Medical staining. Ombre and Balayazh hair coloring and treatment

The only dye that combines a healing effect and hair coloring is currently Materia hair dye from Lebel Cosmetics. Finally found a solution to the problem of persistent bright color! The new product reduces the amount of ammonia and increases the pigment content, which contributes to a more intense and lasting color. Also, the advantage of the paint is even coloring along the entire length of the hair, so that even when the paint begins to wash off, the hair looks just great.

The properties of the Materia product allow you to change the color without changing the tone. The richness of the palette with additional colors allows anyone, even a non-professional, to create their own unique individual shades with each coloring.

The composition of Materia paint includes a cell-membrane complex, which is a patented therapeutic component. Its action is to restore altered or damaged areas of the hair. When coloring, the surface of the hair is saturated with lipoproteins, as a result of which the colored hair looks healthy, shiny, and, most importantly, it looks natural. The problem of dry hair, inevitable with permanent intervention, is solved with the help of nanotechnology. Especially for the Materia dye, Japanese experts developed a three-dimensional dyeing technology, it makes hair silky, shiny and natural. Due to the low content of reactive oxygen species, it is possible to lighten hair up to tone level 12. At the same time, the hair remains plastic and alive. Coloring is also possible tone on tone, or with a decrease in tone, it is carried out at an oxide content of 2%. The cream base of the paint consists of liquid crystals that can penetrate the hair tissue and enhance the refraction of light in it, resulting in shine, a unique play of light in the hair and a rich natural color.

So, Lebel Cosmetics' Materia hair dye is the first of its kind.

dye with a low content of ammonia, which has a firming and regenerating effect, acting at the micro level.

This was made possible thanks to a unique technology developed by the Japanese corporation Takara, which is the absolute leader in innovative hairdressing technologies in the world. The corporation has developed such technologies as: Bio-lamination, elumination, eight-phase treatment “Happiness for hair”. Also, Takara are pioneers in the development of hardware nanotechnology for hairdressing needs.

What is the secret of paintMatter?

Materia paint, like many others, has a cream base, but, unlike them, it has a liquid crystal base, the main component of which is a cell membrane complex patented by Takara Corporation. The properties of the cream base allow you to accurately layer by layer all the components of the dye, which are fixed on the hair due to the different polarity of the layers. The dye elements are attracted to the hair “layer by layer”, the result of this is the uniformity of coloring, the constancy and durability of the color.
Our hair, as you know, is heterogeneous throughout, and includes sections of different density (root, middle of the hair, end) and structure. The cell-membrane complex not only fills the microscopic cavities of the hair with pigment, but restores its structure with related biological material.

How is a shine created that lasts even after multiple washes?

Included in many modern permanent dyes includes moisturizing, softening and glazing components that give the hair a bright shine after dyeing, however, these components are unstable and poorly fixed in the hair tissue. This leads to the fact that the shine is lost, and the color fades after washing.

Unlike other dyes, Materia contains a unique liquid crystal dye base, so hair shine is formed at a basic cellular level. The optical properties of crystals, that is, the ability to absorb, refract and reflect light, depend on their shape. Materia's cream base paint crystals are shaped like a Nicolas Prism.

Crystals of this shape do not absorb light, but refract and scatter in several directions at the same time, which is why the three-dimensional shine of hair dyed with Materia is so unique. The fact that the crystal lattice is not an additional component, but part of the structure of the dye itself, explains why this amazing shine remains with you even after repeated washing.

What are the other advantages of the technologies used in the production of Materia paint?

  • Extremely high durability of the dye: color and gloss last up to 2 months.
  • Low ammonia and alkali content, no more than necessary for better penetration of the dye into the hair structure
  • Possibility of use on injured hair, in order to improve their condition. The active ingredients Phytosterol and PPT not only make the hair look smoother, but also restore it for a long time.
  • Unique color mixing possibilities to create your own shades for each person.
  • The ability to obtain pure tones of any brightness and depth.
  • The possibility of maximum lightening (up to 14 tones), even for the most melanin-rich hair.
  • Blonding combined with a therapeutic effect is provided by the action of the cell-membrane complex (CMC - a patent of Takara Corporation)
  • Permanent painting gray hair
  • Possibility to create individual complex colors

In conclusion, we say that Takara Corporation is a Japanese manufacturer of luxury cosmetics, which in itself is already a guarantee of high quality of the product.

You can try coloring with the unique Materia paint from Lebel Cosmetcs in the network of Stars beauty salons in St. Petersburg.

Hair needs a break from the endless "chemistry" and "repainting", so why not use the paints of natural origin. Until the hair has “come to its senses” completely, you should not take risks and expose it to curling and coloring. If you can’t wait to change your image, use gentle foams or harmless folk remedies. Dark brown hair gives a cold infusion of leaves or green walnut shell. The intensity of the color can be adjusted depending on the proportions of water and raw materials, as well as the pigmentation of your hair. Therefore, first make a test on a small strand (for this, take the components in equal proportions and hold for 8-10 hours).

For a chestnut hue, take 125 g chopped walnuts, 25 g alum, 70 ml olive oil and 50 ml of water. Bring to a boil over low heat, cool and apply to hair for 20-40 minutes (depending on the desired intensity).

A golden sheen gives the hair an infusion of chamomile flowers (2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water). Infuse for an hour, strain and rub into hair, leave for 30 minutes. Black color will be obtained by mixing henna and basma in equal proportions.

Hair coloring with henna or basma. How to dye your hair with henna or basma

Henna and basma for hair coloring have a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp, normalize the sebaceous glands and stop the process of hair loss. With their help, you can give your hair fashionable now golden-red, red shades. Some, wishing to enhance the effect of these colors, “wear” them on their heads for three or even four hours. But you don’t need to do this - an hour and a half is enough.

