The husband was present at the birth of pe. Should a man attend a birth? Before giving birth, a man should have a clear visual representation of how it all happens.

By the way, women themselves are also afraid of awkward moments. They want to feel freer, not be ashamed of anything, not to be distracted by anything, to listen to the doctor and the midwife. It’s another matter when it’s all over: if the father is nearby, he will immediately see the child, he will be able to hug him, take him in his arms ... Many dads agree to cut the umbilical cord, we have a whole ritual. And then you should see a man: he washed his hands, put on gloves, stands, does not breathe, worries ... All this is very touching and leaves no one indifferent. Men, for their part, also often talk about the difference in perception - it is one thing to see a child on the third or fourth day, and another immediately after birth. To be honest, few could keep from crying! And I often hear them talking on the phone - it seems that with the whole world. From the side it seems that they themselves gave birth, and not their wives. “Well, congratulations, we just gave birth…”; “Yes, I was, yes, I gave birth, yes, I saw everything ...” They are overwhelmed with joy and pride.

You can also be present in the operating room. Now there are so many different materials that cover, cover, fence off, those present will never see what they don’t need: a caesarean section is great medicine, not for ordinary people ... But then the child was born, they put him on the changing table, the midwife is taking care of him, we we invite the father to enter, take the child to the children's department, that is, to become the first who took the newborn in his arms!

I can’t say that relatives in childbirth have ever interfered with me. On the contrary, they help: they see everything themselves, they understand everything, in emergency situations they help a woman make a decision. Openness generally removes questions and eliminates distrust, allows you to experience any situation. And it is important for men - to control the situation. Of course, it can be both scary and difficult for them - to be around and not be able to help in any way. Some even lose their temper. But this is normal, there is no need to be afraid or ashamed of this. ”

Nadezhda Kupriyashina, psychologist:

“Ten years ago, the presence of a father at childbirth looked exotic. Men were worried and worried, experienced fears and doubts - “do I need this, how much is a man’s business” ... Now it seems to have been decided that it is necessary to be present, even necessary, this is not a tribute to fashion, but a normal step, because a child is born in a pair, in family. But the old question remained - I will come to the birth, I will see all this, and ... what will happen next? I believe that there are contraindications for partner childbirth. I would recommend thinking about whether to go, in a situation where the couple went through a serious crisis shortly before the birth (and there was neither time nor opportunity to deal with it). During pregnancy, such things happen not so rarely. Often in such a situation, partners perceive childbirth as a kind of cleansing event, catharsis - now we will give birth to a child, after which all negativity will be overcome. This is wrong. Childbirth has magic power. They reinforce all the good that has been accumulated in the relationship, but also reinforce the negative that was in the pair. The second contraindication: a man has a fear of medical institutions, manipulations, doctors, operations, for example, due to negative experience received in childhood.

Lyudmila Fokina, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics:

“It is good if during pregnancy a man has the opportunity to visit a doctor with his wife or go to ultrasonography, go to childbirth with his wife. In this case, he receives first-hand information, and this reduces anxiety. On the other hand, one must understand that the male psyche is not very ready for what happens to a woman during pregnancy and childbirth. Future dads are simply not adapted by nature to these realities. But some mothers believe that absolutely all the information should be conveyed to the husband, not paying attention to the fact that his emotions are going through the roof. This, of course, is overkill. There should be involvement, but the father's role, in my opinion, is to provide comfort in the family, psychological and material, and not to be aware of all the subtleties of the pregnancy process. If dad is not ready, do not torture him, otherwise the effect will be the opposite - he will start to get nervous. Perhaps women do this in order to awaken instincts in him, but in a normal man they will wake up on their own. In any case, I would not judge what kind of father he would be, only by the fact that he was inseparably there for all nine months. Everything is much thinner. When a woman comes to my appointment and says that her husband cannot come because of work, I always answer that it’s good, dad should work, and so that he knows everything, we will send him a photo, shoot a movie for him. Dad should have no time, I think so.

Childbirth is divided into two stages: the preparatory period and the birth of the child itself. The first stage can last several hours (and even days): contractions (uterine contractions) prepare the birth canal for childbirth. Being close to your wife during childbirth means helping her survive contractions, pain and fear, support, comfort, speak kind words, give massage, help her breathe properly ... The very birth of a child - attempts - lasts much less (from several minutes to half an hour) and does not require the presence of anyone else but a midwife and doctors. Men (and women) are usually afraid of this stage. But, we repeat, the presence of the father or other relatives during the birth of a child is usually minimized.

