Happy birthday to best friend. Beautiful birthday greetings to a girlfriend Happy birthday to a girlfriend of 60 years

Soon close girlfriend will celebrate its 60th anniversary. This is already serious, significant and solemn. Relatives, friends, girlfriends will gather, and, of course, everyone will come with original congratulations, surprises, jokes.

So, it's time to come up with some kind of "unique" congratulation on the anniversary of 60 years for a friend. After all, I want to make this greeting unusual, to say a lot, to express my feelings and express many wishes. To begin with, it is worth solving the “fundamental” problem: what will be your congratulations to your girlfriend on her 60th birthday.

1. The most beautiful and unhackneyed, in some cases even somewhat unexpected congratulations on the 60th birthday of such a respectable woman as the hero of the day, can be a touching, warm poem. If you didn’t have to write such texts, then you can find something suitable in this article a little lower. Or you can come up with it yourself, but most likely you will have to spend a lot of time.

An anniversary message in verse on such a day is always spectacular, beautiful and appropriate. The pleasure and joy of a friend are worth the effort, and if the congratulation is successful, coincides with the character and appearance of the “heroine”, then she will gratefully keep it for more than one year.

2. On the anniversary of an intelligent, well-read woman, you can write or pick up a suitable prose greeting. It can be a letter with memories and wishes, a congratulatory story in the style of her favorite author, or, in the end, a beautiful and expressive toast. To successfully cope with this, let's be honest, non-trivial task, of course, you will have to turn again to books and the world wide web.

3. Many years of experience in communicating with the hero of the day will tell you whether it would be appropriate to add elements of humor, jokes, and fun to your congratulatory speech-wish. As a rule, such birthday greetings are successful both for the one to whom it is addressed and for all those present.

4. It is imperative to congratulate the birthday girl on the day she turns sixty, even if you cannot attend the celebration. It is better to prepare for such a development of events in advance and stock up on an appropriate short prose or verse text for an SMS message.

No matter how much you talk about the fact that there can be congratulations on the anniversary of a girlfriend of 60 years old, touching or funny, serious or not, in prose or poetry, best help you can use the examples below.

Best regards

Poems with the 60th anniversary - nice and touching:

Prose can convey sincerity and cordiality:

A funny joke is always appropriate at a holiday:

Briefly, but warmly and cordially:

All examples of congratulations on the anniversary are best used as an idea, as a starting point. Let your congratulatory speech at a friend's anniversary celebration will not be ideal from the point of view of connoisseurs of literature, including poetry. This should not upset you.

Try to make sure that all the words you say are sincere, kind, warm. After all, you cook them only for her - for your old good friend. Author: Larisa Zaporozhchenko, pozdravlyika.ru, pozdravok.ru, www.pozdravik.ru, statuso.ru, pozhelaju.ru, superstihi.ru, jubimyj-jubilej.ru

You are sixty today!
Let reign in your soul
A lot of fun, positive,
So that you live beautifully all your life!

Let the years fly by
But you are beautiful as always!
I want you to bloom
And bring beauty into our world!

I wish you good health
So that life is a blooming May,
So that every moment and every hour
You could see the sparkle of happy eyes!

Happy Birthday! Happy anniversary!
From a friend you accept
Wish to be happy
Get along with your husband and children.

To please the grandchildren,
To argue things.
Never know boredom
So that you are cheerful.

It was strong so that health
So that there is always prosperity
In the house, life flowed calmly,
Like a quiet river

Happy Anniversary, dear friend!
Today - sixty, and surprise
I want you, composing my congratulations,
And do not appease my such agility.

Hold a gift, receive guests,
that crowd at the threshold,
And please, hurry up
The road will be straighter in your destiny.

Sixty is the start
You have lived so little
Happy anniversary, good friend,
Friends gathered around
And wish the hero of the day
Happy to walk together
You can't see grief in life
Live, not worry.

Happy sixty anniversary
Everyone wants to congratulate you
Everyone wishes happiness together
And improve health
White, red and dry.
To live so much more
How long have you lived
So that all your loved ones
You were loved, well, happiness
Was on par with you!

