An ordinary kiss on the lips without a tongue. How to kiss on the lips with different types of kisses: French, Italian, without a tongue, passionately? Boys are different

At first glance, a kiss is a fairly common thing for adults, so this should not cause any particular difficulties. But beginners in this business probably don’t know how to kiss properly, so it would not be out of place for them to learn about a certain technique of action that helps not to lose face in front of their partner. What can we say, many adults still do not know how to kiss correctly, considering their clumsy inclinations for a real kiss.

The kiss itself denotes the great sympathy of one person for another, representing an extremely intimate expression of one's feelings. But kissing another person can be done in different ways, so few will argue about the differences between a friendly kiss and a more passionate kiss that we bestow on our loved one. Let's try to understand these aspects, as well as quite simple rules the right kiss.

Basic rules for a kiss

If you want to know how to learn how to kiss, then you should follow a number of specific recommendations that turn out to be very useful for both the guy and the girl:

  • Prepare your lips first. A kiss consists of nuances, so attention to detail is fully justified here. Few people enjoy kissing a person whose lips look like a dry piece of granite, so you should take care of them properly. You can use brown sugar to exfoliate your lips. Then you can treat your lips with a special balm, or hygienic lipstick to moisturize them.
  • Take care of the freshness of your breath. If you have a romantic meeting with your loved one, then the day before you should not eat garlic and onions. On the day of the date, you should also avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, because few people like to smell this kind of smell. Be sure to thoroughly brush your teeth, as well as use additional refreshers - chewing gum, mouthwash, etc.
  • Also remember that your appearance, as well as the smell of your body, play an important role. You should breathe freshness and good perfume, although this is only general recommendation. Some people cannot stand strong smells, so the smell of perfume can scare them away. But these kinds of moments are special cases that any person should know about his partner. Also, girls should not abuse their lipstick, because your boyfriend is unlikely to appreciate his dirty face.
  • Kissing another person should be casual and easy, as if it were a natural extension of what is happening between two people. No need to ask your partner for permission to kiss, and also to inform that you are about to kiss him - these are direct signs of your insecurity, and few people like it.
  • Take care of yourself while kissing. No need to hold your breath - this is not a parachute jump, but a completely natural action. Do not be constrained, try to include your hands in the process, but do not overdo it. We think that light strokes of the back will be quite enough if we are talking about the first kiss.
  • Position your head slightly at an angle to your partner's head. This may seem ridiculous to experienced people, but beginners should listen - so you do not come face to face with your lover.
  • Choose a place for the first kiss so that there are not too many people there. It is unlikely that any girl will agree to go on a first date with young man home, so it will most likely take place on neutral territory, so you need to take this into account.
  • Before the kiss itself, a kind of "reconnaissance" should be carried out. Try starting with light touches while watching your partner's reaction. If you can clearly see that he does not mind, then you can start with kisses on the cheek. Kissing on the neck right away is not recommended, because this is already a rather intimate process leading directly to intimacy. After an innocent kiss on the cheek, you can already move on to more decisive actions, gently touching your partner's lips.

If you are still not confident in yourself, not knowing how to kiss for the first time with your partner, then a few tips will come in handy for you.

The first kiss for both partners represents a certain sacrament, a special form of trusting relationship with each other. We are now talking about normal young people who respect themselves and their loved one, and not those who are much more willing to commit more frank actions under the influence of alcohol or other factors.

So, you are a young girl who belongs to the category decent girls, so a reasonable question arises before you - how to kiss a guy on a first date, and is it even worth it? Even if you really want to bring this moment closer, you should not forget about accessibility measures, because if you give a young man what he wants too early, he can quickly lose all interest in you. Yes, and any normal guy will respect the integrity of his girlfriend, if he really appreciates her, so he will not rush her with the first kiss.

Remember that according to the rules of good manners, on the first date you should not allow the young man too much. Even if you yourself really want it, you need to pull yourself together a little, which will certainly have a positive effect on your future relationships.

If the initial period of your relationship has passed, and the first kiss will no longer be a sign of easy availability, you probably want to know how to kiss for the first time? We will not talk about the kissing technique itself yet, we will note only general points.

