Material (senior group) on the topic: Scenario of the holiday “February 23. Sports festival dedicated to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland "Cheerful starts Exit to the holiday on February 23 in the dhow

Defender of the Fatherland Day for children of senior preschool age 5-7 years old. Scenario

(carried out in the form thematic lesson or leisure evenings)

To the music of any military march, children enter the hall and sit on chairs along the walls.

Leading. Children, today we have gathered to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. We all love and appreciate the soldiers of the Russian army. They stand guard over the world. The whole country knows the heroes of the army. And many of you want to be like them - strong, brave, hardworking, ready to overcome all dangers. Let us read poems about them, sing and listen to songs.

Four children come out, read:


So that under the peaceful sun

We lived with you

The native army preserves peace.

Planes in the sky, ships in the sea

They guard the borders of our whole earth.

G. Boyko


We love our army

She is a great force

She is fearless in battle

Destroyed all enemies.


And we sing songs about her

About valiant campaigns.

She keeps our peaceful home,

Peace and labor of peoples.


The native army is strong,

In battles, invincible.

On guard of the motherland

It stands unbreakable.

V. Sosyura

The song "Our Motherland" is performed, music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina.

Then children of five to seven years of age perform "Exercises with flags", music. K. Myaskova, composition of movements by A. Zakolpskaya and S. Tovbina.

Four-year-old children with flags in their hands go to repeat the march between the formed columns and sit down again. Behind them, children of five to seven years old go to their places.

The facilitator offers to read the verses:

I will be a soldier

The years will fly by quickly

I will serve in the army.

I will be like an older brother

Wear a new uniform.

L. Aminzod

Eternal flame

Above the grave in a quiet park

Tulips bloom brightly

The fire is always burning here

Here the Soviet soldier sleeps.

We bowed low, low

At the foot of the obelisk

Our wreath blossomed on it

Hot fiery fire.

Soldiers defended the world

They gave their lives for us.

Let's keep in our hearts

Bright memory of them!

D. Chibisov

About the world

Everyone needs peace and friendship.

Peace is more important than anything.

On a land where there is no war

Children sleep peacefully at night.

Where the guns don't roar

The sun shines brightly in the sky.

We need peace for all the guys,

We need world peace!

T. Volgina

Adults and children sing the song “Everyone needs the world”, music. V. Muradeli, sl. S. Bogomazova.

Leading. The army has different troops: infantry, artillery, cavalry, tankers, sailors, pilots. Everyone has their own insignia, their own military weapons. The pilot has a plane, the cavalryman has a sharp saber, the artilleryman has a cannon, the tanker has a tank, the infantryman has a rifle, a machine gun. Deftly they wield weapons, bravely overcome obstacles. You children often play war games. Show your skills, dexterity and dexterity.

The game "Dzhigitovka" is held, music. T. Vilkoreiskaya, authors of movements E. Raevskaya, T. Rubin, 3. Ushakova, N. Fedorova.

Leading. Now you will hear how the music tells about the glorious horsemen. It was written by the composer Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky. It's called "Cavalry". (Performed on tape.)

1st child.

Above the high mountain

The plane is flying.

His trail is wavy

The wind will blow.

I'm for real now

I want to be a pilot

And I'll be older

I will fly to the stars.

V. Viktorov. "I want to be a pilot"

2nd child.

Pilots fly above the birds

Airplanes fight with the wind.

I. Nekhoda

Children perform the game "Pilots, to the airfield", music. M. Rauchwerger, sl. E. Sokovnina.


We are still preschoolers

And we walk like soldiers!

One, two! One, two!

Let's serve in the army

Let's keep the Motherland

So that we always have

It's good to live in the world.

V. Malkov

Children sing the song "Good Soldiers", music. A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina.

Leading. Children, a brave parachutist came to visit us. She will sing her song to you. (A tutor or a six-year-old child is disguised as a parachutist). "Song of the parachutist", music. 3. Levina, sl. T. Spendiarova.


The birds are sleeping on the branches

The stars in the sky do not burn.

Lurked at the border

Border guard squad.

Border guards do not sleep

At home border.

Our waters, our land,

Our waters guard.

S. Marshak. "Border guards"

parachutist. Children, I want to play with you the war game "Report". An urgent report must be delivered from the headquarters to the border outpost. Listen to my command! Build one after another! (Children stand in two groups behind their leaders). By horses! Trot forward march! (Children portray galloping horsemen, music by I. Potolovsky “Horse” or any other, for example, the song “Tachanka”, music by K. Listov).

parachutist(after the end of the music). Squads, stop! Get off! We are at the railway station. Get ready to board the train! (Children stand one after another, bending their elbows). Go! (Children depict a moving train, music by V. Gerchik for the game “Trip out of town”).