Childbirth with a husband is the most common and natural variant of partner childbirth, because the appearance common child- the most important event in the life of both parents. What are the benefits of joint childbirth and how to properly prepare for them?

The practice of "family" childbirth is widespread in Europe and America, but in our country it is still perceived as an innovation, although very popular. The opinion that a husband is not needed at all during childbirth still exists among married couples and among medical personnel in Russia. It is not possible to make an unambiguous conclusion about whether the father of the child is needed in the delivery room; in the end, only the spouses themselves can decide this issue. But, putting it in front of you, it is useful to clarify why joint childbirth is needed and what needs to be done so that the presence of the pope during childbirth is really useful.

We make a decision

The reasons why women want their dad-to-be to attend the birth are different. Some need moral support loved one, others do not want to leave their husband "overboard" an important family event, others proceed from practical considerations (the husband can provide physical assistance, call the staff in time, serve or bring something). Indeed, a woman in labor feels more comfortable in the presence of her husband, because she feels his sympathy and participation. And her positive attitude contributes to the successful course of childbirth. Another reason why families give birth together is control over the actions of doctors. This is usually important for those parents who want to give birth in the most "natural" way possible, without unnecessary medical interventions.

Getting ready for childbirth together

Doctors insist that only those husbands who can really help their wives and who will not be surprised by the medical subtleties of the forthcoming process be present during childbirth. Only in this case, the husband will not feel superfluous. Moreover, participation can consist both in a simple hand holding, wiping sweat from the forehead, words of love and encouragement, as well as in anesthetic massage, support during contractions and attempts.

Since the necessary knowledge will not appear by itself, you need to prepare for joint childbirth. Learn as much as possible about the course and stages of childbirth so that nothing comes as a surprise to you. To do this, today there are many opportunities: magazines and books about pregnancy and childbirth, information from the Internet, videos about childbirth and intrauterine.

It is best to get special training for family childbirth at some special center for married couples, where they will tell you everything in detail, show a film about joint childbirth, and show the husband how to do pain relief massage during contractions.

It is also advisable to first talk with the doctor who will take delivery. It is very important to remember that you and the doctors are one team, and behave accordingly.

Possible options

Partner births are different, so a woman needs to discuss in advance with her husband and doctor possible options the presence of a spouse at childbirth. Most often, couples go through the entire path of childbirth together from start to finish. There is an option when the future father is present during the first stage of labor (during contractions): he massages the woman in labor, records the time between contractions, monitors her breathing, but is not in the delivery room during attempts, when the second stage of labor passes (the period of direct birth of the child ). Discuss also whether the husband will be present for vaginal examinations.

It should be noted that childbirth is such an exciting process that many popes, who initially wanted to limit themselves to being present during the first stage of childbirth, do not come out during the second. As for medical measures in the third stage of labor (when the afterbirth is born) and early postpartum period(when a postpartum medical examination is performed), then more often at this time the father is not in the delivery room, but next to the newborn baby in the children's room. In any case, even if there is no separate room for the newborn, dad at this time is completely absorbed in the procedures that the midwife is doing with the baby.

Quite often, expectant parents form a certain idea about the upcoming birth. Some even make a plan for how it should happen. All this is important because it is an integral part of the already mentioned positive attitude. However, any deviation from the intended sequence of events is possible in childbirth. The birth of a baby may take more or less time than you expected. There may be situations when, when planned completely, there is a sudden need for medical support (for example, if a woman is very tired). Or dad was preparing to give a massage, and in childbirth, any touch was unpleasant for a woman. There are also cases when it is necessary to save the life of a mother or baby. Therefore, the willingness of the couple to accept any course of events, regardless of their expectations, is very important.