The girl needs to know that you should not take the initiative in such matters. Remember that it is the man who is the active side, a kind of “conqueror”. But there are times when a guy is so indecisive that the moment with the first kiss drags on for several months. As a rule, there is no other way out for the girl, except to take on all decisive actions.

This should also be done carefully, following the recommendations given:

  1. You need to look into the eyes of your young man. Any girl has the ability to have an inviting look in her blood, so you should let your partner know that you are ready for a kiss.
  2. Hug him, pulling him a little towards you.
  3. Close your eyes, then gently touch your lips to his lips.
  4. After the kiss, open your mouth a little, which will make it clear to the young man that you are not against continuing at all.

A natural continuation of this will be a rather passionate kiss from the young man. Ideally, it should be French, i.e. with the language, but for this you need to know a certain technique for its execution. It will be different, depending on the type of kiss, so let's look at them in more detail.

Technique of various kisses

There are some practical tips for those who want to know how to learn to kiss. We will not take into account friendly and related kisses, because we are considering kisses of two people who have a clear sexual interest in each other.

Let's start with a description of the technique of a gentle kiss, which is carried out without the participation of the tongue. So, kissing on the lips should be as follows:

  • At the moment of contact with a partner, slightly stretch your lips. Make sure that they are not very tense, and also not very elongated, otherwise it will no longer be a sensual kiss. Close your eyes so you can focus on the kiss itself.
  • Touch one of your partner's lips, after which you can take a short pause, stepping back a short distance.
  • Look into your partner's eyes with a smile. In his eyes, you will understand whether you need to move on to further actions or not.
  • If all is well, then you can continue kissing your boyfriend or girlfriend. We say this on purpose, because these rules apply to absolutely everyone. So, you kiss your partner, trying to make sure that his lip is sandwiched between yours. If you don't know how to kiss a guy properly, you can practice with your finger by holding it between your lips. So you can learn to control the degree of compression, intensity and other points.
  • Next, you need to smoothly move to the second lip, doing the same manipulations with it. Grab her by sucking her with your lips a little so that you both enjoy the process of kissing.

If you want to know how to kiss with your tongue, then you need to follow these steps:

  • When kissing your partner's lips, touch them with your tongue. This will be a clear signal to him that you want to French kiss him. with tongue. If he is not yet ready for this step, then you will immediately understand everything.
  • If all is well, then you can proceed to active actions. Open your mouth wide, then push your tongue into your boyfriend's mouth. Your tongues should touch, after which you can take it a little to the side.
  • The French kiss is quite passionate in its own way, so there is no need to be ashamed of your actions. Grab your partner's head, and then start kissing his lips more intensely. After taking a breath, kiss him as if after the heat you fell to the saving neck with cold water. In this case, you need to suck on his lips, biting them a little.
  • After such an intense period, you can slightly reduce the “turnovers” without ceasing to kiss at the same time. Language should also be involved, but without such passionate manifestations, so that the partner has a desire to resume the process again. Here the game of initiative begins, i.e. you showed it, then retreated a little, giving the opportunity to do the same to your loved one.

Remember that kissing with the tongue with a guy can be done in various ways, changing techniques, moving from a passionate kiss to a more gentle one and vice versa.

If you want to know how to learn how to kiss in such a way that this is a clear hint to further intimacy, you can use the following suggestions.

You can kiss with or without tongue. What matters is what you do at the same time as the kiss, i.e. touch, stroking intimate areas and other manipulations. But remember that tongue kissing is more enjoyable for both partners.

Here are some tips for kissing the right way:

  1. Open your mouth slightly, then touch your partner's lips. Start with kisses only on the lips, gradually connecting the tongue to the caresses.
  2. You can lick and suck on your partner's tongue with your tongue. Take special care during this process, because the tongue is not only erogenous, but also a very vulnerable area.
  3. Try to caress with your tongue not only the partner's lips and tongue, but also the inner contour of the mouth itself.
  4. Breathe through your nose, because it will be difficult to do this with your mouth.

In principle, you already understood how to learn how to kiss, so it's time to start from theory to real actions. And remember that a kiss is a special pleasure with your loved one, for whom you have the most real and sincere feelings. And the technique is just an addition, which is called "the highlight on the cake."

