Stories where there is friendship. Golyavkin

Valentina Oseeva "Dreamer"

Yura and Tolya walked not far from the river bank.

“I wonder,” said Tolya, “how these feats are accomplished? I always dream of a feat!

“But I don’t even think about it,” Yura answered and suddenly stopped ...

Desperate cries for help came from the river. Both boys rushed to the call ... Yura kicked off his shoes on the move, threw the books aside and, reaching the shore, threw himself into the water.

And Tolya ran along the shore and shouted:

— Who called? Who screamed? Who is drowning?

Meanwhile, Yura dragged with difficulty To the shore crying baby.

— Ah, here he is! That's who screamed! Tolya rejoiced. - Alive? Well, good! But if we had not arrived in time, who knows what would have happened!

Victor Dragunsky "Childhood Friend"

When I was six or six and a half years old, I had absolutely no idea who I would eventually be in this world. I really liked all the people around and all the work too. At that time I had a terrible confusion in my head, I was kind of bewildered and could not really decide what to start with.

Either I wanted to be an astronomer, so as not to sleep at night and observe distant stars through a telescope, or I dreamed of becoming a sea captain in order to stand with my legs apart on the captain's bridge and visit distant Singapore and buy a funny monkey there. Otherwise, I was dying to turn into a subway driver or station manager and walk around in a red cap and shout in a thick voice:

- Go-o-tov!

Or I had an appetite to learn to be the kind of artist who draws white stripes on the asphalt for speeding cars. And then it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler like Alain Bombard and cross all the oceans in a fragile shuttle, eating nothing but raw fish. True, this Bombar lost twenty-five kilograms after his trip, and I only weighed twenty-six, so it turned out that if I also swam like him, then I would have absolutely nowhere to lose weight, I would only weigh one kilo. What if I don’t catch one or two fish somewhere and lose a little more weight? Then I'll probably just melt in the air like smoke, that's all.

When I calculated all this, I decided to abandon this idea, and the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw the European boxing championship on TV. How they thrashed each other - just some kind of horror! And then they showed their training, and here they were already beating a heavy leather "pear" - such an oblong heavy ball, you have to hit it with all your might, hit it with all your might, in order to develop the force of impact in yourself. And I looked at it all so much that I also decided to become the most strong man in the yard to beat everyone, in which case.

I told dad

- Dad, buy me a pear!

- It's January, there are no pears. Eat some carrots.

I laughed.

- No, dad, not like that! Not an edible pear! You, please, buy me an ordinary leather punching bag!

- And why do you need it? Dad said.

“Practice,” I said. - Because I will be a boxer and I will beat everyone. Buy it, huh?

- How much is such a pear? Dad asked.

“Some trifles,” I said. - Rubles ten or fifty.

"You're crazy, brother," said dad. - Get over somehow without a pear. Nothing will happen to you.

And he got dressed and went to work.

And I was offended at him for the fact that he refused me so with a laugh. And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and immediately said:

Wait, I think I've come up with something. Come on, come on, wait a minute.

And she bent down and pulled out from under the sofa a large wicker basket; it was stacked with old toys that I no longer played with. Because I was already growing up and in the fall I had to buy school uniform and a cap with a brilliant visor.

Mom began to dig into this basket, and while she was digging, I saw my old tram without wheels and on a string, a plastic pipe, a dented top, one arrow with a rubber blotch, a fragment of a sail from a boat, and a few rattles, and much more various toy junk.

And suddenly mom took out a healthy teddy bear from the bottom of the basket.

She threw it on my sofa and said:

- Here. This is the one that Aunt Mila gave you. You were then two years old. Good Mishka, excellent. Look how tight! What a fat belly! Look how it rolled out! Why not a pear? Better! And you don't have to buy! Let's train as much as you like! Get started!

And then she was called to the phone, and she went out into the corridor.

And I was very happy that my mother came up with such a great idea. And I made Mishka more comfortable on the couch, so that it would be more convenient for me to train on him and develop the power of impact.

He was sitting in front of me so chocolate, but very mangy, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other big white - from a button from a pillowcase; I didn't even remember when he showed up. But it didn't matter, because Mishka was looking at me quite cheerfully with his different eyes, and he spread his legs and stuck out his stomach towards me, and raised both hands up, as if joking that he was already giving up in advance ...

And I looked at him like that and suddenly remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this Mishka for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and nursed him, and seated him at the table next to me to dine, and fed him from a spoon semolina, and he had such a funny muzzle when I smeared him with something, even with the same porridge or jam, he had such a funny sweet muzzle then, just like a living one, and I put him to bed with me, and rocked him like a little brother and whispered to him different fairy tales right into his velvet, hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, then I would have given my life for him. And now he is sitting on the couch, my former best friend, a true friend childhood. Here he is sitting, laughing with different eyes, and I want to train the force of impact about him ...

- What are you, - said my mother, she had already returned from the corridor. - What happened to you?

And I didn’t know what was happening to me, I was silent for a long time and turned away from my mother so that she wouldn’t guess by her voice or lips what was happening to me, and I lifted my head to the point so that the tears rolled back, and then, when I held myself together a little, I said:

- What are you talking about, mom? With me nothing ... I just changed my mind. It's just that I'll never be a boxer.

