Happy birthday belatedly in prose. Happy birthday wishes

Happy birthday! Sorry for being late -
Better late than never remember.
And I'll start, perhaps, with wishes -
I wish happiness for you!

And good to you, patience,
To make all things work.
To sadness, bad mood
Never met in life.

And I also wish you good health
Joy and live without trouble at all,
So that grief does not happen in life,
May you live another hundred years!

Although belatedly
Accept wishes:
Achieve success,
Rise higher and higher
Reach your dreams
With fortune to be "on you."
Happy belated birthday!
Smiles, mood!

I apologize for being late with congratulations, but, atoning for my guilt, I sincerely congratulate you! I wish that the best and most cherished dreams come true and bring a lot of joy, that there are always beloved and loving relatives and close people who are ready to lend a reliable shoulder every minute! May the world around you always be blooming, clean, kind and attentive! Success and prosperity, love and adoration, good luck in business and plans!

Happy belated birthday!
I wish from the bottom of my heart
So that the best moments
Didn't pass quickly.

So that life is like a fairy tale
In it, you are the queen.
Let there be kindness in life
Confessions and flowers.

Let the whirlwind of love swirl
You will become happy.
And let it come true
Cherished dreams!

Happy birthday, congratulations
Sorry for the delay
The wind of everyday life confused the cards,
Messed up my days.

I wish you in life
Lateness not to know
And always, in everything and everywhere
Definitely succeed.

I wish good luck
Succeeded for you
To decide on time
All things by themselves.

I wish you happiness
Late, sorry
They're late, they don't make it
Let only sorrows come to you.

May my congratulations
A little late on the way
But still they are full of warmth
And bright, good wishes.

May your life be full
Love, success, inspiration.
May happiness bring to your house
Cheerful holiday - birthday!

I forgot, I apologize
Happy birthday to you!
May all dreams come true
And whatever you think.

May every day bring happiness
They will not visit your house of bad weather.
Let belated congratulations
But I only want the best!

Please forgive me for being late
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
May cherished wishes come true
Let life give wonderful moments!

I want to be the happiest person in the world
Always move forward with a smile!
May good luck shine on you
Which will lead you to your goals!

The demon beguiled, not otherwise,
Forgive me, please.
From annoyance, almost crying,
I apologize.

happy birthday passed
I congratulate you.
With happiness in the heart crazy
Live your life, loving.

Tread the path to success
To your life's work,
All obstacles and obstacles
Allow your mind.

Strength, health, optimism
And luck in everything
So that without a drop of formalism
Your life was - with fire.

Forgive my forgetfulness
And congratulations.
I want right now
Congratulations with all my heart.

Let the years not overshadow you,
Let the houses wait for you and meet you.
And wherever you appear,
For everyone to admire you.

Let your world be in bright colors,
Dreams come true, like in fairy tales.
Health, joy, luck.
I congratulate you on your birthday!

Who's late here?
Not at all, I watched and knew.
Maybe I'm in San Francisco
Celebrated your birthday.

I wish you well, dough,
Peace, all goodness,
Every day to be stable
It was better than yesterday.

Happiness, private jet,
From the fate of all bounties,
Happy birthday
Be ready all year round.

Let belated congratulations
Let the birthday die down
I wish you inspiration
And only favorite things!
May every day be wonderful
Your dreams will come true
Let all doubts disappear
So that the heart sings from love.


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It's better to remember too late
Why not congratulate at all
Apologize with heart
Thank you, wish you success.
For good health
The house is always full of friends,
And desire is sure
Fulfilled quickly.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Happy past birthday...

Here's a Happy Birthday
I congratulate you
And I always wish you
Only sunny day!
Happiness, joy, health
And wealth, of course,
May everything you dream of
Executed instantly!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Though with the past, happy birthday
Congratulations and please
Forgive me my forgetfulness
In defense I will say:
Let the holiday last longer
Than one day in a year!
Let the outfits - only from Dolce -
They keep you in sight
Let the car be a Lexus
From Armani - wallet.
And around friends without flattery,
And love is always a stream!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Happy belated birthday!
So late, sorry.
After all, life's friction
I got in the way!
Your holiday is wonderful
Hope it was fun.
Confused today
I wish you strength
To make all dreams come true
Yours, and at the right time!
So that each time in advance
God gave surprises!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Although the birthday was celebrated,
We keep having fun
Congratulations on passing!
Let the capital envy!
Let the days fill to the limit
Some nice moments
And what you wish for yourself
Everything will be the best without a doubt!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Accept with the past wishes -
Although a little late -
Let your holiday last a week!
Rejecting all the fate of the blizzard,
Meet friends, relatives
And smile serenely!
So that no friction in life
Don't lose your temper!

Happy birthday wishes

Purchased and owned by the site.

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May your birthday pass
The phone does not stop,
Delivers congratulations
He is from me today.
I wish you bold dreams
To bring them to life,
And reliable, faithful friends,
And reach your goals quickly!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy Birthday! Belatedly, but from the bottom of my heart, I wish you well-being, full love and great happiness. Let the life path be easy, bright, rich and pleasant. Joy, hope, success and confidence in every undertaking. All the best, desired and necessary!