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A kiss allows you to understand how deep the feelings between lovers are, so special attention should be paid to it. There are many techniques on how to kiss a guy or a girl correctly. Kisses can be with or without tongue, sometimes they differ depending on the situation and further intentions. At the same time, almost any romantic kiss can be divided into two stages: what precedes it, and the process itself, which can cause a storm of emotions.

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Kissing Options

There are many types of kisses - from greetings, when people just smack each other on the cheek when they meet, to long and hot ones, which are possible only between lovers. The most common types of kissing during a romantic relationship include:

  • Romantic. Happens at the onset of feelings. First, they affect the earlobes, neck, cheeks, and only then they move to the lips themselves. They begin with uncertain and timid movements without a tongue. Kisses are gentle and beautiful, short, without smacking.
  • Passionate. This category includes the popular French kiss, lip biting, and tongue dancing.
  • Body kisses. A person begins to “explore” with his lips the sensitive zones of a partner: the bends of the legs, arms, neck, chest, stomach.

Execution technique

The kiss execution scheme for both sexes is the same. It is required to take care of the condition of the lips: do a peeling or apply a balm. Even guys need to soften their lips with hygienic lipstick. You need to act relaxed and open: look into your eyes, do not cross your arms over your chest, do not cover your face, keep a smile.

Technique for kissing with a suction tongue:

  1. 1. Gently look into your partner's eyes, lightly touch his lips. For a couple of seconds, perform light squeezing and pinching with your lips.
  2. 2. Then moisten the lips by running the tip of the tongue over the partner's lips. If he opened his mouth, then it is definitely worth continuing.
  3. 3. Penetrate your tongue into your mouth, but do it without pressure so that the kiss is not hard, but rather gentle. Start moving your tongue in different directions: left-right, up-down. You can close your eyes to immerse yourself in the process with your head. It is necessary to monitor salivation, slobbery kisses do not cause much delight in anyone.
  4. 4. Finally, touch your foreheads and look directly into your partner's eyes.

Without a tongue, they kiss in the same way, only the third paragraph is excluded. You need to grab and squeeze your lips with your lips, bite them, suck. The order of actions is arbitrary. At the same time, you can kiss passionately without a tongue, focusing on caresses with your lips. You can hug your partner with your hands, touch the skin, slide over the body. It is better for a girl to wipe off her lipstick before such a kiss.

When French kissing, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. A French kiss is not complete without hugs. You can run your fingers into your partner's hair - this helps to get closer.
  2. 2. With the gradual approach of the heads, it is required to look into the partner's eyes.
  3. 3. When closing the lips, they choke with the nose. Start with licking lips and light kisses. Smoothly transition to a kiss with the tongue.

Learning how to kiss well is pretty easy. Everything happens unexpectedly, because a person acts on an intuitive level. You just need to completely surrender to the process, be relaxed, especially if the kiss is desired. Then there will be no problems, and only positive impressions will remain from this type of caress.

You should not quickly move on to kissing with the tongue if there is no confidence in feelings. First you need to learn how to kiss correctly, learn kissing techniques. It can even be done without a partner. There are many instructions on how to hone your skills, for example, on a tomato. To do this, resort to the following actions in stages:

  1. 1. Stand in front of a mirror and take a tomato or an apple.
  2. 2. Slowly touch the fetus with the mouth slightly open.
  3. 3. Lips gently suck on an apple, lightly capturing it with their lips.
  4. 4. They represent in front of them not the fetus, but the partner's lips.
  5. 5. Gently move their lips over the fetus, close their eyes and tilt their head either to the right or to the left.

Similarly, you can train own hand.

How to start kissing

The atmosphere, the general mood and feelings for the second half are important here. A man should invite a girl to romantic date. If both have "butterflies in the stomach", then you can already proceed to action. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of the partner. Response movements, burning eyes, stroking - all this will tell you whether it is possible to start acting.

Before deep kisses, you need to think about oral hygiene. To do this, they brush their teeth in the morning and in the evening, remove plaque not only from the teeth, but also from the tongue, on which a huge number of bacteria settle. After eating, you need to rinse your mouth or use dental floss. Holes in the enamel, the presence of caries, yellowness - this kills self-confidence in a person. As a result, during the kiss, he is nervous, makes mistakes.