Parachutist (after the end of the music). We arrived at the final station. It's not far from here to the outpost. But you need to get to it very carefully, quickly and one at a time. Squads, form up! (Children stand one after another at one end of the hall. At the other end, opposite the columns of children, two chairs are placed with flags lying on them. The leader gives a package to the last in the column). Get ready for the run! When the first fighters come running to the outpost, let them give a signal. Only then will the next ones run. (On command, the first from each column run to the chairs, trying to overtake each other. Having reached the chairs, the children take the flags placed there and wave them. This means that the following fighters can run - the road is free. Having come running, the second, in turn, give a signal to those then they pass the flags to the third, those to the fourth, etc. The last of the children run with packages. The squad wins, the last fighter of which is the first to deliver the report - puts the package on a chair. The parachutist hands the pennant to the winning squad, and to the music of any march of a cheerful character, the children go to their places in groups.) The parachutist, together with the children, watches the performances.


I'll draw a rocket

I'll circle it with blue paint,

On board a big star

I'll paint in plain sight.

Grow up - they will give a rocket

Definitely me too...

Until then, this drawing

I'll stick it on the wall.

M. Plyatskovsky. "I will draw a rocket"


Early in the morning I wake up

I am charging.

I squat and jump

I want to be an astronaut.

To control a rocket

You need to be brave and strong.

The weak are not taken into space, -

After all, flying is hard work!

Cosmonaut, fly ahead!

It will be my turn.

I'm still training

To fly above the clouds.

No time to play today

We are busy with other

paper rockets

We work together.

We colored them brightly -

Let them fly now!

The brave astronauts

plays kindergarten.

We are brave pilots

We want to become faster:

In real rockets

We will fly into space.

Above us the stars are bright

Burn up in the sky.

Raise the Russian flag

On Mars and the Moon!

I. Serpin. "Rockets"

Leading. Now you will see how our children are preparing for the future flight into space.” (The game "Cosmonauts", music by E. Tilicheeva, author E. Sokovnina.)

Then the host conducts several attractions at the choice of the host. For example, tug of war; "Who will find the hidden package with an important report?"; "Hit the target." Only 3-4 competitions.

Leading. We cheerfully celebrated Defender of the Fatherland Day - Day of the Russian Army. Let's march together again. The celebration is over. (To the sound of F. Gershova’s march “Bashkir Horse”, children go around the hall (group room) in a circle and leave.)



(Music by A. Novikov, composition of movements by A. Zakolpskaya, S. Tovbina)

Children stand along the side walls of the hall equally on each side. Everyone has flags in their hands. At the performance, the children turn after the leaders.

For 8 measures of the 1st part of the march, 10 people go in two columns, five on each side, moving towards each other. Keeping to the right side, the columns pass one by the other and by the end of the 8th measure they stop, forming a semicircle (Fig. 1 and 2). And on bars 8-16, other children, having passed, like the previous columns, by the end of the 8th bar, form two corridors facing the audience, in front of the semicircle (Fig. 4).

The march is played first. At the musical introduction, the children standing in a semicircle turn behind the other leaders standing in the center and march in pairs between two corridors towards the audience for 8 measures (Fig. 5). After that, dispersing one at a time, the children go through the corridors and stand in a semicircle. At the same time, the children standing in the corridors disperse in pairs in opposite directions (Fig. 6) and, having met, in front of the semicircle, go forward in fours (Fig. 7), by the end of the 8th measure, everyone raises flags above their heads.


Music by A. Filippenko Words by T. Volgina

We have tankers

There are sailors

There are artillerymen

Sharp arrows.

Our Motherland is strong

She saves the world! (2 times)

We have rockets

There are also ships.

Our astronauts

Wonder of the whole earth.

Our Motherland is strong

She saves the world! (2 times)

We are proud of our

Peaceful country

And invincible

Army native!

Our Motherland is strong

She saves the world! (2 times)


Music by V. Muradeli. Words by S. Bogomazov

Why make noise and fight?

We have nothing to share!

Friendly things are arguing

Don't spill them with water!

Peace is the main word in the world.

Our planet needs peace!

The adults need the world

Children need the world

Everyone needs the world!

It flies over countries

Rushing through the ether

cherished, desired,

The big word is "peace"!


Music by T. Vilkoreiskaya

8-10 boys participate in the game. They become two columns, in the right hand of each - a flag.

Each participant in the game has a chair with a flat horse's head tied to the back.