Victor Dragunsky "Girl on the ball"

Once we went to the circus as a whole class. I was very happy when I went there, because I was almost eight years old, and I was in the circus only once, and that was a very long time ago. The main thing is that Alyonka is only six years old, but she has already managed to visit the circus three times. It's very embarrassing. And now the whole class of us went to the circus, and I thought how good it was that it was already big and that now, this time, I would see everything as it should. And at that time I was little, I did not understand what a circus was. At that time, when acrobats entered the arena and one climbed on the head of another, I laughed terribly, because I thought that they were doing it on purpose, for laughs, because at home I had never seen adult guys climbing on top of each other. It didn't happen on the street either. This is where I laughed out loud. I did not understand that it was the artists who showed their dexterity. And at that time, I looked more and more at the orchestra, how they play - some on the drum, some on the trumpet - and the conductor waves his baton, and no one looks at him, but everyone plays as they want. I really liked it, but while I was looking at these musicians, artists were performing in the middle of the arena. And I did not see them and missed the most interesting. Of course, I was still quite stupid at that time.

And so we came with the whole class to the circus. I immediately liked that it smelled like something special, and that bright pictures were hanging on the walls, and it was light all around, and in the middle there was a beautiful carpet, and the ceiling was high, and different shiny swings were tied there.

And at that moment the music began to play, and everyone rushed to sit down, and then they bought a popsicle and began to eat. And suddenly a whole detachment of some people came out from behind the red curtain, dressed very beautifully - in red suits with yellow stripes. They stood on the sides of the curtain, and their boss in a black suit walked between them. He shouted something loudly and a little incomprehensibly, and the music began to play quickly, quickly and loudly, and an artist-juggler jumped into the arena, and the fun began. He threw balls, ten or a hundred pieces up, and caught them back. And then he grabbed a striped ball and began to play with it ... He kicked him with his head, and with the back of his head, and with his forehead, and rolled him on the back, and kicked him with his heel, and the ball rolled all over his body as if magnetized. It was very beautiful. And suddenly the juggler threw this ball to our audience, and then a real turmoil began, because I caught this ball and threw it at Valerka, and Valerka at Mishka, and Mishka suddenly aimed at and for no reason lit up right at the conductor, but he didn’t hit him, but hit the drum! Bamm! The drummer got angry and threw the ball back to the juggler, but the ball did not fly, he just hit one beautiful aunt in her hair, and she got not a hair, but a hood. And we all laughed so hard that we almost died.

And when the juggler ran behind the curtain, we could not calm down for a long time. But then a huge blue ball was rolled into the arena, and the uncle who was announcing came to the middle and shouted something in an unintelligible voice. It was impossible to understand anything, and the orchestra again began to play something very cheerful, only not as fast as before.

And suddenly a little girl ran out into the arena. I have never seen such small and beautiful ones. She had blue - blue eyes, and around them were long eyelashes. She was wearing a silver dress with an airy cloak, and she had Long hands; she waved them like a bird, and jumped on this huge blue ball, which was rolled out for her. She stood on the ball. And then she suddenly ran, as if she wanted to jump off it, but the ball spun under her feet, and she was on it like this, as if she were running, but in fact she was riding around the arena. I have never seen such girls. They were all ordinary, but this one was something special. She ran around the ball with her little legs, as if on a flat floor, and the blue ball carried her on herself: she could ride it straight ahead, and back, and to the left, and wherever she wanted! She laughed merrily when she ran as if she were swimming, and I thought that she must be Thumbelina, she was so small, sweet and unusual. At this time, she stopped, and someone gave her various bell-shaped bracelets, and she put them on her shoes and on her hands and again began to slowly circle on the ball, as if dancing. And the orchestra began to play quiet music, and one could hear the golden bells ringing thinly on the girl's long hands. And it was all like a fairy tale. And then they put out the light, and it turned out that the girl, in addition, knew how to glow in that note, and she slowly swam in a circle, and shone, and rang, and it was amazing - I had never seen anything like it in my whole life.

And when the lights were turned on, everyone clapped and yelled “bravo”, and I also shouted “bravo”. And the girl jumped off her balloon and ran forward, closer to us, and suddenly, on the run, turned over her head, like lightning, and again, and again, and forward and forward. And it seemed to me that she was about to break against the barrier, and I was suddenly very frightened, and jumped to my feet, and wanted to run to her in order to catch her and save her, but the girl suddenly stopped in her tracks, spread out her long arms, the orchestra fell silent, and she stood and smiled.

And everyone clapped with all their might and even tapped their feet. And at that moment this girl looked at me, and I saw that she saw that I see her and that I also see that she sees me, and she waved her hand at me and smiled. She waved at me and smiled. And I again wanted to run up to her, and I stretched out my hands to her. And she suddenly blew a kiss to everyone and ran behind the red curtain, where all the artists ran. And a clown came into the arena with his rooster and began to sneeze and fall, but I was not up to him.

I kept thinking about the girl on the ball, how amazing she is and how she waved her hand at me and smiled, and I didn’t want to look at anything else. On the contrary, I tightly closed my eyes so as not to see this stupid clown with his red nose, because he spoiled my girl for me: she still seemed to me on her blue ball.

And then an intermission was announced, and everyone ran to the buffet to drink lemonade, and I quietly went downstairs and went to the curtain, from where the artists were coming out.

I wanted to look at this girl again, and I stood at the curtain and looked - what if she comes out? But she didn't go.

And after the intermission, the lions performed, and I did not like that the tamer was dragging them by the tails all the time, as if they were not lions, but dead cats. He made them move from place to place or laid them on the floor in a row and walked over the lions with his feet, as if on a carpet, and they looked like they were not allowed to lie still. It was not interesting, because the lion must hunt and chase the buffalo in the endless pampas and announce the surroundings with a menacing growl that terrifies the native population. And so it turns out not a lion, but I just don’t know what.