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years to a friend

Almost a thousand years
We are friendly with you.
It's a lot! Do not count
Gray hair at the temples.

It is not enough! And more things
Who will understand us with a dream
Lives beautiful.

Congratulations, girlfriend
Let sixty
Because your eyes are the same
As before, they shine.

My dear friend, 60 is a date!
This is a holiday of the soul for you and your friends.
Let your life be unspeakably rich
And will give you many happy days.
May the days be filled with sun and light,
And the beautiful impulses of your kind soul.
May luck love you selflessly
Surely a great miracle will happen!

Three times twenty, two times thirty
Choose what you like more!
Time quickly rushes, gives experience, wisdom.
You are an adult today.
We wish you happiness and health
They should last for a hundred years.
Sixty is not age, we wish you
Breathtaking victories.

significant holiday,
Solemn day.
Disappeared from the face
Everyday shadow.

So let today
Glasses are ringing!
friend, dear,
You are sixty.

I wish you health
And happy days
I am in this significant
Your anniversary.

How much does a woman need to be happy?
The closeness of home, the smiles of friends.
You have it all dear
On this beautiful anniversary of yours.

Professional both in the apartment and in the office,
tender mother, golden wife.
I am happy that by the will of the Almighty
She became my best friend.

Almost a thousand years
We are friendly with you.
It's a lot! Do not count
Gray hair at the temples.

It is not enough! And more things
Who will understand us with a dream
Lives beautiful.

Congratulations, girlfriend
Let sixty
Because your eyes are the same
As before, they shine.

And lived a lot
And there is something to strive for.
Life has just begun.

Today it is not a sin for us
Get a little drunk
Moreover, your table -
Solid beauty.

With all our hearts we wish
Health and luck
And to the life of inspiration!

Congratulations on your anniversary
At 60 special years
Dear woman I wish
Never know trouble
For the best to happen
So that you are always lucky
Joy settled in the heart
Happiness did not let you down!

How many wonderful dates there are
For those who are in love with life!
Not yet autumn sixty,
And velvet season!

Let your hair become whiter
And in your soul everything is more fun.
Fate with its severity
Makes us cleaner, kinder.

Congratulate a friend on her 60th birthday beautifully

You are sixty today
And it's just a formality
Forgive me for the tearful syllable,
I will bear the banality!
My dear friend,
Live well for a hundred years
May your life be a hundred years
In one continuous order!
May your success triple
Live, bloom, dream
And about me years - 50,
Please don't forget!

Happy Birthday to You!
Your anniversary is 60!
We wish you success and good luck!
Let it burn, as if in youth, look.
You are rich in spiritual strength
And your deeds are known to everyone.
We want the same cute
And you were always funny.
Quite a few kilometers covered
And the web of fate intertwined.
For friends, family and country
You solved problems sometimes.
Let life turn into a new song
And let the cold retreat.
Be always beautiful and healthy
And 20 years still young!

Round date, 60 years,
We wish you a century to live without troubles,
The inexorable years are not in our power to stop,
But may you always have
The more years, the more happiness,
So that children give more finance,
And with a pension so that there is no sadness,
On TV so that the Duma does not infuriate you,
More fun to arrange with a godfather,
So that in life the ardent fuse does not end,
So that there is no blockage in your family!

And lived a lot
And there is something to strive for.
And at sixty, as at thirty,
Life has just begun.

Today it is not a sin for us
Get a little drunk
Moreover, your table -
Solid beauty.

With all our hearts we wish
Health and luck
And to the life of inspiration!

Ah, what! Good! The sight is simple.
You will remain so even at ninety,
Because you run out of youth
Impossible from your beautiful eyes.

Congratulations, your age surprised us all.
Definitely, sixty is your success.
Preserved beauty, having accumulated wisdom, -
Anniversary another - a tide of vivacity.

Don't change, we love you endlessly
Congratulations warmly, joyfully, cordially.
Your life is an example and a guide for us,
Let the whole world bloom for you!