After the command "On the horses!" on measures 1-2, the children take four steps towards the chair and, throwing their legs over the seat, sit on the “horse”.

Bars 3-10. "Jump", rhythmically hitting the heels on the floor and waving flags.

On the second quarter of the 10th measure, the flag is shifted to left hand and continue to jump (until the 18th bar).

Bar 18. They stand on the left side of the chair, shifting the flag to right hand, and on bars 19-24, as it were, “run” next to the “horse”.

Bars 25-26. Four steps bypass the "horse".

Bars 27-33. “They go”, lying on a chair on their back, waving a flag.

Bars 34. They get to their feet.

Bars 35-40. Become the right knee on the seat of the chair. The hand with the flag is extended forward.

Bars 41-42. Steps in place in front of a chair.

Bars 43-49. They stand on a chair and “ride”, waving a flag.

Bar 50. They jump off the horse.

At the command "Quiet!" raise the flag high.


Music 3. Levina

Words by G. Spendiarova

Smoothly. Leisurely

The motor carried me

Above the roof, above the mountains.

Closer to the sun and moon

And I'm not scared at all

And I'm not afraid at all!

And then the pilot said

Slowing down our flight:

“There is a kindergarten below us,

Children look at the sky

Children are looking at the sky.

I stepped on the roof

Cheeks burned by the wind.

The clouds are flying by

My hand is on the ring

My hand is on the ring.

I broke away, and then

The parachute deployed.

I see the earth in the depths

And I'm not scared at all

And I'm not afraid at all!

Holiday script for February 23 in kindergarten

Holiday goals:

contribute to the harmonization of child-parent relationships;

to acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day;

consolidate knowledge about military professions, names of military equipment;

improve coordination of movements, form dexterity and accuracy in children;

cultivate patriotic feelings.

Materials and equipment: 20 bags, 2 baskets, 2 hops, 1 checker, fabric, buttons, needles and thread, 2 tables and 2 chairs, landmarks, split pictures, prizes, phonograms, 2 apples, matches, rope.

The course of the holiday

Children enter the hall under the march, perform rebuilding and become a semicircle (at the choice of the teacher).

Leading. Guys, our holiday is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

1st child.

Peace is the main word in the world.

Our planet needs peace!

The adults need the world! Children need the world!

Everyone needs the world!

2nd child.

We want the birds to sing

So that spring streams ring,

For the sun to warm the earth

So that the birch turns green!

So that everyone dreams come true,

To make everyone around laugh

For children to dream

Let there be no war!

Leading. Your grandfathers, dads served and are serving now in the army or navy. They protect our country so that you can live and study in peace under the peaceful sky of the Motherland. Our glorious warriors are courageous and brave, and of course you guys want to be like them. And now we will show you how strong, strong, dexterous you will grow to become a worthy replacement. And our dads and grandfathers will help us with this.

Children sing the song "I have a sailor suit ..." (music by M. Protasov, lyrics by E. Shklovsky).

Leading. There are many military branches in the army, where people of different military specialties are serving. Let's remember some of them, but first we need to split into teams.

Children are divided into 2 teams.

Game for children "Continue the sentence"

"The tank is controlled by ..."

"The gun shoots..."

"He sits at the helm of the plane ..."

"Scribbling from a machine gun ..."

"He goes to reconnaissance ..."

"Guarding the border..."

"Serving on a submarine..."

"He's jumping with a parachute..."

"They serve on ships ..."

To become defenders, To fulfill the duty of a soldier, You need to be strong, strong, Be friends with physical education.

And we'll start by warming up our fingers.

Finger gymnastics"Fighters-well done"

These fingers are all fighters,

Remote fellows.

Two - large and strong small

And a soldier in experienced battles,

Two - brave guardsmen,

Two - quick-witted fellows,

Two - nameless heroes,

But very zealous in their work,

Two short little fingers -

Very nice boys!

One two three four five -

Fingers stood together in a row -

Ten strong soldiers.

Children's actions

Children show palms with straightened fingers.

The fingers are clenched into a fist, only the big ones are raised.

Show index fingers.

Show middle fingers.

Show ring fingers.

Show little fingers.

(Alternately count the fingers on the left hand, starting with the little finger, then on the right.

Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.

Show palms with straight fingers, clap their hands.)

Leading. And now let our dads show their skill, the attraction is called "Salute." To do this, you need to bring one hand to the temple, and pull the other forward and raise thumb, then change hands. This must be done quickly.

Dads compete, and then - if desired - children.

Leading. The second test for our men. In the army, in the service of the military, there is equipment, without which it would be very difficult to protect our Motherland, our peaceful life. What kind of military equipment helps to defend the Fatherland?