Washable toning is always applied to wet hair, and in order not to stain the skin, the forehead and ears are smeared with cream. Wear disposable gloves on your hands.

Henna or basma is applied either by dividing the hair into partings, or simply over the hair, distributing it evenly from the roots to the ends. Toning is vigorously distributed on the hair, then combed out first with a rare, then with a frequent comb, then the pigments will lie more evenly.

Exposure time: the longer the paint is held, the more intense the color will be. After dyeing, rinse your hair well and wring it out with a towel. Hair is drying naturally then dry with a hair dryer.

Henna powder, like tinting, does not penetrate into the hair structure, but stains the hair for a long time, almost like paint. In addition, henna contains substances that tighten the outer scaly layer and add shine to the hair. Coloring hair with natural henna, you can never predict the intensity of the color; tinting mixtures with henna or vegetable dyes that hairdressers work with are more predictable. However, in this case, you need to do a trial coloring of the strand! The effect depends on the original color and exposure time: fair hair 15 minutes is enough to get an orange-red tint, black hair needs to be kept for 2 hours for a reddish tint. Damaged or bleached hair stains very strongly; henna is not suitable for chemically curled or gray hair.

Henna hair coloring

The greener the henna powder, the stronger the color! To dye semi-long hair yourself, you will need 1 cup of henna powder mixed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a little water. The resulting gruel is applied first to the roots of the hair, and then brought to the ends. The head should be wrapped in polyethylene and wrapped in a towel for warmth.

Regardless of the type of dye, colored hair needs additional care, so apply nourishing balms and healing masks to them more often.

In order for dyed hair to retain shine, after each wash, rinse should be used - when oily hair apply it only to the ends and to the hair itself, without affecting the roots - and at least once every two weeks, use a healing hair balm.

Red pigments are not particularly stable. A special spray used before shampooing will prevent hair from swelling and save pigments from washing out. You can also use mild special shampoos for colored hair, they give a similar effect.

Ultraviolet rays act - especially in combination with salt or chlorine - as a chemical brightener. Use styling products with UV filters, protect your hair from fading in the sun. (Special tip: An oil-free sunscreen for the skin is also good for the hair!) To freshen up the color, use the right color shampoos or conditioners or tint your hair from time to time.

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Today, there are many opportunities to change the color of the hair without damaging them and even strengthening their health. What coloring methods are considered the most useful? The fashion designer-stylist of the French beauty studio "Eugene-Perma" Elena Nikolaevna Savicheva tells.

Therapeutic coloring strengthens the hair.

caramel protection

To treat and maintain hair color in Lately actively used therapeutic staining in the technique of "caramel". It got its name due to the sweet candy smell that accompanies the process. In fact, this is a regenerating mask with plant components that gives a coloring effect. She represents completely natural product. It contains neither ammonia nor an oxidizing agent. The dye in its composition is made on the basis of cellulose. It is kneaded on the basis of an emulsion that protects, nourishes and moisturizes the hair. The resulting mixture fills the voids of damaged hair, envelops it and gives additional strength.
It can be used on previously colored hair to restore color and give it a rich hue. Or apply on natural for their recovery.

The dye is completely and irretrievably washed off by the moment when regrown roots become visible. Therefore, with this method, a color transition is never visible. It is worth noting that this type of therapeutic dyeing is ineffective with a radical change in hair color. But at the same time, its properties are enough to hide gray hair.

Unpredictable outcome

At home, you can also take care of your hair. Between procedures, a protective or restoring balm should be applied to wet hair. It is also useful to use a special shampoo that has moisturizing and nourishing properties. But with masks you should be careful. With their use, the color of dyed hair is partially “washed out”. This feature applies to all masks without exception, except for "caramel".

Some believe that at home you can change color without any harm to your hair with the help of tinting agents. But professional tonics are not sold in the store, and those that can be easily purchased are not resistant enough. They dye the scalp, clothes, bedding.

Some types of staining are done only in the salon.

If you are coloring your hair at home, follow a few simple rules:
  • When using new paint, be sure to test for allergies as directed in the instructions. There are a lot of dyes that do not meet the necessary requirements.
  • Hair should be dyed in a warm room. In the cold, the reaction is slower.
  • If you are blow-drying dyed hair, the air should be as cool as possible. In this case, it is worth using styling products that protect the hair.
  • The susceptibility of hair to color is very actively influenced by hormonal fluctuations in a woman's body. During menopause or during pregnancy, the result of staining with non-professional dyes is unpredictable. This is especially true for lightening hair.

magic henna

This is a fairly popular method of therapeutic staining. Henna, as it were, envelops the hair, filling its structure and forming a kind of protective film. Due to this, it becomes thicker. Therefore, it seems that the hair on the head becomes more. They shine and look well-groomed. Basma is the same natural dye.
But separately, without henna, it is not used.

It must be remembered that henna and basma are immersed deep enough in the hair. And, if you then want to change the color of your hair, you will have to make considerable efforts. This is especially true for lighting.

Many prefer the so-called colorless henna. But she does not have any useful properties. After all, in order to remove the coloring pigment, it is subjected to heat and chemical treatment.

It is not recommended to dye your hair with henna on your own. She is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Frequent dyeing with henna dries out the hair. In addition, real Iranian henna is now very rare. In Moscow, it is in some professional salons, and at the same time it costs a lot of money. And the contents of ten-ruble bags in stores have only its name. They contain cheap dye and dust left after processing henna.


Photo: Pixland Image, BananaStock/Fotolink
