The best statuses about mom. Beautiful status for mom

Her love is boundless and unconditional, she is the most dear person to you - mom. I want to tell her about it every day and every hour, and this will help statuses about mom. They are different: beautiful, with meaning, with notes of sadness, but all are imbued with a bright feeling. You don’t know what to write in the status, just write from the bottom of your heart all those nice words that you would like to say and in reality. Statuses give you the opportunity to once again thank your mother for her daily work, affection and tenderness.

  • Only mother perceives us as we are, with all our complexes and shortcomings.
  • In the house where my mother lives, it is always cozy and warm.
  • The older you get, the more you need your mother's advice and hugs, the tastier her pies and cutlets seem.
  • It's always nice when mom covers you with a blanket and says good night.
  • For the sake of her child, a woman is ready to sacrifice health, beauty, energy.
  • How often we forget to thank our mother for the life she gave us. How often we hasten to accuse her of giving us all the best.
  • There may be a lot of friends, a lot of girls, but there is only one mother.
  • When you were little sick, mom was always there. Now I am always with her.
  • The most terrible thing in life is mother's tears.

Not a single word or phrase can tell the whole gamut of your feelings for your mother, it is better to approach her and hug her tightly, say thank you for love, upbringing, and just for life. It doesn't always work out. You grow up, live in different places, cities, so beautiful statuses about mom will make her happy if she is an active user social networks! Mom will be pleased that even on the Internet you do not forget about her.

  • More expensive than all awards - mother's approval and praise.
  • Over the years, we need more and more mom's smile and her loving look.
  • Even when you fight with your mother, she still loves you.
  • Take care of mothers, no one truly loves us anymore.
  • From birth to death, our mother walks by our side.
  • Often we do not listen to our mother, and then we realize that she was right.
  • Whatever mom does, she thinks of you.
  • Mom is always with you, even when you are alone. You can change cities, but you are forever loved by her.
  • "Mom" is the first word in a child's life. Often it becomes the last.

Perhaps you have already become a mother yourself. Now you understand all her care, tenderness. Moms worry about you, even if you are already adults. Remember that statuses about mom to tears can bring you and yourself native person. But they will be tears of joy. However, be careful when coming up with statuses.

  • For mom, we will always be a small child, even when we ourselves become parents.
  • Mom is a person who will be with you even after death - in your soul.
  • While mom is alive, we have a guardian angel.
  • Mom will forgive, mom will understand, mom will not judge. Knowing this, we still hurt the mother's heart from time to time.
  • When you conquered the next peak, know that your mother always walked next to you.
  • Only a mother is able to forgive any stupidity, resentment and bad deeds.
  • A mother is better than any lawyer capable of protecting her child, more formidable than any prosecutor is ready to mercilessly punish someone who offends her son or daughter.
  • Sometimes children forget their mothers, but mothers of children never.
  • When you walk on a flat road, know that all the bumps are removed by mom.

Statuses about mom - affectionate news from children addressed to her.

Statuses about mom are definitely about a person without whom there would be nothing. Neither tasty food, neither comfort in the house, nor our life ...

Mom is a synonym for the word "weasel"

  1. Today I realized that I do not need anything. If only my mother did not cry!
  2. Everyone says, "Listen to your mother." Oh, if only everyone would heed this advice.
  3. When I feel bad, I just close my eyes and imagine that my mother is stroking my hair.
  4. The best thing parents can give is the ability to live in real life.
  5. I figured out a long time ago: if it’s a bad day outside, you urgently need to call your mother.

If you suddenly have a hard heart, set beautiful statuses about your mother.

  1. I don’t even want to argue with the fact that for my mother I am always small.
  2. I would never have reached great heights if not for my mom.
  3. Many friends are good, many men are your business, but we will always have one mother!
  4. Mom no longer scolds for smoking, but only sometimes says “I would quit.” Now I understand that an adult ...
  5. They say there are no irreplaceable people. But this rule does not apply to the mother.
  6. Everyone who has a mother has a luxury ...

Statuses with a meaning about mom - especially for your beloved man: 3

  1. Mom loves without refusal, and does not require any response. we must appreciate it!
  2. The best is at my house. And best of all, where my mother is.
  3. I know that if I do something good for my mother, she will thank me like no other.
  4. Strive to make moms happy. Because time flies inexorably fast.
  5. Many give birth and raise children. But not everyone can become a mother like mine!