The teams are given split pictures depicting military equipment (airplane, helicopter, tank, ship, submarine), and children with adults must collect as many of them as possible.

Leading. I will make riddles, and you raise your hand if you have a picture with a clue.

Boldly floats in the sky,

Overtaking birds flight.

The man controls it.

What's happened? (Airplane.)

I take off without acceleration,

I remember the dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian ... (helicopter).

I walk in an iron shell,

All lined with armor.

I shoot projectiles

I am very formidable in appearance ... (tank).

An iron whale underwater

The whale does not sleep day and night.

Day and night underwater

Keeps my peace. (Submarine.)

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... (rocket).


And now listen:

The sound of hooves is heard

This is a brave rider

He flies on a horse.

The military orchestra sounds its trumpets,

To the music, the cavalry flies across the square.

Hot horses rush forward

The commander with the banner goes first.

Relay game "Horse riders"

Two teams compete: fathers and children. Jumping on hops to the landmark and back, dads have “checkers” in their hands.


A sharp eye is the key to success,

Any soldier will tell us

So that the desired victory

Completed the right fight.

Relay "Riders-Arrows"

Dad carries the child on his back to the landmark, the child takes the bag and throws it into the basket, dad returns with the same child on his back.


My grandfather once told me:

“Look, don’t go to the buffet!

There, on the top shelf,

Evil wolves have settled."

Grandpa just fell asleep

I quickly set up a chair,

Opened the door a little

Pushed the pepper jar away

Rearranged all the dishes -

I've been looking for wolves everywhere...

Grandfather woke up in the morning

I quickly made my way to the buffet.

I thought to take toffee for tea,

But iris - no.

He searched everything to the crack,

Looked up and down...

I said: "Probably the wolves

They stole your iris."

The facilitator asks the children to guesspuzzles:

What is this turtle? (Tank).

Iron fish dives to the bottom,

4. Flying, not a bird

Buzzing, not a beetle? (Airplane)

Competition "Ski track of Russia"

On one pair of skis, dad and child move to the landmark and back.

Contest "Kind words about dad"

Children say the word and put a match in the apple. At the end, each team presents its "hedgehog".

The game "Pull-pull"

Unbeknownst to the children, any of the dads are inserted into the sleeves outerwear rope and offer two teams a tug-of-war, while helping the weakest.

Leading. And now let's check dads and guys for dexterity.

Relay race "Crossing the minefield"

Dads and boys are tied to the ankles in two balloons. Participants must run to the landmark and back without stepping on the ball. Hitting the ball is treated as an explosion.

Game variant

You can use the balls from the "dry" pool, scattering them on the floor. Participants must run to the landmark and back without stepping on them.


Now let's go to the sea.

Seagulls swirl in the open.

Good for all of us

Sail the seas.

Sailors are fun people

They live well.

And in free moments

They dance and sing.

Children perform the dance "Apple".

Leading. I wonder if our dads can sometimes replace mom? For example, can they sew on a button?

Competition "Who will sew a button faster, stronger and more beautiful?"

Summing up, awarding prizes, wishes to dads and grandfathers.

The final part: a common song of children and dads at the teacher's choice.

Games with dads on February 23 in kindergarten

You need to drive the ball with a club into the goal located on the finish line.

You need to pinch the ball with your knees and run to the finish line.

You need to throw a small ball into the basket.


Well done! Both dads and kids did a great job. And now I will ask dads to sit down and rest, and we will continue our performance.

Continuation of the scene.


A lot of good words we heard about dads today. Guys, do you know poems about dads?

After the children read the poems for February 23, the host says:

Now let's please our dads and sing them a song.


We will serve in the army.

Glory to the pilots, tankers,

Infantrymen - brave men

Sailors, gunners,

Glory to all fighters!

The children sit down. Leading:

Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the birthday of the army and Navy. There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. And professional soldiers do it: they protect your happy childhood and the peaceful work of our citizens. Guys, do you know what troops guard the borders of our state?

The host introduces the military guests to the children and invites them to be on the jury in order to evaluate the skills of the guys.

The host invites children to solve riddles for February 23 in kindergarten:

1. The turtle-steel shirt is crawling,

She knows neither pain nor fear.

The enemy is in the ravine, and she is where the enemy is.

What is this turtle? (Tank).

2. Like unprecedented wonderful flowers,

Umbrellas flew from the sky. (Paratroopers).

3. Iron fish swims underwater

The enemy, threatening with fire and misfortune,

Iron fish dives to the bottom,

She guards her native seas. (Submarine).

