Beautiful poems for dad for his birthday from children. The best poems about dad: long and short, touching and funny Poems about daughter and dad are cool short

Dad, daddy, daddy ... How much these words mean to us! After all, dad head man in our life. A person who, without hesitation, helped and supported us in everything in childhood and will always do this. How to find those words that can express all the love and gratitude for him?

Poems about dad will come to our aid. We offer you a selection of sincere spiritual poems about dad for children and adults. After all, for our beloved daddies, we will always remain children.

Strong, courageous daddy's hands ...

Poems for dad


Oh, how many songs and poems
About mom is in the world,
But still about dad
Haven't heard, trust me.
But he is more important in the family,
Everyone will agree with that.
And we owe it doubly
Treat with love.
And without him, we would too
They didn't come into being.
You should thank him
Because we were born.
Or maybe he sometimes
Woke up at night
Worried about you and me
And I was very worried.
And he though his love
Will not openly show
We know he loves his
In fact, it will prove to us.
But often for some reason we
We still hate dad
What he wants is good
We rarely understand.
When apart for a long time with him,
We miss you so much.
And that joy cannot be explained
When we meet him.
And we know, again, as always,
He will gladly meet us.
And that in my own way loving,
He will respond to love.

Dad's hands are spaceports!
So tall daddy at home
It throws me up, spins around.
That's about the spacesuit will be needed!
Well, yesterday he was made of cardboard
He built us a starship.
And he said to me in a serious tone:
“You are flying into space. The navigator is a cat!
Here he hugged his mother, meeting,
As soon as she stepped into the house.
Mom laughs: - I'm flying away!
Already in heaven, on the seventh!
Here dad is treating a branch with us,
Here he builds a house - the saw sings!
Dad has a rainbow chamomile
In the hands of ordinary things.
I do not sleep, dreaming about space.
And the cat, with twinkling eyes,
Doesn't sleep...
Ah, those arms are spaceports!
With them I go to the big world!
A. Shipitsyn

Of course I love my mom...
Only with dad
climb volcanoes,
Be a brave captain
Get lost in the oceans
Far to see countries
Stay on the battlefield
Get straight with the ram
Buckwheat to eat with manna,
Wash in the river, not in the bathroom,
And in the desert, on the dunes
Meet strange animals
Wade through the weeds
All expose the deceptions,
Wake up early in the morning
Admire the mists
And make plans for the day
Also, airplanes...
Repair faucets in the country
And, clinging to the vines,
Deftly, like monkeys,
Running away from the iguana...
Let the pants be a little tattered ...
Suddenly you hear the voice of your mother:
“All this, of course, is possible.
Just be very careful!”

I'm not scared next to my dad

A poem about dad from a little daughter

Dad is strength, he is a stronghold!
Dad will pick up from the garden
Bring fear to the boys
On Earrings and Bears.
They will know how to call
Offend daddy's daughter!
I'm not scared next to my dad,
I'm brave next to my dad!
He does not see behind the bow
How I tease everyone with my tongue.

Thank you dear daddy
What did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like a light in a window!
I want you to be happy
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

Let it rain all day long
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And hide from the rain.
He hugs me tenderly
Will say kind words -
And the sun will smile again
Will disperse clouds-clouds!
I will sit on his arms
And I whisper, looking into your eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"

Dad, let's play horse
I'm tired of tags and buffoons.
He agreed, sighing for order.
How to refuse fidget-daughter?
Holds tight baby by the mane,
He waves his tail, taking off over a bump ...
They rush - gracefully, beautifully -
Father-horse with horse-daughter.

Dad I miss you…

Memory of dad

When I put my daughter to bed
I immediately remember you.
I see how you want to hold
Ride your little one.

I see her screaming "deduul!",
And rushes headlong
To tell you papules
How we miss you.

I would breathe in your papal scent,
The most needed on earth.
And you have there in March, too, March,
Or is summer eternal everywhere?

Time is the best doctor in the world,
Only these wounds do not take,
If I were there, I would say "Don't cry,
This, too, my daughter will pass.”

I'll tell my daughter what you are.
The kindest, most sensitive on earth.

You always have flowers
Dad I miss you….

In the lives of tiny girls
And gray-haired old women
There is a special man
He is loved and sinless!

He is the only one in the world!
He will replace anyone!
And on life dotted line
There is no other like it!

He does not sleep in the dark night
If you get sick...
He wants to help you
Since you can't...

He will protect you
And warm with love!
He is sad with you
And laugh with you!