Previously, girls were waiting for the initiative from their beloved. But now they are more likely to take control of the situation. But you need to first learn how to kiss correctly step by step. This is appropriate in the following cases:

  • partner is older. He may be afraid of harm, so he is in no hurry with kisses. The girl herself needs to make it clear that it is already possible to move on to this type of caress. Adult guys are usually experienced, so they will teach the girl many things, including kissing.
  • Playful mood. The girl likes the guy, but for some reason he is in no hurry. Then it is worth approaching him at parting, unequivocally making it clear that she is ready for more. You can quickly touch the partner's lips, lingering in anticipation of a response.

At the same time, the girl herself must be confident, even if she herself has little experience. It is better for her to relax and resort to general tips on the execution technique.

It is important for a guy to win over a girl. He should distract her with casual conversation and not try to move on to caresses if he sees that she is pinched and feels uncomfortable. In such a situation, asking her if you can kiss her will be superfluous. This may make her confused.

If the partner begins to close her teeth or hold her tongue to the sky, then she clearly does not want to continue. A common mistake many people make is to try to continue kissing, to actively move the tongue.

A guy needs to be relaxed, determined and gentle. No need to regret nice words, girls love to listen to compliments. AND male gender it is not necessary to train with tomatoes all night long, you can act intuitively.

Learning to kiss correctly and well will not be superfluous. It doesn't matter if you're just starting to date or you're a family man, the kissing technique will always highlight your mutually favorite intimate moments. And nowhere has this issue been discussed with more passion than on the Internet on forums, in social networks. networks, dating sites, etc.

Of course, famous sexologists, in particular the Australian Tracy Cox, did not ignore this topic. Many books go into great detail on how to use tongue kissing.

What does the kiss symbolize?

This is a way to demonstrate your tender feelings, your love. Of course, there are different, so to speak, cases of a kiss. We can kiss our child with parental caress, or we can exchange a light kiss of welcome on the lips with a familiar person. And kissing in close relationships and, in particular, is a kind of art. And how skillful he is, may depend on further

Of course, it is quite possible to learn how to kiss with the tongue correctly. If such intimacy is the first time, it is better to do it lightly, without effort. The girl usually relies on the initiative of the chosen one. And let the lips also participate in the process of mutual touching.

On the first date

A quivering and exciting moment - the first date. If your temperament is hot, and passion takes over, then surrender to it. In other cases, it is better to allow light touches of the lips without a tongue. Over time, understanding how to speak with a girl, if you are a young man, will become a source of pleasure in the world of intimate entertainment.

Precautionary measures

But so that the pleasure does not turn out for beginners, it is recommended to be careful, especially for the first time. Light, as if airy touches of a partner are what you need if a kiss with a tongue is new to you. Or maybe there were still unpleasant sensations? It's okay, because you're doing it for the first time! Learn a little, and everything will be great next time.

French Kissing Technique

And after all, the French probably know how to kiss correctly. And you can. Lingual touches in the mouth are a source of sexual fantasies that can bring you to the boiling point. But to "boil", remember the following. Start the “kiss with the tongue” movements slightly playfully, move it, as if “attacking” the partner. And move back to make a “retreat”. Then gradually introduce into the game movements and the inner cavity of the mouth.

An excess of feelings, sexual emotions occurs with light sucking of the partner's tongue. Yes, and this technique will raise the mood. Even if your living together will not be long, you may be able to forget a lot. But don't kiss with the tongue. This is unlikely to be forgotten!

Hold your breath properly

The one who breathes correctly during the kiss is acting wisely. If you kiss in French, you need to take air from somewhere. Therefore, in a long kiss there must be the necessary air supply. Also, the head should be level with the partner's face and be in a fairly comfortable position.

Oh, and don't forget your hands. Gently stroke each other's hair, back and shoulders up to a light erotic massage - the range of sweet sensations will only increase. The whole secret is in the fingers, endowed with the ability to reveal the secrets of your feelings to the deepest and most amazing moments.

Helpful Hints

Before the kiss, you can make the whole process more pleasant.

  • Freshen your breath with a drink with menthol or chewing gum.
  • Remove Some men do not like its taste, and this can weaken the fullness of sensations.
  • Do not be afraid to relax, but also do not make too sudden movements if they are unacceptable for a partner. The same is true for you.