And when it was over and we went home, I kept thinking about the girl on the ball.

In the evening, dad asked:

- Well, how? Did you enjoy the circus?

I said:

- Dad! There is a girl in the circus. She dances on a blue ball. So cute, the best! She smiled at me and waved her hand! I'm the only one, honestly! Do you understand, dad? Let's go to the circus next Sunday! I'll show it to you!

Papa said:

- We'll definitely go. I love the circus!

And my mother looked at both of us as if she saw for the first time.

And a long week began, and I ate, studied, got up and went to bed, played and even fought, and still every day I thought about when Sunday would come, and dad and I would go to the circus, and I would see the girl on the ball again, and I'll show her to dad, and maybe dad will invite her to visit us, and I'll give her a Browning pistol and draw a ship in full sail.

But on Sunday, dad could not go.

Comrades came to him, they delved into some drawings, and shouted, and smoked, and drank tea, and sat up late, and after them my mother had a headache, and my father said to me:

- Next Sunday ... I take an oath of Loyalty and Honor.

And I was so looking forward to next Sunday that I don’t even remember how I lived another week. And dad kept his word: he went with me to the circus and bought tickets to the second row, and I was glad that we were sitting so close, and the performance began, and I began to wait for the girl to appear on the ball. But the person who announces, all the time announced various other artists, and they went out and performed in every way, but the girl still did not appear. And I was trembling with impatience, I really wanted dad to see how extraordinary she is in her silver suit with an airy cloak and how deftly she runs around the blue ball. And every time the announcer came out, I whispered to dad:

Now he will announce it!

But, as luck would have it, he announced someone else, and I even began to hate him, and I kept saying to dad:

- Yes, well, him! This is nonsense on vegetable oil! This is not it!

And dad said without looking at me:

- Don't interfere, please. It is very interesting! That's it!

I thought that dad, apparently, is not well versed in the circus, since he is interested in it. Let's see what he sings when he sees the girl on the balloon. Probably, he will jump on his chair two meters in height ...

But then the announcer came out and shouted in his muffled voice:

- Ant-rra-kt!

I just couldn't believe my ears! An tract? And why? After all, in the second compartment there will be only lions! And where is my girl on the ball? Where is she? Why isn't she performing? Maybe she got sick? Maybe she fell and got a concussion?

I said:

- Dad, let's go quickly, find out where the girl is on the ball!

Papa replied:

- Yes Yes! And where is your equilibrist ka? Something not to be seen! Let's go buy some software!

He was cheerful and contented. He looked around, laughed and said:

— Oh, I love... I love the circus! This very smell ... makes me dizzy ...

And we went into the corridor. A lot of people crowded there, and sweets and waffles were sold, and photographs of various tiger faces hung on the walls, and we wandered a little and finally found a controller with programs. Dad bought one from her and began to look through it. But I could not stand it and asked the controller:

- Tell me, please, when will the girl perform on the ball?

— What girl?

Papa said:

- The program includes a tightrope walker on the ball of T. Vorontsov. Where is she?

I stood silent.

Controller said:

“Ah, are you talking about Tanechka Vorontsova? She left. She left. What are you up to late?

I stood silent.

Papa said:

“We have been restless for two weeks now. We want to see the tightrope walker T. Vorontsova, but she is not there.

Controller said:

- Yes, she left ... Together with her parents ... Her parents are "Bronze People - Two-Yavors." Maybe you have heard? It's a pity. They just left yesterday.

I said:

"Look, dad...

I didn't know she was leaving. What a pity ... Oh, my God! .. Well ... There's nothing to be done ...

I asked the controller:

“Is that right, then?”

She said:

I said:

— And where, unknown?

She said:

— To Vladivostok.

Wow where. Far. Vladivostok. I know it is placed at the very end of the map, from Moscow to the right.

I said:

- What a distance.

The controller suddenly hurried:

- Well, go, go to your places, the lights are already out!

Dad picked up:

- Let's go, Deniska! Now there are lions! Shaggy, growling - horror! Let's go look!

I said:

- Let's go home, dad.

He said:

- Just like that...

The controller laughed. But we went to the wardrobe, and I handed the number, and we got dressed and left the circus. We walked along the boulevard and walked like that for a long time, then I said:

— Vladivostok is at the very end of the map. There, if by train, whole month you will pass...

Papa was silent. He obviously had no time for me. We walked a little more, and I suddenly remembered the planes and said:

- And on the "Tu-104" in three hours - and there!

But dad still didn't answer. He held my hand tightly. When we went out onto Gorky Street, he said:

- Let's go to an ice cream parlor. Shame on two servings, huh?

I said:

“I don’t want anything, dad.

You have to know how to make friends. It seems that it is very simple, but not everyone succeeds in becoming a true friend. To understand what friendship is, a child begins at the age of 4-5. And this is the time to start reading books about friendship (for children) with him. In this section you will find books loved by more than one generation of young readers. Exciting adventures and incredible stories that happened to the heroes of books about friendship (for children) will tell the child what mutual assistance is, explain that sometimes you have to sacrifice something important (time, money, effort) for the sake of a friend and that you can’t demand anything from him - something in response.

Holidays in Prostokvashino - Eduard Uspensky
Most best holiday for Uncle Fyodor - a trip to Prostokvashino. He begins to gather in May. Mom, however, was not enthusiastic about this idea, but dad unexpectedly supported his son. Uncle Fyodor plans solemnly and defiantly to do nothing, but everything did not go as planned.