We are not familiar with you,
They shared joys and sorrows.
You are my reliable, faithful friend,
Which is the best around.

I want to congratulate you
Happy anniversary from the bottom of my heart
So that all adversity and sorrow
Your edges have not been visited,

So that all desires come true
With success you did not leave
I wish you a bag of joy
Well, as a gift - this congratulations!

Congratulations dear friend
You have a very important day.
May you be the happiest
Not only on your anniversary.

Let bad weather bypass
And there will be luck in fate.
Simple female happiness
I want to wish you.

My glorious friend
Let the world become brighter!
You sincerely today
Congratulations on your anniversary!
You are a woman with a twist
And the mystery girl
May your life be filled
A series of sweet successes,
orange smiles,
Strawberry love!
Be vanilla joy
Gifted with fate!

Girlfriend, your life will be
Be happier, day by day!
You are the best for me,
On your anniversary, together with you,
We will be close - we are friends!
I love you, so you know
Let's drink to you
May there be heaven in your life.

Happy anniversary, dear!
Hardly another woman
Can be just as cute!
We wish there was
You are happy forever
Stay young forever
May your anniversary year
Only joy only brings!

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a girlfriend

What do you wish today
On your anniversary, dear friend?
It's hard to convey joy
From the fact that we appreciate each other.
Don't lose your sense of humor
Laugh contagiously and loudly.
Trust our woman's share,
And be happy, my "sis"!
Always win the hearts of men
Let them all give compliments.
But let the beloved be alone -
The meaning of life, the best of gifts!

My dear friend,
I want to congratulate you!
And on the anniversary wish love,
She will come, just call!
We've been friends for a long time - you and me,
Dear, my light!
Be happy, please
After all, there is nothing more precious to me!

I love you, my dear!
There is no closer in the world than you.
My dear friend!
You are a dream come true!
Anyone with you will be happy.
I wish you happiness and love!
Each other, I believe, we will not forget!
You live a great life!

happy anniversary girlfriend
Your smile is brighter
Promise to stay like this
Candles you blow out bolder
And a wish, make a quick guess!
birthday holiday bright
We'll bring all our friends together
This joy, cherished friendship
And fill your house with love!

Congratulations to a friend on her anniversary
Your holiday today, my friend.
I'm just happy to congratulate you.
So I want to gently hug you
And the most pleasant things to wish.
When you are with me, my heart is warmer.
Any activity is doubly fun.
You know how I value your friendship.
Always and in everything I will support you.
Beautiful, stylish, slim you.
May everyone's dreams come true!
I believe your blue eyes
Worthy of great and beautiful love.

Here comes my turn
Speech to prepare for the anniversary.
Words of pleasant round dance
Tell you soon.
And the time has long come
I'll tell you the best I can:
My friend is like a sister.
Our friendship does not exist.
In the hectic race of days
I will say without a shadow of falsehood:
There are no others, you are kindred.
Let's live and be friends!

Meet, girlfriend, anniversary!
And pour happiness into your glass,
Add to it luck, laughter...
And drink in one gulp for success!

I congratulate you, friend, on the round date!
I wish to be always loved and rich,
I wish you to be always cheerful and successful,
And forever young, and beautiful, of course.

Let there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bchances for good luck,
Souls, girlfriend, grief will not touch,
You bloom violet on the Anniversary
Ring with happiness, rejoice, dream!

Girlfriend, tell me a secret
How not to be afraid of your age?
'Cause you get better with age
You know how to live with the times!

Let your anniversary give
Big dream date
And let it bring every year
Happy days whirlpool.

Happy birthday to a friend

You don't have a simple celebration today
And you look almost like a god!
In the most magical mood
Pour champagne into glasses!
Happy Anniversary, precious friend,
May fate give you what you deserve.
To sing with happiness wanted
And the earth revolved around you.

On your anniversary the sun shines
Especially bright in the sky...
I congratulate you, friend
Very sincerely, so far in words.
I wish everything will come true
Which hasn't happened yet.
To bathe in happiness and love
And it never evaporated!

