How to charm a girl with words on a first date. How to charm girls How to win the heart of a girl who loves another, but likes and refused

Modern men have little idea of ​​how to attract a woman's attention and win her heart. The hackneyed template "Beauty, let's go on a date" has not worked for a long time! Every girl is unique. To achieve love, we men need to be resourceful and considerate partners.

How to win a woman. Simple Tips for men

When to Stop

What not to do?

Dating site selection

Be patient to win favor. This can be difficult and time consuming.

  • Be sure to do everything necessary to make your lover understand that she is special. If you see that a woman is friendly and even reciprocates, continue to act, do not loosen your grip.
  • Your first date will play a big role, and especially your first kiss. It would seem that difficult? But it can be very difficult for men to cross this border. You can read about how to do everything right and impress in the article "How to kiss a girl."
  • To win a heart, first, win trust. Be sincere, do not deceive her even in small things. You can attract the attention of any woman if you become a person you can always rely on.

How to do everything right. Explore your purpose

Don't know how to conquer a woman? You can easily get your favorite if you collect information about her:

  • tastes, preferences, interests;
  • How do you spend your free time?
  • dreams and plans for the future;
  • ideal man;
  • What do you expect from a relationship?
  • past experience, reasons for parting;
  • readiness to create a family, etc.

You can find out these details through friends or the Internet. Do this and you will be able to pick up the key to the girl's heart.

By the way, this is exactly what happened with my friend Nikita: He courted his colleague Ekaterina for a long time and almost unsuccessfully, tried to win her over. On my advice, Nikita began to monitor the pages of the girl in the social. networks, make notes and soon realized that Katya was delighted with the Corgi dog breed. He wrote to her and asked if Katya could look after his dog for a couple of days. Surprisingly, she agreed.
When Nikita returned, he told Katya that the dog was meant for her as a gift. The girl was very happy, because she had already become attached to the dog. She began to spend more time with Nikita walking the dog, and, as a result, they quickly became close.

Do not be afraid to ask questions and do not be lazy to study information from the VK profile, for example. It is important for any person when someone understands his pains and needs. And your beloved girl will be happy to receive as a gift what she has long dreamed of!

Preparation. How to look

External data are important not only for girls. Well-groomed and athletic men always receive much more female attention than those who do not care about their clothes and figure. Many of us men are sure that the inner world is much more important than a pumped up body. But why, then, do we have completely different requirements for women? To be smart and beautiful!

  • Women love, first of all, with their ears. It is very important for them what a man says and how he does it. But other sense organs are also involved in the communication of the sexes, for example, the eyes and nose. It is unlikely that you will make a good impression on your chosen one if you put on a three-day shirt or simply forget to take a shower. Wear deodorant and trim your hair regularly. Your hands should always be clean and well-groomed.
  • Clothing should sit comfortably and emphasize your status or lifestyle. Skip teenage jeans and sweatshirts that are three sizes too big, as well as colorful sneakers and backpacks. Your image should be a complete picture, where each element has its place. Learn more about how to win a girl through a pleasant appearance read in the article.

9 easy steps to win a woman's heart

I have put together information that will help you clearly build your actions on the way to the heart of your beloved. Do them consistently and don't back down until you see a positive result.

  • Be patient. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. This proverb is very appropriate in this situation. Prepare the base for further actions. Falling on a girl's head with a bouquet of roses is the worst option. To accept your advances, she must be ready. Otherwise, no one will appreciate your impulses.
  • Be interesting. Women like erudite, well-mannered and versatile men. Your knowledge of politics, sports, culture will make a lasting impression and make you very attractive.
  • Show respect. Do not swear or say bad words, even during a quarrel. You will most likely make peace, but the girl will consider you an ill-mannered boor. Better be a gentleman, hold the door in front of her, help her take it off and put it on. outerwear, or sit at the table, pulling her chair.
  • Be original. No need to plan a meeting from start to finish. Leave room for spontaneity! Call her and offer to walk around the city all night or organize a picnic in nature. Surprise your beloved as often as possible.
  • Be confident. Confidence is shown in words, but even more so in actions. If a girl hears doubt in your voice, sees anxiety in your eyes, then do not expect reciprocity. Your behavior should tell her: “I am the one you need. I want you to become mine and I am ready to achieve this. Work on your attitudes, then I will take you seriously without words.
  • Be careful. If you ask a girl when her birthday is or where she lives, try to remember it the first time! When ordering coffee, remember which one she likes, and give her the same one a few days later. If a girl in a conversation dropped that she loves peonies, and you give her daisies, then you should not be offended by the refusal and unwillingness to continue communication.
  • Be persistent. There are different situations in life, if your chosen one refused a date once or twice, this does not mean that she is not interested in you. Instead of being dissatisfied, ask her if she is doing well. Offer help and support in case she needs it. Try to "squeeze" into many areas of her life, whether it's help at work, a joint vacation, shopping or repairing an apartment.
  • Be sincere. Do not hide emotions if they overwhelm you. Speak everything from the heart, share your thoughts and feelings. But do not forget that between sincerity and bad manners there is a big difference. If you want to make a remark to a girl, then say it in a joking manner or in a way that does not offend.
  • Be a man. Do not try to appear better and cooler than you really are. Know how to admit mistakes and ask for forgiveness if necessary. To be a man means to be yourself. And also, be able to take responsibility for your words and actions.