Old man Hottabych - L. Lagin
Volka emerges from the water with an old jug in his hands. Treasure? But everything turns out to be even more interesting. A genie has been languishing there for many centuries, who, for his release, is ready to serve the young pioneer, to protect him from trouble. But, trying to help the Boy, Hottabych goes too far

The Wizard of the Emerald City - Volkov Alexander Melentievich
An ordinary girl, finding herself in this fabulous country, becomes the liberator of a small people, the Fairy of the Killing House. But in order to return home, she will have to go through incredible adventures and find loyal friends on the way to the Emerald Country to the Great Goodwin.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
This insufferable prankster will always find adventure on his head. He never sits still, and no punishments affect him. Together with his friends, he will go through many funny and dangerous adventures and fall in love with the most beautiful girl in their town.

How to Train Your Dragon - Cressida Cowell
The future leader of the Shaggy Hooligans is very different from his peers. Small, frail, unlucky, Hiccup is not respected by his tribe. But soon he will have to go through a difficult path and become a Hero. Only first he needs to pass the Test: to catch and tame the dragon

Peers - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
The story of the American writer Marjorie Rawlins, tells about the son of a farmer who lives among the forests, far from the big city. The boy, who loved nature and animals, saved the newly born deer, and he became his true friend, devoted and faithful.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J.K. Rowling
As an infant, he survived an attack by a powerful mage. Not only survived, but also made him disappear. To protect the boy, Dumbledore sends him to relatives who hate everything related to magic. And only after receiving an invitation to Hogwarts, Harry finds out who he really is.

Timur and his team - Arkady Gaidar
The boys under the leadership of Timur decided to take under their wing the families of the Red Army. They chop wood, carry water, keep order. This is a secret that no adult knows about. Their headquarters is located in the courtyard of the house of the girl Zhenya, who finds it quite by accident.

The side where the wind - Vladislav Krapivin
The boys of the Beregovoy village were fascinated by the launch kites. Genka Zvyagin - a hooligan and a loser - disappears in the field for days on end. But one day he had a competitor, and Genka, having decided to deal with him "in his own way", gets acquainted with the blind boy Vlad.

The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
A very unusual story by Exupery, which makes you take a different look at the world that surrounds us, showing the value of life itself. There are no chance meetings and empty conversations - there is a great, often hidden meaning in everything, which one must learn to see.

The kid and Carlson who lives on the roof - Astrid Lindgren
It's great that Carlson chose Malysh's window sill for landing. How many incredible, funny and even dangerous adventures they experienced together: flights, walks on rooftops, playing ghost ... It's a pity that no one believes in his existence.

Dinka — Valentina Oseeva
Dinka is a stubborn, sincere, freedom-loving girl. She cannot sit still for a long time, and always chooses her friends herself. With his best friend, an orphan Lenka, she will experience many funny adventures and learn a lot about the life of the poor. Deniskin's stories - Victor Dragunsky
A collection of wonderful, funny stories about the life of Deniska Korablev and his friends pleases more than one generation of children. Their adventures and pranks arouse genuine interest, give good mood, and experiences and failures make you empathize and sympathize.

Rain - Ludmila Dunaeva
A fairy tale story about a dog that guards the house and a cat that keeps it warm and cozy. They are faithfully waiting for the return of the Master, who is not there yet, but he will definitely return. Expectation and faith bring them closer, and they become friends.

Tonya Glimmerdahl - Maria Parr
Red-haired Tonya is a real thunderstorm of Glimmerdal! Everyone knows her, not because there are no more children in the district, but because she simply cannot be overlooked. The girl has no time to be bored and sour - there are so many interesting things around. In addition, she has a friend - an extraordinary old man who plays the violin beautifully.

Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
This courageous man, shipwrecked, ended up on a desert island. He was not only able to survive, to equip his life, but to save the native from a tribe of cannibals who sailed to his island. He spent 28 years away from civilization and was finally able to return.

White poodle — Alexander Kuprin
The organ grinder Martyn, the boy Sergei and their poodle give street performances, earning a living. At one dacha, a spoiled boy, the son of the owners, impressed by Artaud's tricks, demands that his mother buy a dog, not realizing that not everything that is bought is sold.

A lone sail turns white - V.P. Kataev
The story tells about the friendship and adventures of Gavrik, the son of a poor fisherman, and Petya, a boy from a wealthy family. Their childhood coincided with a difficult time - the revolution of 1905. The children and their parents will selflessly help the runaway sailor who is wanted by the police.

The Golden Compass - Philip Pullman
Having gone to look for a friend who has disappeared, Lyra finds herself in the North. Armored polar bears rule there, and real witches fly in the sky. This country has become an experimental site for experiments conducted by the great evil. The girl will have to find the source of this evil

Thanks Winn-Dixie – Kate DiCamillo
The life of a lonely little girl changes after meeting a stray dog ​​who knows how to smile. India meets people who also lack warmth, lonely and unhappy. kind girl with his extraordinary dog ​​helps them make friends.

Is it true we will always be? — Sergey Kozlov
Incredibly lyrical book of stories about the Hedgehog, Bear cub and their friends. Their celebration of the New Year, travel in the fog, cleaning the night sky and trying to catch the cloud will remain in the soul of every child for a long time.