Girlfriend, on your wonderful holiday
I want to congratulate you solemnly!
May the anniversary bring prosperity
And he will put things in order in his personal life.
To have enough real friends,
Happiness circled in sweet embraces!
Live as you want, without looking back.
Let good luck follow the trail!

My dear friend,
There is no happier person in the world than me!
Because friends are like that
Sweet, kind, beloved, dear,
You won't find it anywhere in the world!
Let roses bloom in your soul!
On your anniversary, my friend, I will say -
I value you very much!

You will be happy, dear!
Nightingales will sing in my heart!
After all, we want this for you
And great and fiery love!
On the anniversary, girlfriend, be beautiful
I beg you, forget about your years!
After all, we did not come to you in vain,
Wish your path is easy!

What to give you, I wonder
On such a beautiful, wonderful day.
Even though I've known you all my life
And there shouldn't be a problem.

I would give a ray of sunshine
To keep you always warm.
I wanted to always shine
Above the house is a bright star.

I'll take a drop of dew
To wash away all misfortunes at once,
And the turquoise sea
I will fill you to the brim with happiness.

So that you can be happy
Share with friends and family.
Otherwise, never
You have such a character.

Stay kind, sweetheart
Always desired and dear.
Indifferent, patient,
After all, that's who you are.

Well, dear, happy anniversary
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you happiness and luck.
Your best friend.

Who, if not you, will take pity on me,
Will come running at night and in the rain.
You are the best in the world my friend
That will endure both truth and lies.

We always walk through life with you,
Sharing trouble, grief.
And now we have reached the date of one,
Which we will arrange together.

We will lay the tables, we will invite guests,
We will put wine and glasses.
After all, today is a holiday, because your anniversary is -
Bad, we will leave in the past ...

You are my best friend in the world
I cherish you in my life
Let the evil, the bad leave you
Diseases will go nowhere...

Let the birds always sing over the window,
And the sun shines brighter
And let the swallows nest above the house,
And the stars sparkle at night.

Be happy, my dear
Love unearthly, unprecedented
Always stay the way you were
Cheerful, kind and sweet.

Happy anniversary my best friend. I wish you never to pause the melody of your heart's happiness, never to doubt your ideas and dreams. Be loved and delightful from this, live well and always get from life what is dear to you.

My beloved friend
How much we have been through.
Kindred than sisters, for each other
Over the years we have become

Let them talk about us without knowing
Men arching their eyebrows
That there is no female friendship,
But this is not about you and me.

I sincerely wish you
Health, happiness and love.
Let everything bloom around
May all dreams come true.

Girlfriend, my dear soul,
I want to wish you many years of happiness.
You are especially good today.
Your holiday is now. Behind all misfortunes.

I love you like my own sister.
And so, congratulating you on your anniversary,
My friend, I will say, I will not lie,
I don't know anyone closer than you.

With you, our friendship is like the sky, bright.
We go through life side by side through adversity.
So be, girlfriend, fresh, cheerful.
We will be friends for many years to come.

Today the reason is just super,
Let's gather soon.
My friend has the best
Real anniversary.

I want to wish good luck
So that all dreams come true.
And failures fled
From such beauty!

To men in stacks
Your feet fell
Well, to settle in the heart
Only the Crown Prince could.

Girlfriend, dear, darling,
Happy anniversary my bright
I wish life was only better
To never know sadness.

So that your soul does not suffer,
So that the bitterness of troubles does not touch you,
So that you dream more often
To always live to the fullest!

And I wish you happiness
Nothing will come of it without him
Together we will go through all the bad weather,
After all, there is no one closer to you!

You are not just my friend -
The closest person,
Even a downpour or a blizzard
We will never be separated.

On your excellent anniversary
I want to say one thing
With each following year
Bloom even more!

Today, on the birthday holiday -
I send hearty congratulations.
And I wish on the anniversary
Don't regret the past.
Look ahead my friend
After all, life goes in circles.
Take everything you have from life
Let there be only good news.
Health, joy, good luck,
And a fat wallet to boot.