You can seek location both personally and by correspondence. It will be a little more difficult to interest yourself at a distance, the basic principles are disclosed here "How to impress in correspondence."

Top 7 Ways to Win a Woman

You and I figured out how to behave in order to win hearts and be a winner in life.

I asked my female friends what they value most in men? What qualities are considered the most attractive? And this is what they answered me:

  • Caring. Any woman will appreciate this quality. For the fair sex, this means that a man will be a wonderful husband and father. Show that you care about how your chosen one lives and feels. In the rain, cover her with your jacket; in the winter, find out if she is warmly dressed. If you get sick, take a day off to take care of your loved one.
  • Unobtrusiveness. Too much attention on your part will surely tire the girl, and make her want to break free and run away. Give her a couple of days of rest, she will write herself and say that she is bored. If in response you see ignorance, you should think about its seriousness.
  • Ability to communicate. Read books, various articles, watch educational programs. Improve in different directions to support any topic of conversation. Learn to tell interesting stories and make amazing compliments.
  • Self-sufficiency. Do not make a woman, even the best and most beloved, the center of your universe. Feeling her power, she can use you for personal purposes. Leave the smallest understatement and uncertainty, because not only you must earn love, but the woman must also prove that she is worthy of your love.
  • Generosity. Girls don't like stingy men, that's obvious. Pay bills in cafes and restaurants, give gifts and flowers. If there is not much money, save up before starting courtship. After all, the first months are the most romantic and bright, do not make your beloved feel worse than other girls.
  • Seriousness. Your actions and words should be such that the woman understands that you can be considered as a potential partner. If you can't keep a promise, explain why and reschedule it.
  • Willingness to change. Unable to change other people, change yourself. If you want to succeed with a woman, don't wait for her to change her mind. Start changing, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Do not forget that "you will not be forced to be nice." If, in the end, your attempts were unsuccessful, pay attention to other girls. Do not dwell on the one that rejects you over and over again. The article contains helpful tips how to deal with rejection and move on.

Getting and seducing a woman is not enough to build a strong relationship. She should respect and appreciate you. I'm sure if you take the trouble to do such a great job on yourself and become a real worthy man you will be rewarded with love.

When to Stop

There are several situations in which it will not work to win a girl. Therefore, it is worth stopping and thinking, are you doing everything right?

Be prepared for this. This may be due to one of the following factors:

  • She already has a decent match;
  • You don't live up to her expectations;
  • She keeps you in the friend zone for a long time;
  • You were too intrusive;

In any of the options, if all your previous attempts were unsuccessful, leave the girl alone and give her time. Try to keep friendly or friendly relations and step aside. There is a possibility that her current partnership will end sooner or later. Be there at this moment to substitute your strong male shoulder.

If you pushed away and even frightened the girl with your perseverance and obsession, then the only chance to rehabilitate yourself is to enter the circle of friends and prove yourself with the most better side.

After all, if the girl you dream of wants to see a tanned athletic brunette next to her in a BMW, and you are a simple guy in a Toyota, there's nothing to be done about it. Either you need to catch up to her requirements, or the girl must lower the bar of her expectations.

What not to do

To please and fall in love with a girl, it is absolutely impossible to show the following qualities:

  • Coarseness
  • selfishness
  • Greed
  • Contempt
  • Comparison with others
  • Constant criticism

Do not try to "remake" your beloved against her will. If you ask to change and become better, get ready to work on yourself too. But think about it, if a girl doesn’t suit you in some respects, maybe it’s easier to find yourself another lady of the heart?

To use it as a thing and demonstrate the chosen one as a trophy is ugly and wrong. Relationships should be valued and respected, not possessed. Respect your partner and yourself.

Needless to say, it is also impossible to cheat and deceive? If your goal is to hook some girl and drag her into your bed, do not hide the true motives, because you risk breaking her heart.