If you have never had to kiss for real, namely with the tongue, then this does not mean anything. It's absolutely easy to learn! After reading our step-by-step recommendations, you will learn:

  • how to learn to kiss passionately correctly;
  • how to achieve the most unforgettable kiss;
  • what mistakes should be avoided when french kissing.

How to behave when kissing passionately

Do not eat heavy food (meat, fish dishes) and do not smoke before a kiss, because a specific one is unlikely to be pleasant to your partner. Brush your teeth or use breath fresheners. Do not get carried away with perfume either, in other words, do not get carried away with perfume! After all, a pungent smell can shorten the duration of a kiss or even discourage you from kissing.

Relax and don't think about anything. Excess thoughts and worries about how everything will go can only get in the way. Imagine a blue sky, and thoughts are clouds that you disperse with your hands. Then just focus on the kiss itself and enjoy it.

Breathe through your nose as you kiss. Not only will this make your kiss last longer, but it will also make it more enjoyable for your partner. If you are used to breathing through your mouth, then urgently get rid of this habit. Practice ahead of time so you don't feel uncomfortable later.

Find a use for your hands. They should not hang like whips. During the kiss, you can hug your partner by the neck and caress her with your fingertips. Remember to change the position of your hands, move them to the guy's back or face and gently stroke him.

Trust your partner, don't withdraw into yourself. Just surrender to the perfect moment.

How to start a kiss

First, lick your lips with your tongue and look the guy straight in the eyes. He will take it as a call to action. Kiss passionately, like any better to start with a light touch of your slightly open lips to the partner's lips. This is his kind of light, gentle kiss (photo on the right). However, after that, you do not move away from your partner, but continue to press against his lips, thereby showing that you expect him to continue. In order to "stimulate" the guy to further action even more, you can also run the tip of your tongue over his lips.

Most often, after such preparation, the young man himself pushes his lips, but if this does not happen, then you can slightly stick the tip of your tongue between them. And take your time, the slower you start, the more exciting and enjoyable your further love game will be. In the photo we see how to learn to kiss passionately.

What do we do with language? How to learn to kiss passionately

You can caress the lips of a young man with your tongue, penetrate into his mouth and even arrange some kind of competition using his tongue. Most importantly, do not stop, strive to explore the entire mouth of your partner. However, in the classic version, a kiss with a suction does without a tongue and is limited only to gentle biting and, as it were, swallowing the lips of a young man. While suction involves its use, which adds spice to the kiss and brings a lot of pleasure to both partners.

Let's take a closer look at the whole process of using the tongue in a French kiss.

After your kiss has already begun, run your tongue along the inside of your partner's lips. You can also lightly lick them. Then touch your tongue to his tongue. Next, swipe it across the sky, which has many nerve endings and is one of the erogenous zones. If you touch it only with the tip of your tongue, slowly moving it back and forth, then you will excite it pretty quickly. However, remember Golden Rule: everything should be in moderation. If you overdo it, then by your actions you will cause tickling.

After using one method, change it to another, for example, try "windmill". This technique consists in rotating your tongue around the partner's mouth. It is also worth playing with his tongue, either clasping his lips, or slightly sucking. The last technique is liked by most men, it has an exciting effect on them. This method is successfully combined with the method of pulling the partner's tongue into your mouth. This is done as follows: with suction movements, draw in his tongue, then loosen his grip or release for a while and capture him again.

My advice on how to learn how to kiss passionately: while kissing, imagine that your tongues are making love. If you have not yet had a personal sexual experience, then remember the frames from the movies, the stories of acquaintances or frank scenes from the books you read. The movements of the tongues should be harmonious, not erratic. Follow the beat that your partner sets, repeat his movements. If he is passive, then set your tone. Catch the general rhythm, and then everything will be fine with you.

The main thing to remember is that whatever method you use, you should always be gentle and attentive to the reactions of your loved one.

TOak rightoh finishkiss passionately?

There is no difficulty in this, except that you should not end the kiss too abruptly. To make the process natural, you must first slow down the pace of the tongue, and then remove it from the partner's mouth. It is better to finish with a short, in other words, “smacking”.