When a little sad in the soul,
When there are tears in the eyes...
You will come quietly in silence
And you will say affectionate words .. which are not more expensive ...

Embrace, warm, cheer...
You, like Happiness, appear suddenly ...
There is no more You, my friend! You say...
And the soul always becomes gratifying.

best friend today
Sent my husband to the store
What would he buy goodies
And I didn't forget anything from the list.

You, dear anniversary,
Pour me a glass instead.
And I'll say a couple of compliments,
That you know how to set the heat.

You have the best smile
May you get a goldfish
What would always give happiness
And trouble did not disturb your house!

Dear, I congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you to always remain the most spectacular, breathtaking, incomparable, charming, incredible, smart, funny, unusual, fashionable, charming, interesting, mysterious and simply the very best.

Beloved girlfriend, how many cups of tea
Or maybe not tea we drank with you.
How many birthdays have we celebrated together?
And now the anniversary is knocking on his head.

Come on, let him come in, he's not a hindrance to you
You, as always, are beautiful and young at heart.
There are wrinkles, of course, but only because of laughter
Tear and throw away your passport, he's lying - down with him.

My dear friend! How many important life moments we shared with you for two! Joys and sorrows, difficulties and victories, disappointments and successes. On this day, you became another year older, and neither years, nor obstacles, nor sorrows will defeat your beauty, wisdom and charm. May your life be filled with only wonderful events and joyful incidents. Happy anniversary, dear!

You, my friend, are the best in the world!
And I hasten to congratulate you,
So that on this anniversary evening,
Have time to wish everything today.

Be as gentle and beautiful
And shine with sincere love,
Always be happy yourself
Catch compliments from men.

Let there be no shortage of money
Nothing upsets you
Let life be like sweet sugar
Happy anniversary, dear!

You are always my problems
You take it as your own
My children, your children
They seem to be common!

They are close friends, like brothers,
Our lovely husbands
And I want to tell you:
You are a friend and sister!

You come to me without knocking,
Tell me what's on your mind
My sweet friend
I will always help you.

Somewhere in a word, somewhere in a deed,
Somewhere just hug!
And now up the glasses boldly -
For a friend, for a sister!

My dear, amazing, the most best girlfriend! Happy Anniversary! Such a beauty, clever and hostess like you deserves royal honors and praises today, because on your Anniversary you are a queen. I wish that every day of yours was like today, there was a throne and a chest for gold at work, a king was waiting at home, and a royal iron horse in the garage. But do not get proud, and leave a place of honor in life for me, because without a friend, the queen may soon turn into a pumpkin! Love you friend!

Dear friend! On your glorious anniversary, I wish you to always be the same elegant lady regardless of age and life situations. For me, you are an eternally young attractive girl, an interesting companion and a true friend who always helped and supported me in difficult times. Let your life be filled with love, fun, romance and adventure that you love so much!

My dear friend,
I congratulate you on your anniversary
The same wise and beautiful
I wish to stay.

Let all dreams come true
May there be happiness and love
I want to drive men crazy
I, dear, again and again.

I hasten to congratulate my girlfriend on her anniversary! I want to wish you health, happiness, love, joy, fulfillment of desires, vivid impressions and all kinds of blessings. Let your house be a full bowl. Peace, kindness, smiles to you. Happy birthday!

Hello my friend, happy anniversary!
May happiness and love keep you;
All the same, we are rooting for the same thing with you,
Like so many years ago.

You are almost a sister to me... Even dearer;
I bless one of the days
When Fate was like a guard:
I met with my friend.

Love and be cheerful incessantly
Let not the storm of days cripple you;
Everything in life is good, but it's not strange -
After all, every hour makes us wiser.

You have a holiday today
My dear friend.
And forget about it
On this day, can I?

Your anniversary is not very
You love to celebrate.
You say you don't want to grow up.
But a year has gone by again.

Only all such jumps
These years of crazy running
Makes you richer
More beautiful, brighter than all in a century.

Take the year calmly
They are all right for you.
Blossom to kill
Own your beauty.