Come in and meet interesting girls. There are free and liberated young ladies who are not in the mood for serious relationship. It is much easier to start a romance with them than to build a serious relationship.
  1. Do you think it is possible to control the feelings of a girl or is it better to let everything take its course?
  2. What is the best way to win a girl's heart?
  3. What helped you?

Hi man, in this article I will tell you about how to charm a girl with words, touch, non-verbal (what your body looks like) and more. The biggest secret is that, contrary to the established opinion that it is very difficult and not easy, that you literally need to sit with a guitar under her window and be able to speak, everything is much simpler and faster.

The whole joke is that the way society taught you to communicate with women does not work at all and is not effective for you, it is effective only for them (women).

Let's start with three main points in order to.

On ours, we teach this:

  1. Nonverbal
  2. Do what others don't

And also, on this topic, I have several excellent training videos on my YouTube channel, which you can watch right now by clicking over here. In these videos, I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like writing on the blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to speak on camera;). So, I'm better off not reading.

1. So, let's start with the first one. In general, when meeting a girl and further communicating with her, almost the most important thing is your non-verbal, that is, how your body looks. The fact is that it will never let you lie, if you are worried, then literally everything is written on you. Therefore, it is very important how you look at a girl, what your posture is, how you gesticulate, what smile you have, what voice you have, facial expressions, and so on. You can read more about this in other articles on this blog. Non-verbal is not just important, it is extremely important.

The fact is that most men are from the position of asking, and it is still clear from their body that they are worried, that they are ready to sell a kidney, if only the girl would give them her phone number. And girls need real males, and their non-verbal is fundamentally different. How to learn this - it's best to come to us, of course, but you can watch a video with my approaches to girls and see how I look when I meet.

2. Speech. What matters is not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it. Most men (again, not of their own free will) communicate with girls from the position of “Bottom”, from the position of asking, so if you exaggerate, then the acquaintance sounds something like this - “Hello, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but can I get to know you.” Some especially "Brilliant" personalities come up with some idiotic patterns in style - your mother does not need a son-in-law. HA HA Ha! What insanity.

And here's an example of how to communicate with girls from the position "On top"! “Hi, you look great, wait a minute, I want to talk to you” - no, no, sorry. In fact, these two different people communicate differently, but the meaning of the phrase is the same, BUT But What a difference! Do you feel!? So the girls feel they will definitely give preference to the second option! Believe me, this has been proven in practice, mine and my countless students!

By the way, we will talk about that a little later, for me live communication is a priority, and I in general. Because sooner or later you will have to meet the girl live anyway! Better sooner!

3. We do what others do not. who do not grovel before them, who can allow themselves to do something that the girl may not even like. So, what others don’t do, because piss: We always greet a girl only by the hand, always speak to her on YOU, stop her if she doesn’t want to stop, touch, sniff, hug, perhaps during a conversation we notice, for example, that her handbag does not go with this dress, and so on. You probably now think that this is nonsense, but just watch my videos and make sure of the opposite!

But look how you can charm a girl in just a couple of minutes:

Everything here is explained very simply, in order to impress a girl, sometimes it is enough just to do something that most guys will never be able to afford. Here, the so-called knucklehead was due to the fact that I approached her right in front of my mother. And if the mother also likes it, then she will then ask her daughter herself if you called or not.

If you liked this video, then go to the "Video" section and watch the most best videos live dating in RuNet.

How to communicate on a date

On you should behave very calmly, relaxed and uninhibited. The more you make yourself comfortable, the more comfortable the girl will be with you. You sit next to her on the couch and start talking.

The main message, again, is that you allow yourself as much as possible, something that others do not allow even on the third. Believe me, the girl is ready to allow you on a date much more than you allow yourself, trust me.

You need a buildup of emotions, that is, you tell her some funny things, then scary, then sad, then funny. She must receive different plan emotions, this is important in order to even. Plus, it is very important - you must constantly combine two streams - speech and kinesthetics (touch). I won’t tell you what to talk about now, it’s better to see how you need to touch a girl on a first date. This is much more important.

How to charm a girl in contact

In general, everything can be done very easily and quickly, I mean, and then offer to meet. The fact is that many guys are afraid to meet and delay this moment until the last. This is very wrong. You should always force things, because while you have been chatting with her on the Internet for two weeks now, some smart guy will interest you, charm you, and you just screw up your happiness.

So, everything can be done quickly. You write to her - “Hi, you are a very unusual girl ... ..”. If you don’t answer this message, you can write to her - “You have one very unusual trait that young people don’t really like, but I like it ....”. Ninety percent that she will answer - "What the hell"? In general, it is better to use this method not in VK, but on dating sites, they are better off there, since the girls are already set to get to know each other.

