Our dads are the best. Dance of children with dads "Boogie-woogie"

Nadezhda Egorova
Entertainment "Our dads are the best" (middle group)

Vedas: Hello, dear guests, dads and grandfathers. We are very glad to see you. Congratulations on the upcoming holiday of men - "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Reb: Dad's holiday is the main holiday

All boys and men

And congratulate dads beloved

We are all in a hurry today.

The song is about dad.

The children sit down.

Vedas: Children, do you love your dads? (yes) Let's tell what our dads are.

My dad (what...

My dad can...

My dad loves...

Vedas: Now Anya and Alice will tell us what else dad can do.

Can he play football?

Can you heat up my soup?

Can watch a cartoon

He can play checkers

Can even wash cups.


Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Can give me a ride

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

Always a hero for me

My best dad.

Vedas: We will now check whether it is true that dad can do anything. Our army cannot do without cars, and I am announcing the first competition.

The first contest "The best driver"

Four popes are invited. Task: twist the ribbon, at one end of which the car is tied. The winner is the one whose car crosses the finish line first. The same task is proposed to be performed by four boys.

Vedas: Well done and dads and boys. Now I invite all children to play.

The game "Trap with a tape"

In the role of leading two dads. They must collect as many ribbons as possible while the music is playing.

Vedas: Well played.

Vedas: Sometimes it happens that mom is not at home. Then dad takes care of the housework: feed his son or daughter, play, read a book. Children, do dads read books to you (yes). Dear dads, let's go back to childhood with you and have a little quiz. Let's remember the heroes of our favorite fairy tales.

Quiz "Tales of Childhood"

1. Who defeated Koshchei the Deathless? (Ivan Tsarevich)

2. What girl was born from a flower? (Thumbelina)

3. Who is the most interesting man in the prime of life with a propeller on your back? (Carlson)

4. Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)

5. Who lost a glass slipper at the ball? (Cinderella)

6. Which fairy-tale hero likes to ride on the stove? (Emelya)

7. Who visited the three bears? (Masha)

8. What is the name of the kindest doctor? (Aibolit)

Vedas: Our dads know fairy tales very well. Children, let's invite dads to dance.

Dance of children with dads "Boogie-woogie".

Vedas: Very good. Our dads dance beautifully.

Dear dads, do you like to play with children? (Yes) We will now teach you how to play another game. I invite 4-5 dads here.

Game-competition "Kangaroo".

Children stand on their fathers feet, and fathers, holding the child, must quickly move forward. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

Vedas: Well done! And now we will find ourselves at a military training ground. Let's check how our dads and boys can shoot. Let's start with ammo.

Competition "Chain"

Dads come out with the boys, stand in two teams. Task: transfer all the "shells" along the chain to the place of "shooting" (from one hoop to another).

Shooter Contest.

Task: whose team will score more goals in the basket.

Vedas: Now I propose to hold competition for the best designer.

Task: make a paper airplane.

Vedas: While dads are designing airplanes, we will play with the children.

Game with children "Who is faster"(with chairs)

To the music, children march around chairs placed in a circle. At the end of the music, the children should sit on a chair. Anyone who does not have enough chairs is out of the game.

Vedas: Well done, children! And now let's check how our designers completed the task. Dads, go to the "runway"

Dads launch airplanes, and the best airplane designer is determined.

Vedas: How wonderful! With this task, the dads coped successfully. Dads, do you know your kids well (yeah) Now we will check it.

Competition "Know your child"(blindfolded)

Blindfolded dads identify their child among 5-6 others.

Vedas: It's very nice that dads know their children so well. Let's clap them! And now for the final game.

Mobile game "Airplanes".

The essence of the game: all children and 4 dads take part. Dads hold signal flags "airfields". During the movement of aircraft (to the music), dads can change places. Task: at the end of the music, the children must find their "airfield" (by color).

Vedas: So our holiday has come to an end. I think that the children and I gave dads pleasure, and even more dads pleased their kids with their participation in our holiday. Once again, we congratulate dads on the upcoming holiday. Health to you, well-being, all the best! May your children love and delight you! Thank you dads for having us! Our dads are the best!

Scenario sports festival in the senior group

"Our dads are the best"

Location: music hall

Tasks: cause a positive emotional mood, a steady interest in sports. To improve in a competitive form the skills of performing the main types of movements. Encourage children to use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers. Cultivate a sense of responsibility for the results of their team

Material and equipment: T-shirts, sweatpants, flags, grenades, envelopes, baskets, small balls, machine guns, massage balls, two containers, horses, children's sabers, meat grinders, Balloons with thread, two easels, two felt-tip pens, six chairs, two meat grinders, mines, a stretcher with dolls, tunnels, stars, landmarks, two cubes

Hall decoration: balloons, team emblems, themed posters, greeting card on the wall

Characters: two adult leaders in military clothes, participants - children with parents

Script text:

(To the solemn music, pupils with parents of older groups enter in a column).

Presenter 1: Hello to everyone in this room. Here we are all together again. Our mood is joyful and upbeat, because today we celebrate a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The whole of Belarus congratulates its dads, grandfathers, brothers and sons these days. And we haven't forgotten about them either.