Specify in advance at the clinic the list of tests necessary for the presence of the husband at the birth. At a minimum, this is the data in the woman's exchange card that the future father has undergone a fluorography. But some clinics may require other tests that must be taken in advance at the place of residence or in the outpatient department. If childbirth takes place within the framework of compulsory insurance (free of charge), then at the beginning labor activity the husband of the woman in labor, with a statement signed by the chief physician, applies to the admissions department. It is clear that it is better to sign such a statement in advance; this can be done only in the maternity hospital where the presence of the pope during childbirth is allowed by the rules of the medical institution. If you enter into a contract for childbirth, then the presence of the husband may be stipulated in it. In the reception department, the husband changes into the medical suit issued to him, clean changeable shoes, after which he is taken to the maternity ward, where he stays with his wife until the end of the birth. As a rule, childbirth is a rather lengthy process. From the beginning of the first contractions to the birth of the placenta, 12-24 hours can pass.

The dad-to-be needs to bring a change of shoes, a water bottle and a couple of sandwiches to endure the birth marathon, as well as a camera or camcorder to take a few pictures of the first minutes of a child's life.

Practical assistance during childbirth

As you know, childbirth is divided into three stages: the opening of the cervix, the appearance of the baby and the birth of the placenta. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

First stage of childbirth. This period most often begins at home. There are two main signs of childbirth:

  • the appearance of contractions - regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus;
  • rupture and discharge of water. When the rupture of the fetal bladder pain is not felt. amniotic fluid usually clear, but may be slightly bloody or have a yellowish or greenish tint. You should hurry to the hospital if the waters are very dark or thickly stained with blood, or if they have departed before the onset of regular contractions.

Usually the first contractions future mom transfers quite easily: they last for 15-20 seconds and repeat every 15-20 minutes. At this time, a woman can still talk with her husband about something abstract, joke and dream about the future. She has time to take a shower, put on clean underwear, cut her nails and wash off the varnish from them. If the clinic you have chosen requires shaving the perineum, then you can perform this procedure at home on your own.

Immediately after the birth, the father is next to the newborn baby.

Gradually, the contractions will increase. Strength is not important pain, and their rhythm. When you count 3-4 contractions in 30 minutes, get ready for the hospital.

For the maternity hospital, you should already have a bag with things ready, you can attach a list to it and, after the start of childbirth, check the contents with the list.

At this stage, the husband helps the woman determine the regularity of contractions and get ready for the hospital.

After entering the maternity ward, the father-to-be can make sure that the wife is comfortable, for example, if possible, dim the lights, turn on soft music; it is important that you are not disturbed by phone calls. The husband should provide his wife with moral support: inspire her with confidence in her abilities and in the fact that her body knows how and what to do.

It is good if during the fight the husband helps his wife to connect her imagination. Let her imagine that the fight is a wave that needs to be overcome. It is also necessary to breathe with your wife, especially if she loses her rhythm. In order to build a woman in labor for proper breathing, first you need to copy her breathing, and then gradually change the frequency of your breathing, and then the woman will unconsciously begin to breathe correctly.

You need to learn to breathe in advance so that this process does not cause tension. During contractions, you need to breathe slowly, deeply and rhythmically (inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth). Deep breathing helps to saturate the mother and the newborn baby with oxygen, soothes, reduces stress and pain. The partner in childbirth needs to make sure that the woman in labor does not pinch her lips and her face is relaxed (the lips are connected by nerves with the uterus and vagina, and therefore, by relaxing the face and lips, we help the vagina to relax, which contributes to their good opening). When the contractions become very strong, frequent shallow breathing will help, in which the inhalation is also made through the nose, and the exhalation through the mouth. During the period of strong contractions, the husband should remind the woman in labor about the techniques that relieve pain, and it is better if he himself tries to save his wife from discomfort with the help of massage. Touch stimulates skin receptors, which, in turn, send many impulses to the cerebral cortex. These impulses, propagating more quickly, successfully compete with pain signals and thus reduce pain.

Most simple tricks massages used during contractions:

  • Stroking the lower half of the abdomen.
  • Stroking the skin in the lumbosacral region. It can be carried out with both palms and fists. Such stroking can be more intense than stroking the abdomen.
  • Pressing the skin at the lateral corners of the sacral rhombus. The lateral angles on the skin are contoured in the form of two small dimples located above the intergluteal fold symmetrically on both sides. For an anesthetic effect on the skin in this area, you need to press with your fists.
  • Pressing the skin against the inner surface of the iliac crests. In the lateral sections of the lower half of the abdomen, you can easily feel the protruding bones (awns), which are a kind of corners of the pelvic bones. Dense crests of the iliac bones stretch to the sides of them to the sacrum. You need to put your palms along the thighs with your fingers down, while thumbs press the skin of the abdomen to the inner surface of the protruding awns.
  • At the end of the first stage of labor, massage of the inner thighs has a good analgesic effect.