Further, in theory, the girl should, you tell her that you will tell her about this trait when you meet. Then you write a couple more messages, preferably describing her, for example - “You have a very kind nose, positive))” or describe one of her photos, like she reminds someone there, for example, a cowboy or some kind of diver. Make fun more and show in the text that you are completely unattached to the result of your communication.

Even after some of her regular messages, you can disappear and not answer her for a day, let her suffer. And you can literally immediately write to her - “Write your phone, I don’t like to correspond here, I will call you and we (important) will chat for a couple of minutes. I'm only for live communication.

It is important to clarify that you will not impose on her and call her a hundred times, that you just call once and that's it. If the number does not give you the first time, try to interest her again - What would you do if you became a cool guy for one day? What guys do you like the most? Either ask something like that about her, or tell something about her, about her appearance, clothes, face. Girls are very curious like children. Then ask for the phone again. She will! Here the most important principle is to communicate from the position “from above”, that is, do not apologize, do not ask or persuade!

In this article, I told you about how to charm a girl on a first date, and even in different situations, you just have to take yourself by the balls and go, on the street or in the subway or in the shopping center - to meet girls and adventures.

The magic of eye contact needs no further introduction. Suffice it to recall the phenomenon of love at first sight. When you accidentally make eye contact with a woman, try to hold her gaze and smile warmly. Long eye contact without words will tell her about your confidence, and a smile will be proof of a friendly attitude. Of course, looking into the eyes of another person is difficult if you are nervous. Therefore, to ease anxiety, you need, firstly, to take a deep breath, and secondly, learn to "smile with your eyes." To do this, try to remember what your eyes look like after a long laugh. Remember this feeling of warmth, relaxation, openness and try to reproduce it, looking at the woman you are interested in.

Non-verbal banter

A good sense of humor works almost flawlessly on the female sex. But you can joke without the help of words. For example, when exchanging glances with a stranger, you can try to portray funny face to make her smile and make her laugh. If a woman responds positively, it will be easier to approach her and start a conversation.

Confident body language

When you walk around slouching with your hands in your pockets, it's foolish to expect a woman to notice the power of your charm. Confident body language, which attracts the weaker sex, implies a straight posture, straightened shoulders, slightly raised chin. In addition, avoid unnecessary movements and fuss. Having outlined the goal, clearly move towards it, without turning off the chosen path. Then, watching you, any woman will understand that in front of her is a strong and confident man.

Well-groomed appearance

Women are attracted to well-dressed and well-groomed men. It is not necessary to buy expensive things at all. The main thing is that your clothes are clean, tidy, not too wrinkled and appropriate for the occasion. Of course, wardrobe items such as flip flops and sweatpants are best left at home. As for grooming, in this case, clean, trimmed nails and hair are enough, as well as regular visits to the shower. All these moments, adding up to a single picture, will help a woman perceive you in a positive way even at a distance.


Women are very sensitive to the violation of personal boundaries. And at the same time, they regard an attempt to approach them as a sign of interest. Not all people can easily close the distance in the process of communication, so first try to lean towards the girl quite a bit, act slowly. If she herself takes a step forward, do not step back instinctively. Otherwise, it will seem to her that you are closed and not in the mood to continue dating.

Random touches

Touching should only be done if it feels appropriate. For example, give a girl a hand, help in a moment of awkwardness, lightly hug in a fit of emotion. In addition, do not forget that women like to feel the strength and confidence in male touches. If your hands are trembling treacherously, she is unlikely to be delighted with a man who does not cope well with excitement.

Communication with other people

If you are in the company of friends, then they can also help you impress a woman. To do this, fortunately, you do not need to ask them to act as intermediaries in your acquaintance. It is enough just to communicate with them - easily and naturally. Laugh, joke, have a carefree time, as you usually do it in a friendly company. Watching you from the side, a woman will easily see what kind of person you are, and, perhaps, will be even more interested in you.


Smile - the best remedy successful communication. So why not use it to win female sympathy? A sincere, kind, warm smile breaks any barriers, neutralizes hostility and wariness on the part of a woman. After all, every person strives to communicate with people who look happy and have a positive attitude. Therefore, when you do not know what to say or do, just smile at the object of your sympathy.

Striving to look your best

When women defiantly preen themselves in the presence of a man, the stronger sex perceives this as an element of coquetry. Men, in principle, can also adopt this technique. Noticing how you straighten your hair or tie, remove an invisible speck of dust from your jacket, the girl will unconsciously catch your desire to please her. The most important thing is not to overdo it with putting yourself in order, otherwise she will decide that you are suffering from a nervous breakdown.


