Summary of the GCD on modeling the fairy tale "Turnip" for a mixed group of young children. "Journey to the fairy tale" Turnip "

fabulous exercise
Listen, fabulous people,
We're going to a gathering.
Get in line quickly
And start charging. (Sipping.)
Stretch, stretch!
Hurry, hurry up!
The day has come a long time ago
He knocks on your window.

Fizminutka according to the fairy tale turnip

Grandfather planted a turnip in the garden (sat down)
And he poured water from a watering can on a turnip (we quietly rise)
Grow, grow, turnip, and sweet and strong (stretch up on toes)
A turnip has grown to everyone’s surprise (shoulders raised)
Big - big, enough treats for everyone (hands to the sides)

The turnip has grown and is sweet and strong (we stretch up on our toes)

Physical education minute based on the fairy tale Kolobok

Fidget - Gingerbread Man
Rolled into the woods.
Is it possible to keep
Those who want to run away? (imitation of a rotating Kolobok by hands)
Grandma looks out the window
Grandfather looks from the porch: (words are accompanied by a display)
- Did you see the tomboy? (No)
The gingerbread man does not get tired
Rolls forward quickly. (arm rotation)
I saw a forest ahead
Where are the trees to the sky. (stand on tiptoe, stretch)
On the left, a mouse ran,
To the right, a frog croaked.
Magpies crackle incessantly,
Sitting on an old Christmas tree. (all words are accompanied by a display)
For a long time looking at the clear sky,
Tired ball of bread.
He has come the hard way
And he was about to take a break. (sit down)

Fizminutka according to the fairy tale Teremok

Teremok in an open field
Was neither low, not high (squat down, stand up arms outstretched)
Various animals lived there,
We lived together, did not grieve (bow)
There is a mouse (hands in front of you on tiptoes)
And the frog (sit down)
Bunny (jumping)
With a fox-girlfriend (twisted the “tail”)
Gray wolf - click with teeth (showed the “mouth” with their hands)
They knew a lot about friendship. (bow)
But I came across a teremok
Bear clubfoot (depict a bear)
He crushed the tower
With its huge paw. (cam to cam)
The animals were very scared
Quickly fled t (running in place)
And then they got back together
To build a new tower. (sit on chairs)

The fairy tale will give us rest

The story will give us a rest.
Let's take a break and get back on the road!
Malvina advises us:
- The waist will become aspen,
If we bend
Left - right ten times.
Here are the Thumbelina words:
- Keep your back straight
Get up on your toes
It's like reaching for flowers.
One two three four five,
Repeat again:
One two three four five.
Little Red Riding Hood Tip:
- If you jump, run,
You will live for many years.
One two three four five.
Repeat again:
One two three four five.
Gave us a fairy tale to rest!
Have a rest?
On the road again! (Children repeat the described movements.)

Fizminutki according to Russian folk tales

There is a hut in the dark forest. (Children walk.)
Stands backwards. (Children turn around.)
There is an old woman in that hut. (Threaten with finger.)
Grandmother Yaga lives. (Threaten with the finger of the other hand.)
Crocheted nose, (Show with a finger.)
The eyes are big, (They show.)
Like embers are burning. (Shake their head.)
Wow, what an angry! (Running in place.)
Hair stands on end. (Hands up.)

Ivan Tsarevich
Ivan Tsarevich, here is a hero!
Boldly he enters the fight
Magically he will wave his sword -
And the Serpent-Gorynych does not care.
Made a lunge once and twice -
The head flew off.
Another lunge - three or four -
The rest flew off. (Lunges.)

cat, rooster and fox

Zhili Kotik (fingers spread out)
With a Cockerel (hands depicted wings)
At the edge of the forest
But one day Lisonka (twirled her "tail")
Crept up to the hut. (made the roof by hand)
Dragged Cockerel
For high mountains (stretched on toes)
Dragged Cockerel
Into your fox hole. (sit down, hide your head)
The brave cat went to the forest (walking in place)
And I found the Fox's hole. (sit down)
Smart Kitty saved a friend (patted himself on the head)
Petya-Petya-Cock. (made a scallop by hand)
A cat lives with a Cockerel
At the edge of the forest (they made a roof with their hands)
And now the Fox (twirled the "tail")
Doesn't go to their hut. (threatened finger)


Pinocchio stretched
Pinocchio stretched,
Once - bent over
Two - bent over
Three - bent over.
Raised hands to the side,
Apparently the key has not been found.
To get us the key
You need to get on your toes.
(Children imitate a poem by performing movements. Hands up, inhale - stretched; tilt - one, two, three, spread their arms to the sides; stood on their toes.)