It is advisable to persuade the woman in labor to walk around the room, offering to lean on her husband's hand: walking speeds up the process of childbirth. This is especially important at the initial stage of childbirth. It is necessary to move even if a woman thinks that she cannot do it. If hospital conditions allow, help your wife use the bath or shower: water is an excellent pain reliever; it should be warm, but not hot.

Trust in the doctor does not relieve the future dad from the obligation, without interfering in the process of childbirth, to adequately evaluate the actions of the medical staff. If some manipulations are in doubt (anesthesia, stimulation, the introduction of any drugs), you can always ask the doctor a question on the merits and ask for clarification.

At the same time, the tone should be friendly: ask if it is possible to do without any procedure, what are the options for the development of events if the procedure is performed and if not. Find out if there is any alternative method. At the end of the first stage, the contractions are repeated every 1-2 minutes, last 60-90 seconds and become much more painful. By this point, women are tired and start to worry. So, the husband, on the contrary, needs to be collected, restrained and calm. It is necessary to praise the wife, to remind her of the child she will see so soon. Say how good she is, how she does everything well, repeat it over and over again. If your spouse is worried about something, try to eliminate it. For example, you can change a wet shirt or sheet, straighten a pillow, darken a room.

Help the wife find a comfortable position and change it from time to time (get up, walk, get on all fours, squat, kneel). Breathe with her during the contraction. Do not allow the mother-to-be to push until the midwife allows it, as this can harm both her and the baby.

Continue to massage, rub your wife's shoulders, arms, legs. Usually in the hospital, women in labor are not allowed to drink, but you can wipe your face with a damp cloth, moisten your lips with water, and let suck on pieces of ice. Feel free to once again ask the staff how you can help your wife.

Second stage of childbirth. At this stage, the child begins to move through the birth canal, and the woman begins to push. At this moment, the woman in labor is transferred to another room (delivery room) or transferred to a special chair in the same room. At this time, the dads, who decided to be present only during the contractions, leave. If the couple decided that the husband would remain with his wife until the end of childbirth, then he stands at the head of the head and supports his wife's head so that she is as tilted to her chest as possible. It is necessary to listen very carefully to the midwife, to follow all her commands clearly and on time.

Usually, during the push, the expectant mother should push three times. The main thing is to do it right: first take a full chest of air and direct efforts to the lower body so that the straightened lungs press on the diaphragm, and that, in turn, on the uterus. The husband can make sure that the woman in labor does not have tension in the muscles of the legs, hips, shoulders, face. A tense face is a sign of an incorrect attempt. In this case, you need to smoothly say: "You-you-die!" - and make a visual noisy exhalation. Discuss with your doctor beforehand that you will be helping the woman in labor to breathe. Often women perceive the words of the husband better than the commands of the medical staff. In this case, the husband should listen carefully to the doctor and midwife and accurately convey everything said to his wife. If a woman does something wrong, then you should clearly tell her about it, because there is very little time.

When everything is successfully completed, the husband may ask to be given the opportunity to participate in cutting the umbilical cord.

Third stage of childbirth. After the birth of the child, they put it on the mother’s chest - this is the first meeting and the first acquaintance of the parents and the baby. Then the newborn is taken away for the first medical examination and water procedures. At the same time, it is better for a man to be next to his wife - he will still have time to get to know his child. Usually at this moment the woman does not notice anything around her: the baby was born, and it seems to her that the birth is over. However, after some time (10-40 minutes), after two or three contractions, the placenta (placenta, umbilical cord, fetal membranes) should come out. If the wife becomes too relaxed, remind her that labor is not over yet. And when she wants to push again, help her by supporting her head.

After the birth of the placenta, doctors will examine the puerperal and repair any tears or incisions. At this time, dad will be able to communicate with his baby. When all the manipulations are completed, the woman with the baby will remain in maternity ward for another two hours, and then everyone will be transferred to the postpartum ward. Now in many maternity hospitals there are family wards, where, if desired, the father of the child can also be constantly present. In this case, he will be able to help take care of the baby, take care of all "organizational issues", especially in the early days, when it is difficult for a woman who has just given birth to get up.