The halo of mystery and mystery created by a man around him has a magnetic effect on women. If an open and friendly look immediately tells a girl about your intentions, then serious and thoughtful contemplation can provoke curiosity in her, smoothly flowing into interest, even if she was initially not in the mood for communication. This technique is good in that it demonstrates attention in a less aggressive form, immediately depriving the woman of any militant attitude. Of course, you don’t need to overact too much, otherwise you will look strange and comical in her eyes.

You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

It is not so easy to please a girl, it will take some time, effort and, of course, a lot of patience. If you like a girl, show her that you are a good guy, try to win her sympathy. Keep in mind that for this there must be at least some kind of mutual warm relationship. Because it is very difficult to win the sympathy of a barely familiar girl. But you can improve your chances if you try to win her attention, show your best side and ask her out on a date.


Part 1

Make her notice you

    Do not hurry. Before you start chasing a girl, remember that this is not a good idea. If you are in too much of a hurry, she may suddenly lose interest in you. Even if you really really like this girl, take your time, especially if you just met recently. Try to make friends and get to know her better.

    • Never confess your love to a girl if you haven't been on a date with her yet. First you need to ask her out on a date (maybe even more than one!)
  1. Find an excuse to talk to her. In order for a girl to notice you, you need to take the first step. To start a conversation, it is not necessary to look for some serious reason, you just need to find some kind of excuse. After you've talked the first time, next time it won't be so difficult.

    • Try saying something like, "Hey, do you happen to remember what we were asked?" or “Can you please pass this and that?”.
  2. Compliment her. Sincere compliments and signs of attention - great way show the girl that she will be comfortable with you. Admire her appearance, intelligence, character, abilities and so on.

    • For example, you might say, “Oh, you are such a great artist! You really have talent!" or “Most people are bad at math. It's great that you understand such a complex subject."
  3. Listen to her. Be a good listener. This is especially important if you want the girl to fall in love with you. To show that you are listening carefully, maintain eye contact and say neutral phrases such as "Yes", "I understand", "So what happened next?". Make sure you can repeat everything she said.

    Show her that you are special. Your unique qualities may interest a girl. Think about your best character traits, how to show them. For example, if you are an athlete, invite her to a game. If you play guitar in a band, invite her to your gig. If you love to read, strike up an intellectual conversation about literature.

    Support and praise her. Show your support, convince her that you are worthy of her love. Take these small steps before asking a girl out on a date.

    • For example, in one of your games, you can pick her up, help her in an exam, help her get a job, and so on. Think about the little things you can do to show her your love or affection.
  4. Be polite and considerate. Some girls like "bad boys", but over time they want to date an attentive and caring young man. You need to demonstrate these qualities even before the first date. To do this, show that you are familiar with good manners, etiquette, open doors for her, be kind to others.

Part 3

Ask her out

    Ask her out. To take your relationship to the next level, ask her out on a date. The invitation should sound so that she agreed. Try something like:

    • “Listen, I have an extra ticket for such and such a movie (the movie she wants to see) for Friday night. You are free?"
    • “I don’t know if you want to go, but I often go to the central fair to unwind. Do you want to go with me?"
    • “Listen, there's a little match coming up soon. Maybe we should go and cheer for the other team?”
  1. Make a date plan. You can invite her on a date like a regular event, or you can arrange a real date that she will remember for a long time! Think about what you know about her and her preferences. You can even somehow unobtrusively find out what she likes. She will appreciate your care and originality.

    On a date, be careful with her. Show that her comfort and pleasure come first for you, then she will most likely not mind continuing the relationship. There are several ways to show you care.

    • For example, if you think she is cold outside, invite her to sit in a cafe to warm up and have a snack. If the waiter forgot to bring her a drink or cutlery, take care of it, ask the waiter to bring the cutlery, or deal with it yourself.
  2. Let her understand how you feel. After a few dates, she will be convinced that you enjoy spending time with her. She may feel reciprocal sympathy. But there will come a time when you will need to talk about your feelings.

    Continue to meet, walk and get to know each other. It takes a lot of time and effort to make a girl fall in love with you. Even if the first date was amazing, it is unlikely that she will immediately fall in love with you. Keep surprising her, organizing interesting dates and enjoy the process of getting to know each other. Relationships will flourish if you take your time and let things take their course.

The struggle for a woman's heart is comparable to a theatrical production. Properly chosen make-up, music, actors and the play itself make the audience tremble with delight. As soon as the theatrical heroes forget the words, the hall is filled with indignant exclamations.

Acquaintance with a woman is a well-played play, the end result of which should be a standing ovation, not angry demands for a refund of the ticket price. How to make a girl fall in love with you and play your male role according to all the rules?

In contact with


In the business of seducing women, experience is not the main thing. The first thing to think about before approaching the person you like is the appearance.