4. Flying, not a bird

Buzzing, not a beetle? (Airplane)

Our beautiful kindergarten
All the Defenders are so happy!
Congratulations to everyone with a smile
Wants to be brave!

Don't be shy and don't give up
And if necessary, then - to fight,
So that there is peace throughout the planet,
They lived happily so that the children!

There is a special day in February
Most important for men
And so today
We hasten to congratulate them.

May everything be nice for you
Family harmony, reliable rear,
What would every day good luck
And he promised you victory!

Brothers, grandfathers and dads
Congratulations on the holiday!
We have them the best
We wish them happiness!
To become heroes for us
We need to take examples from them!

In our garden today
We congratulate guys.
All boys are men
Everyone is a future soldier.

Let them eat more porridge
To grow strong.
After all, they are in the army later
Still to go.

Children in our kindergarten
real soldiers,
Playing war all day long
We girls are protected.

We want to congratulate them
With an important holiday for men,
Let them grow faster
Keep peace and happiness!

Serving in the army - soldiers,
They are brave guys:
All are mighty, all are strong,
Everything is protection for the country!
And we'll grow up soon
Also, let's go to the army!

Here we are guys:
Let's grow up - let's go to the soldiers!
Let's be strong, skillful,
Let's be strong and brave
One word - daring
Like grandfathers and fathers!

February 23 - we all celebrate
On this day - defenders,
All of us - congratulations:
Those who are far away at sea
Those on the border
The ones that fly
In the sky like birds!

Congratulates brothers, dads
Our favorite kindergarten
Happy twenty-third of February
Very friendly and loving!

You are the heroes in our life
There is no you more devoted and more beautiful,
There is no more courageous and honest
There are no loved ones and relatives!

And the heart says
For Grandfathers to say a word,
Hug them very tightly
And wish you good health!

We congratulate you on the holiday
Grandfathers, beloved dads!
On the day of male goodness and happiness
We want to wish them.

They will always help us
We will be given good advice.
We wish you men
Long and wonderful years.

Gathered today in the hall
The whole crowd we are not in vain,
We celebrate Defender's Day.
Since February 23!

I wish you all peace, happiness,
Laughter, joy, love,
Live in a beautiful, kind world,
Let there be no war!

We congratulate together
You - the defenders of the country!
You - Russia guarded,
They kept the honor of a soldier,
you saved for us
Our land from war!

The sun is shining over me
And the sky is calm
Even children know this
The Defender protects us.

To all those who protect us
Who does not sleep for us at night,
We wish you much happiness
And health like granite!

Dad, you protect us
You protect from enemies
From misfortune and from evil,
We want you well!
Be always cheerful and cheerful
You are the only one in the world!

We have boys - well done,
They are defenders, fighters,
The girls are protected
Help for all adults
It doesn't matter if they are small
They are always brave at heart.

The course of the holiday

Children enter the hall under the march, perform rebuilding and become a semicircle.

A child reads a poem:

I have a father!

Ask what is he?

The strongest dad

The BRAVEST Warrior!

Kind. The smartest one.

How not to brag.

Dad only, with mom

I have a father!

It doesn't matter what he is!

The best dad in the world

Because HE IS MY!

presenter: Hello our dear guests, dads and grandfathers, hello dear friends! Today our the holiday is dedicated to February 23 - this is a holiday Army and Navy, and also this holiday called Defender of the Fatherland Day. According to a good tradition, on this day they congratulate all the military, and in general all men and boys - former and future soldiers - defenders of the Motherland. And we have gathered on this solemn day to congratulate all of you, the defenders of our Motherland, on this wonderful holiday.

On this day of father and grandfather

Congratulations to the whole family!

2 child: Hello holiday!

Hello holiday!

Boys and Dads Day!

Congratulations to all military

Our cheerful kindergarten!

3 child: Glory to the beloved army!

Glory to the native army!

Our soldier is brave, strong,

Keeps our peace.

4 Child: Let the sun shine brightly,

And the way the guns do not rattle,

World people native country

Always protect the soldier!

presenter: There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. And they do it professionally. military: They protect our country, guard a happy childhood of our children, the peaceful work of our citizens, so that we can sleep peacefully, live and study under the peaceful sky of our Motherland. Our glorious warriors are courageous and brave, and our guys want to be like them. Let's hear what our boys dream about.

Poems for boys:

1. We are still preschool children,

And we walk like soldiers.

I'll be a brave tanker

I'll take my tank everywhere!

I am my formidable rocket

I'll get the target in the starry sky!

I'm sure guys

I will become a military pilot!

I, the fearless captain

I'll sail the oceans!

I want to be an officer

To be the first to attack!