I apologize for being late with congratulations, but, atoning for my guilt, I sincerely congratulate you! I wish that the best and most cherished dreams come true and bring a lot of joy, that there are always beloved and loving relatives and close people who are ready to lend a reliable shoulder every minute! May the world around you always be blooming, clean, kind and attentive! Success and prosperity, love and adoration, good luck in business and plans!

It so happens that the bustle of life draws us in, and we get lost in dates and numbers. But I hope it's never too late for congratulations. Therefore, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that good things happen to you more often, regardless of the date or time of the year. May your life bring only joy. Happy holiday! And a thousand apologies for the slight delay.

Accept congratulations, albeit belated, but sincere and with all my heart. May the sun always shine brightly in your life, may luck smile, may it be calm and comfortable at home! All the best and positive to you. Happy birthday!

I apologize for being late with congratulations, but the cordiality has not decreased, and kind words straight from the heart are even warmer and kinder! I wish that each new birthday brings with it great satisfaction from the past year, so that success grows, prosperity increases, and the heart and soul sing with happiness and health! May every day be filled with good events, pleasant meetings, good news! Let there be happy relatives nearby, friends come to visit, colleagues respect and love the closest people!

Happy Birthday! Let it be late, but from the heart! I wish you happiness, light, joy, great achievements and success, love, reciprocity and understanding. Let life give only good feelings and impressions. Happiness, prosperity and prosperity!

With a little delay, I want to congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you a great mood, the fulfillment of your most cherished desires, true friends, mutual and strong feelings and, of course, excellent health and longevity!

Sorry for being late, but still, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you excellent health, unquenchable strength, inexhaustible ideas, creative inspiration, joyful events, good luck, true love and great happiness.

Sorry for the delay, but still, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish every day to be rich and happy, so that every morning begins with inspiration and good luck, I wish every evening turns into great joy and a wonderful rest.

Congratulations on your past birthday! And belatedly I wish - love, peace, prosperity, financial and material prosperity. true friendship, devotion, fidelity, luck and positive attitude. Be at peace with yourself, take care of your loved ones and always smile a lot!

As the proverb says:
"Better late than never."
The one who later congratulates
Yes, sorry for the jamb.

congratulations on being late
After many kind words,
Like a miracle spell
Bring love with you.

I wish you health
And financial success
Everything will be fulfilled with interest
Biggest and toughest.

Shine in the eyes, in business - luck,
Home of peace and kindness.
Happy Birthday.
Late "Hurray"!

Twisted, twisted
I forgot - that's all.
I'm late to congratulate
Happy Birthday to You!

Don't pout and don't frown
Accept congratulations.
Let me congratulate you later
Just know that from the heart.

I wish you light
Peace, joy, warmth,
So that this whole planet
Was just for you.

And I also wish you love
To once and for all.
Congratulations, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!

Happy Birthday! Belatedly, but from the bottom of my heart, I wish you well-being, full love and great happiness. Let the life path be easy, bright, rich and pleasant. Joy, hope, success and confidence in every undertaking. All the best, desired and necessary!

happy birthday passed
I congratulate you
And I'm sorry for being late
Strictly do not judge me.

They say it's better late
Than nothing and never.
I wish you happiness -
Every day and forever.

I wish true love
So that there is prosperity in the house.
And so that career success
The way up has been opened for you.

Let everything in life succeed
Let fate not let you down
Let luck smile
Joy will blossom in the heart.

Happy birthday!
Maybe not on time - but still:
I wish you a sea of ​​joy
And impossible success.

Happiness, joy, health,
Long years and bright days
Warmth, kindness with love -
Let life be more fun!

Accept an apology
With belated congratulations,
Better late than nothing
Forgive me if it's not!

Happy birthday from the heart
Only with a sincere soul
Let the sun warm on the way
Peace reigns in the soul.

May there be a lot of health
May fate not be strict
May they be crowned with success
All the things you want!

Congratulations, sorry it's late
And I'm sorry
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
An ocean of luck.

Lots of money and health
Good luck and love.
To, of course, be fulfilled
All desires are yours!

forget your birthday
Can't, can't, can't.
And I have no forgiveness
I burn with shame.

But still I wish
Though I'm late
To make life different
Better than it was.

So that joy burns in her,
The light of kindness
So that old age does not rush,
And beauty blossomed.

For the wind to carry hope
The rain of misfortune washed away everything,
And a ray of sunshine between
Those clouds gave warmth.

To help friendship
Love beckoned up
To inspire happiness
So that all dreams come true.

I beg your pardon
I got a little confused
But I bring happy birthday
Belated congratulations.

You will understand, I believe in it,
And I hasten to wish
You are full of happiness
To fly with joy.

To strive for the best
To beat life with a key.
Do not get sick, do not fuss -
Enjoy every day.

Though late, but still congratulations
Happy birthday to me. I want to wish
So that life is such a fun
To allow all dreams to come true.

Filled with health, good luck.
All days - fun, peace and kindness.
Let life be like this, and not otherwise,
And let anyone be lucky in business.

Let the guardian angel protect
And there will be an ocean of pleasure.
Let friends raise the mood
And the money jumps into your pocket!

Sorry for being late
But congratulations anyway.
As you know, better late
Congratulate than ever.

I only want light
Warmth, earthly love,
So that sadness and bad weather
They didn't chase you.