Lead 2: Hello, dear guests. I want to congratulate all the men from our entire team on the holiday and wish you health, love, success in all your endeavors and pride in your children, who love them very much.

Presenter 1: And I want to congratulate our boys, who, when they grow up, will become strong, courageous men. And the girls will now congratulate with verses the men present and boys in this room.

  1. Today is the holiday of all fathers,

All sons, all who are ready

Protect your home and mother

Protect us all from harm.

  1. On a February day, a frosty day

Everyone celebrates the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

  1. Listen boys


We wish you happiness in life

Health and fun!

  1. We won't give you flowers

They are not given to boys.

Girls a lot of warm words

They will leave us in our hearts!

Lead 2: Today, our participants will demonstrate their courage, dexterity, skill, ingenuity. And all this will be evaluated by our strict, and at the same time, fair jury (jury presentation)

Presenter 1: To become a defender of the Fatherland, you need to be strong, dexterous and hardy. And for this, every morning you need to start with a charge.

(Warm-up with flags for the song "Defenders of the Fatherland")

Lead 2: So it's time for the competition. We have 2 teams in front of us, but what they are called, now they will tell themselves (teams introduce themselves)

1st team: "Tankers" 2nd team: "Sailors"

Team motto: Team motto:

One, two, three, four, the one who wants to sail with us,

We are tankers. You must be smart, you must be brave!

We all walk together in a row,

We are the defenders squad!

Presenter 1.: And so… are you ready? Let's start.

  1. Relay race: "Beware of Grenades" (in front of you is a field where grenades are placed. You need to run around the "snake" between the grenades and return back to your team, passing the baton)
  2. Relay race: "Secret Package" (you need to deliver a package with secret documents to the headquarters. To do this, you are given secret envelopes that you need to bring to the cube and return to your team, passing the baton)
  3. Relay race: "Movement of projectiles" ( teams are built in a chain at a distance from each other. At one end of the chain they put a basket with balls, at the other end there is an empty basket. Participants in order pass the "shells" to the other end of the column. The team that completes the task faster and without errors wins. )

Presenter 1: Well done, coped with the first competition. I suggest you take a break.

We congratulate all the defenders of the country today.

This dance is without a doubt

It will cheer everyone up!

Performance of the dance group "Neposedy"

Presenter 1: While our esteemed jury sums up the first results for previous competitions, we invite you to listen to a wonderful poem:

“Maybe dad is all with us”

Can he play football?

Can you heat up my soup?

Can watch a cartoon

He can play checkers

Might even wash the cups

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Can give me a ride

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

For me, always a hero -

Most best dad my!

Presenter 1: And after such wonderful words, our dads will show whether they really can do everything

  1. Competition: "Meat Grinder"(it is necessary to assemble and disassemble the meat grinder as soon as possible)
  2. Competition: "Papa is an artist" ( a team member must draw a tank or ship with his eyes closed)
  3. Competition: "The most dexterous" ( a balloon is tied on the leg of each participant. Dads need to burst the opponent’s balloon in any way )

Presenter 1: Now we offer our dads a rest, and with our participants we will continue the competition.

  1. Relay race: "Sea mines" ( the participants have massage balls in their hands, which they must transfer to the container and return to the team. The last participant takes the container and returns to the team )
  2. "To the front" it is necessary to transfer the machine after the run to the flag and back )
  3. Relay: "Cavalrymen" ( run straight to the landmark and back to the team at a straight gallop )

Host 2: Guys, we have wonderful fans in the hall who support you in everything. And now I want to offer you solve riddles:

Who are the guys on the border
Protects our land
To work and study
Could our people calmly? (Border guards)

He is ready for fire and battle,
Protecting you and me.
He goes on patrol and into the city,
Will not leave the post ... (Soldier)

Two caterpillars crawl
A tower with a cannon is being transported (Tank)

Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking birds flight.

The man controls it. What is this ... (airplane)

You can be a sailor
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,
And in the military ... (ship)

Any military profession
It is imperative to learn.
To be the backbone of the country
So that there is no world ... (War)

Game: "Sappers" ( for all ) - to the music with closed eyes, it is necessary to collect as many “mines” as possible in the basket along the “field”

Game: "Who is faster"(adult participants walk to the music in a circle. At the signal, you need to “saddle” the horse and put on a hat)

Presenter 1: Well, now I propose to prepare the teams for the next competition. You are ready?..

  1. Relay race: "Rescue of the wounded" ( on a stretcher in pairs, it is necessary to transfer the “wounded” - a doll )
  2. Relay: "Deliver the star to the squad"(on all fours crawl into the tunnels, then take the star and return back to the team)

Song "Good Soldiers"

Presenter 1: Well, now, the distinguished jury will sum up the results of our competitions and for the award, I invite the chairman of the jury ... (the results are being announced and the awards are being made to parents and children)

Host 2:

All the defenders of the country

We congratulate you today.

All soldiers protect

Earth, sky, peace and labor.