Sailors, gunners,

Border guards, tankers

Protect peaceful labor.

Our army

Children (in chorus): firework!

presenter: Our dear fathers and grandfathers accept a song as a gift.

Song "Good Soldiers"

(Children sit down)

presenter: (for children) There are many military branches in the army, where people of different military specialties are serving. Let's remember some of them (dads, grandfathers help).

Game for children "Continue the offer"

"Tank controls."

"The cannon shoots."

"He sits at the controls of the plane."

"Scribbling from a machine gun."

"He goes to reconnaissance."

"Guarding the border."

"He is serving on a submarine."

"He jumps with a parachute."

"They serve on ships."

presenter:. The tank submits not to many,

Don't break his armor!

Everywhere, like an all-terrain vehicle,

Pass the tank on tracks

Relay game: "Tankers"

Boys participate, are divided into two teams of five people, stand in two columns. Those standing first receive a pelvis, thanks to which they must turn into "tank". To do this, you need to sit down, hands in support behind, put the pelvis on your stomach. Each participant in the game crawls forward with their feet to the landmark (pyramids) and returns by running to the team and passes the baton (basin) next participant. The team whose tanks pass the test wins the competition.

(Children sit down)

presenter: IN february day, freezing day,

All holiday is celebrated.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.


I, cheering for the guys, got so excited,

On the bench, she could hardly resist the excitement.

Stop sitting girlfriends,

Isn't it time to sing ditties!

Girls run out and sing ditties

We will sing ditties to you,

Prick up your ears.

We will sing about the boys

And we are waiting for applause! Whoo!

Every boy in our garden

Very smart and handsome

Because so glad, of course,

Our entire women's team!

The ships go to sea

Airplanes in the clouds

Let everyone know about it

Our Army is strong.

Wake up the boys at night

In the very middle

They will tell the alphabet

Without one hitch!

The sun has set behind the mountain

All the girls are already asleep

Our guys on the border

Standing at their post

On the day of today, men

They walk importantly - like peacocks!

Congratulations are not expected in vain -

We are great girls

Both beautiful and smart

Congratulations boys

Happy Defender's Day!

All ditties quailed,

Yes, that's how good we are!

You clap more friendly

We tried our best!


All the defenders of the country

We congratulate you today.

presenter: And now we invite our dads. Let our dads show us their knack.

Contest "Salute".

(To do this, you need to bring one hand to the temple, and stretch the other forward and raise your thumb, then change hands. You need to do it quickly).

(Dads compete, grandfathers can also participate).

A child reads a poem:

Now listen:

The sound of hooves is heard

This is a brave rider

He flies on a horse.

Song "Budyonovets"

presenter: The second test for our men.

A game: "Extra lifeline"

(8 - 10 hoops, to the music of dad "float", after the music stops, they put hoops around the neck, the one who puts more hoops on the neck wins).


A sharp eye is the key to success,

Any soldier will tell us

So that the desired victory

Completed the right fight.

Relay race "Arrow Riders"

(Dad carries the child on his back (backpack) to the landmark, the child takes the bag and throws it into the basket, dad returns with the same child on his back).

presenter: And now we will go to the sea, seagulls are curling in the open.

It is good for all of us to sail the seas.

Sailors are cheerful people, they live well.

And in their free moments they dance and sing.

Dance "Apple"

(performed by boys)

presenter: And now the contest is for real men.

Relay race "Do not drop shoulder straps"

(matchboxes are placed on the shoulders, you need to carry it and not drop it "shoulder straps" to the destination and back)

presenter: Our men are strong, brave, brave, and let's see how dexterous they can be. Let's test dads and guys for dexterity.

Contest "Without the help of hands in flour to find candy".

(In 2 plates with flour, hide the candy, leaving one tip of the candy outside. You need to get the candy without using your hands)

presenter: - Well done! Both fathers and children did a good job. And now dads will be asked to sit down and rest, and we will continue our performance.

(Children read poetry)

1. My dad is resourceful,

Smart and brave.

He's on the shoulder

Even a difficult one.

2. My dad is funny

But strict and honest

And it's fun to play.

3. And bored without dad

ride on a sled,

Nobody can

Laugh so loud!

4. My dad is a wizard,

He is the nicest.

He instantly turns

For what you ask.

5. He can become a clown,

tiger, giraffe,

But the best

He knows how to be a dad!

6. I will hug him, and quietly whisper:

My daddy, I love you very much!

You are the most caring, most dear,

You are kind, you are the best and you are only mine!

Great february brought us a holiday,

Defenders of the Fatherland - vivat!