A girl may not pay attention to the high cost of clothes, but she will appreciate cleanliness and neatness in the first place. The basic rules of a male pickup truck, for those who do not know how to make a girl fall in love with you, can be represented as follows:

A closer look and nothing more

All women love attention. If a girl notices that a young man is watching her, she will surely turn around to do the same. The main thing in all this is not to lose eye contact. It should be clear to the girl that they are interested in her not in order to come up and ask for directions, but with a certain romantic purpose. If the girl looked away first, then the man can celebrate a small victory.

"Smiling makes the world brighter"

Nobody likes gloomy, self-contained people; women try to bypass such individuals. If a man doesn’t have a good day and he can’t squeeze out anything but a wry smile, the acquaintance is obviously doomed to failure. Noticing the girl he likes in the crowd, a man should smile at her. If she responds with a smile, you can approach and try to get to know each other.

"Night, street, lamp, pharmacy"

Psychologists say that you can get acquainted anywhere, be it a chic cafe or a bus stop. The main condition is the right time. If a girl returns home alone late in the evening, then it will not be herself to get to know her best idea: most likely, she will get scared and try to get rid of a random fellow traveler.

When meeting, it is best to keep your distance. A distance of 1 meter must be maintained between a girl and a man. Otherwise, a new acquaintance may find the attention shown to her too intrusive.

Pleasant conversations and compliments

Having trained in peepers and smiles and approaching the girl, the man should strike up a pleasant conversation. It is better to start it with a banal compliment. Can be praised beautiful hairstyle, manicure, dress, to say that the man was delighted with her walk, smile, laughter.

The conversation should be simple, should not move on to academic topics and be interested in the degree of mastery of her Gauss theorem from a new acquaintance. It is better to talk about the weather, the surrounding architecture, the latest cinema and theater, the taste of pastries served in the nearest cafe.


Do not immediately pounce on the girl demanding to give her phone number. This option is suitable for completing an unexpected date. If a man made the right impression, the girl can easily agree to give him her number. If not, you can try to get her profile from social networks and try to continue communication on the Internet.

Women love self-confident men, because if a young man mumbles and does not know what to say at the first contact, his chances of continuing are minimal. Wanting to attract the attention of the girl you like, you can buy a balloon or a rose, go up to her and just give it. The accepted gift will be the first step towards further acquaintance.

How to make a girl fall in love with you?

Many guys spend a lot of time thinking about how to make a girl fall in love with them. However, they do not understand that the main problem is not how to do it, but why. If you really liked the girl and the man plans to build a strong long-term relationship with her, then it will be easier to fall in love with her than the one with whom you plan to spend several weeks and even days. Most often, women feel the intentions of men and act accordingly.

It is easy to get acquainted by correspondence, but it is not easy to fall in love with a girl. To begin with, you should “fill up” her with beautiful compliments, electronic gifts, perhaps poetry.

If she made contact, you can praise her photos, ask about the places where they were taken. The main thing in this matter is perseverance and a clear manifestation of interest in the female person.

To arouse interest, a man must learn about her favorite books, films and performers. It is important to show the girl how attentive, educated and ready for an immediate response to any of her messages.

If she doesn't like you

Men experiencing problems with building relationships often wonder how to make a girl fall in love with you if she doesn’t like you? Representatives of the strong half of humanity are literally unsettled by this state of affairs, but one should not despair.

It is necessary to understand what exactly the girl does not like in a particular person. This can be both external data (height, weight, eye color, hair, nose shape, etc.), and character traits. It is hardly possible to correct external data, but a man is quite capable of changing his own behavior and character.

So, a gloomy person might try to learn a few jokes, invite a girl to ride a carousel, or spend an evening at the movies watching a comedy. If the girl did not like the excessive stinginess of the partner, then you can try to look more generous than usual.

If she has a boyfriend

There is an opinion that a guy is not a husband yet, and therefore you should not even worry about how to make a girl fall in love with you if she has a boyfriend. In reality, this is not so. Most of the fair sex is already quite faithful at this stage of the relationship. The main task is to show the girl your best qualities, make it clear that the young man she has chosen is not a suitable candidate.

To do this, donate the best gifts, show maximum attention, see off from the university (from work), regularly invite you on dates. If the one with whom the chosen one meets for a given period of time does not really like her, then after a while she will pay attention to such obvious signs of favor from the new admirer.

If she loves another

The question of how to make a girl fall in love with you if she loves another is the most painful. In principle, it is useless to look for an answer to it, since in most cases this is impossible.

If a girl is truly in love, she perceives the men around her only as friends.

There is practically no chance for a new fan, but you can try: real feelings are worth fighting for.