Teaches exact sciences
Drawing helps...
And he, the cunning one,
Love with all my heart!

Only remembers you
He is deeply separated...
Eagerly catches at a meeting
Your thin hands!

He will support, teach,
And skillfully tell ...
Will voice your fears
Make yourself bold!

Confess in bright feelings
He helps you!
To match the growth of the world
He offers you!

How familiar is his scent,
Both shirt and hat...
Hug and whisper:
"I love you dad!"
Elena Vesnova

Serious, tired, thoughtful,
With bloodied hands.
You are the best! You are the best!
It's easy to say in verse.
Life is drawn by a dark thread,
And time is a bee sting.
Forgive me, the unlucky one
That I offended you.
Trying to be independent
Sometimes I get rude.
But know, my dear, the only one,
That I love you very much!


No oranges, no mint
The machine smell cannot be erased.
I remember knotty hands
And fingers without phalanges by a third.
They have scars of rough stripes -
Traces of iron and labor.
And if they stroke their hair,
That is very rare, sometimes.
With such a hand the flowers are cheerful
Tear and fearful, and sorry -
With such a hand they take a heavy
Steel black detail.
And will not wash off, will not wipe off -
Burnt has eaten into them, the fire has burned.
But the battle flag of St. Petersburg
They carried, like me, a flag.
I remember a meadow covered with dew
The road is long in the dust ...
And those hands threw me
And they threw it into the river: swim!
And I swam, and I obeyed them,
Learn to fight to the end.
I believe the best is done
By the hands of my father.
Tamara Nikitina

Dad is not just a word

You are strong and brave
And the biggest.
Scolding on business
And praise heartily!
You are the best friend
You will always protect.
Where necessary - you will teach,
Forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers.
You smoke a cigarette
You read a newspaper.
Any breakdown
Easily eliminated.
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I walk beside
I'm holding my hand.
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!
Irina Gurina

By red, as if by conscience,
A friend wrote that year:
From each according to ability
To each according to work.
My father is a character made of steel.
He crushed rocks into sand.
And where I passed - highways
Direct state roads.
Other fence fenced
For cottages, for private villas.
And he has accumulated gray hair,
And he didn't save money.
The happiest of losers
The last pennies in the house
He spent on our task books,
Chess, pencils.
I love. I respect. How to conscience
to father in difficult hour I'm going.
From each according to his ability.
To each according to work.
Lyudmila Vasyukhno

Dad is not just a word.
This is a faithful reliable man.
There is no other such
Who would love without any reason.
Who would rather run from work,
To become a "superman", "horse",
Walked in the park always on Saturdays,
I would buy you chocolates.
Dad is a huge force
This is tenderness and fairy tales for the night,
When you are infinitely loved
And live without fear and fear.
This is the one who will support you
When you're all grown up
Kiss you and comfort you
And he will answer all questions.
He is prickly, like a cactus,
But his hugs are worth it.
Dad is a special status.
And not everyone deserves it!
Svetlana Chekolaeva

Fathers, do not leave your sons!
Do not humiliate them with a gift for the date ...
Everything can be changed in your destiny,
But don't leave your sons.

While they are small, their mother is responsible for them -
From the first tears to the evening fairy tale.
But then how will they miss
Male support and paternal affection.

They must imitate
To their fathers - that's why they are children.
Hold your own hand silently
Go fishing with your father at dawn.

Resentment will overtake you or love -
Don't leave... You are dearer to them all.
After all, in the veins of sons - the father's blood.
And no one can replace her.

Father's love is not for show.
We ain't trying to lisp, that's the thing
But children are very dear to us,
Although we rarely kiss them and timidly ...
Father's love is not in pink colors,
We are tough (that's why she is strong);
We protect the world in our homes;
Let's judge, if necessary, fairly.
We serve as a support behind our backs all our lives ...
And children "meet" us by actions.
Fathers will be rewarded dear,
When their children say: RESPECT!
Alexey Koltsov

My dad is the best in the world

Dad tells a story

I know the story by heart
From word to word
But let him tell
Let be,
I will listen again.
And I only want one thing
Let the fairy tale last longer.
While I'm with dad
Bad things won't happen.
And I ask dad again
Tell a story first.
Oleg Bundur

How I love you!
How happy I am when together
We are going for a walk!
Or do something
Or just talking.
And what a pity you again
Let go to work!