Keep us safe from storms and thunderstorms

Russian warrior is a valiant soldier.

7. Not every feat can accomplish,

Especially - in the stream of peaceful days,

But everyone must serve the Motherland,

To hurt the soul and heart only about her.

8. It is already clear that such is the fate of a soldier,

To serve and protect the earth,

To be cheerful during the day in military affairs,

And at night you miss your homeland.

9. We wear blue berets,

We have blue vests.

There is no better color for a paratrooper

The colors of the sky and gentle eyes.

10. Today feast of all fathers,

All sons, all who are ready

Protect your home and mother

Protect us all from harm.

11. I do not envy my father -

After all, I am like him, and I will save

Fatherland, if necessary,

In the meantime, marmalade

Get rid of the pie...

And again in kindergarten and on the road again

Where will they tell me how to be,

How to protect mom and dad!

presenter: And now the guys will perform a song.

Song "Peace is for everyone".

presenter: Our holiday has come to an end. Accept handmade gifts from our children. I would like to wish our boys - happy childhood, our dads - strength and courage, and our grandfathers - good health.

To all of you three times: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

February 23 matinee scenario ( senior group) "Defender of the Fatherland Day"
(The leader stands in the center of the hall, march music sounds. To the sounds of the march, children enter the hall, sit down, the readers go to the middle of the hall to the leaders)
Hello dear guests! Today we are gathered here to celebrate the birthday of the whole country Russian Army. This is a holiday of all the defenders of our Fatherland, the defenders of peace, freedom and happiness. The soldiers and commanders of our army are on duty day and night.
Today we want to congratulate not only our dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army, but also our boys, the future defenders of our Motherland.
Hello holiday!
Hello holiday!
Boys and Dads Day!
Congratulations to all military
Our fun kindergarten! (Sasha)

Today is our army day!
She is not stronger in the world.
Hello defenders of the people!
Russian army -
Children Readers: Hello! (Varya)

Brave, strong and funny
Congratulations men today
And on Defender of the Fatherland Day
We wish you health, joy!

About the beloved army
Sings our kindergarten.
And to her, invincible,
Today everyone is happy.

The boys dream of growing up soon
And become adults
And go to work.
And dads are probably dreaming again
Like in childhood
Become boys.
In the soul of every dad
Well, just a boy.
Sometimes he acts like a jerk.
Therefore, they should be allowed
Albeit rare, but still
Become boys. (Yana)

To always be strong
The war game will help us!

We start our sports - gaming holiday dedicated to "Defender of the Fatherland Day"
But let's first introduce our commands:
Two teams will compete today: "Pilots" and the "Tankers" team.

But the girls' dads will not be left without attention. They will also compete in games.
The facilitator invites the teams to introduce themselves.
The motto of the team "Pilots":
We are brave pilots, we fly planes.
We fly high in the sky, we vigilantly guard the sky!
The motto of the team "Tankers":
We are tankers
Let's go to battle
Tank favorite
Our hero!
Host: Your resourcefulness and ingenuity will be evaluated by the jury.
Let it be the whole course of the battle.
Follows the commands.
Who will be friendlier -
He will win in battle!
Listen only to these proud words - "Defender of the Fatherland"! Who are these defenders of the Fatherland.
At the post and in the rain, and in the hail,
Will go to battle for us ... (soldier)
Host: The army needs people of different professions - tankers, radio operators, sappers. But everyone who serves can be called in one word - Soldier
Leading: Now our military must move shoulder straps. game "Transfer epaulettes".

Host: And what about our military without ammunition. Game "Stock up grenades"

Host: Our soldiers were fast and agile. Now we invite our teams to rest.
The game will be continued by the fathers of our girls. Please come out dads with your daughters...

Proposed game "Test for real men"
(dads are given cards with numbers from 1 to 5, for each question they must raise the corresponding card with the answer)
1 question:
-Officer is a profession:
1) panic;
2) ethnic;
3) heroic;
4) hysterical;
5) gerontological.

2 question:
-What is an infantryman's tool:
1) hammer;
2) sickle;
3) saw;
4) mace;
5) shovel.

With what exclamation do the soldiers run to attack:
1) "Hurrah!";
2) "Time to sleep!";
3) "I'll catch up"!;
4) "Well, wait a minute!";
5) "Hi!"

5 question:
- Where is the negligent soldier sent:
1) on a hike;
2) in the garden;
3) on the ship;
4) in the outfit;
5) to the store.
(The results are summed up and the pennant is handed over to "The smartest dad")

Leading: Soldiers are well-aimed arrows. Now we will check how you can shoot. I ask the teams to line up in two columns.