Let us remind you once again that the decision on joint childbirth should be balanced, the desire should be mutual, and both spouses should be prepared for this event.

Ekaterina Svirskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, Minsk

Why is a husband allowed to pay for childbirth without problems, and free birth with husband- rare? After all, according to the law, the husband has every right to be present at the birth, how can this be achieved?

Step-by-step process "giving birth with a husband for free"

Step-0. When choosing a maternity hospital, try to find out if the administration and medical staff of the maternity hospital welcome childbirth with a husband.

Step 1. After you have decided on the maternity hospital, your husband will need to pass some analyzes. In the clinic, at the place of residence:

  • Laboratory: blood test for HIV, HBS, HCV and RW.
  • Fluorography.

Step-2. Husband needs to go examination by a therapist and take health report.
They look at the absence of cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, hypertension), endocrine-metabolic (diabetes mellitus), etc.

By phone, it is worth clarifying the list of tests required in the maternity hospital.

Step-3. you need to take birth certificate, it is usually filled out and issued for a period of 30 weeks, in the antenatal clinic, where you are registered.

  • The birth certificate is filled in by the providers medical care women during pregnancy and childbirth by municipal and government agencies health care, which have a license for medical activities for the implementation of works and services in the specialty "obstetrics and gynecology".

Step-4. You need to write " Application for the presence of the husband at the birth» in the name of the head physician of the maternity hospital. You can pick up a sample application from your hospital.

Application example:

Application for free birth with husband

Step-5. With all of the above documents (copies of tests, the conclusion of a therapist, a birth certificate, a statement), you need go to the head or head physician of the maternity hospital who must sign your application.

Find out in advance whether the husband is required to take a change of clothes from home or is it given out at the maternity hospital?

It happens that the manager signs the application, but with some postscript, for example: "subject to free boxes." This is fully consistent with the law:

  • The presence of the husband (close relatives) during childbirth is possible subject to conditions(individual delivery rooms), the absence of an infectious disease in the visiting person (ARI, etc.), with the permission of the doctor on duty, taking into account the condition of the woman. Relatives present at the birth must be in change of clothes, gown, shoe covers, mask (in the delivery room).

As well as the fact that your husband, being present at the birth, should not feel like an outsider, because this is his legal right, he "legal representative", "representative of the patient».

Explain to your spouse that, first of all, he acts in the interests of loved ones, i.e. you and your child. After all, in accordance with the current legislation, parents of minor children can represent and act in their interests before any third parties without a power of attorney.

The husband has the right not only to attend the birth free of charge, but also to visit his wife in the maternity hospital free of charge.

If you were denied request in writing the refusal and its justification, with this you can contact a lawyer and higher authorities.

An interesting video about childbirth with her husband - is it worth it?

What do you think?

Comments (15)

  1. Katyushka

    I really want my husband to be with me!

  2. Nastya P.

    Those. whatever one may say, but the employees of the maternity hospital have a loophole to refuse ... sad.

  3. Love

    And that's exactly how I gave birth with my husband and without any contracts :)))) Money was given only for the purchase of my husband's uniform - a bathrobe and shoe covers. Well, nurses in the postpartum, so that the baby is well looked after.

  4. Anya

    They collected copies of the tests, wrote a statement at home, came to the maternity hospital - there was no head. They left the folder with all the good things with the guard, gave him 200 rubles. The next day in the evening, the husband drove up to the hospital and took the signed statement!!!

  5. Sonya

    And I gave birth with my mother, the process is the same. She was allowed in, despite the fact that there was another girl in the birth room. I will say that Mommy helped me a lot, if I still give birth, then only with her support!

  6. Lyalya

    Phew, we got over the bureaucracy, there is a signed statement, the main thing now is not to get to the car wash in April.

  7. Irina

    My husband and I are going to give birth together. If anyone has experience with this, please let me know if it's worth it.

  8. Catherine

    I did not want my husband to be present at the birth, he was happy about this. Now I have a different husband, but my opinion is that there is nothing for him to “be present” with me. Just outside the door! In the sense that if I was giving birth, then I do not want the presence of my husband, even if he is a doctor.
    This is my opinion, I think so. Joint childbirth is a very individual event, you can not force half to participate in them if he / she is against it. IMHO.