Common mistakes made when kissing with the tongue

1 .Don't push your tongue deep into the oral cavity of your young man. At a minimum, this will lead to discomfort and possible easy removal. And as a maximum, touching the throat with the tongue causes tickling and a nauseating reflex in most people. If you do not want to prematurely end the kiss, then it is better to moderate your ardor.

2. Active and chaotic tongue movements"back and forth." This is similar to the work of "wipers" on the windshield of a car. Sweeping, uncontrolled movements of your tongue are unlikely to be received with a bang by your partner. Relax it and extremely gently caress.

3. Strong suction or intense biting partner language. Imitation of a vacuum cleaner is good, but in moderation, without prolonged retraction. Biting the tongue should be short, playful and gentle. Press lightly with your teeth, without effort. Excessive manipulations can cause serious pain to a young person, because the tongue has many nerve endings.

4. Don't forget to swallow your saliva. Few people like very wet lips or squelching of the tongue in the partner's saliva mass.

5. Lack of body and hand movements while kissing. Don't stand tall. Move, press tighter with your whole body, and then move back a little. Gently or, on the contrary, passionately (at your discretion) caress the back of the head, neck, shoulders, back, buttocks of your partner with your hands. This is very exciting and gives brightness to the impressions of the kiss.

Finally. How can you achieve an unforgettable kiss?

So, if we figured out the question of how to learn to kiss passionately, then the task of achieving an unforgettable kiss is still relevant. You can talk for a long time about how we kiss, at the expense of the ideal option, but never come to a consensus. The fact is that there is no panacea for all occasions. After re-reading and studying thoroughly all the kissing techniques, you will not find a universal option.

The whole "trick" of an unforgettable kiss is in his personality! Remember: in all ages, the best seducer was considered the one who could find special approach to a man. The stronger sex appreciates what he did not receive from other women. That is why a real lady never repeats herself.

This also applies to kissing. What one person likes may be completely different. For example, one likes stroking with his tongue, the other - his gentle sucking, the third prefers biting. That is why try to listen to your partner during the kiss, tune in to his wave and follow his desires.

Only the feelings that you have for a person make a kiss unforgettable. Try to convey to the man all the passion, love, tenderness that you feel for him. Let this moment be a reflection of your soul. If you put strong feelings into it, then a kiss for your chosen one will become truly unforgettable and infinitely desirable.

It is hard to imagine a couple in love without kisses, since love is accompanied by this, and sex begins with this. But when a kiss occurs for the first time, then the question arises as to the correctness of this action. We will analyze and discuss the manifestation of feelings in the classical performance of kissing. By the classic method we mean the use of lips and not only.

No one is born skillful and with the presence of certain skills in a gentle kiss. At the age of about 12, girls begin to look for a global approach to the issue, for which they bribe magazines, where they look for information on how to learn to kiss. With us guys, everything is somewhat easier if this is the first time, we rely more on nature and our own intuition.

Mastering the ability to use the lips correctly, and even more so if kissing with the tongue, does not mean learning to kiss well. This skill is accompanied by the correct use of hands during the action, gently hugging and touching the girl. A kiss hides a sexual game in itself, where the atmosphere, the general atmosphere and, most importantly, contact with a partner are just as important. Learning to kiss is available to anyone, everyone comes to this through trial and personal error, everything is smoothed out naturally. We can only explain the kiss in terms of contact technique.

Let's discuss what a good and gentle kiss should be, and first we will highlight the stages of the process. Under the first stage, we will interpret what happens before the kiss itself. And the second stage has the most pleasant action, where the kissing with the girl is carried out for the first time.

First preparatory stage

At this first stage, we prepare our chosen one, the environment and ourselves for the upcoming action. In order not to immediately disappoint the lady and not get upset yourself, we will analyze below a few basic rules that we advise you to follow.

Lips are the main operating tool in the process in question, so they should be prepared. The lips should be pleasant to the touch and relaxed. Avoid chapping skin, moisturize if necessary by special means. Even if you feel that your legs give way, your palms sweat, and your head is slightly dizzy, this should not prevent you from relaxing your face, respectively, and your mouth. Boys, this is just a manifestation of your love, and remember that girls are more looking forward to the first kiss than we are.