Return of the Prodigal Parrot - A. Kurlyandsky
Deadly offended by Vovka, Kesha decides to leave the house, where he was not appreciated. True, he soon regretted it, but he could not find his way back. On the street, Innokenty meets the man who took him in. That's when Kesha realized what a wonderful host Vovka was.

The Adventures of Mishka Mochalkin - Yuri Tretyakov
Dubovo is a holiday village divided by two warring factions of boys. Mishka and Khvostikov were rejected by both. Teaming up and starting to spy on a suspicious dacha, they met Volodya, a disabled boy, and somehow quietly managed to reconcile the village guys

Fat boy Gleb - Yuri Tretyakov
Arriving in Gusinovka for the holidays, Gleb met Mishanya. Talking about himself and his city, the boy lied a little, but made an indelible impression on him. It was a wonderful summer: night outings, mushroom picking, sparrow hunting - there will be something to remember!

The Adventures of Obedient Vlad - Vladimir Dobryakov
Golden child. Mom's pride - Vlad, in order to please new friends, tried wine and cigarettes, began to take things without a dispute. And only the departure to his aunt and acquaintance with Yegorka helped the boy become independent and learn to defend his opinion.

Valentina Oseeva "Blue Leaves"

Katya had two green pencils. But Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil.

And Katya says:

- I'll ask my mom.

Both girls come to school the next day.

Lena asks:

Did your mom let you?

And Katya sighed and said:

- Mom allowed me, but I didn’t ask my brother.

“Well, ask your brother again,” Lena says.

Katya comes the next day.

Well, did your brother let you? Lena asks.

- My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you will break the pencil.

“I’m being careful,” Lena says.

“Look,” Katya says, “don’t fix it, don’t press hard, don’t take it in your mouth.” Don't draw too much.

- I, - says Lena, - only need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass.

“That’s a lot,” says Katya, and she furrows her eyebrows. And she made a disgusted face.

Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil.

Katya was surprised, ran after her:

- Well, what are you? Take it!

“No need,” Lena replies.

In class, the teacher asks:

- Why do you have blue leaves on the trees, Lenochka?

- There is no green pencil.

“Why didn’t you take it from your girlfriend?”

Lena is silent.

And Katya blushed like a cancer and said:

I gave it to her, but she won't take it.

The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.

Valentina Oseeva "Visit"

Valya did not come to class. Her friends sent Musya to her.

- Go and find out what's wrong with Valya: maybe she's sick, maybe she needs something?

Musya found her friend in bed. Valya was lying with her cheek tied.

- Oh, Valechka! Musya said, sitting down on a chair. “You must have flux!” Oh, what a flux I had in the summer! A whole bunch! And you know, my grandmother had just left, and my mother was at work...

“My mother is also at work,” said Valya, holding her cheek. - And I would need a rinse ...

- Oh, Valechka! They gave me a rinse too! And I got better! As I rinse, it's better! And a hot-hot heating pad helped me too ...

Valya perked up and nodded her head.

- Yes, yes, a heating pad ... Musya, we have a kettle in the kitchen ...

- Isn't he making noise? No, that's right, rain! Musya jumped up and ran to the window. “That’s right, rain!” It's good that I came in galoshes!

And then you can catch a cold!

She ran into the hallway, tapping her feet for a long time, putting on galoshes. Then, sticking her head in the door, she called out:

Get well soon, Valechka! I will come to you! I'll definitely come! Don't worry!

Valya sighed, touched the cold heating pad, and waited for her mother.

- Well? What did she say? What does she need? the girls asked Musya.

- Yes, she has the same flux as I had! Musya said happily. And she didn't say anything! And only a heating pad and a rinse help her!

Sergei Aksakov "Groundhog"

Once, sitting at the window, I heard some plaintive screeching in the garden. Mother also heard him, and when I began to ask them to send to see who was crying, that “it’s true, someone is hurting,” mother sent the girl, and in a few minutes she brought in her handfuls a tiny, still blind puppy, who, trembling and resting unsteadily on his crooked paws, poking his head in all directions, squealing plaintively, or bored, as my nanny put it.

I felt so sorry for him that I took this puppy and wrapped him in my dress.

The mother ordered warm milk to be brought on a saucer, and after many attempts, pushing the blind kitten into the milk with her stigma, taught him to lap.

Since then, the puppy has not parted with me for hours. Feeding him several times a day has become my favorite pastime.

They named him Surka.

He later became a little cur and lived with us for seventeen years, of course, no longer in the room, but in the yard, always retaining an unusual attachment to me and to my mother.

Victor Dragunsky "Exactly 25 kilos"

Hooray! Mishka and I were given an invitation ticket to the Metalist club for children's holiday. This Aunt Dusya did her best, she is the main cleaning lady in this club. She gave us one ticket, and it says on it: "For two persons." On my, then, face and on Mishkino. We were very happy with him, especially since it is not far from us, around the corner.

Mom said:

“Just don’t mess around there.

And she gave us money, fifteen kopecks each.

And we went with Mishka.

There was a terrible crowd and queue in the locker room. Mishka and I were the last to get up. The queue moved too slowly. But suddenly music started playing upstairs, and Mishka and I darted from side to side to take off our coats as soon as possible, and many of the guys, too, as soon as they heard this music, rushed about as if shot, and even began to roar that they were late for the most interesting.

But then, out of nowhere, Aunt Dusya jumped out.

She screamed:

- Deniska with Mishka! What are you doing there? Let's come here!

And we ran to her, and she has her own office under the stairs, there are brushes and buckets.

Aunt Dusya took our things and said:

“You get dressed here, you little devils!”