Do a nice little deed - set statuses with meaning about mom.

  1. Mommy, tell me, why are you so often right?
  2. My mom is my motivation to move on.
  3. And remember, as in childhood - until your mother kisses you, you don’t wake up.
  4. In order to bring comfort to the house, you need to invite your mother to your place!

How much mother means to us in adulthood, and how little in adolescence

Statuses about mom with meaning - inspire and inspire everyone around.

  1. What is mom? This is not a profession, this is not an occupation, this is a vocation.
  2. The warmest memories from childhood are when dad and mom are still together ...
  3. Take care of yourself, dear. Mom, I need you!
  4. The warmest hugs are yours, mom.

If your mother is the most dear thing in the world for you, rather set statuses to tears about your mother from your daughter.

  1. I think god exists. and it was he who created my mother ...
  2. Mom shouldn't be too kind. She must be an authority!
  3. I'm not afraid that someone will offend me. Because my mother will support and protect me in any case!
  4. Whatever the disagreements between you, you should always step over disobedience, and just hug your mother.

Beautiful statuses about mom with meaning: that's who is definitely waiting for us in the evenings.

  1. Someday we will regret that we didn’t call, didn’t say something, but didn’t say something at all. Let's do everything on time!
  2. Being a mother is a blessing, just like having a mother...
  3. We're growing up so fast. But for Mom and Dad, we'll never grow up!
  4. Everything changes. Absolutely everything. And only mother's love remains the same.

Mom's decision is undeniable, but only if her own mother does not interfere with it 🙂 Read the status about your beloved mother to tears.

  1. Once we have known the love of a mother, we will not forget her, even if she suddenly dies.
  2. How I want to go back to the days when my mother ordered me to put on a hat and mittens. And you?!
  3. I'm glad my mom is with me. And I really want her to know about it.
  4. My mother loved me, but she never spared me where it was not needed. Thanks her!

How tenderly the word "daughter" sounds

Status-verses about mom will come in handy both in honor of a significant event, and, as they say, for every day.

Yes, yes, we are different with you,

Although very strange: mother, daughter.

But bloom with my love

I so want to help you!

Just don't cry, just don't be sad,

So that you are not sad, I will break.

I understand that I am not a gift.

But, you know, mommy, you're the best mom.

You don't know everything about me

Though I am your favorite daughter.

You only know that I love you

And we will put an end to this ...

I look at you with admiration

How can you be so gorgeous.

Lucky right from birth

To have such a fabulous mother.

I will kiss your hands

I'll buy you anything you want.

But I ask you to be with me forever, If it's possible, of course.

Don't know what to say? Then you will definitely be rescued by beautiful short statuses with a meaning about my mother.

  1. You worry about me, sometimes excessively.
  2. You're sleep deprived and you think I don't know about it.
  3. The time has come when you know about many of my jambs.
  4. You no longer need to scold: I myself am ashamed.
  5. I should have listened to you as often as possible.
  6. As soon as someone praises me, I remember you.
  7. Without you, I would not have become this, Mommy!
  8. Now I know: my mother was still for me ...

The most beautiful statuses about mom are those that were said from the heart.

  1. I want to make a million. To give mom flowers every day that she loves!
  2. Happiness is in the little things. Especially - in the little worries of mommy ...
  3. I have never been your peace of mind, but you must admit, I was your happiness!
  4. Mom's love can only be compared with the sea. She is just as limitless.
  5. For my mother, I am a kitten, a hedgehog, a tiger cub: 3

Mom gave us everything we needed as children. Therefore, in adulthood, give her a real fairy tale. She deserved it. Love your moms and set beautiful statuses about them!

Statuses about my mother to tears from my daughter - By about the age of 18, I realized that my mother should always be obeyed, but there was no way to fix a lot.

Mommy is my fairy and the firebird, the sun in the sky, the night star. Without you, life is not a holiday for me, but torture. I am very proud that I am your daughter!

Mommy, you raised me, took care of me, worked for me and put all your strength and soul into me. Now you are retired and you need to rest more, and I will try to make your life as fabulous and cloudless as I had in my childhood!!!

Thank you, Mom, for the warmth and kindness. Thank you for your endless love. I thank God for you! Thank you for being you, my dear.