  9. Svetlana

    And I gave birth with my husband! It was unforgettable! You don't feel alone! The only thing I kicked him out (“Get out of here!”) When I climbed onto the chair was the very process of the baby’s exit. And when there are contractions, he also did a back massage (during the contraction, with bent index fingers in the pits above the booty in a circular motion to press - it helps a lot !!!), and you can hang on it - super !!! And when nothing depends on him anymore, when you need complete concentration from mommy, you can ask your husband to leave. Yes, and there is no need for him to be there, he will only be nervous for his beloved, and that nothing can help. And as soon as I gave birth, he came in - hugs, kisses, in general, support again, the feeling that you are not alone in your happiness !!!
    I hope my opinion will be useful to someone!
    And yet, do not be afraid to give birth - the only unpleasant moment is pushing when there are attempts, but you can’t push. And do not yell during childbirth, you will only lose precious strength, and scare the baby. Be calmer, you are still a single whole with him, all your emotions are his emotions! Imagine how scared he is now, you know what is happening, and the baby is scared of the unknown, and at the same time his universe-you is screaming, nervous ... Think about your imminent meeting, about this little bundle of happiness, which very soon you will be able to take on hands, hug, kiss and tell him how happy you are to finally meet him!!!
    I wish you all a calm, painless, successful birth!!! Health to you and your kids!!!

  10. Lesya

    giving birth with my husband was not so easy (for me personally), my husband panicked more than I did. it’s good that an obstetrician-psychologist was present at the birth, who had to not only set me up, but also most of my husband :) I was lucky with the doctors, I gave birth in Lapino, honey. center. in my opinion, the best, then I stayed in the rehabilitation department with my daughter, everything was at the highest level, my health was improved, lactation was adjusted. my husband came every day at a convenient time, so he went through the whole process with us from and to :)

  11. Elena

    And I was treated by a man who received an acute myocardial infarction at the age of 36, while attending the birth of his wife. I will never allow my dear one to be present in the process of the appearance of our crumbs.

  12. Lena

    The first time I gave birth alone without a husband. And now I really want to try with my husband and he wants it!))))

  13. natasha

    we gave birth 2 times with my husband. the first time there was a paid birth and there were no problems. the second birth was free, they just arrived at 36 weeks at the maternity hospital to the manager, she checked her husband’s flash card in the exchange card and my tests were all right and signed the birth with husband. and so we only paid for it and everything else was free.

  14. Tatiana

    Probably a very old article! She gave birth in 2011 and just the other day under New Year 2014, both times with my husband, they only asked for his stick! no statements, tests, etc. Both times are free!

  15. Lily

    In Article 51 323FZ of November 21, 2011, there is not a word about the permission of the doctor on duty. article 51.2. The father of the child or another family member is granted the right, with the consent of the woman, taking into account the state of her health, to be present at the birth of the child, with the exception of cases of operative delivery, if there are appropriate conditions in the obstetric facility (individual delivery rooms) and the father or other family member does not have infectious diseases . The exercise of this right is carried out without charging a fee from the child's father or other family member.
    No need to mislead people.

The third important point in partner childbirth is the feeling of the future father himself. Men who were not present at the birth of their children, as a rule, begin to feel connected with them much later, when the child begins to show signs of consciousness and it is already possible to talk with him about something.

In the first months, some fathers are even afraid to take a newborn in their arms, imagining it as some kind of “fragile toy” that is easy to break. The paternal instinct of such men is dormant for a long time, although they themselves do not admit it, being afraid to offend their wives or seem like some kind of monsters. But women always feel the estrangement between father and child that sometimes arises in such situations.

Worst of all, dads often shift all the responsibility of caring for a baby onto the shoulders of their exhausted wives. Men who do not feel kinship with the baby can be very burdened by their duties. Later, when the child grows up and begins to show children's ingenuity and delight parents with their first successes, the father can feel pride in his baby and gradually imbued with fatherly love for him.

With partner childbirth, a man immediately plunges into the process. He sees the suffering of the mother, in a sense, he experiences them himself. Being in such a situation as an outside observer does not work. Sometimes the baby generally sees the father first, and not the mother. All this gives a man a very valuable sense of belonging to the birth of a child.