Top 10 ways that work flawlessly

Summarizing everything that has been said above about how to make a girl fall in love with you, let's look at 10 ways that work flawlessly:

  1. Jokes and humour. Women highly appreciate men who know how to make them laugh. Such a man is easy to love, easy to fall in love with. You need to joke more, not be shy about comical situations that a couple can get into.
  2. Find out everything about what a girl loves. Men do not like to go shopping with their chosen ones, but the life of most women is not limited to shops. Many girls go in for active sports, are fond of dancing, embroider, read books, work in an interesting and favorite job. A man must make sure that his interests coincide with the interests of the girl as accurately as possible. To do this, it is not at all necessary to run to the gym or buy embroidered paintings, it is enough to find out more information about what a woman does and, if necessary, support her in new endeavors.
  3. Listen to a girl. If a man does not know how to listen and hear, it will be difficult for him to win the heart of a beautiful lady. Listen carefully to everything the girl says, even if you are not interested.
  4. Support. Despite the significant percentage of feminists present in society, most girls still rely on a strong male shoulder. At the same time, support does not have to be material, simple sympathy is quite enough. So, if a girl had a fight with her parents, friends, superiors and is looking for consolation, one should not talk about the degree of her guilt, future problems, and the like. She must understand that a man will choose her side in any case.
  5. Trust. There is no love without trust, because if a man fails to win over a woman in such a way that she trusts him, he will not be able to fall in love with her.
  6. Constantly praise the taste in clothes, cosmetics. Girls love attention, so a man should periodically praise the next fashion bag or a dress, talk about the beauty of makeup, etc.
  7. Sweets. If a woman cooks well, her chances of winning a man are doubled. A man can also use such a trick, but he does not need to cook for this. It is enough to give the chosen one her favorite sweets.
  8. Flowers. Women love flowers, the more the better.
  9. Memorable dates. When planning to fall in love with a girl, one should not forget about anniversaries- first kiss, first date, beginning life together and so on.
  10. Pleasant surprises. Not all women like surprises, but everyone can appreciate a truly beautiful gesture. Naturally, having bought tickets for the next flight to Paris, provided that the girl is colossally busy at work, or the exam that is coming to her tomorrow, the man will not win at all in her eyes. But unexpectedly donated earrings, a trip to the cinema, or a picnic will be appreciated.

The main thing to remember for those who plan to follow the methods presented above is that women love to be wooed, surprised and indulged in most whims.

Psychological tricks

Girls do not like excessively correct guys, therefore a man should not talk on the first date about being faithful to her person alone, report, talk about everything that happened to him during the day.

A girl should feel like a woman, not a mother lavishing praise for good behavior. If a man does not know how to make a girl fall in love with him, psychological tricks described below can be a real guide to action for him.

So what you need to know about women:

  • girls love when they are looked at and admired, because the main thing is eye contact;
  • a girl who is not deprived of the attention of men ignores the views of another boyfriend (he is only one of many for her), the latter must act in the exact opposite of the rest, not paying any attention to the object of passion;
  • if a girl is bored with flowers and gifts and she begins to take them for granted, it is necessary to abruptly stop courtship, she will become worried and in the future she herself will look for a reason to meet;
  • a girl will never fall in love with someone who compares her with other women, because by doing so a man can lose his beloved forever.

When meeting and further meetings, you should carefully monitor her reaction to touch. If a girl does not seek to immediately move away from a man whose hand accidentally touched her shoulder or hair, then he is already halfway to her heart.

Touches, even casual ones, are extremely important: they show the degree of readiness for further rapprochement. If this did not help and the man still has no idea how to fall in love with a girl, psychology will not help here, it is necessary to study the specific situation from the inside and understand the reason for the failure. Perhaps she is connected with the fact that the girl is already in love, but hides, or her reaction is related to the zodiac sign under which she was born.

Finding out that a girl is in love with a particular man is easy. As mentioned above, she ceases to notice the signs of attention paid to her by others. In addition, a woman in love forgives a lot, is ready to help her chosen one in any of his endeavors. She is not interested in the opinions of others and even close relatives. She does not allow to speak badly about her lover.

Having reached an understanding of how to fall in love with any girl, the representatives of the stronger sex begin to have difficulty understanding why their chosen one prefers to hide her feelings. There are several reasons for this:

  • the girl did not understand herself, confuses friendship with love and vice versa;
  • she does not trust the chosen one, is afraid of deceit;
  • she is afraid of the judgment of others;
  • a woman does not know that her feelings are mutual and therefore hides them, afraid to look stupid.

It is not easy to understand that a girl is hiding her love, but you can still try. To begin with, it is worth observing her reaction to other representatives of the weaker sex who surround the man. As a rule, it is negative.

