilet in the summer cottage is usually placed so that most of it is in front of the pit. This is done for a simple purpose - this arrangement allows you to further clean the hole behind the back wall of the toilet.

In order for a do-it-yourself rustic toilet to be stable enough, it must be installed on a light foundation. In the space between the foundation and the base, a couple of layers of roofing material are laid, which will perform the function of waterproofing. If we are talking about a light wooden house, then concrete blocks or support pillars can be used as a foundation.

Installing the frame on four supports is easy. The areas where the corners of the future toilet will be located should be deepened to a depth of about 0.6-1 m (the softer the soil, the deeper the pits should be). Asbestos pipes are lowered inside. The pits are filled with a third of the concrete solution, after which a support beam is inserted into the pipe. It remains only to completely fill the remaining space in the recesses.

The next stage of work is the assembly of the frame, which is carried out as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the materials. For non-capital country buildings, beams with a square section and a side of 50 to 80 mm are quite suitable. It is pointless to use more massive products - a temporary toilet in the country will not experience such loads.
  2. First you need to assemble a rectangular support with a jumper, along which the front side of the toilet seat will be located. The support is screwed to the base, and boards are laid on top of it. To form the floor, you can use boards with a thickness of 30 mm or more.
  3. The next step, which involves building a toilet in the country with your own hands, is the formation of a frame for all the walls of the toilet. The front wall is made slightly higher than the back - this allows you to create a sufficient slope of the roof, due to which all atmospheric precipitation will be independently discharged from it. On all walls, except for the front, it is desirable to install diagonal braces that increase the rigidity of the structure.
  4. A door will be built into the front wall, which means that you need to mount fasteners for it. All dimensions must comply with the project. In addition to the door, a window is also installed in the upper part of the front wall, for which a suitable hole must also be made.
  5. The assembled frame is connected to the base with iron corners. Above the toilet seat and at its level, it is imperative to make high-quality strapping. The last action at this stage is the arrangement of the toilet seat or alternative(for example, a conventional toilet).

When the frame is mounted and strengthened, you can do its sheathing. Wooden boards are most often used as the material for sheathing, but an alternative can also be used (a metal profile, slate or other sheet material is quite suitable). You can arrange them both vertically and horizontally - in the first case, you get a good savings, and in the second - a beautiful toilet in the country, which will be not only functional, but also very aesthetic.

The boards are brought to each other with the minimum possible gaps and fixed on the basis of the building. Before building a toilet in the country, it is advisable to impregnate the wooden parts with special compounds that will protect the material from bacteria and moisture. When the impregnation is completely dry, the boards should be covered with paint or varnish to protect them from physical damage. In addition, the coating has a positive effect on the decorative properties of the house.

roof construction

A roof structure with overhangs of no more than 30 cm is laid on the country toilet. The first step is to install several boards in parallel with a small gap between them. Next, a visor is sewn under the boards, after which the boards can be attached around the perimeter of the toilet. This design is the basis for the future roof.

A layer of waterproofing material is laid on top of the base, which is most often roofing material. The existing roofing (slate, metal profile, etc.) is placed on the waterproofing. The construction of the toilet in the country is completed, and now you can do the rest of the work.


One of the conditions for how to properly build a toilet in the country is the presence of good exhaust ventilation, which allows you to remove characteristic sewer odors from the pit. The ventilation in this case is an ordinary pipe, the lower part of which is inserted directly into the pit, and the upper part is located above the roof in such a way that there is a distance of more than 20 cm between the roof and the edge of the pipe.

Any piece of pipe is suitable for ventilation, but the simplest and most affordable option would be plastic product with a section of 10 cm. The pipe is installed along the back wall of the house and fixed using clamps. To improve traction, a deflector should be installed on the head of the pipe.

Door and lighting installation

The arrangement of a country toilet can be carried out using any doors, both made independently and manufactured at the factory. In any case, the door is hung on two pre-fixed hinges. To close the door from the inside and outside, you can use any of the available options - latches, hooks, latches, etc. Only complex metal locks should be avoided - they rust and become unusable over time.

In order for a self-assembled garden toilet to be comfortable, you need to make good lighting in it. There are a lot of options for arranging lighting - from natural light entering the house through the window, to wiring with connecting lamps. You will have to choose the best option individually, depending on the specific requirements for the toilet by the owners of the cottage.


Building a toilet in the country is a relatively simple task that does not require serious financial and time investments. By making a project in advance, and having completed all the work with high quality, you can eventually get a reliable and efficient design that will last for decades.