When we become quite adults, our mothers get scared ... what if we don't need them anymore ...? Let's not let them think like that!

If a mother feels the same as her child, then I will try to be the happiest!

Once upon a time, my mother decided what clothes to wear, what to look good. Now she asks me what clothes she should wear to look good!

Mom, you are thousands of kilometers away from me and you think that you know better? ... well, you have eyesight!

Sometimes I feel so ashamed of myself, for the lies that my mother took for the truth.

For many, happiness is two liters. And for many - it's only two grams. And for me, happiness is to see how my Mom smiles!

I love you mom you are a ray of light in the dark, mommy thank you for being you!

Mommy, forgive me dear, your unlucky daughter. That I was not restrained with you, that I did not take your advice. And now I'm crying for it.

Among the usual deceit, among the verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much a mother means to a person ..

Maaam, I love you despite all the quarrels, screams, insults, you are the most for me. And without you I am nothing.

Mom, if when I grow up and I have a daughter, I will not understand her just like you do me, knock me. - Daughter, I'm afraid you will get it badly then.

Mom - your tears are my omission ... I can be bad, but I don’t have you more ...

When sometimes life arranges a thrashing, and a steel hoop squeezes my chest, I whisper, as in childhood: “Mommy! Give me… a pen!” And suddenly my path becomes easier ...

It's not too late to say thank you to mommy for giving birth to the world.

Mom, forgive me for making you so upset. Then I didn’t understand how you were afraid for me ... How did you worry that you didn’t teach lessons, ran away on dates, what you wanted, you did ... I swear that I’ll become better ... And I’ll correct my whole life.

I would erect a monument to my mother, because I don’t know such strong and patient people anymore.

Mom, I'm sorry that I'm not an ideal daughter, but despite all my jambs, I love you very much!

Yesterday my mother called me "ANGEL"! Well, that is, "MIRACLE IN FEATHERS")

No better evening when you sit next to your mom and talk about everything. No matter what, the main thing is that she is there.

I don’t ask God for money or fame, but I only ask that Mom’s heart beat forever.

Sometimes you just want to send everything to hell, hug your mother tightly and cry on her shoulder ...

Mom, maybe I should come - help? I miss you so much that my heart is in tatters... Let me not be the most best daughter, but I love you. Very very.

"Mommy - you are the best, the most beautiful, the most-most. I love you endlessly!" - in fact, we must say this every day. But we forget about it...

Mom, the sun shines in the night, my mother is my brightest ray, dear mother, I'm sorry for everything, dear mother, beloved mother.

Thank you mom for your kind words. Because you dedicated yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

In all languages ​​of the world, crossing the oceans, the first word of a person is the word Mom... ⓒBeat Hoween

Only MOM deserves love!

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

The child's claim to his mother's love is immeasurable, they demand exclusivity and do not allow sharing.

The hardest job in the world is being a mom.

When you become a mother, you can only talk about your children.

Dad can be anyone. Only a mother, only a mother CANNOT BE!

“Oh, how I want to return, oh how I want to break in” - into my mother’s stomach ...

Bowing my head, I pray to the Almighty. I do not ask for glory or paradise, but only ask the Almighty to take care of you, Mom!

Here, show your tears to your mother, in a week the whole city will console you.

MOM is the most touching thing in the world. MOM means to forgive and sacrifice yourself.

Mom you are the closest to me!!! Take care of yourself.

The happiness of a girl is to be a beloved and only wife and a caring mother!!!

Is there a place in the world where happy children laugh? Yes, and it's not a secret - it's mom's hugs!

Mom gave birth to twins, first laziness, and then me)))

God is our life, and Mom is the best thing in this life ... God is the Holiness that we feel ... Mom is the Holiness that we see ...

Growing up, I realized the price of parental advice ...

A good education is the second necessary thing in life after a strict mother.

The first and most important mother teacher

Boys! Do not offend my daughter-girl!! For her, I will destroy and tear you! Mother.

It is enough to say “Yes” once, and now someone else’s surname becomes native, and then your life becomes unimportant, because now you are MOM

Indeed, it becomes easier on the soul when you hug Mom ...

We are in a hurry to live and time is breathing in the back ... And you can’t always call your mother ... You won’t always have time ... Oh, how I would like ... to hear your quiet voice ... I understand now ... But I should ... then ...