Host: We have everything
For this fun
Try to get in
You are in this mess.
Relay "Be smart".
The next relay race is "Jumping in bags" (after the relay race, we offer the teams to rest)
The game is continued by the girls' dads
Leading: Many works have been written about soldiers, poems have been composed, stories have been written bylinas. But there are also proverbs on a military theme.
Host: I will start, and you will continue:
- The world builds - and the war ... (destroys)
- Difficult to learn... (easy to fight)
- Alone in the field ... (not a warrior)
- One for all and all for one)
- Shchi and porridge ... (our food)
- The brave wins ... (the coward dies)
Well done!
Now name the pope proverbs on a military theme ..... (call the proverbs)
Host: We remembered the proverbs ... Now we offer to play a game called "Proverb on the stairs"
(Teams must run to the stairs to remove syllables and make a proverb)
Well done team, you did a great job!
Host: And how many songs have been written about soldiers, about their service, about exploits. After all, without a song, a soldier's service would be sad. Therefore, music and soldiers are inseparable. Now we will ask dads to sing the familiar, favorite song of the composer Shainsky "Don't Cry Girl"
Host: And now back to battle ...
We take up a fighting position near the rope! Ready - 1, 2, 3 start! Spectators cheer!
Relay race "Pull the Rope"
Ditties for dads
Sing along my friend
I'll drink now too.
We are with a fun ditty -
Inseparable friends.

Better than a man's dad
Not to be found in the whole world.
He can hammer nails
And rinse the clothes.

I love daddy
Like sweet candy
I won't replace him
Even chocolate.

And my dad is the best
Loves all my friends
He will cook semolina porridge for us,
Will not wash the dishes.

Dear daddies,
Our beauties.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you all the best!

Host: In the army, the military has equipment, without which it would be very difficult to protect our Motherland, our peaceful life.

Guess the riddles about military equipment...
The car is not easy
Combat vehicle.
Like a tractor with a "proboscis"
Gives a light to everyone all around! (Tank)
You can be a sailor
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,
And on the military ... (Ship)

Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight.
The man controls it.
What's happened? (Airplane.)

I take off without acceleration,
I remember the dragonfly.
Takes flight
Our Russian ... (Helicopter).

An iron whale underwater
The whale does not sleep day and night.
Day and night underwater
Keeps my peace. (Submarine.)

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars.
Our people built this
Interplanetary ... (Rocket).
There are no clouds on the horizon
but an umbrella opened up in the sky.
A few minutes later, the parachute descended.

Moderator: Now each team will receive an envelope. To understand it, you need, first of all, to look into these envelopes.
Each envelope contains a postcard cut into pieces military theme- you need to collect a postcard to understand what is drawn on it.
Next relay "Let's build a tower"

All seas and ocean
Conquered our ... (captain).
Host: The captain is responsible for his ship. He must set a course so as not to collide with other ships, not to run aground and catch up with the enemy ship.
Captains competition: "Which ship will sail faster"
Captains are involved. In front of each, at a distance of 2 m, there is a ship on the floor (you can use a car), to the nose of which there is a ribbon with a stick at the end. On a signal, children begin to wind the tape around a stick, pulling the ship towards them. The winner is the participant whose ship touches the feet of the "captain" faster.
While the jury is counting the points on the deck of the Merry Dance ship.
What is the sailors' favorite dance? Yes, Apple.
The cabin boys start, and then the sailors. Who will dance more fervently?!

The jury announces the score

Children read poetry
Soldiers of friendship, peace go to the parade,
Fighters and commanders stand behind a number of rads.
Soldiers protect life, peace, and work.
So let all the guys
They grow up happy!
Song "Good Soldiers"

Loud trumpets sing, Our army...
All in unison: Salute!
Ships sail into space
Our army...
All in unison: Salute!
Peace and labor on the planet, Our army...
All in unison: Salute!
We ran a competition
And we wish you goodbye:
Strengthen everyone's health
Muscles every day to swing!

(give gifts)

On a February day, a frosty day
Everyone celebrates the holiday.
Girls on this glorious day
The boys are congratulated.

Children (girls):
We won't give you flowers
They are not given to boys.
Girls a lot of kind words
They will leave you in your hearts.

We wish you forever
So that life is not shy.
May it be with you forever
Boyish courage.

And all the obstacles on the way
To overcome you together
But first, grow up
And you need to grow up.

Listen, boys, to us,
Accept congratulations!
We - know on this day you have
Your second birthday!

Girls give gifts to boys

Host: Our children have prepared gifts for our dads.
(give gifts)
Festive music sounds, parents and children take pictures and go to the group.