And Mishka and I rushed up the stairs, over the steps, up. Well, it really was beautiful! Don't say anything! All ceilings

were covered in colorful paper tapes and lanterns, beautiful lamps made of mirror fragments burned everywhere, music played, and dressed up artists walked in the crowd; one played the trumpet, the other the drum. One aunt was dressed like a horse, and there were also hares, and crooked mirrors, and Petrushka. And at the end of the hall there was another door, and on it was written: "Amusement Room."

I asked:

- What is it?

Mishka said:

- These are different things.

Indeed, there were different things. For example, there was an apple hanging on a thread, and you had to put your hands behind your back, and so, without hands, gnaw this apple. But it spins on a thread and is not given in any way. It is very difficult and even insulting. I grabbed this apple twice with my hands and bit it. But they didn’t let me gnaw it, but only laughed and took it away. There was also archery, and at the end of the arrow there is not a tip, but a rubber blotch, it sticks, and whoever gets into the cardboard, in the center, where the monkey is drawn, the prize is a cracker with a secret. The bear fired first, he darted around for a long time, and when he fired, he broke one distant lamp, but did not hit the monkey ...

I speak:

- Oh, shooter!

- I haven't shot yet! If they had given me five arrows, I would have shot. And then they gave one - where to get here!

I repeat:

- Come on, come on! Look, I'll get into the monkey right now!

And the uncle who was in charge of this bow gave me an arrow and said:

- Well, shoot, sniper!

And he himself went to correct the monkey, because she somehow squinted. And I already took aim and kept waiting for him to correct, and the bow was very tight, and I kept saying: “Now I will kill this monkey.” And suddenly the arrow fell off and bang! It stuck into the uncle's shoulder blade. And there, on the shoulder blade, she trembled.

Everyone around clapped and laughed, and the uncle turned around as if stung and shouted:

- What's so funny? I don't understand! Go away, mischievous, there is no more bow for you!

I said:

- I did not mean to! and left this place.

It's just amazing how unlucky we were, and I was very angry, and Mishka, of course, too.

And suddenly we see, there are scales. And there is a small, cheerful line towards them, which moves quickly, and everyone here is joking and laughing.

And a clown near the scales.

I'm asking:

- What are those scales?

And they tell me:

- Stand up, weigh yourself. If you have twenty-five kilos in weight, then your happiness. You will receive a bonus: an annual subscription to the Murzilka magazine.

I speak:

- Bear, let's try?

I look, but Mishka is not there. Where he went is unknown.

I decided to try one. What if I weigh exactly 25 kilos? Here's to luck!

And the line keeps moving, and the clown in the hat deftly clicks the levers like that and keeps joking and joking:

- You have half a kilo extra - eat less flour! - Snap-click! “And you, dear comrade, haven’t eaten enough porridge yet, and all you’ve got is nineteen kilisheks!” Come back in a year. - Snap-click!

I climbed on the scales - the levers click-click, and the clown says:

- Wow! Do you know the game of hot and cold?

I speak:

- Who doesn't know.

He says:

- You got pretty hot. Your weight is twenty-four kilos five hundred grams. Not enough exactly half a kilo. It's a pity. Be healthy!

Just think, only half a kilo is not enough!

My mood has completely deteriorated. What an unlucky day!

And then Mishka appears. I speak:

"Where is your grace gone?" Mishka says:

— Citro drank. I speak:

- Okay, nothing to say. I try here, I win Murzilka, and he drinks soda.

And I told him everything. Mishka says:

- Well, me!

And the clown clicked the lever and laughed:

- A little bust-sir! Twenty-five kilos five hundred grams. You still lose weight. Next!

Bear tears and says:

- Eh, I drank soda in vain ... I say:

- And what does the soda have to do with it? And Mishka:

I drank the whole bottle! Understand? I speak:

- So what?

The bear even got angry:

Don't you know that a bottle holds exactly half a liter of water?

I speak:

- I know. So what?

Here Mishka hissed directly:

- And half a liter of water is half a kilo. Five hundred grams! If I didn't drink, I would weigh exactly twenty-five kilos!

I speak:

Mishka says:

- That's it and that's it!

And then it kind of dawned on me.

“Mishka,” I said, “ah, Mishka! "Murzilka" is ours!

Mishka says:

— And how?

I speak:

- And so. It's my time to drink soda. I have just five hundred grams is not enough!

The bear even jumped:

- Everything is clear, we run to the buffet!

And we quickly bought a bottle of water, the saleswoman uncorked it, and Mishka asked:

- Aunt, but in a bottle there is always exactly half a liter, there is no underfilling?

The saleswoman blushed.

"You're still a little kid to tell me such nonsense!"

I took the bottle, sat down at the table and began to drink. The bear stood by and watched. The water was very cold. But I drank a full glass just in one gulp. Mishka immediately poured me a second one, but there

there was still quite a lot left at the bottom, and I didn’t want to drink any more.

Mishka said:

- Come on, don't delay.

And I said:

- It's very cold. How not to catch a sore throat.

Mishka says:

- Don't be hypocritical. Speak, chickened out, right?

I speak:

“You must have been pissed.”

And began to drink the second glass.

It was pretty hard for me to pour. As soon as I drank three-quarters of this second glass, I realized that I was already full. To the brim.

I speak:

- Stop, Mishka! Will not enter again!

He says:

- Come in, come in. It only seems so! Drink.

I tried. Doesn't climb.

Mishka says:

Why are you sitting down like a baron? You get up, so fit!