There is a hut in the dark forest
There is a hut in the dark forest. (Children walk.)
Stands backwards. (Children turn around.)
There is an old woman in that hut. (Threaten with finger.)
Grandmother Yaga lives. (Threaten with the finger of the other hand.)
Crocheted nose, (Show with a finger.)
The eyes are big, (They show.)
Like embers are burning. (Shake their head.)
Wow, what an angry! (Running in place.)
Hair stands on end. (Hands up.)

The gnome walked through the forest, (Walking on the spot.)
Lost my cap. (Forward bends - “looking for the loss.”)
The cap was tricky
With a golden bell. (Clap hands.)
Who will tell the gnome more precisely, (Jumping in place.)
Where to look for him missing? (Walking in place.)

Ivan Tsarevich
Ivan Tsarevich, here is a hero!
Boldly he enters the fight
Magically he will wave his sword -
And the Serpent-Gorynych does not care.
Made a lunge once and twice -
The head flew off.
Another lunge - three or four -
The rest flew off. (Lunges.)

One fungus, two fungus
The goblin walked along the path,
I found a mushroom in the meadow. (Walking in place.)
One fungus, two fungus,
Here is the complete box. (Squats.)
Goblin groans: tired
From the fact that he sat down.
Goblin stretched sweetly, (Sipping - hands up.)
And then leaned back
And then leaned forward
And reached the floor. (Tilts forward and backward.)
Both left and right
Turned around. Well, fine. (Turns of the body to the right and left.)
Leshy performed a warm-up
And sat down on the path. (Children sit down.)

The fairy tale will give us rest
The story will give us a rest.
Let's take a break and get back on the road!
Malvina advises us:
- The waist will become aspen,
If we bend
Left - right ten times.
Here are the Thumbelina words:
- Keep your back straight
Get up on your toes
It's like reaching for flowers.
One two three four five,
Repeat again:
One two three four five.
Little Red Riding Hood Tip:
- If you jump, run,
You will live for many years.
One two three four five.
Repeat again:
One two three four five.
Gave us a fairy tale to rest!
Have a rest?
On the road again! (Children repeat the described movements.)

fabulous exercise
Listen, fabulous people,
We're going to a gathering.
Get in line quickly
And start charging. (Sipping.)
Stretch, stretch!
Hurry, hurry up!
The day has come a long time ago
He knocks on your window.

King Peas
Once upon a time there lived a King Pea
And did exercises every day.
He turned his head
And squatting danced.
Shoulders took out the ears
And strongly bent
He raised his hands to the sky
Grabbed for the sun. (Children repeat the described movements.)

The king walked through the forest
The king walked through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess.
Let's jump with you, let's jump,
Let's jump again, let's jump,
And clap your hands, clap your hands
And we stomp our feet, we stomp. (Let's sink.)

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Health-saving technologies used in the context of the work done.

Physical education "Turnip"

Here we planted a turnip (lean over)
And they poured water on it (imitation of movement)
And now we will pull it (imitation of movement)
And cook porridge from turnips (imitation of movement)
And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show strength)

Physical education "In the garden - Turnip":

We will go to the garden. Children walk in a circle and represent

Let's get some vegetables. how vegetables will be harvested.

In our garden

There is no better turnip than ours! Stroking hands on the face

Round side, Turns to the side

Yellow side Side bends

Sitting on the bed kolobok Children squat

He is rooted firmly into the ground

Let's get him kids! forward bends

We pull - we pull

So they pulled out a turnip! Hands are raised up

And she is juicy, round, big, Hands to the sides

Success in one word

The yellow sun lit up! Children close their eyes

Hands are raised up.

Mobile game "Turnip - Reponka".

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, say the words:


Grow, grow strong.

Neither small nor great, (lower hands down, raise up)

To the mouse tail. (spread arms out to sides)

Yes! (clapping)

Children clap their hands, and the turnip dances.

Finger game "We will cook compote"

We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruits. Here. (hold the left palm with a "dipper",

Use the index finger of the right hand to “interfere” with compote)

Let's chop apples

We will cut the pear.

Squeeze lemon juice

Put the drain and sand. (bend fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We cook, we cook compote.

Let's treat honest people. (hold the left palm with a "ladle", with the index finger of the right hand "interfere" compote)

Physical education “How glad we are!...”:

Guys, what do you think, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, cat, bug and mouse were happy with the turnip? (children's answers)

Here's how they rejoiced:

Physical minute

We kick top top,

We clap-clap with our hands,

And then jump

And one more time.

And then squatting

And then squatting

And again - in order.

And clap your hands

One two Three!

And turn our heads

One two Three!

Everybody dance with us

One two Three!

Physical education "We love to do sports!"

We love doing sports. (hands in front of chest, jerking hands.)

We will try very hard.

Throw and receive the ball, (simulate ball throws)

Aptly throw it into the distance.

Dexterously jump on a rope, (jumping in place)

I don't feel sorry for my legs at all.

Squat and get up again, (children squat and stand up.)