Recall hygiene, although everyone must remember this anyway. As from the whole body, so from the breath should not come bad smell other than natural. If you are not sure that your chosen one smells good perfume water, which you use, refuse it - from perfumery, of course. Do not miss the moment to take a shower, otherwise you may not be kissed.

When meeting, do not think solely about the action in question, otherwise you will look pinched and tense. Exude friendliness, be open, and if you feel that the body begins to tense up, then take a few deep breaths in a row, you will be released. In any situation, do not keep your arms and legs crossed when communicating with a companion, try to look her in the face, and control your own negative emotions on your face.

It's time to move on to maneuvers. First you need to go through a kind of barrier of contact touches. This is necessary so that your touches do not cause any embarrassment in the partner and become more familiar to her. The barrier passes gradually, at first unobtrusively and lightly touch her hand. Then or immediately after the touching of the hands, you can hug the girl, but do it with complete calmness, without focusing on it. You can think of your own methods that will help overcome this barrier, turn on your imagination.

Second main stage

For a kiss to happen passionately, an emotional component is needed, that is, a direct relationship and contact between you.

With established contact, the first kiss and subsequent kisses by you and your partner will be perceived in a special and somewhat more sensitive way than manipulations based on pure physical attraction. It is important to start kissing right.

With a well-chosen place and time, go on the offensive. Take her hand, tilt your head slightly, bringing your mouth closer to hers, but don't lose eye contact. Look into the eyes of a friend, then by her direct gaze, which she will not try to take away from you, you will immediately understand that she is completely ready for this. So don't procrastinate.

Now take your time, gently touch your mouth to any lip of your beloved. It will be a short prelude and emotional preparation for a passionate finale. This gentle contact can last for about four seconds, after which you lean back slightly, leaving a space between your lips and her several centimeters. Now there will definitely be an opportunity to read the reaction and readiness to continue on the face of the companion.

Of course, open your eyes, if you closed them before and meet her eyes, they will tell you whether to move on or better to stop. We define it very simply. If she is ready to continue the kiss, then a smile may light up her face, or a look will appear passing through you. And we advise you to stop if your lady does not look happy, or her face is twisted.

If the previous step is over and the chosen one is ready to continue, then proceed to the kiss again. It's nice if the lips are moist, slightly open your mouth and kiss your lip, then the top, then the bottom, but leave the opportunity for her to kiss you. Watch the reaction, which will indicate the moment when you need to stop.

Involving other organs

If you like kissing and can't stop, use other senses. Slightly deviate, look at her, lower your gaze from her eyes to her lips, touch her hair, neck and face with your hands, and with your lips to her hand, which may be on your face when kissing.

Kisses can be romantic not only on the lips, touching the mouth on the cheek, neck, eyebrows, forehead, ears and other places is also not punished, but gives more pleasure. In fact, it’s often easier, before the first kiss, to touch your lips to your neck, ear, cheek, and then only go to your partner’s mouth. After a long dizzying romantic act, you can complete the process on the chin, neck, and so on.

Let's use the language

Not the whole basis of skill is to kiss passionately correctly. Many consider truly passionate kisses if the tongue is involved in the process. To eliminate the possibility that the tongue connected to kissing will be perceived badly, start using it when caressing other parts of the body.

Gently touch your lips to her forearm, neck or shoulder, press them to the skin and let the tongue lightly touch her body. Do not lick and make sudden movements with your tongue. It just has to bring a little more warmth, moisture to the kiss. Feel the reaction of the companion, which will help you understand that she is by no means against the presence of your tongue when kissing.

If you are going to use your tongue when kissing, open your lips a little, and lightly touching her lips with your tongue, press. Such contact should not be “wet”, since many complain of just such an effect. You can prevent increased salivation by slightly covering your mouth, which will help reduce the amount of moisture transferred.

In kissing, in reality, there is nothing absolute, but by the end of the discussion we want to advise what is not desirable to do with such contact. Of course, maybe millions of kissers do not experience any negative emotions, sensations, but for beginners it is still worth avoiding something, at least at the first attempts. First, don't suck on the girl's lips, don't sniff loudly, don't drool, and avoid sudden, harsh tongue tricks.