I wake up. Indeed, he finished his glass by some miracle. And Mishka immediately poured me everything that was left in the bottle. It turned out more than half a cup.

I speak:

- I'm going to burst.

Mishka says:

And how did I not burst? But I also thought that I would burst.

Come on, pull up.

I speak:

- Bear. If. I'll burst. You. You will. Reply.

He says:

- Fine. Drink, come on.

And I started drinking again. And he drank everything. Just some miracles!

Only I couldn't speak. Because the water overflowed already above the throat and gurgled in the mouth. And little by little poured out of the nose.

And I ran to the scales. The clown didn't recognize me. He made a “click-click” and suddenly shouted to the whole hall:

— Hurrah! Eat! Exactly!!! Tutelka in tyutelka! The annual subscription to Murzilka has been won! She went to a boy who weighs exactly twenty-five kilograms. Here's the receipt, now I'll fill it out. Let's clap!

He took my left hand and lifted it up, and everyone clapped, and the clown sang carcasses! Then he took the eternal pen and said:

- Well! What is your name? Name and surname? Answer!

But I was silent. I was full and couldn't speak.

At this Mishka shouted:

- His name is Denis. Surname Korablev! Write, I know him!

The clown handed me a completed receipt and said:

- Say at least "thank you"!

I shook my head, and Mishka shouted again:

He's the one saying "thank you". I know him!

And the clown says:

- Well, boy! He won "Murzilka", but he himself is silent, as if he had taken water in his mouth!

Mishka says:

— Don't pay attention, he's shy, I know him!

And he grabbed my hand and dragged me down.

And I'm on the street a little catch my breath.

I said:

“Mishka, somehow I don’t want to carry this subscription home, since I only have twenty-four and a half kilos.

Mishka says:

“Then give it to me. I have exactly twenty-five. If I didn't drink soda, I'd get it right away. Come here.

I speak:

What do you think I suffered needlessly? No, let it be our common - in half!

Then Mishka said.

Children from the very early age, communicating with peers, choose friends to their liking. For them it is very important. Friendship helps kids to self-identify in society, develops a sense of affection, responsibility and love for another person. Friends always have something to play, something to talk about, and most importantly, come to the aid of each other. Books about friendship are always interesting for children, as a teaching aid on how to truly be friends.

The very concept of "friendship" consciously comes to kids somewhere at the age of 4-5. It was during this period that one can offer them the first works about friendship. Than with big amount a child will get acquainted with such books, the more likely it is that in the future he will become a good friend to many people. Children's stories about friendship will introduce young reader with the fascinating world of heroes who sacrifice their interests and time for the sake of their friends, help them out of different situations, support them in every possible way and rejoice with them in victories and achievements.

Friendship stories for preschoolers

The first books about friends for children younger age featured in such popular tales:

  • The amazing story of Alexander Milne about the adventures of Winnie the Pooh and his friends, retold by Boris Zakhoder, opens up an incredible world of true friends.
  • The story of Astrid Lindgren "The Kid and Carlson" tells about little boy, who was ready to give everything to his chubby flying friend.
  • Also, the heroes of the fabulous city of Nikolai Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends" will introduce the lessons of friendship.
  • Another hero fascinating story Astrid Lindgred "The famous detective Kalle Blomkvist takes risks" coped with difficulties only thanks to the help of friends.
  • The book by Lyudmila Dunaeva "Rain" tells about the most faithful and devoted comrades Cat and Dog, who are waiting for their master.
  • The funny and touching stories of Sergey Kozlov “About a hedgehog and a bear cub” will not leave you indifferent.

Books about friendship make an invaluable contribution to the development of the child, the formation of him as a person and education in him. best qualities. In addition, they help to master the principles of communication with peers, to determine common interests and find interesting hobbies.

Friendship stories for schoolchildren

Older children also have something to read from the numerous literature about true friends. This:

  • the story of Arkady Gaidar "Timur and his team" tells about such a quality as nobility and ideological friends.
  • "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery reminds the reader that each person has a huge unique world inside him, and friendship is the best thing in the world.
  • The touching story of Mikhail Samara "Rainbow for a Friend" tells about the special relationship of a guide dog and a blind boy.
  • In the Harry Potter book series by J. K. Rowling, true friends will overcome all obstacles together.
  • The work of Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades" proves that friendship is above all and can work wonders.

The sooner you instill a love of books in your child, the better. They must be present in Everyday life all children. Choose literature for reading with great attention, and then your baby will grow up to be a well-read, inquisitive child.

Poems and stories for junior schoolchildren about friendship, about friends, about what is very good when a person has a reliable friend who helps in everything and does not betray.


Early spring.

We walked after school

I and you are with me.

Jackets open,

Hats on one side -

Went anywhere

On the first warm day

Went anywhere -

Just randomly

Forward and to the right,

And then back.

And then back

And then around

And then jump

And then run.

Have fun wandering around

I and you are with me

merrily returned

Home by evening.

Happy parting -

What are we to be sad about?

fun with each other

See you again!

What does Mishka love? Author: V. Yu. Dragunsky

Once Mishka and I entered the hall where we have singing lessons. Boris Sergeevich was sitting at his piano and playing something slowly. Mishka and I sat on the windowsill and did not interfere with him, and he did not notice us at all, but continued to play for himself, and various sounds quickly jumped out from under his fingers. They splashed, and it turned out something very friendly and joyful. I really liked it, and I could have sat and listened like that for a long time, but Boris Sergeevich soon stopped playing. He closed the lid of the piano, and saw us, and cheerfully said:

- ABOUT! What people! Sitting like two sparrows on a branch! Well, so what do you say?