Dad has a job!
Dad cares!
And once with us
him to play.
And we love him!
And we are waiting for him!
But if our dad
takes a day off
How cool with him
He is so groovy!
Tamara Prokofieva

The best dad in the world.
He will teach me everything.
Any business argues
And the work is not boring.
Let's put things in order at home
While mom is at work.
Will be immensely happy
From such male care!

Dad! You are the strongest!
And smarter than everyone else.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is happier and kinder!
Of course everyone dreams
To be like you.
But you and I know:
Your reflection is me!

My dad is the strongest, my dad knows everything...

Like Dad

I want to be like my dad!
I want to be like a dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart
Don't be lazy.

And do everything like him - for five!
And don't forget to get married!
And ... take our mother as a wife.
Tatyana Bokova

My grandmother opened
Yesterday was a big secret
What daddy had too
Once eight years.
He, like all boys,
Sometimes mischievous
And jumped like a monkey
And got two.
Lazy on charging
Didn't wash my face
And the devils in the notebook
I often drew.
I'm daddy's secret
Terribly surprised
After all, it is for this
He scolds me.
V. Bredikhin

I'm always there

I quietly get off the couch at night
And I quietly crawl into bed with my dad,
And I lie quietly, quietly, like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under my father's arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will say to me cheerfully: - Well, miracles!
Where did you come from? That's surprised!
"Yes, I've always been by your side!"
Oleg Bundur

When dad's day off
We build a ship with sails
We sail on it for miracles.
I am the captain and he is the hero.
He is ready to fight for me
With a fiery dragon, big.
And if necessary, it will fight
With the sea monster itself.
I really appreciate his concern!
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad.
sorry, work on monday
It's time for him, and for the kindergarten - for me.

I've uncovered the biggest secret!
I opened it because ... well, I forgot ...
My dad, when he was a child, accidentally
He broke the chandelier with a soccer ball in the house!
And poured green on the braids of my sister,
And the boiling kettle dropped out the window!
But he told me something else:
That he never did anything
Didn't burn plasticine, didn't splash water,
Didn't lie and didn't fight, didn't whine, didn't whine,
I didn’t climb into the basement, I wasn’t afraid of injections,
He studied at "five" and did not litter anywhere.
I discovered the most terrible secret:
We are very similar,
Me too, later
And yet, just like me, dad was!
My grandfather told me everything in secret,
And my dad doesn't believe me. Probably forgot!
A. Popov

We are secrets to each other
We trust ours
And everything about each other
We probably know.

How else,
How else -
We are friends and this
It means a lot.

Dad and I for a long time
Men, not children
can i for dad
Give it all away.

Him the same
Do not weak.
How else?
That's why he's dad!

Let these wonderful soulful poems help you express your love for dad in words. But remember that our fathers need love not only on holidays, they need it every day. Tell them more often about this, because even harsh-looking men need the care of loved ones.

And here you will find many more beautiful poems with warm words for your family and friends:

A sweet sincere song about daddy's daughter touches to tears.

Light a candle in the cemetery
Let it burn to the ground.
And I'll whisper at the grave
Well, here I come daddy!
In the land cold and damp
Are you freezing?
Get up! Let's go home already!
After all, how we miss you!
And stop calling home
A deep hole in the ground.
I want to hug you so much
Also Brother and Mom.
Well come back! Stop sleeping!
Watch the sun shine!
I'll help you get up from there
You just let me know!
Say it's a joke
And let's laugh together.
And by the hands, as in childhood,
let's go home!!

Again longing squeezes tightly paws
Drinking claws into the depths of my soul,
I miss my dad more and more...
Six billion people on earth
But among them - not one, believe me,
Who can fill this void...
I live in the hope of meeting after death,
Crossing the threshold of Eternity...
More and more, fatigue accumulates ...
Let melancholy not part its paws,
I stayed there as a baby,
And daughters love dads more...

Yes, I'm an adult, I understand everything,
but it doesn't make life any easier!
Still, I miss you so much!
Continue to love the same!
Continuing to think about daddy,
And about him, about the living remember.
Touching the strings of the heart,
That it will never be raised.
That he will never be heard
That he will never wait.
He is probably above all the clouds,
In the unknown space of God...
He sees us, of course he sees,
And like us, just as bored.
He flies like an angel for us,
To be a little closer to us.
He certainly would like to return,
But he'll never be able to
In this world he can't wake up
Nothing will warm his heart.
And it only hurts more
But it's impossible not to think about it.
Every day it gets harder on my heart
And to reconcile, daddy, it's hard.
And the damned time does not heal
And does not heal these wounds
And inside the void can not be filled,
I'm tired of fighting myself!
I want to spit on everything, forget ...
And return home with a smile.
See happy faces there
And so that daddy is alive again ...