Presenter 1:

We wish everyone, everyone, everyone

Don't get old and don't get sick

Do more sports

Have a sense of humor

And so our holiday ended. To be a defender of the Fatherland means to be strong, courageous, dexterous. Go in for sports, develop courage, resilience, study well. Happy holiday dear men

(to the solemn music, participants leave the hall)

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 17 "Romashka", Essentuki

“Our dads are the best!”

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents by February 23 in the second group of early childhood

Educators: Logacheva E.D.

Skiba L.A.

resort town Essentuki


“Our dads are the best!”

Goals: harmonization of parent-child (family) relations in the course of joint gaming activities.


To develop in children an emotional response and a desire to participate in joint games.

Raise interest and need in physical exercises, in artistic creativity.

Create a festive mood for children and parents.

Event progress

Presenter: Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. There are defenders in every family - grandfathers, older brothers, uncles and, of course, our dear dads. Let's greet them, wish them health, success and pride in their children, who love you very much. Congratulations to our boys who, when they grow up, will become strong, courageous men.

We gathered together today

To celebrate the holiday of men,

Bold, smart, brave and kind

This is how your daughter or son wants to see you.

1st child (Lera)

Dad's holiday - the main holiday

All boys and men.

And congratulate dads, loved ones

We are in such a hurry today!

Presenter: We all know that every dad is a brave, strong, courageous and brave defender of the Fatherland, our Motherland. And, of course, our boys really want to be like you in everything. Today our dads, our girls and boys will show their strength, dexterity, speed. And for starters, a warm-up for future warriors.

And now we will play, and of course we will find out who is the most courageous, dexterous and skillful here!

Presenter: So, we start the competition, our first competition is called "Tunnel".

1 competition "Tunnel".

Parents stand one behind the other, placing their feet shoulder-width apart, and the children crawl through the tunnel and return.

Host: the next test will show who we have the most accurate and dexterous

2 competition "Sharpshooter".

For this game I invite two couples (dad and child). Opposite are baskets, in the hands of the players there are balls. It is necessary to throw as many balls into the basket as possible.

Presenter: Ah yes well done! Completed the task.

Presenter: After such a serious test, you need to relax a bit.

Top top heel

Ring our tambourine

Get in a circle soon

We will dance

Muses. pause "I have, you have"

Presenter: Well done, what kind of musical dads we have.

And now the guys will have a little rest, and at this time we will check the erudition of our dads, the competition is "Intellectual"! Dear men, answer loudly and clearly!

3 contest "Intellectual"

1. What is common between a tree and a rifle? (Trunk)

2. What is pocket artillery? (Grenade)

3. Without what not to build a house? (Without corner)

4. Where can you not find dry stone? (In the river, in the water)

5. Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)

6. What is the name of the beginning of the relay race and its end? (start and finish)

7. Who is called a fighter of the invisible front? (Scout)

8. Who is said to be wrong once? (About the sapper)

9. A turtle is crawling - a steel shirt. What it is? (Tank)

10. Not God, not a king, but you can't disobey. Who is this? (General)

Leading: Our dads are great, you guess quickly and well, we had no doubt!

Our guests sat up and stared at the children

I propose to stand together

We will play again.

4 competition "Kangaroo".

Leading: Now we will jump a little. We offer our dads to turn into a kangaroo for a while, and our children - into small cubs that are in the kangaroo's bag (the children are on the dads chest, clasped with their arms, and the torso with their legs). Dads, holding the kids with their hands, jump on both legs to the landmark, return back running.

Leading : Well done dads, fast, dexterous. As previous competitions have shown, our dads have both strength and ingenuity and musical enthusiasm. Several pieces of music will now be played, which will follow one after the other. And your task is to quickly orient yourself and pick up movements to the sounding music and dance with your child.

Muses. pause potpourri

presenter : Children, our dads are great, they danced from the heart!

2nd child (Adel) 3rd child (Nikita)

Thank you dear daddy, I want you to be happy

What did you get me! Successful and healthy!

I love a clear smile, You are the most wonderful

She's like a light in a window! And the best of fathers!

Leading: “In order to be a father, it is not enough to be a breadwinner and a distant punishing authority. If you want to have an influence on the child, instill in him your values ​​- make real contact with him from birth and continue to support him throughout his life. As one said good dad: "If you want to be close to your child, then the first couple of years you will have to sweat, and there will be no return at first ... everything will be later"

Watching a video with Dyuzhev “Today we do not see faces”

Leading : Thanks to our dads for finding time and coming to us.

Let your friends be proud of you

Looking for help, asking for advice!

The family understands and loves

Happiness in life, good luck and light!

You found yourself, this is a calling,

On this day, we say from the bottom of our hearts:

“Congratulations! This is your holiday!

And thank you very much!”

Leading: Our dear men, today you deserve medals: for speed, for dexterity, for musicality, erudite, for resourcefulness ...

In the nomination for dexterity they win ....

In the nomination for resourcefulness…..etc.

And of course, what about gifts on a holiday!

Gifts, difficult, made by the hands of your wonderful children. Accept them, please, and remember that you are a role model for them, the dearest and most beloved person! Peace and goodness to you!