Many women give themselves away by unconsciously caring for their beloved - cooking their favorite dishes, gifts for dates that a man himself does not remember, disinterested help in business. In any case, a man must himself take the first step and confess his feelings.

Is it possible to charm an ex-girlfriend again (and is it necessary)?

After a serious quarrel that caused the breakup, some men are worried about how to fall in love with a girl again, how to fall in love with themselves ex girlfriend, wife, girlfriend, is it worth it. The answer to the question depends on the situation that provoked the breakup.

There are no hopeless options in most cases, but it is unlikely that the girl will return to the guy who treated her cruelly, called her names hurtful words and constantly changed. If the quarrel was caused by an attack of jealousy, had a domestic character, or was provoked by the environment, then you can return the relationship by repeating a number of the points described above.

Entering into an already destroyed relationship, a man runs the risk of facing problems that were already present and unresolved. Before seeking the favor of the former, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

How to behave with representatives of different zodiac signs?

The nature of the relationship being built largely depends on the sign of the zodiac. So, some representatives of the zodiac wheel are easy to fall in love with, while others do not succumb to temptation for a long period of time, surrendering to the mercy of the winner only after being convinced in practice of the authenticity of his feelings.


Aries woman will not tolerate a lethargic and not energetic man next to her, therefore, before deciding how to fall in love with an Aries girl, a guy must evaluate his intellectual and social skills. Aries love to joke, are not touchy, can provoke an argument, prefer people who speak directly about their intentions.


The Taurus woman cannot stand talkers. Not knowing how to fall in love with a Taurus girl, a man must think about whether he is ready to silently give in to disputes that arise in the process of relations. Taurus is extremely stubborn, they know exactly who they need, the choice of the chosen one always occurs consciously, in most cases on the basis of careful calculation.


Gemini love witty interlocutors, therefore, there will be no special difficulties with how to fall in love with a Gemini girl. It is pleasant to spend time with representatives of this sign, they are ready to support any conversation.

How a girl under the sign of Gemini loves


Cancers are cheerful, but extremely stubborn, therefore, it can be difficult to fall in love with a Cancer girl. Sincerity can help in this difficult matter. A man should not hide his emotions, and then he will be able to win the heart of a Cancer woman.

a lion

Lions are headstrong and impatient, they prefer to dominate relationships, so a man who thinks about how to fall in love with a Leo girl will have to be quite tight. Success will depend on his ability to flatter and compliment. Leo girls love to be put on a pedestal.


Virgos prefer a business approach in everything, including relationships. A man who decides to devote some time to how to fall in love with a girl Virgo will have to carefully monitor all the words spoken in her presence. Virgo remembers all the promises, will literally quote a conversation that took place 1 year ago.


Libra loves to chat, and it doesn’t matter what, it’s important how. They are refined natures, therefore a man who decides to win her hearts and does not know how to fall in love with a Libra girl must learn the art of having a salon conversation, be competent in all topics of interest to the chosen one.

How a girl born under the sign of Libra loves


Sagittarians love to teach, so in a conversation with them there is always an edifying and commanding tone. A guy who does not know how to fall in love with a Sagittarius girl should practice philosophical conversations. At the same time, it’s not worth talking about feelings and romance, Sagittarius do not like this. As well as conversations about home, work, everyday problems.


Scorpio cares about emotions. A man should not think too long about how to fall in love with a Scorpio girl, you just need to show your true feelings. This must be done carefully, because Scorpios are excellent manipulators.


Capricorns prefer to keep their distance from unfamiliar people, because a guy trying to figure out how to fall in love with a Capricorn girl should prepare for a long siege.

How a girl born under the sign of Capricorn loves


One of the easiest signs of the zodiac to communicate and make new acquaintances. Difficulties with how to fall in love with an Aquarius girl should not arise. Representatives of this sign like well-educated men with a pronounced sense of humor. It is better to talk on abstract topics, preferably bypassing questions about career, life, home, money.


Pretty impressive zodiac sign. A guy who does not know how to fall in love with a Pisces girl should stock up on exclusively positive emotions and news. Pisces are touchy and easily upset. You should talk with them exclusively about cinema, art, literature, pets.

Useful video

There are many ways to make a girl fall in love with you. If one method doesn't work, then try another. The video below shows 12 questions after which a girl will fall in love with you:


Not knowing how to fall in love with a girl again, or simply fearing new acquaintances, men experience a lot of emotional troubles.

It is important to understand that women differ from the representatives of the strong half of humanity in physiological terms, but still remain people who, first of all, care and attention are important.

If a man teases a girl expensive things, but at the same time he is not ready to sit at her bedside during an illness, then he definitely will not succeed in falling in love with her.

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