I want to plunge into childhood, where there is no envy and sadness, where it is always light, I want to go to childhood, to my mother.

I don't know about you, but I'm scared to death of my mother: COME HERE!!!)))

Moms, love, kiss and hug your kids while they are small, only then our children will be kinder!

Morning separated us from my mother ... I hugged her at the door. Growing up, for some reason we are all ashamed of our tenderness.

The most delicious delicacies are prepared by MAMA!

Think you don't have a guardian angel? Yes, he is small and calls you MOM!

The meaning of life is the smile of Parents !!!

The best girlfriend is a mother and a pillow.

Sometimes you just want to send everything to hell, hug your mother tightly and cry on her shoulder ...

Never get mad at mom, don't say words that might upset or break her loving heart. You have only one, make her happy, as she wanted it for you ...

- Mom, why is it so tasty when you pour tea?
- Son, mom always pours the most delicious tea in the world. It is a pity that we understand this sometimes too late.

Him: You're beautiful! Me: It's my mother's merit. She did everything to make me look like dad ...

Elegance, strength, beauty, tenderness, pride, grace, brightness, intelligence, the great creation of God - Woman.

No matter how old you are and whoever you are - a man or a woman, sometimes you want so much that your mother comes up, as in childhood, stroked her head, smiled, kissed the top of her head ...

Happiness is when you wake up and understand that you are not alone, that you have the very little man for whom you are ready for anything, because you are his mother!

Girls, don't forget that this strange woman, who always crawls into your life with advice, knows everything better than you and constantly fights with you for your husband ... just his Mom

Finding happiness, we call friends less often, becoming unhappy, we call more often ... mom.

A true friend will never judge! A true friend will always be there! A true friend is mom! So it is and always will be!

Mother is the only deity who not only gives us life once, but also protects us timelessly.

If you are Mom, then you are already well done, because next to you your main achievement in life is your child.

It's always like this when you can't find something and go to your mother, she says that if she finds it now, you'll get it)))

My mother will be a good mother-in-law. She already now regrets my future husband!

Only such a wonderful mother as MY ... maybe such good girl, like me!))

I have two parents. But mom tried harder than dad.

MOTHER-many understand how much she did for us only when they lose her... People, appreciate your parents...

Without sleep, your nights have passed quite a few, Worries, worries for us can not be counted, Bow to you, dear MOM!!! For the fact that you are in this world!!!

If I’m lonely, I so want to have my mother, mommy, mommy nearby ... and it’s so sad that she’s far away ... I went to write SMS to her that I miss and love her ...

Did you always say “walk so that I can see you” as a child? It turns out that our mothers did not leave the window!

You need to kiss your mom every day, not slobber your boyfriend.

The first gift that mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

It's better to remain silent than to offend your mother.

Mother's eyes glow with delight... Little happiness Next to her, always! And let it be peaceful On the native land, SO MY MAN ALWAYS LAUGH !!!

There are many things in life; Everything in life is not enough, but the main thing, forever, will remain - mom.

The main thing in life is SHE and once again SHE, the one who gave birth, and was able to raise her!!!

The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person all his life, to the grave.

The cheaper the love of men and women, the dearer than love maternal…

The main thing in life is she and again she, the one who gave birth and was able to raise - Mom!

No matter how old a mother is, she never ceases to look for signs of change for the better in her thirty-forty-year-old children.

To the question "What is love?" my son answered: - Love is a mother.

It's so nice to see when mom is happy.

Just one baby smile. And in the heart of the mother is already spring.

A delightful moment when you press a creature to your chest that until recently was a part of you. And it seems as if you have one heart for two ...

How big is your heart, Mother.

There is something that is impossible to buy, this is happiness ... when, in addition to your heart, another small heart beats inside ...

We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother.

I am afraid of one thing in the world, that I will come home one day, I will say “Mom, I am at home”, and in response I will hear only silence.

How was it before? Mom, can I not spend the night at home today, but now more and more often: “Mom, can I spend the night with you today?”

You know, mom, I'm sorry that I'm drunk and for knocked down fists, it's just that her hand sleeping on my chest is not enough, whatever you say ...

Happinnes exists! It is here! Just listen! Here! it runs barefoot and screams MOM!

The most powerful thing in the world against evil is a mother's prayer.