He was with me. Always and everywhere
Laughed, cried and mourned.
I won't forget the bottomless eyes.
And I know he loved me.
I know no matter what happens
He always protected me
And only my memory remains
About him. And I blame myself
That I couldn't say goodbye
What I didn't understand
That I am destined to part with him,
Lose him forever.
I know for sure I deserve it.
I couldn't save him.
But madly in love
And I will always love.
Let him not hear me now
But I know what he sees
How hard it is to breathe without him
The one who called him father.

Days come, nights go...
And the heart cries and calls.
You know... somewhere very close
All the time... your daughter is waiting for you...
And the daughter ... keeps the name in her heart ...
Keeping, like a talisman, in the chest ...
And whispers softly (suddenly you hear):
"I miss you so much... come..."
And you will come, having heard as if ...
And you will protect the dream ...
And like fog you melt in the morning...
And my daughter ... will wait again.
And the nights will follow the days...
Longing can not be pulled out of the chest ...
The daughter whispers everything ... very quietly:
"I miss you so much... come...

When the stars are shining in the sky,
One of them is yours, I know it...
For many years you shine a bright light,
And here everything is the same, then winter ... then summer.
The same day and the same way to live ... people strive.
Tired of tears, your family lives ...
everything is as usual, but that's just without you.
Tell me how you live there in heaven?
Is there malice, envy, and lies there?
It probably doesn't happen there.
and no one knows the tricks and meanness.
You found peace there and found yourself a shelter,
and you know, here they are waiting for you as before ...
Let them say that the years heal, the pain is erased,
But what does the heart ache, there is no strength,
from one look at your portrait.
Oh, how short was your earthly age,
My most best dad my closest person.

Time does not heal, time spares
But my heart still hurts the same.
I will not meet again, I will not hear you
How are you my daughter, my dear?

Unfortunately we are not given
To turn back what I wanted for a long time.
Time does not heal, time is in a hurry
It is it that decides all fates.

We're sorry for what you didn't do.
Everything you wanted in this life.
Passed by, but alas, do not return.
I chose the path with the angel on my way.

Today is 10 years since my dad passed away...
10 years without you... 10 years...
10 years is an eternity...
10 years without you... 10 years...
Only now I understand - forever ...
How is it, dad, dear dear
Forever you left without saying goodbye
10 years, 10 years...
I've been suffocating for 10 years without you...
Dad, baby, look how we've grown
children and grandchildren!
How do we want to snuggle up to the chest
and forever forget about separation ...
But now I'm only going to the grave
and I close my eyes...
10 years for a huge disaster
10 years is not enough to forget...

Well, hello dad. .. here, I came to you early.
Sorry for not seeing you for such a long time.
I'm so confused, I don't know how to go on.
Trouble comes after trouble again.

Do you remember, dad, how you celebrated birthdays?!
How, rejoicing together, they joked having fun.
How, all bad weather seemed to us an obsession.
How, together to hell they sent TU to attack.

Your advice, how come in handy -
To be the strongest in this world.
Believe me, I learned from them like the alphabet.
She was able to teach them to her children.

Also, you, dad, taught me not to cry.
Do not give in to your destiny.
And if it is difficult, you should never fall.
And in this life, do not be afraid of anything.

Ehhh. .. if I knew how much I miss you!
A tear fell! (I promised without tears).
From the heart to the ground, flowing through the soul.
To you, my dear, through the chamomile churchyard

The wind is blowing in the windows. dries wet lashes.
How we miss you! to forget on your shoulder
Irrecoverable loss. like a broken soul...
I still can't believe that you're somewhere in the stardust.
In the heart of the pain of memories. and lilac shadows
In the indifference of the touch, I lie on my knees.
The wind blows through the windows. it comes from you.
And you are not enough in this world ... not enough ....

How hard in the world
Lose loved ones.
You won't replace anything
parental roots.
When my dad died
It was so hard! And the pain in my soul remains
Even though many years have passed.
He rarely comes in dreams
But in my mind I see
His portrait is far away.
The earth keeps him, his soul flies
In distant skies
He is watching me
With love and tears.
Sometimes it's not enough
His support to me, And my heart knows:
He is in heaven, not in a fire.
I so want to cuddle
And enjoy the meeting.
As in childhood, with all my heart! Hear his voice
Affectionate, dear,
Both strict and angry
Parent like this.
How dear are the moments
All our sweet meetings, and these meetings can
Kindle the fire of the soul.
This fire will help
Give me strength to live.
Father! Come to a meeting
At least in my dream!