Raise your hands quickly. (raise hands up).

Lean right, left. (tilts right, left)

Finger game "How we planted a turnip":

The sun came out.

Sunshine, shine, shine!

Grain, grow - grow!

leaves appear,

Flowers bloom.

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Synopsis of the integrated direct educational activities in the second junior group

Subject: Journey to a fairy tale"turnip"

Integrated educational areas"Knowledge"



"Reading fiction»

"Artistic Creativity"

Kinds activities





Target: Strengthen sensory skills in children.

Program tasks


Fix the names of geometric shapes, their size.

reinforce concepts: high - low, long - short.

Activate cognitive and speech children's activities.


Develop logical thinking.

Develop the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.

Develop children's creativity and in the process of productive activities.


Cultivate love for Russian folk art.

Maintain a positive emotional attitude from meeting the characters fairy tales.

vocabulary work:

patches, geometric figures, vitamins, silhouette.

Conduct form: A game- journey.

Materials and equipment: A set of geometric shapes (patches, "Magic carpet", flannelograph, action figures fairy tales, table "Find the Same", cards for unfolding figures. matryoshka sets in height, labyrinth, table with silhouette images, cards "Draw a picture", markers, cap turnips.

Preliminary work with children.

Communication: Free communication by fairy tale« turnip» .

Hero Talk fairy tales.

Cognition: Examining pictures with image participants characters fairy tales.

Didactic games for the development of mathematical abilities.

Reading fiction literature: Reading fairy tales« turnip» , "Fox sister", "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Reading poems, nursery rhymes, riddles about heroes fairy tales about vegetables.

Socialization: Playing out fairy tales« turnip» .

Work: Crafts.

Artistic creativity: Applications « turnip» , molding.

Physical development: Fizminutka « turnip» , P\u "Shaggy Dog", « Turnip-reponka» , "Mousetrap".

Lesson progress

1. C Good morning, Friends!

The day has come beautiful

Because it has you and me!

Guys do you love fairy tales?

Do you want to go to journey to a fairy tale?

I have a magical "Magic carpet" on it we will go.

(The teacher unfolds "Magic carpet", and there are holes in the form of geometric shapes).

Our carpet has holes in it.

Who did it?

Mystery: small stature,

gray coat.

A long tail,

sharp teeth. (mouse)

IN: That's right guys, this mouse gnawed through our "Magic carpet".

Do you think we can go to journey?

IN: Let's repair it.

(Geometric figures lie on the tray. Children impose and determine those "patches" suitable for carpet repair).

DI "Find a patch"

What geometric shapes do you need?

What size are they?

Well done guys, you did a great job. Get on "Magic carpet" And repeat the magic words:

Our carpet rushes across the sky,

What will happen to us?

We'll get on it fairy tale.

Which one, you have to guess.

Hear the riddle

Round side, yellow side

Sits in a garden bed.

He has grown into the ground firmly.

What is this? (turnip)

IN: Well done, guessed the riddle, so we got into fairy tale.

(suitable for flannelgraph)

IN: Let's remember the beginning fairy tales.

2. (Children remember the beginning fairy tales, lay out the figures of heroes fairy tales in a specific order.)

Planted by grandfather turnip, grew big turnip, became a grandfather turnip pull. Pull-pull pull can not. He began to call his grandmother. (children expose figurines fabulous characters on the flannelgraph imitate the movements of the characters).

What did grandfather call grandmother?

Grandma, help me get out turnip.

Grandma says: .

Di "Find the same"

Find two identical sundresses.

Why do you think they are the same?

3. Grandma helped grandfather.


The grandmother began to call her granddaughter.

What did the grandmother call her granddaughter?

Granddaughter, help us pull out turnip.

granddaughter says: "Complete my task, then I will help".

(come to the tables) DI "Arrange nesting dolls"

Arrange nesting dolls from highest to lowest. (decompose right hand, from left to right).

What kind of matryoshka is this, and this one, and this one?

4. Granddaughter helped grandmother.

They pull - they pull, they can't pull it out turnip.

Granddaughter Zhuchka began to call for help.

Call me, how did the granddaughter call Zhuchka?

Bug, Bug, help us turnip pull!

The bug says: "Help me get to the bone then I'll help you."

labyrinth "Get to the Bone"

Well done, you have completed this task.

The bug began to help pull out turnip.

They pull - they pull, they can't pull it out turnip.

5. In: Let's have a rest and play a little.

physical education minute

Here we are turnip planted(bend over)

And poured water on it (motion simulation)

Now let's pull it (motion simulation)

And cook porridge from turnips (motion simulation)

And we'll be from turnips are healthy and strong(show strength)

6. Bug began to call a cat

Tell me, guys, what did the Bug call the cat?

cat help turnip pull!

cat says: "Find my silhouette, then I will help".