In fathers who take part in partner births, a deep depression is almost immediately established. emotional connection with a baby. A man on an emotional and intellectual level feels the same, precious sense of fatherhood. In a woman, mother nature launches a similar mechanism: thanks to a powerful hormonal surge, a newly-made mother forgets the pains of birth and begins to feel endless happiness from the fact that she has a child.

IN Lately the presence of a husband at childbirth became popular. Some participate in the process, as it is fashionable, for others partnership childbirth- the opportunity to share with your beloved the hardships associated with the appearance of the baby.


Childbirth and the upcoming few hours in front of them - although a pleasant, but difficult moment. A woman experiences not only severe pain during contractions - some women in labor are covered by panic attacks. In such situations, the presence of a loved one will ease the situation, and delivery will take place without complications.

Can my husband be present at the birth? Yes, if a pregnant woman is ready for the fact that when a child is born, the father will be nearby, then partner childbirth will be a happy event in the life of the family. The main thing is that a man wants this.

Childbirth in the presence of her husband will help the expectant mother to calm down mentally and behave more adequately during contractions. Yes, and midwives will become more correct with strangers. The husband will be able to control their actions and check the medicines that are used in the process. This is especially important in the case of pathologies that have arisen.

The help of a man is also useful during contractions - right action will be a good alternative to painkillers. If the appearance of the baby is provided for in the upright position of the woman in labor, then the physical support of the husband will be most welcome - it is on him that the wife can lean without fear.

The presence of the future dad at the birth will allow him to immediately take the child in his arms. This is important, because most of all it connects the newborn with the father with an invisible thread. If the baby is desired, then this is a special event that will be remembered for the rest of your life.


Not every woman is ready to give birth in the presence of her beloved, afraid to appear before him in an unpresentable form. Restrains fear for her husband uninteresting and unwanted.

Should a husband attend a wife's birth? If the expectant mother is not ready for partner childbirth with the participation of her husband, you should not plan them. After all, in addition to the positive aspects, there is also a negative side of the situation, which is better not to allow.

Even if the husband wants to be present at the birth, the woman has the right to refuse this, having expressed her arguments in advance. Not even because the wife is embarrassed to look ugly in the eyes of a man - the reason may be the unpreparedness of the partner himself.

Childbirth through the eyes of a man turns out to be not such a joyful event as it seems in theory. This happens if the husband does not support his wife, but watches the process from the side. The torments of the wife, the abundance of blood when a child appears can negatively affect the psyche of a partner, which is why some of them faint. The medical staff has to switch attention from the woman in labor to the future dad.

There are squeamish husbands, and the appearance of a baby leaves a negative residue in the soul. The anatomical features of the process become the reason for the cooling of feelings for the wife, and sometimes for the newborn. Therefore, the presence of a husband at childbirth should be a conscious decision on the part of both partners.

Who can attend the birth:

  1. the husband is the first applicant for participation in the process;
  2. other relatives are allowed - mother or sister;
  3. some are calmer if a close friend is nearby.

The presence of children at birth is not always desirable if they are not prepared in advance for the process. It is better if they support the mother in the first stages, then they will go to the maternity ward when the child is already born.

Partnership Rules

It is not enough one desire to be present at the birth of a husband - partners must prepare morally and documented. What exactly is needed, the spouses will discuss with the gynecologist who will receive the baby, or with the doctor from the antenatal clinic.

Do you need fluorography in the hospital? Yes, a child born into the world is not yet protected from the negative influence of viruses and bacteria of all importance. Therefore, special sterility is observed in the hall. To eliminate the risk of infections, partners must document the absence of health problems by undergoing not only fluorography, but also laboratory examinations.

How much is fluorography for a maternity hospital valid? Each person does “photographing” of the lungs every year. If the partner has already undergone this procedure within the last 10 months, then the husband's available fluorography for the maternity hospital will be valid. Therefore, there is no need for a procedure immediately before the birth of a child.

What does it take for a husband to attend the birth?

  • the husband must provide a fluorogram;
  • undergo a bacteriological examination of the nasopharynx and oral cavity for the presence of pathogens;
  • donate blood for HIV;
  • confirm the absence of viral infections with medical certificates;
  • be mentally prepared.

A desirable condition is a mutual visit by both partners to the School for Pregnant Women, where the man will be introduced to the features of the upcoming process, prepared morally and taught correct behavior in the delivery room.