I asked:

— What were you playing, Boris Sergeevich?

He replied:

This is Chopin. I love him so much.

I said:

- Of course, since you are a singing teacher, you love different songs.

He said:

- It's not a song. Although I love songs, but this is not a song. What I played is called a much bigger word than just "song".

I said:

- What kind? In a word?

He answered seriously and clearly:

- Music. Chopin is a great composer. He composed wonderful music. And I love music more than anything.

Then he looked at me carefully and said:

- Well, what do you like? More than anything else?

I answered:

- I like a lot of things.

And I told him what I love. And about the dog, and about planing, and about the baby elephant, and about the red cavalrymen, and about the little deer on pink hooves, and about the ancient warriors, about the cool stars, and about the horse's faces, everything, everything ...

He listened to me carefully, he had a thoughtful face when he listened, and then he said:

- Look! And I didn't know. To be honest, you are still small, do not be offended, but look - you love how much! The whole world!

Here Mishka intervened in our conversation. He pouted and said:

- And I love different varieties even more than Deniska! Think!!

Boris Sergeevich laughed:

- Very interesting! Come on, tell me the secret of your soul. Now it's your turn, take over. So get started! What do you love?

Mishka fidgeted on the windowsill, then cleared his throat and said:

- I love rolls, buns, loaves and cake! I love bread, and cake, and cakes, and gingerbread, even Tula, even honey, even glazed. I also love dryers and bagels; bagels, pies with meat, jam, cabbage and rice. I really love dumplings, and especially cheesecakes, if they are fresh, but stale is also okay. You can oatmeal cookies and vanilla crackers.

And I also love sprats, saury, pike perch in marinade, gobies in tomato, a part in their own juice, eggplant caviar, sliced ​​zucchini and fried potatoes.

I love boiled sausage right madly, if it’s doctor’s, I’ll bet that I’ll eat a whole kilo! And I love the dining room, and tea, and brawn, and smoked, and semi-smoked, and raw smoked! I love this one the most. I really like pasta with butter, noodles with butter, horns with butter, cheese with holes and without holes, with red or white crust - it doesn't matter.

I love dumplings with cottage cheese, salty, sweet, sour cottage cheese; I like apples grated with sugar, and then the apples alone, and if the apples are peeled, then I like to eat an apple first, and only then, for a snack, - the peel!

I love liver, cutlets, herring, bean soup, green peas, boiled meat, toffee, sugar, tea, jam, borzhom, soda with syrup, soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled, in a bag, I can and raw. I love sandwiches with just about anything, especially if thickly spread with mashed potatoes or millet porridge. So... Well, I won't talk about halva - what fool doesn't like halva? I also love duck, goose and turkey. Oh yes! I love ice cream with all my heart. Seven, nine. Thirteen, fifteen, nineteen. Twenty-two and twenty-eight.

The bear looked around the ceiling and took a breath. Apparently, he was already very tired. But Boris Sergeevich looked at him intently, and Mishka drove on. He muttered:

- Gooseberries, carrots, salmon, pink salmon, turnips, borscht, dumplings, although I already said dumplings, broth, bananas, persimmons, compote, sausages, dumplings, sausage, although I already said sausage ...

The bear sighed and fell silent. It was clear from his eyes that he was waiting for Boris Sergeevich to praise him. But he looked at Mishka a little displeasedly and even seemed to be stern. He, too, seemed to be waiting for something from Mishka: what else Mishka would say. But Mishka was silent. It turned out that they both expected something from each other and were silent.

The first could not stand Boris Sergeevich.

“Well, Misha,” he said, “you love a lot, no doubt about it, but everything you love is somehow the same, too edible, or something. It turns out that you love the whole grocery store. And only ... And the people? Who do you love? Or from animals?

Here Mishka was all startled and blushed.

“Oh,” he said embarrassedly, “I almost forgot!” Also, kittens! And grandma!

Hello friend Seryoga! Yura Shurupov is writing to you. As I wrote to you before, I am resting with my grandmother in the village. It is nice here. Birds chirp, cows moo.

The village is close to the station where passenger and freight trains pass by. The distance traveled by a passenger train in 3 hours is covered by a freight train in 5 hours. Now imagine that the trains set off at the same time towards each other and by the time they meet, the path traveled by the passenger train turned out to be 180 kilometers. The question is: how far did the freight train travel? But that's me, by the way.

My grandmother works in the state farm garden. What does not grow here! Recently, 176 kilograms of carrots were harvested from the garden, 468 kilograms more cabbage than carrots, and 750 kilograms more potatoes than carrots and cabbage combined. Can you imagine how many vegetables we collected!

You ask in a letter how deep the river is and whether there are berries in the forest. I can’t answer this for you, since there is no time to swim and go to the forest: all day long I solve different problems. You know that in mathematics I have solid deuces, because in the lessons I played tic-tac-toe and battleship.

That's where I got my mind. I have already solved 34 problems from the textbook, which is 2/5 of all problems, or 40 percent. As you can see, Seryoga, I have no time for rest! Well, nothing, I'll rest in September!

That's all. How are you doing? How do you rest? Write.

There is nothing more to write. I'm going to take this letter to the post office. The post office is located at a distance of 5 kilometers from our house. If I walk at a speed of 3 kilometers per hour, then I will reach the post office in 100 minutes.

Your friend Yura Shurupov.