A game "Find by silhouette".

And with this task we coped!

7. The cat helped turnip pull.

They pull - they pull, they can't pull it out turnip.

The cat began to call the mouse

IN: A mouse speaks: "Draw my mouse friends long tails and a short mustache, then I will help.

(come to the tables, examine sample and perform an individual task)

8. The mouse began to help turnip pull

Pull - pull

Pull - pull

pulled out turnip!

Guys, turnip very tasty and healthy product, it has a lot of vitamins. It gives people strength and health.

9. Now let's play a game « Turnip - turnip»

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, talking words:


Grow, grow strong.

Neither small nor great (put hands down, raise up)

To the mouse tail. (spread arms out to sides)

Yes! (clapping)

The children clap their hands and turnip - dancing.

Guys, did you like it? travel?

It's time for us to go home kindergarten. (sit on "Magic carpet").

Our carpet rushes across the sky,

It's time for us to return home.

Well done! Well helped all the heroes fairy tales and play. Thank you!

1. Introduction:

Surprise moment: (on the table a mouse, a turnip)

Oh Guys! And who do we have here?

Children: - mouse, turnip

Guys, the mouse probably wants us to tell her a story.

What? Let's call her!

Children: - "Turnip!"

2.Main part:

Lesson progress:
- Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)

Let's tell a story to a mouse together?!
(I tell the tale "Turnip" with a table theater show)

« Grandfather planted a turnip, - says the educator, - the turnip grew ka... (large-large). Let's talk together guys! Grandfather became a turnip from the ground ... (to pull). cha no, pull, pull... (can not). Grandpa called... (grandmother). grandmother for grandfather, grandfather by the turnip - pull, pull, pull ... (can not). Who is still ran to pull a turnip? ”- (granddaughter, dog Zhuchka, cat Mashka, mouse).

(children's answers - Dima K., Alina, Veronika, Dima S., Sonya, Katya.)

As the children name the characters, the teacherThere are no matching toys (figures from the tabletop theater set). He arranges the figures and invites the children to finish together.fairy tale: "The mouse for ... (cat). Cat for... (Bug)". And so on.

At the end of the fairy tale, the teacher asks that the grandfather and the woman - sdelali with turnip. (They took them home, washed, cleaned and began to eat and on praise: “Sweet turnip! Sweet!")

“Grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter,” the teacher says and puts the figures people separately - they eat sweet turnip. They eat, praise: “Very very tasty turnip. "What turnip? (Choral, somewhat individual al answers.) show tongue.

A bug, a cat and a mouse look at people, they don’t eat turnips. im granddaughter cooked other food. For a cat - milk: "Lakai pussy milk!” - show tongue. (Choral and individual repetition.) Bug - a bone: "Gnaw, Bug, bone!" - show with your tongue. Mouse - toa piece of cheese: "Gnaw, a crust of cheese!" -show with your tongue (show visual)

Next, the teacher invites the children to repeat who eats what: “Grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter eat sweet turnip”; "The cat eats sausage and laps milk"; "Dog Bug gnaws a bone"; "The mouse eats cheese roll."

Well done guys, they told the tale to the mouse well, and now I propose to play, we will show this tale with movements, go out into the circle and listen to me carefully.
Fizminutka: Turnip.
Grandpa in the garden
I planted a turnip.
(sit down)
And water from a watering can
He watered the turnip.
(we rise slowly)
Grow, grow, turnip,
Both sweet and strong.
(pull up on toes)
The turnip has grown
To everyone's surprise
(shoulders raised)
Big - big
Enough food for everyone.
(hands to the side)
The turnip has grown
Both sweet and strong.
(reach up on toes).
Well done! And who will tell me what a plant needs in order for it to grow? That's right, it needs to be watered, and we will help grandparents and organize rain, how? And we will draw it and water the turnip, do you agree? Then sit down at the tables, we will draw rain. (I distribute handouts and cotton buds) But in order for us to get rain, we need to call it.

Guys, let's remember the rain together!

Rain, rain, more fun!

Drip, drip, pour water.

On a flower, on a leaf,

Cap, cap, cap! - (rhythmic tapping with a finger on the palm)

A cloud in the sky is blue -

Come on, it's raining hard!

Cap, cap, cap...

Then I start painting horizontal lines, accompanying them with the words: “Here it started to rain: drip, drip, drip!”

You also have clouds and a turnip in your pictures that need to be watered. Draw rain guys!
You can draw heavy (solid lines) and light rain (dashed lines).

I encourage the child to voice the drawing - "drip, drip, drip." You can draw puddles on the ground.

3 . Final part:

What good fellows you are, everyone watered the turnips, now they will grow quickly, and helped grandparents.

They added rain so that the turnip would grow, so that the grandfather and the woman would have a lot of stocks of turnips for the winter.