I am the happiest already only because I am a MOM!!!

My main treasure in life is my little dirty tricks who turn the house upside down and shout "mom catch up"

There are so many statuses about our beloved moms, and our daddies are also the best, right?)

God bless every mother whose children I call friends.

If you come home tired from work, and a woman says to you: “Tired, dear? Go, eat, drink a glass, and go to bed ... ", so this is YOUR mother.

Listen only to music, heart and mother. All the rest are bullshit.

You can forgive absolutely everything only to one person-mother.

There is nothing more precious than mother's tears...

When you are completely tired, call, And I will come, as I came in childhood. Do you remember that mother's love has a secret healing power!!!

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness; Children sleep well in these arms.

Every day, looking at the current how my mother is aging, I want to do as much good and bright for her as possible, so that she is happy !!! After all, it is so IMPORTANT to give your warmth, to the one who loves you so reverently, tenderly and disinterestedly ... no matter what !!!

Mom always said: "Don't go barefoot, you'll catch a cold!" And it was necessary to warn: “Do not go with an open mind - you will be bitterly disappointed ...”

Mom is the most expensive luxury in the world. So please appreciate it!

- Mommy, I got married! - I don’t know anything, as it gets dark - home.

Mommy, Happy Mother's Day to you! You are the dearest person to me, I'm sorry that sometimes I'm such a fool ... I love you!

They become adults not when they stop listening to their mother, but when they realize that their mother was right!

I'm not looking for a soul mate, it just so happened, my mother gave birth to me whole!

The world would be a better place if everyone acted like their mother was watching us.

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her!

You become an adult when you change "mom" to "mom" on your phone!!!

Knowing people, you understand that it is worth loving only your mother.

I always want to see your smile. The most sincere and dearest. I love you mommy!

I live for Mom, because she lives for me... And I am ready to give my life for Mom, because she is ready to give it for me!

A mother's love is the only love from which one cannot expect betrayal...

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness.

Mom taught me to overcome the impossible: "Shut your mouth and eat soup"

It’s not 5 years already, but I’m still running and looking into the bag, when my mother comes, suddenly there is something tasty there.

In fins, mask and shorts, I came home. Hello mom, graduation went well!

Give us the best mothers and we will be the best people.

They released their children into the life, like white doves into the sky! But he is not destined to fly who managed to forget his father and mother!

Just know how to tell mom “I’m sorry” and “I love you” we say too many words, and sometimes they need only this.

Does your mother need a son-in-law?

Mom, your eyes should shine! Do not cry, do not suffer!

Mom and dad wanted me to be good. Well, the sense came out, the stupidity remained.

The word "MAMA" is expensive! Mom should be cherished! With her caress and care
it's easier for us to live in the world!

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can't do anything.

- And yet my mother is my best friend! - Why? - She will never steal your boyfriend.

- I love only mom, dad and sister - But what about me? - You're not them...

I will give everything, if only My Mom was happy, and she also cried only from happiness.

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness... (Victor Marie Hugo)

No one can misunderstand a child as much as his mother...

The meaning of life is mom's smile.

Only Mom will understand me ...

Love your mother, because mother is alone She will not forget you until she closes her eyes.

Remember that a good relationship with your parents is the key to good attitude your children to you.

When mom has Bad mood, my dad and I go out for the whole day for bread.

- Mom, why does the bed creak every evening in your bedroom with dad?
- I just can't sleep, and dad has to rock me to sleep!

For many, happiness is two liters. And for many - it's just two grams. And for me, happiness is to see how my Mom smiles!

Take care of your mothers like flowers from a cold blizzard: their love is a hundred times hotter than friends and beloved girlfriend.

- Mom, I want a tattoo.
- Bring the belt, now we'll fill it ..

He doesn't love me mom...

Our life is priceless! Tell your moms, "Thank you"!

How many times did my mother tell me: Do not fall in love, daughter, early. I did not listen to my mother, and now I love Roman!

Let's say thank you moms for carrying us under their hearts!

Nothing shortens a message like a mom standing behind her.

The phone rang, I shouted to my mother "I'm not there!", Mom from her room "me too"))

Daughter comes home from graduation. Her mother asks: Have you been drinking? Daughter: No, mom, I'm an ax!

The best and beautiful statuses about mom