You are now beyond the sky
My beloved, dear person
Death by a ruthless, hard hand
Took you away, dad forever

You won't give me advice
I won't see your loving look
I will not be warmed by you
Who is to blame for your death?

No! Nobody! It just so happened
You are in the arms of God now
My life has changed without you
The heart became like a wounded beast...

It beats differently without you
And sadness tears him to pieces
My heart yearns and cries
The vise squeezes the soul tightly ...

I won't break your peace with a tear
I will live in bright memory
Silence I learned to listen
And love you endlessly...

Hello, dad, dear ... how are you there? ..
The most loving man in the world..
You know, if you count the years,
You would now have wrinkles...

I would kiss them for fun
Or whining in the sleeve when it's bad.
You would whisper that the years fly by
I'm just such an idiot...

You stopped dreaming of me.
Do not come - tell me, is it necessary?
With a downpour, give me the news - how are you there? .. -
I will be extremely happy for her.

I'll tell you how I live
What I write, with whom I do not expect to meet again ...
And that I can barely keep afloat
All hoping that `time will heal`.

And it ticks to the beat,
It sews seams for a long time - not for the weak.
You know, if you count the years...
Gray hair would suit you...

Surprise daddy with a beautiful nursery rhyme. There are wonderful dad poems for the youngest children that a child can quickly learn. Because it short quatrain easily remembered by a child aged 3 to 5 years. Let even a few simple lines be said by your baby to daddy and he will be very happy and pleasant. I even record a video when a child congratulates dad on the holiday, says a short beautiful poem dad in his childish voice, without pronouncing a few letters. It's just amazing! Read nursery rhymes about dad for the smallest children and choose which one you like.

Quatrain about dad

Dad, if he wants, he can sing a song,
If it's cold, warm it up with your warmth.
Dad can read a fairy tale
It's hard for me to fall asleep without my dad! ..
Dad's birthday
My dad will be proud of me
I'll bake cookies
And maybe cake.
My dad is the best in the world
Can tell me a story
Read poems to me at night
And just go to bed.
I love my dad
I will tell him about this.
Words fail -
I'll just kiss along with my mom.
In daddy's palm
Terrible scratch.
Oh what a brave dad
I would have cried a long time ago.

short poems about dad

My brother and I have a dad,
Big and gloomy dad.
But it's only for friends
After all, at home he is crafty.
I love my dad
And I rejoice in my success.
At least I can push
Only on his back.
My dad is the best
He repairs my toys.
And glues books, and notebooks -
And she even bakes pies for me and my mother.

Children's poems about dad

My dad is a champion!
He is the strongest in the world:
He is in the arms of his mother
Wears around the apartment!
And maybe me
Raise it with her!
I'll grow up big And I'll be able to do it too.
(Tamara Prokofieva)
Dad has a job!
Dad cares!
And once with us
him to play.
And we love him!
And we are waiting for him!
But if our dad
takes a day off
How cool with him
He's so groovy
(Oleg Bundur)
Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes sings
The one at the TV sticks out
He sometimes hugs
The warmth of strong hands
He sometimes forgets
That he is his son's best friend.
Dads are different...
And when the days go by
Their sons grow up
Dot to dot, just like them.

Birthday poem for dad from son and daughter

Dad, be healthy and happy
To always be with you
Faith and love with hope
May fate be bright!
My daddy's favorite.
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful.
Like a knight on horseback!
You can, I know for sure

Help and protect
Such a wonderful dad
Only you can be.
I wish with all my heart
Health, long years,
And I'm proud of you
After all better than dad No!
Dad, happy birthday!
in the best mood
Meet the new day
Celebrate cool!
Congratulations dad
I sincerely wish
Happiness and health,
Live in your heart with love!

Short birthday poems for dad

Dad, happy birthday, the most faithful friend,
I wish you friendly hands
Many words of good and native hearts,
You are the best father in the world to everyone.
I wish you, dad, goodness and warmth,
So that all failures burn to the ground,
To live - not to grieve up to a hundred years happened,
May everything that has not yet come true come true.

Briefly congratulate dad on his birthday

The warmth of the soul, freedom,
I wish you, dad,
To be cheerful, to be healthy,
Was the first to in any game!
You are the dearest for all of us,
And there is no better
We wish you happiness now
All loving children!