How much is the presence of a husband at childbirth? It depends on where the woman intends to give birth. The country's law guarantees the husband's free presence at childbirth in public hospitals, providing expectant mothers with birth certificates. If a commercial service is chosen, then it will no longer be possible to give birth for free. The minimum price in the periphery costs 10 thousand rubles, in the capital, of course, more expensive.

Responsibilities of a birth partner

If the husband is present at the delivery, then he will not remain indifferent. The partner should immediately be included in the process already at the stage of the first fights. The emotional support of the woman in labor depends on the man.

Actions of the partner during childbirth:

  1. helps to count the duration of contractions;
  2. doing massages to relieve pain;
  3. tells you how to breathe correctly;
  4. will become a support for the wife during vertical childbirth;
  5. if necessary, it will moisten the parched lips of the woman in labor and wipe the sweat;
  6. will assume the duties of an intermediary in communication with the medical staff.

Obstetricians are increasingly practicing the principle of skin-to-skin contact, when the baby is immediately placed on the mother’s stomach during childbirth. If there was a caesarean section, this is unrealistic, and then the presence of the pope will be a suitable alternative.

What not to do:

  • you should not sort things out with the medical staff;
  • you can not interfere in the process, even if the birth takes place with pathology;
  • it is forbidden to lecture the wife and make any comments to her;
  • a man should not panic.

It is also not recommended to watch how the baby comes into the world. It is better if the partner will stand next to his wife. It is important for a woman to hold the hand of a loved one at the climax. Support will distract her from pain and relieve fears.

You should not take partner childbirth as a fashionable event - this is a complex process that turns out to be a difficult test for a man. If the participation of the husband is not due to an ardent desire to support his beloved to the end, then there is no point in “tickling” your nerves.

Sometimes the husband is present at the birth solely in order to capture this process on a video camera. If this is so important, then it is better to entrust the role of an outside observer to someone else, and to be at the head of your wife yourself. Video shooting will not allow you to fully feel the importance of the moment.

The appearance of the baby will be the final stage of pregnancy for the partner. A man should be sensitive to the well-being of his wife throughout all 3 trimesters. Then partner participation for the husband will become a natural continuation of gestation.

The husband in the delivery room should be properly restrained, but not indifferent. Not only a woman needs to feel the support of her husband - a midwife needs confidence that a man will come to the rescue on demand, and not save in case of unforeseen circumstances.

The husband needs to be prepared for the inadequate behavior of his wife - women in labor do not control their behavior during attempts. If the spouse begins to reproach her husband, scream, push away and even insult, you should not take it personally - this is how the psyche copes with pain.

If a man is not sure that he is ready for partner childbirth, he should gently convince his wife to abandon the idea, citing weak nerves. If the husband is still in the hall, he can leave the room at any time if he feels unwell. But this should be done delicately.


Not everyone goes to partner childbirth, but if this idea is supported by both spouses in the family, then they need to discuss the duties of the future dad in advance. Here you should take into account the various situations that will arise in the process. Some of them are foreseen, but it is recommended to prepare psychologically for surprises.

It is not necessary for dad to be in the delivery room from beginning to end. It is enough if he supports his wife during contractions and attempts, and at the moment the child appears, he leaves the room. This is a gentle behavior for men who are afraid of blood. Then the husband enters the hall to take the child in his arms.

No woman would want her loved one to be present during the third stage of labor, when the doctor performs a medical examination of the vagina, takes the placenta and sews up the tears. At this stage, the father's attention is diverted by the contemplation of the baby.

A man initially tunes in to actively help his wife, learning the technique of breathing and anesthetic massage. But some women in the process of childbirth begin to annoy the touch of their husband, so the partner will have to limit himself only to moral support, waiting for the wife to call him herself.

A childbirth participant should be prepared for any non-standard situations. The process is delayed due to improper presentation of the fetus or problems with the umbilical cord. Sometimes obstetricians have to use childbirth methods.

Often natural childbirth ends caesarean section. In all cases of pathology, the partner should not panic, because his main duty is to support his wife.

If a woman does not want to give birth alone and sets herself up for partner childbirth, she must take into account the desire and readiness of her husband, weighing the positive and negative points. Sometimes it's easier to give birth yourself or invite to participate close friend who knows firsthand about the complexities of the process.
